Merge branch 'master' of
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register1/ b/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register1/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register1/
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register1/sales_register1.js b/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register1/sales_register1.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 826fb4d..0000000
--- a/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register1/sales_register1.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-report.customize_filters = function() {
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'From Posting Date'].df['report_default'] = sys_defaults.year_start_date;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'To Posting Date'].df['report_default'] = dateutil.obj_to_str(new Date());
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'Company'].df['report_default'] =;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'ID'].df.filter_hide = 1;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'Owner'].df.filter_hide = 1;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'Saved'].df.filter_hide = 1;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'Submitted'].df.filter_hide = 1;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'Cancelled'].df.filter_hide = 1;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'Grand Total >='].df.filter_hide = 1;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'Grand Total <='].df.filter_hide = 1;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'Fiscal Year'].df.filter_hide = 1;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'Sales Partner'].df.filter_hide = 1;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'Is Opening'].df.filter_hide = 1;
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register1/ b/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register1/
deleted file mode 100644
index be74df3..0000000
--- a/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register1/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# add additional columns
-cl = [c[0] for c in sql("select distinct account_head from `tabRV Tax Detail` where parenttype='Receivable Voucher' and docstatus=1 order by idx asc")]
-income_acc = [c[0] for c in sql("select distinct income_account from `tabRV Detail` where parenttype='Receivable Voucher' and docstatus=1 order by idx asc")]
-income_acc.append('Net Total')
-for i in income_acc:
- colnames.append(i)
- coltypes.append('Currency')
- colwidths.append('100px')
- coloptions.append('')
-cl.append('Total Tax')
-cl.append('Grand Total')
-for c in cl:
- colnames.append(c)
- coltypes.append('Currency')
- colwidths.append('100px')
- coloptions.append('')
-income_acc = income_acc[:-1]
-cl = cl[:-2]
-# add the values
-for r in res:
- net_total = 0
- for i in income_acc:
- val = sql("select sum(amount) from `tabRV Detail` where parent = %s and parenttype='Receivable Voucher' and income_account = %s", (r[col_idx['ID']], i))
- val = flt(val and val[0][0] or 0)
- net_total += val
- r.append(val)
- r.append(net_total)
- total_tax = 0
- for c in cl:
- val = sql("select tax_amount from `tabRV Tax Detail` where parent = %s and parenttype='Receivable Voucher' and account_head = %s", (r[col_idx['ID']], c))
- val = flt(val and val[0][0] or 0)
- total_tax += val
- r.append(val)
- r.append(total_tax)
- r.append(net_total+total_tax)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register1/sales_register1.txt b/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register1/sales_register1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 47d4e19..0000000
--- a/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register1/sales_register1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- {
- 'add_col': "`tabAccount`.`parent_account` AS 'Parent Account'\n`tabCustomer`.`territory` AS 'Territory'\n`tabCustomer`.`customer_details` AS 'Customer Details'",
- 'add_cond': "ifnull(`tabReceivable Voucher`.`is_opening`, 'No') = 'No'\n`tabAccount`.name =`tabReceivable Voucher`.debit_to\n`tabCustomer`.`name` = `tabAccount`.`master_name`",
- 'add_tab': '`tabAccount`\n`tabCustomer`',
- 'columns': 'Receivable Voucher\x01ID,Receivable Voucher\x01Posting Date,Receivable Voucher\x01Debit To',
- 'creation': '2010-12-15 08:39:21',
- 'criteria_name': 'Sales Register1',
- 'custom_query': '',
- 'description': None,
- 'dis_filters': 'fiscal_year',
- 'disabled': None,
- 'doc_type': 'Receivable Voucher',
- 'docstatus': 0,
- 'doctype': 'Search Criteria',
- 'filters': "{'Receivable Voucher\x01Submitted':1,'Receivable Voucher\x01Is Opening':''}",
- 'graph_series': None,
- 'graph_values': None,
- 'group_by': None,
- 'idx': None,
- 'modified': '2011-05-09 11:19:10',
- 'modified_by': 'Administrator',
- 'module': 'Accounts',
- 'name': 'sales_register1',
- 'owner': 'Administrator',
- 'page_len': 50,
- 'parent': None,
- 'parent_doc_type': None,
- 'parentfield': None,
- 'parenttype': None,
- 'report_script': None,
- 'server_script': None,
- 'sort_by': '`Parent Account`',
- 'sort_order': 'DESC',
- 'standard': 'Yes'
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register2/ b/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register2/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register2/
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register2/sales_register2.js b/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register2/sales_register2.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 586c0c2..0000000
