Merge pull request #297 from billyfordon/master
Adding German translation
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/account/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/account/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..817703b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/account/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ "Account": "Konto",
+ "Account Details": "Kontodetails",
+ "Account Name": "Account Name",
+ "Account Type": "Kontotyp",
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Allow Negative Balance": "Lassen Negative Bilanz",
+ "Bank or Cash": "Bank oder Bargeld",
+ "Chargeable": "Geb\u00fchrenpflichtig",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Credit Days": "Kredit-Tage",
+ "Credit Limit": "Kreditlimit",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Debit or Credit": "Debit-oder Kreditkarten",
+ "Employee": "Mitarbeiter",
+ "Expense Account": "Expense Konto",
+ "Fixed Asset Account": "Fixed Asset Konto",
+ "Frozen": "Eingefroren",
+ "Group": "Gruppe",
+ "Group or Ledger": "Gruppe oder Ledger",
+ "Heads (or groups) against which Accounting Entries are made and balances are maintained.": "Heads (oder Gruppen), gegen die Accounting-Eintr\u00e4ge und sind Guthaben gehalten werden.",
+ "If the account is frozen, entries are allowed for the \"Account Manager\" only.": "Wenn das Konto eingefroren ist, werden die Eintr\u00e4ge f\u00fcr die \"Account Manager\" gestattet.",
+ "If this Account represents a Customer, Supplier or Employee, set it here.": "Wenn dieses Konto ein Kunde, Lieferant oder Mitarbeiter, stellen Sie es hier.",
+ "Income Account": "Income Konto",
+ "Is PL Account": "Ist PL Konto",
+ "Ledger": "Hauptbuch",
+ "Level": "Ebene",
+ "Lft": "Lft",
+ "Master Name": "Master Name",
+ "Master Type": "Master Type",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Old Parent": "Old Eltern",
+ "Parent Account": "Hauptkonto",
+ "Rate": "Rate",
+ "Rate at which this tax is applied": "Geschwindigkeit, mit der dieser Steuer an",
+ "Rgt": "Rgt",
+ "Setting Account Type helps in selecting this Account in transactions.": "Einstellung Kontotyp hilft bei der Auswahl der Transaktionen in diesem Konto.",
+ "Supplier": "Lieferant",
+ "Tax": "Steuer",
+ "Yes": "Ja"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/bank_reconciliation/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/bank_reconciliation/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 76f9008..01eb6ba 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/bank_reconciliation/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/bank_reconciliation/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"Select account head of the bank where cheque was deposited.",
- "Entries",
"Update Clearance Date",
"Bank Account",
"To Date",
"From Date",
+ "Entries",
"Get Non Reconciled Entries",
"Bank Reconciliation",
"Total Amount"
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/bank_reconciliation/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/bank_reconciliation/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2febec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/bank_reconciliation/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Bank Account": "Bankkonto",
+ "Bank Reconciliation": "Kontenabstimmung",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Entries": "Eintr\u00e4ge",
+ "From Date": "Von Datum",
+ "Get Non Reconciled Entries": "Holen Non vers\u00f6hnt Eintr\u00e4ge",
+ "Select account head of the bank where cheque was deposited.": "W\u00e4hlen Sie den Kopf des Bankkontos, wo Kontrolle abgelagert wurde.",
+ "To Date": "To Date",
+ "Total Amount": "Gesamtbetrag",
+ "Update Clearance Date": "Aktualisieren Restposten Datum"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/bank_reconciliation_detail/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/bank_reconciliation_detail/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..174ea29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/bank_reconciliation_detail/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Against Account": "Vor Konto",
+ "Bank Reconciliation Detail": "Kontenabstimmung Details",
+ "Cheque Date": "Scheck Datum",
+ "Cheque Number": "Scheck-Nummer",
+ "Clearance Date": "Clearance Datum",
+ "Credit": "Kredit",
+ "Debit": "Soll",
+ "Posting Date": "Buchungsdatum",
+ "The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.": "Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag zu erhalten oder wird tats\u00e4chlich ausgef\u00fchrt.",
+ "Voucher ID": "Gutschein ID"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/budget_control/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/budget_control/locale/_messages_doc.json
index f42d3be..5e1218a 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/budget_control/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/budget_control/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- "Accounts",
- "Budget Control"
+ "Budget Control",
+ "Accounts"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/budget_control/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/budget_control/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f2e15d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/budget_control/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Budget Control": "Budget Control"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/budget_detail/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/budget_detail/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1256d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/budget_detail/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "Account": "Konto",
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Actual": "Tats\u00e4chlich",
+ "Budget Allocated": "Budget",
+ "Budget Detail": "Budget Detailansicht",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/budget_distribution/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/budget_distribution/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd157b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/budget_distribution/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Budget Distribution": "Budget Verteilung",
+ "Budget Distribution Details": "Budget Aussch\u00fcttungsinformationen",
+ "Distribution Name": "Namen der Distribution",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Name of the Budget Distribution": "Name der Verteilung Budget",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/budget_distribution_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/budget_distribution_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 321e638..ad64d35 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/budget_distribution_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/budget_distribution_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"Budget Distribution Detail",
- "Accounts",
"Percentage Allocation",
+ "Accounts",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/budget_distribution_detail/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/budget_distribution_detail/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e609373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/budget_distribution_detail/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Budget Distribution Detail": "Budget Verteilung Detailansicht",
+ "Month": "Monat",
+ "Percentage Allocation": "Prozentuale Aufteilung"
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diff --git a/accounts/doctype/c_form/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/c_form/locale/_messages_doc.json
index c7f6667..e877c43 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/c_form/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/c_form/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"Amended From",
"Total Invoiced Amount",
"File List",
- "Accounts",
+ "Invoice Details",
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
"Fiscal Year",
- "Invoice Details",
+ "Accounts",
"C-Form No",
"Total Amount"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/c_form/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/c_form/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4aa3ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/c_form/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "C-FORM/": "C-FORM /",
+ "C-Form": "C-Form",
+ "C-Form No": "C-Form nicht",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "I": "Ich",
+ "II": "II",
+ "III": "III",
+ "IV": "IV",
+ "Invoice Details": "Rechnungsdetails",
+ "Quarter": "Quartal",
+ "Received Date": "Datum empfangen",
+ "Series": "Serie",
+ "State": "Zustand",
+ "Total Amount": "Gesamtbetrag",
+ "Total Invoiced Amount": "Insgesamt Rechnungsbetrag"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/c_form_invoice_detail/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/c_form_invoice_detail/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a06624d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/c_form_invoice_detail/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "C-Form Invoice Detail": "C-Form Rechnungsdetails",
+ "Grand Total": "Grand Total",
+ "Invoice Date": "Rechnungsdatum",
+ "Invoice No": "Rechnungsnummer",
+ "Net Total": "Total Net",
+ "Territory": "Gebiet"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/cost_center/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/cost_center/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94f0886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/cost_center/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Add rows to set annual budgets on Accounts.": "F\u00fcgen Sie Zeilen hinzu j\u00e4hrlichen Budgets f\u00fcr Konten festgelegt.",
+ "Budget": "Budget",
+ "Budget Details": "Budget Einzelheiten",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Cost Center": "Kostenstellenrechnung",
+ "Cost Center Details": "Kosten Center Details",
+ "Cost Center Name": "Kosten Center Name",
+ "Define Budget for this Cost Center. To set budget action, see <a href=\"#!List/Company\">Company Master</a>": "Definieren Budget f\u00fcr diese Kostenstelle. Um Budget Aktion finden Sie unter <a href=\"#!List/Company\"> Firma Master </ a>",
+ "Distribution Id": "Verteilung Id",
+ "Group": "Gruppe",
+ "Group or Ledger": "Gruppe oder Ledger",
+ "Ledger": "Hauptbuch",
+ "Parent Cost Center": "Eltern Kostenstellenrechnung",
+ "Select Budget Distribution, if you want to track based on seasonality.": "W\u00e4hlen Budget Distribution, wenn Sie basierend auf Saisonalit\u00e4t verfolgen m\u00f6chten.",
+ "Track separate Income and Expense for product verticals or divisions.": "Verfolgen separaten Ertr\u00e4ge und Aufwendungen f\u00fcr die Produktentwicklung Branchen oder Gesch\u00e4ftsbereichen.",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason",
+ "lft": "lft",
+ "old_parent": "old_parent",
+ "rgt": "rgt"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/fiscal_year/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/fiscal_year/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 07be4e6..450be4a 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/fiscal_year/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/fiscal_year/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
"Trash Reason",
"For e.g. 2012, 2012-13",
- "Year Name",
"Fiscal Year Details",
"Fiscal Year",
+ "Year Name",
"**Fiscal Year** represents a Financial Year. All accounting entries and other major transactions are tracked against **Fiscal Year**.",
"Year Start Date",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/fiscal_year/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/fiscal_year/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..352b0d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/fiscal_year/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "**Fiscal Year** represents a Financial Year. All accounting entries and other major transactions are tracked against **Fiscal Year**.": "** Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr ** ein Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr. Alle Buchungen und anderen wichtigen Transaktionen gegen ** Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr ** verfolgt.",
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Entries are not allowed against this Fiscal Year if the year is closed.": "Die Eintr\u00e4ge sind nicht gegen diese Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr zul\u00e4ssig, wenn die Jahre geschlossen ist.",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Fiscal Year Details": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr Einzelheiten",
+ "For e.g. 2012, 2012-13": "F\u00fcr z.B. 2012, 2012-13",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason",
+ "Year Closed": "Jahr geschlossen",
+ "Year Name": "Jahr Name",
+ "Year Start Date": "Jahr Startdatum",
+ "Yes": "Ja"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 09c89e5..e7bfed9 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- "Accounts",
- "GL Control"
+ "GL Control",
+ "Accounts"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39eaf86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_control/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "GL Control": "GL Steuerung"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 9de3b0b..9bf382e 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"Aging Date",
"Journal Voucher",
- "Accounts",
+ "Sales Invoice",
"Purchase Invoice",
"GL Entry",
"Posting Date",
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
"The date at which current entry is made in system.",
"Transaction Date",
"The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.",
- "Sales Invoice",
+ "Accounts",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80ea4d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ "Account": "Konto",
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Against": "Gegen",
+ "Against Voucher": "Gegen Gutschein",
+ "Against Voucher Type": "Gegen Gutschein Type",
+ "Aging Date": "Aging Datum",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Cost Center": "Kostenstellenrechnung",
+ "Credit Amt": "Kredit-Amt",
+ "Debit Amt": "Debit Amt",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "GL Entry": "GL Eintrag",
+ "Is Advance": "Ist Advance",
+ "Is Cancelled": "Wird abgebrochen",
+ "Is Opening": "Er\u00f6ffnet",
+ "Journal Voucher": "Journal Gutschein",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Posting Date": "Buchungsdatum",
+ "Purchase Invoice": "Kaufrechnung",
+ "Remarks": "Bemerkungen",
+ "Sales Invoice": "Sales Invoice",
+ "The date at which current entry is made in system.": "Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag im System hergestellt wird.",
+ "The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.": "Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag zu erhalten oder wird tats\u00e4chlich ausgef\u00fchrt.",
+ "Transaction Date": "Transaction Datum",
+ "Voucher No": "Gutschein Nein",
+ "Voucher Type": "Gutschein Type",
+ "Yes": "Ja"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/de-py.json b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/de-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..392ee6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/gl_entry/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "For opening balance entry account can not be a PL account": "F\u00fcr Er\u00f6ffnungsbilanz Eintrag Konto kann nicht ein PL-Konto sein"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/journal_voucher/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/journal_voucher/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 092f7e3..5876abe 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/journal_voucher/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/journal_voucher/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
"Journal Voucher",
"Make Difference Entry",
- "Write Off Amount <=",
"More Info",
"Total Credit",
@@ -30,6 +29,7 @@
"For opening invoice entry, this date will reflect in the period-wise aging report.",
"Total Debit",
"Debit Note",
+ "Write Off Amount <=",
"Accounts Payable",
"Bill No",
"User Remark",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/journal_voucher/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/journal_voucher/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3b2d94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/journal_voucher/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Accounts Payable": "Kreditorenbuchhaltung",
+ "Accounts Receivable": "Debitorenbuchhaltung",
+ "Aging Date": "Aging Datum",
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Bank Voucher": "Bankgutschein",
+ "Bill Date": "Bill Datum",
+ "Bill No": "Bill No",
+ "Cancel Reason": "Abbrechen Reason",
+ "Cash Voucher": "Cash Gutschein",
+ "Clearance Date": "Clearance Datum",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Contra Voucher": "Contra Gutschein",
+ "Credit Card Voucher": "Credit Card Gutschein",
+ "Credit Note": "Gutschrift",
+ "Debit Note": "Lastschrift",
+ "Difference": "Unterschied",
+ "Due Date": "Due Date",
+ "Entries": "Eintr\u00e4ge",
+ "Excise Voucher": "Excise Gutschein",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "For opening invoice entry, this date will reflect in the period-wise aging report.": "Zum \u00d6ffnen Rechnungserfassung, wird dieses Datum in der Zeit-weise alternden Berichts anzupassen.",
+ "Get Outstanding Invoices": "Holen Ausstehende Rechnungen",
+ "Is Opening": "Er\u00f6ffnet",
+ "JV": "JV",
+ "Journal Entries": "Journal Entries",
+ "Journal Entry": "Journal Entry",
+ "Journal Voucher": "Journal Gutschein",
+ "Make Difference Entry": "Machen Difference Eintrag",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Pay To / Recd From": "Pay To / From RECD",
+ "Posting Date": "Buchungsdatum",
+ "Reference": "Referenz",
+ "Reference Date": "Stichtag",
+ "Reference Number": "Reference Number",
+ "Remark": "Bemerkung",
+ "Select Print Heading": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Drucken \u00dcberschrift",
+ "Series": "Serie",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Der Zeitpunkt, zu dem aktuellen Eintrag in dem System korrigiert.",
+ "The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.": "Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag zu erhalten oder wird tats\u00e4chlich ausgef\u00fchrt.",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Um mehrere Reihen zu verwalten gehen Sie bitte auf Setup> Verwalten Series",
+ "Total Amount": "Gesamtbetrag",
+ "Total Amount in Words": "Insgesamt Betrag in Worten",
+ "Total Credit": "Insgesamt Kredit",
+ "Total Debit": "Insgesamt Debit",
+ "User Remark": "Benutzer Bemerkung",
+ "User Remark will be added to Auto Remark": "Benutzer Bemerkung auf Auto Bemerkung hinzugef\u00fcgt werden",
+ "Voucher Type": "Gutschein Type",
+ "Write Off Amount <=": "Write Off Betrag <=",
+ "Write Off Based On": "Write Off Based On",
+ "Write Off Voucher": "Write Off Gutschein",
+ "Yes": "Ja",
+ "eg. Cheque Number": "zB. Scheck-Nummer"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/journal_voucher_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/journal_voucher_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json
index c3d2225..8e8fff4 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/journal_voucher_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/journal_voucher_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
"Against Journal Voucher",
- "No",
+ "Credit",
"Against Sales Invoice",
+ "No",
"Cost Center",
"Account Balance",
- "Is Advance",
- "Credit",
+ "Journal Voucher Detail",
- "Journal Voucher Detail",
+ "Is Advance",
"Against Purchase Invoice",
"Against Account"
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/journal_voucher_detail/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/journal_voucher_detail/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4144ab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/journal_voucher_detail/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "Account": "Konto",
+ "Account Balance": "Kontostand",
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Against Account": "Vor Konto",
+ "Against Journal Voucher": "Vor Journal Gutschein",
+ "Against Purchase Invoice": "Vor Kaufrechnung",
+ "Against Sales Invoice": "Vor Sales Invoice",
+ "Cost Center": "Kostenstellenrechnung",
+ "Credit": "Kredit",
+ "Debit": "Soll",
+ "Is Advance": "Ist Advance",
+ "Journal Voucher Detail": "Journal Voucher Detail",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Yes": "Ja"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/mis_control/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/mis_control/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61863db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/mis_control/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "MIS Control": "MIS Kontrolle"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/mode_of_payment/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/mode_of_payment/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31a38cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/mode_of_payment/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Default Account": "Default-Konto",
+ "Default Bank / Cash account will be automatically updated in POS Invoice when this mode is selected.": "Standard Bank / Cash-Konto werden automatisch in POS Rechnung aktualisiert werden, wenn dieser Modus ausgew\u00e4hlt ist.",
+ "Mode of Payment": "Zahlungsweise"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/multi_ledger_report_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/multi_ledger_report_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 25f3627..ee7393e 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/multi_ledger_report_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/multi_ledger_report_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- "Accounts",
+ "Multi Ledger Report Detail",
- "Multi Ledger Report Detail"
+ "Accounts"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/multi_ledger_report_detail/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/multi_ledger_report_detail/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7f0317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/multi_ledger_report_detail/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Account": "Konto",
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Multi Ledger Report Detail": "Multi Ledger Detail Report"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 560ec21..9b2ee61 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"Journal Voucher",
"Payment to Invoice Matching Tool",
"Filter By Date",
- "Accounts",
+ "Sales Invoice",
"Purchase Invoice",
"Amount >=",
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"Help HTML",
"Voucher No",
"Filter By Amount",
- "Sales Invoice",
+ "Accounts",
"Total Amount",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2389a28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ "Account": "Konto",
+ "Account Type": "Kontotyp",
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Allocate": "Zuweisen",
+ "Amount <=": "Betrag <=",
+ "Amount >=": "Betrag> =",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Filter By Amount": "Filtern nach Betrag",
+ "Filter By Date": "Nach Datum filtern",
+ "From Date": "Von Datum",
+ "Help HTML": "Helfen Sie HTML",
+ "Journal Voucher": "Journal Gutschein",
+ "Outstanding Amount": "Ausstehenden Betrag",
+ "Payment Entries": "Payment Eintr\u00e4ge",
+ "Payment to Invoice Matching Tool": "Zahlung an Rechnung Matching-Tool",
+ "Pull Payment Entries": "Ziehen Sie Payment Eintr\u00e4ge",
+ "Purchase Invoice": "Kaufrechnung",
+ "Sales Invoice": "Sales Invoice",
+ "To Date": "To Date",
+ "Total Amount": "Gesamtbetrag",
+ "Update allocated amount in the above table and then click \"Allocate\" button": "Aktualisieren Zuteilungsbetrag in der obigen Tabelle und klicken Sie dann auf \"Allocate\"-Taste",
+ "Voucher No": "Gutschein Nein",
+ "Voucher Type": "Gutschein Type"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 6ca7b70..9a8ebb0 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
"Unmatched Amount",
"Total Amount",
"Payment to Invoice Matching Tool Detail",
- "Accounts",
+ "Accounts",
"Voucher Detail No",
"Posting Date",
"Against Account"
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool_detail/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool_detail/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63664df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/payment_to_invoice_matching_tool_detail/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Against Account": "Vor Konto",
+ "Allocated Amount": "Zugeteilten Betrag",
+ "Payment to Invoice Matching Tool Detail": "Zahlung an Rechnung Matching Werkzeug-Detail",
+ "Posting Date": "Buchungsdatum",
+ "Remarks": "Bemerkungen",
+ "Total Amount": "Gesamtbetrag",
+ "Unmatched Amount": "Un\u00fcbertroffene Betrag",
+ "Voucher Detail No": "Gutschein Detailaufnahme",
+ "Voucher No": "Gutschein Nein"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/period_closing_voucher/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/period_closing_voucher/locale/_messages_doc.json
index b5caecc..c57e9a1 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/period_closing_voucher/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/period_closing_voucher/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
"Closing Account Head",
"Amended From",
+ "Remarks",
"Period Closing Voucher",
- "Remarks",
"Closing Fiscal Year",
"Posting Date"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/period_closing_voucher/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/period_closing_voucher/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..481fbb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/period_closing_voucher/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Cancel Reason": "Abbrechen Reason",
+ "Closing Account Head": "Konto schlie\u00dfen Leiter",
+ "Closing Fiscal Year": "Schlie\u00dfen Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "CoA Help": "CoA Hilfe",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Period Closing Voucher": "Periodenverschiebung Gutschein",
+ "Posting Date": "Buchungsdatum",
+ "Remarks": "Bemerkungen",
+ "Transaction Date": "Transaction Datum"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/pos_setting/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/pos_setting/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 9d0814f..22a20b7 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/pos_setting/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/pos_setting/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"Conversion Rate",
+ "Letter Head",
"Select Print Heading",
"Terms and Conditions",
"POS Setting",
@@ -7,13 +8,12 @@
"Cost Center",
- "Letter Head",
+ "Warehouse",
"Cash/Bank Account",
"Income Account",
- "Warehouse",
"Customer Account",
"Price List"
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/pos_setting/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/pos_setting/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37b138a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/pos_setting/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Cash/Bank Account": "Cash / Bank Account",
+ "Charge": "Ladung",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Conversion Rate": "Conversion Rate",
+ "Cost Center": "Kostenstellenrechnung",
+ "Currency": "W\u00e4hrung",
+ "Customer Account": "Kundenkonto",
+ "Income Account": "Income Konto",
+ "Letter Head": "Briefkopf",
+ "POS Setting": "POS Setting",
+ "Price List": "Preisliste",
+ "Select Print Heading": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Drucken \u00dcberschrift",
+ "Series": "Serie",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "AGB",
+ "Territory": "Gebiet",
+ "User": "Benutzer",
+ "Warehouse": "Lager"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 9de230e..326ff24 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
"Supplier Address",
"Net Total (Import)",
+ "Grand Total (Import)",
"Select Items from Purchase Order",
"Credit To",
@@ -26,12 +27,10 @@
"Will be calculated automatically when you enter the details",
"Amended From",
"Taxes and Charges Deducted",
- "Yes",
"Get Items",
"Tax Calculation",
"Purchase Receipt",
- "Remarks",
"Purchase Taxes and Charges",
"Cancel Reason",
"Purchase Invoice",
@@ -50,6 +49,7 @@
"Total Advance",
"Purchase Order",
+ "Remarks",
"Outstanding Amount",
"Bill No",
"In Words",
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
"The rate at which Bill Currency is converted into company's base currency",
- "Grand Total (Import)",
+ "Yes",
"Total Tax",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81ead13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Add / Edit Taxes and Charges": "Hinzuf\u00fcgen / Bearbeiten Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Address": "Adresse",
+ "Advances": "Advances",
+ "Against Expense Account": "Vor Expense Konto",
+ "Aging Date": "Aging Datum",
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "BILL": "BILL",
+ "Bill Date": "Bill Datum",
+ "Bill No": "Bill No",
+ "Calculate Tax": "Steuer rechnen",
+ "Cancel Reason": "Abbrechen Reason",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Consider this Price List for fetching rate. (only which have \"For Buying\" as checked)": "Betrachten Sie diese Preisliste f\u00fcr das Abrufen bewerten. (Nur die haben \"f\u00fcr den Kauf\", wie gepr\u00fcft)",
+ "Contact": "Kontakt",
+ "Contact Email": "Kontakt per E-Mail",
+ "Contact Info": "Kontakt Info",
+ "Contact Person": "Ansprechpartner",
+ "Credit To": "Kredite an",
+ "Currency": "W\u00e4hrung",
+ "Currency & Price List": "W\u00e4hrung & Preisliste",
+ "Due Date": "Due Date",
+ "Entries": "Eintr\u00e4ge",
+ "Exchange Rate": "Wechselkurs",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Get Advances Paid": "Holen Geleistete",
+ "Get Items": "Holen Artikel",
+ "Get Tax Detail": "Holen MwSt. Details",
+ "Grand Total": "Grand Total",
+ "Grand Total (Import)": "Grand Total (Import)",
+ "If not applicable please enter: NA": "Soweit dies nicht zutrifft, geben Sie bitte: NA",
+ "In Words": "In Worte",
+ "In Words (Import)": "In Words (Import)",
+ "In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Invoice.": "In Worte sichtbar sein wird, wenn Sie den Kaufbeleg speichern.",
+ "Is Opening": "Er\u00f6ffnet",
+ "Items": "Artikel",
+ "Mobile No": "In Mobile",
+ "Mode of Payment": "Zahlungsweise",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "Name": "Name",
+ "Net Total": "Total Net",
+ "Net Total (Import)": "Net Total (Import)",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Outstanding Amount": "Ausstehenden Betrag",
+ "Posting Date": "Buchungsdatum",
+ "Price List": "Preisliste",
+ "Price List Currency": "W\u00e4hrung Preisliste",
+ "Price List Exchange Rate": "Preisliste Wechselkurs",
+ "Purchase Invoice": "Kaufrechnung",
+ "Purchase Invoice Advances": "Kaufrechnung Advances",
+ "Purchase Order": "Auftragsbest\u00e4tigung",
+ "Purchase Receipt": "Kaufbeleg",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges": "Purchase Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Recalculate": "Recalculate",
+ "Remarks": "Bemerkungen",
+ "Select Items from Purchase Order": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Elemente aus Purchase Order",
+ "Select Items from Purchase Receipt": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Elemente aus Kaufbeleg",
+ "Select Print Heading": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Drucken \u00dcberschrift",
+ "Series": "Serie",
+ "Supplier": "Lieferant",
+ "Supplier Address": "Lieferant Adresse",
+ "Tax Calculation": "Steuerberechnung",
+ "Taxes": "Steuern",
+ "Taxes and Charges Added": "Steuern und Abgaben am",
+ "Taxes and Charges Added (Import)": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren Added (Import)",
+ "Taxes and Charges Deducted": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren Abgezogen",
+ "Taxes and Charges Deducted (Import)": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren abgezogen (Import)",
+ "The account to which you will pay (have paid) the money to.": "Das Konto, auf die Sie bezahlen (bezahlt) das Geld.",
+ "The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.": "Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag zu erhalten oder wird tats\u00e4chlich ausgef\u00fchrt.",
+ "The rate at which Bill Currency is converted into company's base currency": "Die Rate, mit der Bill W\u00e4hrung in Unternehmen Basisw\u00e4hrung umgewandelt wird",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Um mehrere Reihen zu verwalten gehen Sie bitte auf Setup> Verwalten Series",
+ "Total Advance": "Insgesamt Geleistete",
+ "Total Amount To Pay": "Insgesamt zu zahlenden Betrag",
+ "Total Tax": "Total Tax",
+ "Totals": "Totals",
+ "Will be calculated automatically when you enter the details": "Wird automatisch berechnet, wenn Sie die Daten eingeben",
+ "Write Off Account": "Write Off Konto",
+ "Write Off Amount": "Write Off Betrag",
+ "Write Off Cost Center": "Write Off Kostenstellenrechnung",
+ "Yes": "Ja"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/de-py.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/de-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bbfd97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "Please enter Bill Date": "Bitte geben Sie Bill Datum"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_advance/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_advance/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 4c938f4..0bb52e8 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_advance/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_advance/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"Allocated Amount",
"Journal Voucher Detail No",
"Journal Voucher",
- "Accounts",
+ "Accounts",
"Purchase Invoice Advance"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_advance/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_advance/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13e6c81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_advance/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Advance Amount": "Voraus Betrag",
+ "Allocated Amount": "Zugeteilten Betrag",
+ "Journal Voucher": "Journal Gutschein",
+ "Journal Voucher Detail No": "In Journal Voucher Detail",
+ "Purchase Invoice Advance": "Advance Purchase Rechnung",
+ "Remarks": "Bemerkungen"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b62f81c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Amount": "Menge",
+ "Amount*": "Betrag *",
+ "Brand": "Marke",
+ "Cost Center": "Kostenstellenrechnung",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Discount %": "Discount%",
+ "Expense Head": "Expense Leiter",
+ "Item": "Artikel",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Item Name": "Item Name",
+ "Item Tax Amount": "Artikel Steuerbetrag",
+ "Item Tax Rate": "Artikel Tax Rate",
+ "PR Detail": "PR Detailansicht",
+ "Page Break": "Seitenwechsel",
+ "Project Name": "Project Name",
+ "Pur Order": "Bestellen Pur",
+ "Pur Receipt": "Pur Receipt",
+ "Purchase Invoice Item": "Kaufrechnung Artikel",
+ "Purchase Order Item": "Bestellposition",
+ "Qty": "Menge",
+ "Rate*": "Rate *",
+ "Ref Rate*": "Ref Rate *",
+ "UOM": "UOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_taxes_and_charges/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_taxes_and_charges/locale/_messages_doc.json
index b13e0ed..c6e9b51 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/purchase_taxes_and_charges/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_taxes_and_charges/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -4,17 +4,17 @@
"On Previous Row Amount",
"Cost Center",
- "Purchase Taxes and Charges",
"Item Wise Tax Detail ",
- "Accounts",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges",
"Tax Amount",
"Add or Deduct",
+ "Accounts",
"Enter Row",
"Cheating Field\nPlease do not delete ",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_taxes_and_charges/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_taxes_and_charges/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7abe5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_taxes_and_charges/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ "Account Head": "Konto Leiter",
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Actual": "Tats\u00e4chlich",
+ "Add": "Hinzuf\u00fcgen",
+ "Add or Deduct": "Hinzuf\u00fcgen oder abziehen",
+ "Amount": "Menge",
+ "Consider Tax or Charge for": "Betrachten Sie Steuern oder Geb\u00fchren f\u00fcr die",
+ "Cost Center": "Kostenstellenrechnung",
+ "Deduct": "Abziehen",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Enter Row": "Geben Row",
+ "On Net Total": "On Net Total",
+ "On Previous Row Amount": "Auf Previous Row Betrag",
+ "On Previous Row Total": "Auf Previous Row insgesamt",
+ "Parenttype": "ParentType",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges": "Purchase Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Rate": "Rate",
+ "Tax Amount": "Steuerbetrag",
+ "Total": "Gesamt",
+ "Total +Tax": "Total + MwSt.",
+ "Type": "Typ",
+ "Valuation": "Bewertung",
+ "Valuation and Total": "Bewertung und insgesamt"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/purchase_taxes_and_charges_master/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/purchase_taxes_and_charges_master/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ef07e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/purchase_taxes_and_charges_master/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Default": "Default",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges": "Purchase Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges Master": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren Meister Kauf",
+ "Title": "Titel"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/locale/_messages_doc.json b/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 88e5fe6..47479e7 100644
--- a/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
"Conversion Rate",
- "The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.",
+ "The account to which you will pay (have paid) the money to.",
"More Info",
"C-Form Applicable",
"Paid Amount",
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
"The unique id for tracking all recurring invoices.\u00a0It is generated on submit.",
"The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.",
"Gross Profit (%)",
- "Sales Invoice",
+ "Accounts",
"Rounded Total",
"To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series",
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
"Recurring Id",
- "Accounts",
"Is Opening",
"Total Commission",
@@ -85,6 +84,7 @@
"Rounded Total (Export)",
"In Words (Export)",
+ "Sales Invoice",
"Contact Info",
"Select the currency in which price list is maintained",
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@
"Customer Group",
"Mode of Payment",
"Basic Info",
+ "The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.",
"Next Date",
- "The account to which you will pay (have paid) the money to.",
"Repeat on Day of Month",
"Convert into Recurring Invoice",
"Taxes and Charges Calculation",
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/locale/de-doc.json b/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e762052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Address": "Adresse",
+ "Advances": "Advances",
+ "Advertisement": "Anzeige",
+ "Against Income Account": "Vor Income Konto",
+ "Aging Date": "Aging Datum",
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Basic Info": "Basic Info",
+ "C-Form Applicable": "C-Form,",
+ "C-Form No": "C-Form nicht",
+ "Calculate Taxes and Charges": "Berechnen Sie Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Campaign": "Kampagne",
+ "Cancel Reason": "Abbrechen Reason",
+ "Cash/Bank Account": "Cash / Bank Account",
+ "Check if recurring invoice, uncheck to stop recurring or put proper End Date": "Pr\u00fcfen Sie, ob wiederkehrende Rechnung, deaktivieren zu stoppen wiederkehrende oder legen richtigen Enddatum",
+ "Cold Calling": "Cold Calling",
+ "Commission Rate (%)": "Kommission Rate (%)",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Contact": "Kontakt",
+ "Contact Email": "Kontakt per E-Mail",
+ "Contact Info": "Kontakt Info",
+ "Contact Person": "Ansprechpartner",
+ "Conversion Rate": "Conversion Rate",
+ "Convert into Recurring Invoice": "Konvertieren in Wiederkehrende Rechnung",
+ "Currency": "W\u00e4hrung",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Customer Address": "Kundenadresse",
+ "Customer Group": "Customer Group",
+ "Customer's Vendor": "Kunden Hersteller",
+ "Debit To": "Debit Um",
+ "Delivery Note": "Lieferschein",
+ "Due Date": "Due Date",
+ "End Date": "Enddatum",
+ "End date of current invoice's period": "Ende der laufenden Rechnung der Zeit",
+ "Enter email id separated by commas, invoice will be mailed automatically on particular date": "Geben Sie E-Mail-ID durch Kommata getrennt, wird Rechnung automatisch auf bestimmte Zeitpunkt zugeschickt",
+ "Enter the date by which payments from customer is expected against this invoice.": "Geben Sie das Datum der Zahlungen von Kunden gegen diese Rechnung erwartet wird.",
+ "Entries": "Eintr\u00e4ge",
+ "Exhibition": "Ausstellung",
+ "Existing Customer": "Bestehende Kunden",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Get Advances Received": "Holen Erhaltene Anzahlungen",
+ "Get Items": "Holen Artikel",
+ "Get Taxes and Charges": "Holen Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Get Terms and Conditions": "Holen AGB",
+ "Grand Total": "Grand Total",
+ "Grand Total (Export)": "Grand Total (Export)",
+ "Gross Profit": "Bruttogewinn",
+ "Gross Profit (%)": "Gross Profit (%)",
+ "Half-yearly": "Halbj\u00e4hrlich",
+ "INV": "INV",
+ "INV/10-11/": "INV/10-11 /",
+ "In Words": "In Worte",
+ "In Words (Export)": "In Words (Export)",
+ "In Words will be visible once you save the Sales Invoice.": "In Worte sichtbar sein wird, sobald Sie das Sales Invoice speichern.",
+ "Invoice Period From Date": "Rechnung ab Kaufdatum",
+ "Invoice Period To Date": "Rechnung Zeitraum To Date",
+ "Is Opening": "Er\u00f6ffnet",
+ "Is POS": "Ist POS",
+ "Items": "Artikel",
+ "Letter Head": "Briefkopf",
+ "Mass Mailing": "Mass Mailing",
+ "Mobile No": "In Mobile",
+ "Mode of Payment": "Zahlungsweise",
+ "Monthly": "Monatlich",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "Name": "Name",
+ "Net Total*": "* Net Total",
+ "Next Date": "N\u00e4chster Termin",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Notification Email Address": "Benachrichtigung per E-Mail-Adresse",
+ "Outstanding Amount": "Ausstehenden Betrag",
+ "Packing Details": "Verpackungs-Details",
+ "Packing List": "Packliste",
+ "Paid Amount": "Gezahlten Betrag",
+ "Payments": "Zahlungen",
+ "Posting Date": "Buchungsdatum",
+ "Posting Time": "Posting Zeit",
+ "Price List": "Preisliste",
+ "Price List Currency": "W\u00e4hrung Preisliste",
+ "Price List Currency Conversion Rate": "Preisliste Currency Conversion Rate",
+ "Price List and Currency": "Listenpreis und W\u00e4hrungsrechner",
+ "Project Name": "Project Name",
+ "Quarterly": "Viertelj\u00e4hrlich",
+ "Rate at which Customer Currency is converted to customer's base currency": "Kunden Rate, mit der W\u00e4hrung wird nach Kundenwunsch Basisw\u00e4hrung umgerechnet",
+ "Rate at which Price list currency is converted to customer's base currency": "Geschwindigkeit, mit der W\u00e4hrung der Preisliste des Kunden Basisw\u00e4hrung umgewandelt wird",
+ "Re-Calculate Values": "Neu berechnen Werte",
+ "Recurring Id": "Wiederkehrende Id",
+ "Recurring Invoice": "Wiederkehrende Rechnung",
+ "Recurring Type": "Wiederkehrende Typ",
+ "Reference": "Referenz",
+ "Remarks": "Bemerkungen",
+ "Repeat on Day of Month": "Wiederholen Sie auf Tag des Monats",
+ "Rounded Total": "Abgerundete insgesamt",
+ "Rounded Total (Export)": "Abgerundete Total (Export)",
+ "Sales BOM Help": "Vertrieb BOM Hilfe",
+ "Sales Invoice": "Sales Invoice",
+ "Sales Invoice Advance": "Sales Invoice Geleistete",
+ "Sales Order": "Sales Order",
+ "Sales Partner": "Vertriebspartner",
+ "Sales Team": "Sales Team",
+ "Sales Team1": "Vertrieb Team1",
+ "Select Items from Delivery Note": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Elemente aus Lieferschein",
+ "Select Items from Sales Order": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Objekte aus Kundenauftrag",
+ "Select Print Heading": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Drucken \u00dcberschrift",
+ "Select Terms and Conditions": "W\u00e4hlen AGB",
+ "Select the currency in which price list is maintained": "W\u00e4hlen Sie die W\u00e4hrung, in der Preisliste wird beibehalten",
+ "Select the period when the invoice will be generated automatically": "W\u00e4hlen Sie den Zeitraum auf der Rechnung wird automatisch erzeugt werden",
+ "Series": "Serie",
+ "Source": "Quelle",
+ "Start date of current invoice's period": "Startdatum der laufenden Rechnung der Zeit",
+ "Supplier Reference": "Lieferant Reference",
+ "Taxes and Charges": "Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Taxes and Charges Calculation": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren Berechnung",
+ "Taxes and Charges1": "Steuern und Kosten1",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "AGB",
+ "Terms and Conditions Details": "AGB Einzelheiten",
+ "Terms and Conditions HTML": "AGB HTML",
+ "Territory": "Gebiet",
+ "The account to which you will pay (have paid) the money to.": "Das Konto, auf die Sie bezahlen (bezahlt) das Geld.",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Der Zeitpunkt, zu dem aktuellen Eintrag in dem System korrigiert.",
+ "The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.": "Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag zu erhalten oder wird tats\u00e4chlich ausgef\u00fchrt.",
+ "The date on which recurring invoice will be stop": "Der Tag, an dem wiederkehrende Rechnung werden aufh\u00f6ren wird",
+ "The day of the month on which auto invoice will be generated e.g. 05, 28 etc ": "Der Tag des Monats, an dem auto Rechnung generiert zB werden 05, 28 etc",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Um mehrere Reihen zu verwalten gehen Sie bitte auf Setup> Verwalten Series",
+ "Total Advance": "Insgesamt Geleistete",
+ "Total Commission": "Gesamt Kommission",
+ "Total Taxes and Charges": "Insgesamt Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Totals": "Totals",
+ "Track this Sales Invoice against any Project": "Verfolgen Sie diesen Sales Invoice gegen Projekt",
+ "Update Stock": "Aktualisieren Lager",
+ "Will be calculated automatically when you enter the details": "Wird automatisch berechnet, wenn Sie die Daten eingeben",
+ "Write Off Account": "Write Off Konto",
+ "Write Off Amount": "Write Off Betrag",
+ "Write Off Cost Center": "Write Off Kostenstellenrechnung",
+ "Write Off Outstanding Amount": "Write Off ausstehenden Betrag",
+ "Yearly": "J\u00e4hrlich",
+ "Yes": "Ja"
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ ": Mandatory for a Recurring Invoice.": ": Obligatorisch f\u00fcr ein Recurring Invoice.",
+ "Invalid Email Address": "Ung\u00fcltige E-Mail-Adresse"
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--- a/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice_advance/locale/_messages_doc.json
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@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
"Journal Voucher Detail No",
"Journal Voucher",
"Sales Invoice Advance",
- "Accounts",
- "Remarks"
+ "Remarks",
+ "Accounts"
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Advance amount": "Vorschuss in H\u00f6he",
+ "Allocated amount": "Zugeteilten Betrag",
+ "Journal Voucher": "Journal Gutschein",
+ "Journal Voucher Detail No": "In Journal Voucher Detail",
+ "Remarks": "Bemerkungen",
+ "Sales Invoice Advance": "Sales Invoice Geleistete"
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..5280507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/sales_invoice_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Amount": "Menge",
+ "Amount*": "Betrag *",
+ "Available Qty at Warehouse": "Verf\u00fcgbare Menge bei Warehouse",
+ "Barcode": "Strichcode",
+ "Basic Rate": "Basic Rate",
+ "Basic Rate*": "Basic Rate *",
+ "Batch No": "Batch No",
+ "Brand Name": "Markenname",
+ "Clear Pending": "L\u00f6schen Pending",
+ "Cost Center": "Kostenstellenrechnung",
+ "Customer's Item Code": "Kunden Item Code",
+ "DN Detail": "DN Detailansicht",
+ "Delivered Qty": "Geliefert Menge",
+ "Delivery Note": "Lieferschein",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Discount (%)": "Rabatt (%)",
+ "Income Account": "Income Konto",
+ "Item": "Artikel",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Item Name": "Item Name",
+ "Item Tax Rate": "Artikel Tax Rate",
+ "Page Break": "Seitenwechsel",
+ "Price List Rate": "Preis List",
+ "Price List Rate*": "Preis List *",
+ "Qty": "Menge",
+ "Sales Invoice Item": "Sales Invoice Artikel",
+ "Sales Order": "Sales Order",
+ "Serial No": "Serial In",
+ "UOM": "UOM",
+ "Warehouse": "Lager"
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..4a1792c
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ "Account Head": "Konto Leiter",
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Actual": "Tats\u00e4chlich",
+ "Amount": "Menge",
+ "Cost Center": "Kostenstellenrechnung",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Enter Row": "Geben Row",
+ "If checked, the tax amount will be considered as already included in the Print Rate / Print Amount": "Wenn aktiviert, wird der Steuerbetrag als bereits in der Print Rate / Print Menge aufgenommen werden",
+ "Is this Tax included in Basic Rate?": "Wird diese Steuer in Basic Rate inbegriffen?",
+ "On Net Total": "On Net Total",
+ "On Previous Row Amount": "Auf Previous Row Betrag",
+ "On Previous Row Total": "Auf Previous Row insgesamt",
+ "Parenttype": "ParentType",
+ "Rate": "Rate",
+ "Sales Taxes and Charges": "Vertrieb Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Total": "Gesamt",
+ "Total Amount": "Gesamtbetrag",
+ "Total Tax Amount": "Total Tax Amount",
+ "Type": "Typ"
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "* Will be calculated in the transaction.": "* Wird in der Transaktion berechnet werden.",
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Default": "Default",
+ "Sales Taxes and Charges Master": "Vertrieb Steuern und Abgaben Meister",
+ "Title": "Titel"
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/trend_analyzer_control/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Trend Analyzer Control": "Trend Analyzer Steuerung"
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "not within Fiscal Year": "nicht innerhalb Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr"
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--- a/accounts/module_def/accounts/locale/_messages_doc.json
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@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
- "Trial Balance",
"Standard tax template that can be applied to all Purchase Transactions. This template can contain list of tax heads and also other expense heads like \"Shipping\", \"Insurance\", \"Handling\" etc.\n\n#### Note\n\nThe tax rate you define here will be the standard tax rate for all **Items**. If there are **Items** that have different rates, they must be added in the **Item Tax** table in the **Item** master.\n\n#### Description of Columns\n\n1. Calculation Type: \n - This can be on **Net Total** (that is the sum of basic amount).\n - **On Previous Row Total / Amount** (for cumulative taxes or charges). If you select this option, the tax will be applied as a percentage of the previous row (in the tax table) amount or total.\n - **Actual** (as mentioned).\n2. Account Head: The Account ledger under which this tax will be booked\n3. Cost Center: If the tax / charge is an income (like shipping) or expense it needs to be booked against a Cost Center.\n4. Description: Description of the tax (that will be printed in invoices / quotes).\n5. Rate: Tax rate.\n6. Amount: Tax amount.\n7. Total: Cumulative total to this point.\n8. Enter Row: If based on \"Previous Row Total\" you can select the row number which will be taken as a base for this calculation (default is the previous row).\n9. Consider Tax or Charge for: In this section you can specify if the tax / charge is only for valuation (not a part of total) or only for total (does not add value to the item) or for both.\n10. Add or Deduct: Whether you want to add or deduct the tax.",
"Voucher Import Tool",
"Standard tax template that can be applied to all Sales Transactions. This template can contain list of tax heads and also other expense / income heads like \"Shipping\", \"Insurance\", \"Handling\" etc.\n\n#### Note\n\nThe tax rate you define here will be the standard tax rate for all **Items**. If there are **Items** that have different rates, they must be added in the **Item Tax** table in the **Item** master.\n\n#### Description of Columns\n\n1. Calculation Type: \n - This can be on **Net Total** (that is the sum of basic amount).\n - **On Previous Row Total / Amount** (for cumulative taxes or charges). If you select this option, the tax will be applied as a percentage of the previous row (in the tax table) amount or total.\n - **Actual** (as mentioned).\n2. Account Head: The Account ledger under which this tax will be booked\n3. Cost Center: If the tax / charge is an income (like shipping) or expense it needs to be booked against a Cost Center.\n4. Description: Description of the tax (that will be printed in invoices / quotes).\n5. Rate: Tax rate.\n6. Amount: Tax amount.\n7. Total: Cumulative total to this point.\n8. Enter Row: If based on \"Previous Row Total\" you can select the row number which will be taken as a base for this calculation (default is the previous row).\n9. Is this Tax included in Basic Rate?: If you check this, it means that this tax will not be shown below the item table, but will be included in the Basic Rate in your main item table. This is useful where you want give a flat price (inclusive of all taxes) price to customers.",
@@ -9,10 +8,11 @@
"**Budget Distribution** helps you distribute your budget across months if you have seasonality in your business.\n\nTo distribute a budget using this distribution, set this **Budget Distribution** in the **Cost Center**",
"Financial Statements",
"General Ledger",
+ "Accounts Home",
"Ordered Items To Be Billed",
"**Fiscal Year** represents a Financial Year. All accounting entries and other major transactions are tracked against **Fiscal Year**.",
"Financial Analytics",
"Accounts Browser",
"Heads (or groups) against which Accounting Entries are made and balances are maintained.",
- "Accounts Home"
+ "Trial Balance"
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index 0000000..27cc23e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/module_def/accounts/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ "**Fiscal Year** represents a Financial Year. All accounting entries and other major transactions are tracked against **Fiscal Year**.": "** Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr ** ein Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr. Alle Buchungen und anderen wichtigen Transaktionen gegen ** Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr ** verfolgt.",
+ "Accounts Browser": "Konten Browser",
+ "Accounts Home": "Accounts Startseite",
+ "Delivered Items To Be Billed": "Liefergegenst\u00e4nde in Rechnung gestellt werden",
+ "Financial Analytics": "Financial Analytics",
+ "Financial Statements": "Financial Statements",
+ "General Ledger": "General Ledger",
+ "Gross Profit": "Bruttogewinn",
+ "Heads (or groups) against which Accounting Entries are made and balances are maintained.": "Heads (oder Gruppen), gegen die Accounting-Eintr\u00e4ge und sind Guthaben gehalten werden.",
+ "Ordered Items To Be Billed": "Bestellte Artikel in Rechnung gestellt werden",
+ "Track separate Income and Expense for product verticals or divisions.": "Verfolgen separaten Ertr\u00e4ge und Aufwendungen f\u00fcr die Produktentwicklung Branchen oder Gesch\u00e4ftsbereichen.",
+ "Trial Balance": "Rohbilanz",
+ "Voucher Import Tool": "Gutschein Import Tool"
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index 0000000..2bea89d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/page/accounts_home/locale/de-js.json
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ "Accounting journal entries.": "Accounting Journaleintr\u00e4ge.",
+ "Analytics": "Analytics",
+ "Bank Reconciliation": "Kontenabstimmung",
+ "Bills raised by Suppliers.": "Bills erh\u00f6ht durch den Lieferanten.",
+ "Bills raised to Customers.": "Bills angehoben, um Kunden.",
+ "Budget Distribution": "Budget Verteilung",
+ "C-Form": "C-Form",
+ "Chart of Accounts": "Kontenplan",
+ "Chart of Cost Centers": "Abbildung von Kostenstellen",
+ "Delivered Items To Be Billed": "Liefergegenst\u00e4nde in Rechnung gestellt werden",
+ "Documents": "Unterlagen",
+ "Financial Analytics": "Financial Analytics",
+ "Financial Statements": "Financial Statements",
+ "General Ledger": "General Ledger",
+ "Gross Profit": "Bruttogewinn",
+ "Journal Voucher": "Journal Gutschein",
+ "Main Reports": "Haupt-Reports",
+ "Manage sales or purchase returns": "Verwalten Verkauf oder Kauf Renditen",
+ "Masters": "Masters",
+ "Match non-linked Invoices and Payments.": "Spiel nicht verkn\u00fcpften Rechnungen und Zahlungen.",
+ "Mode of Payment": "Zahlungsweise",
+ "Ordered Items To Be Billed": "Bestellte Artikel in Rechnung gestellt werden",
+ "Payment Reconciliation": "Payment Vers\u00f6hnung",
+ "Period Closing Voucher": "Periodenverschiebung Gutschein",
+ "Point-of-Sale Setting": "Point-of-Sale-Einstellung",
+ "Purchase Invoice": "Kaufrechnung",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges Master": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren Meister Kauf",
+ "Reports": "Reports",
+ "Sales Invoice": "Sales Invoice",
+ "Sales Taxes and Charges Master": "Vertrieb Steuern und Abgaben Meister",
+ "Sales and Purchase Return Tool": "Sales and Purchase Return-Tool",
+ "Seasonality for setting budgets.": "Saisonalit\u00e4t setzt Budgets.",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Structure cost centers for budgeting.": "Structure Kostenstellen f\u00fcr die Budgetierung.",
+ "Structure of books of accounts.": "Struktur der B\u00fccher von Konten.",
+ "Tax Template for Purchase": "MwSt. Vorlage f\u00fcr Kauf",
+ "Tax Template for Sales": "MwSt. Template f\u00fcr Vertrieb",
+ "Template of terms or contract.": "Vorlage von Begriffen oder Vertrag.",
+ "Terms and Conditions Template": "AGB Template",
+ "Tools": "Werkzeuge",
+ "Trend Analyzer": "Trend Analyzer",
+ "Trial Balance": "Rohbilanz",
+ "Update bank payment dates with journals.": "Update Bank Zahlungstermine mit Zeitschriften.",
+ "Voucher Import Tool": "Gutschein Import Tool",
+ "e.g. Bank, Cash, Credit Card": "z.B. Bank, Bargeld, Kreditkarte"
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7cd928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/purchase_common/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Buying": "Kauf",
+ "Purchase Common": "Erwerb Eigener"
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index 4da9445..31be1c1 100644
--- a/buying/doctype/purchase_order/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/buying/doctype/purchase_order/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
"Currency & Price List",
"More Info",
"You can make a purchase order from multiple Material Requests. Select Material Requests one by one and click on the button below.",
- "Draft",
"Net Total (Import)",
"% Received",
"Select Print Heading",
@@ -52,6 +51,7 @@
"Calculate Tax",
+ "Draft",
"Terms and Conditions HTML",
"Cancel Reason",
diff --git a/buying/doctype/purchase_order/locale/de-doc.json b/buying/doctype/purchase_order/locale/de-doc.json
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index 0000000..91a955b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/purchase_order/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ "% Billed": "% Billed",
+ "% Received": "% Erhaltene",
+ "% of materials billed against this Purchase Order.": "% Der Materialien gegen diese Bestellung in Rechnung gestellt.",
+ "% of materials received against this Purchase Order": "% Der Materialien erhalten gegen diese Bestellung",
+ "Address": "Adresse",
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Buying": "Kauf",
+ "Calculate Tax": "Steuer rechnen",
+ "Cancel Reason": "Abbrechen Reason",
+ "Cancelled": "Abgesagt",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Consider this Price List for fetching rate. (only which have \"For Buying\" as checked)": "Betrachten Sie diese Preisliste f\u00fcr das Abrufen bewerten. (Nur die haben \"f\u00fcr den Kauf\", wie gepr\u00fcft)",
+ "Contact": "Kontakt",
+ "Contact Email": "Kontakt per E-Mail",
+ "Contact Info": "Kontakt Info",
+ "Contact Person": "Ansprechpartner",
+ "Currency": "W\u00e4hrung",
+ "Currency & Price List": "W\u00e4hrung & Preisliste",
+ "Draft": "Entwurf",
+ "Exchange Rate": "Wechselkurs",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Get Items": "Holen Artikel",
+ "Get Last Purchase Rate": "Get Last Purchase Rate",
+ "Get Tax Detail": "Holen MwSt. Details",
+ "Get Terms and Conditions": "Holen AGB",
+ "Grand Total": "Grand Total",
+ "Grand Total (Import)": "Grand Total (Import)",
