Merge pull request #120 from nabinhait/master

internal reco, fixes and testcase for stock entry
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/Module Def/Accounts/Accounts.txt b/erpnext/accounts/Module Def/Accounts/Accounts.txt
index 50a7ac9..0a6921a 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/Module Def/Accounts/Accounts.txt
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/Module Def/Accounts/Accounts.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 		'creation': '2010-09-25 10:50:37',
 		'docstatus': 0,
-		'modified': '2011-09-12 13:22:15',
+		'modified': '2011-09-27 12:44:04',
 		'modified_by': 'Administrator',
 		'owner': 'Administrator'
@@ -130,6 +130,15 @@
 	# Module Def Item
+		'description': 'Link your invoices and payment vouchers to clear/update outstanding amount',
+		'display_name': 'Internal Reconciliation',
+		'doc_name': 'Internal Reconciliation',
+		'doc_type': 'Single DocType',
+		'doctype': 'Module Def Item'
+	},
+	# Module Def Item
+	{
 		'display_name': 'TDS Payment',
 		'doc_name': 'TDS Payment',
 		'doc_type': 'Setup Forms',
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/gl_control/gl_control.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/gl_control/gl_control.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f8d786..0000000
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/gl_control/gl_control.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-class DocType:
-  def __init__(self,d,dl):
-    self.doc, self.doclist = d, dl
-    self.entries = []
-  # Get Company List
-  # ----------------
-  def get_companies(self,arg=''):
-    d = get_defaults()
-    ret = sql("select name, abbr from tabCompany where docstatus != 2")
-    pl = {}
-    for r in ret:
-      inc = get_value('Account','Income - '+r[1], 'balance')
-      exp = get_value('Account','Expenses - '+r[1], 'balance')
-      pl[r[0]] = flt(flt(inc) - flt(exp))
-    return {'cl':[r[0] for r in ret], 'pl':pl}
-  # Get current balance
-  # --------------------
-  def get_bal(self,arg):
-    ac, fy = arg.split('~~~')
-    det = sql("select t1.balance, t2.debit_or_credit from `tabAccount Balance` t1, `tabAccount` t2 where t1.period = %s and and t1.parent =", (fy, ac))
-    bal = det and flt(det[0][0]) or 0
-    dr_or_cr = det and flt(det[0][1]) or ''
-    return fmt_money(bal) + ' ' + dr_or_cr
-  def get_period_balance(self,arg):
-    acc, f, t = arg.split('~~~')
-    c, fy = '', get_defaults()['fiscal_year']
-    det = sql("select debit_or_credit, lft, rgt, is_pl_account from tabAccount where name=%s", acc)
-    if f: c += (' and t1.posting_date >= "%s"' % f)
-    if t: c += (' and t1.posting_date <= "%s"' % t)
-    bal = sql("select sum(ifnull(t1.debit,0))-sum(ifnull(,0)) from `tabGL Entry` t1 where t1.account='%s' and ifnull(is_opening, 'No') = 'No' %s" % (acc, c))
-    bal = bal and flt(bal[0][0]) or 0
-    if det[0][0] != 'Debit':
-      bal = (-1) * bal
-    # add opening for balance sheet accounts
-    if det[0][3] == 'No':
-      opening = flt(sql("select opening from `tabAccount Balance` where parent=%s and period=%s", (acc, fy))[0][0])
-      bal = bal + opening
-    return flt(bal)
-  def get_period_difference(self,arg, cost_center =''):
-    # used in General Ledger Page Report
-    # used for Budget where cost center passed as extra argument
-    acc, f, t = arg.split('~~~')
-    c, fy = '', get_defaults()['fiscal_year']
-    det = sql("select debit_or_credit, lft, rgt, is_pl_account from tabAccount where name=%s", acc)
-    if f: c += (' and t1.posting_date >= "%s"' % f)
-    if t: c += (' and t1.posting_date <= "%s"' % t)
-    if cost_center: c += (' and t1.cost_center = "%s"' % cost_center)
-    bal = sql("select sum(ifnull(t1.debit,0))-sum(ifnull(,0)) from `tabGL Entry` t1 where t1.account='%s' %s" % (acc, c))
-    bal = bal and flt(bal[0][0]) or 0
-    if det[0][0] != 'Debit':
-      bal = (-1) * bal
-    return flt(bal)
-  # Get Children (for tree)
-  # -----------------------
-  def get_cl(self, arg):
-    fy = get_defaults()['fiscal_year']
-    parent, parent_acc_name, company, type = arg.split(',')
-    # get children account details
-    if type=='Account':
-      if parent=='Root':
-        cl = sql("select, t1.group_or_ledger, t1.debit_or_credit, t2.balance, t1.account_name from tabAccount t1, `tabAccount Balance` t2 where t1.parent_account is NULL or t1.parent_account='' and t1.docstatus != 2 and and = t2.parent and t2.period = %s order by asc", (company, fy),as_dict=1)
-      else:
-        cl = sql("select, t1.group_or_ledger, t1.debit_or_credit, t2.balance, t1.account_name from tabAccount t1, `tabAccount Balance` t2 where t1.parent_account=%s and t1.docstatus != 2 and and = t2.parent and t2.period = %s order by asc",(parent, company, fy) ,as_dict=1)
-      # remove Decimals
-      for c in cl: c['balance'] = flt(c['balance'])
-    # get children cost center details
-    elif type=='Cost Center':
-      if parent=='Root':
-        cl = sql("select name,group_or_ledger, cost_center_name from `tabCost Center`  where parent_cost_center is NULL or parent_cost_center='' and docstatus != 2 and company_name=%s order by name asc",(company),as_dict=1)
-      else:
-        cl = sql("select name,group_or_ledger,cost_center_name from `tabCost Center` where parent_cost_center=%s and docstatus != 2 and company_name=%s order by name asc",(parent,company),as_dict=1)
-    return {'parent':parent, 'parent_acc_name':parent_acc_name, 'cl':cl}
-  # Add a new account
-  # -----------------
-  def add_ac(self,arg):
-    arg = eval(arg)
-    ac = Document('Account')
-    for d in arg.keys():
-      ac.fields[d] = arg[d]
-    ac.old_parent = ''      
-    ac_obj = get_obj(doc=ac)
-    ac_obj.validate()
-    ac_obj.on_update()
-    return
-  # Add a new cost center
-  #----------------------
-  def add_cc(self,arg):
-    arg = eval(arg)
-    cc = Document('Cost Center')
-    # map fields
-    for d in arg.keys():
-      cc.fields[d] = arg[d]
-    # map company abbr
-    other_info = sql("select company_abbr from `tabCost Center` where name='%s'"%arg['parent_cost_center'])
-    cc.company_abbr = other_info and other_info[0][0] or arg['company_abbr']
-    cc_obj = get_obj(doc=cc)
-    cc_obj.validate()
-    cc_obj.on_update()
-    return
-  # Get field values from the voucher
-  #------------------------------------------
-  def get_val(self, src, d, parent=None):
-    if not src: 
-      return None
-    if src.startswith('parent:'):
-      return parent.fields[src.split(':')[1]]
-    elif src.startswith('value:'):
-      return eval(src.split(':')[1])
-    elif src:
-      return d.fields.get(src)  
-  def check_if_in_list(self, le):
-    for e in self.entries:
-      if e.account == le.account and (cstr(e.against_voucher)==cstr(le.against_voucher)) and (cstr(e.against_voucher_type)==cstr(le.against_voucher_type)) and (cstr(e.cost_center)==cstr(le.cost_center)):
-        return [e]
-    return 0
-  # Make a dictionary(le) for every gl entry and append to a list(self.entries)
-  #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  def make_single_entry(self,parent,d,le_map,cancel):
-    if self.get_val(le_map['account'], d, parent) and (self.get_val(le_map['debit'], d, parent) or self.get_val(le_map['credit'], d, parent)):
-      flist = ['account','cost_center','against','debit','credit','remarks','voucher_type','voucher_no','transaction_date','posting_date','fiscal_year','against_voucher','against_voucher_type','company','is_opening', 'aging_date']
-      # Check budget before gl entry
-      #check budget only if account is expense account
-      is_expense_acct = sql("select name from tabAccount where is_pl_account='Yes' and debit_or_credit='Debit' and name=%s",self.get_val(le_map['account'], d, parent))
-      if is_expense_acct and self.get_val(le_map['cost_center'], d, parent):
-        get_obj('Budget Control').check_budget([self.get_val(le_map[k], d, parent) for k in flist if k in ['account','cost_center','debit','credit','posting_date','fiscal_year','company']],cancel)
-      # Create new GL entry object and map values
-      le = Document('GL Entry')
-      for k in flist:
