[fix] [minor] remove end of life condition from item query
diff --git a/controllers/queries.py b/controllers/queries.py
index 478971a..219fc74 100644
--- a/controllers/queries.py
+++ b/controllers/queries.py
@@ -169,15 +169,13 @@
if(length(tabItem.description) > 40, \
concat(substr(tabItem.description, 1, 40), "..."), description) as decription
from tabItem
- where tabItem.docstatus!=2
- and (ifnull(`tabItem`.`end_of_life`,"") in ("", "0000-00-00")
- or `tabItem`.`end_of_life` > NOW())
+ where tabItem.docstatus<2
and (tabItem.%(key)s LIKE "%(txt)s"
or tabItem.item_name LIKE "%(txt)s")
%(fcond)s %(mcond)s
limit %(start)s,%(page_len)s """ % {'key': searchfield, 'txt': "%%%s%%" % txt,
'fcond': get_filters_cond(doctype, filters, conditions),
- 'mcond':get_match_cond(doctype, searchfield), 'start': start, 'page_len': page_len})
+ 'mcond': get_match_cond(doctype, searchfield), 'start': start, 'page_len': page_len})
def bom(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
conditions = []