+ "If you have created a standard template in Purchase Taxes and Charges Master, select one and click on the button below.": "Wenn Sie ein Standard-Template in Kauf Steuern und Abgaben Meister erstellt haben, w\u00e4hlen Sie eine aus und klicken Sie auf den Button unten.",
+ "In Words": "In Worte",
+ "In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Order.": "In Worte sichtbar sein wird, wenn Sie die Bestellung zu speichern.",
+ "In Words(Import)": "In Words (Import)",
+ "Instructions": "Anleitung",
+ "Is Subcontracted": "Ist Fremdleistungen",
+ "Items": "Artikel",
+ "Letter Head": "Briefkopf",
+ "Mobile No": "In Mobile",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "Name": "Name",
+ "Net Total (Import)": "Net Total (Import)",
+ "Net Total*": "* Net Total",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "PO": "PO",
+ "Payment Terms": "Zahlungsbedingungen",
+ "Price List": "Preisliste",
+ "Price List Currency": "W\u00e4hrung Preisliste",
+ "Price List Exchange Rate": "Preisliste Wechselkurs",
+ "Purchase Order": "Auftragsbest\u00e4tigung",
+ "Purchase Order Date": "Bestelldatum",
+ "Purchase Order Items": "Bestellpositionen",
+ "Purchase Order Items Supplied": "Bestellung Lieferumfang",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges": "Purchase Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Rate at which supplier's currency is converted to company's base currency": "Geschwindigkeit, mit der Lieferanten W\u00e4hrung Unternehmens Basisw\u00e4hrung umgewandelt wird",
+ "Raw Material Details": "Raw Material Einzelheiten",
+ "Re-Calculate Values": "Neu berechnen Werte",
+ "Ref SQ": "Ref SQ",
+ "Remarks": "Bemerkungen",
+ "Required raw materials issued to the supplier for producing a sub - contracted item.": "Erforderliche Rohstoffe Ausgestellt an den Lieferanten produziert eine sub - Vertragsgegenstand.",
+ "Rounded Total": "Abgerundete insgesamt",
+ "Select Material Request": "Markieren Sie das Material anfordern",
+ "Select Print Heading": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Drucken \u00dcberschrift",
+ "Select Supplier Quotation": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Lieferant Quotation",
+ "Select Terms and Conditions": "W\u00e4hlen AGB",
+ "Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies": "W\u00e4hlen Sie den entsprechenden Firmennamen, wenn Sie mehrere Unternehmen haben",
+ "Series": "Serie",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Stopped": "Gestoppt",
+ "Submitted": "Eingereicht",
+ "Supplier": "Lieferant",
+ "Supplier (vendor) name as entered in supplier master": "Lieferant (Kreditor) Namen wie im Lieferantenstamm eingetragen",
+ "Supplier Address": "Lieferant Adresse",
+ "Supplier's currency": "Lieferant W\u00e4hrung",
+ "Tax Calculation": "Steuerberechnung",
+ "Taxes": "Steuern",
+ "Taxes and Charges Added": "Steuern und Abgaben am",
+ "Taxes and Charges Added (Import)": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren Added (Import)",
+ "Taxes and Charges Deducted": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren Abgezogen",
+ "Taxes and Charges Deducted (Import)": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren abgezogen (Import)",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "AGB",
+ "Terms and Conditions HTML": "AGB HTML",
+ "Terms and Conditions1": "Allgemeine Bedingungen1",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Der Zeitpunkt, zu dem aktuellen Eintrag in dem System korrigiert.",
+ "The date at which current entry is made in system.": "Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag im System hergestellt wird.",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Um mehrere Reihen zu verwalten gehen Sie bitte auf Setup> Verwalten Series",
+ "Total Tax*": "Total Tax *",
+ "Totals": "Totals",
+ "Yes": "Ja",
+ "You can make a purchase order from multiple Material Requests. Select Material Requests one by one and click on the button below.": "Sie k\u00f6nnen eine Bestellung von mehreren Werkstoff Requests machen. Markieren Sie das Material Requests nacheinander aus und klicken Sie auf den Button unten.",
+ "You can make a purchase order from multiple Supplier Quotations. Select Supplier Quotations one by one and click on the button below.": "Sie k\u00f6nnen eine Bestellung von mehreren Lieferanten Angebote zu machen. W\u00e4hlen Sie Lieferant Zitate eins nach dem anderen, und klicken Sie auf den Button unten."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/purchase_order_item/locale/de-doc.json b/buying/doctype/purchase_order_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae04929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/purchase_order_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ "Amount": "Menge",
+ "Amount*": "Betrag *",
+ "Billed Quantity": "Angek\u00fcndigt Menge",
+ "Brand": "Marke",
+ "Buying": "Kauf",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Discount %": "Discount%",
+ "If Supplier Part Number exists for given Item, it gets stored here": "Wenn der Lieferant Teilenummer existiert f\u00fcr bestimmte Artikel, wird es hier gespeichert",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Item Name": "Item Name",
+ "Item Tax Rate": "Artikel Tax Rate",
+ "Material Request Date": "Material Request Date",
+ "Material Request Detail No": "Material anfordern Im Detail",
+ "Material Request No": "Material anfordern On",
+ "Page Break": "Seitenwechsel",
+ "Prevdoc DocType": "Prevdoc DocType",
+ "Project Name": "Project Name",
+ "Purchase Order Item": "Bestellposition",
+ "Quantity": "Menge",
+ "Rate*": "Rate *",
+ "Received Qty": "Erhaltene Menge",
+ "Ref Rate*": "Ref Rate *",
+ "Reqd By Date": "Reqd Nach Datum",
+ "Stock Qty": "Lieferbar Menge",
+ "Stock UOM": "Lager UOM",
+ "Supplier Part Number": "Lieferant Teilenummer",
+ "Supplier Quotation": "Lieferant Angebot",
+ "Supplier Quotation Item": "Lieferant Angebotsposition",
+ "UOM": "UOM",
+ "UOM Conversion Factor": "UOM Umrechnungsfaktor",
+ "Warehouse": "Lager"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/purchase_order_item_supplied/locale/de-doc.json b/buying/doctype/purchase_order_item_supplied/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bad6769
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/purchase_order_item_supplied/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Amount": "Menge",
+ "BOM Detail No": "BOM Detailaufnahme",
+ "Buying": "Kauf",
+ "Conversion Factor": "Umrechnungsfaktor",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Purchase Order Item Supplied": "Bestellposition geliefert",
+ "Rate": "Rate",
+ "Raw Material Item Code": "Artikel Raw Material Code",
+ "Reference Name": "Reference Name",
+ "Required Qty": "Erw\u00fcnschte St\u00fcckzahl",
+ "Stock Uom": "Lager ME"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/purchase_receipt_item_supplied/locale/de-doc.json b/buying/doctype/purchase_receipt_item_supplied/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fe5454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/purchase_receipt_item_supplied/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "Amount": "Menge",
+ "BOM Detail No": "BOM Detailaufnahme",
+ "Buying": "Kauf",
+ "Consumed Qty": "Verbrauchte Menge",
+ "Conversion Factor": "Umrechnungsfaktor",
+ "Current Stock": "Aktuelle Stock",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Purchase Receipt Item Supplied": "Kaufbeleg Liefergegenstand",
+ "Rate": "Rate",
+ "Raw Material Item Code": "Artikel Raw Material Code",
+ "Reference Name": "Reference Name",
+ "Required Qty": "Erw\u00fcnschte St\u00fcckzahl",
+ "Stock Uom": "Lager ME"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/purchase_request/locale/de-doc.json b/buying/doctype/purchase_request/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d05e3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/purchase_request/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ "% Ordered": "% Geordnete",
+ "% of materials ordered against this Purchase Requisition": "% Der bestellten Materialien gegen diese Bestellanforderung",
+ "Add Terms and Conditions for the Purchase Requisition. You can also prepare a Terms and Conditions Master and use the Template": "F\u00fcgen AGB f\u00fcr die Bestellanforderung. Sie k\u00f6nnen auch eine AGB-Master und verwenden Sie die Vorlage",
+ "After cancelling the Purchase Requisition, a dialog box will ask you reason for cancellation which will be reflected in this field": "Nach dem Abbruch der Bestellanforderung, wird ein Dialogfeld bitten Grund f\u00fcr die Stornierung, die in diesem Bereich reflektiert werden",
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Buying": "Kauf",
+ "Cancel Reason": "Abbrechen Reason",
+ "Cancelled": "Abgesagt",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Draft": "Entwurf",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Filing in Additional Information about the Purchase Requisition will help you analyze your data better.": "Die Einreichung in Weitere Informationen \u00fcber die Bestellanforderung wird Ihnen helfen, Ihre Daten analysieren besser.",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Get Terms and Conditions": "Holen AGB",
+ "IDT": "IDT",
+ "Items": "Artikel",
+ "Letter Head": "Briefkopf",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "Name of the entity who has requested for the Purchase Requisition": "Name der Organisation, die f\u00fcr die Bestellanforderung angefordert hat",
+ "One or multiple Sales Order no which generated this Purchase Requisition": "Eine oder mehrere Sales Order zur Requisition, die diese generiert Kauf",
+ "Pull Sales Order Items": "Ziehen Sie Sales Order Artikel",
+ "Remarks": "Bemerkungen",
+ "Requested By": "Angefordert von",
+ "Sales Order No": "In Sales Order",
+ "Select Terms and Conditions": "W\u00e4hlen AGB",
+ "Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies": "W\u00e4hlen Sie den entsprechenden Firmennamen, wenn Sie mehrere Unternehmen haben",
+ "Series": "Serie",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Stopped": "Gestoppt",
+ "Submitted": "Eingereicht",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "AGB",
+ "Terms and Conditions Content": "AGB Inhalt",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Der Zeitpunkt, zu dem aktuellen Eintrag in dem System korrigiert.",
+ "The date at which current entry is made in system.": "Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag im System hergestellt wird.",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Um mehrere Reihen zu verwalten gehen Sie bitte auf Setup> Verwalten Series",
+ "Transaction Date": "Transaction Datum"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/purchase_request_item/locale/de-doc.json b/buying/doctype/purchase_request_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e5eff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/purchase_request_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "Brand": "Marke",
+ "Buying": "Kauf",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Item Name": "Item Name",
+ "Lead Time Date": "Lead Time Datum",
+ "Min Order Qty": "Mindestbestellmenge",
+ "Ordered Qty": "Bestellte Menge",
+ "Page Break": "Seitenwechsel",
+ "Projected Qty": "Prognostizierte Anzahl",
+ "Quantity": "Menge",
+ "Required Date": "Erforderlich Datum",
+ "Sales Order No": "In Sales Order",
+ "Stock UOM": "Lager UOM",
+ "Warehouse": "Lager"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/quality_inspection/locale/de-doc.json b/buying/doctype/quality_inspection/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c73b891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/quality_inspection/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Batch No": "Batch No",
+ "Buying": "Kauf",
+ "Delivery Note No": "Lieferschein Nein",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Get Specification Details": "Holen Sie Ausschreibungstexte",
+ "In Process": "In Process",
+ "Incoming": "Eingehende",
+ "Inspected By": "Gepr\u00fcft von",
+ "Inspection Type": "Pr\u00fcfart",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Item Serial No": "Artikel Serial In",
+ "Naming Series": "Benennen Series",
+ "Outgoing": "Abgehend",
+ "Purchase Receipt No": "Kaufbeleg",
+ "QA Inspection": "QA Inspection",
+ "QAI/11-12/": "QAI/11-12 /",
+ "Quality Inspection": "Qualit\u00e4tspr\u00fcfung",
+ "Quality Inspection Readings": "Qualit\u00e4tspr\u00fcfung Readings",
+ "Remarks": "Bemerkungen",
+ "Report Date": "Report Date",
+ "Sample Size": "Stichprobenumfang",
+ "Specification Details": "Ausschreibungstexte",
+ "Verified By": "Verified By"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/quality_inspection_reading/locale/de-doc.json b/buying/doctype/quality_inspection_reading/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d25788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/quality_inspection_reading/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "Acceptance Criteria": "Akzeptanzkriterien",
+ "Accepted": "Akzeptiert",
+ "Buying": "Kauf",
+ "Parameter": "Parameter",
+ "Quality Inspection Reading": "Qualit\u00e4tspr\u00fcfung Lesen",
+ "Reading 1": "Reading 1",
+ "Reading 10": "Lesen 10",
+ "Reading 2": "Reading 2",
+ "Reading 3": "Reading 3",
+ "Reading 4": "Reading 4",
+ "Reading 5": "Reading 5",
+ "Reading 6": "Lesen 6",
+ "Reading 7": "Lesen 7",
+ "Reading 8": "Lesen 8",
+ "Reading 9": "Lesen 9",
+ "Rejected": "Abgelehnt",
+ "Status": "Status"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/de-doc.json b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33eee17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ "Address & Contacts": "Adresse und Kontakte",
+ "Address Desc": "Adresse Desc",
+ "Address HTML": "Adresse HTML",
+ "Basic Info": "Basic Info",
+ "Buying": "Kauf",
+ "Communication HTML": "Communication HTML",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Contact Desc": "Kontakt Desc",
+ "Contact HTML": "Kontakt HTML",
+ "Credit Days": "Kredit-Tage",
+ "Default Currency": "Standardw\u00e4hrung",
+ "Enter the company name under which Account Head will be created for this Supplier": "Geben Sie den Namen des Unternehmens, unter denen Konto Leiter f\u00fcr diesen Lieferant erstellt werden",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "Note: You Can Manage Multiple Address or Contacts via Addresses & Contacts": "Hinweis: Sie k\u00f6nnen mehrere Kontakte oder Adresse via Adressen & Kontakte verwalten",
+ "SUPP": "SUPP",
+ "SUPP/10-11/": "SUPP/10-11 /",
+ "Series": "Serie",
+ "Statutory info and other general information about your Supplier": "Gesetzliche Informationen und andere allgemeine Informationen \u00fcber Ihr Lieferant",
+ "Supplier": "Lieferant",
+ "Supplier Details": "Supplier Details",
+ "Supplier Name": "Name des Anbieters",
+ "Supplier Type": "Lieferant Typ",
+ "Supplier of Goods or Services.": "Lieferant von Waren oder Dienstleistungen.",
+ "This currency will get fetched in Purchase transactions of this supplier": "Diese W\u00e4hrung wird in Kauf Transaktionen dieser Lieferanten bekommen geholt",
+ "Website": "Webseite"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/de-py.json b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/de-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0232cb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/supplier/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "A Customer exists with same name": "Ein Kunde gibt mit dem gleichen Namen"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/supplier_quotation/locale/_messages_doc.json b/buying/doctype/supplier_quotation/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 7c7cd0a..515c3c8 100644
--- a/buying/doctype/supplier_quotation/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/buying/doctype/supplier_quotation/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
"In Words",
"Amendment Date",
"Select Terms and Conditions",
+ "Grand Total (Import)",
"File List",
- "Draft",
"Cancel Reason",
"Supplier Address",
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"Supplier Quotation",
"You can make a purchase order from multiple Material Requests. Select Material Requests one by one and click on the button below.",
- "Grand Total (Import)",
+ "Draft",
"Total Tax*",
"In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Order.",
diff --git a/buying/doctype/supplier_quotation/locale/de-doc.json b/buying/doctype/supplier_quotation/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2b40ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/supplier_quotation/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ "Address": "Adresse",
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Buying": "Kauf",
+ "Calculate Tax": "Steuer rechnen",
+ "Cancel Reason": "Abbrechen Reason",
+ "Cancelled": "Abgesagt",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Consider this Price List for fetching rate. (only which have \"For Buying\" as checked)": "Betrachten Sie diese Preisliste f\u00fcr das Abrufen bewerten. (Nur die haben \"f\u00fcr den Kauf\", wie gepr\u00fcft)",
+ "Contact": "Kontakt",
+ "Contact Email": "Kontakt per E-Mail",
+ "Contact Info": "Kontakt Info",
+ "Contact Person": "Ansprechpartner",
+ "Currency": "W\u00e4hrung",
+ "Currency & Price List": "W\u00e4hrung & Preisliste",
+ "Draft": "Entwurf",
+ "Exchange Rate": "Wechselkurs",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Get Items": "Holen Artikel",
+ "Get Tax Detail": "Holen MwSt. Details",
+ "Get Terms and Conditions": "Holen AGB",
+ "Grand Total": "Grand Total",
+ "Grand Total (Import)": "Grand Total (Import)",
+ "If you have created a standard template in Purchase Taxes and Charges Master, select one and click on the button below.": "Wenn Sie ein Standard-Template in Kauf Steuern und Abgaben Meister erstellt haben, w\u00e4hlen Sie eine aus und klicken Sie auf den Button unten.",
+ "In Words": "In Worte",
+ "In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Order.": "In Worte sichtbar sein wird, wenn Sie die Bestellung zu speichern.",
+ "In Words(Import)": "In Words (Import)",
+ "Is Subcontracted": "Ist Fremdleistungen",
+ "Items": "Artikel",
+ "Letter Head": "Briefkopf",
+ "Mobile No": "In Mobile",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "Name": "Name",
+ "Net Total (Import)": "Net Total (Import)",
+ "Net Total*": "* Net Total",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Price List": "Preisliste",
+ "Price List Currency": "W\u00e4hrung Preisliste",
+ "Price List Exchange Rate": "Preisliste Wechselkurs",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges": "Purchase Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Quotation Date": "Quotation Datum",
+ "Quotation Items": "Angebotspositionen",
+ "Rate at which supplier's currency is converted to company's base currency": "Geschwindigkeit, mit der Lieferanten W\u00e4hrung Unternehmens Basisw\u00e4hrung umgewandelt wird",
+ "Re-Calculate Values": "Neu berechnen Werte",
+ "Rounded Total": "Abgerundete insgesamt",
+ "SQTN": "SQTN",
+ "Select Material Request": "Markieren Sie das Material anfordern",
+ "Select Print Heading": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Drucken \u00dcberschrift",
+ "Select Terms and Conditions": "W\u00e4hlen AGB",
+ "Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies": "W\u00e4hlen Sie den entsprechenden Firmennamen, wenn Sie mehrere Unternehmen haben",
+ "Series": "Serie",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Stopped": "Gestoppt",
+ "Submitted": "Eingereicht",
+ "Supplier": "Lieferant",
+ "Supplier (vendor) name as entered in supplier master": "Lieferant (Kreditor) Namen wie im Lieferantenstamm eingetragen",
+ "Supplier Address": "Lieferant Adresse",
+ "Supplier Quotation": "Lieferant Angebot",
+ "Supplier's currency": "Lieferant W\u00e4hrung",
+ "Tax Calculation": "Steuerberechnung",
+ "Taxes": "Steuern",
+ "Taxes and Charges Added": "Steuern und Abgaben am",
+ "Taxes and Charges Added (Import)": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren Added (Import)",
+ "Taxes and Charges Deducted": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren Abgezogen",
+ "Taxes and Charges Deducted (Import)": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren abgezogen (Import)",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "AGB",
+ "Terms and Conditions HTML": "AGB HTML",
+ "Terms and Conditions1": "Allgemeine Bedingungen1",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Der Zeitpunkt, zu dem aktuellen Eintrag in dem System korrigiert.",
+ "The date at which current entry is made in system.": "Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag im System hergestellt wird.",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Um mehrere Reihen zu verwalten gehen Sie bitte auf Setup> Verwalten Series",
+ "Total Tax*": "Total Tax *",
+ "Totals": "Totals",
+ "Yes": "Ja",
+ "You can make a purchase order from multiple Material Requests. Select Material Requests one by one and click on the button below.": "Sie k\u00f6nnen eine Bestellung von mehreren Werkstoff Requests machen. Markieren Sie das Material Requests nacheinander aus und klicken Sie auf den Button unten."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/doctype/supplier_quotation_item/locale/de-doc.json b/buying/doctype/supplier_quotation_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..642e7c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/doctype/supplier_quotation_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "Amount": "Menge",
+ "Amount*": "Betrag *",
+ "Brand": "Marke",
+ "Buying": "Kauf",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Discount %": "Discount%",
+ "If Supplier Part Number exists for given Item, it gets stored here": "Wenn der Lieferant Teilenummer existiert f\u00fcr bestimmte Artikel, wird es hier gespeichert",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Item Name": "Item Name",
+ "Item Tax Rate": "Artikel Tax Rate",
+ "Material Request Date": "Material Request Date",
+ "Material Request Detail No": "Material anfordern Im Detail",
+ "Material Request No": "Material anfordern On",
+ "Page Break": "Seitenwechsel",
+ "Prevdoc DocType": "Prevdoc DocType",
+ "Project Name": "Project Name",
+ "Quantity": "Menge",
+ "Rate*": "Rate *",
+ "Ref Rate*": "Ref Rate *",
+ "Supplier Part Number": "Lieferant Teilenummer",
+ "Supplier Quotation Item": "Lieferant Angebotsposition",
+ "UOM": "UOM",
+ "Warehouse": "Lager"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/module_def/buying/locale/de-doc.json b/buying/module_def/buying/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4375d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/module_def/buying/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Buying Home": "Kauf Startseite",
+ "Purchase Analytics": "Kauf Analytics",
+ "Supplier of Goods or Services.": "Lieferant von Waren oder Dienstleistungen."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buying/page/buying_home/locale/de-js.json b/buying/page/buying_home/locale/de-js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9af92f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buying/page/buying_home/locale/de-js.json
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ "Address": "Adresse",
+ "All Addresses.": "Alle Adressen.",
+ "All Contacts.": "Alle Kontakte.",
+ "All Products or Services.": "Alle Produkte oder Dienstleistungen.",
+ "Analytics": "Analytics",
+ "Contact": "Kontakt",
+ "Documents": "Unterlagen",
+ "Helper for managing return of goods (sales or purchase)": "Helper f\u00fcr die Verwaltung R\u00fccksendung der Ware (Verkauf oder Kauf)",
+ "Item": "Artikel",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Masters": "Masters",
+ "Material Request": "Material anfordern",
+ "Purchase Analytics": "Kauf Analytics",
+ "Purchase Order": "Auftragsbest\u00e4tigung",
+ "Purchase Orders given to Suppliers.": "Bestellungen Angesichts zu Lieferanten.",
+ "Purchase Returns": "Kauf und Versandkosten",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges Master": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren Meister Kauf",
+ "Request for purchase.": "Ankaufsgesuch.",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Supplier": "Lieferant",
+ "Supplier Quotation": "Lieferant Angebot",
+ "Supplier Type": "Lieferant Typ",
+ "Supplier classification.": "Lieferant Klassifizierung.",
+ "Supplier database.": "Lieferanten-Datenbank.",
+ "Tax Template for Purchase": "MwSt. Vorlage f\u00fcr Kauf",
+ "Template of terms or contract.": "Vorlage von Begriffen oder Vertrag.",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "AGB",
+ "Tools": "Werkzeuge",
+ "Track Quotations received from Suppliers.": "Verfolgen Sie Angebote von Lieferanten erhalten.",
+ "Tree of item classification": "Tree of Artikelzugeh\u00f6rigkeit",
+ "Trend Analyzer": "Trend Analyzer"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controllers/locale/_messages_py.json b/controllers/locale/_messages_py.json
index 12025d5..0b6ba06 100644
--- a/controllers/locale/_messages_py.json
+++ b/controllers/locale/_messages_py.json
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
" cannot be 0",
+ "for Company",
+ "Missing",
"Please enter valid ",
"Please specify a valid",
diff --git a/controllers/locale/de-py.json b/controllers/locale/de-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f33b130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Please specify a valid": "Bitte geben Sie eine g\u00fcltige",
+ "Row": "Reihe"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/home/doctype/company_control/locale/de-doc.json b/home/doctype/company_control/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b1d41d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/doctype/company_control/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Company Control": "Firma Control",
+ "Home": "Zuhause"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/home/doctype/feed/locale/de-doc.json b/home/doctype/feed/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..caf052e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/doctype/feed/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "Color": "Farbe",
+ "Doc Name": "Doc Namen",
+ "Doc Type": "Doc Type",
+ "Feed": "F\u00fcttern",
+ "Feed Type": "Eingabetyp",
+ "Full Name": "Vollst\u00e4ndiger Name",
+ "Home": "Zuhause",
+ "Subject": "Thema"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/home/doctype/home_control/locale/de-doc.json b/home/doctype/home_control/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84774eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/doctype/home_control/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Home": "Zuhause",
+ "Home Control": "Home Control"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/home/module_def/home/locale/de-doc.json b/home/module_def/home/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0a9c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/module_def/home/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Activity": "Aktivit\u00e4t",
+ "Attributions": "Zuschreibungen",
+ "Desktop": "Desktop",
+ "Event Updates": "Event-Updates",
+ "Latest Updates": "Neueste Updates",
+ "My Company": "My Company",
+ "dashboard": "Armaturenbrett"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/appraisal/locale/_messages_doc.json b/hr/doctype/appraisal/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 1d32ed6..9846642 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/appraisal/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/appraisal/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
+ "Draft",
"Appraisal Template",
@@ -15,14 +16,13 @@
"Select template from which you want to get the Goals",
"Employee Details",
- "Other Details",
"For Employee Name",
"Calculate Total Score",
"Fiscal Year",
"Select the Employee for whom you are creating the Appraisal.",
- "Draft",
+ "Other Details",
"Start Date",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/appraisal/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/appraisal/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2879bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/appraisal/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Any other comments, noteworthy effort that should go in the records.": "Weitere Kommentare, bemerkenswerte Anstrengungen, die in den Aufzeichnungen gehen sollte.",
+ "Appraisal": "Bewertung",
+ "Appraisal Goals": "Bewertung Details",
+ "Appraisal Template": "Bewertung Template",
+ "Calculate Total Score": "Berechnen Gesamtpunktzahl",
+ "Cancelled": "Abgesagt",
+ "Comments": "Kommentare",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Completed": "Fertiggestellt",
+ "Draft": "Entwurf",
+ "Employee Details": "Mitarbeiterdetails",
+ "End Date": "Enddatum",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "For Employee": "F\u00fcr Mitarbeiter",
+ "For Employee Name": "F\u00fcr Employee Name",
+ "Goals": "Ziele",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Other Details": "Weitere Details",
+ "Select template from which you want to get the Goals": "W\u00e4hlen Sie aus, welche Vorlage Sie die Ziele erhalten m\u00f6chten",
+ "Select the Employee for whom you are creating the Appraisal.": "W\u00e4hlen Sie den Mitarbeiter, f\u00fcr den Sie erstellen Appraisal.",
+ "Start Date": "Startdatum",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Submitted": "Eingereicht",
+ "Total Score (Out of 5)": "Gesamtpunktzahl (von 5)"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/appraisal_goal/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/appraisal_goal/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7d0aa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/appraisal_goal/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Appraisal Goal": "Bewertung Goal",
+ "Goal": "Ziel",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Key Responsibility Area": "Key Responsibility Bereich",
+ "Score (0-5)": "Score (0-5)",
+ "Score Earned": "Ergebnis Bekommen",
+ "Weightage (%)": "Gewichtung (%)"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/appraisal_template/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/appraisal_template/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0af762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/appraisal_template/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "Appraisal Template": "Bewertung Template",
+ "Appraisal Template Goal": "Bewertung Template Goal",
+ "Appraisal Template Title": "Bewertung Template Titel",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Total Points": "Total Points"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/appraisal_template/locale/de-py.json b/hr/doctype/appraisal_template/locale/de-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0d2b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/appraisal_template/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Not": "Nicht",
+ "Total (sum of) points distribution for all goals should be 100.": "Total (Summe) Punkte Verteilung f\u00fcr alle Ziele sollten 100 sein."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/appraisal_template_goal/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/appraisal_template_goal/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bed3ced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/appraisal_template_goal/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Appraisal Template Goal": "Bewertung Template Goal",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "KRA": "KRA",
+ "Key Performance Area": "Key Performance Area",
+ "Weightage (%)": "Gewichtung (%)"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/attendance/locale/_messages_doc.json b/hr/doctype/attendance/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 617fc72..a6c718c 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/attendance/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/attendance/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
"Amended From",
"Amendment Date",
"Attendance Date",
+ "Employee",
- "Employee",
"Employee Name",
"Naming Series",
diff --git a/hr/doctype/attendance/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/attendance/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c72777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/attendance/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ "ATT": "ATT",
+ "Absent": "Abwesend",
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Attendance": "Teilnahme",
+ "Attendance Date": "Teilnahme seit",
+ "Attendance Details": "Teilnahme Einzelheiten",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Employee": "Mitarbeiter",
+ "Employee Name": "Name des Mitarbeiters",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Half Day": "Half Day",
+ "Leave Type": "Lassen Typ",
+ "Naming Series": "Benennen Series",
+ "Present": "Pr\u00e4sentieren",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Der Zeitpunkt, zu dem aktuellen Eintrag in dem System korrigiert."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/attendance_control_panel/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/attendance_control_panel/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb0d98a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/attendance_control_panel/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ "All attendance dates inbetween selected Attendance From Date and Attendance To Date will come in the template with employees list.": "All die Teilnahme datiert dazwischen gew\u00e4hlt Teilnahme ab Datum und die Teilnahme an Datum wird in der Vorlage mit den Mitarbeitern Liste kommen.",
+ "Attendance Control Panel": "Teilnahme Control Panel",
+ "Attendance From Date": "Teilnahme ab-Datum",
+ "Attendance To Date": "Teilnahme To Date",
+ "Download Template": "Vorlage herunterladen",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Get Template": "Holen Template",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Import": "Importieren",
+ "Import Log": "Import-Logbuch",
+ "Import Log1": "Importieren Log1",
+ "Overwrite": "\u00dcberschreiben",
+ "Selected Attendance date will comes in the attendance template.": "Ausgew\u00e4hlte Datum wird Teilnahme in der Anwesenheitsliste Vorlage essen.",
+ "Upload Attendance Data": "Hochladen Teilnahme Daten",
+ "dd-mm-yyyy": "dd-mm-yyyy",
+ "dd/mm/yyyy": "dd / mm / yyyy",
+ "mm/dd/yy": "mm / tt / jj",
+ "mm/dd/yyyy": "mm / dd / yyyy",
+ "yyyy-mm-dd": "yyyy-mm-dd"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/branch/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/branch/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbf9800
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/branch/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Branch": "Zweig",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/deduction_type/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/deduction_type/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..251005b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/deduction_type/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Deduction Type": "Abzug Typ",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Name": "Name",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/department/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/department/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..062357a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/department/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Days for which Holidays are blocked for this department.": "Tage, f\u00fcr die Feiertage sind f\u00fcr diese Abteilung blockiert.",
+ "Department": "Abteilung",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Leave Block List": "Lassen Block List",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/designation/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/designation/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffdd4c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/designation/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Designation": "Bezeichnung",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/earning_type/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/earning_type/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdd61f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/earning_type/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Earning Type": "Earning Typ",
+ "Exemption Limit": "Freigrenze",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Name": "Name",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Taxable": "Steuerpflichtig",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason",
+ "Yes": "Ja"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/employee/locale/_messages_doc.json b/hr/doctype/employee/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 67e9a40..10eb738 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/employee/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/employee/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
- "Exit",
"PF Number",
"User ID",
@@ -60,17 +59,18 @@
"Contract End Date",
"Leave Encashed?",
+ "Exit",
"Educational Qualification Details",
"Final Confirmation Date",
"Bank Name",
- "Active",
"Employment Type",
"Notice - Number of Days",
"Salary Information",
"Personal Details",
+ "Active",
"Encashment Date",
"Reason for Resignation",
diff --git a/hr/doctype/employee/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/employee/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4131d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/employee/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ "<span class=\"sys_manager\">To setup, please go to Setup > Naming Series</span>": "<span class=\"sys_manager\"> Um einzurichten, gehen Sie bitte auf Setup> Naming Series </ span>",
+ "A+": "A +",
+ "A-": "A-",
+ "AB+": "AB +",
+ "AB-": "AB-",
+ "Active": "Aktiv",
+ "Applicable Holiday List": "Anwendbar Ferienwohnung Liste",
+ "B+": "B +",
+ "B-": "B-",
+ "Bank": "Bank",
+ "Bank A/C No.": "Bank A / C Nr.",
+ "Bank Name": "Name der Bank",
+ "Basic Information": "Grundlegende Informationen",
+ "Better Prospects": "Bessere Aussichten",
+ "Bio": "Bio",
+ "Blood Group": "Blutgruppe",
+ "Branch": "Zweig",
+ "Career History": "Karriere Geschichte",
+ "Cash": "Bargeld",
+ "Cell Number": "Cell Number",
+ "Cheque": "Scheck",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Contact Details": "Kontakt Details",
+ "Contract End Date": "Contract End Date",
+ "Current Accommodation Type": "Aktuelle Unterkunftstyp",
+ "Current Address": "Aktuelle Adresse",
+ "Date Of Retirement": "Datum der Pensionierung",
+ "Date of Birth": "Geburtsdatum",
+ "Date of Issue": "Datum der Ausgabe",
+ "Date of Joining": "Datum der Verbindungstechnik",
+ "Department": "Abteilung",
+ "Designation": "Bezeichnung",
+ "Divorced": "Geschieden",
+ "EMP/": "EMP /",
+ "Educational Qualification": "Educational Qualifikation",
+ "Educational Qualification Details": "Educational Qualifikation Einzelheiten",
+ "Email (By company)": "Email (nach Unternehmen)",
+ "Emergency Contact Details": "Notfall Kontakt",
+ "Emergency Phone Number": "Notrufnummer",
+ "Employee": "Mitarbeiter",
+ "Employee External Work History": "Mitarbeiter Externe Arbeit Geschichte",
+ "Employee Internal Work Historys": "Mitarbeiter Interner Arbeitsbereich Historys",
+ "Employee Number": "Mitarbeiternummer",
+ "Employment Details": "Besch\u00e4ftigung Einzelheiten",
+ "Employment Type": "Besch\u00e4ftigungsart",
+ "Encashment Date": "Inkasso Datum",
+ "Exit": "Verlassen",
+ "Exit Interview Details": "Verlassen Interview Einzelheiten",
+ "Family Background": "Famili\u00e4rer Hintergrund",
+ "Feedback": "R\u00fcckkopplung",
+ "Female": "Weiblich",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Final Confirmation Date": "Final Confirmation Datum",
+ "Full Name": "Vollst\u00e4ndiger Name",
+ "Gender": "Geschlecht",
+ "Grade": "Klasse",
+ "Gratuity LIC ID": "Gratuity LIC ID",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Health Concerns": "Gesundheitliche Bedenken",
+ "Health Details": "Gesundheit Details",
+ "Held On": "Hielt",
+ "Here you can maintain family details like name and occupation of parent, spouse and children": "Hier k\u00f6nnen Sie pflegen Familie Details wie Name und Beruf der Eltern, Ehepartner und Kinder",
+ "Here you can maintain height, weight, allergies, medical concerns etc": "Hier k\u00f6nnen Sie pflegen Gr\u00f6\u00dfe, Gewicht, Allergien, medizinischen Bedenken etc",
+ "History In Company": "Geschichte Im Unternehmen",
+ "Holiday List": "Ferienwohnung Liste",
+ "Image": "Bild",
+ "Image View": "Bild anzeigen",
+ "Job Profile": "Job Profil",
+ "Leave Encashed?": "Lassen eingel\u00f6st?",
+ "Left": "Links",
+ "Male": "M\u00e4nnlich",
+ "Marital Status": "Familienstand",
+ "Married": "Verheiratet",
+ "Mr": "Herr",
+ "Ms": "Ms",
+ "Naming Series": "Benennen Series",
+ "New Workplace": "New Workplace",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Notice - Number of Days": "Hinweis - Anzahl der Tage",
+ "O+": "Die +",
+ "O-": "O-",
+ "Owned": "Besitz",
+ "PAN Number": "PAN-Nummer",
+ "PF Number": "PF-Nummer",
+ "Passport Number": "Passnummer",
+ "Permanent Accommodation Type": "Permanent Art der Unterkunft",
+ "Permanent Address": "Permanent Address",
+ "Person To Be Contacted": "Person kontaktiert werden",
+ "Personal Details": "Pers\u00f6nliche Details",
+ "Personal Email": "Pers\u00f6nliche E-Mail",
+ "Place of Issue": "Ausstellungsort",
+ "Previous Work Experience": "Berufserfahrung",
+ "Provide email id registered in company": "Bieten E-Mail-ID in Unternehmen registriert",
+ "Reason for Leaving": "Grund f\u00fcr das Verlassen",
+ "Reason for Resignation": "Grund zur Resignation",
+ "Relation": "Relation",
+ "Relieving Date": "Entlastung Datum",
+ "Rented": "Gemietet",
+ "Reports to": "Berichte an",
+ "Resignation Letter Date": "R\u00fccktrittsschreiben Datum",
+ "Salary Information": "Angaben \u00fcber den Lohn",
+ "Salary Mode": "Gehalt Modus",
+ "Salutation": "Gru\u00df",
+ "Scheduled Confirmation Date": "Voraussichtlicher Best\u00e4tigung",
+ "Short biography for website and other publications.": "Kurzbiographie f\u00fcr die Website und anderen Publikationen.",
+ "Single": "Single",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "System User (login) ID. If set, it will become default for all HR forms.": "System User (login) ID. Wenn gesetzt, wird es standardm\u00e4\u00dfig f\u00fcr alle HR-Formulare werden.",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason",
+ "User ID": "Benutzer-ID",
+ "Valid Upto": "G\u00fcltig Bis",
+ "Widowed": "Verwitwet",
+ "Yes": "Ja",
+ "You can enter any date manually": "Sie k\u00f6nnen ein beliebiges Datum manuell eingeben"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/employee_education/locale/_messages_doc.json b/hr/doctype/employee_education/locale/_messages_doc.json
index cbcb8f8..4ee11a5 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/employee_education/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/employee_education/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"Employee Education",
"Under Graduate",
- "Qualification",
"Post Graduate",
+ "Qualification",
"Class / Percentage"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/employee_education/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/employee_education/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f4d43e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/employee_education/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Class / Percentage": "Klasse / Anteil",
+ "Employee Education": "Mitarbeiterschulung",
+ "Graduate": "Absolvent",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Level": "Ebene",
+ "Major/Optional Subjects": "Major / Wahlf\u00e4cher",
+ "Post Graduate": "Post Graduate",
+ "Qualification": "Qualifikation",
+ "School/University": "Schule / Universit\u00e4t",
+ "Under Graduate": "Unter Graduate",
+ "Year of Passing": "Jahr der \u00dcbergabe"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/employee_external_work_history/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/employee_external_work_history/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b25eb83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/employee_external_work_history/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "Address": "Adresse",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Contact": "Kontakt",
+ "Designation": "Bezeichnung",
+ "Employee External Work History": "Mitarbeiter Externe Arbeit Geschichte",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Salary": "Gehalt",
+ "Total Experience": "Total Experience"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/employee_internal_work_history/locale/_messages_doc.json b/hr/doctype/employee_internal_work_history/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 103933f..f1f08af 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/employee_internal_work_history/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/employee_internal_work_history/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
+ "Department",
"To Date",
"From Date",
- "Branch",
- "Department"
+ "Branch"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/employee_internal_work_history/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/employee_internal_work_history/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4634bbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/employee_internal_work_history/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "Branch": "Zweig",
+ "Department": "Abteilung",
+ "Designation": "Bezeichnung",
+ "Employee Internal Work History": "Mitarbeiter Interner Arbeitsbereich Geschichte",
+ "From Date": "Von Datum",
+ "Grade": "Klasse",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "To Date": "To Date"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/employee_training/locale/_messages_doc.json b/hr/doctype/employee_training/locale/_messages_doc.json
index bfc0d0e..cb49386 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/employee_training/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/employee_training/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"Employee Training",
- "Institute / Conducted By",
+ "Duration",
- "Duration"
+ "Institute / Conducted By"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/employee_training/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/employee_training/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a378eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/employee_training/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Certificate": "Zertifikat",
+ "Duration": "Dauer",
+ "Employee Training": "Mitarbeiterschulung",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Institute / Conducted By": "Institute / By Geleitete",
+ "Location": "Lage",
+ "Program / Seminar Title": "Programm / Seminar Titel"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/employment_type/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/employment_type/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f25d66e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/employment_type/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Employment Type": "Besch\u00e4ftigungsart",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/expense_claim/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/expense_claim/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69adcba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/expense_claim/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Approval Status": "Genehmigungsstatus",
+ "Approved": "Genehmigt",
+ "Approver": "Approver",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Draft": "Entwurf",
+ "Employee Name": "Name des Mitarbeiters",
+ "Employees Email Id": "Mitarbeiter Email Id",
+ "Expense Claim": "Expense Anspruch",
+ "Expense Claim Details": "Expense Anspruch Einzelheiten",
+ "Expense Details": "Expense Einzelheiten",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "From Employee": "Von Mitarbeiter",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Posting Date": "Buchungsdatum",
+ "Rejected": "Abgelehnt",
+ "Remark": "Bemerkung",
+ "Total Claimed Amount": "Insgesamt geforderten Betrag",
+ "Total Sanctioned Amount": "Insgesamt Sanctioned Betrag"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/expense_claim_detail/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/expense_claim_detail/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5cdc3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/expense_claim_detail/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Claim Amount": "Schadenh\u00f6he",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Expense Claim Detail": "Expense Anspruch Details",
+ "Expense Claim Type": "Expense Anspruch Type",
+ "Expense Date": "Expense Datum",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Sanctioned Amount": "Sanktioniert Betrag"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/expense_claim_type/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/expense_claim_type/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb88654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/expense_claim_type/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Expense Claim Type": "Expense Anspruch Type",
+ "HR": "HR"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/grade/locale/_messages_doc.json b/hr/doctype/grade/locale/_messages_doc.json
index ece6214..c5037b2 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/grade/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/grade/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- "Grade",
- "Trash Reason"
+ "Trash Reason",
+ "Grade"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/grade/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/grade/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52cbb20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/grade/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Grade": "Klasse",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday/locale/_messages_doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday/locale/_messages_doc.json
index b3a06ed..a46bf59 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/holiday/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- "Date",
- "Description"
+ "Description",
+ "Date"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e25b63b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Date": "Datum",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday": "Urlaub"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7814136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "Allow Users": "Erm\u00f6glichen",
+ "Allow the following users to make Leave Applications for block days.": "Lassen Sie die folgenden Benutzer Leave Anwendungen f\u00fcr Block Tag machen.",
+ "Applies to Company": "Gilt f\u00fcr Unternehmen",
+ "Block Days": "Block Tage",
+ "Block Holidays on important days.": "Blockieren Urlaub auf wichtige Tage.",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Ferienwohnung Block List",
+ "Holiday Block List Allowed": "Ferienwohnung Block List erlaubt",
+ "Holiday Block List Dates": "Ferienwohnung Block List Termine",
+ "Holiday Block List Name": "Urlaub Blockieren Name",
+ "If not checked, the list will have to be added to each Department where it has to be applied.": "Falls nicht, wird die Liste m\u00fcssen auf jeden Abteilung, wo sie angewendet werden hinzugef\u00fcgt werden.",
+ "Stop users from making Leave Applications on following days.": "Stoppen Sie den Nutzer von Leave Anwendungen auf folgenden Tagen.",
+ "Year": "Jahr"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82df344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Allow User": "Benutzer zulassen",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List Allow": "Ferienwohnung Block List zulassen"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4d6d69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Block Date": "Blockieren Datum",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday Block List Date": "Ferienwohnung Block List Datum",
+ "Reason": "Grund"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_list/locale/_messages_doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_list/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 9c51fcf..dddc749 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/holiday_list/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_list/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"Trash Reason",
+ "Clear Table",
@@ -13,7 +14,6 @@
"Fiscal Year",
"Get Weekly Off Dates",
- "Clear Table",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/holiday_list/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/holiday_list/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7174c7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/holiday_list/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "Clear Table": "Tabelle l\u00f6schen",
+ "Default": "Default",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Friday": "Freitag",
+ "Get Weekly Off Dates": "Holen Weekly Off Dates",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Holiday List": "Ferienwohnung Liste",
+ "Holiday List Name": "Ferienwohnung Name",
+ "Holidays": "Ferien",
+ "Monday": "Montag",
+ "Saturday": "Samstag",
+ "Sunday": "Sonntag",
+ "Thursday": "Donnerstag",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason",
+ "Tuesday": "Dienstag",
+ "Wednesday": "Mittwoch",
+ "Weekly Off": "W\u00f6chentliche Off"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/job_applicant/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/job_applicant/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e586ad3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/job_applicant/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ "Applicant Name": "Name des Antragstellers",
+ "Applicant for a Job": "Antragsteller f\u00fcr einen Job",
+ "Email Id": "Email Id",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Hold": "Halten",
+ "Job Applicant": "Job Applicant",
+ "Job Opening": "Stellenangebot",
+ "Open": "\u00d6ffnen",
+ "Rejected": "Abgelehnt",
+ "Replied": "Beantwortet",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Thread HTML": "Themen HTML"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/job_opening/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/job_opening/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77651f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/job_opening/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "Closed": "Geschlossen",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Description of a Job Opening": "Beschreibung eines Job Opening",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Job Opening": "Stellenangebot",
+ "Job Title": "Berufsbezeichnung",
+ "Job profile, qualifications required etc.": "Job-Profil, etc. erforderlichen Qualifikationen.",
+ "Open": "\u00d6ffnen",
+ "Status": "Status"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_allocation/locale/_messages_doc.json b/hr/doctype/leave_allocation/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 5e1c8de..28dd65c 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/leave_allocation/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_allocation/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
"Leave Type",
"Amended From",
"Total Leaves Allocated",
+ "Employee",
"Fiscal Year",
"Carry Forward",
"Leave Allocation",
- "Employee",
"New Leaves Allocated",
"Employee Name",
"Posting Date"
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_allocation/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/leave_allocation/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db1a8f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_allocation/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Carry Forward": "Vortragen",
+ "Carry Forwarded Leaves": "Carry Weitergeleitete Leaves",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Employee": "Mitarbeiter",
+ "Employee Name": "Name des Mitarbeiters",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Leave Allocation": "Lassen Allocation",
+ "Leave Type": "Lassen Typ",
+ "New Leaves Allocated": "Neue Bl\u00e4tter Allocated",
+ "Posting Date": "Buchungsdatum",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Der Zeitpunkt, zu dem aktuellen Eintrag in dem System korrigiert.",
+ "Total Leaves Allocated": "Insgesamt Leaves Allocated"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7e321a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Apply / Approve Leaves": "\u00dcbernehmen / Genehmigen Leaves",
+ "Approved": "Genehmigt",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Employee": "Mitarbeiter",
+ "Employee Name": "Name des Mitarbeiters",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "From Date": "Von Datum",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Half Day": "Half Day",
+ "Leave Application": "Lassen Anwendung",
+ "Leave Approver": "Lassen Approver",
+ "Leave Balance Before Application": "Lassen Vor Saldo Anwendung",
+ "Leave Type": "Lassen Typ",
+ "Leave can be approved by users with Role, \"Leave Approver\"": "Kann von Benutzern mit Role zugelassen zu verlassen, \"Leave Approver\"",
+ "Letter Head": "Briefkopf",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "Open": "\u00d6ffnen",
+ "Posting Date": "Buchungsdatum",
+ "Reason": "Grund",
+ "Rejected": "Abgelehnt",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "To Date": "To Date",
+ "Total Leave Days": "Insgesamt Leave Tage"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/de-py.json b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/de-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eb61b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_application/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "Employee": "Mitarbeiter",
+ "Holiday": "Urlaub",
+ "Leave Application": "Lassen Anwendung",
+ "Leave Blocked": "Lassen Blockierte",
+ "Leave by": "Lassen Sie von",
+ "New Leave Application": "New Leave Anwendung"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_block_list/locale/_messages_doc.json b/hr/doctype/leave_block_list/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 0a165a7..b8b9977 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/leave_block_list/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_block_list/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
"Allow the following users to approve Leave Applications for block days.",
"Leave Block List",
- "Stop users from making Leave Applications on following days.",
- "Year",
"If not checked, the list will have to be added to each Department where it has to be applied.",
+ "Stop users from making Leave Applications on following days.",
"Applies to Company",
+ "Year",
"Leave Block List Name",
"Leave Block List Allowed",
"Leave Block List Dates"
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_block_list/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/leave_block_list/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a86d8e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_block_list/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ "Allow Users": "Erm\u00f6glichen",
+ "Applies to Company": "Gilt f\u00fcr Unternehmen",
+ "Block Days": "Block Tage",
+ "Block Holidays on important days.": "Blockieren Urlaub auf wichtige Tage.",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "If not checked, the list will have to be added to each Department where it has to be applied.": "Falls nicht, wird die Liste m\u00fcssen auf jeden Abteilung, wo sie angewendet werden hinzugef\u00fcgt werden.",
+ "Leave Block List": "Lassen Block List",
+ "Leave Block List Allowed": "Lassen Sie erlaubt Block List",
+ "Leave Block List Dates": "Lassen Block List Termine",
+ "Leave Block List Name": "Lassen Blockieren Name",
+ "Stop users from making Leave Applications on following days.": "Stoppen Sie den Nutzer von Leave Anwendungen auf folgenden Tagen.",
+ "Year": "Jahr"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_block_list/locale/de-py.json b/hr/doctype/leave_block_list/locale/de-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86ad129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_block_list/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Block Date": "Blockieren Datum",
+ "Date is repeated": "Datum wird wiederholt"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_block_list_allow/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/leave_block_list_allow/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..600880b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_block_list_allow/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Allow User": "Benutzer zulassen",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Leave Block List Allow": "Lassen Lassen Block List"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_block_list_date/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/leave_block_list_date/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3f7c58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_block_list_date/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Block Date": "Blockieren Datum",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Leave Block List Date": "Lassen Block List Datum",
+ "Reason": "Grund"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_control_panel/locale/_messages_doc.json b/hr/doctype/leave_control_panel/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 9e06b36..92d04e5 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/leave_control_panel/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_control_panel/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -6,15 +6,15 @@