-        le.fields[k] = self.get_val(le_map[k], d, parent)
-      # if there is already an entry in this account then just add it to that entry
-      same_head = self.check_if_in_list(le)
-      if same_head:
-        same_head = same_head[0]
-        same_head.debit  = flt(same_head.debit)  + flt(le.debit)
- = flt( + flt(
-      else:
-        self.entries.append(le)
-  # Save GL Entries     
-  # ----------------
-  def save_entries(self, cancel, adv_adj):
-    for le in self.entries:
-      # cancel
-      if cancel:
-        tmp=le.debit
-        le.debit, =, tmp      
-      le_obj = get_obj(doc=le)
-      # validate except on_cancel
-      if not cancel:
-        le_obj.validate()
-      # save
-      le_obj.on_update(adv_adj)
-      # update total debit / credit
- += flt(le.debit)
- += flt(
-  # Make Multiple Entries
-  # ---------------------
-  def make_gl_entries(self, doc, doclist, cancel=0, adv_adj = 0):
-    # get entries
-    le_map_list = sql("select * from `tabGL Mapper Detail` where parent = %s", doc.doctype, as_dict=1)
-, = 0.0, 0.0
-    for le_map in le_map_list:    
-      if le_map['table_field']:
-        for d in getlist(doclist,le_map['table_field']):
-          # purchase_tax_details is the table of other charges in purchase cycle
-          if le_map['table_field'] != 'purchase_tax_details' or (le_map['table_field'] == 'purchase_tax_details' and d.fields.get('category') != 'For Valuation'):
-            self.make_single_entry(doc,d,le_map,cancel)
-      else:
-        self.make_single_entry(None,doc,le_map,cancel)
-    # save entries
-    self.save_entries(cancel,adv_adj)
-    # check total debit / credit
-    # Due to old wrong entries (total debit != total credit) some voucher could be cancelled
-    if abs( - > 0.001 and not cancel:
-      msgprint("Debit and Credit not equal for this voucher: Diff (Debit) is %s" % (
-      raise Exception
-    # set as cancelled
-    if cancel:
-      vt, vn = self.get_val(le_map['voucher_type'],  doc, doc), self.get_val(le_map['voucher_no'],  doc, doc)
-      sql("update `tabGL Entry` set is_cancelled='Yes' where voucher_type=%s and voucher_no=%s", (vt, vn))
-  # Get account balance on any date
-  # -------------------------------
-  def get_as_on_balance(self, account_name, fiscal_year, as_on, credit_or_debit, is_pl, lft, rgt, ysd):
-    # get total transaction value for the current year
-    bal = bal = sql("select SUM(t1.debit), SUM( from `tabGL Entry` t1, `tabAccount` t2 WHERE t1.posting_date >= %s AND t1.posting_date <= %s and t1.is_opening = 'No' AND t1.account = AND t2.lft >= %s AND t2.rgt <= %s and t1.is_cancelled = 'No'", (ysd,as_on,lft, rgt))
-    bal = bal and (flt(bal[0][0]) - flt(bal[0][1])) or 0
-    if credit_or_debit == 'Credit' and bal:
-      bal = -bal
-    # Add opening balance with the transaction value
-    if is_pl=='No':
-      op = sql("select opening from `tabAccount Balance` where parent=%s and period=%s", (account_name, fiscal_year))
-      op = op and op[0][0] or 0
-      bal += flt(op)
-    return flt(bal)
-  #-------------------
-  def get_advances(self, obj, account_head, table_name,table_field_name, dr_or_cr):
-    jv_detail = sql("select, t1.remark, t2.%s,, t1.ded_amount from `tabJournal Voucher` t1, `tabJournal Voucher Detail` t2 where = t2.parent and (t2.against_voucher is null or t2.against_voucher = '') and (t2.against_invoice is null or t2.against_invoice = '') and t2.account = '%s' and t2.is_advance = 'Yes' and t1.docstatus = 1 order by t1.voucher_date " % (dr_or_cr,account_head))
-    # clear advance table
-    obj.doc.clear_table(obj.doclist,table_field_name)
-    # Create advance table
-    for d in jv_detail:
-      add = addchild(obj.doc, table_field_name, table_name, 1, obj.doclist)
-      add.journal_voucher = d[0]
-      add.jv_detail_no = d[3]
-      add.remarks = d[1]
-      add.advance_amount = flt(d[2])
-      add.allocate_amount = 0
-      if table_name == 'Advance Allocation Detail':
-        add.tds_amount = flt(d[4])
-  # Clear rows which is not adjusted
-  #-------------------------------------
-  def clear_advances(self, obj,table_name,table_field_name):
-    for d in getlist(obj.doclist,table_field_name):
-      if not flt(d.allocated_amount):
-        sql("update `tab%s` set parent = '' where name = '%s' and parent = '%s'" % (table_name,, d.parent))
-        d.parent = ''
-  # Update aginst document in journal voucher
-  #------------------------------------------
-  def update_against_document_in_jv(self, obj, table_field_name, against_document_no, against_document_doctype, account_head, dr_or_cr,doctype):
-    for d in getlist(obj.doclist, table_field_name):
-      self.validate_jv_entry(d, account_head, dr_or_cr)
-      if flt(d.advance_amount) == flt(d.allocated_amount):
-        # cancel JV
-        jv_obj = get_obj('Journal Voucher', d.journal_voucher, with_children=1)
-        get_obj(dt='GL Control').make_gl_entries(jv_obj.doc, jv_obj.doclist, cancel =1, adv_adj =1)
-        # update ref in JV Detail
-        sql("update `tabJournal Voucher Detail` set %s = '%s' where name = '%s'" % (doctype=='Payable Voucher' and 'against_voucher' or 'against_invoice', cstr(against_document_no), d.jv_detail_no))
-        # re-submit JV
-        jv_obj = get_obj('Journal Voucher', d.journal_voucher, with_children =1)
-        get_obj(dt='GL Control').make_gl_entries(jv_obj.doc, jv_obj.doclist, cancel = 0, adv_adj =1)
-      elif flt(d.advance_amount) > flt(d.allocated_amount):
-        # cancel JV
-        jv_obj = get_obj('Journal Voucher', d.journal_voucher, with_children=1)
-        get_obj(dt='GL Control').make_gl_entries(jv_obj.doc, jv_obj.doclist, cancel =1, adv_adj = 1)
-        # add extra entries
-        self.add_extra_entry(jv_obj, d.journal_voucher, d.jv_detail_no, flt(d.allocated_amount), account_head, doctype, dr_or_cr, against_document_no)
-        # re-submit JV
-        jv_obj = get_obj('Journal Voucher', d.journal_voucher, with_children =1)
-        get_obj(dt='GL Control').make_gl_entries(jv_obj.doc, jv_obj.doclist, cancel = 0, adv_adj = 1)
-      else:
-        msgprint("Allocation amount cannot be greater than advance amount")
-        raise Exception
-  # Add extra row in jv detail for unadjusted amount
-  #--------------------------------------------------
-  def add_extra_entry(self,jv_obj,jv,jv_detail_no, allocate, account_head, doctype, dr_or_cr, against_document_no):
-    # get old entry details
-    jvd = sql("select %s, cost_center, balance, against_account from `tabJournal Voucher Detail` where name = '%s'" % (dr_or_cr,jv_detail_no))
-    advance = jvd and flt(jvd[0][0]) or 0
-    balance = flt(advance) - flt(allocate)
-    # update old entry
-    sql("update `tabJournal Voucher Detail` set %s = '%s', %s = '%s' where name = '%s'" % (dr_or_cr, flt(allocate), doctype == "Payable Voucher" and 'against_voucher' or 'against_invoice',cstr(against_document_no), jv_detail_no))
-    # new entry with balance amount
-    add = addchild(jv_obj.doc, 'entries', 'Journal Voucher Detail', 1, jv_obj.doclist)
-    add.account = account_head
-    add.cost_center = cstr(jvd[0][1])
-    add.balance = cstr(jvd[0][2])
-    add.fields[dr_or_cr] = balance
-    add.against_account = cstr(jvd[0][3])
-    add.is_advance = 'Yes'
-  # check if advance entries are still valid
-  # ----------------------------------------
-  def validate_jv_entry(self, d, account_head, dr_or_cr):
-    # 1. check if there is already a voucher reference
-    # 2. check if amount is same
-    # 3. check if is_advance is 'Yes'
-    # 4. check if jv is submitted
-    ret = sql("select t2.%s from `tabJournal Voucher` t1, `tabJournal Voucher Detail` t2 where = t2.parent and (t2.against_voucher = '' || t2.against_voucher is null) and (t2.against_invoice = '' || t2.against_invoice is null) and t2.account = '%s' and = '%s' and = '%s' and t2.is_advance = 'Yes' and t1.docstatus=1 and t2.%s = %s" % ( dr_or_cr, account_head, d.journal_voucher, d.jv_detail_no, dr_or_cr, d.advance_amount))
-    if (not ret):
-      msgprint("Please click on 'Get Advances Paid' button as the advance entries have been changed.")
