Merge branch 'wsgi' of into wsgi
diff --git a/controllers/ b/controllers/
index e457fa9..b2a0e17 100644
--- a/controllers/
+++ b/controllers/
@@ -88,17 +88,21 @@
 				webnotes.conn.set_value(self.doc.doctype,, "status", self.doc.status)
 	def on_communication(self):
+		self.communication_set = True
+		del self.communication_set
 	def communication_received(self):
-		last_comm = self.doclist.get({"doctype":"Communication"})
-		if last_comm:
-			return last_comm[-1].sent_or_received == "Received"
+		if getattr(self, "communication_set", False):
+			last_comm = self.doclist.get({"doctype":"Communication"})
+			if last_comm:
+				return last_comm[-1].sent_or_received == "Received"
 	def communication_sent(self):
-		last_comm = self.doclist.get({"doctype":"Communication"})
-		if last_comm:
-			return last_comm[-1].sent_or_received == "Sent"
+		if getattr(self, "communication_set", False):
+			last_comm = self.doclist.get({"doctype":"Communication"})
+			if last_comm:
+				return last_comm[-1].sent_or_received == "Sent"
 	def validate_qty(self):
diff --git a/patches/october_2013/ b/patches/october_2013/
index 73ed1b1..07a70c6 100644
--- a/patches/october_2013/
+++ b/patches/october_2013/
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@
 			webnotes.conn.sql("""update `tab%s` set status=%s where status=%s""" % \
 				(dt, "%s", "%s"), (status[1], status[0]))
-	# for dt in ["Lead", "Opportunity"]:
-	# 	for name in webnotes.conn.sql_list("""select name from `tab%s`""" % dt):
-	# 		bean = webnotes.bean(dt, name)
-	# 		before_status = bean.doc.status
-	# 		bean.get_controller().set_status()
-	# 		
-	# 		if bean.doc.status != before_status:
-	# 			webnotes.conn.sql("""update `tab%s` set status=%s where name=%s""" % (dt, "%s", "%s"),
-	# 				(bean.doc.status, name))
+	for dt in ["Lead", "Opportunity"]:
+		for name in webnotes.conn.sql_list("""select name from `tab%s`""" % dt):
+			bean = webnotes.bean(dt, name)
+			before_status = bean.doc.status
+			bean.get_controller().set_status()
+			if bean.doc.status != before_status:
+				webnotes.conn.sql("""update `tab%s` set status=%s where name=%s""" % (dt, "%s", "%s"),
+					(bean.doc.status, name))
diff --git a/setup/page/setup_wizard/ b/setup/page/setup_wizard/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/page/setup_wizard/
diff --git a/setup/page/setup_wizard/setup_wizard.js b/setup/page/setup_wizard/setup_wizard.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b88f6e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/page/setup_wizard/setup_wizard.js
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+wn.pages['setup-wizard'].onload = function(wrapper) { 
+	erpnext.wiz = new wn.wiz.Wizard({
+		parent: wrapper,
+		title: wn._("ERPNext Setup Guide"),
+		slides: [
+			// User
+			{
+				title: wn._("The First User"),
+				fields: [
+					{"fieldname": "first_name", "label": wn._("First Name"), "fieldtype": "Data", reqd:1},
+					{"fieldname": "last_name", "label": wn._("Last Name"), "fieldtype": "Data", reqd:1},
+				],
+				help: wn._('The first user will become the System Manager (you can change that later).')