"Leave blank if considered for all designations",
- "Leave Type",
- "Leave blank if considered for all grades",
- "New Leaves Allocated (In Days)",
+ "Leave blank if considered for all grades",
+ "Leave Type",
+ "New Leaves Allocated (In Days)",
+ "Department",
"Fiscal Year",
"Carry Forward",
- "Department",
"Leave blank if considered for all employee types",
"Please select Carry Forward if you also want to include previous fiscal year's balance leaves to this fiscal year"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_control_panel/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/leave_control_panel/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2f984c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_control_panel/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ "Allocate": "Zuweisen",
+ "Branch": "Zweig",
+ "Carry Forward": "Vortragen",
+ "Department": "Abteilung",
+ "Designation": "Bezeichnung",
+ "Employee Type": "Arbeitnehmertyp",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Grade": "Klasse",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Leave Control Panel": "Lassen Sie Control Panel",
+ "Leave Type": "Lassen Typ",
+ "Leave blank if considered for all branches": "Freilassen, wenn f\u00fcr alle Branchen betrachtet",
+ "Leave blank if considered for all departments": "Freilassen, wenn f\u00fcr alle Abteilungen betrachtet",
+ "Leave blank if considered for all designations": "Freilassen, wenn f\u00fcr alle Bezeichnungen betrachtet",
+ "Leave blank if considered for all employee types": "Freilassen, wenn f\u00fcr alle Mitarbeiter Typen betrachtet",
+ "Leave blank if considered for all grades": "Freilassen, wenn f\u00fcr alle Typen gilt als",
+ "New Leaves Allocated (In Days)": "New Leaves Allocated (in Tagen)",
+ "Please select Carry Forward if you also want to include previous fiscal year's balance leaves to this fiscal year": "Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie Carry Forward Auch wenn Sie zum vorherigen Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr die Bl\u00e4tter aufnehmen m\u00f6chten zum Ausgleich in diesem Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/leave_type/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/leave_type/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4605639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/leave_type/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Is Carry Forward": "Ist Carry Forward",
+ "Is Encash": "Ist einl\u00f6sen",
+ "Is LWP": "Ist LWP",
+ "Leave Type": "Lassen Typ",
+ "Leave Type Name": "Lassen Typ Name",
+ "Max Days Leave Allowed": "Max Leave Tage erlaubt",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/other_income_detail/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/other_income_detail/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f6b886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/other_income_detail/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "Actual Amount": "Istmenge",
+ "Eligible Amount": "Anrechnungsbetrag",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Max. Limit": "Max Limit",
+ "Modified Amount": "Ge\u00e4ndert Betrag",
+ "Other Income Detail": "Sonstige Ertr\u00e4ge Detailansicht",
+ "Particulars": "Einzelheiten",
+ "Under Section": "Gem\u00e4\u00df \u00a7"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/salary_manager/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/salary_manager/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77e4ca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/salary_manager/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ "Activity Log": "Activity Log",
+ "Branch": "Zweig",
+ "Check if you want to send salary slip in mail to each employee while submitting salary slip": "\u00dcberpr\u00fcfen Sie, ob Sie Gehaltsabrechnung in Mail an jeden Mitarbeiter wollen, w\u00e4hrend Einreichung Gehaltsabrechnung",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Create Bank Voucher for the total salary paid for the above selected criteria": "Erstellen Bankgutschein f\u00fcr die Lohnsumme f\u00fcr die oben ausgew\u00e4hlten Kriterien gezahlt",
+ "Create Salary Slip": "Erstellen Gehaltsabrechnung",
+ "Creates salary slip for above mentioned criteria.": "Erstellt Gehaltsabrechnung f\u00fcr die oben genannten Kriterien.",
+ "Department": "Abteilung",
+ "Designation": "Bezeichnung",
+ "Document Description": "Document Beschreibung",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Grade": "Klasse",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Make Bank Voucher": "Machen Bankgutschein",
+ "Month": "Monat",
+ "Salary Manager": "Manager Gehalt",
+ "Send Email": "E-Mail senden",
+ "Submit Salary Slip": "Senden Gehaltsabrechnung",
+ "Submit all salary slips for the above selected criteria": "Reichen Sie alle Gehaltsabrechnungen f\u00fcr die oben ausgew\u00e4hlten Kriterien"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/salary_slip/locale/_messages_doc.json b/hr/doctype/salary_slip/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 52389a9..7b404ba 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/salary_slip/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/salary_slip/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
"ESIC No.",
- "Employee",
+ "Department",
"Earning & Deduction",
- "Department",
+ "Employee",
"Employee Name",
diff --git a/hr/doctype/salary_slip/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/salary_slip/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e91a3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/salary_slip/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Arrear Amount": "Nachtr\u00e4glich Betrag",
+ "Bank Account No.": "Bank Konto-Nr",
+ "Bank Name": "Name der Bank",
+ "Branch": "Zweig",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Deduction": "Abzug",
+ "Deductions": "Abz\u00fcge",
+ "Department": "Abteilung",
+ "Designation": "Bezeichnung",
+ "ESIC No.": "ESIC Nr.",
+ "Earning": "Earning",
+ "Earning & Deduction": "Earning & Abzug",
+ "Email": "E-Mail",
+ "Employee": "Mitarbeiter",
+ "Employee Name": "Name des Mitarbeiters",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Grade": "Klasse",
+ "Gross Pay": "Gross Pay",
+ "Gross Pay + Arrear Amount +Encashment Amount - Total Deduction": "Gross Pay + nachtr\u00e4glich Betrag + Inkasso Betrag - Total Abzug",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Leave Encashment Amount": "Lassen Einl\u00f6sung Betrag",
+ "Leave Without Pay": "Unbezahlten Urlaub",
+ "Letter Head": "Briefkopf",
+ "Month": "Monat",
+ "Net Pay": "Net Pay",
+ "Net Pay (in words) will be visible once you save the Salary Slip.": "Net Pay (in Worten) sichtbar sein wird, sobald Sie die Gehaltsabrechnung zu speichern.",
+ "PF No.": "PF Nr.",
+ "Payment days": "Payment Tag",
+ "Rounded Total": "Abgerundete insgesamt",
+ "Salary Slip": "Gehaltsabrechnung",
+ "Salary Structure Earnings": "Ergebnis Gehaltsstruktur",
+ "Total Deduction": "Insgesamt Abzug",
+ "Total days in month": "Insgesamt Tage im Monat",
+ "Total in words": "Total in Worten",
+ "Totals": "Totals"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/salary_slip_deduction/locale/_messages_doc.json b/hr/doctype/salary_slip_deduction/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 222cc4b..6f771a0 100644
--- a/hr/doctype/salary_slip_deduction/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/hr/doctype/salary_slip_deduction/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"Modified Amount",
- "Type",
- "Amount",
"Salary Slip Deduction",
+ "Amount",
+ "Type",
"Depends on LWP"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/salary_slip_deduction/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/salary_slip_deduction/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a333760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/salary_slip_deduction/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "Amount": "Menge",
+ "Depends on LWP": "Abh\u00e4ngig von LWP",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Modified Amount": "Ge\u00e4ndert Betrag",
+ "Salary Slip Deduction": "Lohnabzug Rutsch",
+ "Type": "Typ"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/salary_slip_earning/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/salary_slip_earning/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e704243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/salary_slip_earning/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "Amount": "Menge",
+ "Depends on LWP": "Abh\u00e4ngig von LWP",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Modified Amount": "Ge\u00e4ndert Betrag",
+ "Salary Slip Earning": "Earning Gehaltsabrechnung",
+ "Type": "Typ"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/salary_structure/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/salary_structure/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14df4ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/salary_structure/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ "Branch": "Zweig",
+ "CTC": "CTC",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Cost to Company": "Kosten Unternehmen",
+ "Deduction": "Abzug",
+ "Deduction1": "Deduction1",
+ "Department": "Abteilung",
+ "Designation": "Bezeichnung",
+ "Earning": "Earning",
+ "Earning & Deduction": "Earning & Abzug",
+ "Earning1": "Earning1",
+ "Employee": "Mitarbeiter",
+ "Employee Name": "Name des Mitarbeiters",
+ "From Date": "Von Datum",
+ "Grade": "Klasse",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Is Active": "Aktiv ist",
+ "Net Pay": "Net Pay",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Salary Structure": "Gehaltsstruktur",
+ "To Date": "To Date",
+ "Total Deduction": "Insgesamt Abzug",
+ "Total Earning": "Insgesamt Earning",
+ "Yes": "Ja",
+ "You can create more earning and deduction type from Setup --> HR": "Sie k\u00f6nnen mehr verdienen und Deduktion Typ aus Setup -> HR"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/salary_structure_deduction/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/salary_structure_deduction/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81d2096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/salary_structure_deduction/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Amount": "Menge",
+ "Depend on LWP": "Verlassen Sie sich auf LWP",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Salary Structure Deduction": "Gehaltsstruktur Abzug",
+ "Type": "Typ"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/doctype/salary_structure_earning/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/doctype/salary_structure_earning/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66f7674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/doctype/salary_structure_earning/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Amount": "Menge",
+ "Depend on LWP": "Verlassen Sie sich auf LWP",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Salary Structure Earning": "Earning Gehaltsstruktur",
+ "Type": "Typ"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/module_def/hr/locale/de-doc.json b/hr/module_def/hr/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62b7dbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/module_def/hr/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Applicant for a Job": "Antragsteller f\u00fcr einen Job",
+ "Apply / Approve Leaves": "\u00dcbernehmen / Genehmigen Leaves",
+ "Block Holidays on important days.": "Blockieren Urlaub auf wichtige Tage.",
+ "Description of a Job Opening": "Beschreibung eines Job Opening",
+ "Human Resources Home": "Human Resources Startseite"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hr/page/hr_home/locale/de-js.json b/hr/page/hr_home/locale/de-js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7627256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/page/hr_home/locale/de-js.json
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ "Allocate leaves for the year.": "Weisen Bl\u00e4tter f\u00fcr das Jahr.",
+ "Applicant for a Job (extracted from jobs email).": "Antragsteller f\u00fcr einen Job (extrahiert aus Jobs E-Mail).",
+ "Applications for leave.": "Bei Antr\u00e4gen auf Urlaub.",
+ "Appraisal": "Bewertung",
+ "Appraisal Template": "Bewertung Template",
+ "Attendance": "Teilnahme",
+ "Attendance record.": "Zuschauerrekord.",
+ "Block leave applications by department.": "Block verlassen Anwendungen nach Abteilung.",
+ "Branch": "Zweig",
+ "Claims for expenses made on behalf of the organization.": "Anspr\u00fcche f\u00fcr Aufwendungen im Namen der Organisation gemacht.",
+ "Company branches.": "Unternehmen Niederlassungen.",
+ "Company departments.": "Abteilungen des Unternehmens.",
+ "Deduction Type": "Abzug Typ",
+ "Department": "Abteilung",
+ "Designation": "Bezeichnung",
+ "Documents": "Unterlagen",
+ "Earning Type": "Earning Typ",
+ "Employee": "Mitarbeiter",
+ "Employee Designation.": "Mitarbeiter Bezeichnung.",
+ "Employee Setup": "Mitarbeiter-Setup",
+ "Employee grades": "Mitarbeiter-Typen",
+ "Employee records.": "Mitarbeiter-Datens\u00e4tze.",
+ "Employment Type": "Besch\u00e4ftigungsart",
+ "Expense Claim": "Expense Anspruch",
+ "Expense Claim Type": "Expense Anspruch Type",
+ "Generate Salary Slips": "Generieren Gehaltsabrechnungen",
+ "Grade": "Klasse",
+ "Holiday List": "Ferienwohnung Liste",
+ "Job Applicant": "Job Applicant",
+ "Job Opening": "Stellenangebot",
+ "Leave Allocation": "Lassen Allocation",
+ "Leave Allocation Tool": "Lassen Allocation-Tool",
+ "Leave Application": "Lassen Anwendung",
+ "Leave Block List": "Lassen Block List",
+ "Leave Setup": "Lassen Sie Setup-",
+ "Leave Type": "Lassen Typ",
+ "Leave allocations.": "Lassen Zuweisungen.",
+ "List of holidays.": "Liste der Feiertage.",
+ "Masters": "Masters",
+ "Monthly salary statement.": "Monatsgehalt Aussage.",
+ "Monthly salary template.": "Monatsgehalt Vorlage.",
+ "Opening for a Job.": "\u00d6ffnung f\u00fcr den Job.",
+ "Payroll Setup": "Payroll-Setup",
+ "Performance appraisal.": "Leistungsbeurteilung.",
+ "Process Payroll": "Payroll-Prozess",
+ "Reports": "Reports",
+ "Salary Slip": "Gehaltsabrechnung",
+ "Salary Structure": "Gehaltsstruktur",
+ "Salary components.": "Gehaltsbestandteile.",
+ "Tax and other salary deductions.": "Steuer-und sonstige Lohnabz\u00fcge.",
+ "Template for employee performance appraisals.": "Vorlage f\u00fcr Mitarbeiter Leistungsbeurteilungen.",
+ "Type of employment master.": "Art der Besch\u00e4ftigung Master.",
+ "Type of leaves like casual, sick etc.": "Art der Bl\u00e4tter wie beil\u00e4ufig, krank usw.",
+ "Types of Expense Claim.": "Arten von Expense Anspruch.",
+ "Upload attendance": "Hochladen Teilnahme",
+ "Upload attendance from a .csv file": "Fotogalerie Besuch aus einer. Csv-Datei"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/bom/locale/de-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/bom/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5acbed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/bom/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "BOM": "BOM",
+ "BOM Item": "St\u00fccklistenposition",
+ "BOM Operations": "BOM Operationen",
+ "Costing": "Kalkulation",
+ "Is Active": "Aktiv ist",
+ "Is Default": "Ist Standard",
+ "Item": "Artikel",
+ "Item Desription": "Artikel Desription",
+ "Item UOM": "Artikel UOM",
+ "Item to be manufactured or repacked": "Artikel hergestellt oder umgepackt werden",
+ "Last Purchase Rate": "Last Purchase Rate",
+ "Manage cost of operations": "Verwalten Kosten der Operationen",
+ "Manufacturing": "Herstellung",
+ "Materials": "Materialien",
+ "Materials Required (Exploded)": "Ben\u00f6tigte Materialien (Explosionszeichnung)",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "Operations": "Gesch\u00e4ftst\u00e4tigkeit",
+ "Project Name": "Project Name",
+ "Quantity": "Menge",
+ "Quantity of item obtained after manufacturing / repacking from given quantities of raw materials": "Anzahl der Artikel nach der Herstellung / Umpacken vom Angesichts quantities von Rohstoffen Erhalten",
+ "Rate Of Materials Based On": "Rate Of Materialien auf Basis von",
+ "Total Cost": "Total Cost",
+ "Total Operating Cost": "Gesamten Betriebskosten",
+ "Total Raw Material Cost": "Insgesamt Rohstoffkosten",
+ "Valuation Rate": "Valuation bewerten",
+ "With Operations": "Mit Operations"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/bom/locale/de-py.json b/manufacturing/doctype/bom/locale/de-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd631f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/bom/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ ": It is linked to other active BOM(s)": ": Es wird mit anderen aktiven BOM (s) verbunden",
+ "Item": "Artikel",
+ "cancel": "k\u00fcndigen",
+ "deactivate": "deaktivieren",
+ "has been entered atleast twice": "wurde atleast zweimal eingegeben"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/bom_explosion_item/locale/de-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_explosion_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf28699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_explosion_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Amount": "Menge",
+ "BOM Explosion Item": "St\u00fccklistenaufl\u00f6sung Artikel",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Manufacturing": "Herstellung",
+ "Mat Detail No": "Mat im Detail",
+ "Parent BOM": "Eltern GUT",
+ "Qty": "Menge",
+ "Qty Consumed Per Unit": "Menge pro verbrauchter",
+ "Rate": "Rate",
+ "Stock UOM": "Lager UOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/bom_item/locale/de-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d47c34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "Amount": "Menge",
+ "BOM Item": "St\u00fccklistenposition",
+ "BOM No": "BOM Nein",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Item Description": "Artikelbeschreibung",
+ "Manufacturing": "Herstellung",
+ "Operation No": "In Betrieb",
+ "Qty": "Menge",
+ "Qty Consumed Per Unit": "Menge pro verbrauchter",
+ "Rate": "Rate",
+ "Scrap %": "Scrap%",
+ "Stock UOM": "Lager UOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/bom_operation/locale/de-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_operation/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed4cc63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_operation/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "BOM Operation": "BOM Betrieb",
+ "Hour Rate": "Hour Rate",
+ "Manufacturing": "Herstellung",
+ "Operating Cost": "Betriebskosten",
+ "Operation Description": "Operation Beschreibung",
+ "Operation No": "In Betrieb",
+ "Operation Time (mins)": "Betriebszeit (Min.)",
+ "Workstation": "Arbeitsplatz"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/de-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9a2457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "BOM Replace Tool": "BOM Replace Tool",
+ "Current BOM": "Aktuelle St\u00fcckliste",
+ "Manufacturing": "Herstellung",
+ "New BOM": "New BOM",
+ "Replace": "Ersetzen",
+ "Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate \"BOM Explosion Item\" table as per new BOM": "Ersetzen Sie die insbesondere gut in allen anderen St\u00fccklisten, wo sie verwendet wird. Es wird die alte BOM Link zu ersetzen, aktualisieren kosten und regenerieren \"Explosion St\u00fccklistenposition\" Tabelle pro neuen GOOD",
+ "The BOM which will be replaced": "Die St\u00fcckliste, die ersetzt werden",
+ "The new BOM after replacement": "Der neue BOM nach dem Austausch"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/de-py.json b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/de-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a9764f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/bom_replace_tool/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "BOM replaced": "BOM ersetzt"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/production_order/locale/_messages_doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/production_order/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 1707c88..37a83a4 100644
--- a/manufacturing/doctype/production_order/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/production_order/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"If checked, BOM for sub-assembly items will be considered for getting raw materials. Otherwise, all sub-assembly items will be treated as a raw material.",
"Qty To Manufacture",
+ "Draft",
"Use Multi-Level BOM",
"Project Name",
@@ -24,7 +25,6 @@
"Manufactured quantity will be updated in this warehouse",
"Item To Manufacture",
"Manufacture against Sales Order",
- "Draft",
"Sales Order",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/production_order/locale/de-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/production_order/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c819e8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/production_order/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Automatically updated via Stock Entry of type Manufacture/Repack": "Automatisch \u00fcber Lager Eintrag vom Typ Manufacture / Repack aktualisiert",
+ "BOM No": "BOM Nein",
+ "Bill of Material to be considered for manufacturing": "Bill of Material, um f\u00fcr die Fertigung ber\u00fccksichtigt werden",
+ "Cancelled": "Abgesagt",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Completed": "Fertiggestellt",
+ "Draft": "Entwurf",
+ "For Warehouse": "F\u00fcr Warehouse",
+ "If checked, BOM for sub-assembly items will be considered for getting raw materials. Otherwise, all sub-assembly items will be treated as a raw material.": "Wenn aktiviert, wird St\u00fcckliste Baugruppe Artikel f\u00fcr immer Rohstoff betrachtet werden. Andernfalls werden alle Unterbaugruppe Elemente als Ausgangsmaterial behandelt werden.",
+ "In Process": "In Process",
+ "Item To Manufacture": "Artikel in der Herstellung",
+ "Manufacture against Sales Order": "Herstellung gegen Sales Order",
+ "Manufactured Qty": "Hergestellt Menge",
+ "Manufactured quantity will be updated in this warehouse": "Menge hergestellt werden in diesem Lager aktualisiert werden",
+ "Manufacturing": "Herstellung",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "PRO": "PRO",
+ "Production Order": "Fertigungsauftrag",
+ "Project Name": "Project Name",
+ "Qty To Manufacture": "Um Qty Herstellung",
+ "Sales Order": "Sales Order",
+ "Series": "Serie",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Stock UOM": "Lager UOM",
+ "Stopped": "Gestoppt",
+ "Submitted": "Eingereicht",
+ "Use Multi-Level BOM": "Verwenden Sie Multi-Level BOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan_item/locale/de-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..304f45d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "BOM No": "BOM Nein",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Manufacturing": "Herstellung",
+ "Planned Qty": "Geplante Menge",
+ "Production Plan Item": "Production Plan Artikel",
+ "SO Pending Qty": "SO Pending Menge",
+ "Sales Order": "Sales Order",
+ "UOM": "UOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan_sales_order/locale/de-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan_sales_order/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc939ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/production_plan_sales_order/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Grand Total": "Grand Total",
+ "Manufacturing": "Herstellung",
+ "Production Plan Sales Order": "Production Plan Sales Order",
+ "SO Date": "SO Datum",
+ "Sales Order": "Sales Order"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/production_planning_tool/locale/de-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/production_planning_tool/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc74b1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/production_planning_tool/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "Clear Table": "Tabelle l\u00f6schen",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Create Production Orders": "Erstellen Fertigungsauftr\u00e4ge",
+ "Download Materials Required": "Herunterladen ben\u00f6tigte Materialien",
+ "Download a report containing all raw materials with their latest inventory status": "Laden Sie einen Bericht mit allen Rohstoffen mit ihren neuesten Inventar Status",
+ "Enter items and planned qty for which you want to raise production orders or download raw materials for analysis.": "Geben Sie die Posten und geplante Menge f\u00fcr die Sie Fertigungsauftr\u00e4ge erh\u00f6hen oder downloaden Rohstoffe f\u00fcr die Analyse.",
+ "Filter based on customer": "Filtern basierend auf Kunden-",
+ "Filter based on item": "Filtern basierend auf Artikel",
+ "From Date": "Von Datum",
+ "Get Items": "Holen Artikel",
+ "Get Sales Orders": "Holen Sie Kundenauftr\u00e4ge",
+ "If checked, BOM for sub-assembly items will be considered for getting raw materials. Otherwise, all sub-assembly items will be treated as a raw material.": "Wenn aktiviert, wird St\u00fcckliste Baugruppe Artikel f\u00fcr immer Rohstoff betrachtet werden. Andernfalls werden alle Unterbaugruppe Elemente als Ausgangsmaterial behandelt werden.",
+ "Items to be requested which are \"Out of Stock\" considering all warehouses based on projected qty and minimum order qty": "Welche Gegenst\u00e4nde werden gebeten, sich \"Out of Stock\" unter Ber\u00fccksichtigung aller Hallen auf projizierte minimale Bestellmenge und Menge der Basis",
+ "Manufacturing": "Herstellung",
+ "Material Request For Warehouse": "Material Request For Warehouse",
+ "Materials Requirement Planning (MRP)": "Materialien Requirement Planning (MRP)",
+ "Production Plan Items": "Production Plan Artikel",
+ "Production Plan Sales Orders": "Production Plan Kundenauftr\u00e4ge",
+ "Production Planning Tool": "Production Planning-Tool",
+ "Pull items from Sales Order mentioned in the above table.": "Ziehen Sie Elemente aus Sales Order in der obigen Tabelle erw\u00e4hnt.",
+ "Pull sales orders (pending to deliver) based on the above criteria": "Ziehen Sie Kundenauftr\u00e4ge (anh\u00e4ngig zu liefern), basierend auf den oben genannten Kriterien",
+ "Raise Material Request": "Heben Material anfordern",
+ "Raise Production Order": "Heben Fertigungsauftrag",
+ "Select Sales Orders": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Kundenauftr\u00e4ge",
+ "Select Sales Orders from which you want to create Production Orders.": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Auftr\u00e4ge aus der Sie Fertigungsauftr\u00e4ge erstellen.",
+ "Separate production order will be created for each finished good item.": "Separate Fertigungsauftrag wird f\u00fcr jeden fertigen gute Position geschaffen werden.",
+ "To Date": "To Date",
+ "Use Multi-Level BOM": "Verwenden Sie Multi-Level BOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/update_delivery_date/locale/de-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/update_delivery_date/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a21240b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/update_delivery_date/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Entries": "Eintr\u00e4ge",
+ "From Date": "Von Datum",
+ "Get Open Sales Order": "Sie \u00f6ffnen Sales Order",
+ "Manufacturing": "Herstellung",
+ "Sales Order": "Sales Order",
+ "Territory": "Gebiet",
+ "To Date": "To Date",
+ "Update Delivery Date": "Aktualisieren Lieferdatum",
+ "Update Sales Order": "Aktualisieren Sie Sales Order"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/locale/_messages_doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 6ab9889..2df5d82 100644
--- a/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
+ "Over Heads",
"Hour Rate",
"Trash Reason",
"Hour Rate Consumable",
"Capacity Units",
- "Over Heads",
- "Hour Rate Electricity",
+ "Hour Rate Electricity",
"Hour Rate Rent",
"Workstation Name",
diff --git a/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/locale/de-doc.json b/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c60c68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "Capacity": "Kapazit\u00e4t",
+ "Capacity Units": "Capacity Units",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Hour Rate": "Hour Rate",
+ "Hour Rate Consumable": "Hour Rate Verbrauchsmaterial",
+ "Hour Rate Electricity": "Hour Rate Strom",
+ "Hour Rate Labour": "Hour Rate Labour",
+ "Hour Rate Rent": "Hour Rate Miete",
+ "Manufacturing": "Herstellung",
+ "Over Heads": "\u00dcber Heads",
+ "Overhead": "Oben",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason",
+ "Units/Hour": "Einheiten / Stunde",
+ "Units/Shifts": "Units / Shifts",
+ "Warehouse": "Lager",
+ "Workstation": "Arbeitsplatz",
+ "Workstation Name": "Name der Arbeitsstation"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/_messages_doc.json b/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/_messages_doc.json
index c8da7cf..b47bc77 100644
--- a/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- "Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate \"BOM Explosion Item\" table as per new BOM",
- "Manufacturing Home"
+ "Manufacturing Home",
+ "Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate \"BOM Explosion Item\" table as per new BOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/de-doc.json b/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7a9ee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/module_def/manufacturing/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Manufacturing Home": "Herstellung Home",
+ "Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate \"BOM Explosion Item\" table as per new BOM": "Ersetzen Sie die insbesondere gut in allen anderen St\u00fccklisten, wo sie verwendet wird. Es wird die alte BOM Link zu ersetzen, aktualisieren kosten und regenerieren \"Explosion St\u00fccklistenposition\" Tabelle pro neuen GOOD"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manufacturing/page/manufacturing_home/locale/de-js.json b/manufacturing/page/manufacturing_home/locale/de-js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c4db43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manufacturing/page/manufacturing_home/locale/de-js.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "All Products or Services.": "Alle Produkte oder Dienstleistungen.",
+ "BOM Replace Tool": "BOM Replace Tool",
+ "Bill of Materials": "Bill of Materials",
+ "Bill of Materials (BOM)": "Bill of Materials (BOM)",
+ "Documents": "Unterlagen",
+ "Generate Material Requests (MRP) and Production Orders.": "Generieren Werkstoff Requests (MRP) und Fertigungsauftr\u00e4ge.",
+ "Item": "Artikel",
+ "Masters": "Masters",
+ "Orders released for production.": "Bestellungen f\u00fcr die Produktion freigegeben.",
+ "Production Order": "Fertigungsauftrag",
+ "Production Planning (MRP)": "Production Planning (MRP)",
+ "Production Planning Tool": "Production Planning-Tool",
+ "Replace Item / BOM in all BOMs": "Ersetzen Item / BOM in allen St\u00fccklisten",
+ "Utility": "Nutzen",
+ "Where manufacturing operations are carried out.": "Wo Herstellungsvorg\u00e4nge werden durchgef\u00fchrt.",
+ "Workstation": "Arbeitsplatz"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/production/doctype/update_delivery_date/locale/_messages_doc.json b/production/doctype/update_delivery_date/locale/_messages_doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c747f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/production/doctype/update_delivery_date/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Customer",
+ "Get Open Sales Order",
+ "Territory",
+ "Company",
+ "Update Delivery Date",
+ "To Date",
+ "Production",
+ "From Date",
+ "Entries",
+ "Sales Order",
+ "Update Sales Order"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/doctype/activity_type/locale/de-doc.json b/projects/doctype/activity_type/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2869ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/doctype/activity_type/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Activity Type": "Art der T\u00e4tigkeit",
+ "Projects": "Projekte"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/doctype/project/locale/de-doc.json b/projects/doctype/project/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27eba02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/doctype/project/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ "Actual Completion Date": "Tats\u00e4chliche Datum der Fertigstellung",
+ "Cancelled": "Abgesagt",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Completed": "Fertiggestellt",
+ "Completion Date": "Datum der Fertigstellung",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Customer Details": "Customer Details",
+ "Dates": "Termine",
+ "Estimated Material Cost": "Gesch\u00e4tzter Materialkalkulationen",
+ "External": "Extern",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Gross Margin %": "Gross Margin%",
+ "Gross Margin Value": "Gross Margin Wert",
+ "High": "Hoch",
+ "Important dates and commitments in your project life cycle": "Wichtige Termine und Verpflichtungen in Ihrem Projekt-Lebenszyklus",
+ "Internal": "Intern",
+ "Is Active": "Aktiv ist",
+ "Low": "Gering",
+ "Margin": "Marge",
+ "Medium": "Medium",
+ "Milestones": "Meilensteine",
+ "Milestones will be added as Events in the Calendar": "Meilensteine \u200b\u200bwerden die Veranstaltungen in der hinzugef\u00fcgt werden",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Notes": "Aufzeichnungen",
+ "Open": "\u00d6ffnen",
+ "Other": "Andere",
+ "Priority": "Priorit\u00e4t",
+ "Project": "Projekt",
+ "Project Costing": "Projektkalkulation",
+ "Project Details": "Project Details",
+ "Project Milestones": "Projektmeilensteine",
+ "Project Name": "Project Name",
+ "Project Start Date": "Projekt Startdatum",
+ "Project Tasks": "Projektaufgaben",
+ "Project Type": "Projekttyp",
+ "Project Value": "Projekt Wert",
+ "Project will get saved and will be searchable with project name given": "Projekt wird gespeichert und erhalten werden durchsuchbare mit Projekt-Namen",
+ "Projects": "Projekte",
+ "Select name of Customer to whom project belongs": "W\u00e4hlen Sie den Namen des Kunden, dem geh\u00f6rt Projekts",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Tasks": "Aufgaben",
+ "Tasks belonging to this Project.": "Aufgaben geh\u00f6ren zu diesem Projekt.",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason",
+ "Yes": "Ja"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/doctype/project_activity/locale/de-doc.json b/projects/doctype/project_activity/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f436f5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/doctype/project_activity/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "Activity Name": "Aktivit\u00e4t Name",
+ "Add": "Hinzuf\u00fcgen",
+ "Hours": "Stunden",
+ "Last Update": "Letztes Update",
+ "Last Update By": "Letzte Aktualisierung durch",
+ "New Update": "Neues Update",
+ "Percent Complete": "Percent Complete",
+ "Project": "Projekt",
+ "Project Activity": "Projekt Activity",
+ "Projects": "Projekte",
+ "Updates": "Updates",
+ "Updates HTML": "Updates HTML"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/doctype/project_activity_update/locale/de-doc.json b/projects/doctype/project_activity_update/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a685dec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/doctype/project_activity_update/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Hours": "Stunden",
+ "Project Activity Update": "Projekt Activity aktualisieren",
+ "Projects": "Projekte",
+ "Update": "Aktualisieren",
+ "e.g. 0.5, 2.5 etc": "z.B. 0,5, 2,5 etc."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/doctype/project_control/locale/de-doc.json b/projects/doctype/project_control/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45a7808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/doctype/project_control/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Project Control": "Project Control",
+ "Projects": "Projekte"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/doctype/project_milestone/locale/de-doc.json b/projects/doctype/project_milestone/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91d64f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/doctype/project_milestone/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Completed": "Fertiggestellt",
+ "Milestone": "Meilenstein",
+ "Milestone Date": "Milestone Datum",
+ "Pending": "Schwebend",
+ "Project Milestone": "Projekt Milestone",
+ "Projects": "Projekte",
+ "Status": "Status"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/doctype/task/locale/de-doc.json b/projects/doctype/task/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9edc445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/doctype/task/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ "Actual": "Tats\u00e4chlich",
+ "Actual Budget": "Tats\u00e4chliche Budget",
+ "Actual End Date": "Actual End Datum",
+ "Actual Start Date": "Tats\u00e4chliche Startdatum",
+ "Allocated Budget": "Zugeteilten Budget",
+ "Cancelled": "Abgesagt",
+ "Closed": "Geschlossen",
+ "Closing Date": "Einsendeschluss",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Details": "Details",
+ "Expected": "Voraussichtlich",
+ "Expected End Date": "Erwartete Enddatum",
+ "Expected Start Date": "Fr\u00fchestes Eintrittsdatum",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "High": "Hoch",
+ "Low": "Gering",
+ "Medium": "Medium",
+ "More Details": "Mehr Details",
+ "Open": "\u00d6ffnen",
+ "Pending Review": "Bis Bewertung",
+ "Priority": "Priorit\u00e4t",
+ "Project": "Projekt",
+ "Projects": "Projekte",
+ "Review Date": "Bewerten Datum",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Subject": "Thema",
+ "Task": "Aufgabe",
+ "Task Details": "Task Details",
+ "Time and Budget": "Zeit und Budget",
+ "Total Hours (Expected)": "Total Hours (Erwartete)",
+ "Urgent": "Dringend",
+ "Working": "Arbeit"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/doctype/time_log/locale/_messages_js.json b/projects/doctype/time_log/locale/_messages_js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0637a08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/doctype/time_log/locale/_messages_js.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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diff --git a/projects/doctype/time_log/locale/_messages_py.json b/projects/doctype/time_log/locale/_messages_py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c594d54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/doctype/time_log/locale/_messages_py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "This Time Log conflicts with"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/doctype/timesheet/locale/_messages_doc.json b/projects/doctype/timesheet/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 7c5d297..fab2534 100644
--- a/projects/doctype/timesheet/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/projects/doctype/timesheet/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
"Timesheet By",
- "Submitted",
- "Amendment Date",
"Timesheet Date",
- "Timesheet Details",
+ "Amendment Date",
+ "Submitted",
+ "Timesheet Details",
"Amended From",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/doctype/timesheet/locale/de-doc.json b/projects/doctype/timesheet/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e070b21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/doctype/timesheet/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Cancelled": "Abgesagt",
+ "Draft": "Entwurf",
+ "Notes": "Aufzeichnungen",
+ "Projects": "Projekte",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Submitted": "Eingereicht",
+ "Timesheet": "Timesheet",
+ "Timesheet By": "Timesheet By",
+ "Timesheet Date": "Timesheet Datum",
+ "Timesheet Details": "Timesheet Einzelheiten"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/doctype/timesheet_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json b/projects/doctype/timesheet_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json
index eff7cbd..a51a3e2 100644
--- a/projects/doctype/timesheet_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/projects/doctype/timesheet_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
"Actual Start Time",
"Total Hours (Actual)",
+ "Customer Name",
"Additional Info",
"Timesheet Detail",
- "Customer Name",
"Task Name",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/doctype/timesheet_detail/locale/de-doc.json b/projects/doctype/timesheet_detail/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a29d33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/doctype/timesheet_detail/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Activity Type": "Art der T\u00e4tigkeit",
+ "Actual End Time": "Tats\u00e4chliche Endzeit",
+ "Actual Start Time": "Tats\u00e4chliche Startzeit",
+ "Additional Info": "Zus\u00e4tzliche Informationen",
+ "Customer Name": "Name des Kunden",
+ "Project": "Projekt",
+ "Projects": "Projekte",
+ "Task Id": "Task-Id",
+ "Task Name": "Task-Name",
+ "Timesheet Detail": "Timesheet Details",
+ "Total Hours (Actual)": "Total Hours (Actual)"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/module_def/projects/locale/_messages_doc.json b/projects/module_def/projects/locale/_messages_doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da33435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/module_def/projects/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Projects Home",
+ "Projects"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/page/projects_home/locale/_messages_js.json b/projects/page/projects_home/locale/_messages_js.json
index c2539f0..fe4cb6b 100644
--- a/projects/page/projects_home/locale/_messages_js.json
+++ b/projects/page/projects_home/locale/_messages_js.json
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+ "Time Log",
"Project master.",
@@ -7,6 +8,7 @@
"Gantt Chart",
+ "Time Log for tasks.",
"Project activity / task.",
"Timesheet for tasks.",
diff --git a/projects/page/projects_home/locale/de-js.json b/projects/page/projects_home/locale/de-js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49f2412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/page/projects_home/locale/de-js.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ "Activity Type": "Art der T\u00e4tigkeit",
+ "Documents": "Unterlagen",
+ "Gantt Chart": "Gantt Chart",
+ "Gantt chart of all tasks.": "Gantt-Diagramm aller Aufgaben.",
+ "Masters": "Masters",
+ "Project": "Projekt",
+ "Project activity / task.": "Projektaktivit\u00e4t / Aufgabe.",
+ "Project master.": "Projekt Meister.",
+ "Task": "Aufgabe",
+ "Timesheet": "Timesheet",
+ "Timesheet for tasks.": "Timesheet f\u00fcr Aufgaben.",
+ "Tools": "Werkzeuge",
+ "Types of activities for Time Sheets": "Arten von Aktivit\u00e4ten f\u00fcr Time Sheets"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/js/locale/_messages_js.json b/public/js/locale/_messages_js.json
index 4e6cc39..acb06e7 100644
--- a/public/js/locale/_messages_js.json
+++ b/public/js/locale/_messages_js.json
@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@
"Maintenance Visit Purpose",
"Purchase Invoice",
- "Product Settings",
"Item Reorder",
"Leave Type",
"Sales and Purchase Return Tool",
@@ -117,6 +116,7 @@
"Warehouse User",
"Website Slideshow",
+ "Valuation Control",
"Profile Control",
"Purchase Taxes and Charges",
"Landed Cost Wizard",
@@ -136,7 +136,6 @@
"Project Activity",
"Purchase Order Item Supplied",
- "Purchase Request",
"Quotation Lost Reason",
"Event Role",
@@ -170,10 +169,10 @@
"Activity Type",
"Cost Center",
- "Holiday Block List",
+ "Product Settings",
"Delivery Note Item",
"Company Control",
- "Purchase Request Item",
+ "Website Settings",
"Email Settings",
@@ -190,7 +189,6 @@
"Payment to Invoice Matching Tool Detail",
"Contact Us Settings",
"Expense Claim Detail",
- "Communication Log",
"Stock Ledger Entry",
"Bank Reconciliation",
"Multi Ledger Report Detail",
@@ -229,20 +227,18 @@
"Control Panel",
"Delivery Note",
"Trend Analyzer Control",
- "Valuation Control",
+ "Production",
"Search Criteria",
"Salary Structure",
"Purchase Receipt Item Supplied",
"Customer Group",
"Opportunity Item",
- "Holiday Block List Date",
"Sales Invoice Item",
"GL Mapper",
"Workflow Document State",
"Item Website Specification",
"Mode of Payment",
- "Website Settings",
"Leave Block List Date",
"System Console",
"To Do",
@@ -268,7 +264,6 @@
"Trash Control",
"Salary Structure Earning",
- "Holiday Block List Allow",
"SMS Parameter",
"Maintenance Schedule",
"Event User",
diff --git a/public/js/locale/de-js.json b/public/js/locale/de-js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb5359b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/js/locale/de-js.json
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+ "About Us Settings": "\u00dcber uns Settings",
+ "About Us Team Member": "\u00dcber uns Team Member",
+ "Account": "Konto",
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Activity": "Aktivit\u00e4t",
+ "Activity Type": "Art der T\u00e4tigkeit",
+ "Address": "Adresse",
+ "Answer": "Beantworten",
+ "Appraisal": "Bewertung",
+ "Appraisal Goal": "Bewertung Goal",
+ "Appraisal Template": "Bewertung Template",
+ "Appraisal Template Goal": "Bewertung Template Goal",
+ "Attendance": "Teilnahme",
+ "Attendance Control Panel": "Teilnahme Control Panel",
+ "Authorization Control": "Authorization Control",
+ "Authorization Rule": "Autorisierungsregel",
+ "BOM": "BOM",
+ "BOM Explosion Item": "St\u00fccklistenaufl\u00f6sung Artikel",
+ "BOM Item": "St\u00fccklistenposition",
+ "BOM Operation": "BOM Betrieb",
+ "BOM Replace Tool": "BOM Replace Tool",
+ "Bank Reconciliation": "Kontenabstimmung",
+ "Bank Reconciliation Detail": "Kontenabstimmung Details",
+ "Batch": "Stapel",
+ "Bin": "Kasten",
+ "Blog": "Blog",
+ "Blog Subscriber": "Blog Subscriber",
+ "Branch": "Zweig",
+ "Brand": "Marke",
+ "Budget Control": "Budget Control",
+ "Budget Detail": "Budget Detailansicht",
+ "Budget Distribution": "Budget Verteilung",
+ "Budget Distribution Detail": "Budget Verteilung Detailansicht",
+ "Bulk Email": "Bulk Email",
+ "Buying": "Kauf",
+ "C-Form": "C-Form",
+ "C-Form Invoice Detail": "C-Form Rechnungsdetails",
+ "Calendar": "Kalender",
+ "Campaign": "Kampagne",
+ "Comment": "Kommentar",
+ "Communication": "Kommunikation",
+ "Communication Log": "Communication Log",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Company Control": "Firma Control",
+ "Company History": "Unternehmensgeschichte",
+ "Contact": "Kontakt",
+ "Contact Control": "Kontakt Kontrolle",
+ "Contact Us Settings": "Kontakt Settings",
+ "Control Panel": "Control Panel",
+ "Core": "Kern",
+ "Cost Center": "Kostenstellenrechnung",
+ "Country": "Land",
+ "Currency": "W\u00e4hrung",
+ "Custom Field": "Custom Field",
+ "Custom Script": "Custom Script",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Customer Group": "Customer Group",
+ "Customer Issue": "Das Anliegen des Kunden",
+ "Customize Form": "Formular anpassen",
+ "Customize Form Field": "Passen Form Field",
+ "Deduction Type": "Abzug Typ",
+ "Default Home Page": "Standard Home Page",
+ "DefaultValue": "DefaultValue",
+ "Delivery Note": "Lieferschein",
+ "Delivery Note Item": "Lieferscheinposition",
+ "Delivery Note Packing Item": "Lieferschein Verpackung Artikel",
+ "Department": "Abteilung",
+ "Designation": "Bezeichnung",
+ "DocField": "DocField",
+ "DocPerm": "DocPerm",
+ "DocType": "DOCTYPE",
+ "DocType Label": "DocType Etikett",
+ "DocType Mapper": "DocType Mapper",
+ "Documentation": "Dokumentation",
+ "Earning Type": "Earning Typ",
+ "Email Digest": "Email Digest",
+ "Email Settings": "E-Mail-Einstellungen",
+ "Employee": "Mitarbeiter",
+ "Employee Education": "Mitarbeiterschulung",
+ "Employee External Work History": "Mitarbeiter Externe Arbeit Geschichte",
+ "Employee Internal Work History": "Mitarbeiter Interner Arbeitsbereich Geschichte",
+ "Employee Training": "Mitarbeiterschulung",
+ "Employment Type": "Besch\u00e4ftigungsart",
+ "Event": "Veranstaltung",
+ "Event Role": "Event Rolle",
+ "Event User": "Ereignis Benutzer",
+ "Expense Claim": "Expense Anspruch",
+ "Expense Claim Detail": "Expense Anspruch Details",
+ "Expense Claim Type": "Expense Anspruch Type",
+ "Featured Item": "Feature-Produkt",
+ "Features Setup": "Features Setup",
+ "Feed": "F\u00fcttern",
+ "Field Mapper Detail": "Feld Mapper Details",
+ "File Data": "File Data",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Forum": "Forum",
+ "GL Control": "GL Steuerung",
+ "GL Entry": "GL Eintrag",
+ "GL Mapper": "GL Mapper",
+ "GL Mapper Detail": "GL Mapper Details",
+ "Global Defaults": "Globale Defaults",
+ "Grade": "Klasse",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Help": "Hilfe",
+ "Holiday": "Urlaub",
+ "Holiday Block List": "Ferienwohnung Block List",
+ "Holiday Block List Allow": "Ferienwohnung Block List zulassen",
+ "Holiday Block List Date": "Ferienwohnung Block List Datum",
+ "Holiday List": "Ferienwohnung Liste",
+ "Home": "Zuhause",
+ "Home Control": "Home Control",
+ "Human Resources": "Human Resources",
+ "Industry Type": "Industry Typ",
+ "Installation Note": "Installation Hinweis",
+ "Installation Note Item": "Installation Hinweis Artikel",
+ "Item": "Artikel",
+ "Item Customer Detail": "Artikel Kundenrezensionen",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Item Price": "Artikel Preis",
+ "Item Quality Inspection Parameter": "Qualit\u00e4tspr\u00fcfung Artikel Parameter",
+ "Item Reorder": "Artikel Reorder",
+ "Item Supplier": "Artikel Lieferant",
+ "Item Tax": "MwSt. Artikel",
+ "Item Website Specification": "Artikelbeschreibung Webseite",
+ "Job Applicant": "Job Applicant",
+ "Job Opening": "Stellenangebot",
+ "Jobs Email Settings": "Jobs per E-Mail Einstellungen",
+ "Journal Voucher": "Journal Gutschein",
+ "Journal Voucher Detail": "Journal Voucher Detail",
+ "Knowledge Base": "Knowledge Base",
+ "Landed Cost Item": "Landed Cost Artikel",
+ "Landed Cost Purchase Receipt": "Landed Cost Kaufbeleg",
+ "Landed Cost Wizard": "Landed Cost Wizard",
+ "Lead": "F\u00fchren",
+ "Leave Allocation": "Lassen Allocation",
+ "Leave Application": "Lassen Anwendung",
+ "Leave Block List": "Lassen Block List",
+ "Leave Block List Allow": "Lassen Lassen Block List",
+ "Leave Block List Date": "Lassen Block List Datum",
+ "Leave Control Panel": "Lassen Sie Control Panel",
+ "Leave Type": "Lassen Typ",
+ "Letter Head": "Briefkopf",
+ "Live Chat": "Live-Chat",
+ "MIS Control": "MIS Kontrolle",
+ "Maintenance Schedule": "Wartungsplan",
+ "Maintenance Schedule Detail": "Wartungsplan Details",
+ "Maintenance Schedule Item": "Wartungsplan Artikel",
+ "Maintenance Visit": "Wartung Besuch",
+ "Maintenance Visit Purpose": "Wartung Visit Zweck",
+ "Manufacturing": "Herstellung",
+ "Market Segment": "Market Segment",
+ "Material Request": "Material anfordern",
+ "Material Request Item": "Material anfordern Artikel",
+ "Messages": "Nachrichten",
+ "Mode of Payment": "Zahlungsweise",
+ "Module Def": "Module Def",
+ "Modules": "Module",
+ "Multi Ledger Report Detail": "Multi Ledger Detail Report",
+ "My Settings": "Meine Einstellungen",
+ "Naming Series": "Benennen Series",
+ "Naming Series Options": "Benennen Optionen Series",
+ "Newsletter": "Mitteilungsblatt",
+ "Notification Control": "Meldungssteuervorrichtung",
+ "Opportunity": "Gelegenheit",
+ "Opportunity Item": "Gelegenheit Artikel",
+ "Other Income Detail": "Sonstige Ertr\u00e4ge Detailansicht",
+ "POS Setting": "POS Setting",
+ "Packing Slip": "Packzettel",
+ "Packing Slip Item": "Packzettel Artikel",
+ "Page": "Seite",
+ "Page Role": "Seite Role",
+ "Patch Log": "Anmelden Patch-",
+ "Payment to Invoice Matching Tool": "Zahlung an Rechnung Matching-Tool",
+ "Payment to Invoice Matching Tool Detail": "Zahlung an Rechnung Matching Werkzeug-Detail",
+ "Period Closing Voucher": "Periodenverschiebung Gutschein",
+ "Permission Control": "Permission Steuerung",
+ "Price List": "Preisliste",
+ "Print Format": "Drucken Format",
+ "Print Heading": "Unterwegs drucken",
+ "Product Group": "Product Group",
+ "Product Settings": "Produkt-Settings",
+ "Production Order": "Fertigungsauftrag",
+ "Production Plan Item": "Production Plan Artikel",
+ "Production Plan Sales Order": "Production Plan Sales Order",
+ "Production Planning Tool": "Production Planning-Tool",
+ "Products Settings": "Produkte Einstellungen",
+ "Profile": "Profil",
+ "Profile Control": "Profile Control",
+ "Project": "Projekt",
+ "Project Activity": "Projekt Activity",
+ "Project Activity Update": "Projekt Activity aktualisieren",
+ "Project Control": "Project Control",
+ "Project Milestone": "Projekt Milestone",
+ "Projects": "Projekte",
+ "Property Setter": "Property Setter",
+ "Purchase Common": "Erwerb Eigener",
+ "Purchase Invoice": "Kaufrechnung",
+ "Purchase Invoice Advance": "Advance Purchase Rechnung",
+ "Purchase Invoice Item": "Kaufrechnung Artikel",
+ "Purchase Order": "Auftragsbest\u00e4tigung",
+ "Purchase Order Item": "Bestellposition",
+ "Purchase Order Item Supplied": "Bestellposition geliefert",
+ "Purchase Receipt": "Kaufbeleg",
+ "Purchase Receipt Item": "Kaufbeleg Artikel",
+ "Purchase Receipt Item Supplied": "Kaufbeleg Liefergegenstand",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges": "Purchase Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges Master": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren Meister Kauf",
+ "Quality Inspection": "Qualit\u00e4tspr\u00fcfung",
+ "Quality Inspection Reading": "Qualit\u00e4tspr\u00fcfung Lesen",
+ "Question": "Frage",
+ "Quotation": "Zitat",
+ "Quotation Item": "Zitat Artikel",
+ "Quotation Lost Reason": "Zitat Passwort Reason",
+ "Related Page": "Verwandte Seite",
+ "Rename Tool": "Umbenennen-Tool",
+ "Report": "Bericht",
+ "Role": "Rolle",
+ "SMS Center": "SMS Center",
+ "SMS Control": "SMS Control",
+ "SMS Log": "SMS Log",
+ "SMS Parameter": "SMS Parameter",
+ "SMS Receiver": "SMS-Empf\u00e4nger",
+ "SMS Settings": "SMS-Einstellungen",
+ "Salary Manager": "Manager Gehalt",
+ "Salary Slip": "Gehaltsabrechnung",
+ "Salary Slip Deduction": "Lohnabzug Rutsch",
+ "Salary Slip Earning": "Earning Gehaltsabrechnung",
+ "Salary Structure": "Gehaltsstruktur",
+ "Salary Structure Deduction": "Gehaltsstruktur Abzug",
+ "Salary Structure Earning": "Earning Gehaltsstruktur",
+ "Sales BOM": "Vertrieb BOM",
+ "Sales BOM Item": "Vertrieb St\u00fccklistenposition",
+ "Sales Browser Control": "Vertrieb Browser Control",
+ "Sales Common": "Vertrieb Gemeinsame",
+ "Sales Email Settings": "Vertrieb E-Mail-Einstellungen",
+ "Sales Invoice": "Sales Invoice",
+ "Sales Invoice Advance": "Sales Invoice Geleistete",
+ "Sales Invoice Item": "Sales Invoice Artikel",
+ "Sales Order": "Sales Order",
+ "Sales Order Item": "Auftragsposition",
+ "Sales Partner": "Vertriebspartner",
+ "Sales Person": "Sales Person",
+ "Sales Taxes and Charges": "Vertrieb Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Sales Taxes and Charges Master": "Vertrieb Steuern und Abgaben Meister",
+ "Sales Team": "Sales Team",
+ "Sales and Purchase Return Item": "Sales and Purchase Zur\u00fcck Artikel",
+ "Sales and Purchase Return Tool": "Sales and Purchase Return-Tool",
+ "Sandbox": "Sandkasten",
+ "Scheduler Log": "Scheduler Log",
+ "Search Criteria": "Suchkriterien",
+ "Selling": "Verkauf",
+ "Serial No": "Serial In",
+ "Series Detail": "Series Detailansicht",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Setup Control": "Setup Control",
+ "Shipping Address": "Versandadresse",
+ "State": "Zustand",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Stock Entry": "Lager Eintrag",
+ "Stock Entry Detail": "Lager Eintrag Details",
+ "Stock Ledger": "Lager Ledger",
+ "Stock Ledger Entry": "Lager Ledger Eintrag",
+ "Stock Reconciliation": "Lager Vers\u00f6hnung",
+ "Stock UOM Replace Utility": "Lager UOM ersetzen Dienstprogramm",
+ "Style Settings": "Style Einstellungen",
+ "Supplier": "Lieferant",
+ "Supplier Quotation": "Lieferant Angebot",
+ "Supplier Quotation Item": "Lieferant Angebotsposition",
+ "Supplier Type": "Lieferant Typ",
+ "Support": "Unterst\u00fctzen",
+ "Support Ticket": "Support Ticket",
+ "System Console": "System Console",
+ "Table Mapper Detail": "Tabelle Mapper Details",
+ "Tag": "Anh\u00e4nger",
+ "Target Detail": "Ziel Detailansicht",
+ "Task": "Aufgabe",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "AGB",
+ "Territory": "Gebiet",
+ "Timesheet": "Timesheet",
+ "Timesheet Detail": "Timesheet Details",
+ "To Do": "To Do",
+ "ToDo": "ToDo",
+ "Top Bar Item": "Top Bar Artikel",
+ "Trash Control": "Trash Steuerung",
+ "Trend Analyzer Control": "Trend Analyzer Steuerung",
+ "UOM": "UOM",
+ "UOM Conversion Detail": "UOM Conversion Details",
+ "Unread Messages": "Ungelesene Nachrichten",
+ "Update Delivery Date": "Aktualisieren Lieferdatum",
+ "UserRole": "UserRole",
+ "Utilities": "Dienstprogramme",
+ "Valuation Control": "Valuation Control-",
+ "Warehouse": "Lager",
+ "Warehouse Type": "Warehouse Typ",
+ "Warehouse User": "Warehouse Benutzer",
+ "Web Page": "Web Page",
+ "Website": "Webseite",
+ "Website Item Group": "Website-Elementgruppe",
+ "Website Product Category": "Website Produktkategorie",
+ "Website Script": "Website Script",
+ "Website Settings": "Website-Einstellungen",
+ "Website Slideshow": "Website Slideshow",
+ "Website Slideshow Item": "Website Slideshow Artikel",
+ "Workflow": "Workflow",
+ "Workflow Action": "Workflow-Aktion",
+ "Workflow Action Detail": "Workflow-Aktion Details",
+ "Workflow Document State": "Workflow Document Staat",
+ "Workflow Engine": "Workflow Engine",
+ "Workflow Rule": "Workflow-Regel",
+ "Workflow Rule Detail": "Workflow Rule Details",
+ "Workflow State": "Workflow-Status",
+ "Workflow Transition": "Workflow Transition",
+ "Workstation": "Arbeitsplatz"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/campaign/locale/de-doc.json b/selling/doctype/campaign/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..646bb18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/campaign/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "Campaign": "Kampagne",
+ "Campaign Name": "Kampagnenname",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Keep Track of Sales Campaigns. Keep track of Leads, Quotations, Sales Order etc from Campaigns to gauge Return on Investment. ": "Behalten Sie den \u00dcberblick of Sales Campaigns. Verfolgen Sie Leads, Angebote, Sales Order etc von Kampagnen zur Return on Investment messen.",
+ "Selling": "Verkauf",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/communication_log/locale/de-doc.json b/selling/doctype/communication_log/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94b0e5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/communication_log/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Communication Log": "Communication Log",
+ "Communication by": "Kommunikation durch",
+ "Communication type": "Art der Kommunikation",
+ "Date": "Datum",
+ "Email": "E-Mail",
+ "Notes": "Aufzeichnungen",
+ "Other": "Andere",
+ "Phone": "Telefon",
+ "SMS": "SMS",
+ "Selling": "Verkauf",
+ "Visit": "Besuchen"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/customer/locale/de-doc.json b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..304a1a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ "<a href=\"#!Sales Browser/Customer Group\">To manage Customer Groups, click here</a>": "<a href=\"#!Sales Browser/Customer Group\"> Kundengruppen zu verwalten, klicken Sie hier </ a>",
+ "<a href=\"#!Sales Browser/Territory\">To manage Territory, click here</a>": "<a href=\"#!Sales Browser/Territory\"> Um Territory zu verwalten, klicken Sie hier </ a>",
+ "Address & Contacts": "Adresse und Kontakte",
+ "Address Desc": "Adresse Desc",
+ "Address HTML": "Adresse HTML",
+ "Basic Info": "Basic Info",
+ "Buyer of Goods and Services.": "K\u00e4ufer von Waren und Dienstleistungen.",
+ "CUST": "CUST",
+ "Communication HTML": "Communication HTML",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Contact Desc": "Kontakt Desc",
+ "Contact HTML": "Kontakt HTML",
+ "Credit Days": "Kredit-Tage",
+ "Credit Limit": "Kreditlimit",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Customer Details": "Customer Details",
+ "Customer Group": "Customer Group",
+ "Customer Name": "Name des Kunden",
+ "Customer Type": "Kundentyp",
+ "Default Commission Rate": "Standard Kommission bewerten",
+ "Default Currency": "Standardw\u00e4hrung",
+ "Default Price List": "Standard Preisliste",
+ "Default Sales Partner": "Standard Vertriebspartner",
+ "Fetch lead which will be converted into customer.": "Fetch Blei, die in Kunden konvertiert werden.",
+ "Individual": "Einzelne",
+ "Lead Ref": "Blei Ref",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "Note: You Can Manage Multiple Address or Contacts via Addresses & Contacts": "Hinweis: Sie k\u00f6nnen mehrere Kontakte oder Adresse via Adressen & Kontakte verwalten",
+ "Sales Team": "Sales Team",
+ "Sales Team Details": "Sales Team Details",
+ "Selling": "Verkauf",
+ "Series": "Serie",
+ "Territory": "Gebiet",
+ "This currency will get fetched in Sales transactions of this customer": "Diese W\u00e4hrung wird in Sales Transaktionen dieser Kunden erhalten geholt",
+ "To create an Account Head under a different company, select the company and save customer.": "Um ein Konto Kopf unter einem anderen Unternehmen zu erstellen, w\u00e4hlen das Unternehmen und sparen Kunden.",
+ "Website": "Webseite",
