fix: Fixed error on stock balance report
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/report/stock_balance/ b/erpnext/stock/report/stock_balance/
index e72e94b..0ece78f 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/report/stock_balance/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/report/stock_balance/
@@ -173,15 +173,15 @@
 		qty_dict.val_rate = d.valuation_rate
 		qty_dict.bal_qty += qty_diff
 		qty_dict.bal_val += value_diff
 	iwb_map = filter_items_with_no_transactions(iwb_map)
 	return iwb_map
 def filter_items_with_no_transactions(iwb_map):
 	for (company, item, warehouse) in sorted(iwb_map):
 		qty_dict = iwb_map[(company, item, warehouse)]
 		no_transactions = True
 		float_precision = cint(frappe.db.get_default("float_precision")) or 3
 		for key, val in iteritems(qty_dict):
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
 			qty_dict[key] = val
 			if key != "val_rate" and val:
 				no_transactions = False
 		if no_transactions:
 			iwb_map.pop((company, item, warehouse))
@@ -216,20 +216,28 @@
 	if not items:
 		items = list(set([d.item_code for d in sle]))
-	if items:
-		cf_field = cf_join = ""
-		if filters.get("include_uom"):
-			cf_field = ", ucd.conversion_factor"
-			cf_join = "left join `tabUOM Conversion Detail` ucd on and ucd.uom=%(include_uom)s"
+	if not items:
+		return item_details
-		for item in frappe.db.sql("""
-			select, item.item_name, item.description, item.item_group, item.brand, item.stock_uom{cf_field}
-			from `tabItem` item
+	cf_field = cf_join = ""
+	if filters.get("include_uom"):
+		cf_field = ", ucd.conversion_factor"
+		cf_join = "left join `tabUOM Conversion Detail` ucd on and ucd.uom='%s'" \
+			% frappe.db.escape(filters.get("include_uom"))
+	item_codes = ', '.join(['"' + frappe.db.escape(i, percent=False) + '"' for i in items])
+	res = frappe.db.sql("""
+		select
+, item.item_name, item.description, item.item_group, item.brand, item.stock_uom {cf_field}
+		from
+			`tabItem` item
-			where in ({names}) and ifnull(item.disabled, 0) = 0
-			""".format(cf_field=cf_field, cf_join=cf_join, names=', '.join(['"' + frappe.db.escape(i, percent=False) + '"' for i in items])),
-			{"include_uom": filters.get("include_uom")}, as_dict=1):
-				item_details.setdefault(, item)
+		where
+ in ({item_codes}) and ifnull(item.disabled, 0) = 0
+	""".format(cf_field=cf_field, cf_join=cf_join, item_codes=item_codes), as_dict=1)
+	for item in res:
+		item_details.setdefault(, item)
 	if filters.get('show_variant_attributes', 0) == 1:
 		variant_values = get_variant_values_for(list(item_details))