+			},
+			// Organization
+			{
+				title: wn._("The Organization"),
+				fields: [
+					{fieldname:'company_name', label: wn._('Company Name'), fieldtype:'Data', reqd:1,
+						placeholder: 'e.g. "My Company LLC"'},
+					{fieldname:'company_abbr', label: wn._('Company Abbreviation'), fieldtype:'Data',
+						placeholder:'e.g. "MC"',reqd:1},
+					{fieldname:'company_tagline', label: wn._('What does it do?'), fieldtype:'Data',
+						placeholder:'e.g. "Build tools for builders"',reqd:1},
+				],
+				help: wn._('The name of your company for which you are setting up this system.'),
+				onload: function(slide) {
+					slide.get_input("company_name").on("change", function() {
+						var parts = slide.get_input("company_name").val().split(" ");
+						var abbr = $.map(parts, function(p) { return p ? p.substr(0,1) : null }).join("");
+						slide.get_input("company_abbr").val(abbr.toUpperCase());
+					});
+				}
+			},
+			// Country
+			{
+				title: wn._("Country, Timezone and Currency"),
+				fields: [
+					{fieldname:'country', label: wn._('Country'), reqd:1,
+						options: "", fieldtype: 'Select'},
+					{fieldname:'currency', label: wn._('Default Currency'), reqd:1,
+						options: "", fieldtype: 'Select'},
+					{fieldname:'timezone', label: wn._('Time Zone'), reqd:1,
+						options: "", fieldtype: 'Select'},
+				],
+				help: wn._('Select your home country and check the timezone and currency.'),
+				onload: function(slide, form) {
+						method:"webnotes.country_info.get_country_timezone_info",
+						callback: function(data) {
+							erpnext.country_info = data.message.country_info;
+							erpnext.all_timezones = data.message.all_timezones;
+							slide.get_input("country").empty()
+								.add_options([""].concat(keys(erpnext.country_info).sort()));
+							slide.get_input("currency").empty()
+								.add_options(wn.utils.unique([""].concat($.map(erpnext.country_info, 
+									function(opts, country) { return opts.currency; }))).sort());
+							slide.get_input("timezone").empty()
+								.add_options([""].concat(erpnext.all_timezones));
+						}
+					})
+					slide.get_input("country").on("change", function() {
+						var country = slide.get_input("country").val();
+						var $timezone = slide.get_input("timezone");
+						$timezone.empty();
+						// add country specific timezones first
+						if(country){
+							var timezone_list = erpnext.country_info[country].timezones || [];
+							$timezone.add_options(timezone_list.sort());
+							slide.get_input("currency").val(erpnext.country_info[country].currency);
+						}
+						// add all timezones at the end, so that user has the option to change it to any timezone
+						$timezone.add_options([""].concat(erpnext.all_timezones));
+					});
+				}
+			},
+			// Logo
+			{
+				title: wn._("Logo and Letter Heads"),
+				help: wn._('Upload your letter head and logo - you can edit them later.'),
+				html: '<h4>' + wn._('Upload Logo') + '</h4><div class="upload-area-letter-head"></div><hr>'
+					+'<h4>' + wn._('Upload Letter Head') + '</h4><div class="upload-area-logo"></div>',
+				onload: function(slide) {
+					wn.upload.make({
+						parent: slide.$wrapper.find(".upload-area-letter-head").css({"margin-left": "10px"}),
+						on_attach: function(fileobj) {
+							console.log(fileobj);
+						}
+					});
+					wn.upload.make({
+						parent: slide.$wrapper.find(".upload-area-logo").css({"margin-left": "10px"}),
+						on_attach: function(fileobj) {
+							console.log(fileobj);
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			},
+			// Taxes
+			{
+				"title": wn._("Add Taxes"),
+				"help": wn._("List your tax heads (e.g. VAT, Excise) (upto 3) and their standard rates. This will create a standard template, you can edit and add more later."),
+				"fields": [
+					{fieldtype:"Data", fieldname:"tax_1", label:"Tax 1", placeholder:"e.g. VAT"},
+					{fieldtype:"Data", fieldname:"tax_rate_1", label:"Rate for Tax 1 (%)", placeholder:"e.g. 5"},
+					{fieldtype:"Data", fieldname:"tax_2", label:"Tax 2", placeholder:"e.g. Customs Duty"},