+ "Your Customer's TAX registration numbers (if applicable) or any general information": "Ihre Kunden TAX Kennzeichen (falls zutreffend) oder allgemeine Informationen"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/customer/locale/de-py.json b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/de-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12b9ac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/customer/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "A Supplier exists with same name": "Ein Lieferant existiert mit dem gleichen Namen"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/industry_type/locale/de-doc.json b/selling/doctype/industry_type/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1df9fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/industry_type/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Industry": "Industrie",
+ "Industry Type": "Industry Typ",
+ "Selling": "Verkauf"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/installation_note/locale/_messages_doc.json b/selling/doctype/installation_note/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 00d8175..9a00afc 100644
--- a/selling/doctype/installation_note/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/selling/doctype/installation_note/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"Installation Note Item",
"Customer Address",
+ "Draft",
"Cancel Reason",
"Installation Note",
@@ -11,13 +12,13 @@
"Amended From",
"Get Items",
- "Remarks",
"Delivery Note No",
"The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.",
"Customer Group",
+ "Remarks",
"Fiscal Year",
"Mobile No",
@@ -29,6 +30,5 @@
"Installation Date",
"Contact Email",
"Item Details",
- "Series",
- "Draft"
+ "Series"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/installation_note/locale/de-doc.json b/selling/doctype/installation_note/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f70581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/installation_note/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ "Address": "Adresse",
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Cancel Reason": "Abbrechen Reason",
+ "Cancelled": "Abgesagt",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Contact": "Kontakt",
+ "Contact Email": "Kontakt per E-Mail",
+ "Contact Person": "Ansprechpartner",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Customer Address": "Kundenadresse",
+ "Customer Group": "Customer Group",
+ "Delivery Note No": "Lieferschein Nein",
+ "Draft": "Entwurf",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Get Items": "Holen Artikel",
+ "IN": "IN",
+ "Installation Date": "Installation Date",
+ "Installation Note": "Installation Hinweis",
+ "Installation Note Item": "Installation Hinweis Artikel",
+ "Installation Time": "Installation Time",
+ "Item Details": "Artikeldetails",
+ "Mobile No": "In Mobile",
+ "Name": "Name",
+ "Remarks": "Bemerkungen",
+ "Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies.": "W\u00e4hlen Sie den entsprechenden Firmennamen, wenn Sie mehrere Unternehmen haben.",
+ "Selling": "Verkauf",
+ "Series": "Serie",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Submitted": "Eingereicht",
+ "Territory": "Gebiet",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Der Zeitpunkt, zu dem aktuellen Eintrag in dem System korrigiert."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/installation_note_item/locale/de-doc.json b/selling/doctype/installation_note_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eb8a15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/installation_note_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "Against Document Detail No": "Vor Document Detailaufnahme",
+ "Against Document No": "Gegen Dokument Nr.",
+ "Delivery Date": "Liefertermin",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Document Type": "Document Type",
+ "Installation Note Item": "Installation Hinweis Artikel",
+ "Installed Qty": "Installierte Anzahl",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Selling": "Verkauf",
+ "Serial No": "Serial In"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/lead/locale/_messages_doc.json b/selling/doctype/lead/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 55eea2d..d8e7e05 100644
--- a/selling/doctype/lead/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/selling/doctype/lead/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
+ "Call",
"Your sales person who will contact the lead in future",
@@ -34,7 +35,6 @@
"Lead Owner",
- "Call",
"Date on which the lead was last contacted",
"Naming Series",
"<a href=\"#!Sales Browser/Territory\">To manage Territory, click here</a>",
diff --git a/selling/doctype/lead/locale/de-doc.json b/selling/doctype/lead/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b258873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/lead/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ "<a href=\"#!Sales Browser/Territory\">To manage Territory, click here</a>": "<a href=\"#!Sales Browser/Territory\"> Um Territory zu verwalten, klicken Sie hier </ a>",
+ "Address Line 1": "Address Line 1",
+ "Address Line 2": "Address Line 2",
+ "Advertisement": "Anzeige",
+ "Attempted to Contact": "Versucht, Kontakt",
+ "Blog": "Blog",
+ "Blog Subscriber": "Blog Subscriber",
+ "Call": "Rufen",
+ "Campaign": "Kampagne",
+ "Campaign Name": "Kampagnenname",
+ "Channel Partner": "Channel Partner",
+ "City": "City",
+ "Client": "Auftraggeber",
+ "Communication HTML": "Communication HTML",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Company Name": "Firmenname",
+ "Consultant": "Berater",
+ "Contact Info": "Kontakt Info",
+ "Contact Name": "Kontakt Name",
+ "Contact in Future": "Kontakt in Zukunft",
+ "Contacted": "Kontaktiert",
+ "Converted": "Umgerechnet",
+ "Country": "Land",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Date on which the lead was last contacted": "Datum, an dem das Blei letzten kontaktiert wurde",
+ "Email": "E-Mail",
+ "Email Id": "Email Id",
+ "Enter campaign name if the source of lead is campaign.": "Geben Sie Namen der Kampagne, wenn die Quelle von Blei-Kampagne.",
+ "Exhibition": "Ausstellung",
+ "Fax": "Fax",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "From Customer": "Von Kunden",
+ "Industry": "Industrie",
+ "Interested": "Interessiert",
+ "LEAD": "F\u00dcHREN",
+ "LEAD/10-11/": "LEAD/10-11 /",
+ "Last Contact Date": "Letzter Kontakt Datum",
+ "Lead": "F\u00fchren",
+ "Lead Details": "Blei Einzelheiten",
+ "Lead Lost": "F\u00fchrung verloren",
+ "Lead Owner": "Blei Owner",
+ "Lead Type": "Bleisatz",
+ "Lost Reason": "Verlorene Reason",
+ "Lower Income": "Lower Income",
+ "Market Segment": "Market Segment",
+ "Middle Income": "Middle Income",
+ "Mobile No.": "Handy Nr.",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "Name of organization from where lead has come": "Name der Organisation, wo Blei hat kommen",
+ "Naming Series": "Benennen Series",
+ "Next Contact By": "Von Next Kontakt",
+ "Next Contact Date": "Weiter Kontakt Datum",
+ "Not interested": "Kein Interesse",
+ "Open": "\u00d6ffnen",
+ "Other": "Andere",
+ "Phone": "Telefon",
+ "Pin Code": "Pin Code",
+ "Product Enquiry": "Produkt-Anfrage",
+ "Remark": "Bemerkung",
+ "Replied": "Beantwortet",
+ "Request Type": "Art der Anfrage",
+ "Request for Information": "Request for Information",
+ "Selling": "Verkauf",
+ "Source": "Quelle",
+ "Source of th": "Quelle th",
+ "Source of the lead. If via a campaign, select \"Campaign\"": "Quelle der Leitung. Wenn \u00fcber die Kampagne, w\u00e4hlen Sie \"Kampagne\"",
+ "State": "Zustand",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Suggestions": "Vorschl\u00e4ge",
+ "Supplier": "Lieferant",
+ "Territory": "Gebiet",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Um mehrere Reihen zu verwalten gehen Sie bitte auf Setup> Verwalten Series",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason",
+ "Unsubscribed": "Unsubscribed",
+ "Upper Income": "Obere Income",
+ "Website": "Webseite",
+ "Your sales person who will contact the lead in future": "Ihr Umsatz Person, die die F\u00fchrung in der Zukunft an",
+ "Your sales person will get a reminder on this date to contact the lead": "Ihre Vertriebsmitarbeiter erhalten eine Erinnerung an diesem Tag an die Spitze setzen"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/lead/locale/de-py.json b/selling/doctype/lead/locale/de-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddfc5e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/lead/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "Email Id must be unique, already exists for: ": "Email Id muss eindeutig sein, bereits f\u00fcr:"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/opportunity/locale/_messages_doc.json b/selling/doctype/opportunity/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 64d1189..2c5f004 100644
--- a/selling/doctype/opportunity/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/selling/doctype/opportunity/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
"Date on which the lead was last contacted",
+ "Draft",
@@ -62,6 +63,5 @@
"Opportunity Date",
"Contact Email",
"Existing Customer",
- "Draft",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/opportunity/locale/de-doc.json b/selling/doctype/opportunity/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6358891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/opportunity/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ "<a href=\"#Sales Browser/Customer Group\">To manage Territory, click here</a>": "<a href=\"#Sales Browser/Customer Group\"> Um Territory zu verwalten, klicken Sie hier </ a>",
+ "<a href=\"#Sales Browser/Territory\">To manage Territory, click here</a>": "<a href=\"#Sales Browser/Territory\"> Um Territory zu verwalten, klicken Sie hier </ a>",
+ "Address": "Adresse",
+ "Advertisement": "Anzeige",
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Campaign": "Kampagne",
+ "Cancelled": "Abgesagt",
+ "Cold Calling": "Cold Calling",
+ "Communication HTML": "Communication HTML",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Contact": "Kontakt",
+ "Contact Email": "Kontakt per E-Mail",
+ "Contact Info": "Kontakt Info",
+ "Contact Mobile No": "Kontakt Mobile Kein",
+ "Contact Person": "Ansprechpartner",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Customer Address": "Kundenadresse",
+ "Customer Group": "Customer Group",
+ "Customer Name": "Name des Kunden",
+ "Customer's Vendor": "Kunden Hersteller",
+ "Date on which the lead was last contacted": "Datum, an dem das Blei letzten kontaktiert wurde",
+ "Draft": "Entwurf",
+ "Enter name of campaign if source of enquiry is campaign": "Geben Sie den Namen der Kampagne, wenn die Quelle der Anfrage ist Kampagne",
+ "Exhibition": "Ausstellung",
+ "Existing Customer": "Bestehende Kunden",
+ "Filing in Additional Information about the Opportunity will help you analyze your data better.": "Die Einreichung in Weitere Informationen \u00fcber die M\u00f6glichkeit wird Ihnen helfen, Ihre Daten analysieren besser.",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Items": "Artikel",
+ "Items which do not exist in Item master can also be entered on customer's request": "Gegenst\u00e4nde, die nicht in Artikelstammdaten nicht existieren kann auch auf Wunsch des Kunden eingegeben werden",
+ "Keep a track of communication related to this enquiry which will help for future reference.": "Verfolgen Sie die Kommunikation im Zusammenhang mit dieser Untersuchung, die f\u00fcr zuk\u00fcnftige Referenz helfen.",
+ "Last Contact Date": "Letzter Kontakt Datum",
+ "Lead": "F\u00fchren",
+ "Maintenance": "Wartung",
+ "Mass Mailing": "Mass Mailing",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "Name": "Name",
+ "Naming Series": "Benennen Series",
+ "Next Contact By": "Von Next Kontakt",
+ "Next Contact Date": "Weiter Kontakt Datum",
+ "OPPT": "OPPT",
+ "Opportunity": "Gelegenheit",
+ "Opportunity Date": "Gelegenheit Datum",
+ "Opportunity From": "Von der Chance",
+ "Opportunity Items": "Gelegenheit Artikel",
+ "Opportunity Lost": "Chance vertan",
+ "Opportunity Type": "Gelegenheit Typ",
+ "Order Confirmed": "Bestellung best\u00e4tigt",
+ "Potential Sales Deal": "Sales Potential Deal",
+ "Quotation Lost Reason": "Zitat Passwort Reason",
+ "Quotation Sent": "Gesendete Quotation",
+ "Reference": "Referenz",
+ "Sales": "Vertrieb",
+ "Selling": "Verkauf",
+ "Source": "Quelle",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Submitted": "Eingereicht",
+ "Supplier Reference": "Lieferant Reference",
+ "Territory": "Gebiet",
+ "The date at which current entry is made in system.": "Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag im System hergestellt wird.",
+ "To Discuss": "Zu diskutieren",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Um mehrere Reihen zu verwalten gehen Sie bitte auf Setup> Verwalten Series",
+ "Walk In": "Walk In",
+ "Your sales person who will contact the customer in future": "Ihr Umsatz Person, die die Kunden in Zukunft in Verbindung setzen",
+ "Your sales person will get a reminder on this date to contact the customer": "Ihre Vertriebsmitarbeiter erhalten eine Erinnerung an diesem Tag, um den Kunden an"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/opportunity_item/locale/_messages_doc.json b/selling/doctype/opportunity_item/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 78df779..0ee079c 100644
--- a/selling/doctype/opportunity_item/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/selling/doctype/opportunity_item/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
+ "Opportunity Item",
"Item Name",
"Item Group",
- "Opportunity Item",
"Basic Rate",
"Item Code",
diff --git a/selling/doctype/opportunity_item/locale/de-doc.json b/selling/doctype/opportunity_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..469bde5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/opportunity_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "Basic Rate": "Basic Rate",
+ "Brand": "Marke",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Item Name": "Item Name",
+ "Opportunity Item": "Gelegenheit Artikel",
+ "Qty": "Menge",
+ "Selling": "Verkauf",
+ "UOM": "UOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/quotation/locale/de-doc.json b/selling/doctype/quotation/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d5b949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/quotation/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ "Add Terms and Conditions for the Quotation like Payment Terms, Validity of Offer etc. You can also prepare a Terms and Conditions Master and use the Template": "F\u00fcgen AGB f\u00fcr das Angebot wie Zahlungsbedingungen, G\u00fcltigkeit des Angebots etc. Sie k\u00f6nnen auch ein AGB-Master und verwenden Sie die Vorlage",
+ "Address": "Adresse",
+ "Advertisement": "Anzeige",
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Calculate Taxes and Charges": "Berechnen Sie Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Campaign": "Kampagne",
+ "Cancelled": "Abgesagt",
+ "Cold Calling": "Cold Calling",
+ "Communication HTML": "Communication HTML",
+ "Communication History": "Communication History",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Contact": "Kontakt",
+ "Contact Email": "Kontakt per E-Mail",
+ "Contact Info": "Kontakt Info",
+ "Contact Person": "Ansprechpartner",
+ "Conversion Rate": "Conversion Rate",
+ "Currency": "W\u00e4hrung",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Customer Address": "Kundenadresse",
+ "Customer Group": "Customer Group",
+ "Customer Name": "Name des Kunden",
+ "Customer's Vendor": "Kunden Hersteller",
+ "Customer's currency - If you want to select a currency that is not the default currency, then you must also specify the Currency Conversion Rate.": "Kunden W\u00e4hrung - Wenn Sie eine W\u00e4hrung, die nicht die Standard-W\u00e4hrung ausw\u00e4hlen wollen, dann m\u00fcssen Sie auch die Currency Conversion Rate.",
+ "Draft": "Entwurf",
+ "Exhibition": "Ausstellung",
+ "Existing Customer": "Bestehende Kunden",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Filling in additional information about the Quotation will help you analyze your data better.": "Ausf\u00fcllen zus\u00e4tzliche Informationen \u00fcber das Angebot wird Ihnen helfen, Ihre Daten analysieren besser.",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Get Taxes and Charges": "Holen Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Get Terms and Conditions": "Holen AGB",
+ "Grand Total": "Grand Total",
+ "Grand Total*": "Grand Total *",
+ "In Words": "In Worte",
+ "In Words will be visible once you save the Quotation.": "In Worte sichtbar sein wird, sobald Sie das Angebot zu speichern.",
+ "Items": "Artikel",
+ "Keep a track on communications regarding this Quotation. This will help you remember earlier communications in case the Customer comes back again": "Halten Sie einen Track auf Mitteilungen \u00fcber dieses Angebot. Dies hilft Ihnen, sich zuvor Kommunikation im Falle der Kunde kommt wieder",
+ "Lead": "F\u00fchren",
+ "Lead Name": "Name der Person",
+ "Letter Head": "Briefkopf",
+ "Maintenance": "Wartung",
+ "Mass Mailing": "Mass Mailing",
+ "Mobile No": "In Mobile",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "Naming Series": "Benennen Series",
+ "Net Total*": "* Net Total",
+ "Opportunity Item": "Gelegenheit Artikel",
+ "Opportunity No": "Die Gelegenheit",
+ "Order Confirmed": "Bestellung best\u00e4tigt",
+ "Order Lost": "Lost Order",
+ "Order Type": "Auftragsart",
+ "Organization": "Organisation",
+ "Price List": "Preisliste",
+ "Price List Currency": "W\u00e4hrung Preisliste",
+ "Price List Currency Conversion Rate": "Preisliste Currency Conversion Rate",
+ "Price List and Currency": "Listenpreis und W\u00e4hrungsrechner",
+ "Pull Opportunity Detail": "Ziehen Sie Gelegenheit Detailansicht",
+ "QTN": "QTN",
+ "Quotation": "Zitat",
+ "Quotation Date": "Quotation Datum",
+ "Quotation Items": "Angebotspositionen",
+ "Quotation Lost Reason": "Zitat Passwort Reason",
+ "Quotation To": "Um Angebot",
+ "Rate at which Price list currency is converted to company's base currency": "Geschwindigkeit, mit der W\u00e4hrung der Preisliste zu Unternehmen der Basisw\u00e4hrung umgewandelt wird",
+ "Rate at which customer's currency is converted to company's base currency": "Rate, mit der Kunden W\u00e4hrung ist an Unternehmen Basisw\u00e4hrung umgerechnet",
+ "Re-Calculate Values": "Neu berechnen Werte",
+ "Reference": "Referenz",
+ "Rounded Total": "Abgerundete insgesamt",
+ "Sales": "Vertrieb",
+ "Sales Taxes and Charges": "Vertrieb Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Select Print Heading": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Drucken \u00dcberschrift",
+ "Select Terms and Conditions": "W\u00e4hlen AGB",
+ "Select the currency in which price list is maintained": "W\u00e4hlen Sie die W\u00e4hrung, in der Preisliste wird beibehalten",
+ "Select the price list as entered in \"Price List\" master. This will pull the reference rates of items against this price list as specified in \"Item\" master.": "W\u00e4hlen Sie die Preisliste in der \"Preisliste\" Master eingetragen. Dadurch werden die Referenzkurse Artikel gegen diese Preisliste in der \"Item\" Master vorgegeben ziehen.",
+ "Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies.": "W\u00e4hlen Sie den entsprechenden Firmennamen, wenn Sie mehrere Unternehmen haben.",
+ "Selling": "Verkauf",
+ "Source": "Quelle",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Submitted": "Eingereicht",
+ "Supplier Reference": "Lieferant Reference",
+ "Taxes": "Steuern",
+ "Taxes and Charges Calculation": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren Berechnung",
+ "Taxes and Charges Total*": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren Total *",
+ "Term Details": "Begriff Einzelheiten",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "AGB",
+ "Terms and Conditions HTML": "AGB HTML",
+ "Territory": "Gebiet",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Der Zeitpunkt, zu dem aktuellen Eintrag in dem System korrigiert.",
+ "The date at which current entry is made in system.": "Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag im System hergestellt wird.",
+ "To create Quotation against Opportunity, Select Opportunity No. and click on 'Pull Opportunity Details' ": "Um Quotation gegen Gelegenheit schaffen, ausw\u00e4hlen Chance No und klicken Sie auf \"Pull Opportunity-Details '",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Um mehrere Reihen zu verwalten gehen Sie bitte auf Setup> Verwalten Series",
+ "Totals": "Totals",
+ "Will be fetched from Customer": "Wird vom Kunden abgeholt werden"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/quotation_item/locale/de-doc.json b/selling/doctype/quotation_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..195411c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/quotation_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ "Against Docname": "Vor DocName",
+ "Against Doctype": "Vor Doctype",
+ "Amount": "Menge",
+ "Amount*": "Betrag *",
+ "Basic Rate*": "Basic Rate *",
+ "Brand": "Marke",
+ "Customer's Item Code": "Kunden Item Code",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Discount (%)": "Rabatt (%)",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Item Name": "Item Name",
+ "Item Tax Rate": "Artikel Tax Rate",
+ "Page Break": "Seitenwechsel",
+ "Price List Rate": "Preis List",
+ "Price List Rate*": "Preis List *",
+ "Quantity": "Menge",
+ "Quotation Item": "Zitat Artikel",
+ "Rate": "Rate",
+ "Selling": "Verkauf",
+ "UOM": "UOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/sales_and_purchase_return_item/locale/de-doc.json b/selling/doctype/sales_and_purchase_return_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfcbf4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/sales_and_purchase_return_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Batch No": "Batch No",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Detail Name": "Detail Name",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Qty": "Menge",
+ "Rate": "Rate",
+ "Returned Qty": "Kehrte Menge",
+ "Sales and Purchase Return Item": "Sales and Purchase Zur\u00fcck Artikel",
+ "Selling": "Verkauf",
+ "Serial No": "Serial In",
+ "UOM": "UOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/sales_common/locale/de-doc.json b/selling/doctype/sales_common/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d621e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/sales_common/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Sales Common": "Vertrieb Gemeinsame",
+ "Selling": "Verkauf"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/sales_common/locale/de-py.json b/selling/doctype/sales_common/locale/de-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30a69ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/sales_common/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "not within Fiscal Year": "nicht innerhalb Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/sales_order/locale/_messages_doc.json b/selling/doctype/sales_order/locale/_messages_doc.json
index af6b136..84a3240 100644
--- a/selling/doctype/sales_order/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/selling/doctype/sales_order/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
"Customer's currency",
- "Draft",
"Sales Order",
"Grand Total (Export)",
"Delivery Status",
@@ -70,6 +69,7 @@
"P.O. Date",
"In Words (Export)",
+ "Draft",
"Select the currency in which price list is maintained",
"Display all the individual items delivered with the main items",
diff --git a/selling/doctype/sales_order/locale/de-doc.json b/selling/doctype/sales_order/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04cb6fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/sales_order/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ "% Delivered": "% Lieferung",
+ "% Amount Billed": "% Rechnungsbetrag",
+ "% of materials billed against this Sales Order": "% Der Materialien gegen diesen Kundenauftrag abgerechnet",
+ "% of materials delivered against this Sales Order": "% Der Materialien gegen diesen Kundenauftrag geliefert",
+ "Address": "Adresse",
+ "Advertisement": "Anzeige",
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Billed": "Angek\u00fcndigt",
+ "Billing Status": "Billing-Status",
+ "Calculate Taxes and Charges": "Berechnen Sie Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Campaign": "Kampagne",
+ "Cancel Reason": "Abbrechen Reason",
+ "Cancelled": "Abgesagt",
+ "Category of customer as entered in Customer master": "Kategorie von Kunden, wie in Customer Master eingetragen",
+ "Closed": "Geschlossen",
+ "Cold Calling": "Cold Calling",
+ "Commission Rate": "Kommission bewerten",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Contact": "Kontakt",
+ "Contact Email": "Kontakt per E-Mail",
+ "Contact Info": "Kontakt Info",
+ "Contact Person": "Ansprechpartner",
+ "Conversion Rate": "Conversion Rate",
+ "Currency": "W\u00e4hrung",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Customer Address": "Kundenadresse",
+ "Customer Group": "Customer Group",
+ "Customer's Vendor": "Kunden Hersteller",
+ "Customer's currency": "Kunden W\u00e4hrung",
+ "Delivered": "Lieferung",
+ "Delivery Status": "Lieferstatus",
+ "Display all the individual items delivered with the main items": "Alle anzeigen die einzelnen Punkte mit den wichtigsten Liefergegenst\u00e4nde",
+ "Draft": "Entwurf",
+ "Exhibition": "Ausstellung",
+ "Existing Customer": "Bestehende Kunden",
+ "Expected Delivery Date": "Voraussichtlicher Liefertermin",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Filling in additional information about the Sales Order will help you analyze your data better.": "Ausf\u00fcllen zus\u00e4tzliche Informationen \u00fcber das Sales Order wird Ihnen helfen, Ihre Daten analysieren besser.",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Get Taxes and Charges": "Holen Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Get Terms and Conditions": "Holen AGB",
+ "Grand Total (Export)": "Grand Total (Export)",
+ "Grand Total*": "Grand Total *",
+ "In Words": "In Worte",
+ "In Words (Export)": "In Words (Export)",
+ "In Words will be visible once you save the Sales Order.": "In Worte sichtbar sein wird, sobald Sie den Sales Order zu speichern.",
+ "Items": "Artikel",
+ "Letter Head": "Briefkopf",
+ "Maintenance": "Wartung",
+ "Mass Mailing": "Mass Mailing",
+ "Mobile No": "In Mobile",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "Name": "Name",
+ "Name as entered in Sales Partner master": "Eingegebene Name in der Master-Vertriebspartner",
+ "Net Total*": "* Net Total",
+ "Not Applicable": "Nicht zutreffend",
+ "Not Billed": "Nicht Billed",
+ "Not Delivered": "Nicht zugestellt",
+ "Order Type": "Auftragsart",
+ "P.O. Date": "P.O. Datum",
+ "P.O. No": "In P.O.",
+ "PI/2011/": "PI/2011 /",
+ "Packing Details": "Verpackungs-Details",
+ "Packing List": "Packliste",
+ "Partly Billed": "Teilweise Billed",
+ "Partly Delivered": "Teilweise Lieferung",
+ "Price List": "Preisliste",
+ "Price List Currency": "W\u00e4hrung Preisliste",
+ "Price List Currency Conversion Rate": "Preisliste Currency Conversion Rate",
+ "Price List and Currency": "Listenpreis und W\u00e4hrungsrechner",
+ "Project Name": "Project Name",
+ "Pull Quotation Items": "Ziehen Sie Angebotspositionen",
+ "Purchase Order sent by customer": "Bestellung durch den Kunden geschickt",
+ "Quotation Date": "Quotation Datum",
+ "Quotation No": "In Quotation",
+ "Rate at which Price list currency is converted to company's base currency": "Geschwindigkeit, mit der W\u00e4hrung der Preisliste zu Unternehmen der Basisw\u00e4hrung umgewandelt wird",
+ "Rate at which customer's currency is converted to company's base currency": "Rate, mit der Kunden W\u00e4hrung ist an Unternehmen Basisw\u00e4hrung umgerechnet",
+ "Re-Calculate Values": "Neu berechnen Werte",
+ "Reference": "Referenz",
+ "Rounded Total": "Abgerundete insgesamt",
+ "Rounded Total (Export)": "Abgerundete Total (Export)",
+ "SO": "SO",
+ "SO/10-11/": "SO/10-11 /",
+ "SO1112": "SO1112",
+ "Sales": "Vertrieb",
+ "Sales Order": "Sales Order",
+ "Sales Order Date": "Sales Order Datum",
+ "Sales Order Items": "Kundenauftragspositionen",
+ "Sales Partner": "Vertriebspartner",
+ "Sales Taxes and Charges": "Vertrieb Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Sales Team": "Sales Team",
+ "Sales Team1": "Vertrieb Team1",
+ "Select Customer": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Kunde",
+ "Select Print Heading": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Drucken \u00dcberschrift",
+ "Select Terms and Conditions": "W\u00e4hlen AGB",
+ "Select the currency in which price list is maintained": "W\u00e4hlen Sie die W\u00e4hrung, in der Preisliste wird beibehalten",
+ "Select the price list as entered in \"Price List\" master. This will pull the reference rates of items against this price list as specified in \"Item\" master.": "W\u00e4hlen Sie die Preisliste in der \"Preisliste\" Master eingetragen. Dadurch werden die Referenzkurse Artikel gegen diese Preisliste in der \"Item\" Master vorgegeben ziehen.",
+ "Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies.": "W\u00e4hlen Sie den entsprechenden Firmennamen, wenn Sie mehrere Unternehmen haben.",
+ "Selling": "Verkauf",
+ "Series": "Serie",
+ "Shipping Address": "Versandadresse",
+ "Shipping Address Name": "Liefer-Adresse Name",
+ "Source": "Quelle",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Stopped": "Gestoppt",
+ "Submitted": "Eingereicht",
+ "Supplier Reference": "Lieferant Reference",
+ "Taxes": "Steuern",
+ "Taxes and Charges Calculation": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren Berechnung",
+ "Taxes and Charges Total*": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren Total *",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "AGB",
+ "Terms and Conditions Details": "AGB Einzelheiten",
+ "Terms and Conditions HTML": "AGB HTML",
+ "Territory": "Gebiet",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Der Zeitpunkt, zu dem aktuellen Eintrag in dem System korrigiert.",
+ "The date at which current entry is made in system.": "Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag im System hergestellt wird.",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Um mehrere Reihen zu verwalten gehen Sie bitte auf Setup> Verwalten Series",
+ "Total Commission": "Gesamt Kommission",
+ "Totals": "Totals",
+ "Track this Sales Order against any Project": "Verfolgen Sie diesen Kundenauftrag gegen Projekt"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/sales_order_item/locale/de-doc.json b/selling/doctype/sales_order_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9070f8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/sales_order_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ "Actual Qty": "Tats\u00e4chliche Menge",
+ "Amount": "Menge",
+ "Amount*": "Betrag *",
+ "Basic Rate*": "Basic Rate *",
+ "Billed Amt": "Billed Amt",
+ "Brand Name": "Markenname",
+ "Customer's Item Code": "Kunden Item Code",
+ "Delivered Qty": "Geliefert Menge",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Discount(%)": "Rabatt (%)",
+ "For Production": "For Production",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Item Name": "Item Name",
+ "Item Tax Rate": "Artikel Tax Rate",
+ "Page Break": "Seitenwechsel",
+ "Planned Quantity": "Geplante Menge",
+ "Price List Rate": "Preis List",
+ "Price List Rate*": "Preis List *",
+ "Produced Quantity": "Produziert Menge",
+ "Projected Qty": "Prognostizierte Anzahl",
+ "Quantity": "Menge",
+ "Quotation No.": "Zitat Nr.",
+ "Rate": "Rate",
+ "Reserved Warehouse": "Warehouse Reserved",
+ "Sales Order Date": "Sales Order Datum",
+ "Sales Order Item": "Auftragsposition",
+ "Selling": "Verkauf",
+ "The date at which current entry is made in system.": "Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag im System hergestellt wird.",
+ "UOM": "UOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/sales_team/locale/de-doc.json b/selling/doctype/sales_team/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f34d048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/sales_team/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "Allocated (%)": "Zugeordnet (%)",
+ "Allocated Amount": "Zugeteilten Betrag",
+ "Contact No.": "Kontakt Nr.",
+ "Designation": "Bezeichnung",
+ "Incentives": "Incentives",
+ "Parenttype": "ParentType",
+ "Sales Person": "Sales Person",
+ "Sales Team": "Sales Team",
+ "Selling": "Verkauf"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/shipping_address/locale/_messages_doc.json b/selling/doctype/shipping_address/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 42fd035..38b52b8 100644
--- a/selling/doctype/shipping_address/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/selling/doctype/shipping_address/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"Customer Address",
"Shipping Address",
"Customer Name",
- "Yes",
"Shipping Details",
+ "Yes",
"Is Primary Address"
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a084f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/shipping_address/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Customer Address": "Kundenadresse",
+ "Customer Name": "Name des Kunden",
+ "Is Primary Address": "Ist Primary Address",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Selling": "Verkauf",
+ "Ship To": "Ship To",
+ "Shipping Address": "Versandadresse",
+ "Shipping Details": "Versandkosten Details",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason",
+ "Yes": "Ja"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/doctype/sms_center/locale/_messages_doc.json b/selling/doctype/sms_center/locale/_messages_doc.json
index c7a4dde..e2f8e7e 100644
--- a/selling/doctype/sms_center/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/selling/doctype/sms_center/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
"All Employee (Active)",
"SMS Center",
- "Send SMS",
+ "Send SMS",
"Create Receiver List"
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01f5c89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/doctype/sms_center/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ "All Contact": "Alle Kontakt",
+ "All Customer Contact": "All Customer Contact",
+ "All Employee (Active)": "Alle Mitarbeiter (Active)",
+ "All Lead (Open)": "Alle Lead (Open)",
+ "All Sales Partner Contact": "Alle Vertriebspartner Kontakt",
+ "All Sales Person": "Alle Sales Person",
+ "All Supplier Contact": "Alle Lieferanten Kontakt",
+ "Branch": "Zweig",
+ "Create Receiver List": "Erstellen Receiver Liste",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Department": "Abteilung",
+ "Message": "Nachricht",
+ "Message greater than 160 character will be splitted into multiple mesage": "Gr\u00f6\u00dfer als 160 Zeichen Nachricht in mehrere mesage aufgeteilt werden",
+ "Receiver List": "Receiver Liste",
+ "SMS Center": "SMS Center",
+ "Selling": "Verkauf",
+ "Send SMS": "Senden Sie eine SMS",
+ "Send To": "Send To",
+ "Supplier": "Lieferant"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/module_def/selling/locale/de-doc.json b/selling/module_def/selling/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfde569
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/module_def/selling/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "Buyer of Goods and Services.": "K\u00e4ufer von Waren und Dienstleistungen.",
+ "Customer Addresses And Contacts": "Kundenadressen und Kontakte",
+ "Keep Track of Sales Campaigns. Keep track of Leads, Quotations, Sales Order etc from Campaigns to gauge Return on Investment. ": "Behalten Sie den \u00dcberblick of Sales Campaigns. Verfolgen Sie Leads, Angebote, Sales Order etc von Kampagnen zur Return on Investment messen.",
+ "Potential Sales Deal": "Sales Potential Deal",
+ "Sales Analytics": "Sales Analytics",
+ "Sales Browser": "Vertrieb Browser",
+ "Sales Dashboard": "Sales Dashboard-",
+ "Sales Orders Pending To Be Delivered": "Bis Kundenauftr\u00e4ge zu liefernden",
+ "Selling Home": "Startseite Selling"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/page/selling_home/locale/de-js.json b/selling/page/selling_home/locale/de-js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad79a7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/selling/page/selling_home/locale/de-js.json
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ "Address": "Adresse",
+ "All Addresses.": "Alle Adressen.",
+ "All Contacts.": "Alle Kontakte.",
+ "All Products or Services.": "Alle Produkte oder Dienstleistungen.",
+ "Analytics": "Analytics",
+ "Bundle items at time of sale.": "Bundle Artikel zum Zeitpunkt des Verkaufs.",
+ "Campaign": "Kampagne",
+ "Commission partners and targets": "Kommission Partnern und Ziele",
+ "Confirmed orders from Customers.": "Best\u00e4tigte Bestellungen von Kunden.",
+ "Contact": "Kontakt",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Customer Addresses And Contacts": "Kundenadressen und Kontakte",
+ "Customer Group": "Customer Group",
+ "Customer classification tree.": "Einteilung der Kunden Baum.",
+ "Customer database.": "Kunden-Datenbank.",
+ "Database of potential customers.": "Datenbank von potentiellen Kunden.",
+ "Documents": "Unterlagen",
+ "Helper for managing return of goods (sales or purchase)": "Helper f\u00fcr die Verwaltung R\u00fccksendung der Ware (Verkauf oder Kauf)",
+ "Item": "Artikel",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Lead": "F\u00fchren",
+ "Masters": "Masters",
+ "Mupltiple Item prices.": "Artikel Mupltiple Preisen.",
+ "Opportunity": "Gelegenheit",
+ "Potential opportunities for selling.": "Potenzielle Chancen f\u00fcr den Verkauf.",
+ "Price List": "Preisliste",
+ "Quotation": "Zitat",
+ "Quotes to Leads or Customers.": "Zitate oder Leads zu Kunden.",
+ "Reports": "Reports",
+ "SMS Center": "SMS Center",
+ "Sales Analytics": "Sales Analytics",
+ "Sales BOM": "Vertrieb BOM",
+ "Sales Order": "Sales Order",
+ "Sales Orders Pending to be Delivered": "Bis Kundenauftr\u00e4ge zu liefernden",
+ "Sales Partner": "Vertriebspartner",
+ "Sales Person": "Sales Person",
+ "Sales Returns": "R\u00fcckware",
+ "Sales Taxes and Charges Master": "Vertrieb Steuern und Abgaben Meister",
+ "Sales campaigns": "Sales-Kampagnen",
+ "Sales persons and targets": "Vertriebsmitarbeiter und Ziele",
+ "Sales taxes template.": "Umsatzsteuer-Vorlage.",
+ "Sales territories.": "Vertriebsgebieten.",
+ "Send mass SMS to your contacts": "Senden Sie Massen-SMS an Ihre Kontakte",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Template of terms or contract.": "Vorlage von Begriffen oder Vertrag.",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "AGB",
+ "Territory": "Gebiet",
+ "Tools": "Werkzeuge",
+ "Tree of item classification": "Tree of Artikelzugeh\u00f6rigkeit",
+ "Trend Analyzer": "Trend Analyzer"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/authorization_control/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/authorization_control/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..837e737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/authorization_control/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Authorization Control": "Authorization Control",
+ "Setup": "Setup"
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..983fb6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/authorization_rule/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "Above Value": "Vor Wert",
+ "Applicable To (Designation)": "F\u00fcr (Bezeichnung)",
+ "Applicable To (Employee)": "F\u00fcr (Employee)",
+ "Applicable To (Role)": "Anwendbar (Rolle)",
+ "Applicable To (User)": "Anwendbar auf (User)",
+ "Appraisal": "Bewertung",
+ "Approving Role": "Genehmigung Rolle",
+ "Approving User": "Genehmigen Benutzer",
+ "Authorization Rule": "Autorisierungsregel",
+ "Average Discount": "Durchschnittliche Discount",
+ "Based On": "Basierend auf",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Customer / Item Name": "Kunde / Item Name",
+ "Customerwise Discount": "Customerwise Discount",
+ "Delivery Note": "Lieferschein",
+ "Grand Total": "Grand Total",
+ "Itemwise Discount": "Discount Itemwise",
+ "Not Applicable": "Nicht zutreffend",
+ "Purchase Invoice": "Kaufrechnung",
+ "Purchase Order": "Auftragsbest\u00e4tigung",
+ "Purchase Receipt": "Kaufbeleg",
+ "Quotation": "Zitat",
+ "Sales Invoice": "Sales Invoice",
+ "Sales Order": "Sales Order",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "This will be used for setting rule in HR module": "Dies wird f\u00fcr die Einstellung der Regel im HR-Modul verwendet werden",
+ "Transaction": "Transaktion",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/brand/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/brand/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36b1c1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/brand/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Brand": "Marke",
+ "Brand Name": "Markenname",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Setup": "Setup"
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diff --git a/setup/doctype/company/locale/_messages_doc.json b/setup/doctype/company/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 5e37d32..febcf8f 100644
--- a/setup/doctype/company/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/setup/doctype/company/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -2,22 +2,24 @@
"If Monthly Budget Exceeded",
"Company registration numbers for your reference. Tax numbers etc.",
"Phone No",
+ "This account will be used to maintain value of available stock",
"Registration Info",
"Trash Reason",
+ "Stock In Hand Account",
"Default Bank Account",
- "For reference only.",
- "Website",
+ "Email",
"Please Enter Abbreviation or Short Name properly as it will be added as Suffix to all Account Heads.",
"Credit Limit",
"Default Settings",
- "Email",
+ "For reference only.",
"Company Details",
+ "Website",
"Default Currency",
"Registration Details",
diff --git a/setup/doctype/company/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/company/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf5ebfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/company/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ "Abbr": "Abk.",
+ "Address": "Adresse",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Company Details": "Unternehmensprofil",
+ "Company Info": "Firmeninfo",
+ "Company registration numbers for your reference. Example: VAT Registration Numbers etc.": "Handelsregisternummer f\u00fcr Ihre Referenz. Beispiel: Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummern usw.",
+ "Company registration numbers for your reference. Tax numbers etc.": "Handelsregisternummer f\u00fcr Ihre Referenz. MwSt.-Nummern etc.",
+ "Credit Days": "Kredit-Tage",
+ "Credit Limit": "Kreditlimit",
+ "Default Bank Account": "Standard Bank Account",
+ "Default Currency": "Standardw\u00e4hrung",
+ "Default Settings": "Default Settings",
+ "Email": "E-Mail",
+ "Fax": "Fax",
+ "For reference only.": "Nur als Referenz.",
+ "If Monthly Budget Exceeded": "Wenn Monthly Budget \u00fcberschritten",
+ "If Yearly Budget Exceeded": "Wenn Jahresbudget \u00fcberschritten",
+ "Ignore": "Ignorieren",
+ "Legal Entity / Subsidiary with a separate Chart of Accounts belonging to the Organization.": "Legal Entity / Tochtergesellschaft mit einem separaten Kontenplan Zugeh\u00f6rigkeit zu der Organisation.",
+ "Payables Group": "Verbindlichkeiten Gruppe",
+ "Phone No": "Phone In",
+ "Please Enter Abbreviation or Short Name properly as it will be added as Suffix to all Account Heads.": "Bitte geben Abk\u00fcrzung oder das Kurzer Name enquiry.c es auf alle Suffix Konto Heads hinzugef\u00fcgt werden.",
+ "Receivables Group": "Forderungen Gruppe",
+ "Registration Details": "Registrierung Details",
+ "Registration Info": "Registrierung Info",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Stop": "Stoppen",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason",
+ "Warn": "Warnen",
+ "Website": "Webseite"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/contact_control/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/contact_control/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1ef80c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/contact_control/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Contact Control": "Kontakt Kontrolle",
+ "Customer Intro": "Kunden Intro",
+ "Header": "Kopfzeile",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Supplier Intro": "Lieferant Intro"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/country/locale/_messages_doc.json b/setup/doctype/country/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 1b38803..269085f 100644
--- a/setup/doctype/country/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/setup/doctype/country/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
"Date Format",
- "Country Name",
- "Time Zones"
+ "Time Zones",
+ "Country Name"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/country/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/country/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b712eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/country/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Country": "Land",
+ "Country Name": "Land Name",
+ "Date Format": "Datumsformat",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Time Zones": "Time Zones"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/currency/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/currency/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc6a03b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/currency/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "**Currency** Master": "** W\u00e4hrung ** Meister",
+ "A symbol for this currency. For e.g. $": "Ein Symbol f\u00fcr diese W\u00e4hrung. F\u00fcr z.B. $",
+ "Currency": "W\u00e4hrung",
+ "Currency Name": "W\u00e4hrung Name",
+ "Enabled": "Aktiviert",
+ "Fraction": "Bruchteil",
+ "Fraction Units": "Fraction Units",
+ "How should this currency be formatted? If not set, will use system defaults": "Wie soll diese W\u00e4hrung formatiert werden? Wenn nicht gesetzt, verwenden Standardeinstellungen des Systems",
+ "Number Format": "Number Format",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Sub-currency. For e.g. \"Cent\"": "Sub-W\u00e4hrung. F\u00fcr z.B. \"Cent\"",
+ "Symbol": "Symbol"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/customer_group/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/customer_group/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f2ac4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/customer_group/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "Customer Group": "Customer Group",
+ "Customer Group Name": "Kunden Group Name",
+ "Default Price List": "Standard Preisliste",
+ "Has Child Node": "Hat Child Node",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Only leaf nodes are allowed in transaction": "Nur Blattknoten in Transaktion zul\u00e4ssig",
+ "Parent Customer Group": "Eltern Customer Group",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "This Price List will be selected as default for all Customers under this Group.": "Diese Preisliste wird als Standard f\u00fcr alle Kunden unter dieser Gruppe ausgew\u00e4hlt werden.",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason",
+ "Yes": "Ja",
+ "lft": "lft",
+ "old_parent": "old_parent",
+ "rgt": "rgt"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/email_digest/locale/_messages_doc.json b/setup/doctype/email_digest/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 1e15703..77de82d 100644
--- a/setup/doctype/email_digest/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/setup/doctype/email_digest/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"Income Booked",
- "Bank/Cash Balance",
+ "Add/Remove Recipients",
"New Material Requests",
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"Select Digest Content",
"Expenses Booked",
"Payments received during the digest period",
- "Add/Remove Recipients",
+ "Bank/Cash Balance",
"To Do List",
"Payments Made",
diff --git a/setup/doctype/email_digest/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/email_digest/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3a28a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/email_digest/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ "Add/Remove Recipients": "Hinzuf\u00fcgen / Entfernen von Empf\u00e4ngern",
+ "Buying": "Kauf",
+ "Calendar Events": "Kalendereintrag",
+ "Check all the items below that you want to send in this digest.": "\u00dcberpr\u00fcfen Sie alle Artikel unten, dass Sie in diesem Digest senden.",
+ "Daily": "T\u00e4glich",
+ "Email Digest": "Email Digest",
+ "Email Digest Settings": "Email Digest Einstellungen",
+ "Enabled": "Aktiviert",
+ "Expenses Booked": "Aufwand gebucht",
+ "For Company": "F\u00fcr Unternehmen",
+ "General": "General",
+ "How frequently?": "Wie h\u00e4ufig?",
+ "Income Year to Date": "Income Jahr bis Datum",
+ "Monthly": "Monatlich",
+ "New Communications": "New Communications",
+ "New Delivery Notes": "New Delivery Notes",
+ "New Enquiries": "New Anfragen",
+ "New Leads": "New Leads",
+ "New Material Requests": "Neues Material Requests",
+ "New Projects": "Neue Projekte",
+ "New Purchase Orders": "New Bestellungen",
+ "New Purchase Receipts": "New Kaufbelege",
+ "New Quotations": "New Zitate",
+ "New Sales Orders": "New Sales Orders",
+ "New Stock Entries": "New Stock Eintr\u00e4ge",
+ "New Supplier Quotations": "Neuer Lieferant Zitate",
+ "New Support Tickets": "New Support Tickets",
+ "Next email will be sent on:": "Weiter E-Mail wird gesendet:",
+ "Note: Email will not be sent to disabled users": "Hinweis: E-Mail wird nicht f\u00fcr behinderte Nutzer gesendet werden",
+ "Open Tickets": "Open Tickets",
+ "Payables": "Verbindlichkeiten",
+ "Projects": "Projekte",
+ "Receivables": "Forderungen",
+ "Recipients": "Empf\u00e4nger",
+ "Select Digest Content": "W\u00e4hlen Inhalt Digest",
+ "Selling": "Verkauf",
+ "Send regular summary reports via Email.": "Senden regelm\u00e4\u00dfige zusammenfassende Berichte per E-Mail.",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Support": "Unterst\u00fctzen",
+ "To Do List": "To Do List",
+ "Weekly": "W\u00f6chentlich"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/email_digest/locale/de-py.json b/setup/doctype/email_digest/locale/de-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..383bc7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/email_digest/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "All Day": "All Day"
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diff --git a/setup/doctype/email_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json b/setup/doctype/email_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 186634a..c61353e 100644
--- a/setup/doctype/email_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/setup/doctype/email_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
"User Name",
"Set your outgoing mail SMTP settings here. All system generated notifications, emails will go from this mail server. If you are not sure, leave this blank to use ERPNext servers (emails will still be sent from your email id) or contact your email provider.",
"Signature to be appended at the end of every email",
- "Support Password",
"If non standard port (e.g. 587)",
"SMTP Server (e.g.",
"Check this to pull emails from your mailbox",
"Incoming Mail Setting",
+ "Support Password",
"Sync Support Mails",
"Outgoing Mails",
diff --git a/setup/doctype/email_settings/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/email_settings/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..985c329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/email_settings/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ "Auto Email Id": "Auto Email Id",
+ "Autoreply when a new mail is received": "Autoreply wenn eine neue E-Mail empfangen",
+ "Check this to pull emails from your mailbox": "Aktivieren Sie diese Option, um E-Mails aus Ihrer Mailbox ziehen",
+ "Custom Autoreply Message": "Benutzerdefinierte Autoreply Nachricht",
+ "Email Settings": "E-Mail-Einstellungen",
+ "Email Settings for Outgoing and Incoming Emails.": "E-Mail-Einstellungen f\u00fcr ausgehende und eingehende E-Mails.",
+ "If non standard port (e.g. 587)": "Wenn Nicht-Standard-Port (zum Beispiel 587)",
+ "Incoming Mail Setting": "Eingehende Mail-Einstellung",
+ "Login Id": "Login ID",
+ "Mail Password": "Mail Passwort",
+ "Mail Port": "Mail Port",
+ "Outgoing Mail Server": "Postausgangsserver",
+ "Outgoing Mails": "Ausgehende Mails",
+ "POP3 Mail Server": "POP3 Mail Server",
+ "POP3 mail server (e.g.": "POP3-Mail-Server ( beispielsweise)",
+ "SMTP Server (e.g.": "SMTP Server (beispielsweise",
+ "Send Autoreply": "Senden Autoreply",
+ "Set Login and Password if authentication is required.": "Stellen Sie Login und Passwort, wenn eine Authentifizierung erforderlich ist.",
+ "Set the POP3 email settings to pull emails directly from a mailbox and create Support Tickets": "Stellen Sie die POP3-Mail-Einstellungen auf E-Mails aus dem Postfach zu ziehen direkt erstellen und Support Tickets",
+ "Set your outgoing mail SMTP settings here. All system generated notifications, emails will go from this mail server. If you are not sure, leave this blank to use ERPNext servers (emails will still be sent from your email id) or contact your email provider.": "Stellen Sie Ihre ausgehende Mail SMTP-Einstellungen hier. Alle System generierten Meldungen werden E-Mails von diesen Mail-Server gehen. Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind, lassen Sie dieses Feld leer, um ERPNext Server (E-Mails werden immer noch von Ihrer E-Mail-ID gesendet werden) verwenden oder kontaktieren Sie Ihren E-Mail-Provider.",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Signature": "Unterschrift",
+ "Signature to be appended at the end of every email": "Unterschrift am Ende jeder E-Mail angeh\u00e4ngt werden",
+ "Support Email": "Unterst\u00fctzung per E-Mail",
+ "Support Password": "Support Passwort",
+ "Support Ticket Mail Settings": "Support-Ticket-Mail-Einstellungen",
+ "Sync Support Mails": "Sync Unterst\u00fctzung Mails",
+ "System generated mails will be sent from this email id.": "System generierten E-Mails werden von dieser E-Mail-ID gesendet werden.",
+ "To automatically create Support Tickets from your incoming mail, set your POP3 settings here. You must ideally create a separate email id for the erp system so that all emails will be synced into the system from that mail id. If you are not sure, please contact your EMail Provider.": "Um automatisch Support Tickets von Ihrem Posteingang, stellen Sie Ihren POP3-Einstellungen hier. Sie m\u00fcssen im Idealfall eine separate E-Mail-ID f\u00fcr das ERP-System, so dass alle E-Mails in das System von diesem Mail-ID synchronisiert werden. Wenn Sie nicht sicher sind, wenden Sie sich bitte EMail Provider.",
+ "Use SSL": "Verwenden Sie SSL",
+ "User Name": "User Name",
+ "Your support email id - must be a valid email - this is where your emails will come!": "Ihre Unterst\u00fctzung email id - muss eine g\u00fcltige E-Mail-sein - das ist, wo Ihre E-Mails wird kommen!"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/features_setup/locale/_messages_doc.json b/setup/doctype/features_setup/locale/_messages_doc.json
index c06680f..6d4d66b 100644
--- a/setup/doctype/features_setup/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/setup/doctype/features_setup/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
"Discount Fields will be available in Purchase Order, Purchase Receipt, Purchase Invoice",
"Enables <b>More Info.</b> in all documents",
"Item Serial Nos",
- "All export related fields like currency, conversion rate, export total, export grand total etc are available in <br>\nDelivery Note, POS, Quotation, Sales Invoice, Sales Order etc.",
- "Item Groups in Details",
"Item Barcode",
+ "Item Groups in Details",
+ "All export related fields like currency, conversion rate, export total, export grand total etc are available in <br>\nDelivery Note, POS, Quotation, Sales Invoice, Sales Order etc.",
"Sales Discounts",
"To track brand name in the following documents<br>\nDelivery Note, Enuiry, Material Request, Item, Purchase Order, Purchase Voucher, Purchaser Receipt, Quotation, Sales Invoice, Sales BOM, Sales Order, Serial No",
@@ -27,14 +27,13 @@
"Check if you need automatic recurring invoices. After submitting any sales invoice, Recurring section will be visible.",
"Available in \nBOM, Delivery Note, Purchase Invoice, Production Order, Purchase Order, Purchase Receipt, Sales Invoice, Sales Order, Stock Entry, Timesheet",
- "Sales Extras",
"Recurring Invoice",
- "If you involve in manufacturing activity<br>\nEnables item <b>Is Manufactured</b>",
"Field available in Delivery Note, Quotation, Sales Invoice, Sales Order",
"More Info",
"Point of Sale",
+ "Sales Extras",
"If you have Sales Team and Sale Partners (Channel Partners) they can be tagged and maintain their contribution in the sales activity",
"To track items using barcode. You will be able to enter items in Delivery Note and Sales Invoice by scanning barcode of item.",
@@ -42,6 +41,7 @@
"After Sale Installations",
"All import related fields like currency, conversion rate, import total, import grand total etc are available in <br>\nPurchase Receipt, Supplier Quotation, Purchase Invoice, Purchase Order etc.",
+ "If you involve in manufacturing activity<br>\nEnables item <b>Is Manufactured</b>",
"To track any installation or commissioning related work after sales",
"1. To maintain the customer wise item code and to make them searchable based on their code use this option"
diff --git a/setup/doctype/features_setup/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/features_setup/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d53ab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/features_setup/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ "1. To maintain the customer wise item code and to make them searchable based on their code use this option": "Ein. Um den Kunden kluge Artikel Code zu pflegen und um sie durchsuchbar basierend auf ihren Code um diese Option",
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "After Sale Installations": "After Sale Installationen",
+ "Brands": "Marken",
+ "Check if you need automatic recurring invoices. After submitting any sales invoice, Recurring section will be visible.": "\u00dcberpr\u00fcfen Sie, ob Sie die automatische wiederkehrende Rechnungen ben\u00f6tigen. Nach dem Absenden eine Rechnung \u00fcber den Verkauf wird Recurring Abschnitt sichtbar sein.",
+ "Discount Fields will be available in Purchase Order, Purchase Receipt, Purchase Invoice": "Discount Felder werden in der Bestellung, Kaufbeleg Kauf Rechnung verf\u00fcgbar",
+ "Enables <b>More Info.</b> in all documents": "Erm\u00f6glicht <b> Mehr Info. </ B> in alle Dokumente",
+ "Exports": "Ausfuhr",
+ "Features Setup": "Features Setup",
+ "Field available in Delivery Note, Quotation, Sales Invoice, Sales Order": "Feld in Lieferschein, Angebot, Sales Invoice, Sales Order",
+ "If you have Sales Team and Sale Partners (Channel Partners) they can be tagged and maintain their contribution in the sales activity": "Wenn Sie Sales Team und Verkauf Partners (Channel Partners) sie markiert werden k\u00f6nnen und pflegen ihren Beitrag in der Vertriebsaktivit\u00e4ten",
+ "If you have long print formats, this feature can be used to split the page to be printed on multiple pages with all headers and footers on each page": "Wenn Sie lange drucken, haben Formate, kann diese Funktion dazu verwendet, um die Seite auf mehreren Seiten mit allen Kopf-und Fu\u00dfzeilen auf jeder Seite gedruckt werden",
+ "Imports": "Imports",
+ "Item Advanced": "Erweiterte Artikel",
+ "Item Barcode": "Barcode Artikel",
+ "Item Batch Nos": "In Batch Artikel",
+ "Item Groups in Details": "Details Gruppen in Artikel",
+ "Item Serial Nos": "Artikel Serial In",
+ "Manufacturing": "Herstellung",
+ "Materials": "Materialien",
+ "Miscelleneous": "Miscelleneous",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "Packing Detials": "Verpackung Detials",
+ "Page Break": "Seitenwechsel",
+ "Point of Sale": "Point of Sale",
+ "Projects": "Projekte",
+ "Purchase Discounts": "Kauf Rabatte",
+ "Quality": "Qualit\u00e4t",
+ "Recurring Invoice": "Wiederkehrende Rechnung",
+ "Sales Discounts": "Sales Rabatte",
+ "Sales Extras": "Verkauf Extras",
+ "Sales and Purchase": "Verkauf und Kauf",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "To enable <b>Point of Sale</b> features": "Zum <b> Point of Sale </ b> Funktionen erm\u00f6glichen",
+ "To get Item Group in details table": "Zu Artikelnummer Gruppe im Detail Tisch zu bekommen",
+ "To track any installation or commissioning related work after sales": "Um jegliche Installation oder Inbetriebnahme verwandte Arbeiten After Sales verfolgen",
+ "To track item in sales and purchase documents based on their serial nos. This is can also used to track warranty details of the product.": "Um Artikel in Vertrieb und Einkauf Dokumente auf ihrem Werknummern Basis zu verfolgen. Dies wird auch verwendet, um Details zum Thema Gew\u00e4hrleistung des Produktes zu verfolgen.",
+ "To track items in sales and purchase documents with batch nos<br><b>Preferred Industry: Chemicals etc</b>": "Um Elemente in An-und Verkauf von Dokumenten mit Batch-nos <br> <b> Preferred Industry verfolgen: Chemicals etc </ b>",
+ "To track items using barcode. You will be able to enter items in Delivery Note and Sales Invoice by scanning barcode of item.": "Um Objekte mit Barcode verfolgen. Sie werden in der Lage sein, um Elemente in Lieferschein und Sales Invoice durch Scannen Barcode einzusteigen."
