fix: Item Variant Details Report

Co-authored-by: gavindsouza <>

- Handling of variants with special characters
- Set data in appropriately named columns
- Code cleanup
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/report/item_variant_details/ b/erpnext/stock/report/item_variant_details/
index e8449cc..d8563d7 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/report/item_variant_details/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/report/item_variant_details/
@@ -14,47 +14,58 @@
 	if not item:
 		return []
 	item_dicts = []
-	variants = None
-	variant_results = frappe.db.sql("""select name from `tabItem`
-		where variant_of = %s""", item, as_dict=1)
+	variant_results = frappe.db.get_all(
+		"Item",
+		fields=["name"],
+		filters={
+			"variant_of": ["=", item],
+			"disabled": 0
+		}
+	)
 	if not variant_results:
-		frappe.msgprint(_("There isn't any item variant for the selected item"))
+		frappe.msgprint(_("There aren't any item variants for the selected item"))
 		return []
-		variants = ", ".join([frappe.db.escape(variant['name']) for variant in variant_results])
+		variant_list = [variant['name'] for variant in variant_results]
-	order_count_map = get_open_sales_orders_map(variants)
-	stock_details_map = get_stock_details_map(variants)
-	buying_price_map = get_buying_price_map(variants)
-	selling_price_map = get_selling_price_map(variants)
-	attr_val_map = get_attribute_values_map(variants)
+	order_count_map = get_open_sales_orders_count(variant_list)
+	stock_details_map = get_stock_details_map(variant_list)
+	buying_price_map = get_buying_price_map(variant_list)
+	selling_price_map = get_selling_price_map(variant_list)
+	attr_val_map = get_attribute_values_map(variant_list)
-	attribute_list = [d[0] for d in frappe.db.sql("""select attribute
-		from `tabItem Variant Attribute`
-		where parent in ({variants}) group by attribute""".format(variants=variants))]
+	attributes = frappe.db.get_all(
+		"Item Variant Attribute",
+		fields=["attribute"],
+		filters={
+			"parent": ["in", variant_list]
+		},
+		group_by="attribute"
+	)
+	attribute_list = [row.get("attribute") for row in attributes]
 	# Prepare dicts
 	variant_dicts = [{"variant_name": d['name']} for d in variant_results]
 	for item_dict in variant_dicts:
-		name = item_dict["variant_name"]
+		name = item_dict.get("variant_name")
-		for d in attribute_list:
-			attr_dict = attr_val_map[name]
-			if attr_dict and attr_dict.get(d):
-				item_dict[d] = attr_val_map[name][d]
+		for attribute in attribute_list:
+			attr_dict = attr_val_map.get(name)
+			if attr_dict and attr_dict.get(attribute):
+				item_dict[frappe.scrub(attribute)] = attr_val_map.get(name).get(attribute)
-		item_dict["Open Orders"] = order_count_map.get(name) or 0
+		item_dict["open_orders"] = order_count_map.get(name) or 0
 		if stock_details_map.get(name):
-			item_dict["Inventory"] = stock_details_map.get(name)["Inventory"] or 0
-			item_dict["In Production"] = stock_details_map.get(name)["In Production"] or 0
-			item_dict["Available Selling"] = stock_details_map.get(name)["Available Selling"] or 0
+			item_dict["current_stock"] = stock_details_map.get(name)["Inventory"] or 0
+			item_dict["in_production"] = stock_details_map.get(name)["In Production"] or 0
-			item_dict["Inventory"] = item_dict["In Production"] = item_dict["Available Selling"] = 0
+			item_dict["current_stock"] = item_dict["in_production"] = 0
-		item_dict["Avg. Buying Price List Rate"] = buying_price_map.get(name) or 0
-		item_dict["Avg. Selling Price List Rate"] = selling_price_map.get(name) or 0
+		item_dict["avg_buying_price_list_rate"] = buying_price_map.get(name) or 0
+		item_dict["avg_selling_price_list_rate"] = selling_price_map.get(name) or 0
@@ -71,117 +82,158 @@
 	item_doc = frappe.get_doc("Item", item)
-	for d in item_doc.attributes:
-		columns.append(d.attribute + ":Data:100")
+	for entry in item_doc.attributes:
+		columns.append({
+			"fieldname": frappe.scrub(entry.attribute),
+			"label": entry.attribute,
+			"fieldtype": "Data",
+			"width": 100
+		})
-	columns += [_("Avg. Buying Price List Rate") + ":Currency:110", _("Avg. Selling Price List Rate") + ":Currency:110",
-		_("Inventory") + ":Float:100", _("In Production") + ":Float:100",
-		_("Open Orders") + ":Float:100", _("Available Selling") + ":Float:100"
+	additional_columns = [
+		{
+			"fieldname": "avg_buying_price_list_rate",
+			"label": _("Avg. Buying Price List Rate"),
+			"fieldtype": "Currency",
+			"width": 150
+		},
+		{
+			"fieldname": "avg_selling_price_list_rate",
+			"label": _("Avg. Selling Price List Rate"),
+			"fieldtype": "Currency",
+			"width": 150
+		},
+		{
+			"fieldname": "current_stock",
+			"label": _("Current Stock"),
