Patch to migrate allow_print and allow_email to print and email rights of DocPerm
diff --git a/patches/1312/ b/patches/1312/
index 51da19f..4ac1ab9 100644
--- a/patches/1312/
+++ b/patches/1312/
@@ -33,10 +33,9 @@
 		doctype_matches.setdefault(doctype, []).append(match)
 	for doctype, user_matches in doctype_matches.items():
 		# get permissions of this doctype
 		perms = webnotes.conn.sql("""select role, `match` from `tabDocPerm` 
-			where parent=%s and permlevel=0 and read=1""", doctype, as_dict=True)
+			where parent=%s and permlevel=0 and `read`=1""", doctype, as_dict=True)
 		# for each user with roles of this doctype, check if match condition applies
 		for profile in webnotes.conn.sql_list("""select name from `tabProfile`
diff --git a/patches/1312/ b/patches/1312/
index 301c15e..e6042f4 100644
--- a/patches/1312/
+++ b/patches/1312/
@@ -8,6 +8,17 @@
 	# reset Page perms
 	from import reset
+	reset("Report")
 	# patch to move print, email into DocPerm
\ No newline at end of file
+	for doctype, hide_print, hide_email in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, ifnull(allow_print, 0), ifnull(allow_email, 0)
+		from `tabDocType` where ifnull(issingle, 0)=0 and ifnull(istable, 0)=0 and
+		(ifnull(allow_print, 0)=0 or ifnull(allow_email, 0)=0)"""):
+		if not hide_print:
+			webnotes.conn.sql("""update `tabDocPerm` set `print`=1
+				where permlevel=0 and `read`=1 and parent=%s""", doctype)
+		if not hide_email:
+			webnotes.conn.sql("""update `tabDocPerm` set `email`=1
+				where permlevel=0 and `read`=1 and parent=%s""", doctype)