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diff --git a/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/_messages_doc.json b/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 79a7f11..7c318c9 100644
--- a/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
"Default Item Group",
"Date Format",
- "Disable Rounded Total",
"Authorized Role (Frozen Entry)",
"If disable, 'Rounded Total' field will not be visible in any transaction",
"Credit Controller",
+ "Disable Rounded Total",
"Current Fiscal Year",
"Do not show any symbol like $ etc next to currencies.",
diff --git a/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad8f1e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/global_defaults/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ "Account Info": "Kundendaten",
+ "Accounting entry frozen up to this date, nobody can do / modify entry except authorized person": "Buchhaltungseingaben bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt eingefroren, kann niemand / nicht \u00e4ndern Eintrag au\u00dfer autorisierten Person",
+ "Accounts": "Konten",
+ "Accounts Frozen Upto": "Konten Bis gefroren",
+ "Allow Negative Stock": "Lassen Negative Lager",
+ "Allowance Percent": "Allowance Prozent",
+ "Applicable only if valuation method is moving average": "Gilt nur, wenn Bewertungsmethode ist gleitenden Durchschnitt",
+ "Authorized Role (Frozen Entry)": "Autorisierte Rolle (Frozen Entry)",
+ "Authourized Role (Frozen Entry)": "Authourized Rolle (Frozen Entry)",
+ "Buying": "Kauf",
+ "CGHelp": "CGHelp",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Credit Controller": "Credit Controller",
+ "Current Fiscal Year": "Laufenden Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Customer Name": "Name des Kunden",
+ "Date Format": "Datumsformat",
+ "Default Company": "Standard Unternehmen",
+ "Default Currency": "Standardw\u00e4hrung",
+ "Default Customer Group": "Standard Customer Group",
+ "Default Item Group": "Standard Element Gruppe",
+ "Default Price List": "Standard Preisliste",
+ "Default Price List Currency": "Standard Preisliste W\u00e4hrung",
+ "Default Stock UOM": "Standard Lager UOM",
+ "Default Supplier Type": "Standard Lieferant Typ",
+ "Default Territory": "Standard Territory",
+ "Default Valuation Method": "Standard Valuation Method",
+ "Default Warehouse Type": "Standard Warehouse Typ",
+ "Delivery Note Required": "Lieferschein erforderlich",
+ "Do not show any symbol like $ etc next to currencies.": "Zeigen keine Symbol wie $ etc neben W\u00e4hrungen.",
+ "Employee Number": "Mitarbeiternummer",
+ "FIFO": "FIFO",
+ "Float Precision": "Gleitkommatgenauigkeit",
+ "General": "General",
+ "Global Defaults": "Globale Defaults",
+ "HR": "HR",
+ "Hide Currency Symbol": "Ausblenden W\u00e4hrungssymbol",
+ "IGHelp": "IGHelp",
+ "Maintain same rate throughout purchase cycle": "Pflegen gleichen Rate gesamten Kauf-Zyklus",
+ "Moving Average": "Moving Average",
+ "Naming Series": "Benennen Series",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Number Format": "Number Format",
+ "Percentage you are allowed to receive or deliver more against the quantity ordered. <p>For example: If you have ordered 100 units. and your Allowance is 10% then you are allowed to receive 110 units</p>": "Prozentuale Ihnen erlaubt zu empfangen oder zu liefern mehr gegen die Menge bestellt werden. <p> Zum Beispiel: Wenn Sie 100 Einheiten bestellt. und Ihre Allowance ist 10%, dann d\u00fcrfen Sie 110 Einheiten </ p> und Sie bekommen",
+ "Precision for Float fields (quantities, discounts, percentages etc) only for display. Floats will still be calculated up to 6 decimals.": "Pr\u00e4zision ist Float Felder (quantities, Rabatte, Prozente etc) nur zur Anzeige. Floats noch bis zu 6 Dezimalstellen berechnet werden.",
+ "Purchase Order Required": "Bestellung erforderlich",
+ "Purchase Receipt Required": "Kaufbeleg erforderlich",
+ "Raise Material Request when stock reaches re-order level": "Heben Anfrage Material erreicht, wenn der Vorrat re-order-Ebene",
+ "SMS Sender Name": "SMS Absender Name",
+ "Sales Order Required": "Sales Order erforderlich",
+ "Selling": "Verkauf",
+ "Session Expiry": "Session Verfall",
+ "Session Expiry in Hours e.g. 06:00": "Session Verfall z. B. in Stunden 06.00",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Stock Frozen Upto": "Lager Bis gefroren",
+ "Stock level frozen up to this date, nobody can do / modify entry except authorized person": "Bestand bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt eingefroren, kann niemand / nicht \u00e4ndern Eintrag au\u00dfer autorisierten Person",
+ "Supplier Name": "Name des Anbieters",
+ "System": "System",
+ "TerritoryHelp": "TerritoryHelp",
+ "Users with this role are allowed to do / modify accounting entry before frozen date": "Benutzer mit dieser Rolle tun d\u00fcrfen / \u00e4ndern Verbuchung vor dem gefrorenen Datum",
+ "Users with this role are allowed to do / modify stock entry before frozen date": "Benutzer mit dieser Rolle d\u00fcrfen zu tun / \u00e4ndern stock Eintrag vor gefrorenen Datum",
+ "Yes": "Ja",
+ "dd-mm-yyyy": "dd-mm-yyyy",
+ "dd/mm/yyyy": "dd / mm / yyyy",
+ "mm-dd-yyyy": "mm-dd-yyyy",
+ "mm/dd/yyyy": "mm / dd / yyyy",
+ "yyyy-mm-dd": "yyyy-mm-dd"
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diff --git a/setup/doctype/item_group/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/item_group/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..581a278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/item_group/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ "Check this if you want to show in website": "Aktivieren Sie diese Option, wenn Sie in der Website zeigen wollen",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "HTML / Banner that will show on the top of product list.": "HTML / Banner, die auf der Oberseite des Produkt-Liste zeigen.",
+ "Has Child Node": "Hat Child Node",
+ "Item Classification": "Artikel Klassifizierung",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Item Group Name": "Artikel Group Name",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Only leaf nodes are allowed in transaction": "Nur Blattknoten in Transaktion zul\u00e4ssig",
+ "Page Name": "Page Name",
+ "Parent Item Group": "\u00dcbergeordneter Artikel Gruppe",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Show in Website": "Zeigen Sie im Website",
+ "Show this slideshow at the top of the page": "Zeige diese Slideshow an der Spitze der Seite",
+ "Slideshow": "Slideshow",
+ "Website Settings": "Website-Einstellungen",
+ "Yes": "Ja",
+ "lft": "lft",
+ "old_parent": "old_parent",
+ "rgt": "rgt"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json b/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json
index f759327..62e7095 100644
--- a/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
"Email settings for jobs email id \"\"",
- "POP3 server e.g. (",
"Settings to extract Job Applicants from a mailbox e.g. \"\"",
+ "POP3 server e.g. (",
"Check to activate",
"Extract Emails",
"Email Id"
diff --git a/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f19bed1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "Check to activate": "\u00dcberpr\u00fcfen Sie aktivieren",
+ "Email Id": "Email Id",
+ "Email Id where a job applicant will email e.g. \"\"": "Email Id, wo ein Bewerber beispielsweise per E-Mail wird \"\"",
+ "Email settings for jobs email id \"\"": "E-Mail-Einstellungen f\u00fcr Jobs email id \"\"",
+ "Extract Emails": "Auszug Emails",
+ "Host": "Gastgeber",
+ "Jobs Email Settings": "Jobs per E-Mail Einstellungen",
+ "POP3 Mail Settings": "POP3-Mail-Einstellungen",
+ "POP3 server e.g. (": "POP3-Server beispielsweise (",
+ "Password": "Kennwort",
+ "Settings to extract Job Applicants from a mailbox e.g. \"\"": "Einstellungen f\u00fcr Bewerber aus einer Mailbox zB \"\" extrahieren",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Use SSL": "Verwenden Sie SSL",
+ "Username": "Benutzername"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/de-js.json b/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/de-js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f0b760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/de-js.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "Not Active": "Nicht aktiv"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/de-py.json b/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/de-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df47b84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/jobs_email_settings/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "Host, Email and Password required if emails are to be pulled": "Host, E-Mail und Passwort erforderlich, wenn E-Mails gezogen werden"
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diff --git a/setup/doctype/market_segment/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/market_segment/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8ad0b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/market_segment/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Details": "Details",
+ "Market Segment": "Market Segment",
+ "Segment Name": "Segment Name",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/naming_series/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/naming_series/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50f5949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/naming_series/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "Change the starting / current sequence number of an existing series.": "\u00c4ndern Sie den Start / aktuelle Sequenznummer eines bestehenden Serie.",
+ "Check this if you want to force the user to select a series before saving. There will be no default if you check this.": "Aktivieren Sie diese Option, wenn Sie den Benutzer zwingen, eine Reihe vor dem Speichern ausw\u00e4hlen m\u00f6chten. Es wird kein Standard sein, wenn Sie dies zu \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen.",
+ "Current Value": "Aktueller Wert",
+ "Help HTML": "Helfen Sie HTML",
+ "Naming Series": "Benennen Series",
+ "Prefix": "Pr\u00e4fix",
+ "Select Transaction": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Transaction",
+ "Series List for this Transaction": "Serien-Liste f\u00fcr diese Transaktion",
+ "Set prefix for numbering series on your transactions": "Nummerierung einstellen Serie Pr\u00e4fix f\u00fcr Ihre Online-Transaktionen",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Setup Series": "Setup-Series",
+ "This is the number of the last created transaction with this prefix": "Dies ist die Nummer des zuletzt erzeugte Transaktion mit diesem Pr\u00e4fix",
+ "Update": "Aktualisieren",
+ "Update Series": "Update Series",
+ "Update Series Number": "Update Series Number",
+ "User must always select": "Der Benutzer muss immer w\u00e4hlen"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/naming_series_options/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/naming_series_options/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c07d638
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/naming_series_options/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Doc Type": "Doc Type",
+ "Naming Series Options": "Benennen Optionen Series",
+ "Series Options": "Serie Optionen",
+ "Setup": "Setup"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/notification_control/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/notification_control/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81fb54d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/notification_control/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ "Custom Message": "Custom Message",
+ "Customize the Notification": "Passen Sie die Benachrichtigung",
+ "Customize the introductory text that goes as a part of that email. Each transaction has a separate introductory text.": "Passen Sie den einleitenden Text, der als Teil der E-Mail geht. Jede Transaktion hat einen separaten einleitenden Text.",
+ "Delivery Note": "Lieferschein",
+ "Delivery Note Message": "Lieferschein Nachricht",
+ "Expense Claim": "Expense Anspruch",
+ "Expense Claim Approved": "Expense Anspruch Genehmigt",
+ "Expense Claim Approved Message": "Expense Anspruch Genehmigt Nachricht",
+ "Expense Claim Rejected": "Expense Antrag abgelehnt",
+ "Expense Claim Rejected Message": "Expense Antrag abgelehnt Nachricht",
+ "Notification Control": "Meldungssteuervorrichtung",
+ "Prompt for Email on Submission of": "Eingabeaufforderung f\u00fcr E-Mail auf Vorlage von",
+ "Purchase": "Kaufen",
+ "Purchase Order": "Auftragsbest\u00e4tigung",
+ "Purchase Order Message": "Purchase Order Nachricht",
+ "Purchase Receipt": "Kaufbeleg",
+ "Purchase Receipt Message": "Kaufbeleg Nachricht",
+ "Quotation": "Zitat",
+ "Quotation Message": "Quotation Nachricht",
+ "Sales": "Vertrieb",
+ "Sales Invoice": "Sales Invoice",
+ "Sales Invoice Message": "Sales Invoice Nachricht",
+ "Sales Order": "Sales Order",
+ "Sales Order Message": "Sales Order Nachricht",
+ "Select Transaction": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Transaction",
+ "Send automatic emails to Contacts on Submitting transactions.": "Senden Sie automatische E-Mails an Kontakte auf Einreichen Transaktionen.",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Update": "Aktualisieren",
+ "When any of the checked transactions are \"Submitted\", an email pop-up automatically opened to send an email to the associated \"Contact\" in that transaction, with the transaction as an attachment. The user may or may not send the email.": "Wenn eine der \u00fcberpr\u00fcften Transaktionen werden \"Eingereicht\", ein E-Mail-pop-up automatisch ge\u00f6ffnet, um eine E-Mail mit dem zugeh\u00f6rigen \"Kontakt\" in dieser Transaktion zu senden, mit der Transaktion als Anhang. Der Benutzer kann oder nicht-Mail senden."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/permission_control/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/permission_control/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca1bf25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/permission_control/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Permission Control": "Permission Steuerung",
+ "Setup": "Setup"
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diff --git a/setup/doctype/price_list/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/price_list/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6546231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/price_list/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "How to upload": "So laden",
+ "Price List": "Preisliste",
+ "Price List Master": "Meister Preisliste",
+ "Price List Name": "Preis Name",
+ "Setup": "Setup"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/print_heading/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/print_heading/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..351f584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/print_heading/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Print Heading": "Unterwegs drucken",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/quotation_lost_reason/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/quotation_lost_reason/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..283ba38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/quotation_lost_reason/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Quotation Lost Reason": "Zitat Passwort Reason",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/sales_browser_control/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/sales_browser_control/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83242fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/sales_browser_control/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Sales Browser Control": "Vertrieb Browser Control",
+ "Setup": "Setup"
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diff --git a/setup/doctype/sales_email_settings/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/sales_email_settings/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7537586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/sales_email_settings/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ "Check to activate": "\u00dcberpr\u00fcfen Sie aktivieren",
+ "Email Id": "Email Id",
+ "Email Id where a job applicant will email e.g. \"\"": "Email Id, wo ein Bewerber beispielsweise per E-Mail wird \"\"",
+ "Email settings to extract Leads from sales email id e.g. \"\"": "E-Mail-Einstellungen zu extrahieren Leads aus dem Verkauf email id zB \"\"",
+ "Extract Emails": "Auszug Emails",
+ "Host": "Gastgeber",
+ "POP3 Mail Settings": "POP3-Mail-Einstellungen",
+ "POP3 server e.g. (": "POP3-Server beispielsweise (",
+ "Password": "Kennwort",
+ "Sales Email Settings": "Vertrieb E-Mail-Einstellungen",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Use SSL": "Verwenden Sie SSL",
+ "Username": "Benutzername"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/sales_email_settings/locale/de-js.json b/setup/doctype/sales_email_settings/locale/de-js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f0b760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/sales_email_settings/locale/de-js.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "Not Active": "Nicht aktiv"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/sales_email_settings/locale/de-py.json b/setup/doctype/sales_email_settings/locale/de-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df47b84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/sales_email_settings/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "Host, Email and Password required if emails are to be pulled": "Host, E-Mail und Passwort erforderlich, wenn E-Mails gezogen werden"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/sales_partner/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/sales_partner/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5b31e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/sales_partner/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ "A third party distributor / dealer / commission agent / affiliate / reseller who sells the companies products for a commission.": "Ein Dritter Vertrieb / H\u00e4ndler / Kommission\u00e4r / affiliate / Vertragsh\u00e4ndler verkauft die Unternehmen Produkte f\u00fcr eine Provision.",
+ "Address & Contacts": "Adresse und Kontakte",
+ "Address Desc": "Adresse Desc",
+ "Address HTML": "Adresse HTML",
+ "Agent": "Agent",
+ "Channel Partner": "Channel Partner",
+ "Commission Rate": "Kommission bewerten",
+ "Contact Desc": "Kontakt Desc",
+ "Contact HTML": "Kontakt HTML",
+ "Dealer": "H\u00e4ndler",
+ "Distributor": "Verteiler",
+ "Implementation Partner": "Implementation Partner",
+ "Note: You Can Manage Multiple Address or Contacts via Addresses & Contacts": "Hinweis: Sie k\u00f6nnen mehrere Kontakte oder Adresse via Adressen & Kontakte verwalten",
+ "Partner Target Detail": "Partner Zieldetailbericht",
+ "Partner Type": "Partner Typ",
+ "Reseller": "Wiederverk\u00e4ufer",
+ "Retailer": "Einzelh\u00e4ndler",
+ "Sales Partner": "Vertriebspartner",
+ "Sales Partner Details": "Sales Partner Details",
+ "Sales Partner Name": "Sales Partner Name",
+ "Sales Partner Target": "Partner Sales Target",
+ "Select Budget Distribution to unevenly distribute targets across months.": "W\u00e4hlen Budget Verteilung ungleichm\u00e4\u00dfig Targets \u00fcber Monate verteilen.",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Target Distribution": "Target Distribution",
+ "Territory": "Gebiet"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/sales_person/locale/_messages_doc.json b/setup/doctype/sales_person/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 82cfd05..ae1cb2c 100644
--- a/setup/doctype/sales_person/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/setup/doctype/sales_person/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- "Select Budget Distribution to unevenly distribute targets across months.",
+ "rgt",
"Trash Reason",
"Sales Person",
"Select company name first.",
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
"Has Child Node",
"Sales Person Targets",
"Target Distribution",
- "rgt",
- "old_parent",
- "Target Details1",
+ "old_parent",
+ "Target Details1",
"All Sales Transactions can be tagged against multiple **Sales Persons** so that you can set and monitor targets.",
"Parent Sales Person",
- "Sales Person Name"
+ "Sales Person Name",
+ "Select Budget Distribution to unevenly distribute targets across months."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/sales_person/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/sales_person/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19724bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/sales_person/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ "All Sales Transactions can be tagged against multiple **Sales Persons** so that you can set and monitor targets.": "Alle Verk\u00e4ufe Transaktionen k\u00f6nnen gegen mehrere ** Umsatz Personen **, so dass Sie und \u00fcberwachen Ziele k\u00f6nnen markiert werden.",
+ "Employee": "Mitarbeiter",
+ "Has Child Node": "Hat Child Node",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Parent Sales Person": "Eltern Sales Person",
+ "Sales Person": "Sales Person",
+ "Sales Person Name": "Sales Person Vorname",
+ "Sales Person Targets": "Sales Person Targets",
+ "Select Budget Distribution to unevenly distribute targets across months.": "W\u00e4hlen Budget Verteilung ungleichm\u00e4\u00dfig Targets \u00fcber Monate verteilen.",
+ "Select company name first.": "W\u00e4hlen Firmennamen erste.",
+ "Set targets Item Group-wise for this Sales Person.": "Set zielt Artikel gruppenweise f\u00fcr diesen Sales Person.",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Target Details1": "Ziel Details1",
+ "Target Distribution": "Target Distribution",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason",
+ "Yes": "Ja",
+ "lft": "lft",
+ "old_parent": "old_parent",
+ "rgt": "rgt"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/series_detail/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/series_detail/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df28f51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/series_detail/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Remove": "Entfernen",
+ "Series": "Serie",
+ "Series Detail": "Series Detailansicht",
+ "Setup": "Setup"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/setup_control/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/setup_control/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ae3dca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/setup_control/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Setup Control": "Setup Control"
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diff --git a/setup/doctype/sms_parameter/locale/_messages_doc.json b/setup/doctype/sms_parameter/locale/_messages_doc.json
index daf8dc4..0890ad9 100644
--- a/setup/doctype/sms_parameter/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/setup/doctype/sms_parameter/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- "Parameter",
+ "Parameter",
"SMS Parameter"
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe97bc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/sms_parameter/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Parameter": "Parameter",
+ "SMS Parameter": "SMS Parameter",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Value": "Wert"
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a5f763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/sms_settings/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Eg.": "Eg. / api / send_sms.cgi",
+ "Enter static url parameters here (Eg. sender=ERPNext, username=ERPNext, password=1234 etc.)": "Geben Sie statischen URL-Parameter hier (Bsp. sender = ERPNext, username = ERPNext, password = 1234 etc.)",
+ "Enter url parameter for message": "Geben Sie URL-Parameter f\u00fcr die Nachrichten\u00fcbertragung",
+ "Enter url parameter for receiver nos": "Geben Sie URL-Parameter f\u00fcr Empf\u00e4nger nos",
+ "Message Parameter": "Nachricht Parameter",
+ "Receiver Parameter": "Empf\u00e4nger Parameter",
+ "SMS Gateway URL": "SMS Gateway URL",
+ "SMS Parameters": "SMS-Parameter",
+ "SMS Settings": "SMS-Einstellungen",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Static Parameters": "Statische Parameter"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/state/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/state/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63f1a81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/state/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Country": "Land",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "State": "Zustand",
+ "State Name": "State Name"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/supplier_type/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/supplier_type/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fb56bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/supplier_type/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Supplier Type": "Lieferant Typ",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/target_detail/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/target_detail/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19b7431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/target_detail/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Target Amount": "Zielbetrag",
+ "Target Detail": "Ziel Detailansicht",
+ "Target Qty": "Ziel Menge"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/terms_and_conditions/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/terms_and_conditions/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9773ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/terms_and_conditions/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "AGB",
+ "Title": "Titel",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/territory/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/territory/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c6000e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/territory/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ "Classification of Customers by region": "Klassifizierung der Kunden nach Regionen",
+ "For reference": "Als Referenz",
+ "Has Child Node": "Hat Child Node",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Only leaf nodes are allowed in transaction": "Nur Blattknoten in Transaktion zul\u00e4ssig",
+ "Parent Territory": "Eltern Territory",
+ "Select Budget Distribution to unevenly distribute targets across months.": "W\u00e4hlen Budget Verteilung ungleichm\u00e4\u00dfig Targets \u00fcber Monate verteilen.",
+ "Set Item Group-wise budgets on this Territory. You can also include seasonality by setting the Distribution.": "Set Artikel gruppenweise Budgets auf diesem Gebiet. Sie k\u00f6nnen Saisonalit\u00e4t auch geh\u00f6ren, indem Sie die Distribution.",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Target Details": "Zieldetails",
+ "Target Distribution": "Target Distribution",
+ "Territory": "Gebiet",
+ "Territory Manager": "Territory Manager",
+ "Territory Name": "Territory Namen",
+ "Territory Targets": "Territory Targets",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason",
+ "Yes": "Ja",
+ "lft": "lft",
+ "old_parent": "old_parent",
+ "rgt": "rgt"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/uom/locale/_messages_doc.json b/setup/doctype/uom/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 0c79dff..850ea0e 100644
--- a/setup/doctype/uom/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/setup/doctype/uom/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"Trash Reason",
- "Setup",
- "UOM Details",
"UOM Name",
+ "UOM Details",
+ "Setup",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/uom/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/uom/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da70327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/uom/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason",
+ "UOM": "UOM",
+ "UOM Details": "UOM Einzelheiten",
+ "UOM Name": "UOM Namen"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/warehouse_type/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/warehouse_type/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..caa517f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/warehouse_type/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason",
+ "Warehouse Type": "Warehouse Typ"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/workflow_action_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json b/setup/doctype/workflow_action_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json
index b97b851..6def7f1 100644
--- a/setup/doctype/workflow_action_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/setup/doctype/workflow_action_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- "Workflow Action Detail",
+ "Field",
- "Value",
- "Field"
+ "Workflow Action Detail",
+ "Value"
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3db419a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/workflow_action_detail/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Field": "Feld",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Value": "Wert",
+ "Workflow Action Detail": "Workflow-Aktion Details"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/workflow_engine/locale/_messages_doc.json b/setup/doctype/workflow_engine/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 3f3207e..f03ed6a 100644
--- a/setup/doctype/workflow_engine/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/setup/doctype/workflow_engine/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- "Workflow Engine",
- "Setup"
+ "Setup",
+ "Workflow Engine"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/workflow_engine/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/workflow_engine/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..312ccf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/workflow_engine/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Workflow Engine": "Workflow Engine"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/workflow_rule/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/workflow_rule/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b58994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/workflow_rule/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ "Action Detail": "Aktion Details",
+ "Action html": "Aktion html",
+ "Active": "Aktiv",
+ "Define Rule": "Definieren Rule",
+ "Enter message": "Geben Sie eine Nachricht",
+ "Extra Condition": "Zus\u00e4tzliche Zustand",
+ "Inactive": "Inaktiv",
+ "Intro HTML": "Intro HTML",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Raise Exception": "Raise Exception",
+ "Reject HTML": "Ablehnen HTML",
+ "Rule Definition": "Rule Definition",
+ "Rule Name": "Name der Regel",
+ "Rule Priority": "Priority Rule",
+ "Rule Status": "Rule-Status",
+ "Select Form": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Formular",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Workflow Action Details": "Workflow Action Details",
+ "Workflow Rule": "Workflow-Regel",
+ "Workflow Rule Details": "Workflow Regeldetails",
+ "Yes": "Ja"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/workflow_rule_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json b/setup/doctype/workflow_rule_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json
index b6b0ab5..befc8b7 100644
--- a/setup/doctype/workflow_rule_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/setup/doctype/workflow_rule_detail/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
"not equal",
"Field from other forms",
- "greater than equal",
+ "Operator",
"greater than",
- "Operator",
+ "greater than equal",
"Raise Exception",
"less than equal",
diff --git a/setup/doctype/workflow_rule_detail/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/doctype/workflow_rule_detail/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a95a89e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/workflow_rule_detail/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "Field": "Feld",
+ "Field from other forms": "Feld von anderen Formen",
+ "Message when Cond. False": "Nachricht Wenn Cond. Falsch",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Operator": "Operator",
+ "Raise Exception": "Raise Exception",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Value": "Wert",
+ "Workflow Rule Detail": "Workflow Rule Details",
+ "Yes": "Ja",
+ "equal": "gleich",
+ "greater than": "gr\u00f6\u00dfer als",
+ "greater than equal": "gr\u00f6\u00dfer gleich",
+ "less than": "weniger als",
+ "less than equal": "weniger als gleich",
+ "not equal": "ungleich"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/module_def/setup/locale/_messages_doc.json b/setup/module_def/setup/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 1537348..956091c 100644
--- a/setup/module_def/setup/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/setup/module_def/setup/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
"Send regular summary reports via Email.",
"Email settings for jobs email id \"\"",
"Email settings to extract Leads from sales email id e.g. \"\"",
+ "Classification of Customers by region",
"Set prefix for numbering series on your transactions",
"All Sales Transactions can be tagged against multiple **Sales Persons** so that you can set and monitor targets.",
"A third party distributor / dealer / commission agent / affiliate / reseller who sells the companies products for a commission.",
"Permission Engine",
"Legal Entity / Subsidiary with a separate Chart of Accounts belonging to the Organization.",
- "Webforms",
- "Classification of Customers by region"
+ "Webforms"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/module_def/setup/locale/de-doc.json b/setup/module_def/setup/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d317d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/module_def/setup/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "**Currency** Master": "** W\u00e4hrung ** Meister",
+ "A third party distributor / dealer / commission agent / affiliate / reseller who sells the companies products for a commission.": "Ein Dritter Vertrieb / H\u00e4ndler / Kommission\u00e4r / affiliate / Vertragsh\u00e4ndler verkauft die Unternehmen Produkte f\u00fcr eine Provision.",
+ "All Sales Transactions can be tagged against multiple **Sales Persons** so that you can set and monitor targets.": "Alle Verk\u00e4ufe Transaktionen k\u00f6nnen gegen mehrere ** Umsatz Personen **, so dass Sie und \u00fcberwachen Ziele k\u00f6nnen markiert werden.",
+ "Classification of Customers by region": "Klassifizierung der Kunden nach Regionen",
+ "Email Settings for Outgoing and Incoming Emails.": "E-Mail-Einstellungen f\u00fcr ausgehende und eingehende E-Mails.",
+ "Email settings for jobs email id \"\"": "E-Mail-Einstellungen f\u00fcr Jobs email id \"\"",
+ "Email settings to extract Leads from sales email id e.g. \"\"": "E-Mail-Einstellungen zu extrahieren Leads aus dem Verkauf email id zB \"\"",
+ "Item Classification": "Artikel Klassifizierung",
+ "Legal Entity / Subsidiary with a separate Chart of Accounts belonging to the Organization.": "Legal Entity / Tochtergesellschaft mit einem separaten Kontenplan Zugeh\u00f6rigkeit zu der Organisation.",
+ "Modules Setup": "Setup-Modules",
+ "Permission Engine": "Permission Motor",
+ "Price List Master": "Meister Preisliste",
+ "Send automatic emails to Contacts on Submitting transactions.": "Senden Sie automatische E-Mails an Kontakte auf Einreichen Transaktionen.",
+ "Send regular summary reports via Email.": "Senden regelm\u00e4\u00dfige zusammenfassende Berichte per E-Mail.",
+ "Set prefix for numbering series on your transactions": "Nummerierung einstellen Serie Pr\u00e4fix f\u00fcr Ihre Online-Transaktionen",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Webforms": "Webforms"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/page/setup/locale/de-js.json b/setup/page/setup/locale/de-js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a2a1fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/page/setup/locale/de-js.json
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ "Add custom code to forms": "F\u00fcgen Sie benutzerdefinierte Code Formen",
+ "Add fields to forms": "Hinzuf\u00fcgen von Feldern zu Formen",
+ "Add headers for standard print formats": "Hinzuf\u00fcgen von Kopf f\u00fcr Standard-Druckformate",
+ "Add/remove users, set roles, passwords etc": "Hinzuf\u00fcgen / Entfernen von Benutzern, Satz Rollen, etc. Passw\u00f6rter",
+ "Authorization Rule": "Autorisierungsregel",
+ "Branding and Printing": "Branding und Druck",
+ "Change background fonts etc": "\u00c4ndern Sie Hintergrund-Schriftarten etc",
+ "Change entry properties (hide fields, make mandatory etc)": "Eintrag \u00e4ndern Eigenschaften (hide Feldern machen obligatorischen etc)",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Currency": "W\u00e4hrung",
+ "Custom Field": "Custom Field",
+ "Custom Script": "Custom Script",
+ "Customize": "Anpassen",
+ "Customize Form": "Formular anpassen",
+ "Daily, weekly, monthly email Digests": "T\u00e4glich Digests w\u00f6chentlich, monatlich E-Mail-",
+ "Data": "Daten",
+ "Data Import": "Datenimport",
+ "Email Digest": "Email Digest",
+ "Email Settings": "E-Mail-Einstellungen",
+ "Enable / disable currencies.": "Aktivieren / Deaktivieren der W\u00e4hrungen.",
+ "Extract Job Applicant from jobs email id e.g.": "Auszug Bewerber aus Jobs E-Mail-ID beispielsweise",
+ "Extract Leads from sales email id e.g.": "Auszug Leads aus dem Verkauf email id beispielsweise",
+ "Features Setup": "Features Setup",
+ "Financial Years for books of accounts": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahre B\u00fccher von Konten",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Global Defaults": "Globale Defaults",
+ "HTML print formats for quotes, invoices etc": "HTML Druckformate f\u00fcr Angebote, Rechnungen etc",
+ "Import data from spreadsheet (csv) files": "Importieren von Daten aus Tabellen (csv-Dateien)",
+ "Jobs Email Settings": "Jobs per E-Mail Einstellungen",
+ "Letter Head": "Briefkopf",
+ "Letter heads for print": "Briefk\u00f6pfe f\u00fcr Print",
+ "List of companies (not customers / suppliers)": "Liste der Unternehmen (keine Kunden / Lieferanten)",
+ "Manage numbering series": "Verwalten Nummerierung Serie",
+ "Notification Control": "Meldungssteuervorrichtung",
+ "Organization": "Organisation",
+ "Out going mail server and support ticket mailbox": "Fahren Sie Mail-Server und Mailbox Support-Ticket",
+ "Permission Manager": "Permission Manager",
+ "Print Format": "Drucken Format",
+ "Print Heading": "Unterwegs drucken",
+ "Profile": "Profil",
+ "Prompt email sending to customers and suppliers": "Prompt Mail senden an Kunden und Lieferanten",
+ "Restrict submission rights based on amount": "Beschr\u00e4nken Einreichung Rechte nach Betrag",
+ "SMS Center": "SMS Center",
+ "SMS Settings": "SMS-Einstellungen",
+ "Sales Email Settings": "Vertrieb E-Mail-Einstellungen",
+ "Send bulk SMS to leads, customers, contacts": "Senden Sie Massen-SMS, um Leads, Kunden, Kontakte",
+ "Set default values for entry": "Standardwerte f\u00fcr die Einreise",
+ "Set default values for users (also used for permissions).": "Standardwerte f\u00fcr die Benutzer (auch f\u00fcr Berechtigungen verwendet).",
+ "Set multiple numbering series for transactions": "Set Nummerierung Serie f\u00fcr mehrere Transaktionen",
+ "Set permissions on transactions / masters": "Festlegen von Berechtigungen f\u00fcr Transaktionen / masters",
+ "Set workflow rules.": "Stellen Sie Workflow-Regeln.",
+ "Setup outgoing SMS via your bulk SMS provider": "Richten ausgehende SMS \u00fcber Ihre Massen-SMS-Anbieter",
+ "Show / Hide Modules": "Show / Hide Modules",
+ "Show, hide modules": "Anzeigen, Ausblenden Modulen",
+ "Simplify entry forms by disabling features": "Vereinfachen Anmeldeformulare durch Deaktivieren von Funktionen",
+ "Style Settings": "Style Einstellungen",
+ "User Properties": "User Properties",
+ "Users": "Benutzer",
+ "Workfow": "Workfow"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/startup/ b/startup/
index 05f95a8..5bc86df 100644
--- a/startup/
+++ b/startup/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
lang_names = {
"हिंदी": "hi",
+ "deutsch": "de",
"english": "en",
"español": "es",
"français": "fr",
@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@
-lang_list = ["ar", "en", "hi", "es", "fr", "pt-BR", "pt", "nl", "hr", "th"]
+lang_list = ["ar", "de", "en", "hi", "es", "fr", "pt-BR", "pt", "nl", "hr", "th"]
product_name = "ERPNext"
profile_defaults = {
@@ -67,4 +68,4 @@
if subdomain:
if "http" not in subdomain:
url = "http://" + subdomain
- return url
\ No newline at end of file
+ return url
diff --git a/stock/doctype/batch/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/batch/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fe0465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/batch/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "Batch": "Stapel",
+ "Batch Finished Date": "Batch Beendet Datum",
+ "Batch ID": "Batch ID",
+ "Batch Started Date": "Batch gestartet Datum",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Expiry Date": "Verfallsdatum",
+ "Item": "Artikel",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/bin/locale/_messages_doc.json b/stock/doctype/bin/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 0f8c573..be46b3a 100644
--- a/stock/doctype/bin/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/stock/doctype/bin/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
"Projected Qty",
"Stock Value",
"Ordered Quantity",
+ "Warehouse",
"Warehouse Type",
"Actual Quantity",
- "Warehouse",
"Reserved Quantity",
"Valuation Rate",
"Quantity Requested for Purchase",
diff --git a/stock/doctype/bin/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/bin/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2f4598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/bin/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "Actual Quantity": "Tats\u00e4chliche Menge",
+ "Bin": "Kasten",
+ "FCFS Rate": "FCFS Rate",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Moving Average Rate": "Moving Average Rate",
+ "Ordered Quantity": "Bestellte Menge",
+ "Planned Qty": "Geplante Menge",
+ "Projected Qty": "Prognostizierte Anzahl",
+ "Quantity Requested for Purchase": "Beantragten Menge f\u00fcr Kauf",
+ "Reserved Quantity": "Reserviert Menge",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Stock Value": "Bestandswert",
+ "UOM": "UOM",
+ "Valuation Rate": "Valuation bewerten",
+ "Warehouse": "Lager",
+ "Warehouse Type": "Warehouse Typ"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/delivery_note/locale/_messages_doc.json b/stock/doctype/delivery_note/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 1144a68..4578016 100644
--- a/stock/doctype/delivery_note/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/stock/doctype/delivery_note/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
"Date on which lorry started from your warehouse",
"The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.",
"More Info",
- "Draft",
"Posting Time",
"To Warehouse",
"Grand Total (Export)",
@@ -70,6 +69,7 @@
"Rounded Total (Export)",
"In Words (Export)",
+ "Draft",
"Cancel Reason",
"Select the currency in which price list is maintained",
"Terms and Conditions HTML",
diff --git a/stock/doctype/delivery_note/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/delivery_note/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1fdee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/delivery_note/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ "% Amount Billed": "% Rechnungsbetrag",
+ "% Installed": "% Installierte",
+ "% of materials billed against this Delivery Note": "% Der Materialien gegen diese Lieferschein abgerechnet",
+ "% of materials delivered against this Delivery Note": "% Der Materialien gegen diese Lieferschein",
+ "Advertisement": "Anzeige",
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Billing Status": "Billing-Status",
+ "Calculate Charges": "Berechnen Sie Geb\u00fchren",
+ "Campaign": "Kampagne",
+ "Cancel Reason": "Abbrechen Reason",
+ "Cancelled": "Abgesagt",
+ "Challan Date": "Challan Datum",
+ "Challan No": "Challan Nein",
+ "Cold Calling": "Cold Calling",
+ "Commission Rate (%)": "Kommission Rate (%)",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Contact": "Kontakt",
+ "Contact Email": "Kontakt per E-Mail",
+ "Contact Info": "Kontakt Info",
+ "Contact Person": "Ansprechpartner",
+ "Conversion Rate": "Conversion Rate",
+ "Currency": "W\u00e4hrung",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Customer Group": "Customer Group",
+ "Customer Name": "Name des Kunden",
+ "Customer's Currency": "Kunden W\u00e4hrung",
+ "Customer's Vendor": "Kunden Hersteller",
+ "DN": "DN",
+ "Date on which lorry started from your warehouse": "Datum, an dem Lkw begann von Ihrem Lager",
+ "Delivery Note": "Lieferschein",
+ "Delivery Note Items": "Lieferscheinpositionen",
+ "Draft": "Entwurf",
+ "Excise Page Number": "Excise Page Number",
+ "Exhibition": "Ausstellung",
+ "Existing Customer": "Bestehende Kunden",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Filling in Additional Information about the Delivery Note will help you analyze your data better.": "Ausf\u00fcllen Zus\u00e4tzliche Informationen \u00fcber den Lieferschein wird Ihnen helfen, Ihre Daten analysieren besser.",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Fully Billed": "Voll Billed",
+ "Get Items": "Holen Artikel",
+ "Get Taxes and Charges": "Holen Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Get Terms and Conditions": "Holen AGB",
+ "Grand Total": "Grand Total",
+ "Grand Total (Export)": "Grand Total (Export)",
+ "If you have created a standard template in Sales Taxes and Charges Master, select one and click on the button below.": "Wenn Sie ein Standard-Template in Sales Steuern und Abgaben Meister erstellt haben, w\u00e4hlen Sie eine aus und klicken Sie auf den Button unten.",
+ "In Words": "In Worte",
+ "In Words (Export)": "In Words (Export)",
+ "In Words (Export) will be visible once you save the Delivery Note.": "In Words (Export) werden sichtbar, sobald Sie den Lieferschein zu speichern.",
+ "In Words will be visible once you save the Delivery Note.": "In Worte sichtbar sein wird, sobald Sie den Lieferschein zu speichern.",
+ "Installation Status": "Installation Status",
+ "Instructions": "Anleitung",
+ "Items": "Artikel",
+ "LR Date": "LR Datum",
+ "LR No": "In LR",
+ "Letter Head": "Briefkopf",
+ "Mass Mailing": "Mass Mailing",
+ "Mobile No": "In Mobile",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "Net Total*": "* Net Total",
+ "Not Billed": "Nicht Billed",
+ "P.O. Date": "P.O. Datum",
+ "P.O. No": "In P.O.",
+ "Packing Details": "Verpackungs-Details",
+ "Packing List": "Packliste",
+ "Partly Billed": "Teilweise Billed",
+ "Posting Date": "Buchungsdatum",
+ "Posting Time": "Posting Zeit",
+ "Price List": "Preisliste",
+ "Price List Currency": "W\u00e4hrung Preisliste",
+ "Price List Currency Conversion Rate": "Preisliste Currency Conversion Rate",
+ "Price List and Currency": "Listenpreis und W\u00e4hrungsrechner",
+ "Print Without Amount": "Drucken ohne Amount",
+ "Project Name": "Project Name",
+ "Rate at which Price list currency is converted to company's base currency": "Geschwindigkeit, mit der W\u00e4hrung der Preisliste zu Unternehmen der Basisw\u00e4hrung umgewandelt wird",
+ "Rate at which customer's currency is converted to company's base currency": "Rate, mit der Kunden W\u00e4hrung ist an Unternehmen Basisw\u00e4hrung umgerechnet",
+ "Re-Calculate Values": "Neu berechnen Werte",
+ "Reference": "Referenz",
+ "Required only for sample item.": "Nur erforderlich f\u00fcr die Probe Element.",
+ "Rounded Total": "Abgerundete insgesamt",
+ "Rounded Total (Export)": "Abgerundete Total (Export)",
+ "Sales BOM Help": "Vertrieb BOM Hilfe",
+ "Sales Order No": "In Sales Order",
+ "Sales Partner": "Vertriebspartner",
+ "Sales Taxes and Charges": "Vertrieb Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Sales Team": "Sales Team",
+ "Sales Team1": "Vertrieb Team1",
+ "Select Print Heading": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Drucken \u00dcberschrift",
+ "Select Shipping Address": "W\u00e4hlen Versandadresse",
+ "Select Terms and Conditions": "W\u00e4hlen AGB",
+ "Select the currency in which price list is maintained": "W\u00e4hlen Sie die W\u00e4hrung, in der Preisliste wird beibehalten",
+ "Select the price list as entered in \"Price List\" master. This will pull the reference rates of items against this price list as specified in \"Item\" master.": "W\u00e4hlen Sie die Preisliste in der \"Preisliste\" Master eingetragen. Dadurch werden die Referenzkurse Artikel gegen diese Preisliste in der \"Item\" Master vorgegeben ziehen.",
+ "Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies": "W\u00e4hlen Sie den entsprechenden Firmennamen, wenn Sie mehrere Unternehmen haben",
+ "Series": "Serie",
+ "Shipping Address": "Versandadresse",
+ "Source": "Quelle",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Submitted": "Eingereicht",
+ "Supplier Reference": "Lieferant Reference",
+ "Taxes": "Steuern",
+ "Taxes and Charges": "Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Taxes and Charges Calculation": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren Berechnung",
+ "Taxes and Charges Total": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren gesamt",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "AGB",
+ "Terms and Conditions Details": "AGB Einzelheiten",
+ "Terms and Conditions HTML": "AGB HTML",
+ "Territory": "Gebiet",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Der Zeitpunkt, zu dem aktuellen Eintrag in dem System korrigiert.",
+ "The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.": "Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag zu erhalten oder wird tats\u00e4chlich ausgef\u00fchrt.",
+ "Time at which items were delivered from warehouse": "Zeit, mit dem Gegenst\u00e4nde wurden aus dem Lager geliefert",
+ "To Warehouse": "Um Warehouse",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Um mehrere Reihen zu verwalten gehen Sie bitte auf Setup> Verwalten Series",
+ "Total Commission": "Gesamt Kommission",
+ "Totals": "Totals",
+ "Track this Delivery Note against any Project": "Verfolgen Sie diesen Lieferschein gegen Projekt",
+ "Transporter Info": "Transporter Info",
+ "Transporter Name": "Transporter Namen",
+ "Transporter lorry number": "Transporter Lkw-Zahl",
+ "You can make a delivery note from multiple sales orders. Select sales orders one by one and click on the button below.": "Sie k\u00f6nnen einen Lieferschein aus mehreren Auftr\u00e4gen zu machen. W\u00e4hlen Sie Auftr\u00e4ge nacheinander aus und klicken Sie auf den Button unten."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/delivery_note_item/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/delivery_note_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a28c85d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/delivery_note_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ "Against Document Date": "Gegen Dokument Datum",
+ "Against Document Detail No": "Vor Document Detailaufnahme",
+ "Against Document No": "Gegen Dokument Nr.",
+ "Amount": "Menge",
+ "Amount*": "Betrag *",
+ "Available Qty at Warehouse": "Verf\u00fcgbare Menge bei Warehouse",
+ "Barcode": "Strichcode",
+ "Batch No": "Batch No",
+ "Billed Amt": "Billed Amt",
+ "Brand Name": "Markenname",
+ "Customer's Item Code": "Kunden Item Code",
+ "Delivery Note Item": "Lieferscheinposition",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Discount (%)": "Rabatt (%)",
+ "Document Type": "Document Type",
+ "Installed Qty": "Installierte Anzahl",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Item Name": "Item Name",
+ "Item Tax Rate": "Artikel Tax Rate",
+ "Packed Quantity": "Verpackt Menge",
+ "Page Break": "Seitenwechsel",
+ "Price List Rate": "Preis List",
+ "Price List Rate*": "Preis List *",
+ "Quantity": "Menge",
+ "Rate": "Rate",
+ "Rate*": "Rate *",
+ "Serial No": "Serial In",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "UOM": "UOM",
+ "Warehouse": "Lager"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/delivery_note_packing_item/locale/_messages_doc.json b/stock/doctype/delivery_note_packing_item/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 9b4a769..cbe4526 100644
--- a/stock/doctype/delivery_note_packing_item/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/stock/doctype/delivery_note_packing_item/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
"Serial No",
+ "Warehouse",
"Batch No",
"Prevdoc DocType",
- "Warehouse",
"Parent Detail docname",
"Projected Qty",
"Delivery Note Packing Item",
diff --git a/stock/doctype/delivery_note_packing_item/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/delivery_note_packing_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8a5a42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/delivery_note_packing_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "Actual Qty": "Tats\u00e4chliche Menge",
+ "Batch No": "Batch No",
+ "Delivery Note Packing Item": "Lieferschein Verpackung Artikel",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Item Name": "Item Name",
+ "Page Break": "Seitenwechsel",
+ "Parent Detail docname": "Eltern Detailansicht docname",
+ "Parent Item": "\u00dcbergeordneter Artikel",
+ "Prevdoc DocType": "Prevdoc DocType",
+ "Projected Qty": "Prognostizierte Anzahl",
+ "Qty": "Menge",
+ "Serial No": "Serial In",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "UOM": "UOM",
+ "Warehouse": "Lager"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/featured_item/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/featured_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ab4a0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/featured_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Featured Item": "Feature-Produkt",
+ "Featured Item in Item Group": "Feature-Produkt bei Posten Gruppe",
+ "Item": "Artikel",
+ "Stock": "Lager"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/item/locale/_messages_doc.json b/stock/doctype/item/locale/_messages_doc.json
index fc6555f..b99c63e 100644
--- a/stock/doctype/item/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/stock/doctype/item/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -70,11 +70,11 @@
"Default Purchase Account in which cost of the item will be debited.",
"Allow Samples",
"Quality Inspection Parameters",
- "Selecting \"Yes\" will allow you to make a Production Order for this item.",
"Re-Order Qty",
"Show a slideshow at the top of the page",
"Lead Time Days",
+ "Selecting \"Yes\" will allow you to make a Production Order for this item.",
"Item Group",
"Unit of measurement of this item (e.g. Kg, Unit, No, Pair).",
"Generate Description HTML",
diff --git a/stock/doctype/item/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1954699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ "<a href=\"#!Sales Browser/Item Group\">Manage Item Groups</a>": "<a href=\"#!Sales Browser/Item Group\"> Artikel Gruppen verwalten </ a>",
+ "A Product or a Service that is bought, sold or kept in stock.": "Ein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung, die gekauft, verkauft oder gehalten auf Lager.",
+ "Allow Bill of Materials": "Lassen Bill of Materials",
+ "Allow Production Order": "Lassen Fertigungsauftrag",
+ "Allow Samples": "Lassen Proben",
+ "Allowance Percent": "Allowance Prozent",
+ "Barcode": "Strichcode",
+ "Brand": "Marke",
+ "Buying Cost": "Kauf Cost",
+ "Buying Cost will be updated from Purchase Orders and Purchase Receipts. <br>The buying cost will calculated by moving average method.": "Buying Kosten werden von Bestellungen und Einnahmen aktualisiert werden. <br> Der Kauf Kosten werden vom gleitenden Durchschnitt berechnet.",
+ "Cost Center": "Kostenstellenrechnung",
+ "Create a price list from Price List master and enter standard ref rates against each of them. On selection of a price list in Quotation, Sales Order or Delivery Note, corresponding ref rate will be fetched for this item.": "Erstellen Sie eine Preisliste von Preisliste Master und geben Sie Standard-ref Preise gegen jeden von ihnen. Bei Auswahl einer Preisliste Angebot, Auftrag oder Lieferschein, werden entsprechende ref f\u00fcr dieser Artikel abgeholt werden.",
+ "Customer Code": "Customer Code",
+ "Customer Codes": "Kunde Codes",
+ "Default BOM": "Standard BOM",
+ "Default Cost Center": "Standard Kostenstelle",
+ "Default Cost Center for tracking expense for this item.": "Standard Cost Center for Tracking Kosten f\u00fcr diesen Artikel.",
+ "Default Expense Account": "Standard Expense Konto",
+ "Default Income Account": "Standard Income Konto",
+ "Default Purchase Account in which cost of the item will be debited.": "Standard Purchase Konto in dem Preis des Artikels wird abgebucht.",
+ "Default Reserved Warehouse": "Standard Reserved Warehouse",
+ "Default Unit of Measure": "Standard-Ma\u00dfeinheit",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Description HTML": "Beschreibung HTML",
+ "End of Life": "End of Life",
+ "FIFO": "FIFO",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "For the convenience of customers, these codes can be used in print formats like Invoices and Delivery Notes": "F\u00fcr die Bequemlichkeit der Kunden, k\u00f6nnen diese Codes in Druckformate wie Rechnungen und Lieferscheine werden",
+ "Generate Description HTML": "Generieren Beschreibung HTML",
+ "Generates HTML to include selected image in the description": "Erzeugt HTML ausgew\u00e4hlte Bild sind in der Beschreibung",
+ "Has Batch No": "Hat Batch No",
+ "Has Serial No": "Hat Serial No",
+ "Image": "Bild",
+ "Image View": "Bild anzeigen",
+ "Inspection Criteria": "Pr\u00fcfkriterien",
+ "Inspection Required": "Inspektion erforderlich",
+ "Inventory": "Inventar",
+ "Is Asset Item": "Ist Aktivposition",
+ "Is Purchase Item": "Ist Kaufsache",
+ "Is Sales Item": "Ist Verkaufsartikel",
+ "Is Service Item": "Ist Service Item",
+ "Is Stock Item": "Ist Stock Item",
+ "Is Sub Contracted Item": "Ist Sub Vertragsgegenstand",
+ "Item": "Artikel",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Item Image (if not slideshow)": "Item Image (wenn nicht Diashow)",
+ "Item Name": "Item Name",
+ "Item Prices": "Produkt Preise",
+ "Item Quality Inspection Parameter": "Qualit\u00e4tspr\u00fcfung Artikel Parameter",
+ "Item Supplier Details": "Artikel Supplier Details",
+ "Item Tax": "MwSt. Artikel",
+ "Item Tax1": "Artikel Tax1",
+ "Item Website Specifications": "Artikel Spezifikationen Webseite",
+ "Item will be saved by this name in the data base.": "Einzelteil wird mit diesem Namen in der Datenbank gespeichert werden.",
+ "Last Purchase Rate": "Last Purchase Rate",
+ "Lead Time Days": "Lead Time Tage",
+ "Lead Time days is number of days by which this item is expected in your warehouse. This days is fetched in Material Request when you select this item.": "Lead Time Tage ist die Anzahl der Tage, um die diesen Artikel in Ihrem Lager zu erwarten ist. Diese geholt Tage in Material anfordern Wenn Sie diese Option ausw\u00e4hlen.",
+ "List this Item in multiple groups on the website.": "Liste Diesen Artikel in mehrere Gruppen auf der Website.",
+ "Mandatory if Stock Item is \"Yes\"": "Stock Item ist obligatorisch, wenn Sie \"Ja\"",
+ "Manufacturer": "Hersteller",
+ "Manufacturer Part Number": "Hersteller-Teilenummer",
+ "Manufacturing": "Herstellung",
+ "Max Discount (%)": "Discount Max (%)",
+ "Minimum Order Qty": "Minimale Bestellmenge",
+ "Moving Average": "Moving Average",
+ "Net Weight": "Nettogewicht",
+ "Net Weight of each Item": "Nettogewicht der einzelnen Artikel",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Notify by Email on Re-order": "Benachrichtigen Sie per E-Mail auf Re-order",
+ "Page Name": "Page Name",
+ "Percentage variation in quantity to be allowed while receiving or delivering this item.": "Prozentuale Ver\u00e4nderung in der Menge zu d\u00fcrfen w\u00e4hrend des Empfangs oder der Lieferung diesen Artikel werden.",
+ "Price Lists and Rates": "Preislisten und Preise",
+ "Products will be sorted by weight-age in default searches. More the weight-age, higher the product will appear in the list.": "Die Produkte werden Gew.-age in Verzug Suchbegriffe sortiert werden. Mehr das Gewicht-Alter, wird das Produkt h\u00f6her erscheinen in der Liste.",
+ "Purchase Details": "Kaufinformationen",
+ "Quality Inspection Parameters": "Qualit\u00e4tspr\u00fcfung Parameter",
+ "Re-Order Level": "Re-Order Stufe",
+ "Re-Order Qty": "Re-Order Menge",
+ "Re-order": "Re-Order",
+ "Sales Details": "Sales Details",
+ "Sales Rate": "Vertrieb bewerten",
+ "Select \"Yes\" if this item is to be sent to a customer or received from a supplier as a sample. Delivery notes and Purchase Receipts will update stock levels but there will be no invoice against this item.": "W\u00e4hlen Sie \"Ja\", wenn dieser Punkt ist es, an den Kunden gesendet oder empfangen werden vom Lieferanten auf die Probe. Lieferscheine und Kaufbelege werden aktualisiert Lagerbest\u00e4nde, aber es wird auf der Rechnung vor diesem Element sein.",
+ "Select \"Yes\" if this item is used for some internal purpose in your company.": "W\u00e4hlen Sie \"Ja\", wenn dieser Punkt f\u00fcr einige interne Zwecke in Ihrem Unternehmen verwendet wird.",
+ "Select \"Yes\" if this item represents some work like training, designing, consulting etc.": "W\u00e4hlen Sie \"Ja\", wenn dieser Artikel stellt einige Arbeiten wie Ausbildung, Gestaltung, Beratung etc..",
+ "Select \"Yes\" if you are maintaining stock of this item in your Inventory.": "W\u00e4hlen Sie \"Ja\", wenn Sie Pflege stock dieses Artikels in Ihrem Inventar.",
+ "Select \"Yes\" if you supply raw materials to your supplier to manufacture this item.": "W\u00e4hlen Sie \"Ja\", wenn Sie Rohstoffe an Ihren Lieferanten liefern, um diesen Artikel zu fertigen.",
+ "Selecting \"Yes\" will allow this item to appear in Purchase Order , Purchase Receipt.": "W\u00e4hlen Sie \"Ja\" k\u00f6nnen diesen Artikel in Bestellung, Kaufbeleg erscheinen.",
+ "Selecting \"Yes\" will allow this item to figure in Sales Order, Delivery Note": "W\u00e4hlen Sie \"Ja\" k\u00f6nnen diesen Artikel in Sales Order herauszufinden, Lieferschein",
+ "Selecting \"Yes\" will allow you to create Bill of Material showing raw material and operational costs incurred to manufacture this item.": "W\u00e4hlen Sie \"Ja\" erm\u00f6glicht es Ihnen, Bill of Material zeigt Rohstoffe und Betriebskosten anfallen, um diesen Artikel herzustellen erstellen.",
+ "Selecting \"Yes\" will allow you to make a Production Order for this item.": "W\u00e4hlen Sie \"Ja\" erm\u00f6glicht es Ihnen, einen Fertigungsauftrag f\u00fcr diesen Artikel machen.",
+ "Selecting \"Yes\" will give a unique identity to each entity of this item which can be viewed in the Serial No master.": "W\u00e4hlen Sie \"Ja\" wird eine einzigartige Identit\u00e4t zu jeder Einheit dieses Artikels, die in der Serial No Master eingesehen werden kann geben.",
+ "Send an email to users of role \"Material Manager\" and \"Purchase Manager\" when re-order level is crossed.": "Senden Sie eine E-Mail an Benutzer der Rolle \"Material Manager\" und \"Purchase Manager\", wenn re-order-Ebene \u00fcberschritten wird.",
+ "Show \"In Stock\" or \"Not in Stock\" based on stock available in this warehouse.": "Anzeigen \"Im Lager\" oder \"Nicht auf Lager\", basierend auf verf\u00fcgbaren Bestand in diesem Lager.",
+ "Show Price in Website (if set)": "Zeige Preis in Website (wenn eingestellt)",
+ "Show a slideshow at the top of the page": "Zeige die Slideshow an der Spitze der Seite",
+ "Show in Website": "Zeigen Sie im Website",
+ "Slideshow": "Slideshow",
+ "Standard Rate": "Standardpreis",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "UOM Conversion Details": "UOM Conversion Einzelheiten",
+ "Unit of measurement of this item (e.g. Kg, Unit, No, Pair).": "Ma\u00dfeinheit f\u00fcr diesen Artikel (zB kg, Einheit, Nein, Pair).",
+ "Valuation Method": "Valuation Method",
+ "Warehouse-wise Item Reorder": "Warehouse-weise Artikel Reorder",
+ "Warranty Period (in days)": "Gew\u00e4hrleistungsfrist (in Tagen)",
+ "Website": "Webseite",
+ "Website Description": "Website Beschreibung",
+ "Website Item Groups": "Website Artikelgruppen",
+ "Website Price List": "Website Preisliste",
+ "Website Warehouse": "Website Warehouse",
+ "Weight UOM": "Gewicht UOM",
+ "Weightage": "Gewichtung",
+ "Yes": "Ja",
+ "You can enter the minimum quantity of this item to be ordered.": "Sie k\u00f6nnen die minimale Menge von diesem Artikel bestellt werden.",
+ "website page link": "Website-Link"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/item_customer_detail/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/item_customer_detail/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fe72c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/item_customer_detail/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Customer Name": "Name des Kunden",
+ "For the convenience of customers, these codes can be used in print formats like Invoices and Delivery Notes": "F\u00fcr die Bequemlichkeit der Kunden, k\u00f6nnen diese Codes in Druckformate wie Rechnungen und Lieferscheine werden",
+ "Item Customer Detail": "Artikel Kundenrezensionen",
+ "Ref Code": "Ref Code",