-      raise Exception
-    return
-# Repair Outstanding Amount
-  def repair_voucher_outstanding(self, voucher_obj):
-    msg = []
-    # Get Balance from GL Entries
-    bal = sql("select sum(debit)-sum(credit) from `tabGL Entry` where against_voucher=%s and against_voucher_type=%s", ( , voucher_obj.doc.doctype))
-    bal = bal and flt(bal[0][0]) or 0.0
-    if cstr(voucher_obj.doc.doctype) == 'Payable Voucher':
-      bal = -bal
-    # Check outstanding Amount
-    if flt(voucher_obj.doc.outstanding_amount) != flt(bal):
-      msgprint('<div style="color: RED"> Difference found in Outstanding Amount of %s : %s (Before : %s; After : %s) </div>' % (voucher_obj.doc.doctype,, voucher_obj.doc.outstanding_amount, bal))
-      msg.append('<div style="color: RED"> Difference found in Outstanding Amount of %s : %s (Before : %s; After : %s) </div>' % (voucher_obj.doc.doctype,, voucher_obj.doc.outstanding_amount, bal))
-      # set voucher balance
-      #sql("update `tab%s` set outstanding_amount=%s where name='%s'" % (voucher_obj.doc.doctype, bal,
-      set(voucher_obj.doc, 'outstanding_amount', flt(bal))
-    # Send Mail
-    if msg:
-      email_msg = """ Dear Administrator,
-In Account := %s User := %s has Repaired Outstanding Amount For %s : %s and following was found:-
-""" % (get_value('Control Panel', None,'account_id'), session['user'], voucher_obj.doc.doctype,, '\n'.join(msg))
-      sendmail([''], subject='Repair Outstanding Amount', parts = [('text/plain', email_msg)])
-    # Acknowledge User
-    msgprint(cstr(voucher_obj.doc.doctype) + " : " + cstr( + " has been checked" + cstr(msg and " and repaired successfully." or ". No changes Found."))
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/gl_entry.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/gl_entry.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f34ad8..0000000
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/gl_entry.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-class DocType:
-  def __init__(self,d,dl):
-    self.doc, self.doclist = d, dl
-  # Validate mandatory
-  #-------------------
-  def check_mandatory(self):
-    # Following fields are mandatory in GL Entry
-    mandatory = ['account','remarks','voucher_type','voucher_no','fiscal_year','company']
-    for k in mandatory:
-      if not self.doc.fields.get(k):
-        msgprint("%s is mandatory for GL Entry" % k)
-        raise Exception
-    # Zero value transaction is not allowed
-    if not (flt(self.doc.debit) or flt(
-      msgprint("GL Entry: Debit or Credit amount is mandatory for %s" % self.doc.account)
-      raise Exception
-    # Debit and credit can not done at the same time
-    if flt( != 0 and flt(self.doc.debit) != 0:
-      msgprint("Sorry you cannot credit and debit under same account head.")
-      raise Exception, "Validation Error."
-  # Cost center is required only if transaction made against pl account
-  #--------------------------------------------------------------------
-  def pl_must_have_cost_center(self):
-    if sql("select name from tabAccount where name=%s and is_pl_account='Yes'", self.doc.account):
-      if not self.doc.cost_center and not self.doc.voucher_type != 'Period Closing Entry':
-        msgprint("Error: Cost Center must be specified for PL Account: %s" % self.doc.account_name)
-        raise Exception
-    else: # not pl
-      if self.doc.cost_center:
-        self.doc.cost_center = ''
-  # Account must be ledger, active and not freezed
-  #-----------------------------------------------
-  def validate_account_details(self, adv_adj):
-    ret = sql("select group_or_ledger, docstatus, freeze_account, company from tabAccount where name=%s", self.doc.account)
-    # 1. Checks whether Account type is group or ledger
-    if ret and ret[0][0]=='Group':
-      msgprint("Error: All accounts must be Ledgers. Account %s is a group" % self.doc.account)
-      raise Exception
-    # 2. Checks whether Account is active
-    if ret and ret[0][1]==2:
-      msgprint("Error: All accounts must be Active. Account %s moved to Trash" % self.doc.account)
-      raise Exception
-    # 3. Account has been freezed for other users except account manager
-    if ret and ret[0][2]== 'Yes' and not adv_adj and not 'Accounts Manager' in session['data']['roles']:
-      msgprint("Error: Account %s has been freezed. Only Accounts Manager can do transaction against this account." % self.doc.account)
-      raise Exception
-    # 4. Check whether account is within the company
-    if ret and ret[0][3] !=
-      msgprint("Account: %s does not belong to the company: %s" % (self.doc.account,
-      raise Exception
-  # Posting date must be in selected fiscal year and fiscal year is active
-  #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  def validate_posting_date(self):
-    fy = sql("select docstatus, year_start_date from `tabFiscal Year` where name=%s ", self.doc.fiscal_year)
-    ysd = fy[0][1]
-    yed = get_last_day(get_first_day(ysd,0,11))
-    pd = getdate(self.doc.posting_date)
-    if fy[0][0] == 2:
-      msgprint("Fiscal Year is not active. You can restore it from Trash")
-      raise Exception
-    if pd < ysd or pd > yed:
-      msgprint("Posting date must be in the Selected Financial Year")
-      raise Exception
-  # Nobody can do GL Entries where posting date is before freezing date except 'Accounts Manager'
-  #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  def check_freezing_date(self, adv_adj):
-    if not adv_adj:
-      pd,fd = getdate(self.doc.posting_date),0
-      acc_frozen_upto = get_obj(dt = 'Manage Account').doc.acc_frozen_upto or ''
-      if acc_frozen_upto:
-        fd = getdate(acc_frozen_upto)
-      bde_auth_role = get_value( 'Manage Account', None,'bde_auth_role')
-      if fd and pd <= fd and (bde_auth_role and not bde_auth_role in session['data']['roles']):
-        msgprint("Message:You are not authorized to do back dated entries for account: %s before %s." % (self.doc.account, str(fd)))
-        raise Exception
-  # create new bal if not exists
-  #-----------------------------
-  def create_new_balances(self, ac_obj, p, amt):
-    ac = addchild(ac_obj.doc, 'account_balances', 'Account Balance', 1)
-    ac.period = p[0]
-    ac.start_date = p[1].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
-    ac.end_date = p[2].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
-    ac.fiscal_year = p[3]
-    ac.opening = 0
-    ac.balance = amt
-  # Post Balance
-  # ------------
-  def post_balance(self, acc):
-    # get details
-    lft = sql("select lft, rgt, debit_or_credit from `tabAccount` where name='%s'" % acc)
-    # amount to debit
-    amt = flt(self.doc.debit) - flt(
-    if lft[0][2] == 'Credit': amt = -amt
-    # get periods
-    periods = self.get_period_list(self.doc.posting_date, self.doc.fiscal_year)
-    acc_obj = get_obj('Account', self.doc.account)
-    for p in periods:
-      if not sql("select name from `tabAccount Balance` where parent=%s and period=%s", (self.doc.account, p[0])):
-        self.create_new_balances(acc_obj, p, amt)
-      else:
-        # update current