--- a/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register2/sales_register2.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-report.customize_filters = function() {
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'From Posting Date'].df['report_default'] = sys_defaults.year_start_date;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'To Posting Date'].df['report_default'] = dateutil.obj_to_str(new Date());
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'Company'].df['report_default'] =;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'ID'].df.filter_hide = 1;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'Owner'].df.filter_hide = 1;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'Saved'].df.filter_hide = 1;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'Submitted'].df.filter_hide = 1;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'Cancelled'].df.filter_hide = 1;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'Grand Total >='].df.filter_hide = 1;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'Grand Total <='].df.filter_hide = 1;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'Fiscal Year'].df.filter_hide = 1;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'Sales Partner'].df.filter_hide = 1;
- this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +'Is Opening'].df.filter_hide = 1;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register2/ b/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register2/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9685e9a..0000000
--- a/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-# add additional columns
-colnames.append('Income Account')
-cl = [c[0] for c in sql("select distinct account_head from `tabRV Tax Detail` where parenttype='Receivable Voucher' and docstatus=1 order by idx asc")]
-income_acc = [c[0] for c in sql("select distinct income_account from `tabRV Detail` where parenttype='Receivable Voucher' and docstatus=1 order by idx asc")]
-income_acc.append('Net Total')
-for i in income_acc:
- colnames.append(i)
- coltypes.append('Currency')
- colwidths.append('100px')
- coloptions.append('')
-cl.append('Total Tax')
-cl.append('Grand Total')
-for c in cl:
- colnames.append(c)
- coltypes.append('Currency')
- colwidths.append('100px')
- coloptions.append('')
-income_acc = income_acc[:-1]
-cl = cl[:-2]
-# add the values
-for r in res:
- income_acc_list = [c[0] for c in sql("select distinct income_account from `tabRV Detail` where parenttype='Receivable Voucher' and docstatus=1 and parent = %s order by idx asc", r[col_idx['ID']])]
- r.append(cstr(income_acc_list))
- net_total = 0
- for i in income_acc:
- val = sql("select sum(amount) from `tabRV Detail` where parent = %s and parenttype='Receivable Voucher' and income_account = %s", (r[col_idx['ID']], i))
- val = flt(val and val[0][0] or 0)
- net_total += val
- r.append(val)
- r.append(net_total)
- total_tax = 0
- for c in cl:
- val = sql("select tax_amount from `tabRV Tax Detail` where parent = %s and parenttype='Receivable Voucher' and account_head = %s", (r[col_idx['ID']], c))
- val = flt(val and val[0][0] or 0)
- total_tax += val
- r.append(val)
- r.append(total_tax)
- r.append(net_total+total_tax)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register2/sales_register2.txt b/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register2/sales_register2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 18cda2c..0000000
--- a/accounts/search_criteria/sales_register2/sales_register2.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- {
- 'add_col': "`tabAccount`.`parent_account` AS 'Parent Account'\n`tabCustomer`.`territory` AS 'Territory'\n`tabCustomer`.`customer_details` AS 'Customer Details'",
- 'add_cond': "ifnull(`tabReceivable Voucher`.`is_opening`, 'No') = 'No'\n`tabAccount`.name =`tabReceivable Voucher`.debit_to\n`tabCustomer`.`name` = `tabAccount`.`master_name`",
- 'add_tab': '`tabAccount`\n`tabCustomer`',
- 'columns': 'Receivable Voucher\x01ID,Receivable Voucher\x01Owner,Receivable Voucher\x01Debit To',
- 'creation': '2010-10-20 13:07:11',
- 'criteria_name': 'Sales Register2',
- 'custom_query': '',
- 'description': None,
- 'dis_filters': 'fiscal_year',
- 'disabled': None,
- 'doc_type': 'Receivable Voucher',
- 'docstatus': 0,
- 'doctype': 'Search Criteria',
- 'filters': "{'Receivable Voucher\x01Submitted':1,'Receivable Voucher\x01Is Opening':'','Receivable Voucher\x01Fiscal Year':''}",
- 'graph_series': None,
- 'graph_values': None,
- 'group_by': None,
- 'idx': None,
- 'modified': '2011-05-09 11:19:19',
- 'modified_by': 'Administrator',
- 'module': 'Accounts',
- 'name': 'sales_register2',
- 'owner': '',
- 'page_len': 50,
- 'parent': None,
- 'parent_doc_type': None,
- 'parentfield': None,
- 'parenttype': None,
- 'report_script': None,
- 'server_script': None,
- 'sort_by': '`Parent Account`',
- 'sort_order': 'DESC',
- 'standard': 'Yes'
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/patches/ b/patches/
index 111d2e8..e1ee318 100644
--- a/patches/
+++ b/patches/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# REMEMBER to update this
# ========================
-last_patch = 299
+last_patch = 300
@@ -1192,3 +1192,6 @@
sql("update `tabDocField` set options = 'Link:Company' where parent = 'Appraisal' and fieldname = 'company'")
elif patch_no == 299:
sql("update `tabDocPerm` set `match` = NULL where parent = 'Employee' and role = 'Employee'")
+ elif patch_no == 300:
+ sql("""DELETE FROM `tabSearch Criteria` WHERE name IN
+ ('sales_register1', 'sales_register2', 'purchase_register1')""")