+ "Stock": "Lager"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/item_price/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/item_price/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3557e39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/item_price/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "Allow this price in purchase related forms": "Lassen Sie diesen Preis in Kauf verwandten Formen",
+ "Allow this price in sales related forms": "Lassen Sie diesen Preis im Vertrieb verwandte Formen",
+ "Currency": "W\u00e4hrung",
+ "For Buying": "F\u00fcr den Kauf",
+ "For Selling": "F\u00fcr den Verkauf",
+ "Item Price": "Artikel Preis",
+ "Price List Name": "Preis Name",
+ "Ref Rate": "Ref Rate",
+ "Stock": "Lager"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/item_quality_inspection_parameter/locale/_messages_doc.json b/stock/doctype/item_quality_inspection_parameter/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 19539e5..342c934 100644
--- a/stock/doctype/item_quality_inspection_parameter/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/stock/doctype/item_quality_inspection_parameter/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- "Item Quality Inspection Parameter",
"Acceptance Criteria",
+ "Item Quality Inspection Parameter",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/item_quality_inspection_parameter/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/item_quality_inspection_parameter/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81bd715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/item_quality_inspection_parameter/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Acceptance Criteria": "Akzeptanzkriterien",
+ "Item Quality Inspection Parameter": "Qualit\u00e4tspr\u00fcfung Artikel Parameter",
+ "Parameter": "Parameter",
+ "Stock": "Lager"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/item_reorder/locale/_messages_doc.json b/stock/doctype/item_reorder/locale/_messages_doc.json
index b20242c..ddea070 100644
--- a/stock/doctype/item_reorder/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/stock/doctype/item_reorder/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
"Re-order Level",
"Material Request Type",
"Item Reorder",
- "Transfer",
+ "Transfer",
"Re-order Qty",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/item_reorder/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/item_reorder/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ab57fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/item_reorder/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "Item Reorder": "Artikel Reorder",
+ "Material Request Type": "Material Request Type",
+ "Purchase": "Kaufen",
+ "Re-order Level": "Re-Order-Ebene",
+ "Re-order Qty": "Re-Bestellung Menge",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Transfer": "\u00dcbertragen",
+ "Warehouse": "Lager"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/item_supplier/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/item_supplier/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9528a86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/item_supplier/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Item Supplier": "Artikel Lieferant",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Supplier": "Lieferant",
+ "Supplier Part Number": "Lieferant Teilenummer"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/item_tax/locale/_messages_doc.json b/stock/doctype/item_tax/locale/_messages_doc.json
index c747156..6bdd87e 100644
--- a/stock/doctype/item_tax/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/stock/doctype/item_tax/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- "Tax",
"Tax Rate",
+ "Tax",
"Item Tax",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/item_tax/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/item_tax/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..606613d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/item_tax/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Item Tax": "MwSt. Artikel",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Tax": "Steuer",
+ "Tax Rate": "Tax Rate"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/item_website_specification/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/item_website_specification/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8660ced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/item_website_specification/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Item Website Specification": "Artikelbeschreibung Webseite",
+ "Label": "Etikett",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Table for Item that will be shown in Web Site": "Tabelle f\u00fcr Artikel, die in Web-Site angezeigt werden"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/landed_cost_item/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/landed_cost_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77b4d98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/landed_cost_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Account Head": "Konto Leiter",
+ "Amount": "Menge",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Landed Cost Item": "Landed Cost Artikel",
+ "Stock": "Lager"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/landed_cost_purchase_receipt/locale/_messages_doc.json b/stock/doctype/landed_cost_purchase_receipt/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 0a4b18e..d975f2d 100644
--- a/stock/doctype/landed_cost_purchase_receipt/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/stock/doctype/landed_cost_purchase_receipt/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- "Landed Cost Purchase Receipt",
"Select PR",
+ "Landed Cost Purchase Receipt",
"Purchase Receipt",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/landed_cost_purchase_receipt/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/landed_cost_purchase_receipt/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13d08ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/landed_cost_purchase_receipt/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Landed Cost Purchase Receipt": "Landed Cost Kaufbeleg",
+ "Purchase Receipt": "Kaufbeleg",
+ "Select PR": "Select PR",
+ "Stock": "Lager"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/landed_cost_wizard/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/landed_cost_wizard/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..464781c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/landed_cost_wizard/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "Currency": "W\u00e4hrung",
+ "From PR Date": "Von PR Datum",
+ "Get Purchase Receipt": "Holen Kaufbeleg",
+ "Landed Cost Items": "Landed Cost Artikel",
+ "Landed Cost Purchase Receipts": "Landed Cost Kaufbelege",
+ "Landed Cost Wizard": "Landed Cost Wizard",
+ "Process": "Prozess",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "To PR Date": "Um PR Datum",
+ "Update PR": "Update PR"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/material_request/locale/_messages_doc.json b/stock/doctype/material_request/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 6227d2f..b33ac31 100644
--- a/stock/doctype/material_request/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/stock/doctype/material_request/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
"Material Request Type",
"Material Request",
+ "Draft",
"Select Print Heading",
@@ -16,7 +17,6 @@
"File List",
"Add Terms and Conditions for the Material Request. You can also prepare a Terms and Conditions Master and use the Template",
- "Remarks",
"Sales Order No",
"Filing in Additional Information about the Material Request will help you analyze your data better.",
"One or multiple Sales Order no which generated this Material Request",
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
"Pull Sales Order Items",
+ "Remarks",
"Fiscal Year",
@@ -39,6 +40,5 @@
"The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.",
"More Info",
- "Draft",
"Terms and Conditions Content"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/material_request/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/material_request/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6fa300
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/material_request/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Cancelled": "Abgesagt",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Draft": "Entwurf",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Get Terms and Conditions": "Holen AGB",
+ "IDT": "IDT",
+ "Items": "Artikel",
+ "Letter Head": "Briefkopf",
+ "Material Request": "Material anfordern",
+ "Material Request Items": "Material anfordern Artikel",
+ "Material Request Type": "Material Request Type",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "Pull Sales Order Items": "Ziehen Sie Sales Order Artikel",
+ "Purchase": "Kaufen",
+ "Remarks": "Bemerkungen",
+ "Requested By": "Angefordert von",
+ "Sales Order No": "In Sales Order",
+ "Select Print Heading": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Drucken \u00dcberschrift",
+ "Select Terms and Conditions": "W\u00e4hlen AGB",
+ "Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies": "W\u00e4hlen Sie den entsprechenden Firmennamen, wenn Sie mehrere Unternehmen haben",
+ "Series": "Serie",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Stopped": "Gestoppt",
+ "Submitted": "Eingereicht",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "AGB",
+ "Terms and Conditions Content": "AGB Inhalt",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Der Zeitpunkt, zu dem aktuellen Eintrag in dem System korrigiert.",
+ "The date at which current entry is made in system.": "Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag im System hergestellt wird.",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Um mehrere Reihen zu verwalten gehen Sie bitte auf Setup> Verwalten Series",
+ "Transaction Date": "Transaction Datum",
+ "Transfer": "\u00dcbertragen"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/material_request/locale/de-py.json b/stock/doctype/material_request/locale/de-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..759ee28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/material_request/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "Material Request": "Material anfordern"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/material_request_item/locale/_messages_doc.json b/stock/doctype/material_request_item/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 30ce9aa..1348897 100644
--- a/stock/doctype/material_request_item/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/stock/doctype/material_request_item/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
"Page Break",
"Sales Order No",
+ "Warehouse",
"Stock UOM",
"Material Request Item",
"Min Order Qty",
"Item Group",
- "Warehouse",
"Projected Qty",
"Item Code",
diff --git a/stock/doctype/material_request_item/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/material_request_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef8bf83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/material_request_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "Brand": "Marke",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Item Name": "Item Name",
+ "Lead Time Date": "Lead Time Datum",
+ "Material Request Item": "Material anfordern Artikel",
+ "Min Order Qty": "Mindestbestellmenge",
+ "Page Break": "Seitenwechsel",
+ "Projected Qty": "Prognostizierte Anzahl",
+ "Quantity": "Menge",
+ "Required Date": "Erforderlich Datum",
+ "Sales Order No": "In Sales Order",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Stock UOM": "Lager UOM",
+ "Warehouse": "Lager"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/packing_slip/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/packing_slip/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6217e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/packing_slip/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Delivery Note": "Lieferschein",
+ "From Package No.": "Von Package No",
+ "Generate packing slips for packages to be delivered. Used to notify package number, package contents and its weight.": "Generieren Packzettel f\u00fcr Pakete geliefert werden. Verwendet, um Paket-Nummer, der Lieferumfang und sein Gewicht zu benachrichtigen.",
+ "Gross Weight": "Bruttogewicht",
+ "Gross Weight UOM": "Bruttogewicht UOM",
+ "Identification of the package for the delivery (for print)": "Identifikation des Pakets f\u00fcr die Lieferung (f\u00fcr den Druck)",
+ "If more than one package of the same type (for print)": "Wenn mehr als ein Paket des gleichen Typs (print)",
+ "Indicates that the package is a part of this delivery": "Zeigt an, dass das Paket ein Teil dieser Lieferung ist",
+ "Items": "Artikel",
+ "Misc Details": "Misc Einzelheiten",
+ "Net Weight": "Nettogewicht",
+ "Net Weight UOM": "Nettogewicht UOM",
+ "PS": "PS",
+ "Package Item Details": "Package Artikeldetails",
+ "Package Weight Details": "Paket-Details Gewicht",
+ "Packing Slip": "Packzettel",
+ "Packing Slip Items": "Packzettel Artikel",
+ "Series": "Serie",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.": "Der Zeitpunkt, zu dem aktuellen Eintrag in dem System korrigiert.",
+ "The gross weight of the package. Usually net weight + packaging material weight. (for print)": "Das Bruttogewicht des Pakets. Normalerweise Eigengewicht + Verpackungsmaterial Gewicht. (Zum Drucken)",
+ "The net weight of this package. (calculated automatically as sum of net weight of items)": "Das Nettogewicht dieses Pakets. (Automatisch als Summe der Netto-Gewicht der Sendungen berechnet)",
+ "To Package No.": "Um Nr. Paket"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/packing_slip_item/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/packing_slip_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acaf326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/packing_slip_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Item Name": "Item Name",
+ "Net Weight": "Nettogewicht",
+ "Packing Slip Item": "Packzettel Artikel",
+ "Page Break": "Seitenwechsel",
+ "Quantity": "Menge",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "UOM": "UOM",
+ "Weight UOM": "Gewicht UOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/locale/_messages_doc.json b/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 167bf61..3031b61 100644
--- a/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"Time at which materials were received",
"The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.",
"More Info",
- "Draft",
+ "Other Details",
"Total Tax",
"Posting Time",
"Net Total (Import)",
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@
"In Words",
- "Other Details",
"Rate at which supplier's currency is converted to company's base currency",
@@ -57,6 +56,7 @@
"Calculate Tax",
+ "Draft",
"Terms and Conditions HTML",
"Cancel Reason",
diff --git a/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/locale/_messages_js.json b/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/locale/_messages_js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0637a08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/locale/_messages_js.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/locale/_messages_py.json b/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/locale/_messages_py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87d22be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/locale/_messages_py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Please Enter Supplier Warehouse for subcontracted Items",
+ "No default BOM exists for item: ",
+ "Please enter whether Purchase Recipt is made for subcontracting \n\t\t\t\tor purchasing, in 'Is Subcontracted' field"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4150921
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ "% Billed": "% Billed",
+ "% of materials billed against this Purchase Receipt": "% Der Materialien gegen diese Kaufbeleg abgerechnet",
+ "Add / Edit Taxes and Charges": "Hinzuf\u00fcgen / Bearbeiten Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Add Terms and Conditions for the Purchase Receipt. You can also prepare a Terms and Conditions Master and use the Template.": "Hinzuf\u00fcgen Gesch\u00e4ftsbedingungen f\u00fcr den Kaufbeleg. Sie k\u00f6nnen auch eine AGB-Master und verwenden Sie die Vorlage.",
+ "Address": "Adresse",
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Bill Date": "Bill Datum",
+ "Bill No": "Bill No",
+ "Calculate Tax": "Steuer rechnen",
+ "Cancel Reason": "Abbrechen Reason",
+ "Cancelled": "Abgesagt",
+ "Challan Date": "Challan Datum",
+ "Challan No": "Challan Nein",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Consider this Price List for fetching rate. (only which have \"For Buying\" as checked)": "Betrachten Sie diese Preisliste f\u00fcr das Abrufen bewerten. (Nur die haben \"f\u00fcr den Kauf\", wie gepr\u00fcft)",
+ "Contact": "Kontakt",
+ "Contact Email": "Kontakt per E-Mail",
+ "Contact Info": "Kontakt Info",
+ "Contact Person": "Ansprechpartner",
+ "Currency": "W\u00e4hrung",
+ "Currency & Price List": "W\u00e4hrung & Preisliste",
+ "Date on which lorry started from supplier warehouse": "Datum, an dem Lastwagen startete von Lieferantenlager",
+ "Detailed Breakup of the totals": "Detaillierte Breakup der Gesamtsummen",
+ "Draft": "Entwurf",
+ "Exchange Rate": "Wechselkurs",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Filing in Additional Information about the Purchase Receipt will help you analyze your data better.": "Die Einreichung in Zus\u00e4tzliche Informationen \u00fcber den Kaufbeleg wird Ihnen helfen, Ihre Daten analysieren besser.",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Following table will show values if items are sub - contracted. These values will be fetched from the master of \"Bill of Materials\" of sub - contracted items.": "Folgende Tabelle zeigt Werte, wenn Artikel sub sind - vergeben werden. Vertragsgegenst\u00e4nden - Diese Werte werden vom Meister der \"Bill of Materials\" von Sub geholt werden.",
+ "GRN": "GRN",
+ "Get Current Stock": "Holen Aktuelle Stock",
+ "Get Tax Detail": "Holen MwSt. Details",
+ "Get Terms and Conditions": "Holen AGB",
+ "Grand Total": "Grand Total",
+ "Grand Total (Import)": "Grand Total (Import)",
+ "If you have created a standard template in Purchase Taxes and Charges Master, select one and click on the button below.": "Wenn Sie ein Standard-Template in Kauf Steuern und Abgaben Meister erstellt haben, w\u00e4hlen Sie eine aus und klicken Sie auf den Button unten.",
+ "In Words": "In Worte",
+ "In Words (Import)": "In Words (Import)",
+ "In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Receipt.": "In Worte sichtbar sein wird, wenn Sie den Kaufbeleg speichern.",
+ "Instructions": "Anleitung",
+ "Is Subcontracted": "Ist Fremdleistungen",
+ "Items": "Artikel",
+ "LR Date": "LR Datum",
+ "LR No": "In LR",
+ "Mobile No": "In Mobile",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "Net Total": "Total Net",
+ "Net Total (Import)": "Net Total (Import)",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Other Details": "Weitere Details",
+ "Posting Date": "Buchungsdatum",
+ "Posting Time": "Posting Zeit",
+ "Price List": "Preisliste",
+ "Price List Currency": "W\u00e4hrung Preisliste",
+ "Price List Exchange Rate": "Preisliste Wechselkurs",
+ "Pull Purchase Order Details": "Ziehen Sie Purchase Order Details",
+ "Purchase Order": "Auftragsbest\u00e4tigung",
+ "Purchase Receipt": "Kaufbeleg",
+ "Purchase Receipt Item Supplieds": "Kaufbeleg Artikel Supplieds",
+ "Purchase Receipt Items": "Kaufbeleg Artikel",
+ "Purchase Taxes and Charges": "Purchase Steuern und Abgaben",
+ "Range": "Reichweite",
+ "Rate at which supplier's currency is converted to company's base currency": "Geschwindigkeit, mit der Lieferanten W\u00e4hrung Unternehmens Basisw\u00e4hrung umgewandelt wird",
+ "Raw Material Details": "Raw Material Einzelheiten",
+ "Re-Calculate Values": "Neu berechnen Werte",
+ "Rejected Warehouse": "Abgelehnt Warehouse",
+ "Remarks": "Bemerkungen",
+ "Rounded Total": "Abgerundete insgesamt",
+ "Select \"Yes\" for sub - contracting items": "W\u00e4hlen Sie \"Ja\" f\u00fcr - Zulieferer Artikel",
+ "Select Print Heading": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Drucken \u00dcberschrift",
+ "Select Terms and Conditions": "W\u00e4hlen AGB",
+ "Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies": "W\u00e4hlen Sie den entsprechenden Firmennamen, wenn Sie mehrere Unternehmen haben",
+ "Series": "Serie",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Submitted": "Eingereicht",
+ "Supplier": "Lieferant",
+ "Supplier Address": "Lieferant Adresse",
+ "Supplier Name": "Name des Anbieters",
+ "Supplier Warehouse": "Lieferant Warehouse",
+ "Supplier warehouse where you have issued raw materials for sub - contracting": "Lieferantenlager wo Sie Rohstoffe ausgegeben haben - Zulieferer",
+ "Supplier's currency": "Lieferant W\u00e4hrung",
+ "Tax Calculation": "Steuerberechnung",
+ "Taxes": "Steuern",
+ "Taxes and Charges Added": "Steuern und Abgaben am",
+ "Taxes and Charges Added (Import)": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren Added (Import)",
+ "Taxes and Charges Deducted": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren Abgezogen",
+ "Taxes and Charges Deducted (Import)": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren abgezogen (Import)",
+ "Terms and Conditions": "AGB",
+ "Terms and Conditions HTML": "AGB HTML",
+ "Terms and Conditions1": "Allgemeine Bedingungen1",
+ "The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.": "Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag zu erhalten oder wird tats\u00e4chlich ausgef\u00fchrt.",
+ "Time at which materials were received": "Zeitpunkt, an dem Materialien wurden erhalten",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Um mehrere Reihen zu verwalten gehen Sie bitte auf Setup> Verwalten Series",
+ "Total Tax": "Total Tax",
+ "Totals": "Totals",
+ "Transporter Info": "Transporter Info",
+ "Transporter Name": "Transporter Namen",
+ "Transporter lorry number": "Transporter Lkw-Zahl",
+ "Warehouse where you are maintaining stock of rejected items": "Warehouse, wo Sie erhalten Bestand abgelehnt Elemente werden",
+ "Yes": "Ja",
+ "You can make a purchase receipt from multiple purchase orders. Select purchase orders one by one and click on the button below.": "Sie k\u00f6nnen einen Kaufbeleg von mehreren Bestellungen. W\u00e4hlen Bestellungen eins nach dem anderen, und klicken Sie auf den Button unten."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt_item/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c21ec2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ "Accepted Quantity": "Akzeptiert Menge",
+ "Accepted Warehouse": "Akzeptiert Warehouse",
+ "Amount": "Menge",
+ "Amount*": "Betrag *",
+ "Batch No": "Batch No",
+ "Billed Quantity": "Angek\u00fcndigt Menge",
+ "Brand": "Marke",
+ "Conversion Factor": "Umrechnungsfaktor",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Discount %": "Discount%",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Item Name": "Item Name",
+ "Item Tax Amount": "Artikel Steuerbetrag",
+ "Item Tax Rate": "Artikel Tax Rate",
+ "PO Date": "PO Datum",
+ "PO No": "In PO",
+ "Page Break": "Seitenwechsel",
+ "Prevdoc Doctype": "Prevdoc Doctype",
+ "Project Name": "Project Name",
+ "Purchase Order Item No": "In der Bestellposition",
+ "Purchase Receipt Item": "Kaufbeleg Artikel",
+ "QA No": "In QA",
+ "Rate": "Rate",
+ "Rate*": "Rate *",
+ "Raw Materials Supplied Cost": "Kosteng\u00fcnstige Rohstoffe geliefert",
+ "Recd Quantity": "Menge RECD",
+ "Ref Rate*": "Ref Rate *",
+ "Rejected Quantity": "Abgelehnt Menge",
+ "Rejected Serial No": "Abgelehnt Serial In",
+ "Rejected Warehouse": "Abgelehnt Warehouse",
+ "Required By": "Erforderliche By",
+ "Serial No": "Serial In",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Stock Qty": "Lieferbar Menge",
+ "Stock UOM": "Lager UOM",
+ "UOM": "UOM",
+ "Valuation Rate": "Valuation bewerten"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/sales_and_purchase_return_tool/locale/_messages_doc.json b/stock/doctype/sales_and_purchase_return_tool/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 10781c8..979f20f 100644
--- a/stock/doctype/sales_and_purchase_return_tool/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/stock/doctype/sales_and_purchase_return_tool/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
"Make Credit Note",
- "Make Stock Entry",
"Make Excise Invoice",
"Sales Return",
"Get Items",
@@ -11,6 +10,7 @@
"Make Debit Note",
"Cust/Supp Address",
"Sales Invoice No",
+ "Make Stock Entry",
"Purchase Receipt No",
"Purchase Return",
"Sales and Purchase Return Items",
diff --git a/stock/doctype/sales_and_purchase_return_tool/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/sales_and_purchase_return_tool/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bd8c9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/sales_and_purchase_return_tool/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Cust/Supp Address": "Cust / Supp Adresse",
+ "Cust/Supp Name": "Cust / Supp Namen",
+ "Customer/Supplier": "Kunde / Lieferant",
+ "Delivery Note No": "Lieferschein Nein",
+ "Get Items": "Holen Artikel",
+ "Make Credit Note": "Machen Gutschrift",
+ "Make Debit Note": "Machen Lastschrift",
+ "Make Excise Invoice": "Machen Excise Rechnung",
+ "Make Stock Entry": "Machen Eintrag Stock",
+ "Purchase Receipt No": "Kaufbeleg",
+ "Purchase Return": "Kauf zur\u00fcckgeben",
+ "Return Date": "Zur\u00fcck Datum",
+ "Return Type": "R\u00fcckgabetyp",
+ "Sales Invoice No": "Sales Invoice In",
+ "Sales Return": "Umsatzrendite",
+ "Sales and Purchase Return Items": "Verkauf und Kauf zur\u00fccksenden Artikel",
+ "Sales and Purchase Return Tool": "Sales and Purchase Return-Tool",
+ "Stock": "Lager"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/sales_bom/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/sales_bom/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f422afb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/sales_bom/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "List items that form the package.": "Diese Liste Artikel bilden das Paket.",
+ "Package Items": "Package Angebote",
+ "Parent Item": "\u00dcbergeordneter Artikel",
+ "Sales BOM": "Vertrieb BOM",
+ "Sales BOM Item": "Vertrieb St\u00fccklistenposition",
+ "Sales BOM Items": "Vertrieb St\u00fccklistenpositionen",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "The Item that represents the Package. This Item must have \"Is Stock Item\" as \"No\" and \"Is Sales Item\" as \"Yes\"": "Das Element, das das Paket darstellt. Dieser Artikel muss \"Ist Stock Item\" als \"Nein\" und \"Ist Vertrieb Item\" als \"Ja\""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/sales_bom_item/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/sales_bom_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0711aea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/sales_bom_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Item": "Artikel",
+ "Qty": "Menge",
+ "Rate": "Rate",
+ "Sales BOM Item": "Vertrieb St\u00fccklistenposition",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "UOM": "UOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/serial_no/locale/_messages_doc.json b/stock/doctype/serial_no/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 6e1d93e..51cda10 100644
--- a/stock/doctype/serial_no/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/stock/doctype/serial_no/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
"File List",
"Purchase Receipt",
- "Delivery Address",
"Warranty Period (Days)",
"Trash Reason",
"Delivery Document Type",
@@ -38,6 +37,7 @@
"Under AMC",
"Maintenance Status",
"Under Warranty",
+ "Delivery Address",
"Out of Warranty",
"Warranty Expiry Date",
"Customer Name",
diff --git a/stock/doctype/serial_no/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/serial_no/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23ba20a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/serial_no/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ "AMC Expiry Date": "AMC Ablaufdatum",
+ "Brand": "Marke",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Customer Address": "Kundenadresse",
+ "Customer Name": "Name des Kunden",
+ "Delivered": "Lieferung",
+ "Delivery Address": "Lieferanschrift",
+ "Delivery Date": "Liefertermin",
+ "Delivery Details": "Anlieferungs-Details",
+ "Delivery Document No": "Lieferung Dokument Nr.",
+ "Delivery Document Type": "Lieferung Document Type",
+ "Delivery Note": "Lieferschein",
+ "Delivery Time": "Lieferzeit",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Details": "Details",
+ "Distinct unit of an Item": "Separate Einheit eines Elements",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "In Store": "In Store",
+ "Incoming Rate": "Incoming Rate",
+ "Incoming Time": "Eingehende Zeit",
+ "Is Cancelled": "Wird abgebrochen",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Item Name": "Item Name",
+ "Maintenance Status": "Wartungsstatus",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Not in Use": "Nicht im Einsatz",
+ "Out of AMC": "Von AMC",
+ "Out of Warranty": "Au\u00dferhalb der Garantie",
+ "Purchase Date": "Kauf Datum",
+ "Purchase Details": "Kaufinformationen",
+ "Purchase Document No": "Die Kaufdokument",
+ "Purchase Document Type": "Kauf Document Type",
+ "Purchase Receipt": "Kaufbeleg",
+ "Purchase Returned": "Kehrte Kauf",
+ "SLE Exists": "SLE Exists",
+ "Sales Invoice": "Sales Invoice",
+ "Serial No": "Serial In",
+ "Serial No Details": "Serial No Einzelheiten",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Stock Entry": "Lager Eintrag",
+ "Supplier": "Lieferant",
+ "Supplier Address": "Lieferant Adresse",
+ "Supplier Name": "Name des Anbieters",
+ "Territory": "Gebiet",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason",
+ "Under AMC": "Unter AMC",
+ "Under Warranty": "Unter Garantie",
+ "Warehouse": "Lager",
+ "Warranty / AMC Details": "Garantie / AMC Einzelheiten",
+ "Warranty Expiry Date": "Garantie Ablaufdatum",
+ "Warranty Period (Days)": "Garantiezeitraum (Tage)",
+ "Yes": "Ja"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/stock_entry/locale/_messages_doc.json b/stock/doctype/stock_entry/locale/_messages_doc.json
index fe33ae0..83efe0c 100644
--- a/stock/doctype/stock_entry/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/stock/doctype/stock_entry/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@
"Sales Invoice No",
"MTN Details",
- "Remarks",
"More Info",
"Stock Entry",
"Posting Date",
"Project Name",
+ "Remarks",
"Sales Return",
"To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series",
diff --git a/stock/doctype/stock_entry/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/stock_entry/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa1d223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/stock_entry/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "As per Stock UOM": "Wie pro Lagerbestand UOM",
+ "BOM No": "BOM Nein",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Contact Info": "Kontakt Info",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Customer Address": "Kundenadresse",
+ "Customer Name": "Name des Kunden",
+ "Default Source Warehouse": "Default Source Warehouse",
+ "Default Target Warehouse": "Standard Ziel Warehouse",
+ "Delivery Note No": "Lieferschein Nein",
+ "Get Items": "Holen Artikel",
+ "Get Stock and Rate": "Holen Sie Stock und bewerten",
+ "Get valuation rate and available stock at source/target warehouse on mentioned posting date-time. If serialized item, please press this button after entering serial nos.": "Holen Bewertungskurs und verf\u00fcgbaren Bestand an der Quelle / Ziel-Warehouse am genannten Buchungsdatum-Zeit. Wenn serialisierten Objekt, dr\u00fccken Sie bitte diese Taste nach Eingabe der Seriennummern nos.",
+ "If checked, BOM for sub-assembly items will be considered for getting raw materials. Otherwise, all sub-assembly items will be treated as a raw material.": "Wenn aktiviert, wird St\u00fcckliste Baugruppe Artikel f\u00fcr immer Rohstoff betrachtet werden. Andernfalls werden alle Unterbaugruppe Elemente als Ausgangsmaterial behandelt werden.",
+ "Items": "Artikel",
+ "MTN Details": "MTN Einzelheiten",
+ "Manufacture/Repack": "Herstellung / Repack",
+ "Manufacturing Quantity": "Fertigung Menge",
+ "Material Issue": "Material Issue",
+ "Material Receipt": "Material Receipt",
+ "Material Transfer": "Material Transfer",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "Posting Date": "Buchungsdatum",
+ "Posting Time": "Posting Zeit",
+ "Production Order": "Fertigungsauftrag",
+ "Project Name": "Project Name",
+ "Purchase Receipt No": "Kaufbeleg",
+ "Purchase Return": "Kauf zur\u00fcckgeben",
+ "Purpose": "Zweck",
+ "Reference": "Referenz",
+ "Remarks": "Bemerkungen",
+ "STE": "STE",
+ "Sales Invoice No": "Sales Invoice In",
+ "Sales Return": "Umsatzrendite",
+ "Select Print Heading": "W\u00e4hlen Sie Drucken \u00dcberschrift",
+ "Series": "Serie",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Stock Entry": "Lager Eintrag",
+ "Subcontract": "Vergeben",
+ "Supplier": "Lieferant",
+ "Supplier Address": "Lieferant Adresse",
+ "Supplier Name": "Name des Anbieters",
+ "The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.": "Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag zu erhalten oder wird tats\u00e4chlich ausgef\u00fchrt.",
+ "To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series": "Um mehrere Reihen zu verwalten gehen Sie bitte auf Setup> Verwalten Series",
+ "Use Multi-Level BOM": "Verwenden Sie Multi-Level BOM"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/stock_entry/locale/de-py.json b/stock/doctype/stock_entry/locale/de-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89aef61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/stock_entry/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "Atleast one warehouse is mandatory": "Mindestens eines Lagers ist obligatorisch",
+ "Hence, maximum allowed Manufacturing Quantity": "Daher maximal erlaubte Menge Fertigung",
+ "Item": "Artikel",
+ "Item: '": "Item: \"",
+ "Manufacturing Quantity": "Fertigung Menge",
+ "Material Request": "Material anfordern",
+ "Production Order": "Fertigungsauftrag",
+ "Quantity already manufactured": "Bereits Menge hergestellt",
+ "Row #": "Zeile #",
+ "Source Warehouse": "Quelle Warehouse",
+ "Source and Target Warehouse cannot be same": "Quelle und Ziel Warehouse kann nicht gleichzeitig",
+ "Target Warehouse": "Ziel Warehouse"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/stock_entry_detail/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/stock_entry_detail/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4011a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/stock_entry_detail/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ "Actual Qty (at source/target)": "Tats\u00e4chliche Menge (an der Quelle / Ziel)",
+ "Amount": "Menge",
+ "BOM No": "BOM Nein",
+ "BOM No. for a Finished Good Item": "BOM-Nr f\u00fcr Finished Gute Artikel",
+ "Batch No": "Batch No",
+ "Conversion Factor": "Umrechnungsfaktor",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Material Request": "Material anfordern",
+ "Material Request Item": "Material anfordern Artikel",
+ "Qty": "Menge",
+ "Qty as per Stock UOM": "Menge pro dem Stock UOM",
+ "Serial No": "Serial In",
+ "Source Warehouse": "Quelle Warehouse",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Stock Entry Detail": "Lager Eintrag Details",
+ "Stock UOM": "Lager UOM",
+ "Target Warehouse": "Ziel Warehouse",
+ "UOM": "UOM",
+ "Valuation Rate": "Valuation bewerten"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/stock_ledger/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/stock_ledger/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a6f8d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/stock_ledger/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Stock Ledger": "Lager Ledger"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..546f326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ "Actual Qty After Transaction": "Tats\u00e4chliche Menge Nach Transaction",
+ "Actual Quantity": "Tats\u00e4chliche Menge",
+ "Batch No": "Batch No",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Incoming Rate": "Incoming Rate",
+ "Is Cancelled": "Wird abgebrochen",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "No": "Auf",
+ "Posting Date": "Buchungsdatum",
+ "Posting Time": "Posting Zeit",
+ "Serial No": "Serial In",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Stock Ledger Entry": "Lager Ledger Eintrag",
+ "Stock Queue (FIFO)": "Lager Queue (FIFO)",
+ "Stock UOM": "Lager UOM",
+ "Stock Value": "Bestandswert",
+ "The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.": "Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag zu erhalten oder wird tats\u00e4chlich ausgef\u00fchrt.",
+ "Valuation Rate": "Valuation bewerten",
+ "Voucher Detail No": "Gutschein Detailaufnahme",
+ "Voucher No": "Gutschein Nein",
+ "Voucher Type": "Gutschein Type",
+ "Warehouse": "Lager",
+ "Warehouse Type": "Warehouse Typ",
+ "Yes": "Ja"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/locale/de-py.json b/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/locale/de-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eef9d91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "User not allowed entry in the Warehouse": "Benutzer nicht erlaubt Eintrag in der Warehouse"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a3eefe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Posting Date": "Buchungsdatum",
+ "Posting Time": "Posting Zeit",
+ "Reconciliation Data": "Datenabgleich",
+ "Reconciliation HTML": "HTML Vers\u00f6hnung",
+ "Reconciliation JSON": "\u00dcberleitung JSON",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Stock Reconciliation": "Lager Vers\u00f6hnung",
+ "This tool helps you to update or fix the quantity and valuation of stock in the system. It is typically used to synchronise the system values and what actually exists in your warehouses.": "Dieses Tool hilft Ihnen zu aktualisieren oder zu beheben die Menge und die Bewertung der Aktie im System. Es wird normalerweise verwendet, um das System abzugleichen und was tats\u00e4chlich existiert in Ihrem Lager.",
+ "Upload HTML": "Hochladen HTML"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/locale/de-py.json b/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/locale/de-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..515e061
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Serialized Item: '": "Serialisiert Item '",
+ "Sorry! We can only allow upto 100 rows for Stock Reconciliation.": "Sorry! Wir k\u00f6nnen nur bis zu 100 Zeilen f\u00fcr Stock Reconciliation erm\u00f6glichen.",
+ "Stock Reconciliation file not uploaded": "Lager Vers\u00f6hnung Datei nicht hochgeladen"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/stock_uom_replace_utility/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/stock_uom_replace_utility/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25ce91a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/stock_uom_replace_utility/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Conversion Factor": "Umrechnungsfaktor",
+ "Current Stock UOM": "Aktuelle Stock UOM",
+ "Item": "Artikel",
+ "New Stock UOM": "New Stock UOM",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Stock UOM Replace Utility": "Lager UOM ersetzen Dienstprogramm",
+ "Update": "Aktualisieren"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/uom_conversion_detail/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/uom_conversion_detail/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f8d420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/uom_conversion_detail/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Conversion Factor": "Umrechnungsfaktor",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "UOM": "UOM",
+ "UOM Conversion Detail": "UOM Conversion Details"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/valuation_control/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/valuation_control/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a2c605
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/valuation_control/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "Valuation Control": "Valuation Control-"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/warehouse/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/warehouse/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..783e744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/warehouse/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ "A logical Warehouse against which stock entries are made.": "Eine logische Warehouse gegen die Lager-Eintr\u00e4ge vorgenommen werden.",
+ "Address Line 1": "Address Line 1",
+ "Address Line 2": "Address Line 2",
+ "City": "City",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Email Id": "Email Id",
+ "For Reference Only.": "Nur als Referenz.",
+ "If set, data entry is only allowed for specified users. Else, entry is allowed for all users with requisite permissions.": "Wenn gesetzt, wird die Dateneingabe nur f\u00fcr bestimmte Benutzer erlaubt. Else, wird der Eintritt f\u00fcr alle Benutzer mit den erforderlichen Berechtigungen erlaubt.",
+ "Merge": "Verschmelzen",
+ "Merge Warehouses": "Merge Warehouses",
+ "Merge With": "Mit Merge",
+ "Mobile No": "In Mobile",
+ "PIN": "PIN",
+ "Phone No": "Phone In",
+ "State": "Zustand",
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "This feature is for merging duplicate warehouses. It will replace all the links of this warehouse by \"Merge With\" warehouse. After merging you can delete this warehouse, as stock level for this warehouse will be zero.": "Diese Funktion ist f\u00fcr das Zusammenf\u00fchren von doppelten Lagern. Es werden alle Links dieses Lagerhaus Warehouse \"Mit Merge\" zu ersetzen. Nach dem Zusammenf\u00fchren l\u00f6schen Sie dieses Warehouse als Bestand f\u00fcr dieses Lager wird gleich Null sein.",
+ "Warehouse": "Lager",
+ "Warehouse Contact Info": "Warehouse Kontakt Info",
+ "Warehouse Detail": "Warehouse Details",
+ "Warehouse Name": "Warehouse Namen",
+ "Warehouse Type": "Warehouse Typ",
+ "Warehouse Users": "Warehouse-Benutzer"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/doctype/warehouse_user/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/doctype/warehouse_user/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4541bcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/doctype/warehouse_user/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Stock": "Lager",
+ "User": "Benutzer",
+ "Warehouse User": "Warehouse Benutzer"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/locale/de-py.json b/stock/locale/de-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68b58d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Item": "Artikel",
+ "Please check": "Bitte \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie",
+ "is a cancelled Item": "ist ein gestempeltes",
+ "is not a Stock Item": "ist kein Lagerartikel",
+ "reached its end of life on": "erreichte Ende des Lebens auf"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/module_def/stock/locale/de-doc.json b/stock/module_def/stock/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2f2bf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/module_def/stock/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ "A Product or a Service that is bought, sold or kept in stock.": "Ein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung, die gekauft, verkauft oder gehalten auf Lager.",
+ "A logical Warehouse against which stock entries are made.": "Eine logische Warehouse gegen die Lager-Eintr\u00e4ge vorgenommen werden.",
+ "Distinct unit of an Item": "Separate Einheit eines Elements",
+ "Featured Item in Item Group": "Feature-Produkt bei Posten Gruppe",
+ "For the convenience of customers, these codes can be used in print formats like Invoices and Delivery Notes": "F\u00fcr die Bequemlichkeit der Kunden, k\u00f6nnen diese Codes in Druckformate wie Rechnungen und Lieferscheine werden",
+ "Generate packing slips for packages to be delivered. Used to notify package number, package contents and its weight.": "Generieren Packzettel f\u00fcr Pakete geliefert werden. Verwendet, um Paket-Nummer, der Lieferumfang und sein Gewicht zu benachrichtigen.",
+ "Item-Wise Price List": "Item-Wise Preisliste",
+ "Ordered Items To Be Delivered": "Bestellte Artikel geliefert werden",
+ "Purchase Order Items To Be Received": "Bestellpositionen empfangen werden",
+ "Serial No Service Contract Expiry": "Serial No Service Contract Verfall",
+ "Serial No Status": "Serielle In-Status",
+ "Serial No Warranty Expiry": "Serial No Scheckheftgepflegt",
+ "Stock Ageing": "Lager Ageing",
+ "Stock Analytics": "Lager Analytics",
+ "Stock Balance": "Bestandsliste",
+ "Stock Home": "Lager Home",
+ "Stock Ledger": "Lager Ledger",
+ "Stock Level": "Stock Level",
+ "Table for Item that will be shown in Web Site": "Tabelle f\u00fcr Artikel, die in Web-Site angezeigt werden",
+ "This tool helps you to update or fix the quantity and valuation of stock in the system. It is typically used to synchronise the system values and what actually exists in your warehouses.": "Dieses Tool hilft Ihnen zu aktualisieren oder zu beheben die Menge und die Bewertung der Aktie im System. Es wird normalerweise verwendet, um das System abzugleichen und was tats\u00e4chlich existiert in Ihrem Lager."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stock/page/stock_home/locale/de-js.json b/stock/page/stock_home/locale/de-js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93c54a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stock/page/stock_home/locale/de-js.json
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ "All Products or Services.": "Alle Produkte oder Dienstleistungen.",
+ "Analytics": "Analytics",
+ "Batch": "Stapel",
+ "Batch (lot) of an Item.": "Batch (Los) eines Item.",
+ "Brand": "Marke",
+ "Brand master.": "Marke Meister.",
+ "Change UOM for an Item.": "\u00c4ndern UOM f\u00fcr ein Item.",
+ "Delivery (shipment) to customers.": "Lieferung (Versand) an die Kunden.",
+ "Delivery Note": "Lieferschein",
+ "Distribute transport overhead across items.": "Verteilen Transport-Overhead auf Gegenst\u00e4nde.",
+ "Documents": "Unterlagen",
+ "Goods received from Suppliers.": "Wareneingang vom Lieferanten.",
+ "Incoming quality inspection.": "Eingehende Qualit\u00e4tskontrolle.",
+ "Installation Note": "Installation Hinweis",
+ "Installation record for a Serial No.": "Installation Rekord f\u00fcr eine Seriennummer",
+ "Item": "Artikel",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Item classification.": "Artikel Klassifizierung.",
+ "Item-Wise Price List": "Item-Wise Preisliste",
+ "Landed Cost Wizard": "Landed Cost Wizard",
+ "Main Reports": "Haupt-Reports",
+ "Manage sales or purchase returns": "Verwalten Verkauf oder Kauf Renditen",
+ "Masters": "Masters",
+ "Material Request": "Material anfordern",
+ "Multiple Item Prices": "Mehrere Artikel Preise",
+ "Ordered Items To Be Delivered": "Bestellte Artikel geliefert werden",
+ "Packing Slip": "Packzettel",
+ "Price List": "Preisliste",
+ "Purchase Order Items To Be Received": "Bestellpositionen empfangen werden",
+ "Purchase Receipt": "Kaufbeleg",
+ "Quality Inspection": "Qualit\u00e4tspr\u00fcfung",
+ "Reports": "Reports",
+ "Sales and Purchase Return Tool": "Sales and Purchase Return-Tool",
+ "Serial No": "Serial In",
+ "Serial No Service Contract Expiry": "Serial No Service Contract Verfall",
+ "Serial No Status": "Serielle In-Status",
+ "Serial No Warranty Expiry": "Serial No Scheckheftgepflegt",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Single unit of an Item.": "Einzelger\u00e4t eines Elements.",
+ "Split Delivery Note into packages.": "Aufgeteilt in Pakete Lieferschein.",
+ "Stock Ageing": "Lager Ageing",
+ "Stock Analytics": "Lager Analytics",
+ "Stock Balance": "Bestandsliste",
+ "Stock Entry": "Lager Eintrag",
+ "Stock Ledger": "Lager Ledger",
+ "Stock Level": "Stock Level",
+ "Stock Reconciliation": "Lager Vers\u00f6hnung",
+ "Tools": "Werkzeuge",
+ "Transfer stock from one warehouse to another.": "\u00dcbertragen Lager von einem Lager zum anderen.",
+ "Types of warehouse": "Arten von Lagersystemen",
+ "UOM Replace Utility": "UOM ersetzen Dienstprogramm",
+ "Unit of Measure": "Ma\u00dfeinheit",
+ "Upload stock balance via csv.": "Hochladen Bestandsliste \u00fcber csv.",
+ "Warehouse": "Lager",
+ "Warehouse Type": "Warehouse Typ",
+ "Where items are stored.": "Wo Elemente gespeichert werden.",
+ "e.g. Kg, Unit, Nos, m": "z.B. Kg, Einheit, Nos, m"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/support/doctype/customer_issue/locale/de-doc.json b/support/doctype/customer_issue/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d65428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/doctype/customer_issue/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ "AMC Expiry Date": "AMC Ablaufdatum",
+ "Address": "Adresse",
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "CI/2010-2011/": "CI/2010-2011 /",
+ "Cancelled": "Abgesagt",
+ "Closed": "Geschlossen",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Contact": "Kontakt",
+ "Contact Email": "Kontakt per E-Mail",
+ "Contact Info": "Kontakt Info",
+ "Contact Person": "Ansprechpartner",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Customer Address": "Kundenadresse",
+ "Customer Group": "Customer Group",
+ "Customer Issue": "Das Anliegen des Kunden",
+ "Customer Name": "Name des Kunden",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "From Company": "Von Unternehmen",
+ "Issue": "Ausgabe",
+ "Issue Date": "Issue Date",
+ "Issue Details": "Issue Details",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Item Name": "Item Name",
+ "Item, Warranty, AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) details will be automatically fetched when Serial Number is selected.": "Artikel, Garantie, wird AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) Details werden automatisch abgerufen Wenn Serial Number ausgew\u00e4hlt ist.",
+ "Mobile No": "In Mobile",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "Naming Series": "Benennen Series",
+ "Open": "\u00d6ffnen",
+ "Out of AMC": "Von AMC",
+ "Out of Warranty": "Au\u00dferhalb der Garantie",
+ "Raised By": "Raised By",
+ "Resolution": "Aufl\u00f6sung",
+ "Resolution Date": "Resolution Datum",
+ "Resolution Details": "Aufl\u00f6sung Einzelheiten",
+ "Resolved By": "Gel\u00f6st von",
+ "Serial No": "Serial In",
+ "Service Address": "Service Adresse",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Support": "Unterst\u00fctzen",
+ "Territory": "Gebiet",
+ "To assign this issue, use the \"Assign\" button in the sidebar.": "Um dieses Problem zu zuzuweisen, verwenden Sie die Schaltfl\u00e4che \"Zuordnen\" in der Seitenleiste.",
+ "Under AMC": "Unter AMC",
+ "Under Warranty": "Unter Garantie",
+ "Warranty / AMC Status": "Garantie / AMC-Status",
+ "Warranty Expiry Date": "Garantie Ablaufdatum",
+ "Work In Progress": "Work In Progress"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/support/doctype/maintenance_schedule/locale/de-doc.json b/support/doctype/maintenance_schedule/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8369da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/doctype/maintenance_schedule/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "Address": "Adresse",
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Cancelled": "Abgesagt",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Contact": "Kontakt",
+ "Contact Email": "Kontakt per E-Mail",
+ "Contact Person": "Ansprechpartner",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Customer Address": "Kundenadresse",
+ "Customer Details": "Customer Details",
+ "Customer Group": "Customer Group",
+ "Customer Name": "Name des Kunden",
+ "Draft": "Entwurf",
+ "Generate Schedule": "Generieren Zeitplan",
+ "Get Items": "Holen Artikel",
+ "Items": "Artikel",
+ "Maintenance Schedule": "Wartungsplan",
+ "Maintenance Schedule Detail": "Wartungsplan Details",
+ "Maintenance Schedule Item": "Wartungsplan Artikel",
+ "Mobile No": "In Mobile",
+ "Sales Order No": "In Sales Order",
+ "Schedule": "Planen",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Submitted": "Eingereicht",
+ "Support": "Unterst\u00fctzen",
+ "Territory": "Gebiet",
+ "Transaction Date": "Transaction Datum"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/support/doctype/maintenance_schedule_detail/locale/de-doc.json b/support/doctype/maintenance_schedule_detail/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02813e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/doctype/maintenance_schedule_detail/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "Actual Date": "Aktuelles Datum",
+ "Incharge Name": "InCharge Namen",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Item Name": "Item Name",
+ "Maintenance Schedule Detail": "Wartungsplan Details",
+ "Scheduled Date": "Voraussichtlicher",
+ "Serial No": "Serial In",
+ "Support": "Unterst\u00fctzen"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/support/doctype/maintenance_schedule_item/locale/_messages_doc.json b/support/doctype/maintenance_schedule_item/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 1aa7188..267141f 100644
--- a/support/doctype/maintenance_schedule_item/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/support/doctype/maintenance_schedule_item/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
"Serial No",
- "Against Docname",
- "Incharge Name",
+ "Against Docname",
"Half Yearly",
+ "Incharge Name",
"Start Date",
"Item Code"
diff --git a/support/doctype/maintenance_schedule_item/locale/de-doc.json b/support/doctype/maintenance_schedule_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d026058
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/doctype/maintenance_schedule_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ "Against Docname": "Vor DocName",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "End Date": "Enddatum",
+ "Half Yearly": "Halbjahresfinanzbericht",
+ "Incharge Name": "InCharge Namen",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Item Name": "Item Name",
+ "Maintenance Schedule Item": "Wartungsplan Artikel",
+ "Monthly": "Monatlich",
+ "No of Visits": "Anzahl der Besuche",
+ "Periodicity": "Periodizit\u00e4t",
+ "Quarterly": "Viertelj\u00e4hrlich",
+ "Random": "Zuf\u00e4llig",
+ "Serial No": "Serial In",
+ "Start Date": "Startdatum",
+ "Support": "Unterst\u00fctzen",
+ "Weekly": "W\u00f6chentlich",
+ "Yearly": "J\u00e4hrlich"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/support/doctype/maintenance_visit/locale/de-doc.json b/support/doctype/maintenance_visit/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..360bfba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/doctype/maintenance_visit/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ "Address": "Adresse",
+ "Amended From": "Ge\u00e4ndert von",
+ "Amendment Date": "\u00c4nderung Datum",
+ "Breakdown": "Zusammenbruch",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Completion Status": "Completion Status",
+ "Contact": "Kontakt",
+ "Contact Email": "Kontakt per E-Mail",
+ "Contact Info": "Kontakt Info",
+ "Contact Person": "Ansprechpartner",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Customer Address": "Kundenadresse",
+ "Customer Details": "Customer Details",
+ "Customer Feedback": "Kundenfeedback",
+ "Customer Group": "Customer Group",
+ "Customer Issue No": "Kunden Issue No",
+ "Customer Name": "Name des Kunden",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "Fully Completed": "Vollst\u00e4ndig ausgef\u00fcllte",
+ "Get Items": "Holen Artikel",
+ "Maintenance Date": "Wartung Datum",
+ "Maintenance Details": "Wartung Einzelheiten",
+ "Maintenance Schedule": "Wartungsplan",
+ "Maintenance Time": "Wartung Zeit",
+ "Maintenance Type": "Wartung Type",
+ "Maintenance Visit": "Wartung Besuch",
+ "Maintenance Visit Purpose": "Wartung Visit Zweck",
+ "Mobile No": "In Mobile",
+ "More Info": "Mehr Info",
+ "Partially Completed": "Teilweise abgeschlossen",
+ "Sales Order No": "In Sales Order",
+ "Scheduled": "Geplant",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Support": "Unterst\u00fctzen",
+ "Territory": "Gebiet",
+ "Unscheduled": "Au\u00dferplanm\u00e4\u00dfig"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/support/doctype/maintenance_visit_purpose/locale/_messages_doc.json b/support/doctype/maintenance_visit_purpose/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 47f0d95..b52717c 100644
--- a/support/doctype/maintenance_visit_purpose/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/support/doctype/maintenance_visit_purpose/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
- "Against Document Detail No",
"Item Name",
"Maintenance Visit Purpose",
@@ -7,6 +6,7 @@
"Against Document No",
"Serial No",
"Work Done",
+ "Against Document Detail No",
"Service Person",
"Document Type",
"Item Code"
diff --git a/support/doctype/maintenance_visit_purpose/locale/de-doc.json b/support/doctype/maintenance_visit_purpose/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dbf85d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/doctype/maintenance_visit_purpose/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Against Document Detail No": "Vor Document Detailaufnahme",
+ "Against Document No": "Gegen Dokument Nr.",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "Document Type": "Document Type",
+ "Item Code": "Item Code",
+ "Item Name": "Item Name",
+ "Maintenance Visit Purpose": "Wartung Visit Zweck",
+ "Serial No": "Serial In",
+ "Service Person": "Service Person",
+ "Support": "Unterst\u00fctzen",
+ "Work Done": "Arbeit"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/support/doctype/newsletter/locale/_messages_doc.json b/support/doctype/newsletter/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 7ebe9e3..6b608b5 100644
--- a/support/doctype/newsletter/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/support/doctype/newsletter/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"Create and Send Newsletters",
"Lead Source",
- "Lead Status",
+ "Custom",
"Test Email Id",
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"Send to this list",
"A Lead with this email id should exist",
- "Custom",
+ "Lead Status",
"Test the Newsletter",
"Check how the newsletter looks in an email by sending it to your email.",
diff --git a/support/doctype/newsletter/locale/de-doc.json b/support/doctype/newsletter/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b58e626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/doctype/newsletter/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ "A Lead with this email id should exist": "Ein Lead mit dieser E-Mail-ID sollte vorhanden sein",
+ "Check how the newsletter looks in an email by sending it to your email.": "Pr\u00fcfen Sie, wie der Newsletter in einer E-Mail aussieht, indem es an deine E-Mail.",
+ "Comma separated list of email addresses": "Durch Komma getrennte Liste von E-Mail-Adressen",
+ "Contact": "Kontakt",
+ "Contact Type": "Kontakt Typ",
+ "Create and Send Newsletters": "Erstellen und Senden Newsletters",
+ "Custom": "Brauch",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Email Sent?": "E-Mail gesendet?",
+ "If specified, send the newsletter using this email address": "Wenn angegeben, senden sie den Newsletter mit dieser E-Mail-Adresse",
+ "Lead": "F\u00fchren",
+ "Lead Source": "Blei Quelle",
+ "Lead Status": "Lead-Status",
+ "Message": "Nachricht",
+ "NL-": "NL-",
+ "Naming Series": "Benennen Series",
+ "Newsletter": "Mitteilungsblatt",
+ "Newsletter Content": "Newsletter Inhalt",
+ "Newsletter Status": "Status Newsletter",
+ "Select who you want to send this newsletter to": "W\u00e4hlen Sie, wer Sie diesen Newsletter senden m\u00f6chten",
+ "Send From": "Senden Von",
+ "Send To": "Send To",
+ "Send To Type": "Send To Geben",
+ "Send to this list": "Senden Sie zu dieser Liste",
+ "Subject": "Thema",
+ "Supplier": "Lieferant",
+ "Support": "Unterst\u00fctzen",
+ "Test": "Test",
+ "Test Email Id": "Test Email Id",
+ "Test the Newsletter": "Testen Sie den Newsletter"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/support/doctype/newsletter/locale/de-py.json b/support/doctype/newsletter/locale/de-py.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5362d8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/doctype/newsletter/locale/de-py.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "Please save the Newsletter before sending.": "Bitte bewahren Sie den Newsletter vor dem Versenden."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/support/doctype/support_ticket/locale/_messages_doc.json b/support/doctype/support_ticket/locale/_messages_doc.json
index db8b90d..ab384b0 100644
--- a/support/doctype/support_ticket/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/support/doctype/support_ticket/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
"Support Ticket",
- "Customer Name",
+ "Waiting for Customer",
"Resolution Date",
"Opening Date",
- "Waiting for Customer",
+ "Customer Name",
"Additional Info",
diff --git a/support/doctype/support_ticket/locale/de-doc.json b/support/doctype/support_ticket/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82a8c34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/doctype/support_ticket/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ "Additional Info": "Zus\u00e4tzliche Informationen",
+ "Closed": "Geschlossen",
+ "Contact": "Kontakt",
+ "Content Type": "Content Type",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Customer Name": "Name des Kunden",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "First Responded On": "Zun\u00e4chst reagierte am",
+ "Hold": "Halten",
+ "Lead": "F\u00fchren",
+ "Naming Series": "Benennen Series",
+ "Open": "\u00d6ffnen",
+ "Opening Date": "Er\u00f6ffnungsdatum",
+ "Opening Time": "\u00d6ffnungszeit",
+ "Raised By (Email)": "Raised By (E-Mail)",
+ "Resolution Date": "Resolution Datum",
+ "Resolution Details": "Aufl\u00f6sung Einzelheiten",
+ "SUP": "SUP",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Subject": "Thema",
+ "Support": "Unterst\u00fctzen",
+ "Support Ticket": "Support Ticket",
+ "Thread HTML": "Themen HTML",
+ "To Reply": "Um Antworten",
+ "Waiting for Customer": "Warten auf Kunden"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/support/module_def/support/locale/de-doc.json b/support/module_def/support/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f94f32b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/module_def/support/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Create and Send Newsletters": "Erstellen und Senden Newsletters",
+ "Support Analytics": "Unterst\u00fctzung Analytics",
+ "Support Home": "Support Home"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/support/page/support_home/locale/de-js.json b/support/page/support_home/locale/de-js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1b7e55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/page/support_home/locale/de-js.json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ "Analytics": "Analytics",
+ "Communication": "Kommunikation",
+ "Communication log.": "Communication log.",
+ "Customer Issue": "Das Anliegen des Kunden",
+ "Customer Issue against a Serial No (warranty).": "Das Anliegen des Kunden gegen eine Serial No (Garantie).",
+ "Documents": "Unterlagen",
+ "Email Settings": "E-Mail-Einstellungen",
+ "Maintenance Schedule": "Wartungsplan",
+ "Maintenance Visit": "Wartung Besuch",
+ "Masters": "Masters",
+ "Newsletter": "Mitteilungsblatt",
+ "Plan for scheduled maintenance contracts.": "Plan f\u00fcr geplante Wartungsvertr\u00e4ge.",
+ "Send Newsletters to your contacts, leads.": "Senden Sie Newsletter an Ihre Kontakte f\u00fchrt.",
+ "Serial No": "Serial In",
+ "Setup": "Setup",
+ "Setup to pull emails from support email account": "Richten Sie E-Mails von E-Mail-Account-Support ziehen",
+ "Single unit of an Item.": "Einzelger\u00e4t eines Elements.",
+ "Support Analytics": "Unterst\u00fctzung Analytics",
+ "Support Ticket": "Support Ticket",
+ "Support queries from customers via email or website.": "Support-Anfragen von Kunden via E-Mail oder Website.",
+ "Visit report for maintenance call.": "Bericht \u00fcber den Besuch f\u00fcr die Wartung Anruf."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/de.csv b/translations/de.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0308cd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/de.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,3297 @@
+(Half Day),(Halber Tag)
+against same operation,gegen dieselbe Operation
+by Role,von Role
+cannot be 0,nicht 0 sein kann
+does not belong to the company:,nicht dem Unternehmen gehören:
+ has been freezed. \ Only Accounts Manager can do transaction against this account,Wurde eingefroren. \ Nur Accounts Manager kann Transaktion gegen dieses Konto zu tun
+" is less than equals to zero in the system, \ valuation rate is mandatory for this item",Kleiner als gleich im System Null ist \ Bewertungskurs obligatorische zu diesem Artikel
+is mandatory,zwingend
+is mandatory for GL Entry,ist für GL Eintrag zwingend
+is not a ledger,ist nicht ein Ledger
+is not active,nicht aktiv
+ is now the default Fiscal Year. \ Please refresh your browser for the change to take effect.,"Ist nun der Standard Geschäftsjahr. \ Bitte Ihren Browser aktualisieren, damit die Änderungen wirksam werden."