-        pl = sql("update `tabAccount Balance` t1, `tabAccount` t2 set t1.balance = t1.balance + %s where t2.lft<=%s and t2.rgt>=%s and t1.parent = and t1.period = '%s'" % (amt, cint(lft[0][0]), cint(lft[0][1]), p[0]))
-    # update opening
-    if self.doc.is_opening=='Yes':
-      pl = sql("update `tabAccount Balance` t1, `tabAccount` t2 set t1.opening = ifnull(t1.opening,0) + %s where t2.lft<=%s and t2.rgt>=%s and t1.parent = and t1.period = '%s'" % (amt, cint(lft[0][0]), cint(lft[0][1]), self.doc.fiscal_year))
-  # Get periods(month and year)
-  #-----------------------------
-  def get_period_list(self, dt, fy):
-    pl = sql("SELECT name, start_date, end_date, fiscal_year FROM tabPeriod WHERE end_date >='%s' and fiscal_year = '%s' and period_type in ('Month', 'Year')" % (dt,fy))
-    return pl
-  # Voucher Balance
-  # ---------------  
-  def update_outstanding_amt(self):
-    # get final outstanding amt
-    bal = flt(sql("select sum(debit)-sum(credit) from `tabGL Entry` where against_voucher=%s and against_voucher_type=%s and ifnull(is_cancelled,'No') = 'No'", (self.doc.against_voucher, self.doc.against_voucher_type))[0][0] or 0.0)
-    tds = 0
-    if self.doc.against_voucher_type=='Payable Voucher':
-      # amount to debit
-      bal = -bal
-      # Check if tds applicable
-      tds = sql("select total_tds_on_voucher from `tabPayable Voucher` where name = '%s'" % self.doc.against_voucher)
-      tds = tds and flt(tds[0][0]) or 0
-    # Validation : Outstanding can not be negative
-    if bal < 0 and not tds and self.doc.is_cancelled == 'No':
-      msgprint("Outstanding for Voucher %s will become %s. Outstanding cannot be less than zero. Please match exact outstanding." % (self.doc.against_voucher, fmt_money(bal)))
-      raise Exception
-    # Update outstanding amt on against voucher
-    sql("update `tab%s` set outstanding_amount=%s where name='%s'"% (self.doc.against_voucher_type,bal,self.doc.against_voucher))
-  # Total outstanding can not be greater than credit limit for any time for any customer
-  #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  def check_credit_limit(self):
-    #check for user role Freezed
-    master_type=sql("select master_type from `tabAccount` where name='%s' " %self.doc.account)
-    tot_outstanding = 0  #needed when there is no GL Entry in the system for that acc head
-    if (self.doc.voucher_type=='Journal Voucher' or self.doc.voucher_type=='Receivable Voucher') and (master_type and master_type[0][0]=='Customer'):
-      dbcr=sql("select sum(debit),sum(credit) from `tabGL Entry` where account = '%s' and is_cancelled='No'" % self.doc.account)
-      if dbcr:
-        tot_outstanding = flt(dbcr[0][0])-flt(dbcr[0][1])+flt(self.doc.debit)-flt(
-      get_obj('Account',self.doc.account).check_credit_limit(self.doc.account,, tot_outstanding)
-  #for opening entry account can not be pl account
-  #-----------------------------------------------
-  def check_pl_account(self):
-    if self.doc.is_opening=='Yes':
-      is_pl_account=sql("select is_pl_account from `tabAccount` where name='%s'"%(self.doc.account))
-      if is_pl_account and is_pl_account[0][0]=='Yes':
-        msgprint("For opening balance entry account can not be a PL account")
-        raise Exception
-  # Validate
-  # --------
-  def validate(self):  # not called on cancel
-    self.check_mandatory()
-    self.pl_must_have_cost_center()
-    self.validate_posting_date()
-    self.doc.is_cancelled = 'No' # will be reset by GL Control if cancelled
-    self.check_credit_limit()
-    self.check_pl_account()
-  # On Update
-  #----------
-  def on_update(self,adv_adj):
-    # Account must be ledger, active and not freezed
-    self.validate_account_details(adv_adj)
-    # Posting date must be after freezing date
-    self.check_freezing_date(adv_adj)
-    # Update current account balance
-    self.post_balance(self.doc.account)
-    # Update outstanding amt on against voucher
-    if self.doc.against_voucher:
-      self.update_outstanding_amt()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payable_voucher/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payable_voucher/
index b403d20..39544b0 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payable_voucher/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payable_voucher/
@@ -447,12 +447,38 @@
 				if not submitted:
 					msgprint("Purchase Receipt : "+ cstr(d.purchase_receipt) +" is not submitted")
 					raise Exception , "Validation Error."
-	def update_against_document_in_jv(self, against_document_no, against_document_doctype):
-		get_obj('GL Control').update_against_document_in_jv( self,'advance_allocation_details', against_document_no, against_document_doctype, self.doc.credit_to, 'debit',self.doc.doctype)
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------------
+	def update_against_document_in_jv(self):
+		"""
+			Links invoice and advance voucher:
+				1. cancel advance voucher
+				2. split into multiple rows if partially adjusted, assign against voucher
+				3. submit advance voucher
+		"""
+		lst = []
+		for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'advance_allocation_details'):
+			if flt(d.allocated_amount) > 0:
+				args = {
+					'voucher_no' : d.journal_voucher, 
+					'voucher_detail_no' : d.jv_detail_no, 
+					'against_voucher_type' : 'Payable Voucher', 
+					'against_voucher'  :,
+					'account' : self.doc.credit_to, 
+					'is_advance' : 'Yes', 
+					'dr_or_cr' : 'debit', 
+					'unadjusted_amt' : flt(d.advance_amount),
+					'allocated_amt' : flt(d.allocated_amount)
+				}
+				lst.append(args)
+		if lst:
+			get_obj('GL Control').reconcile_against_document(lst)
 	# On Submit
-	# ----------
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------------
 	def on_submit(self):
@@ -462,7 +488,9 @@
 		# this sequence because outstanding may get -negative
 		get_obj(dt='GL Control').make_gl_entries(self.doc, self.doclist)
-		self.update_against_document_in_jv(, self.doc.doctype)
+		self.update_against_document_in_jv()
 		get_obj(dt = 'Purchase Common').update_prevdoc_detail(self, is_submit = 1)
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_setting/pos_setting.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_setting/pos_setting.js
index 2bbc08c..4eed7b6 100755
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_setting/pos_setting.js
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/pos_setting/pos_setting.js
@@ -1,38 +1,109 @@
-cur_frm.cscript.onload = function(doc,cdt,cdn){
-  $c_obj(make_doclist(cdt,cdn),'get_series','',function(r,rt){
-    if(r.message) set_field_options('naming_series', r.message);
-  });
+//--------- ONLOAD -------------
+cur_frm.cscript.onload = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
+// Settings Module
+cur_frm.cscript.refresh = function(doc,cdt,cdn){
+  if(doc.based_on == 'Grand Total' || doc.based_on == 'Average Discount' || doc.based_on == 'Total Claimed Amount' || doc.based_on == 'Not Applicable') hide_field('master_name');
+  else  unhide_field('master_name');
+  if(doc.based_on == 'Not Applicable') hide_field('value');
+  else unhide_field('value');
+  if(doc.transaction == 'Expense Voucher' || doc.transaction == 'Appraisal'){
+    hide_field(['master_name','system_role', 'system_user']);