+			"fieldtype": "Float",
+			"width": 120
+		},
+		{
+			"fieldname": "in_production",
+			"label": _("In Production"),
+			"fieldtype": "Float",
+			"width": 150
+		},
+		{
+			"fieldname": "open_orders",
+			"label": _("Open Sales Orders"),
+			"fieldtype": "Float",
+			"width": 150
+		}
+	columns.extend(additional_columns)
 	return columns
-def get_open_sales_orders_map(variants):
-	open_sales_orders = frappe.db.sql("""
-		select
-			count(*) as count,
-			item_code
-		from
-			`tabSales Order Item`
-		where
-			docstatus = 1 and
-			qty > ifnull(delivered_qty, 0) and
-			item_code in ({variants})
-		group by
-			item_code
-	""".format(variants=variants), as_dict=1)
+def get_open_sales_orders_count(variants_list):
+	open_sales_orders = frappe.db.get_list(
+		"Sales Order",
+		fields=[
+			"name",
+			"`tabSales Order Item`.item_code"
+		],
+		filters=[
+			["Sales Order", "docstatus", "=", 1],
+			["Sales Order Item", "item_code", "in", variants_list]
+		],
+		distinct=1
+	)
 	order_count_map = {}
-	for d in open_sales_orders:
-		order_count_map[d["item_code"]] = d["count"]
+	for row in open_sales_orders:
+		item_code = row.get("item_code")
+		if order_count_map.get(item_code) is None:
+			order_count_map[item_code] = 1
+		else:
+			order_count_map[item_code] += 1
 	return order_count_map
-def get_stock_details_map(variants):
-	stock_details = frappe.db.sql("""
-		select
-			sum(planned_qty) as planned_qty,
-			sum(actual_qty) as actual_qty,
-			sum(projected_qty) as projected_qty,
-			item_code
-		from
-			`tabBin`
-		where
-			item_code in ({variants})
-		group by
-			item_code
-	""".format(variants=variants), as_dict=1)
+def get_stock_details_map(variant_list):
+	stock_details = frappe.db.get_all(
+		"Bin",
+		fields=[
+			"sum(planned_qty) as planned_qty",
+			"sum(actual_qty) as actual_qty",
+			"sum(projected_qty) as projected_qty",
+			"item_code",
+		],
+		filters={
+			"item_code": ["in", variant_list]
+		},
+		group_by="item_code"
+	)
 	stock_details_map = {}
-	for d in stock_details:
-		name = d["item_code"]
+	for row in stock_details:
+		name = row.get("item_code")
 		stock_details_map[name] = {
-			"Inventory" :d["actual_qty"],
-			"In Production" :d["planned_qty"],
-			"Available Selling" :d["projected_qty"]
+			"Inventory": row.get("actual_qty"),
+			"In Production": row.get("planned_qty")
 	return stock_details_map
-def get_buying_price_map(variants):
-	buying = frappe.db.sql("""
-		select
-			avg(price_list_rate) as avg_rate,
-			item_code
-		from
-			`tabItem Price`
-		where
-			item_code in ({variants}) and buying=1
-		group by
-			item_code
-		""".format(variants=variants), as_dict=1)
+def get_buying_price_map(variant_list):
+	buying = frappe.db.get_all(
+		"Item Price",
+		fields=[
+			"avg(price_list_rate) as avg_rate",
+			"item_code",
+		],
+		filters={
+			"item_code": ["in", variant_list],
+			"buying": 1
+		},
+		group_by="item_code"
+	)
 	buying_price_map = {}
-	for d in buying:
-		buying_price_map[d["item_code"]] = d["avg_rate"]
+	for row in buying:
+		buying_price_map[row.get("item_code")] = row.get("avg_rate")
 	return buying_price_map
-def get_selling_price_map(variants):
-	selling = frappe.db.sql("""
-		select
-			avg(price_list_rate) as avg_rate,
-			item_code
-		from
-			`tabItem Price`
-		where
-			item_code in ({variants}) and selling=1
-		group by
-			item_code
-		""".format(variants=variants), as_dict=1)
+def get_selling_price_map(variant_list):
+	selling = frappe.db.get_all(
+		"Item Price",
+		fields=[
+			"avg(price_list_rate) as avg_rate",
+			"item_code",
+		],
+		filters={
+			"item_code": ["in", variant_list],
+			"selling": 1
+		},
+		group_by="item_code"
+	)
 	selling_price_map = {}
-	for d in selling:
-		selling_price_map[d["item_code"]] = d["avg_rate"]
+	for row in selling:
+		selling_price_map[row.get("item_code")] = row.get("avg_rate")
 	return selling_price_map
-def get_attribute_values_map(variants):
-	list_attr = frappe.db.sql("""
-		select
-			attribute, attribute_value, parent
-		from
-			`tabItem Variant Attribute`
-		where
-			parent in ({variants})
-		""".format(variants=variants), as_dict=1)
+def get_attribute_values_map(variant_list):
+	attribute_list = frappe.db.get_all(
+		"Item Variant Attribute",
+		fields=[
+			"attribute",
+			"attribute_value",
+			"parent"
+		],
+		filters={
+			"parent": ["in", variant_list]
+		}
+	)
 	attr_val_map = {}
-	for d in list_attr:
-		name = d["parent"]
+	for row in attribute_list:
+		name = row.get("parent")
 		if not attr_val_map.get(name):
 			attr_val_map[name] = {}
-		attr_val_map[name][d["attribute"]] = d["attribute_value"]
+		attr_val_map[name][row.get("attribute")] = row.get("attribute_value")
 	return attr_val_map