[cart] create quotation on checkout
diff --git a/website/helpers/cart.py b/website/helpers/cart.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcea3c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/helpers/cart.py
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd.
+# License: GNU General Public License (v3). For more information see license.txt
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import webnotes
+from webnotes import _, msgprint
+import webnotes.defaults
+from webnotes.utils import today, get_fullname
+import json
+def checkout(cart):
+	# webnotes.msgprint(cart);
+	if isinstance(cart, basestring):
+		cart = json.loads(cart) or {}
+	if webnotes.session.user == "Guest":
+		msgprint(_("Please login before you checkout!"), raise_exception=True)
+	elif webnotes.conn.get_value("Profile", webnotes.session.user, "user_type") != "Partner":
+		msgprint(_("Illegal User"), raise_exception=True)
+	# make_quotation(cart)
+def make_quotation(cart):
+	from accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year
+	quotation_defaults = webnotes._dict({
+		"doctype": "Quotation",
+		"naming_series": "QTN-13-14-",
+		"quotation_to": "Customer",
+		"company": webnotes.defaults.get_user_default("company"),
+		"order_type": "Sales",
+		"status": "Draft",
+	})
+	quotation = webnotes.bean(quotation_defaults)
+	quotation.doc.fields.update({
+		"transaction_date": today(),
+		"fiscal_year": get_fiscal_year(today()),
+		# TODO
+		"price_list_name": "fetch",
+		"price_list_currency": "fetch",
+		"plc_conversion_rate": "something",
+		"currency": "same as price_list_currency",
+		"conversion_rate": "same as plc_converion_rate",
+		"territory": "fetch",
+	})
+	# TODO add items
+	for item_code, item in cart.items():
+		pass
+	# TODO apply taxes
+	# save and submit
+def add_to_cart(item_code):
+	party = get_lead_or_customer()
+	quotation = get_shopping_cart_quotation(party)
+	quotation_items = quotation.doclist.get({"parentfield": "quotation_details", "item_code": item_code})
+	if not quotation_items:
+		quotation.doclist.append({
+			"doctype": "Quotation Item",
+			"parentfield": "quotation_details",
+			"item_code": item_code,
+			"qty": 1
+		})
+	quotation.ignore_permissions = True
+	quotation.save()
+	return quotation.doc.name
+def get_lead_or_customer():
+	customer = webnotes.conn.get_value("Contact", {"email_id": webnotes.session.user}, "customer")
+	if customer:
+		return webnotes.doc("Customer", customer)
+	lead = webnotes.conn.get_value("Lead", {"email_id": webnotes.session.user})
+	if lead:
+		return webnotes.doc("Lead", lead)
+	else:
+		lead_bean = webnotes.bean({
+			"doctype": "Lead",
+			"email_id": webnotes.session.user,
+			"lead_name": get_fullname(webnotes.session.user),
+			"status": "Open" # TODO: set something better???
+		})
+		lead_bean.ignore_permissions = True
+		lead_bean.insert()
+		return lead_bean.doc
+def get_shopping_cart_quotation(party):
+	quotation = webnotes.conn.get_value("Quotation", 
+		{party.doctype.lower(): party.name, "order_type": "Shopping Cart", "docstatus": 0})
+	if quotation:
+		qbean = webnotes.bean("Quotation", quotation)
+	else:
+		qbean = webnotes.bean({
+			"doctype": "Quotation",
+			"naming_series": "QTN-CART-",
+			"quotation_to": "Customer",
+			"company": webnotes.defaults.get_user_default("company"),
+			"order_type": "Shopping Cart",
+			"status": "Draft",
+			"__islocal": 1,
+			"price_list_name": get_price_list(party),
+			(party.doctype.lower()): party.name
+		})
+	return qbean
+def remove_from_cart(item_code):
+	pass
+def update_qty(item_code, qty):
+	pass
+def get_price_list(party):
+	if not party.default_price_list:
+		party.default_price_list = get_price_list_using_geoip()
+		party.save()
+	return party.default_price_list
+def get_price_list_using_geoip():
+	country = webnotes.session.get("session_country")
+	price_list_name = None
+	if country:
+		price_list_name = webnotes.conn.sql("""select parent 
+			from `tabPrice List Country` plc
+			where country=%s and exists (select name from `tabPrice List` pl
+				where use_for_website=1 and pl.name = plc.parent)""", country)
+	if price_list_name:
+		price_list_name = price_list_name[0][0]
+	else:
+		price_list_name = webnotes.conn.get_value("Price List", 
+			{"use_for_website": 1, "valid_for_all_countries": 1})
+	if not price_list_name:
+		raise Exception, "No website Price List specified"
+	return price_list_name
+import unittest
+test_dependencies = ["Item", "Price List"]
+class TestCart(unittest.TestCase):
+	def test_add_to_cart(self):
+		webnotes.session.user = "test@example.com"
+		add_to_cart("_Test Item")
+	def test_change_qty(self):
+		pass
+	def test_remove_from_cart(self):
+		pass
+	def test_checkout(self):
+		pass
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