+    unhide_field(['to_emp','to_designation']);
+    if(doc.transaction == 'Appraisal') hide_field('value');
+    else unhide_field('value');
+  }
+  else {
+    unhide_field(['master_name','system_role', 'system_user','value']);
+    hide_field(['to_emp','to_designation']);
+  }
-//cash bank account
-cur_frm.fields_dict['cash_bank_account'].get_query = function(doc,cdt,cdn) {
-  return 'SELECT FROM tabAccount WHERE tabAccount.debit_or_credit="Debit" AND tabAccount.is_pl_account = "No" AND tabAccount.group_or_ledger="Ledger" AND tabAccount.docstatus!=2 AND"''" AND tabAccount.%(key)s LIKE "%s"'
+cur_frm.cscript.based_on = function(doc){
+  if(doc.based_on == 'Grand Total' || doc.based_on == 'Average Discount' || doc.based_on == 'Total Claimed Amount' || doc.based_on == 'Not Applicable'){
+    doc.master_name = '';
+    refresh_field('master_name');
+    hide_field('master_name');
+  }
+  else{
+    unhide_field('master_name');
+  }
+  if(doc.based_on == 'Not Applicable') {
+      doc.value =0;
+      refresh_field('value');
+      hide_field('value');
+    }
+    else unhide_field('value');
-// Income Account 
-// --------------------------------
-cur_frm.fields_dict['income_account'].get_query = function(doc,cdt,cdn) {
-  return 'SELECT FROM tabAccount WHERE tabAccount.debit_or_credit="Credit" AND tabAccount.group_or_ledger="Ledger" AND tabAccount.docstatus!=2 AND"''" AND tabAccount.account_type ="Income Account" AND tabAccount.%(key)s LIKE "%s"'
+cur_frm.cscript.transaction = function(doc,cdt,cdn){
+  if(doc.transaction == 'Expense Voucher' || doc.transaction == 'Appraisal'){
+    doc.master_name = doc.system_role = doc.system_user = '';
+    refresh_many(['master_name','system_role', 'system_user']);
+    hide_field(['master_name','system_role', 'system_user']);
+    unhide_field(['to_emp','to_designation']);
+    if(doc.transaction == 'Appraisal') {
+      doc.value =0;
+      refresh_many('value');
+      hide_field('value');
+    }
+    else unhide_field('value');
+  }
+  else {
+    unhide_field(['master_name','system_role', 'system_user','value']);
+    hide_field(['to_emp','to_designation']);
+  }
+  if(doc.transaction == 'Expense Voucher') doc.based_on = 'Total Claimed Amount';
+  if(doc.transaction == 'Appraisal') doc.based_on == 'Not Applicable';
-// Cost Center 
-// -----------------------------
-cur_frm.fields_dict['cost_center'].get_query = function(doc,cdt,cdn) {
-  return 'SELECT `tabCost Center`.`name` FROM `tabCost Center` WHERE `tabCost Center`.`company_name` = "''" AND `tabCost Center`.%(key)s LIKE "%s" AND `tabCost Center`.`group_or_ledger` = "Ledger" AND `tabCost Center`.`docstatus`!= 2 ORDER BY  `tabCost Center`.`name` ASC LIMIT 50';
-//get query select Territory
-cur_frm.fields_dict['territory'].get_query = function(doc,cdt,cdn) {
-  return 'SELECT `tabTerritory`.`name`,`tabTerritory`.`parent_territory` FROM `tabTerritory` WHERE `tabTerritory`.`is_group` = "No" AND `tabTerritory`.`docstatus`!= 2 AND `tabTerritory`.%(key)s LIKE "%s"  ORDER BY  `tabTerritory`.`name` ASC LIMIT 50';
+// System User Trigger
+// -------------------
+cur_frm.fields_dict['system_user'].get_query = function(doc) {
+  return 'SELECT, tabProfile.first_name FROM tabProfile WHERE not in ("Administrator","Guest") AND tabProfile.docstatus != 2 AND tabProfile.%(key)s LIKE "%s" LIMIT 50'
-// ------------------ Get Print Heading ------------------------------------
-cur_frm.fields_dict['select_print_heading'].get_query = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
-  return 'SELECT `tabPrint Heading`.name FROM `tabPrint Heading` WHERE `tabPrint Heading`.docstatus !=2 AND `tabPrint Heading`.name LIKE "%s" ORDER BY `tabPrint Heading`.name ASC LIMIT 50';
+// System Role Trigger
+// -----------------------
+cur_frm.fields_dict['system_role'].get_query = function(doc) {
+  return 'SELECT FROM tabRole WHERE not in ("Administrator","Guest","All") AND tabRole.docstatus != 2 AND tabRole.%(key)s LIKE "%s" LIMIT 50'
+// Approving User Trigger
+// -----------------------
+cur_frm.fields_dict['approving_user'].get_query = function(doc) {
+  return 'SELECT, tabProfile.first_name FROM tabProfile WHERE not in ("Administrator","Guest") AND tabProfile.docstatus != 2 AND tabProfile.%(key)s LIKE "%s" LIMIT 50'
+// Approving Role Trigger
+// -----------------------
+cur_frm.fields_dict['approving_role'].get_query = function(doc) {
+  return 'SELECT FROM tabRole WHERE not in ("Administrator","Guest","All") AND tabRole.docstatus != 2 AND tabRole.%(key)s LIKE "%s" LIMIT 50'
+// Master Name Trigger
+// --------------------
+cur_frm.fields_dict['master_name'].get_query = function(doc){
+  if(doc.based_on == 'Customerwise Discount')
+    return 'SELECT `tabCustomer`.`name` FROM `tabCustomer` WHERE `tabCustomer`.docstatus !=2 and `tabCustomer`.`name` LIKE "%s" ORDER BY `tabCustomer`.`name` DESC LIMIT 50';
+  else if(doc.based_on == 'Itemwise Discount')
+    return 'SELECT `tabItem`.`name` FROM `tabItem` WHERE (IFNULL(`tabItem`.`end_of_life`,"") = "" OR `tabItem`.`end_of_life` = "0000-00-00" OR `tabItem`.`end_of_life` > NOW()) and `tabItem`.is_sales_item = "Yes" and tabItem.%(key)s LIKE "%s" ORDER BY `tabItem`.`name` DESC LIMIT 50';
+  else
+    return 'SELECT `tabItem`.`name` FROM `tabItem` WHERE `tabItem`.`name` = "cheating done to avoid null" ORDER BY `tabItem`.`name` DESC LIMIT 50';
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/receivable_voucher/ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/receivable_voucher/
index dba08fe..6d1f80a 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/receivable_voucher/
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/receivable_voucher/
@@ -225,40 +225,47 @@
-	#-----------------------------------------------------------------
-	def update_against_document_in_jv(self,against_document_no, against_document_doctype):
-		get_obj('GL Control').update_against_document_in_jv( self, 'advance_adjustment_details', against_document_no, against_document_doctype, self.doc.debit_to, 'credit', self.doc.doctype)
+	def update_against_document_in_jv(self):
+		"""
+			Links invoice and advance voucher:
+				1. cancel advance voucher
+				2. split into multiple rows if partially adjusted, assign against voucher
+				3. submit advance voucher
+		"""
+		lst = []
+		for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'advance_adjustment_details'):
+			if flt(d.allocated_amount) > 0:
+				args = {
+					'voucher_no' : d.journal_voucher, 
+					'voucher_detail_no' : d.jv_detail_no, 
+					'against_voucher_type' : 'Receivable Voucher', 
+					'against_voucher'  :,
+					'account' : self.doc.debit_to, 
+					'is_advance' : 'Yes', 
+					'dr_or_cr' : 'credit', 
+					'unadjusted_amt' : flt(d.advance_amount),
+					'allocated_amt' : flt(d.allocated_amount)
+				}
+				lst.append(args)
+		if lst:
+			get_obj('GL Control').reconcile_against_document(lst)
-# ************************************* VALIDATE **********************************************
-	# Get Customer Name and address based on Debit To Account selected
-	# This case arises in case of direct RV where user doesn't enter customer name.
-	# Hence it should be fetched from Account Head.