+					{fieldtype:"Data", fieldname:"tax_rate_2", label:"Rate for Tax 2 (%)", placeholder:"e.g. 5"},
+					{fieldtype:"Data", fieldname:"tax_3", label:"Tax 3", placeholder:"e.g. Excise"},
+					{fieldtype:"Data", fieldname:"tax_rate_3", label:"Rate for Tax 3 (%)", placeholder:"e.g. 5"},
+				],
+				onload: function(slide) {
+					slide.form.fields_dict.tax_rate_1.$wrapper.css("margin-left", "50%");
+					slide.form.fields_dict.tax_rate_2.$wrapper.css("margin-left", "50%");
+					slide.form.fields_dict.tax_rate_3.$wrapper.css("margin-left", "50%");
+				}
+			}
+			// 
+		]
+	})
+wn.pages['setup-wizard'].onshow = function(wrapper) {
+[1] || "0");
+wn.wiz.Wizard = Class.extend({
+	init: function(opts) {
+		$.extend(this, opts);
+		this.slide_dict = {};
+		wn.set_route("setup-wizard", "0");
+	},
+	show: function(id) {
+		id = cint(id);
+		if(this.current_slide && 
+			return;
+		if(!this.slide_dict[id]) {
+			this.slide_dict[id] = new wn.wiz.WizardSlide($.extend(this.slides[id], {wiz:this, id:id}));
+			this.slide_dict[id].make();
+		}
+		if(this.current_slide)
+			this.current_slide.$wrapper.toggle(false);
+		this.current_slide = this.slide_dict[id];
+		this.current_slide.$wrapper.toggle(true);
+	},
+wn.wiz.WizardSlide = Class.extend({
+	init: function(opts) {
+		$.extend(this, opts);
+	},
+	make: function() {
+		var me = this;
+		this.$wrapper = $(repl('<div class="panel panel-default" style="margin: 30px;">\
+			<div class="panel-heading"><div class="panel-title">%(main_title)s: %(title)s</div></div>\
+			<div class="panel-body">\
+				<div class="progress">\
+					<div class="progress-bar" style="width: %(width)s%"></div>\
+				</div>\
+				<div class="row">\
+					<div class="col-sm-6 form"></div>\
+					<div class="col-sm-6 help"><h3>%(title)s</h3><p class="text-muted">%(help)s</p></div>\
+				</div>\
+				<hr>\
+				<div class="footer"></div>\
+			</div>\
+		</div>', {, title:this.title, main_title:this.wiz.title, width: (flt( + 1) / this.wiz.slides.length) * 100}))
+			.appendTo(this.wiz.parent);
+		this.body = this.$wrapper.find(".form")[0];
+		if(this.fields) {
+			this.form = new wn.ui.FieldGroup({
+				fields: this.fields,
+				body: this.body
+			});
+			this.form.make();
+		} else {
+			$(this.body).html(this.html)
+		}
+		if( > 0) {
+			this.$prev = $("<button class='btn btn-default'>Previous</button>")
+				.click(function() { wn.set_route("setup-wizard", + ""); })
+				.appendTo(this.$wrapper.find(".footer"))
+				.css({"margin-right": "5px"});
+			}
+		if( < this.wiz.slides.length) {
+			this.$next = $("<button class='btn btn-primary'>Next</button>")
+				.click(function() { wn.set_route("setup-wizard", + ""); })
+				.appendTo(this.$wrapper.find(".footer"));
+		} else {
+			this.$complete = $("<button class='btn btn-primary'>Complete Setup</button>")
+				.click(function() { me.wiz.complete(); }).appendTo(this.$wrapper.find(".footer"));
+		}
+		if(this.onload) {
+			this.onload(this);
+		}
+	},
+	get_input: function(fn) {
+		return this.form.get_input(fn);
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/page/setup_wizard/setup_wizard.txt b/setup/page/setup_wizard/setup_wizard.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..996fd1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/page/setup_wizard/setup_wizard.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ {
+  "creation": "2013-10-04 13:49:33", 
+  "docstatus": 0, 
+  "modified": "2013-10-04 13:49:33", 
+  "modified_by": "Administrator", 
+  "owner": "Administrator"
+ }, 
+ {
+  "doctype": "Page", 
+  "module": "Setup", 
+  "name": "__common__", 
+  "page_name": "setup-wizard", 
+  "standard": "Yes", 
+  "title": "Setup Wizard"
+ }, 
+ {
+  "doctype": "Page Role", 
+  "name": "__common__", 
+  "parent": "setup-wizard", 
+  "parentfield": "roles", 
+  "parenttype": "Page", 
+  "role": "System Manager"
+ }, 
+ {
+  "doctype": "Page", 
+  "name": "setup-wizard"
+ }, 
+ {
+  "doctype": "Page Role"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file