+or the BOM is cancelled or inactive,oder das BOM wird abgebrochen oder inaktiv
+should be same as that in,sollte dieselbe wie die in
+will become,werden
+"""Company History""",Firmengeschichte
+"""Team Members"" or ""Management""","Teammitglieder oder ""Management"""
+% Delivered,% Lieferung
+% Amount Billed,% Rechnungsbetrag
+% Billed,% Billed
+% Installed,% Installierte
+% Ordered,% Geordnete
+% Received,% Erhaltene
+% of materials billed against this Delivery Note,% Der Materialien gegen diese Lieferschein abgerechnet
+% of materials billed against this Purchase Order.,% Der Materialien gegen diese Bestellung in Rechnung gestellt.
+% of materials billed against this Purchase Receipt,% Der Materialien gegen diese Kaufbeleg abgerechnet
+% of materials billed against this Sales Order,% Der Materialien gegen diesen Kundenauftrag abgerechnet
+% of materials delivered against this Delivery Note,% Der Materialien gegen diese Lieferschein
+% of materials delivered against this Sales Order,% Der Materialien gegen diesen Kundenauftrag geliefert
+% of materials ordered against this Purchase Requisition,% Der bestellten Materialien gegen diese Bestellanforderung
+% of materials received against this Purchase Order,% Der Materialien erhalten gegen diese Bestellung
+" can not be managed using Stock Reconciliation.\ You can add/delete Serial No directly, \ to modify stock of this item.",Kann nicht verwaltet mit Lager Versöhnung werden. \ Sie können zum Hinzufügen / Löschen Serial No direkt \ to stock dieses Artikels zu ändern.
+ does not exists in, existiert nicht in
+* Will be calculated in the transaction.,* Wird in der Transaktion berechnet werden.
+"**Budget Distribution** helps you distribute your budget across months if you have seasonality in your business.To distribute a budget using this distribution, set this **Budget Distribution** in the **Cost Center**","** Budget Verteilung ** hilft Ihnen verteilen Sie Ihr Budget über Monate, wenn Sie Saisonalität in Ihrem business.To vertreiben ein Budget Verwendung dieser Verteilung, setzen Sie diesen ** Budget Verteilung ** in der ** Cost Center ** haben"
+**Currency** Master,** Währung ** Meister
+**Fiscal Year** represents a Financial Year. All accounting entries and other major transactions are tracked against **Fiscal Year**.,** Geschäftsjahr ** ein Geschäftsjahr. Alle Buchungen und anderen wichtigen Transaktionen gegen ** Geschäftsjahr ** verfolgt.
+1 Currency = [?] FractionFor e.g. 1 USD = 100 Cent,1 Währung = [?] FractionFor beispielsweise 1 USD = 100 Cent
+1. To maintain the customer wise item code and to make them searchable based on their code use this option,Ein. Um den Kunden kluge Artikel Code zu pflegen und um sie durchsuchbar basierend auf ihren Code um diese Option
+2 days ago,Vor 2 Tagen
+: It is linked to other active BOM(s),: Es wird mit anderen aktiven BOM (s) verbunden
+: Mandatory for a Recurring Invoice.,: Obligatorisch für ein Recurring Invoice.
+"<a href=""#!Sales Browser/Customer Group"">To manage Customer Groups, click here</a>","<a href=""#!Sales Browser/Customer Group""> Kundengruppen zu verwalten, klicken Sie hier </ a>"
+"<a href=""#!Sales Browser/Item Group"">Manage Item Groups</a>","<a href=""#!Sales Browser/Item Group""> Artikel Gruppen verwalten </ a>"
+"<a href=""#!Sales Browser/Territory"">To manage Territory, click here</a>","<a href=""#!Sales Browser/Territory""> Um Territory zu verwalten, klicken Sie hier </ a>"
+"<a href=""#Sales Browser/Customer Group"">To manage Territory, click here</a>","<a href=""#Sales Browser/Customer Group""> Um Territory zu verwalten, klicken Sie hier </ a>"
+"<a href=""#Sales Browser/Territory"">To manage Territory, click here</a>","<a href=""#Sales Browser/Territory""> Um Territory zu verwalten, klicken Sie hier </ a>"
+"<a onclick=""msgprint('<ol>\<li><b>field:[fieldname]</b> - By Field\<li><b>naming_series:</b> - By Naming Series (field called naming_series must be present\<li><b>eval:[expression]</b> - Evaluate an expression in python (self is doc)\<li><b>Prompt</b> - Prompt user for a name\<li><b>[series]</b> - Series by prefix (separated by a dot); for example PRE.#####\</ol>')"">Naming Options</a>","<A onclick = ""msgprint ('<ol> \ <li> <b> Feld: [Feldname] </ b> - Durch Feld \ <li> <b> naming_series: </ b> - durch die Benennung Series (Feld namens naming_series muss vorhanden sein \ <li> <b> eval: [Ausdruck] </ b> - Bewerten Sie einen Ausdruck in python (Selbst ist doc) \ <li> <b> Prompt </ b> - Benutzer nach einem Namen \ <li> <b> [Serie] </ b> - Series by Prefix (getrennt durch einen Punkt);. zum Beispiel PRE # # # # # \ </ ol> ') ""> Naming Optionen </ a>"
+<b>Cancel</b> allows you change Submitted documents by cancelling them and amending them.,<b> Abbrechen </ b> können Sie ändern eingereichten Unterlagen durch Vernichtung von ihnen und zur Änderung ihnen.
+"<span class=""sys_manager"">To setup, please go to Setup > Naming Series</span>","<span class=""sys_manager""> Um einzurichten, gehen Sie bitte auf Setup> Naming Series </ span>"
+#ERROR!:parse,# ERROR!
+>=,> =
+A Customer exists with same name,Ein Kunde gibt mit dem gleichen Namen
+A Lead with this email id should exist,Ein Lead mit dieser E-Mail-ID sollte vorhanden sein
+A Product is shown on the website and is linked to an item.,Ein Produkt wird auf der Website gezeigt und wird zu einem Element verbunden.
+"A Product or a Service that is bought, sold or kept in stock.","Ein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung, die gekauft, verkauft oder gehalten auf Lager."
+A Supplier exists with same name,Ein Lieferant existiert mit dem gleichen Namen
+A logical Warehouse against which stock entries are made.,Eine logische Warehouse gegen die Lager-Einträge vorgenommen werden.
+A new popup will open that will ask you to select further conditions.,"Ein neues Pop-up öffnet das wird Sie bitten, weitere Bedingungen zu wählen."
+A symbol for this currency. For e.g. $,Ein Symbol für diese Währung. Für z.B. $
+A third party distributor / dealer / commission agent / affiliate / reseller who sells the companies products for a commission.,Ein Dritter Vertrieb / Händler / Kommissionär / affiliate / Vertragshändler verkauft die Unternehmen Produkte für eine Provision.
+A user can have multiple values for a property.,Ein Benutzer kann mehrere Werte für eine Eigenschaft.
+A+,A +
+AB+,AB +
+AMC Expiry Date,AMC Ablaufdatum
+About Us Settings,Über uns Settings
+About Us Team Member,Über uns Team Member
+Above Value,Vor Wert
+Acceptance Criteria,Akzeptanzkriterien
+Accepted Quantity,Akzeptiert Menge
+Accepted Warehouse,Akzeptiert Warehouse
+Account Balance,Kontostand
+Account Details,Kontodetails
+Account Head,Konto Leiter
+Account Id,Konto-ID
+Account Info,Kundendaten
+Account Name,Account Name
+Account Type,Kontotyp
+"Accounting entry frozen up to this date, nobody can do / modify entry except authorized person","Buchhaltungseingaben bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt eingefroren, kann niemand / nicht ändern Eintrag außer autorisierten Person"
+Accounting journal entries.,Accounting Journaleinträge.
+Accounts Browser,Konten Browser
+Accounts Frozen Upto,Konten Bis gefroren
+Accounts Home,Accounts Startseite
+Accounts Payable,Kreditorenbuchhaltung
+Accounts Receivable,Debitorenbuchhaltung
+Action Detail,Aktion Details
+Action html,Aktion html
+Active: Will extract emails from,Aktive: Wird E-Mails zu extrahieren
+Activity Log,Activity Log
+Activity Name,Aktivität Name
+Activity Type,Art der Tätigkeit
+Actual Amount,Istmenge
+Actual Budget,Tatsächliche Budget
+Actual Completion Date,Tatsächliche Datum der Fertigstellung
+Actual Date,Aktuelles Datum
+Actual End Date,Actual End Datum
+Actual End Time,Tatsächliche Endzeit
+Actual Qty,Tatsächliche Menge
+Actual Qty (at source/target),Tatsächliche Menge (an der Quelle / Ziel)
+Actual Qty After Transaction,Tatsächliche Menge Nach Transaction
+Actual Quantity,Tatsächliche Menge
+Actual Start Date,Tatsächliche Startdatum
+Actual Start Time,Tatsächliche Startzeit
+Add / Edit Taxes and Charges,Hinzufügen / Bearbeiten Steuern und Abgaben
+Add A New Rule,Fügen Sie eine neue Regel
+Add A Property,Fügen Sie eine Eigenschaft
+Add Attachments,Anhänge hinzufügen
+Add Bookmark,Lesezeichen hinzufügen
+Add CSS,Fügen Sie CSS
+Add Column,Spalte hinzufügen
+Add Message,Nachricht hinzufügen
+Add New Permission Rule,Add New Permission Rule
+Add Reply,Fügen Sie Antworten
+Add Terms and Conditions for the Purchase Receipt. You can also prepare a Terms and Conditions Master and use the Template.,Hinzufügen Geschäftsbedingungen für den Kaufbeleg. Sie können auch eine AGB-Master und verwenden Sie die Vorlage.
+Add Terms and Conditions for the Purchase Requisition. You can also prepare a Terms and Conditions Master and use the Template,Fügen AGB für die Bestellanforderung. Sie können auch eine AGB-Master und verwenden Sie die Vorlage
+"Add Terms and Conditions for the Quotation like Payment Terms, Validity of Offer etc. You can also prepare a Terms and Conditions Master and use the Template","Fügen AGB für das Angebot wie Zahlungsbedingungen, Gültigkeit des Angebots etc. Sie können auch ein AGB-Master und verwenden Sie die Vorlage"
+Add code as <script>,Fügen Sie Code wie <script>
+Add custom code to forms,Fügen Sie benutzerdefinierte Code Formen
+Add fields to forms,Hinzufügen von Feldern zu Formen
+Add headers for standard print formats,Hinzufügen von Kopf für Standard-Druckformate
+Add or Deduct,Hinzufügen oder abziehen
+Add rows to set annual budgets on Accounts.,Fügen Sie Zeilen hinzu jährlichen Budgets für Konten festgelegt.
+Add to To Do,In den To Do
+Add to To Do List of,In den Um-Liste von Do
+Add/Remove Recipients,Hinzufügen / Entfernen von Empfängern
+"Add/remove users, set roles, passwords etc","Hinzufügen / Entfernen von Benutzern, Satz Rollen, etc. Passwörter"
+Additional Columns,Zusätzliche Spalten
+Additional Conditions,Zusätzliche Bedingungen
+Additional Info,Zusätzliche Informationen
+Additional Tables,Zusätzliche Tabellen
+Address & Contacts,Adresse und Kontakte
+Address Desc,Adresse Desc
+Address Details,Adressdaten
+Address HTML,Adresse HTML
+Address Line 1,Address Line 1
+Address Line 2,Address Line 2
+Address Line1,Adresse Line1
+Address Line2,Adresse Line2
+Address Title,Anrede
+Address Type,Adresse Typ
+Address and other legal information you may want to put in the footer.,Adresse und weitere rechtliche Informationen möchten Sie vielleicht in der Fußzeile setzen.
+Address to be displayed on the Contact Page,Adresse auf der Kontakt Seite angezeigt werden
+Adds a custom field to a DocType,Fügt ein benutzerdefiniertes Feld zu einem DocType
+Adds a custom script (client or server) to a DocType,Fügt ein benutzerdefiniertes Skript (Client oder Server) zu einem DocType
+Advance Amount,Voraus Betrag
+Advance amount,Vorschuss in Höhe
+Advanced Scripting,Advanced Scripting
+Advanced Settings,Erweiterte Einstellungen
+After Sale Installations,After Sale Installationen
+"After cancelling the Purchase Requisition, a dialog box will ask you reason for cancellation which will be reflected in this field","Nach dem Abbruch der Bestellanforderung, wird ein Dialogfeld bitten Grund für die Stornierung, die in diesem Bereich reflektiert werden"
+Against Account,Vor Konto
+Against Docname,Vor DocName
+Against Doctype,Vor Doctype
+Against Document Date,Gegen Dokument Datum
+Against Document Detail No,Vor Document Detailaufnahme
+Against Document No,Gegen Dokument Nr.
+Against Expense Account,Vor Expense Konto
+Against Income Account,Vor Income Konto
+Against Journal Voucher,Vor Journal Gutschein
+Against Purchase Invoice,Vor Kaufrechnung
+Against Sales Invoice,Vor Sales Invoice
+Against Voucher,Gegen Gutschein
+Against Voucher Type,Gegen Gutschein Type
+"Aggregate group of **Items** into another **Item**. This is useful if you are bundling a certain **Items** into a package and you maintain stock of the packed **Items** and not the aggregate **Item**. The package **Item** will have ""Is Stock Item"" as ""No"" and ""Is Sales Item"" as ""Yes"".For Example: If you are selling Laptops and Backpacks separately and have a special price if the customer buys both, then the Laptop + Backpack will be a new Sales BOM Item.Note: BOM = Bill of Materials","Aggregate Gruppe ** Artikel ** in einen anderen ** Artikel. ** Dies ist nützlich, wenn Sie bündeln eine gewisse ** Die Artikel werden ** in einem Paket und Sie behalten Lager der verpackten ** Artikel ** und nicht das Aggregat ** Artikel. ** Das Paket ** Artikel ** haben wird: ""Ist Stock Item"" als ""Nein"" und ""Ist Vertrieb Item"" als ""Ja"" Zum Beispiel:. Wenn Sie den Verkauf Laptops und Rucksäcke werden getrennt und haben einen besonderen Preis, wenn der Kunde kauft sowohl BOM = Bill of Materials:, dann wird der Laptop + Rucksack wird ein neuer Sales BOM Item.Note sein"
+Aging Date,Aging Datum
+All Addresses.,Alle Adressen.
+All Contact,Alle Kontakt
+All Contacts.,Alle Kontakte.
+All Customer Contact,All Customer Contact
+All Day,All Day
+All Employee (Active),Alle Mitarbeiter (Active)
+All Lead (Open),Alle Lead (Open)
+All Products or Services.,Alle Produkte oder Dienstleistungen.
+All Sales Partner Contact,Alle Vertriebspartner Kontakt
+All Sales Person,Alle Sales Person
+All Sales Transactions can be tagged against multiple **Sales Persons** so that you can set and monitor targets.,"Alle Verkäufe Transaktionen können gegen mehrere ** Umsatz Personen **, so dass Sie und überwachen Ziele können markiert werden."
+All Supplier Contact,Alle Lieferanten Kontakt
+All attendance dates inbetween selected Attendance From Date and Attendance To Date will come in the template with employees list.,All die Teilnahme datiert dazwischen gewählt Teilnahme ab Datum und die Teilnahme an Datum wird in der Vorlage mit den Mitarbeitern Liste kommen.
+"All export related fields like currency, conversion rate, export total, export grand total etc are available in <br>Delivery Note, POS, Quotation, Sales Invoice, Sales Order etc.","Alle Export-verwandten Bereichen wie Währung, Conversion-Rate, Export Insgesamt Export Gesamtsumme etc sind in <br> Lieferschein, POS, Angebot, Sales Invoice, Auftragsabwicklung, etc."
+"All import related fields like currency, conversion rate, import total, import grand total etc are available in <br>Purchase Receipt, Supplier Quotation, Purchase Invoice, Purchase Order etc.","Alle Import-verwandten Bereichen wie Währung, Conversion-Rate, Import Insgesamt sind Import Gesamtsumme etc in <br> Kaufbeleg Lieferant Angebot, Auftragsbestätigung, Bestellung etc. zur Verfügung"
+All items have already been transferred \ for this Production Order.,Alle Elemente wurden bereits \ für diesen Fertigungsauftrag übertragen.
+"All possible Workflow States and roles of the workflow. <br>Docstatus Options: 0 is""Saved"", 1 is ""Submitted"" and 2 is ""Cancelled""","Alle möglichen Workflow-Status und Rollen des Workflows. <br> DocStatus Optionen: 0 wird ""Gespeichert"" wird ein ""Eingereicht"" und 2 ""Cancelled"""
+Allocate leaves for the year.,Weisen Blätter für das Jahr.
+Allocated (%),Zugeordnet (%)
+Allocated Amount,Zugeteilten Betrag
+Allocated Budget,Zugeteilten Budget
+Allocated amount,Zugeteilten Betrag
+Allow Attach,Lassen Befestigen
+Allow Bill of Materials,Lassen Bill of Materials
+Allow Negative Balance,Lassen Negative Bilanz
+Allow Negative Stock,Lassen Negative Lager
+Allow Production Order,Lassen Fertigungsauftrag
+Allow Rename,Lassen Sie Umbenennen
+Allow Samples,Lassen Proben
+Allow User,Benutzer zulassen
+Allow Users,Ermöglichen
+Allow on Submit,Lassen Sie auf Absenden
+Allow the following users to make Leave Applications for block days.,Lassen Sie die folgenden Benutzer Leave Anwendungen für Block Tag machen.
+Allow this price in purchase related forms,Lassen Sie diesen Preis in Kauf verwandten Formen
+Allow this price in sales related forms,Lassen Sie diesen Preis im Vertrieb verwandte Formen
+Allow user to login only after this hour (0-24),"Lassen Sie Benutzer nur anmelden, nach dieser Stunde (0-24)"
+Allow user to login only before this hour (0-24),"Lassen Sie Benutzer nur anmelden, bevor dieser Stunde (0-24)"
+Allowance Percent,Allowance Prozent
+Amended From,Geändert von
+Amendment Date,Änderung Datum
+Amount <=,Betrag <=
+Amount >=,Betrag> =
+Amount*,Betrag *
+"An icon file with .ico extension. Should be 16 x 16 px. Generated using a favicon generator. [<a href="""" target=""_blank""></a>]","Ein Symbol-Datei mit. Ico. Sollte 16 x 16 px sein. Erzeugt mit ein Favicon-Generator. [<a Href="""" target=""_blank""> </ a>]"
+"Any other comments, noteworthy effort that should go in the records.","Weitere Kommentare, bemerkenswerte Anstrengungen, die in den Aufzeichnungen gehen sollte."
+Applicable Holiday List,Anwendbar Ferienwohnung Liste
+Applicable To (Designation),Für (Bezeichnung)
+Applicable To (Employee),Für (Employee)
+Applicable To (Role),Anwendbar (Rolle)
+Applicable To (User),Anwendbar auf (User)
+Applicable only if valuation method is moving average,"Gilt nur, wenn Bewertungsmethode ist gleitenden Durchschnitt"
+Applicant Name,Name des Antragstellers
+Applicant for a Job,Antragsteller für einen Job
+Applicant for a Job (extracted from jobs email).,Antragsteller für einen Job (extrahiert aus Jobs E-Mail).
+Applications for leave.,Bei Anträgen auf Urlaub.
+Applies to Company,Gilt für Unternehmen
+Apply / Approve Leaves,Übernehmen / Genehmigen Leaves
+Appraisal Goal,Bewertung Goal
+Appraisal Goals,Bewertung Details
+Appraisal Template,Bewertung Template
+Appraisal Template Goal,Bewertung Template Goal
+Appraisal Template Title,Bewertung Template Titel
+Approval Status,Genehmigungsstatus
+Approving Role,Genehmigung Rolle
+Approving User,Genehmigen Benutzer
+Are you sure you want to delete the attachment?,"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Anhang löschen?"
+Arrear Amount,Nachträglich Betrag
+"As a best practice, do not assign the same set of permission rule to different Roles instead set multiple Roles to the User","Als Best Practice, nicht die gleiche Menge von Berechtigungen Vorschrift auf unterschiedliche Rollen stattdessen mehrere Rollen für den Benutzer"
+As existing qty for item:,Als bestehende Menge für Artikel:
+As per Stock UOM,Wie pro Lagerbestand UOM
+Assign To,Zuordnen zu
+Assigned By,Zugewiesen von
+Associate a DocType to the Print Format,Zuordnen eines DocType der Print Format
+Atleast one warehouse is mandatory,Mindestens eines Lagers ist obligatorisch
+Attach Document Print,Anhängen Dokument drucken
+Attempted to Contact,"Versucht, Kontakt"
+Attendance Control Panel,Teilnahme Control Panel
+Attendance Date,Teilnahme seit
+Attendance Details,Teilnahme Einzelheiten
+Attendance From Date,Teilnahme ab-Datum
+Attendance To Date,Teilnahme To Date
+Attendance record.,Zuschauerrekord.
+Authorization Control,Authorization Control
+Authorization Rule,Autorisierungsregel
+Authorized Role (Frozen Entry),Autorisierte Rolle (Frozen Entry)
+Authourized Role (Frozen Entry),Authourized Rolle (Frozen Entry)
+Auto Email Id,Auto Email Id
+Auto Name,Auto Name
+Auto generated,Auto generiert
+Automatically updated via Stock Entry of type Manufacture/Repack,Automatisch über Lager Eintrag vom Typ Manufacture / Repack aktualisiert
+Autoreply when a new mail is received,Autoreply wenn eine neue E-Mail empfangen
+Available Qty at Warehouse,Verfügbare Menge bei Warehouse
+"Available in BOM, Delivery Note, Purchase Invoice, Production Order, Purchase Order, Purchase Receipt, Sales Invoice, Sales Order, Stock Entry, Timesheet","Erhältlich in Stücklisten, Lieferschein, Bestellung, Fertigungsauftrag, Bestellung, Kaufbeleg, Sales Invoice, Sales Order, Stock Entry, Timesheet"
+Average Discount,Durchschnittliche Discount
+B+,B +
+BOM Detail No,BOM Detailaufnahme
+BOM Explosion Item,Stücklistenauflösung Artikel
+BOM Item,Stücklistenposition
+BOM No,BOM Nein
+BOM No. for a Finished Good Item,BOM-Nr für Finished Gute Artikel
+BOM Operation,BOM Betrieb
+BOM Operations,BOM Operationen
+BOM Replace Tool,BOM Replace Tool
+BOM replaced,BOM ersetzt
+Background Color,Hintergrundfarbe
+Background Image,Background Image
+Background shade of the top menu bar,Hintergrund Schatten der oberen Menüleiste
+Bank A/C No.,Bank A / C Nr.
+Bank Account,Bankkonto
+Bank Account No.,Bank Konto-Nr
+Bank Balance,Kontostand
+Bank Name,Name der Bank
+Bank Reconciliation,Kontenabstimmung
+Bank Reconciliation Detail,Kontenabstimmung Details
+Bank Voucher,Bankgutschein
+Bank or Cash,Bank oder Bargeld
+Banner HTML,Banner HTML
+Based On,Basierend auf
+Based on,Basierend auf
+Basic Info,Basic Info
+Basic Information,Grundlegende Informationen
+Basic Rate,Basic Rate
+Basic Rate*,Basic Rate *
+Batch (lot) of an Item.,Batch (Los) eines Item.
+Batch Finished Date,Batch Beendet Datum
+Batch ID,Batch ID
+Batch No,Batch No
+Batch Started Date,Batch gestartet Datum
+Begin this page with a slideshow of images,Beginnen Sie diese Seite mit einer Diashow von Bildern
+Better Prospects,Bessere Aussichten
+Bill Date,Bill Datum
+Bill No,Bill No
+Bill of Material to be considered for manufacturing,"Bill of Material, um für die Fertigung berücksichtigt werden"
+Bill of Materials,Bill of Materials
+Bill of Materials (BOM),Bill of Materials (BOM)
+Billed Amt,Billed Amt
+Billed Quantity,Angekündigt Menge
+Billing Status,Billing-Status
+Bills raised by Suppliers.,Bills erhöht durch den Lieferanten.
+Bills raised to Customers.,"Bills angehoben, um Kunden."
+Birth Date,Geburtsdatum
+Block Date,Blockieren Datum
+Block Days,Block Tage
+Block Holidays on important days.,Blockieren Urlaub auf wichtige Tage.
+Block leave applications by department.,Block verlassen Anwendungen nach Abteilung.
+Blog Subscriber,Blog Subscriber
+Blog entry.,Blog-Eintrag.
+Blood Group,Blutgruppe
+Brand HTML,Marke HTML
+Brand Name,Markenname
+"Brand is what appears on the top-right of the toolbar. If it is an image, make sure ithas a transparent background and use the <img /> tag. Keep size as 200px x 30px","Marke ist das, was in der oberen rechten Ecke des Symbolleiste. Wenn es ein Bild ist, stellen Sie sicher, ithas einen transparenten Hintergrund und verwenden Sie die <img />-Tag. Halten Größe wie 200px x 30px"
+Brand master.,Marke Meister.
+Branding and Printing,Branding und Druck
+Budget Allocated,Budget
+Budget Control,Budget Control
+Budget Detail,Budget Detailansicht
+Budget Details,Budget Einzelheiten
+Budget Distribution,Budget Verteilung
+Budget Distribution Detail,Budget Verteilung Detailansicht
+Budget Distribution Details,Budget Ausschüttungsinformationen
+Bulk Email,Bulk Email
+Bulk Email records.,Bulk Email Datensätze.
+Bundle items at time of sale.,Bundle Artikel zum Zeitpunkt des Verkaufs.
+Buyer of Goods and Services.,Käufer von Waren und Dienstleistungen.
+Buying Cost,Kauf Cost
+Buying Cost will be updated from Purchase Orders and Purchase Receipts. <br>The buying cost will calculated by moving average method.,Buying Kosten werden von Bestellungen und Einnahmen aktualisiert werden. <br> Der Kauf Kosten werden vom gleitenden Durchschnitt berechnet.
+Buying Home,Kauf Startseite
+C-Form Applicable,"C-Form,"
+C-Form Invoice Detail,C-Form Rechnungsdetails
+C-Form No,C-Form nicht
+CI/2010-2011/,CI/2010-2011 /
+Calculate Charges,Berechnen Sie Gebühren
+Calculate Tax,Steuer rechnen
+Calculate Taxes and Charges,Berechnen Sie Steuern und Abgaben
+Calculate Total Score,Berechnen Gesamtpunktzahl
+Calendar Events,Kalendereintrag
+Campaign Name,Kampagnenname
+Can only be exported by users with role 'Report Manager',"Kann nur von Benutzern mit der Rolle ""Report Manager"" exportiert werden"
+Cancel Reason,Abbrechen Reason
+Cancel permission also allows the user to delete a document (if it is not linked to any other document).,"Abbrechen Erlaubnis ermöglicht dem Benutzer auch, um ein Dokument (wenn sie nicht auf irgendeine andere Dokument verknüpft) zu löschen."
+Cannot,Kann nicht
+Capacity Units,Capacity Units
+Career History,Karriere Geschichte
+Carry Forward,Vortragen
+Carry Forwarded Leaves,Carry Weitergeleitete Leaves
+Cash Voucher,Cash Gutschein
+Cash/Bank Account,Cash / Bank Account
+Category of customer as entered in Customer master,"Kategorie von Kunden, wie in Customer Master eingetragen"
+Cell Number,Cell Number
+"Certain documents should not be changed once final, like an Invoice for example. The final state for such documents is called <b>Submitted</b>. You can restrict which roles can Submit.","Bestimmte Dokumente sollten nicht geändert werden, nachdem endgültig angesehen werden, wie eine Rechnung zum Beispiel. Der Endzustand für solche Dokumente wird als <b> Eingereicht </ b>. Sie können einschränken, welche Rollen können Sie auf Absenden."
+Challan Date,Challan Datum
+Challan No,Challan Nein
+Change UOM for an Item.,Ändern UOM für ein Item.
+Change background fonts etc,Ändern Sie Hintergrund-Schriftarten etc
+"Change entry properties (hide fields, make mandatory etc)",Eintrag ändern Eigenschaften (hide Feldern machen obligatorischen etc)
+Change the starting / current sequence number of an existing series.,Ändern Sie den Start / aktuelle Sequenznummer eines bestehenden Serie.
+Channel Partner,Channel Partner
+Chart of Accounts,Kontenplan
+Chart of Cost Centers,Abbildung von Kostenstellen
+Cheating FieldPlease do not delete,Cheating FieldPlease nicht löschen
+Check / Uncheck roles assigned to the Profile. Click on the Role to find out what permissions that Role has.,"Aktivieren / Deaktivieren zugewiesenen Rollen der Profile. Klicken Sie auf die Rolle, um herauszufinden, welche Berechtigungen dieser Rolle hat."
+Check all the items below that you want to send in this digest.,"Überprüfen Sie alle Artikel unten, dass Sie in diesem Digest senden."
+Check how the newsletter looks in an email by sending it to your email.,"Prüfen Sie, wie der Newsletter in einer E-Mail aussieht, indem es an deine E-Mail."
+"Check if recurring invoice, uncheck to stop recurring or put proper End Date","Prüfen Sie, ob wiederkehrende Rechnung, deaktivieren zu stoppen wiederkehrende oder legen richtigen Enddatum"
+"Check if you need automatic recurring invoices. After submitting any sales invoice, Recurring section will be visible.","Überprüfen Sie, ob Sie die automatische wiederkehrende Rechnungen benötigen. Nach dem Absenden eine Rechnung über den Verkauf wird Recurring Abschnitt sichtbar sein."
+Check if you want to send salary slip in mail to each employee while submitting salary slip,"Überprüfen Sie, ob Sie Gehaltsabrechnung in Mail an jeden Mitarbeiter wollen, während Einreichung Gehaltsabrechnung"
+Check this if you want to force the user to select a series before saving. There will be no default if you check this.,"Aktivieren Sie diese Option, wenn Sie den Benutzer zwingen, eine Reihe vor dem Speichern auswählen möchten. Es wird kein Standard sein, wenn Sie dies zu überprüfen."
+Check this if you want to show in website,"Aktivieren Sie diese Option, wenn Sie in der Website zeigen wollen"
+Check this to make this the default letter head in all prints,"Aktivieren Sie diese Option, um es als Standard-Briefkopf in allen Ausdrucke"
+Check this to pull emails from your mailbox,"Aktivieren Sie diese Option, um E-Mails aus Ihrer Mailbox ziehen"
+Check to activate,Überprüfen Sie aktivieren
+Check to make Shipping Address,"Überprüfen Sie, Liefer-Adresse machen"
+Check to make primary address,Überprüfen primäre Adresse machen
+"Checking Operator (To Fld, Operator, From Fld)","Überprüfen Operator (Um Fld, Operator, Von Fld)"
+Cheque Date,Scheck Datum
+Cheque Number,Scheck-Nummer
+Child Tables are shown as a Grid in other DocTypes.,Child-Tabellen werden als Grid in anderen DocTypes gezeigt.
+City/Town,Stadt / Ort
+Claim Amount,Schadenhöhe
+Claims for expenses made on behalf of the organization.,Ansprüche für Aufwendungen im Namen der Organisation gemacht.
+Class / Percentage,Klasse / Anteil
+Classification of Customers by region,Klassifizierung der Kunden nach Regionen
+Clear Cache & Refresh,Clear Cache & Refresh
+Clear Pending,Löschen Pending
+Clear Table,Tabelle löschen
+Clearance Date,Clearance Datum
+Click on button in the 'Condition' column and select the option 'User is the creator of the document',"Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche in der 'Bedingung' Spalte und wählen Sie die Option ""Benutzer ist der Schöpfer des Dokuments"""
+Click on edit button to start a new report.,"Klicken Sie auf Bearbeiten, um einen neuen Bericht zu starten."
+Click to Expand / Collapse,Klicken Sie auf Erweitern / Reduzieren
+Client Script,Clientskript
+Closing Account Head,Konto schließen Leiter
+Closing Date,Einsendeschluss
+Closing Fiscal Year,Schließen Geschäftsjahr
+CoA Help,CoA Hilfe
+Cold Calling,Cold Calling
+Column Break,Spaltenumbruch
+Comma separated list of email addresses,Durch Komma getrennte Liste von E-Mail-Adressen
+Comment By,Kommentar von
+Comment By Fullname,Kommentar von Fullname
+Comment Date,Kommentar Datum
+Comment Docname,Kommentar DocName
+Comment Doctype,Kommentar Doctype
+Comment Time,Kommentar Zeit
+Commission Rate,Kommission bewerten
+Commission Rate (%),Kommission Rate (%)
+Commission partners and targets,Kommission Partnern und Ziele
+Communication HTML,Communication HTML
+Communication History,Communication History
+Communication Log,Communication Log
+Communication Medium,Communication Medium
+Communication by,Kommunikation durch
+Communication log.,Communication log.
+Communication type,Art der Kommunikation
+Company Control,Firma Control
+Company Details,Unternehmensprofil
+Company History,Unternehmensgeschichte
+Company History Heading,Unternehmensgeschichte Überschrift
+Company Info,Firmeninfo
+Company Introduction,Vorstellung der Gesellschaft
+Company Name,Firmenname
+Company branches.,Unternehmen Niederlassungen.
+Company departments.,Abteilungen des Unternehmens.
+Company registration numbers for your reference. Example: VAT Registration Numbers etc.,Handelsregisternummer für Ihre Referenz. Beispiel: Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummern usw.
+Company registration numbers for your reference. Tax numbers etc.,Handelsregisternummer für Ihre Referenz. MwSt.-Nummern etc.
+Complete By,Complete von
+Completion Date,Datum der Fertigstellung
+Completion Status,Completion Status
+Confirmed orders from Customers.,Bestätigte Bestellungen von Kunden.
+Consider Tax or Charge for,Betrachten Sie Steuern oder Gebühren für die
+"Consider this Price List for fetching rate. (only which have ""For Buying"" as checked)","Betrachten Sie diese Preisliste für das Abrufen bewerten. (Nur die haben ""für den Kauf"", wie geprüft)"
+Consumed Qty,Verbrauchte Menge
+Contact Control,Kontakt Kontrolle
+Contact Desc,Kontakt Desc
+Contact Details,Kontakt Details
+Contact Email,Kontakt per E-Mail
+Contact HTML,Kontakt HTML
+Contact Info,Kontakt Info
+Contact Mobile No,Kontakt Mobile Kein
+Contact Name,Kontakt Name
+Contact No,Kontakt No
+Contact No.,Kontakt Nr.
+Contact Person,Ansprechpartner
+Contact Type,Kontakt Typ
+Contact Us Settings,Kontakt Settings
+Contact in Future,Kontakt in Zukunft
+"Contact options, like ""Sales Query, Support Query"" etc each on a new line or separated by commas.","Kontakt Optionen, wie ""Sales Query, Support-Anfrage"" etc jeweils auf einer neuen Zeile oder durch Kommas getrennt."
+Content Type,Content Type
+Content in markdown format that appears on the main side of your page,"Content in markdown Format, das auf der Hauptseite Ihrer Seite"
+Content web page.,Inhalt Web-Seite.
+Contra Voucher,Contra Gutschein
+Contract End Date,Contract End Date
+Control Panel,Control Panel
+Conversion Factor,Umrechnungsfaktor
+Conversion Rate,Conversion Rate
+Convert into Recurring Invoice,Konvertieren in Wiederkehrende Rechnung
+Cost Center,Kostenstellenrechnung
+Cost Center Details,Kosten Center Details
+Cost Center Name,Kosten Center Name
+Cost Center must be specified for PL Account:,Cost Center muss für PL Konto angegeben werden:
+Cost to Company,Kosten Unternehmen
+Country Name,Land Name
+Create Bank Voucher for the total salary paid for the above selected criteria,Erstellen Bankgutschein für die Lohnsumme für die oben ausgewählten Kriterien gezahlt
+Create Production Orders,Erstellen Fertigungsaufträge
+Create Receiver List,Erstellen Receiver Liste
+Create Salary Slip,Erstellen Gehaltsabrechnung
+"Create a price list from Price List master and enter standard ref rates against each of them. On selection of a price list in Quotation, Sales Order or Delivery Note, corresponding ref rate will be fetched for this item.","Erstellen Sie eine Preisliste von Preisliste Master und geben Sie Standard-ref Preise gegen jeden von ihnen. Bei Auswahl einer Preisliste Angebot, Auftrag oder Lieferschein, werden entsprechende ref für dieser Artikel abgeholt werden."
+Create and Send Newsletters,Erstellen und Senden Newsletters
+Created Account Head:,Erstellt Konto Head:
+Created Customer Issue,Erstellt Kunde Ausgabe
+Created Group,Erstellt Gruppe
+Created Opportunity,Erstellt Chance
+Created Support Ticket,Erstellt Support Ticket
+Creates salary slip for above mentioned criteria.,Erstellt Gehaltsabrechnung für die oben genannten Kriterien.
+Credit Amt,Kredit-Amt
+Credit Card Voucher,Credit Card Gutschein
+Credit Controller,Credit Controller
+Credit Days,Kredit-Tage
+Credit Limit,Kreditlimit
+Credit Note,Gutschrift
+Credit To,Kredite an
+Criteria Name,Criteria Namen
+Cross List Item Group,Überqueren List Item-Gruppe
+Cross Listing of Item in multiple groups,Überqueren Auflistung der Artikel in mehreren Gruppen
+Currency & Price List,Währung & Preisliste
+Currency Format,Währung Format
+Currency Name,Währung Name
+Current Accommodation Type,Aktuelle Unterkunftstyp
+Current Address,Aktuelle Adresse
+Current BOM,Aktuelle Stückliste
+Current Fiscal Year,Laufenden Geschäftsjahr
+Current Stock,Aktuelle Stock
+Current Stock UOM,Aktuelle Stock UOM
+Current Value,Aktueller Wert
+Current status,Aktueller Status
+Cust/Supp Address,Cust / Supp Adresse
+Cust/Supp Name,Cust / Supp Namen
+Custom Autoreply Message,Benutzerdefinierte Autoreply Nachricht
+Custom CSS,Custom CSS
+Custom Field,Custom Field
+Custom Message,Custom Message
+Custom Query,Individuelle Abfrage
+Custom Reports,Benutzerdefinierte Berichte
+Custom Script,Custom Script
+Custom Startup Code,Benutzerdefinierte Startup Code
+Customer / Item Name,Kunde / Item Name
+Customer Account,Kundenkonto
+Customer Address,Kundenadresse
+Customer Addresses And Contacts,Kundenadressen und Kontakte
+Customer Code,Customer Code
+Customer Codes,Kunde Codes
+Customer Details,Customer Details
+Customer Feedback,Kundenfeedback
+Customer Group,Customer Group
+Customer Group Name,Kunden Group Name
+Customer Intro,Kunden Intro
+Customer Issue,Das Anliegen des Kunden
+Customer Issue No,Kunden Issue No
+Customer Issue against a Serial No (warranty).,Das Anliegen des Kunden gegen eine Serial No (Garantie).
+Customer Master created by,Customer Master erstellt von
+Customer Name,Name des Kunden
+Customer Type,Kundentyp
+Customer classification tree.,Einteilung der Kunden Baum.
+Customer database.,Kunden-Datenbank.
+Customer's Currency,Kunden Währung
+Customer's Item Code,Kunden Item Code
+Customer's Vendor,Kunden Hersteller
+Customer's currency,Kunden Währung
+"Customer's currency - If you want to select a currency that is not the default currency, then you must also specify the Currency Conversion Rate.","Kunden Währung - Wenn Sie eine Währung, die nicht die Standard-Währung auswählen wollen, dann müssen Sie auch die Currency Conversion Rate."
+Customer/Supplier,Kunde / Lieferant
+Customerwise Discount,Customerwise Discount
+Customize Form,Formular anpassen
+Customize Form Field,Passen Form Field
+"Customize Label, Print Hide, Default etc.","Passen Label, Print Hide, Standard, etc."
+Customize the Notification,Passen Sie die Benachrichtigung
+Customize the introductory text that goes as a part of that email. Each transaction has a separate introductory text.,"Passen Sie den einleitenden Text, der als Teil der E-Mail geht. Jede Transaktion hat einen separaten einleitenden Text."
+DN Detail,DN Detailansicht
+"Daily, weekly, monthly email Digests","Täglich Digests wöchentlich, monatlich E-Mail-"
+Data Import,Datenimport
+Data Import Tool,Daten Import Tool
+Database of potential customers.,Datenbank von potentiellen Kunden.
+Date Format,Datumsformat
+Date Of Retirement,Datum der Pensionierung
+Date is repeated,Datum wird wiederholt
+Date of Birth,Geburtsdatum
+Date of Issue,Datum der Ausgabe
+Date of Joining,Datum der Verbindungstechnik
+Date on which lorry started from supplier warehouse,"Datum, an dem Lastwagen startete von Lieferantenlager"
+Date on which lorry started from your warehouse,"Datum, an dem Lkw begann von Ihrem Lager"
+Date on which the lead was last contacted,"Datum, an dem das Blei letzten kontaktiert wurde"
+Days for which Holidays are blocked for this department.,"Tage, für die Feiertage sind für diese Abteilung blockiert."
+Debit Amt,Debit Amt
+Debit Note,Lastschrift
+Debit To,Debit Um
+Debit or Credit,Debit-oder Kreditkarten
+Deduction Type,Abzug Typ
+Default Account,Default-Konto
+Default BOM,Standard BOM
+Default Bank / Cash account will be automatically updated in POS Invoice when this mode is selected.,"Standard Bank / Cash-Konto werden automatisch in POS Rechnung aktualisiert werden, wenn dieser Modus ausgewählt ist."
+Default Bank Account,Standard Bank Account
+Default Commission Rate,Standard Kommission bewerten
+Default Company,Standard Unternehmen
+Default Cost Center,Standard Kostenstelle
+Default Cost Center for tracking expense for this item.,Standard Cost Center for Tracking Kosten für diesen Artikel.
+Default Currency,Standardwährung
+Default Customer Group,Standard Customer Group
+Default Expense Account,Standard Expense Konto
+Default Home Page,Standard Home Page
+Default Home Pages,Standard-Home-Pages
+Default Income Account,Standard Income Konto
+Default Item Group,Standard Element Gruppe
+Default Price List,Standard Preisliste
+Default Price List Currency,Standard Preisliste Währung
+Default Print Format,Standard Print Format
+Default Product Category,Standard Produktkategorie
+Default Purchase Account in which cost of the item will be debited.,Standard Purchase Konto in dem Preis des Artikels wird abgebucht.
+Default Reserved Warehouse,Standard Reserved Warehouse
+Default Sales Partner,Standard Vertriebspartner
+Default Settings,Default Settings
+Default Source Warehouse,Default Source Warehouse
+Default Stock UOM,Standard Lager UOM
+Default Supplier Type,Standard Lieferant Typ
+Default Target Warehouse,Standard Ziel Warehouse
+Default Territory,Standard Territory
+Default Unit of Measure,Standard-Maßeinheit
+Default Valuation Method,Standard Valuation Method
+Default Value,Default Value
+Default Warehouse Type,Standard Warehouse Typ
+Default values are set across the role and can be over-ridden by user permissions.,"Default-Werte sind in der Rolle eingestellt und kann übersteuert werden, indem Benutzerberechtigungen."
+"Default: ""Product Search""","Default: ""Product Search"""
+"Define Budget for this Cost Center. To set budget action, see <a href=""#!List/Company"">Company Master</a>","Definieren Budget für diese Kostenstelle. Um Budget Aktion finden Sie unter <a href=""#!List/Company""> Firma Master </ a>"
+Define Rule,Definieren Rule
+Defines actions on states and the next step and allowed roles.,Definiert Aktionen auf Staaten und den nächsten Schritt und erlaubt Rollen.
+Defines workflow states and rules for a document.,Definiert Workflow-Status und Regeln für ein Dokument.
+Delivered Items To Be Billed,Liefergegenstände in Rechnung gestellt werden
+Delivered Qty,Geliefert Menge
+Delivery (shipment) to customers.,Lieferung (Versand) an die Kunden.
+Delivery Address,Lieferanschrift
+Delivery Date,Liefertermin
+Delivery Details,Anlieferungs-Details
+Delivery Document No,Lieferung Dokument Nr.
+Delivery Document Type,Lieferung Document Type
+Delivery Note,Lieferschein
+Delivery Note Item,Lieferscheinposition
+Delivery Note Items,Lieferscheinpositionen
+Delivery Note Message,Lieferschein Nachricht
+Delivery Note No,Lieferschein Nein
+Delivery Note Packing Item,Lieferschein Verpackung Artikel
+Delivery Note Required,Lieferschein erforderlich
+Delivery Status,Lieferstatus
+Delivery Time,Lieferzeit
+Depend on LWP,Verlassen Sie sich auf LWP
+Depends On,Depends On
+Depends on LWP,Abhängig von LWP
+Description HTML,Beschreibung HTML
+Description of a Job Opening,Beschreibung eines Job Opening
+Detail Name,Detail Name
+Detailed Breakup of the totals,Detaillierte Breakup der Gesamtsummen
+Did not add.,Haben Sie nicht hinzuzufügen.
+Did not cancel,Haben Sie nicht abbrechen
+Did not save,Nicht speichern
+"Different ""States"" this document can exist in. Like ""Open"", ""Pending Approval"" etc.","Different ""Staaten"" in diesem Dokument existieren kann in. Gefällt mir ""Open"", ""Pending Approval"" etc."
+Disabled Filters,Behinderte Filter
+Discount %,Discount%
+Discount %,Discount%
+Discount (%),Rabatt (%)
+"Discount Fields will be available in Purchase Order, Purchase Receipt, Purchase Invoice","Discount Felder werden in der Bestellung, Kaufbeleg Kauf Rechnung verfügbar"
+Discount(%),Rabatt (%)
+Display Settings,Display-Einstellungen
+Display all the individual items delivered with the main items,Alle anzeigen die einzelnen Punkte mit den wichtigsten Liefergegenstände
+Distinct unit of an Item,Separate Einheit eines Elements
+Distribute transport overhead across items.,Verteilen Transport-Overhead auf Gegenstände.
+Distribution Id,Verteilung Id
+Distribution Name,Namen der Distribution
+Do not show any symbol like $ etc next to currencies.,Zeigen keine Symbol wie $ etc neben Währungen.
+Doc Name,Doc Namen
+Doc Status,Doc-Status
+Doc Type,Doc Type
+DocType Details,DocType Einzelheiten
+DocType Label,DocType Etikett
+DocType Mapper,DocType Mapper
+DocType is a Table / Form in the application.,DocType ist eine Tabelle / Formular in der Anwendung.
+DocType on which this Workflow is applicable.,"DOCTYPE, auf denen diese Workflow-anwendbar ist."
+DocType or Field,DocType oder Field
+Document Description,Document Beschreibung
+Document Status transition from,Document Status Übergang von
+Document Type,Document Type
+Document is only editable by users of role,Dokument ist nur editierbar Nutzer Rolle
+Document to rename,Dokumentieren Sie umbenennen
+Domain List,Domain-Liste
+Download Backup,Download von Backup
+Download Materials Required,Herunterladen benötigte Materialien
+Download Template,Vorlage herunterladen
+Download a report containing all raw materials with their latest inventory status,Laden Sie einen Bericht mit allen Rohstoffen mit ihren neuesten Inventar Status
+Drag to sort columns,Ziehen Sie Spalten sortieren
+Due Date,Due Date
+Earning & Deduction,Earning & Abzug
+Earning Type,Earning Typ
+Educational Qualification,Educational Qualifikation
+Educational Qualification Details,Educational Qualifikation Einzelheiten
+Eg.,Eg. / api / send_sms.cgi
+Eligible Amount,Anrechnungsbetrag
+Email (By company),Email (nach Unternehmen)
+Email Digest,Email Digest
+Email Digest Settings,Email Digest Einstellungen
+Email Host,E-Mail-Host
+Email Id,Email Id
+"Email Id must be unique, already exists for: ","Email Id muss eindeutig sein, bereits für:"
+"Email Id where a job applicant will email e.g. """"","Email Id, wo ein Bewerber beispielsweise per E-Mail wird """""
+Email Login,E-Mail Anmelden
+Email Password,E-Mail Passwort
+Email Sent,E-Mail gesendet
+Email Sent?,E-Mail gesendet?
+Email Settings,E-Mail-Einstellungen
+Email Settings for Outgoing and Incoming Emails.,E-Mail-Einstellungen für ausgehende und eingehende E-Mails.
+Email Signature,E-Mail Signatur
+Email Use SSL,E-Mail verwenden SSL
+"Email addresses, separted by commas",E-Mail-Adressen durch Komma separted
+"Email settings for jobs email id """"","E-Mail-Einstellungen für Jobs email id """""
+"Email settings to extract Leads from sales email id e.g. """"","E-Mail-Einstellungen zu extrahieren Leads aus dem Verkauf email id zB """""
+Embed image slideshows in website pages.,Einbetten Bild Diashows in Web-Seiten.
+Emergency Contact Details,Notfall Kontakt
+Emergency Phone Number,Notrufnummer
+Employee Designation.,Mitarbeiter Bezeichnung.
+Employee Details,Mitarbeiterdetails
+Employee Education,Mitarbeiterschulung
+Employee External Work History,Mitarbeiter Externe Arbeit Geschichte
+Employee Internal Work History,Mitarbeiter Interner Arbeitsbereich Geschichte
+Employee Internal Work Historys,Mitarbeiter Interner Arbeitsbereich Historys
+Employee Name,Name des Mitarbeiters
+Employee Number,Mitarbeiternummer
+Employee Records to be created by,Mitarbeiter Records erstellt werden
+Employee Setup,Mitarbeiter-Setup
+Employee Training,Mitarbeiterschulung
+Employee Type,Arbeitnehmertyp
+Employee grades,Mitarbeiter-Typen
+Employee record is created using selected field.,Mitarbeiter Datensatz erstellt anhand von ausgewählten Feld.
+Employee records.,Mitarbeiter-Datensätze.
+Employees Email Id,Mitarbeiter Email Id
+Employment Details,Beschäftigung Einzelheiten
+Employment Type,Beschäftigungsart
+Enable / disable currencies.,Aktivieren / Deaktivieren der Währungen.
+Enables <b>More Info.</b> in all documents,Ermöglicht <b> Mehr Info. </ B> in alle Dokumente
+Encashment Date,Inkasso Datum
+End Date,Enddatum
+End date of current invoice's period,Ende der laufenden Rechnung der Zeit
+End of Life,End of Life
+Ends on,Endet am
+Enter Email Id to receive Error Report sent by users.E.g.:,Ihre Email-Id Fehler Bericht users.Eg geschickt bekommen:
+Enter Form Type,Geben Formulartyp
+Enter Row,Geben Row
+Enter campaign name if the source of lead is campaign.,"Geben Sie Namen der Kampagne, wenn die Quelle von Blei-Kampagne."
+"Enter default value fields (keys) and values. If you add multiple values for a field, the first one will be picked. These defaults are also used to set ""match"" permission rules. To see list of fields, go to <a href=""#Form/Customize Form/Customize Form"">Customize Form</a>.","Geben Standardwert Felder (keys) und Werten. Wenn Sie mehrere Werte für ein Feld hinzufügen, wird die erste abgeholt werden. Diese Standardwerte werden auch verwendet, um ""match"" permission Regeln. Um eine Liste der Felder zu sehen, <a gehen href=""#Form/Customize Form/Customize Form""> Formular anpassen </ a>."
+Enter department to which this Contact belongs,"Geben Abteilung, auf die diese Kontakt gehört"
+Enter designation of this Contact,Geben Bezeichnung dieser Kontakt
+"Enter domain names associated to this website, each on a new line","Geben Sie Domain-Namen verbunden mit dieser Website, die jeweils auf einer neuen Zeile"
+"Enter email id separated by commas, invoice will be mailed automatically on particular date","Geben Sie E-Mail-ID durch Kommata getrennt, wird Rechnung automatisch auf bestimmte Zeitpunkt zugeschickt"
+Enter items and planned qty for which you want to raise production orders or download raw materials for analysis.,Geben Sie die Posten und geplante Menge für die Sie Fertigungsaufträge erhöhen oder downloaden Rohstoffe für die Analyse.
+Enter message,Geben Sie eine Nachricht
+Enter name of campaign if source of enquiry is campaign,"Geben Sie den Namen der Kampagne, wenn die Quelle der Anfrage ist Kampagne"
+"Enter static url parameters here (Eg. sender=ERPNext, username=ERPNext, password=1234 etc.)","Geben Sie statischen URL-Parameter hier (Bsp. sender = ERPNext, username = ERPNext, password = 1234 etc.)"
+Enter the company name under which Account Head will be created for this Supplier,"Geben Sie den Namen des Unternehmens, unter denen Konto Leiter für diesen Lieferant erstellt werden"
+Enter the date by which payments from customer is expected against this invoice.,Geben Sie das Datum der Zahlungen von Kunden gegen diese Rechnung erwartet wird.
+Enter url parameter for message,Geben Sie URL-Parameter für die Nachrichtenübertragung
+Enter url parameter for receiver nos,Geben Sie URL-Parameter für Empfänger nos
+Entries are not allowed against this Fiscal Year if the year is closed.,"Die Einträge sind nicht gegen diese Geschäftsjahr zulässig, wenn die Jahre geschlossen ist."
+Estimated Material Cost,Geschätzter Materialkalkulationen
+Event Individuals,Event Personen
+Event Role,Event Rolle
+Event Roles,Event Rollen
+Event Type,Ereignistyp
+Event Updates,Event-Updates
+Event User,Ereignis Benutzer
+Exchange Rate,Wechselkurs
+Excise Page Number,Excise Page Number
+Excise Voucher,Excise Gutschein
+Exemption Limit,Freigrenze
+Existing Customer,Bestehende Kunden
+Exit Interview Details,Verlassen Interview Einzelheiten
+Expected Delivery Date,Voraussichtlicher Liefertermin
+Expected End Date,Erwartete Enddatum
+Expected Start Date,Frühestes Eintrittsdatum
+Expense Account,Expense Konto
+Expense Claim,Expense Anspruch
+Expense Claim Approved,Expense Anspruch Genehmigt
+Expense Claim Approved Message,Expense Anspruch Genehmigt Nachricht
+Expense Claim Detail,Expense Anspruch Details
+Expense Claim Details,Expense Anspruch Einzelheiten
+Expense Claim Rejected,Expense Antrag abgelehnt
+Expense Claim Rejected Message,Expense Antrag abgelehnt Nachricht
+Expense Claim Type,Expense Anspruch Type
+Expense Date,Expense Datum
+Expense Details,Expense Einzelheiten
+Expense Head,Expense Leiter
+Expenses Booked,Aufwand gebucht
+Expiry Date,Verfallsdatum
+Extra Condition,Zusätzliche Zustand
+Extract Emails,Auszug Emails
+Extract Job Applicant from jobs email id e.g.,Auszug Bewerber aus Jobs E-Mail-ID beispielsweise
+Extract Leads from sales email id e.g.,Auszug Leads aus dem Verkauf email id beispielsweise
+FCFS Rate,FCFS Rate
+Family Background,Familiärer Hintergrund
+Featured Item,Feature-Produkt
+Featured Item in Item Group,Feature-Produkt bei Posten Gruppe
+Features Setup,Features Setup
+Feed Type,Eingabetyp
+Fetch lead which will be converted into customer.,"Fetch Blei, die in Kunden konvertiert werden."
+Field Description,Feld Beschreibung
+Field Mapper Detail,Feld Mapper Details
+Field Mapper Details,Feld Mapper Einzelheiten
+Field Name,Feldname
+Field Type,Feldtyp
+"Field available in Delivery Note, Quotation, Sales Invoice, Sales Order","Feld in Lieferschein, Angebot, Sales Invoice, Sales Order"
+Field from other forms,Feld von anderen Formen
+"Field that represents the Workflow State of the transaction (if field is not present, a new hidden Custom Field will be created)","Feld, das den Workflow-Status der Transaktion darstellt (wenn das Feld nicht vorhanden ist, eine neue versteckte Custom Field wird erstellt)"
+"Fields separated by comma (,) will be included in the<br /><b>Search By</b> list of Search dialog box","Felder durch ein Komma (,) getrennt werden in der <br /> Suche aufgenommen werden </ b> Liste der Such-Dialogfeld"
+File Data,File Data
+File LIst,Dateiliste
+File List,Dateiliste
+File Name,File Name
+File URL,File URL
+File Uploaded Sucessfully.,Erfolgreich hochgeladenen Datei.