-	# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	#def get_customer_details(self):
-	#	get_obj('Sales Common').get_customer_details(self, inv_det_reqd = 1)
-	#	self.get_cust_and_due_date()
-	# Validate Customer Name with SO or DN if items are fetched from SO or DN
 	# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 	def validate_customer(self):
+		"""
+			Validate customer name with SO and DN
+		"""
 		for d in getlist(self.doclist,'entries'):
-			customer = ''
-			if d.sales_order:
-				customer = sql("select customer from `tabSales Order` where name = '%s'" % d.sales_order)[0][0]
-				doctype = 'sales order'
-				doctype_no = cstr(d.sales_order)
-			if d.delivery_note:
-				customer = sql("select customer from `tabDelivery Note` where name = '%s'" % d.delivery_note)[0][0]
-				doctype = 'delivery note'
-				doctype_no = cstr(d.delivery_note)
-			if customer and not cstr(self.doc.customer) == cstr(customer):
-				msgprint("Customer %s do not match with customer	of %s %s." %(self.doc.customer,doctype,doctype_no))
-				raise Exception , " Validation Error "
+			dt = d.delivery_note and 'Delivery Note' or d.sales_order and 'Sales Order' or ''
+			if dt:
+				dt_no = d.delivery_note or d.sales_order
+				cust = sql("select customer from `tab%s` where name = %s" % (dt, '%s'), dt_no)
+				if cust and cstr(cust[0][0]) != cstr(self.doc.customer):
+					msgprint("Customer %s does not match with customer of %s: %s." %(self.doc.customer, dt, dt_no), raise_exception=1)
 	# Validates Debit To Account and Customer Matches
 	# ------------------------------------------------
@@ -545,7 +552,7 @@
 		if not cint(self.doc.is_pos) == 1:
-			self.update_against_document_in_jv(, self.doc.doctype)
+			self.update_against_document_in_jv()
 		# on submit notification
 		# get_obj('Notification Control').notify_contact('Sales Invoice', self.doc.doctype,, self.doc.email_id, self.doc.contact_person)
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/ b/erpnext/patches/
index 79d40c9..2f826d5 100644
--- a/erpnext/patches/
+++ b/erpnext/patches/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # REMEMBER to update this
 # ========================
-last_patch = 372
+last_patch = 374
@@ -382,3 +382,7 @@
 			sql("delete from `tabDocField` where label = 'View Ledger Entry' and parent = 'Journal Voucher' and fieldtype = 'Button' limit 1")
 		if sql("select count(name) from `tabDocField` where label = 'Get Balance' and parent = 'Journal Voucher' and fieldtype = 'Button'")[0][0] > 1:
 			sql("delete from `tabDocField` where label = 'Get Balance' and parent = 'Journal Voucher' and fieldtype = 'Button' limit 1")
+	elif patch_no == 374:
+		reload_doc('accounts', 'doctype', 'internal_reconciliation')
+		reload_doc('accounts', 'doctype', 'ir_payment_detail')
+		reload_doc('accounts', 'Module Def', 'Accounts')
diff --git a/erpnext/sandbox/ b/erpnext/sandbox/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/sandbox/
diff --git a/erpnext/sandbox/ b/erpnext/sandbox/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..273c442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/sandbox/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+import unittest
+import webnotes
+import webnotes.profile
+webnotes.user = webnotes.profile.Profile()
+from webnotes.model.doc import Document
+from webnotes.model.code import get_obj
+from webnotes.utils import cstr, flt
+sql = webnotes.conn.sql
+from sandbox.testdata.masters import *
+from sandbox.testdata import stock_entry
+class TestStockEntry(unittest.TestCase):
+	def setUp(self):
+		print "====================================="
+		webnotes.conn.begin()
+		create_master_records()
+		print 'Master Data Created'
+		for each in
+		for t in[1:]:
+			sql("update `tabStock Entry Detail` set parent = '%s' where name = '%s'" % ([0].name,
+		print "Stock Entry Created"
+	#===========================================================================
+	def test_stock_entry_onsubmit(self):
+		print "Test Case: Stock Entry submission"
+		self.submit_stock_entry()
+		expected_sle = (('Stock Entry',[0].name, 10, 10, 100, 'No'),)
+		self.check_sle(expected_sle)
+		self.check_bin_qty(10)
+		self.check_serial_no('submit', 10)
+	#===========================================================================
+	def test_stock_entry_oncancel(self):
+		print "Test Case: Stock Entry Cancellation"
+		self.cancel_stock_entry()
+		expected_sle = (
+			('Stock Entry',[0].name, 10, 10, 100, 'Yes'), 
+			('Stock Entry',[0].name, -10, None, None, 'Yes'),
+		)
+		self.check_sle(expected_sle)
+		self.check_bin_qty(0)		
+		self.check_serial_no('cancel', 10)
+	#===========================================================================
+	def submit_stock_entry(self):
+		ste1 = get_obj('Stock Entry',[0].name, with_children=1)
+		ste1.validate()
+		ste1.on_submit()
+		ste1.doc.docstatus = 1
+		print "Stock Entry Submitted"
+	#===========================================================================
+	def cancel_stock_entry(self):
+		self.submit_stock_entry()
+		ste1 = get_obj('Stock Entry',[0].name, with_children=1)
+		ste1.on_cancel()
+		ste1.doc.cancel_reason = "testing"
+		ste1.doc.docstatus = 2
+		print "Stock Entry Cancelled"
+	#===========================================================================
+	def check_sle(self, expected):
+		print "Checking stock ledger entry........."
+		sle = sql("select voucher_type, voucher_no, actual_qty, bin_aqat, valuation_rate, is_cancelled from `tabStock Ledger Entry` where item_code = 'it' and warehouse = 'wh1'")
+		self.assertTrue(sle == expected)
+	#===========================================================================
+	def check_bin_qty(self, expected_qty):
+		print "Checking Bin qty........."
+		bin_qty = sql("select actual_qty from tabBin where item_code = 'it' and warehouse = 'wh1'")
+		self.assertTrue(bin_qty[0][0] == expected_qty)
+	#===========================================================================
+	def check_serial_no(self, action, cnt):
+		print "Checking serial nos........"
+		if action == 'submit':
+			status, wh, docstatus = 'In Store', 'wh1', 0
+		else:
+			status, wh, docstatus = 'Not in Use', '', 2
+		ser = sql("select count(name) from `tabSerial No` where item_code = 'it' and warehouse = '%s' and status = '%s' and docstatus = %s" % (wh, status, docstatus))
+		self.assertTrue(ser[0][0] == cnt)
+	#===========================================================================
+	def tearDown(self):
+		webnotes.conn.rollback()
diff --git a/erpnext/sandbox/testdata/ b/erpnext/sandbox/testdata/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/sandbox/testdata/
diff --git a/erpnext/sandbox/testdata/ b/erpnext/sandbox/testdata/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f2d67c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/sandbox/testdata/
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+	All master data in one place, can be created by 1 function call
+import webnotes
+from webnotes.model.doc import Document
+master_groups = {
+	# Company
+	#----------------------------------
+	'company': Document(
+		fielddata={
+			'doctype':'Company',
+			'abbr': 'co',
+			'company_name' : 'comp',
+			'name': 'comp'
+		}
+	),
+	# Customer Group
+	#----------------------------------
+	'customer_group':  Document(
+		fielddata={
+			'doctype':'Customer Group',
+			'customer_group_name' : 'cg',
+			'name': 'cg',
+			'is_group': 'No',
+			'parent_customer_group':'', 
+			'lft' : 1,
+			'rgt': 2
+		}
+	),
+	# Item Group
+	#----------------------------------
+	'item_group': Document(
+		fielddata = {
+			'doctype': 'Item Group',
+			'item_group_name': 'ig',
+			'lft': 1,
+			'rgt': 2,
+			'parent_item_group' : '',
+			'is_group': 'No',
+			'name': 'ig'
+		}
+	),
+	# Warehouse Type
+	#-----------------------------
+	'warehouse_type' : Document(
+		fielddata = {
+			'doctype' : 'Warehouse Type',
+			'name': 'normal',
+			'warehouse_type' : 'normal'
+		}
+	),
+	# Supplier Type
+	#-----------------------------
+	'supplier_type' : Document(
+		fielddata = {
+			'doctype': 'Supplier Type',
+			'supplier_type': 'stype'
+		}
