Merge pull request #34408 from ruthra-kumar/delete_remarks_migration_patch

chore: delete remarks migration patch
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v14_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v14_0/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d216c4..0000000
--- a/erpnext/patches/v14_0/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-import frappe
-from frappe import qb
-from frappe.query_builder import CustomFunction
-from frappe.query_builder.functions import Count, IfNull
-from frappe.utils import flt
-def execute():
-	"""
-	Migrate 'remarks' field from 'tabGL Entry' to 'tabPayment Ledger Entry'
-	"""
-	if frappe.reload_doc("accounts", "doctype", "payment_ledger_entry"):
-		gle = qb.DocType("GL Entry")
-		ple = qb.DocType("Payment Ledger Entry")
-		# Get empty PLE records
-		un_processed = (
-			qb.from_(ple).select(Count( & (ple.delinked == 0)).run()
-		)[0][0]
-		if un_processed:
-			print(f"Remarks for {un_processed} Payment Ledger records will be updated from GL Entry")
-			ifelse = CustomFunction("IF", ["condition", "then", "else"])
-			processed = 0
-			last_percent_update = 0
-			batch_size = 1000
-			last_name = None
-			while True:
-				if last_name:
-					where_clause = ( & (ple.remarks.isnull()) & (ple.delinked == 0)
-				else:
-					where_clause = (ple.remarks.isnull()) & (ple.delinked == 0)
-				# results are deterministic
-				names = (
-					qb.from_(ple).select(
-				)
-				if names:
-					last_name = names[-1][0]
-					pl_entries = (
-						qb.from_(ple)
-						.left_join(gle)
-						.on(
-							(ple.account == gle.account)
-							& (ple.party_type == gle.party_type)
-							& ( ==
-							& (ple.voucher_type == gle.voucher_type)
-							& (ple.voucher_no == gle.voucher_no)
-							& (
-								ple.against_voucher_type
-								== IfNull(
-									ifelse(gle.against_voucher_type == "", None, gle.against_voucher_type), gle.voucher_type
-								)
-							)
-							& (
-								ple.against_voucher_no
-								== IfNull(ifelse(gle.against_voucher == "", None, gle.against_voucher), gle.voucher_no)
-							)
-							& ( ==
-							& (
-								((ple.account_type == "Receivable") & (ple.amount == (gle.debit -
-								| (ple.account_type == "Payable") & (ple.amount == ( - gle.debit))
-							)
-							& (gle.remarks.notnull())
-							& (gle.is_cancelled == 0)
-						)
-						.select(
-						.distinct()
-						.select(
-							gle.remarks.as_("gle_remarks"),
-						)
-						.where(
-						.run(as_dict=True)
-					)
-					if pl_entries:
-						for entry in pl_entries:
-							query = qb.update(ple).set(ple.remarks, entry.gle_remarks).where(( ==
-						frappe.db.commit()
-						processed += len(pl_entries)
-						percentage = flt((processed / un_processed) * 100, 2)
-						if percentage - last_percent_update > 1:
-							print(f"{percentage}% ({processed}) PLE records updated")
-							last_percent_update = percentage
-				else:
-					break
-			print("Remarks succesfully migrated")