+	)
+main_masters = {
+	# Customer
+	#----------------------------------
+	'customer': Document(
+		fielddata={
+			'doctype':'Customer',
+			'docstatus':0,
+			'customer_name' : 'cust',
+			'company' : 'comp',
+			'customer_group' : '',
+			'name': 'cust'
+		}
+	),
+	# Supplier
+	#----------------------------------
+	'supplier': Document(
+		fielddata = {
+			'doctype': 'Supplier',
+			'supplier_name': 'supp',
+			'name': 'supp',	
+			'supplier_type' : 'stype'
+		}
+	),
+	# Customer Account
+	#----------------------------------
+	'customer_acc': Document(
+		fielddata={
+			'doctype':'Account',
+			'docstatus':0,
+			'account_name' : 'cust',
+			'debit_or_credit': 'Debit',
+			'company' : 'comp',
+			'lft': 1,
+			'rgt': 2,
+			'group_or_ledger' : 'Ledger',
+			'is_pl_account': 'No',
+			'name' : 'cust - co'
+		}
+	),
+	# Customer Account
+	#----------------------------------
+	'supplier_acc': Document(
+		fielddata={
+			'doctype':'Account',
+			'docstatus':0,
+			'account_name' : 'supp',
+			'debit_or_credit': 'Credit',
+			'company' : 'comp',
+			'lft': 5,
+			'rgt': 6,
+			'group_or_ledger' : 'Ledger',
+			'is_pl_account': 'No',
+			'name' : 'supp - co'
+		}
+	),	
+	# Bank Account
+	#----------------------------------
+	'bank_acc': Document(
+		fielddata={
+			'doctype':'Account',
+			'docstatus':0,
+			'account_name' : 'icici',
+			'parent_account': '',
+			'debit_or_credit': 'Debit',
+			'company' : 'comp',
+			'lft': 3,
+			'rgt': 4,
+			'group_or_ledger' : 'Ledger',
+			'is_pl_account': 'No',
+			'name' : 'icici - co'
+		}
+	),
+	# Income Account
+	#----------------------------------
+	'income_acc': Document(
+		fielddata={
+			'doctype':'Account',
+			'docstatus':0,
+			'account_name' : 'income',
+			'debit_or_credit': 'Credit',
+			'company' : 'comp',
+			'lft': 7,
+			'rgt': 8,
+			'group_or_ledger' : 'Ledger',
+			'is_pl_account': 'Yes',
+			'name' : 'income - co'
+		}
+	),
+	# Expense Account
+	#----------------------------------
+	'expense_acc': Document(
+		fielddata={
+			'doctype':'Account',
+			'docstatus':0,
+			'account_name' : 'expense',
+			'debit_or_credit': 'Debit',
+			'company' : 'comp',
+			'lft': 9,
+			'rgt': 10,
+			'group_or_ledger' : 'Ledger',
+			'is_pl_account': 'Yes',
+			'name' : 'expense - co'
+		}
+	),
+	# Cost Center
+	#----------------------------------
+	'cost_center': Document(
+		fielddata={
+			'doctype':'Cost Center',
+			'docstatus':0,
+			'cost_center_name' : 'cc',
+			'lft': 1,
+			'rgt': 2,
+			'group_or_ledger' : 'Ledger',
+			'name' : 'cc'
+		}
+	),
+	# Item
+	#----------------------------------
+	# Stock item / non-serialized
+	'item': [
+		Document(
+			fielddata = {
+				'doctype': 'Item',
+				'docstatus': 0,
+				'name': 'it',
+				'item_name': 'it',
+				'item_code': 'it',
+				'item_group': 'ig',
+				'is_stock_item': 'Yes',
+				'has_serial_no': 'Yes',
+				'stock_uom': 'Nos',
+				'is_sales_item': 'Yes',
+				'is_purchase_item': 'Yes',
+				'is_service_item': 'No',
+				'is_sub_contracted_item': 'No',
+				'is_pro_applicable': 'Yes',
+				'is_manufactured_item': 'Yes'		
+			}
+		),
+		Document(
+			fielddata = {
+				'doctype': 'Ref Rate Detail',
+				'parentfield': 'ref_rate_details',
+				'parenttype': 'Item',
+				'parent' : 'it',
+				'price_list_name': 'pl',
+				'ref_currency': 'INR',
+				'ref_rate': 100
+			}
+		),
+		Document(
+			fielddata = {
+				'doctype': 'Item Tax',
+				'parentfield': 'item_tax',
+				'parenttype': 'Item',
+				'parent' : 'it',
+				'tax_type' : 'Tax1',
+				'tax_rate': 10
+			}
+		)
+	],
+	# Warehouse
+	#-----------------------------
+	'warehouse': [
+		Document(
+			fielddata = {
+				'doctype': 'Warehouse',
+				'name' : 'wh1',
+				'warehouse_name' : 'wh1',
+				'warehouse_type': 'normal',
+				'company': 'comp'
+			}
+		),
+		Document(
+			fielddata = {
+				'doctype': 'Warehouse',
+				'name' : 'wh2',
+				'warehouse_name' : 'wh2',
+				'warehouse_type': 'normal',
+				'company': 'comp'
+			}
+		)
+	]
+# Save all master records
+def create_master_records():
+	for m in master_groups.keys():
+		master_groups[m].save(1)
+	for m in main_masters.keys():
+		if type(main_masters[m]) == list:
+			for each in main_masters[m]:
+		else:
+			main_masters[m].save(1)
diff --git a/erpnext/sandbox/testdata/ b/erpnext/sandbox/testdata/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2d1d71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/sandbox/testdata/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+from webnotes.model.doc import Document
+mr = [
+	Document(
+		fielddata = {
+			'doctype': 'Stock Entry',
+			'posting_date': '2011-09-01',
+			'transfer_date': '2011-09-01',
+			'posting_time': '12:00',
+			'company': 'comp',
+			'fiscal_year' : '2011-2012',
+			'purpose': 'Material Receipt',
+			'name': 'ste'
+		}
+	),
+	Document(
+		fielddata  ={
+			'doctype': 'Stock Entry Detail',
+			'parenttype': 'Stock Entry',
+			'parentfield' : 'mtn_details',
+			'parent' : 'ste',
+			'item_code' : 'it',
+			't_warehouse' : 'wh1',
+			'qty' : 10,
+			'transfer_qty' : 10,
+			'incoming_rate': 100,
+			'stock_uom': 'Nos',
+			'conversion_factor': 1,
+			'serial_no': 'srno1, srno2, srno3, srno4, srno5, srno6, srno7, srno8, srno9, srno10'	
+		}
+	)
diff --git a/erpnext/setup/doctype/authorization_control/ b/erpnext/setup/doctype/authorization_control/
index d049430..3ddcab4 100644
--- a/erpnext/setup/doctype/authorization_control/
+++ b/erpnext/setup/doctype/authorization_control/
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 			for d in app_dtl:
 				if(d[0]): appr_users.append(d[0])
 				if(d[1]): appr_roles.append(d[1])
 			if not has_common(appr_roles, webnotes.user.get_roles()) and not has_common(appr_users, session['user']):
 				msg, add_msg = '',''
 				if max_amount:
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
 		# Check for authorization set for individual user
 		based_on = [x[0] for x in sql("select distinct based_on from `tabAuthorization Rule` where transaction = %s and system_user = %s and (company = %s or ifnull(company,'')='') and docstatus != 2", (doctype_name, session['user'], company))]
 		for d in based_on:
 			self.bifurcate_based_on_type(doctype_name, total, av_dis, d, doc_obj, 1, company)
@@ -128,7 +128,13 @@
 		# Specific Role
 		# ===============
 		# Check for authorization set on particular roles
-		based_on = [x[0] for x in sql("select based_on from `tabAuthorization Rule` where transaction = %s and system_role IN (%s) and based_on IN (%s) and (company = %s or ifnull(company,'')='') and docstatus != 2", (doctype_name, "'"+"','".join(webnotes.user.get_roles())+"'", "'"+"','".join(final_based_on)+"'",company))]
+		based_on = [x[0] for x in sql("""select based_on 
+			from `tabAuthorization Rule` 
+			where transaction = %s and system_role IN (%s) and based_on IN (%s) 
+			and (company = %s or ifnull(company,'')='') 
+			and docstatus != 2
+		""" % ('%s', "'"+"','".join(webnotes.user.get_roles())+"'", "'"+"','".join(final_based_on)+"'", '%s'), (doctype_name, company))]
 		for d in based_on:
 			self.bifurcate_based_on_type(doctype_name, total, av_dis, d, doc_obj, 2, company)
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger/ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger/
index ff6de70..c1bfa96 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger/
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
 			elif purpose == 'Sales Return':
 				sql("update `tabSerial No` set status = 'Delivered', purchase_document_type = '', purchase_document_no = '' where name = '%s'" % serial_no)
-				sql("update `tabSerial No` set docstatus = 2, status = 'Not in Use', purchase_document_type = '', purchase_document_no = '', purchase_date = '', purchase_rate = '', supplier = null, supplier_name = '', supplier_address = '', warehouse = '' where name = '%s'" % serial_no)
+				sql("update `tabSerial No` set docstatus = 2, status = 'Not in Use', purchase_document_type = '', purchase_document_no = '', purchase_date = null, purchase_rate = 0, supplier = null, supplier_name = '', supplier_address = '', warehouse = '' where name = '%s'" % serial_no)
 	# -------------------------------
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/warehouse/warehouse.txt b/erpnext/stock/doctype/warehouse/warehouse.txt
index 1363eef..da29dfa 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/warehouse/warehouse.txt
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/warehouse/warehouse.txt
@@ -5,17 +5,18 @@
 		'creation': '2010-08-08 17:09:30',
 		'docstatus': 0,
-		'modified': '2010-12-16 23:57:04',
-		'modified_by': '',
+		'modified': '2011-09-28 16:19:59',
+		'modified_by': 'Administrator',
 		'owner': 'Administrator'
 	# These values are common for all DocType
-		'_last_update': '1300788639',
+		'_last_update': '1311621379',
 		'allow_trash': 1,
 		'autoname': 'field:warehouse_name',
 		'colour': 'White:FFF',
+		'default_print_format': 'Standard',
 		'doctype': 'DocType',
 		'document_type': 'Master',
 		'module': 'Stock',
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@
 		'section_style': 'Tabbed',
 		'server_code_error': ' ',
 		'show_in_menu': 0,
-		'version': 55
+		'version': 56
 	# These values are common for all DocField
@@ -58,7 +59,6 @@
 		'cancel': 0,
 		'create': 0,
 		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
-		'idx': 1,
 		'permlevel': 2,
 		'role': 'Material User',
 		'submit': 0,
@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@
 		'cancel': 0,
 		'create': 0,
 		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
-		'idx': 2,
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'role': 'Material User',
 		'submit': 0,
@@ -84,7 +83,6 @@
 		'cancel': 0,
 		'create': 0,
 		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
-		'idx': 3,
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'role': 'Material User',
 		'submit': 0,
@@ -97,7 +95,6 @@
 		'cancel': 0,
 		'create': 0,
 		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
-		'idx': 4,
 		'permlevel': 2,
 		'role': 'Material Manager',
 		'submit': 0,
@@ -110,7 +107,6 @@
 		'cancel': 0,
 		'create': 0,
 		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
-		'idx': 5,
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'role': 'Material Manager',
 		'submit': 0,
@@ -123,7 +119,6 @@
 		'cancel': 0,
 		'create': 0,
 		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
-		'idx': 6,
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'role': 'Material Manager',
 		'submit': 0,
@@ -133,7 +128,6 @@
 	# DocPerm
 		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
-		'idx': 7,
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'role': 'All'
@@ -144,7 +138,6 @@
 		'cancel': 1,
 		'create': 1,
 		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
-		'idx': 8,
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'role': 'Material Master Manager',
 		'submit': 0,
@@ -154,7 +147,6 @@
 	# DocPerm
 		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
-		'idx': 9,
 		'permlevel': 1,
 		'role': 'Material Master Manager'
@@ -164,7 +156,6 @@
 		'cancel': 1,
 		'create': 1,
 		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
-		'idx': 10,
 		'permlevel': 0,
 		'role': 'System Manager',
 		'write': 1
@@ -174,7 +165,6 @@
 		'create': 0,
 		'doctype': 'DocPerm',
-		'idx': 11,
 		'permlevel': 2,
 		'role': 'System Manager',
 		'write': 1
@@ -185,7 +175,6 @@
 		'doctype': 'DocField',
 		'fieldname': 'trash_reason',
 		'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
-		'idx': 1,
 		'label': 'Trash Reason',
 		'oldfieldname': 'trash_reason',
 		'oldfieldtype': 'Small Text',
@@ -196,7 +185,6 @@
 		'doctype': 'DocField',
 		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'idx': 2,
 		'label': 'Warehouse Detail',
 		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
 		'permlevel': 0
@@ -207,7 +195,6 @@
 		'doctype': 'DocField',
 		'fieldname': 'warehouse_name',
 		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'idx': 3,
 		'label': 'Warehouse Name',
 		'oldfieldname': 'warehouse_name',
 		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
@@ -221,7 +208,6 @@
 		'doctype': 'DocField',
 		'fieldname': 'warehouse_type',
 		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'idx': 4,
 		'label': 'Warehouse Type',
 		'oldfieldname': 'warehouse_type',
 		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
@@ -237,14 +223,13 @@
 		'doctype': 'DocField',
 		'fieldname': 'company',
 		'fieldtype': 'Link',
-		'idx': 5,
 		'in_filter': 1,
 		'label': 'Company',
 		'oldfieldname': 'company',
 		'oldfieldtype': 'Link',
 		'options': 'Company',
 		'permlevel': 0,
-		'search_index': 0
+		'search_index': 1
 	# DocField
@@ -253,7 +238,6 @@
 		'fieldname': 'email_id',
 		'fieldtype': 'Data',
 		'hidden': 1,
-		'idx': 6,
 		'label': 'Email Id',
 		'oldfieldname': 'email_id',
 		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
@@ -267,7 +251,6 @@
 		'fieldname': 'auto_indent_mail',
 		'fieldtype': 'Select',
 		'hidden': 1,
-		'idx': 7,
 		'label': 'Send Reorder Alert Mail ',
 		'no_copy': 1,
 		'oldfieldname': 'auto_indent_mail',
@@ -285,7 +268,6 @@
 		'doctype': 'DocField',
 		'fieldname': 'phone_no',
 		'fieldtype': 'Int',
-		'idx': 8,
 		'label': 'Phone No',
 		'oldfieldname': 'phone_no',
 		'oldfieldtype': 'Int',
@@ -298,7 +280,6 @@
 		'doctype': 'DocField',
 		'fieldname': 'mobile_no',
 		'fieldtype': 'Int',
-		'idx': 9,
 		'label': 'Mobile No',
 		'oldfieldname': 'mobile_no',
 		'oldfieldtype': 'Int',
@@ -310,7 +291,6 @@
 		'doctype': 'DocField',
 		'fieldtype': 'Column Break',
-		'idx': 10,
 		'oldfieldtype': 'Column Break',
 		'permlevel': 0
@@ -320,7 +300,6 @@
 		'doctype': 'DocField',
 		'fieldname': 'address_line_1',
 		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'idx': 11,
 		'label': 'Address Line 1',
 		'oldfieldname': 'address_line_1',
 		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
@@ -332,7 +311,6 @@
 		'doctype': 'DocField',
 		'fieldname': 'address_line_2',
 		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'idx': 12,
 		'label': 'Address Line 2',
 		'oldfieldname': 'address_line_2',
 		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
@@ -346,7 +324,6 @@
 		'fieldname': 'country',
 		'fieldtype': 'Link',
 		'hidden': 0,
-		'idx': 13,
 		'in_filter': 0,
 		'label': 'Country',
 		'no_copy': 0,
@@ -367,7 +344,6 @@
 		'doctype': 'DocField',
 		'fieldname': 'state',
 		'fieldtype': 'Select',
-		'idx': 14,
 		'label': 'State',
 		'oldfieldname': 'state',
 		'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
@@ -380,7 +356,6 @@
 		'doctype': 'DocField',
 		'fieldname': 'city',
 		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'idx': 15,
 		'label': 'City',
 		'oldfieldname': 'city',
 		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
@@ -393,7 +368,6 @@
 		'doctype': 'DocField',
 		'fieldname': 'pin',
 		'fieldtype': 'Int',
-		'idx': 16,
 		'label': 'PIN',
 		'oldfieldname': 'pin',
 		'oldfieldtype': 'Int',
@@ -404,7 +378,6 @@
 		'doctype': 'DocField',
 		'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-		'idx': 17,
 		'label': 'Repost Stock',
 		'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
 		'permlevel': 2
@@ -415,46 +388,9 @@
 		'doctype': 'DocField',
 		'fieldtype': 'Button',
 		'hidden': 0,
-		'idx': 18,
 		'label': 'Repost Stock Ledger',
 		'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
 		'options': 'repost_stock',
 		'permlevel': 2
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'test_field2',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'idx': 19,
-		'label': 'Test Field2',
-		'oldfieldname': 'test_field2',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
-		'permlevel': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'test_field1',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'idx': 20,
-		'label': 'Test Field1',
-		'oldfieldname': 'test_field1',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
-		'permlevel': 0
-	},
-	# DocField
-	{
-		'doctype': 'DocField',
-		'fieldname': 'test_field',
-		'fieldtype': 'Data',
-		'idx': 21,
-		'label': 'Test Field',
-		'oldfieldname': 'test_field',
-		'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
-		'permlevel': 0
\ No newline at end of file