+Filing in Additional Information about the Opportunity will help you analyze your data better.,"Die Einreichung in Weitere Informationen über die Möglichkeit wird Ihnen helfen, Ihre Daten analysieren besser."
+Filing in Additional Information about the Purchase Receipt will help you analyze your data better.,"Die Einreichung in Zusätzliche Informationen über den Kaufbeleg wird Ihnen helfen, Ihre Daten analysieren besser."
+Filing in Additional Information about the Purchase Requisition will help you analyze your data better.,"Die Einreichung in Weitere Informationen über die Bestellanforderung wird Ihnen helfen, Ihre Daten analysieren besser."
+Filling in Additional Information about the Delivery Note will help you analyze your data better.,"Ausfüllen Zusätzliche Informationen über den Lieferschein wird Ihnen helfen, Ihre Daten analysieren besser."
+Filling in additional information about the Quotation will help you analyze your data better.,"Ausfüllen zusätzliche Informationen über das Angebot wird Ihnen helfen, Ihre Daten analysieren besser."
+Filling in additional information about the Sales Order will help you analyze your data better.,"Ausfüllen zusätzliche Informationen über das Sales Order wird Ihnen helfen, Ihre Daten analysieren besser."
+Filter By Amount,Filtern nach Betrag
+Filter By Date,Nach Datum filtern
+Filter based on customer,Filtern basierend auf Kunden-
+Filter based on item,Filtern basierend auf Artikel
+Final Confirmation Date,Final Confirmation Datum
+Financial Analytics,Financial Analytics
+Financial Statements,Financial Statements
+Financial Years for books of accounts,Geschäftsjahre Bücher von Konten
+First Name,Vorname
+First Responded On,Zunächst reagierte am
+Fiscal Year,Geschäftsjahr
+Fiscal Year Details,Geschäftsjahr Einzelheiten
+Fixed Asset Account,Fixed Asset Konto
+Float Precision,Gleitkommatgenauigkeit
+Following dates are blocked for Leave,Folgende Daten sind für Leave blockiert
+"Following table will show values if items are sub - contracted. These values will be fetched from the master of ""Bill of Materials"" of sub - contracted items.","Folgende Tabelle zeigt Werte, wenn Artikel sub sind - vergeben werden. Vertragsgegenständen - Diese Werte werden vom Meister der ""Bill of Materials"" von Sub geholt werden."
+Font Size,Schriftgröße
+Footer Items,Footer Artikel
+For All Users,Für alle Benutzer
+For Buying,Für den Kauf
+For Company,Für Unternehmen
+For Employee,Für Mitarbeiter
+For Employee Name,Für Employee Name
+For Item,Für Artikel
+"For Links, enter the DocType as rangeFor Select, enter list of Options separated by comma","Für Links, geben Sie die DocType als rangeFor Select, geben Liste der Optionen durch Komma getrennt"
+"For Links, use define linked","Für Links, verwenden definieren verbunden"
+For Production,For Production
+For Reference Only.,Nur als Referenz.
+For Selling,Für den Verkauf
+For Warehouse,Für Warehouse
+"For comparative filters, start with","Für vergleichende Filter, mit zu beginnen"
+"For e.g. 2012, 2012-13","Für z.B. 2012, 2012-13"
+For example if you cancel and amend 'INV004' it will become a new document 'INV004-1'. This helps you to keep track of each amendment.,"Zum Beispiel, wenn Sie stornieren und ändern 'INV004' wird es ein neues Dokument 'INV004-1' geworden. Dies hilft Ihnen, den Überblick über jede Änderung zu halten."
+For example: You want to restrict users to transactions marked with a certain property called 'Territory',"Zum Beispiel: Sie möchten, dass Benutzer auf Geschäfte mit einer bestimmten Eigenschaft namens ""Territory"" markiert beschränken"
+For opening balance entry account can not be a PL account,Für Eröffnungsbilanz Eintrag Konto kann nicht ein PL-Konto sein
+"For opening invoice entry, this date will reflect in the period-wise aging report.","Zum Öffnen Rechnungserfassung, wird dieses Datum in der Zeit-weise alternden Berichts anzupassen."
+For ranges,Für Bereiche
+For reference,Als Referenz
+For reference only.,Nur als Referenz.
+"For the convenience of customers, these codes can be used in print formats like Invoices and Delivery Notes","Für die Bequemlichkeit der Kunden, können diese Codes in Druckformate wie Rechnungen und Lieferscheine werden"
+Format: hh:mm example for one hour expiry set as 01:00. Max expiry will be 72 hours. Default is 24 hours,Format: hh: mm Beispiel für 1 Stunde Ablauf als 1.00 eingestellt. Max Ablauf wird 72 Stunden. Standardwert ist 24 Stunden
+Fraction Units,Fraction Units
+From Company,Von Unternehmen
+From Customer,Von Kunden
+From Date,Von Datum
+From Date must be before To Date,Von Datum muss vor dem Laufenden bleiben
+From DocType,Von DocType
+From Employee,Von Mitarbeiter
+From Field,Vom Feld
+From PR Date,Von PR Datum
+From Package No.,Von Package No
+From Table,Aus der Tabelle
+Full Image,Full Image
+Full Name,Vollständiger Name
+Full description (formatted as markdown),Ausführliche Beschreibung (formatiert als Abschlag)
+Fully Billed,Voll Billed
+Fully Completed,Vollständig ausgefüllte
+GL Control,GL Steuerung
+GL Entry,GL Eintrag
+GL Entry: Debit or Credit amount is mandatory for,GL Entry: Debit-oder Kreditkarten Betrag ist verpflichtend für
+GL Mapper,GL Mapper
+GL Mapper Detail,GL Mapper Details
+Gantt Chart,Gantt Chart
+Gantt chart of all tasks.,Gantt-Diagramm aller Aufgaben.
+General Ledger,General Ledger
+Generate Description HTML,Generieren Beschreibung HTML
+Generate Material Requests (MRP) and Production Orders.,Generieren Werkstoff Requests (MRP) und Fertigungsaufträge.
+Generate Salary Slips,Generieren Gehaltsabrechnungen
+Generate Schedule,Generieren Zeitplan
+"Generate packing slips for packages to be delivered. Used to notify package number, package contents and its weight.","Generieren Packzettel für Pakete geliefert werden. Verwendet, um Paket-Nummer, der Lieferumfang und sein Gewicht zu benachrichtigen."
+Generates HTML to include selected image in the description,Erzeugt HTML ausgewählte Bild sind in der Beschreibung
+Get Advances Paid,Holen Geleistete
+Get Advances Received,Holen Erhaltene Anzahlungen
+Get Current Stock,Holen Aktuelle Stock
+Get Items,Holen Artikel
+Get Last Purchase Rate,Get Last Purchase Rate
+Get Non Reconciled Entries,Holen Non versöhnt Einträge
+Get Open Sales Order,Sie öffnen Sales Order
+Get Outstanding Invoices,Holen Ausstehende Rechnungen
+Get Purchase Receipt,Holen Kaufbeleg
+Get Sales Orders,Holen Sie Kundenaufträge
+Get Specification Details,Holen Sie Ausschreibungstexte
+Get Stock and Rate,Holen Sie Stock und bewerten
+Get Tax Detail,Holen MwSt. Details
+Get Taxes and Charges,Holen Steuern und Abgaben
+Get Template,Holen Template
+Get Terms and Conditions,Holen AGB
+Get Weekly Off Dates,Holen Weekly Off Dates
+Get the template of the Attendance for which you want to import in CSV (Comma seperated values) format.Fill data in the template. Save the template in CSV format.All attendance dates inbetween 'Attendance From Date' and 'Attendance To Date' will come in the template with employees list.,"Holen Sie sich das Template der Teilnahme, für die Sie in CSV zu importieren (Komma getrennt Werte) format.Fill Daten in der Vorlage. Speichern Sie die Vorlage in CSV format.All Besucherzahlen geht dazwischen 'Teilnahme Von Datum' und 'Teilnahme To Date ""wird in der Vorlage mit den Mitarbeitern Liste kommen."
+"Get valuation rate and available stock at source/target warehouse on mentioned posting date-time. If serialized item, please press this button after entering serial nos.","Holen Bewertungskurs und verfügbaren Bestand an der Quelle / Ziel-Warehouse am genannten Buchungsdatum-Zeit. Wenn serialisierten Objekt, drücken Sie bitte diese Taste nach Eingabe der Seriennummern nos."
+Global Defaults,Globale Defaults
+Go back to home,Zurück nach Hause
+Go to Setup > <a href='#user-properties'>User Properties</a> to set \ 'territory' for diffent Users.,"Gehe zu> <a Richten href='#user-properties'> User Properties </ a> \ Gebiet ""für diffent Benutzer eingestellt."""
+Goods received from Suppliers.,Wareneingang vom Lieferanten.
+Grand Total,Grand Total
+Grand Total (Export),Grand Total (Export)
+Grand Total (Import),Grand Total (Import)
+Grand Total*,Grand Total *
+Gratuity LIC ID,Gratuity LIC ID
+Gross Margin %,Gross Margin%
+Gross Margin Value,Gross Margin Wert
+Gross Pay,Gross Pay
+Gross Pay + Arrear Amount +Encashment Amount - Total Deduction,Gross Pay + nachträglich Betrag + Inkasso Betrag - Total Abzug
+Gross Profit,Bruttogewinn
+Gross Profit (%),Gross Profit (%)
+Gross Weight,Bruttogewicht
+Gross Weight UOM,Bruttogewicht UOM
+Group By,Group By
+Group or Ledger,Gruppe oder Ledger
+HTML / Banner that will show on the top of product list.,"HTML / Banner, die auf der Oberseite des Produkt-Liste zeigen."
+"HTML print formats for quotes, invoices etc","HTML Druckformate für Angebote, Rechnungen etc"
+Half Day,Half Day
+Half Yearly,Halbjahresfinanzbericht
+Has Batch No,Hat Batch No
+Has Child Node,Hat Child Node
+Has Serial No,Hat Serial No
+Heading Font,Unterwegs Font
+Heads (or groups) against which Accounting Entries are made and balances are maintained.,"Heads (oder Gruppen), gegen die Accounting-Einträge und sind Guthaben gehalten werden."
+Health Concerns,Gesundheitliche Bedenken
+Health Details,Gesundheit Details
+Held On,Hielt
+Help HTML,Helfen Sie HTML
+Helper for managing return of goods (sales or purchase),Helper für die Verwaltung Rücksendung der Ware (Verkauf oder Kauf)
+Helvetica Neue,Helvetica Neue
+"Hence, maximum allowed Manufacturing Quantity",Daher maximal erlaubte Menge Fertigung
+"Here you can maintain family details like name and occupation of parent, spouse and children","Hier können Sie pflegen Familie Details wie Name und Beruf der Eltern, Ehepartner und Kinder"
+"Here you can maintain height, weight, allergies, medical concerns etc","Hier können Sie pflegen Größe, Gewicht, Allergien, medizinischen Bedenken etc"
+Hey there! You need to put at least one item in \ the item table.,Hey there! Sie müssen mindestens ein Element in \ dem Punkt Tisch zu legen.
+Hey! You seem to be using the wrong template. \ Click on 'Download Template' button to get the correct template.,"Hey, du zu sein scheinen mit den falschen Vorlage. \ Klicken Sie auf Vorlage herunterladen "", um die richtige Vorlage zu bekommen."""
+Hide Actions,Ausblenden Aktionen
+Hide Copy,Ausblenden kopieren
+Hide Currency Symbol,Ausblenden Währungssymbol
+Hide Email,Ausblenden Email
+Hide Heading,Ausblenden Überschrift
+Hide Print,Ausblenden drucken
+Hide Toolbar,Symbolleiste ausblenden
+History In Company,Geschichte Im Unternehmen
+Holiday Block List,Ferienwohnung Block List
+Holiday Block List Allow,Ferienwohnung Block List zulassen
+Holiday Block List Allowed,Ferienwohnung Block List erlaubt
+Holiday Block List Date,Ferienwohnung Block List Datum
+Holiday Block List Dates,Ferienwohnung Block List Termine
+Holiday Block List Name,Urlaub Blockieren Name
+Holiday List,Ferienwohnung Liste
+Holiday List Name,Ferienwohnung Name
+Home Control,Home Control
+Home Page,Home Page
+Home Page is Products,Home Page ist Products
+Home Pages,Home Pages
+"Host, Email and Password required if emails are to be pulled","Host, E-Mail und Passwort erforderlich, wenn E-Mails gezogen werden"
+Hour Rate,Hour Rate
+Hour Rate Consumable,Hour Rate Verbrauchsmaterial
+Hour Rate Electricity,Hour Rate Strom
+Hour Rate Labour,Hour Rate Labour
+Hour Rate Rent,Hour Rate Miete
+How frequently?,Wie häufig?
+"How should this currency be formatted? If not set, will use system defaults","Wie soll diese Währung formatiert werden? Wenn nicht gesetzt, verwenden Standardeinstellungen des Systems"
+How to upload,So laden
+Human Resources,Human Resources
+Human Resources Home,Human Resources Startseite
+Hurray! The day(s) on which you are applying for leave \ coincide with holiday(s). You need not apply for leave.,"Hurra! Der Tag (e), an dem Sie verlassen \ zusammen mit Urlaub (s) bewerben. Sie müssen nicht für Urlaub beantragen."
+ID (name) of the entity whose property is to be set,"ID (Name) des Unternehmens, dessen Eigenschaft gesetzt werden"
+INV/10-11/,INV/10-11 /
+Icon will appear on the button,Icon wird auf der Schaltfläche angezeigt
+Id of the profile will be the email.,Id des Profils wird die E-Mail.
+Identification of the package for the delivery (for print),Identifikation des Pakets für die Lieferung (für den Druck)
+If Monthly Budget Exceeded,Wenn Monthly Budget überschritten
+"If Sale BOM is defined, the actual BOM of the Pack is displayed as table.Available in Delivery Note and Sales Order","Wenn Sale Stücklisten definiert ist, wird die tatsächliche Stückliste des Pack als table.Available in Lieferschein und Sales Order angezeigt"
+"If Supplier Part Number exists for given Item, it gets stored here","Wenn der Lieferant Teilenummer existiert für bestimmte Artikel, wird es hier gespeichert"
+If Yearly Budget Exceeded,Wenn Jahresbudget überschritten
+"If a User does not have access at Level 0, then higher levels are meaningless","Wenn ein Benutzer keinen Zugriff auf Level 0, dann höheren Ebenen sind bedeutungslos"
+"If checked, BOM for sub-assembly items will be considered for getting raw materials. Otherwise, all sub-assembly items will be treated as a raw material.","Wenn aktiviert, wird Stückliste Baugruppe Artikel für immer Rohstoff betrachtet werden. Andernfalls werden alle Unterbaugruppe Elemente als Ausgangsmaterial behandelt werden."
+"If checked, all other workflows become inactive.","Wenn aktiviert, werden alle anderen Workflows inaktiv."
+"If checked, the Home page will be the default Item Group for the website.","Wenn aktiviert, wird die Startseite der Standard Artikel-Gruppe für die Website."
+"If checked, the tax amount will be considered as already included in the Print Rate / Print Amount","Wenn aktiviert, wird der Steuerbetrag als bereits in der Print Rate / Print Menge aufgenommen werden"
+"If image is selected, color will be ignored (attach first)","Wenn das Bild ausgewählt ist, wird die Farbe ignoriert (legen zuerst) werden"
+If more than one package of the same type (for print),Wenn mehr als ein Paket des gleichen Typs (print)
+If non standard port (e.g. 587),Wenn Nicht-Standard-Port (zum Beispiel 587)
+If not applicable please enter: NA,"Soweit dies nicht zutrifft, geben Sie bitte: NA"
+"If not checked, the list will have to be added to each Department where it has to be applied.","Falls nicht, wird die Liste müssen auf jeden Abteilung, wo sie angewendet werden hinzugefügt werden."
+"If not, create a","Wenn nicht, erstellen Sie eine"
+"If set, data entry is only allowed for specified users. Else, entry is allowed for all users with requisite permissions.","Wenn gesetzt, wird die Dateneingabe nur für bestimmte Benutzer erlaubt. Else, wird der Eintritt für alle Benutzer mit den erforderlichen Berechtigungen erlaubt."
+"If specified, send the newsletter using this email address","Wenn angegeben, senden sie den Newsletter mit dieser E-Mail-Adresse"
+"If the 'territory' Link Field exists, it will give you an option to select it","Wenn das ""Gebiet"" Link Field existiert, wird es geben Sie eine Option, um sie auszuwählen"
+"If the account is frozen, entries are allowed for the ""Account Manager"" only.","Wenn das Konto eingefroren ist, werden die Einträge für die ""Account Manager"" gestattet."
+"If this Account represents a Customer, Supplier or Employee, set it here.","Wenn dieses Konto ein Kunde, Lieferant oder Mitarbeiter, stellen Sie es hier."
+If you follow Quality Inspection<br>Enables item QA Required and QA No in Purchase Receipt,Folgt man Qualitätsprüfung <br> Ermöglicht Artikel QA Erforderliche und QA Nein in Kaufbeleg
+If you have Sales Team and Sale Partners (Channel Partners) they can be tagged and maintain their contribution in the sales activity,Wenn Sie Sales Team und Verkauf Partners (Channel Partners) sie markiert werden können und pflegen ihren Beitrag in der Vertriebsaktivitäten
+"If you have created a standard template in Purchase Taxes and Charges Master, select one and click on the button below.","Wenn Sie ein Standard-Template in Kauf Steuern und Abgaben Meister erstellt haben, wählen Sie eine aus und klicken Sie auf den Button unten."
+"If you have created a standard template in Sales Taxes and Charges Master, select one and click on the button below.","Wenn Sie ein Standard-Template in Sales Steuern und Abgaben Meister erstellt haben, wählen Sie eine aus und klicken Sie auf den Button unten."
+"If you have long print formats, this feature can be used to split the page to be printed on multiple pages with all headers and footers on each page","Wenn Sie lange drucken, haben Formate, kann diese Funktion dazu verwendet, um die Seite auf mehreren Seiten mit allen Kopf-und Fußzeilen auf jeder Seite gedruckt werden"
+If you involve in manufacturing activity<br>Enables item <b>Is Manufactured</b>,Wenn Sie in die produzierenden Aktivitäten <br> beinhalten Ermöglicht Artikel <b> hergestellt wird </ b>
+Image View,Bild anzeigen
+Image for listing (Width: 100px) (Attach First),Bild für Auflistung (Breite: 100px) (Befestigen zuerst)
+Image for listing (Width: 300px) (Attach First),Bild für Auflistung (Breite: 300px) (Befestigen zuerst)
+Implementation Partner,Implementation Partner
+Import Date Format,Import Datumsformat
+Import Log,Import-Logbuch
+Import Log1,Importieren Log1
+Import data from spreadsheet (csv) files,Importieren von Daten aus Tabellen (csv-Dateien)
+Important dates and commitments in your project life cycle,Wichtige Termine und Verpflichtungen in Ihrem Projekt-Lebenszyklus
+In Dialog,Im Dialog
+In Filter,In Filter
+In List View,In Listenansicht
+In Process,In Process
+In Report Filter,Im Berichts-Filter
+In Store,In Store
+In Words,In Worte
+In Words (Export),In Words (Export)
+In Words (Export) will be visible once you save the Delivery Note.,"In Words (Export) werden sichtbar, sobald Sie den Lieferschein zu speichern."
+In Words (Import),In Words (Import)
+In Words will be visible once you save the Delivery Note.,"In Worte sichtbar sein wird, sobald Sie den Lieferschein zu speichern."
+In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Invoice.,"In Worte sichtbar sein wird, wenn Sie den Kaufbeleg speichern."
+In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Order.,"In Worte sichtbar sein wird, wenn Sie die Bestellung zu speichern."
+In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Receipt.,"In Worte sichtbar sein wird, wenn Sie den Kaufbeleg speichern."
+In Words will be visible once you save the Quotation.,"In Worte sichtbar sein wird, sobald Sie das Angebot zu speichern."
+In Words will be visible once you save the Sales Invoice.,"In Worte sichtbar sein wird, sobald Sie das Sales Invoice speichern."
+In Words will be visible once you save the Sales Order.,"In Worte sichtbar sein wird, sobald Sie den Sales Order zu speichern."
+In Words(Import),In Words (Import)
+In response to,Als Antwort auf
+"In the Permission Manager, click on the button in the 'Condition' column for the Role you want to restrict.","In der Permission Manager, auf die Schaltfläche in der 'Bedingung' Spalte für die Rolle, die Sie einschränken möchten."
+Incharge Name,InCharge Namen
+Income Account,Income Konto
+Income Year to Date,Income Jahr bis Datum
+Incoming Mail Setting,Eingehende Mail-Einstellung
+Incoming Rate,Incoming Rate
+Incoming Time,Eingehende Zeit
+Incoming quality inspection.,Eingehende Qualitätskontrolle.
+Indicates that the package is a part of this delivery,"Zeigt an, dass das Paket ein Teil dieser Lieferung ist"
+Industry Type,Industry Typ
+Insert After,Einfügen nach
+Insert Code,Code einfügen
+Insert Style,Legen Stil
+Inspected By,Geprüft von
+Inspection Criteria,Prüfkriterien
+Inspection Required,Inspektion erforderlich
+Inspection Type,Prüfart
+Installation Date,Installation Date
+Installation Note,Installation Hinweis
+Installation Note Item,Installation Hinweis Artikel
+Installation Status,Installation Status
+Installation Time,Installation Time
+Installation record for a Serial No.,Installation Rekord für eine Seriennummer
+Installed Qty,Installierte Anzahl
+Institute / Conducted By,Institute / By Geleitete
+Intro HTML,Intro HTML
+Introduce your company to the website visitor.,Präsentieren Sie Ihr Unternehmen auf der Website Besucher.
+Introductory information for the Contact Us Page,Einführende Informationen für den Kontakt Seite
+Invalid Email Address,Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse
+Invoice Date,Rechnungsdatum
+Invoice Details,Rechnungsdetails
+Invoice No,Rechnungsnummer
+Invoice Period From Date,Rechnung ab Kaufdatum
+Invoice Period To Date,Rechnung Zeitraum To Date
+Is Active,Aktiv ist
+Is Advance,Ist Advance
+Is Asset Item,Ist Aktivposition
+Is Cancelled,Wird abgebrochen
+Is Carry Forward,Ist Carry Forward
+Is Child Table,Ist Child Table
+Is Default,Ist Standard
+Is Encash,Ist einlösen
+Is Mandatory Field,Ist Pflichtfeld
+Is Opening,Eröffnet
+Is PL Account,Ist PL Konto
+Is Primary Address,Ist Primary Address
+Is Primary Contact,Ist Hauptansprechpartner
+Is Purchase Item,Ist Kaufsache
+Is Sales Item,Ist Verkaufsartikel
+Is Service Item,Ist Service Item
+Is Shipping Address,Ist Versandadresse
+Is Single,Ist Single
+Is Standard,Ist Standard
+Is Stock Item,Ist Stock Item
+Is Sub Contracted Item,Ist Sub Vertragsgegenstand
+Is Subcontracted,Ist Fremdleistungen
+Is Submittable,Ist Submittable
+Is it a Custom DocType created by you?,Ist es ein Custom DocType von Ihnen erstellt?
+Is this Tax included in Basic Rate?,Wird diese Steuer in Basic Rate inbegriffen?
+Issue Date,Issue Date
+Issue Details,Issue Details
+Item Advanced,Erweiterte Artikel
+Item Barcode,Barcode Artikel
+Item Batch Nos,In Batch Artikel
+Item Classification,Artikel Klassifizierung
+Item Code,Item Code
+Item Customer Detail,Artikel Kundenrezensionen
+Item Description,Artikelbeschreibung
+Item Desription,Artikel Desription
+Item Details,Artikeldetails
+Item Group,Artikel-Gruppe
+Item Group Name,Artikel Group Name
+Item Groups in Details,Details Gruppen in Artikel
+Item Image (if not slideshow),Item Image (wenn nicht Diashow)
+Item Name,Item Name
+Item Price,Artikel Preis
+Item Prices,Produkt Preise
+Item Quality Inspection Parameter,Qualitätsprüfung Artikel Parameter
+Item Reorder,Artikel Reorder
+Item Serial No,Artikel Serial In
+Item Serial Nos,Artikel Serial In
+Item Supplier,Artikel Lieferant
+Item Supplier Details,Artikel Supplier Details
+Item Tax,MwSt. Artikel
+Item Tax Amount,Artikel Steuerbetrag
+Item Tax Rate,Artikel Tax Rate
+Item Tax1,Artikel Tax1
+Item To Manufacture,Artikel in der Herstellung
+Item UOM,Artikel UOM
+Item Website Specification,Artikelbeschreibung Webseite
+Item Website Specifications,Artikel Spezifikationen Webseite
+Item Wise Tax Detail,Artikel Wise MwSt. Details
+Item classification.,Artikel Klassifizierung.
+Item to be manufactured or repacked,Artikel hergestellt oder umgepackt werden
+Item will be saved by this name in the data base.,Einzelteil wird mit diesem Namen in der Datenbank gespeichert werden.
+"Item, Warranty, AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) details will be automatically fetched when Serial Number is selected.","Artikel, Garantie, wird AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) Details werden automatisch abgerufen Wenn Serial Number ausgewählt ist."
+Item-Wise Price List,Item-Wise Preisliste
+Item: ',"Item: """
+"Items to be requested which are ""Out of Stock"" considering all warehouses based on projected qty and minimum order qty","Welche Gegenstände werden gebeten, sich ""Out of Stock"" unter Berücksichtigung aller Hallen auf projizierte minimale Bestellmenge und Menge der Basis"
+Items which do not exist in Item master can also be entered on customer's request,"Gegenstände, die nicht in Artikelstammdaten nicht existieren kann auch auf Wunsch des Kunden eingegeben werden"
+Itemwise Discount,Discount Itemwise
+Javascript to append to the head section of the page.,"Javascript, um den Kopfteil der Seite anhängen."
+Job Applicant,Job Applicant
+Job Opening,Stellenangebot
+Job Profile,Job Profil
+Job Title,Berufsbezeichnung
+"Job profile, qualifications required etc.","Job-Profil, etc. erforderlichen Qualifikationen."
+Jobs Email Settings,Jobs per E-Mail Einstellungen
+Journal Entries,Journal Entries
+Journal Entry,Journal Entry
+Journal Voucher,Journal Gutschein
+Journal Voucher Detail,Journal Voucher Detail
+Journal Voucher Detail No,In Journal Voucher Detail
+"Keep Track of Sales Campaigns. Keep track of Leads, Quotations, Sales Order etc from Campaigns to gauge Return on Investment. ","Behalten Sie den Überblick of Sales Campaigns. Verfolgen Sie Leads, Angebote, Sales Order etc von Kampagnen zur Return on Investment messen."
+Keep a track of all communications,Halten Sie einen Überblick über alle Kommunikations-
+Keep a track of communication related to this enquiry which will help for future reference.,"Verfolgen Sie die Kommunikation im Zusammenhang mit dieser Untersuchung, die für zukünftige Referenz helfen."
+Keep a track on communications regarding this Quotation. This will help you remember earlier communications in case the Customer comes back again,"Halten Sie einen Track auf Mitteilungen über dieses Angebot. Dies hilft Ihnen, sich zuvor Kommunikation im Falle der Kunde kommt wieder"
+Key Performance Area,Key Performance Area
+Key Responsibility Area,Key Responsibility Bereich
+Knowledge Base,Knowledge Base
+LEAD/10-11/,LEAD/10-11 /
+LR Date,LR Datum
+LR No,In LR
+Label Help,Label Hilfe
+Landed Cost Item,Landed Cost Artikel
+Landed Cost Items,Landed Cost Artikel
+Landed Cost Purchase Receipt,Landed Cost Kaufbeleg
+Landed Cost Purchase Receipts,Landed Cost Kaufbelege
+Landed Cost Wizard,Landed Cost Wizard
+Landing Page,Landing Page
+Language preference for user interface (only if available).,Bevorzugte Sprache für die Benutzeroberfläche (nur falls vorhanden).
+Last Contact Date,Letzter Kontakt Datum
+Last IP,Letzte IP-
+Last Login,Letzter Login
+Last Modified On,Zuletzt geändert am
+Last Name,Nachname
+Last Purchase Rate,Last Purchase Rate
+Last Update,Letztes Update
+Last Update By,Letzte Aktualisierung durch
+Latest Updates,Neueste Updates
+Lead Details,Blei Einzelheiten
+Lead Lost,Führung verloren
+Lead Name,Name der Person
+Lead Owner,Blei Owner
+Lead Ref,Blei Ref
+Lead Source,Blei Quelle
+Lead Status,Lead-Status
+Lead Time Date,Lead Time Datum
+Lead Time Days,Lead Time Tage
+Lead Time days is number of days by which this item is expected in your warehouse. This days is fetched in Material Request when you select this item.,"Lead Time Tage ist die Anzahl der Tage, um die diesen Artikel in Ihrem Lager zu erwarten ist. Diese geholt Tage in Material anfordern Wenn Sie diese Option auswählen."
+Lead Type,Bleisatz
+Leave Allocation,Lassen Allocation
+Leave Allocation Tool,Lassen Allocation-Tool
+Leave Application,Lassen Anwendung
+Leave Approver,Lassen Approver
+Leave Balance Before Application,Lassen Vor Saldo Anwendung
+Leave Block List,Lassen Block List
+Leave Block List Allow,Lassen Lassen Block List
+Leave Block List Allowed,Lassen Sie erlaubt Block List
+Leave Block List Date,Lassen Block List Datum
+Leave Block List Dates,Lassen Block List Termine
+Leave Block List Name,Lassen Blockieren Name
+Leave Blocked,Lassen Blockierte
+Leave Control Panel,Lassen Sie Control Panel
+Leave Encashed?,Lassen eingelöst?
+Leave Encashment Amount,Lassen Einlösung Betrag
+Leave Setup,Lassen Sie Setup-
+Leave Type,Lassen Typ
+Leave Type Name,Lassen Typ Name
+Leave Without Pay,Unbezahlten Urlaub
+Leave allocations.,Lassen Zuweisungen.
+Leave blank if considered for all branches,"Freilassen, wenn für alle Branchen betrachtet"
+Leave blank if considered for all departments,"Freilassen, wenn für alle Abteilungen betrachtet"
+Leave blank if considered for all designations,"Freilassen, wenn für alle Bezeichnungen betrachtet"
+Leave blank if considered for all employee types,"Freilassen, wenn für alle Mitarbeiter Typen betrachtet"
+Leave blank if considered for all grades,"Freilassen, wenn für alle Typen gilt als"
+Leave by,Lassen Sie von
+"Leave can be approved by users with Role, ""Leave Approver""","Kann von Benutzern mit Role zugelassen zu verlassen, ""Leave Approver"""
+Legal Entity / Subsidiary with a separate Chart of Accounts belonging to the Organization.,Legal Entity / Tochtergesellschaft mit einem separaten Kontenplan Zugehörigkeit zu der Organisation.
+Letter Head,Briefkopf
+Letter Head Image,Briefkopf Bild
+Letter Head Name,Brief Leitung Name
+Letter heads for print,Briefköpfe für Print
+"Level 0 is for document level permissions, higher levels for field level permissions.","Level 0 ist für Dokumenten-Berechtigungen, höhere für die Feldebene Berechtigungen."
+Link to other pages in the side bar and next section,Link zu anderen Seiten in der Seitenleiste und im nächsten Abschnitt
+Linked With,Verbunden mit
+List items that form the package.,Diese Liste Artikel bilden das Paket.
+"List of Item Groups to be shown in ""All Products"" menu - in the sequence wanted and with number of indents (left spacing to show a tree effect).","Liste der Artikel Groups in ""Alle Produkte""-Menü angezeigt werden - und wollte in der Folge mit der Anzahl der Einzüge (links, um den Baum Abstand Wirkung zu zeigen)."
+List of companies (not customers / suppliers),Liste der Unternehmen (keine Kunden / Lieferanten)
+List of holidays.,Liste der Feiertage.
+List of patches executed,Liste der Patches ausgeführt
+List of records in which this document is linked,Welche Liste der Datensätze in diesem Dokument verknüpft ist
+List this Item in multiple groups on the website.,Liste Diesen Artikel in mehrere Gruppen auf der Website.
+Live Chat,Live-Chat
+Load Print View on opening of an existing form,Legen Druckansicht beim Öffnen eines vorhandenen Formulars
+Loading Report,Loading
+Log of Scheduler Errors,Melden von Fehlern Scheduler
+Login After,Nach dem Login
+Login Before,Login vor
+Login Id,Login ID
+Login Page,Login-Seite
+Long Description,Long Description
+Long Text,Langtext
+Lost Reason,Verlorene Reason
+Lower Income,Lower Income
+Lucida Grande,Lucida Grande
+MIS Control,MIS Kontrolle
+MTN Details,MTN Einzelheiten
+Mail Footer,Mail Footer
+Mail Password,Mail Passwort
+Mail Port,Mail Port
+Mail Server,Mail Server
+Main Reports,Haupt-Reports
+Main Section,Main Section
+Maintain same rate throughout purchase cycle,Pflegen gleichen Rate gesamten Kauf-Zyklus
+Maintenance Date,Wartung Datum
+Maintenance Details,Wartung Einzelheiten
+Maintenance Schedule,Wartungsplan
+Maintenance Schedule Detail,Wartungsplan Details
+Maintenance Schedule Item,Wartungsplan Artikel
+Maintenance Status,Wartungsstatus
+Maintenance Time,Wartung Zeit
+Maintenance Type,Wartung Type
+Maintenance Visit,Wartung Besuch
+Maintenance Visit Purpose,Wartung Visit Zweck
+Major/Optional Subjects,Major / Wahlfächer
+Make Bank Voucher,Machen Bankgutschein
+Make Credit Note,Machen Gutschrift
+Make Debit Note,Machen Lastschrift
+Make Difference Entry,Machen Difference Eintrag
+Make Excise Invoice,Machen Excise Rechnung
+Make Stock Entry,Machen Eintrag Stock
+Make a new,Machen Sie einen neuen
+Make sure that the transactions you want to restrict have a Link field 'territory' that maps to a 'Territory' master.,"Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Transaktionen, die Sie möchten, um die Link-Feld zu beschränken ""Gebiet"" haben, dass die Karten auf den ""Territory"" Master."
+Manage cost of operations,Verwalten Kosten der Operationen
+Manage numbering series,Verwalten Nummerierung Serie
+Manage sales or purchase returns,Verwalten Verkauf oder Kauf Renditen
+"Mandatory if Stock Item is ""Yes""","Stock Item ist obligatorisch, wenn Sie ""Ja"""
+Manufacture against Sales Order,Herstellung gegen Sales Order
+Manufacture/Repack,Herstellung / Repack
+Manufactured Qty,Hergestellt Menge
+Manufactured quantity will be updated in this warehouse,Menge hergestellt werden in diesem Lager aktualisiert werden
+Manufacturer Part Number,Hersteller-Teilenummer
+Manufacturing Home,Herstellung Home
+Manufacturing Quantity,Fertigung Menge
+Marital Status,Familienstand
+Markdown Reference,Markdown Reference
+Market Segment,Market Segment
+Mass Mailing,Mass Mailing
+Master Name,Master Name
+Master Type,Master Type
+Mat Detail No,Mat im Detail
+Match Id,Spiel Id
+Match non-linked Invoices and Payments.,Spiel nicht verknüpften Rechnungen und Zahlungen.
+Material Issue,Material Issue
+Material Receipt,Material Receipt
+Material Request,Material anfordern
+Material Request Date,Material Request Date
+Material Request Detail No,Material anfordern Im Detail
+Material Request For Warehouse,Material Request For Warehouse
+Material Request Item,Material anfordern Artikel
+Material Request Items,Material anfordern Artikel
+Material Request No,Material anfordern On
+Material Request Type,Material Request Type
+Material Transfer,Material Transfer
+Materials Required (Exploded),Benötigte Materialien (Explosionszeichnung)
+Materials Requirement Planning (MRP),Materialien Requirement Planning (MRP)
+Max Attachments,Max Attachments
+Max Days Leave Allowed,Max Leave Tage erlaubt
+Max Discount (%),Discount Max (%)
+Max. Limit,Max Limit
+"Meaning of Submit, Cancel, Amend","Bedeutung Absenden, Abbrechen, Amend"
+Merge Warehouses,Merge Warehouses
+Merge With,Mit Merge
+Message Parameter,Nachricht Parameter
+Message greater than 160 character will be splitted into multiple mesage,Größer als 160 Zeichen Nachricht in mehrere mesage aufgeteilt werden
+Message when Cond. False,Nachricht Wenn Cond. Falsch
+Middle Income,Middle Income
+Middle Name (Optional),Middle Name (Optional)
+Milestone Date,Milestone Datum
+Milestones will be added as Events in the Calendar,Meilensteine werden die Veranstaltungen in der hinzugefügt werden
+Min Order Qty,Mindestbestellmenge
+Minimum Order Qty,Minimale Bestellmenge
+Misc Details,Misc Einzelheiten
+Mobile No,In Mobile
+Mobile No.,Handy Nr.
+Mode of Payment,Zahlungsweise
+Modified Amount,Geändert Betrag
+Modified by,Geändert von
+Module Def,Module Def
+Module Name,Modulname
+Modules Setup,Setup-Modules
+Monthly salary statement.,Monatsgehalt Aussage.
+Monthly salary template.,Monatsgehalt Vorlage.
+More Details,Mehr Details
+More Info,Mehr Info
+More content for the bottom of the page.,Mehr Inhalte für die unten auf der Seite.
+Moving Average,Moving Average
+Moving Average Rate,Moving Average Rate
+Multi Ledger Report Detail,Multi Ledger Detail Report
+Multiple Item Prices,Mehrere Artikel Preise
+Mupltiple Item prices.,Artikel Mupltiple Preisen.
+My Company,My Company
+My Settings,Meine Einstellungen
+Name Case,Name Gehäuse
+Name as entered in Sales Partner master,Eingegebene Name in der Master-Vertriebspartner
+Name of organization from where lead has come,"Name der Organisation, wo Blei hat kommen"
+Name of person or organization that this address belongs to.,"Name der Person oder Organisation, dass diese Adresse gehört."
+Name of the Budget Distribution,Name der Verteilung Budget
+Name of the entity who has requested for the Purchase Requisition,"Name der Organisation, die für die Bestellanforderung angefordert hat"
+Naming Series,Benennen Series
+Naming Series Options,Benennen Optionen Series
+Negative balance is not allowed for account,Negativer Saldo wird nicht für Konto erlaubt
+Net Pay,Net Pay
+Net Pay (in words) will be visible once you save the Salary Slip.,"Net Pay (in Worten) sichtbar sein wird, sobald Sie die Gehaltsabrechnung zu speichern."
+Net Total,Total Net
+Net Total (Import),Net Total (Import)
+Net Total*,* Net Total
+Net Weight,Nettogewicht
+Net Weight UOM,Nettogewicht UOM
+Net Weight of each Item,Nettogewicht der einzelnen Artikel
+New BOM,New BOM
+New Communications,New Communications
+New Delivery Notes,New Delivery Notes
+New Enquiries,New Anfragen
+New Leads,New Leads
+New Leave Application,New Leave Anwendung
+New Leaves Allocated,Neue Blätter Allocated
+New Leaves Allocated (In Days),New Leaves Allocated (in Tagen)
+New Material Requests,Neues Material Requests
+New Name,Neuer Name
+New Password,New Password
+New Projects,Neue Projekte
+New Purchase Orders,New Bestellungen
+New Purchase Receipts,New Kaufbelege
+New Quotations,New Zitate
+New Record,Neuer Rekord
+New Sales Orders,New Sales Orders
+New Stock Entries,New Stock Einträge
+New Stock UOM,New Stock UOM
+New Supplier Quotations,Neuer Lieferant Zitate
+New Support Tickets,New Support Tickets
+New Update,Neues Update
+New Workplace,New Workplace
+New value to be set,Neuer Wert eingestellt werden
+Newsletter Content,Newsletter Inhalt
+Newsletter Status,Status Newsletter
+Next Communcation On,Weiter Communcation On
+Next Contact By,Von Next Kontakt
+Next Contact Date,Weiter Kontakt Datum
+Next Date,Nächster Termin
+Next State,Weiter State
+Next actions,Nächste Veranstaltungen
+Next email will be sent on:,Weiter E-Mail wird gesendet:
+No Action,In Aktion
+No Communication tagged with this,In dieser Mitteilung getaggt mit
+No Copy,No Copy
+No Permission,In Permission
+No Permission to,In der Erlaubnis zur
+No Permissions set for this criteria.,In die Berechtigungen für diese Kriterien.
+No User Properties found.,In der User Properties gefunden.
+No of Requested SMS,Kein SMS Erwünschte
+No of Sent SMS,Kein SMS gesendet
+No of Visits,Anzahl der Besuche
+No records tagged.,In den Datensätzen markiert.
+"No table is created for Single DocTypes, all values are stored in tabSingles as a tuple.","Auf dem Tisch wird für Single doctypes erstellt wurden, werden alle Werte in den tabSingles das Tupel gespeichert."
+None: End of Workflow,None: End of-Workflow
+Not Active,Nicht aktiv
+Not Applicable,Nicht zutreffend
+Not Billed,Nicht Billed
+Not Delivered,Nicht zugestellt
+Not Found,Nicht gefunden
+Not Linked to any record.,Nicht zu jedem Datensatz verknüpft.
+Not Permitted,Nicht zulässig
+Not allowed,Nicht erlaubt
+Not allowed for:,Nicht erlaubt sind:
+Not enough permission to see links.,Nicht genügend Berechtigung Links zu sehen.
+Not in Use,Nicht im Einsatz
+Not interested,Kein Interesse
+Not linked,Nicht verbunden
+Note: Email will not be sent to disabled users,Hinweis: E-Mail wird nicht für behinderte Nutzer gesendet werden
+Note: Other permission rules may also apply,Hinweis: Weitere Regeln können die Erlaubnis auch gelten
+Note: You Can Manage Multiple Address or Contacts via Addresses & Contacts,Hinweis: Sie können mehrere Kontakte oder Adresse via Adressen & Kontakte verwalten
+Note: maximum attachment size = 1mb,Hinweis: Die maximale Größe von Anhängen = 1mb
+Nothing to show,"Nichts zu zeigen,"
+Notice - Number of Days,Hinweis - Anzahl der Tage
+Notification Control,Meldungssteuervorrichtung
+Notification Email Address,Benachrichtigung per E-Mail-Adresse
+Notify By Email,Benachrichtigen Sie Per E-Mail
+Notify by Email on Re-order,Benachrichtigen Sie per E-Mail auf Re-order
+Number Format,Number Format
+O+,Die +
+Old Parent,Old Eltern
+Old Style Reports,Old Style Reports
+On Net Total,On Net Total
+On Previous Row Amount,Auf Previous Row Betrag
+On Previous Row Total,Auf Previous Row insgesamt
+"Once you have set this, the users will only be able access documents with that property.","Sobald Sie dies eingestellt haben, werden die Benutzer nur Zugriff auf Dokumente mit dieser Eigenschaft sein."
+One or multiple Sales Order no which generated this Purchase Requisition,"Eine oder mehrere Sales Order zur Requisition, die diese generiert Kauf"
+Only Allow Edit For,Für nur erlauben bearbeiten
+Only System Manager can create / edit reports,Nur System-Manager können / Berichte bearbeiten
+Only leaf nodes are allowed in transaction,Nur Blattknoten in Transaktion zulässig
+Open Sans,Offene Sans
+Open Tickets,Open Tickets
+Opening Date,Eröffnungsdatum
+Opening Time,Öffnungszeit
+Opening for a Job.,Öffnung für den Job.
+Operating Cost,Betriebskosten
+Operation Description,Operation Beschreibung
+Operation No,In Betrieb
+Operation Time (mins),Betriebszeit (Min.)
+Opportunity Date,Gelegenheit Datum
+Opportunity From,Von der Chance
+Opportunity Item,Gelegenheit Artikel
+Opportunity Items,Gelegenheit Artikel
+Opportunity Lost,Chance vertan
+Opportunity No,Die Gelegenheit
+Opportunity Type,Gelegenheit Typ
+Options Help,Optionen Hilfe
+Order Confirmed,Bestellung bestätigt
+Order Lost,Lost Order
+Order Type,Auftragsart
+Ordered Items To Be Billed,Bestellte Artikel in Rechnung gestellt werden
+Ordered Items To Be Delivered,Bestellte Artikel geliefert werden
+Ordered Qty,Bestellte Menge
+Ordered Quantity,Bestellte Menge
+Orders released for production.,Bestellungen für die Produktion freigegeben.
+Original Message,Original Message
+Other Details,Weitere Details
+Other Income Detail,Sonstige Erträge Detailansicht
+Out going mail server and support ticket mailbox,Fahren Sie Mail-Server und Mailbox Support-Ticket
+Out of AMC,Von AMC
+Out of Warranty,Außerhalb der Garantie
+Outgoing Mail Server,Postausgangsserver
+Outgoing Mails,Ausgehende Mails
+Outstanding Amount,Ausstehenden Betrag
+Outstanding cannot be less than zero. \ Please match exact outstanding.,Outstanding kann nicht kleiner als Null ist. \ Bitte passen genaue hervorragend.
+Outstanding for Voucher,Hervorragend für Gutschein
+Over Heads,Über Heads
+Overload Query,Abfrage Overload
+P.O. Date,P.O. Datum
+P.O. No,In P.O.
+PAN Number,PAN-Nummer
+PF No.,PF Nr.
+PF Number,PF-Nummer
+PI/2011/,PI/2011 /
+PO Date,PO Datum
+PO No,In PO
+POP3 Mail Server,POP3 Mail Server
+POP3 Mail Server (e.g.,POP3 Mail Server (beispielsweise
+POP3 Mail Settings,POP3-Mail-Einstellungen
+POP3 mail server (e.g.,POP3-Mail-Server ( beispielsweise)
+POP3 server e.g. (,POP3-Server beispielsweise (
+POS Setting,POS Setting
+PR Detail,PR Detailansicht
+Package Item Details,Package Artikeldetails
+Package Items,Package Angebote
+Package Weight Details,Paket-Details Gewicht
+Packed Quantity,Verpackt Menge
+Packing Details,Verpackungs-Details
+Packing Detials,Verpackung Detials
+Packing List,Packliste
+Packing Slip,Packzettel
+Packing Slip Item,Packzettel Artikel
+Packing Slip Items,Packzettel Artikel
+Page Break,Seitenwechsel
+Page HTML,HTML-Seite
+Page Len,Len Seite
+Page Name,Page Name
+Page Role,Seite Role
+Page content,Seiteninhalt
+Page not found,Seite nicht gefunden
+Page to show on the website,Seite auf der Webseite zeigen
+"Page url name (auto-generated) (add "".html"")","Seite url Namen (automatisch generierte) (zus. ""Html"")"
+Paid Amount,Gezahlten Betrag
+Parent Account,Hauptkonto
+Parent BOM,Eltern GUT
+Parent Cost Center,Eltern Kostenstellenrechnung
+Parent Customer Group,Eltern Customer Group
+Parent Detail docname,Eltern Detailansicht docname
+Parent Doc Type,Eltern Doc Type
+Parent Item,Übergeordneter Artikel
+Parent Item Group,Übergeordneter Artikel Gruppe
+Parent Label,Eltern Etikett
+Parent Sales Person,Eltern Sales Person
+Parent Territory,Eltern Territory
+Partially Completed,Teilweise abgeschlossen
+Participants,Die Teilnehmer
+Partly Billed,Teilweise Billed
+Partly Delivered,Teilweise Lieferung
+Partner Target Detail,Partner Zieldetailbericht
+Partner Type,Partner Typ
+Passport Number,Passnummer
+Password Expires in (days),Kennwort läuft ab in (Tage)
+Patch Log,Anmelden Patch-
+Pay To / Recd From,Pay To / From RECD
+Payables Group,Verbindlichkeiten Gruppe
+Payment Entries,Payment Einträge
+Payment Entry has been modified after you pulled it. Please pull it again.,"Payment Eintrag wurde geändert, nachdem Sie ihn gezogen. Bitte ziehen Sie es erneut."
+Payment Reconciliation,Payment Versöhnung
+Payment Terms,Zahlungsbedingungen
+Payment days,Payment Tag
+Payment to Invoice Matching Tool,Zahlung an Rechnung Matching-Tool
+Payment to Invoice Matching Tool Detail,Zahlung an Rechnung Matching Werkzeug-Detail
+Payroll Setup,Payroll-Setup
+Pending Review,Bis Bewertung
+Percent Complete,Percent Complete
+Percentage Allocation,Prozentuale Aufteilung
+Percentage variation in quantity to be allowed while receiving or delivering this item.,Prozentuale Veränderung in der Menge zu dürfen während des Empfangs oder der Lieferung diesen Artikel werden.
+Percentage you are allowed to receive or deliver more against the quantity ordered. <p>For example: If you have ordered 100 units. and your Allowance is 10% then you are allowed to receive 110 units</p>,"Prozentuale Ihnen erlaubt zu empfangen oder zu liefern mehr gegen die Menge bestellt werden. <p> Zum Beispiel: Wenn Sie 100 Einheiten bestellt. und Ihre Allowance ist 10%, dann dürfen Sie 110 Einheiten </ p> und Sie bekommen"
+Performance appraisal.,Leistungsbeurteilung.
+Period Closing Voucher,Periodenverschiebung Gutschein
+Perm Level,Perm Stufe
+Permanent Accommodation Type,Permanent Art der Unterkunft
+Permanent Address,Permanent Address
+Permission Control,Permission Steuerung
+Permission Engine,Permission Motor
+Permission Level,Berechtigungsstufe
+Permission Levels,Berechtigungsstufen
+Permission Manager,Permission Manager
+Permission Rules,Permission-Regeln
+Permissions Settings,Berechtigungen Einstellungen
+Permissions are automatically translated to Standard Reports and Searches,Berechtigungen werden automatisch auf Standard Reports und Suchen übersetzt
+"Permissions are set on Roles and Document Types (called DocTypes) by restricting read, edit, make new, submit, cancel, amend and report rights.","Berechtigungen für Rollen und Dokumenttypen (genannt doctypes) werden durch die Beschränkung lesen, bearbeiten, neue gesetzt, einreichen, abzubrechen, und Bericht Amend Rechte."
+Permissions at higher levels are 'Field Level' permissions. All Fields have a 'Permission Level' set against them and the rules defined at that permissions apply to the field. This is useful incase you want to hide or make certain field read-only.,"Berechtigungen sind auf höheren Ebenen 'Level Field' Berechtigungen. Alle Felder haben eine ""Permission Level 'Satz gegen sie und die Regeln zu diesem definierten Berechtigungen gelten für das Feld. Dies ist nützlich, falls man sich zu verstecken oder zu bestimmten Gebiet nur gelesen werden soll."
+"Permissions at level 0 are 'Document Level' permissions, i.e. they are primary for access to the document.","Berechtigungen sind auf Stufe 0 'Level Document ""-Berechtigungen, dh sie sind für die primäre Zugang zu dem Dokument."
+Permissions translate to Users based on what Role they are assigned,"Berechtigungen für Benutzer auf, welche Rolle sie zugeordnet sind, basiert übersetzen"
+Permissions will be based on this DocType,Berechtigungen werden auf dieser DocType basieren
+Person To Be Contacted,Person kontaktiert werden
+Personal Details,Persönliche Details
+Personal Email,Persönliche E-Mail
+Phone No,Phone In
+Phone No.,Telefon Nr.
+Pick Columns,Wählen Sie Spalten
+Pin Code,Pin Code
+Place of Issue,Ausstellungsort
+Plan for scheduled maintenance contracts.,Plan für geplante Wartungsverträge.
+Planned Qty,Geplante Menge
+Planned Quantity,Geplante Menge
+Please Enter Abbreviation or Short Name properly as it will be added as Suffix to all Account Heads.,Bitte geben Abkürzung oder das Kurzer Name enquiry.c es auf alle Suffix Konto Heads hinzugefügt werden.
+Please check,Bitte überprüfen Sie
+Please click on another report from the menu.,Bitte klicken Sie auf einen anderen Bericht aus dem Menü.
+Please enter Bill Date,Bitte geben Sie Bill Datum
+Please enter valid,Bitte geben Sie eine gültige
+Please save the Newsletter before sending.,Bitte bewahren Sie den Newsletter vor dem Versenden.
+Please select Carry Forward if you also want to include previous fiscal year's balance leaves to this fiscal year,Bitte wählen Sie Carry Forward Auch wenn Sie zum vorherigen Geschäftsjahr die Blätter aufnehmen möchten zum Ausgleich in diesem Geschäftsjahr
+Please select:,Bitte wählen Sie:
+Please specify Default Currency in Company Master \ and Global Defaults,Bitte geben Sie Standardwährung in Company Master \ Global and Defaults
+Please specify a valid,Bitte geben Sie eine gültige
+Plot Control,Plot Steuerung
+Point of Sale,Point of Sale
+Point-of-Sale Setting,Point-of-Sale-Einstellung
+Post Graduate,Post Graduate
+Post Topic,Beitrag Thema
+Posting Date,Buchungsdatum
+Posting Time,Posting Zeit
+Potential Sales Deal,Sales Potential Deal
+Potential opportunities for selling.,Potenzielle Chancen für den Verkauf.
+"Precision for Float fields (quantities, discounts, percentages etc) only for display. Floats will still be calculated up to 6 decimals.","Präzision ist Float Felder (quantities, Rabatte, Prozente etc) nur zur Anzeige. Floats noch bis zu 6 Dezimalstellen berechnet werden."
+Prevdoc DocType,Prevdoc DocType
+Prevdoc Doctype,Prevdoc Doctype
+Previous Work Experience,Berufserfahrung
+Price List,Preisliste
+Price List Currency,Währung Preisliste
+Price List Currency Conversion Rate,Preisliste Currency Conversion Rate
+Price List Exchange Rate,Preisliste Wechselkurs
+Price List Master,Meister Preisliste
+Price List Name,Preis Name
+Price List Rate,Preis List
+Price List Rate*,Preis List *
+Price List and Currency,Listenpreis und Währungsrechner
+Price Lists and Rates,Preislisten und Preise
+Print Format,Drucken Format
+Print Heading,Unterwegs drucken
+Print Hide,Drucken ausblenden
+Print Width,Druckbreite
+Print Without Amount,Drucken ohne Amount
+Process Payroll,Payroll-Prozess
+Produced Quantity,Produziert Menge
+Product Categories,Produktkategorien
+Product Category for website,Produktkategorie für Website
+Product Enquiry,Produkt-Anfrage
+Product Group,Product Group
+"Product Groups that are listed on the website. The first product group from this list will be listed by default on the ""Products Page""","Produktgruppen, die auf der Website aufgeführt sind. Das erste Produkt aus dieser Gruppe Liste wird standardmäßig auf der ""Products Page"" aufgeführt werden"
+Product Settings,Produkt-Settings
+Production Order,Fertigungsauftrag
+Production Plan Item,Production Plan Artikel
+Production Plan Items,Production Plan Artikel
+Production Plan Sales Order,Production Plan Sales Order
+Production Plan Sales Orders,Production Plan Kundenaufträge
+Production Planning (MRP),Production Planning (MRP)
+Production Planning Tool,Production Planning-Tool
+Products Settings,Produkte Einstellungen
+"Products will be sorted by weight-age in default searches. More the weight-age, higher the product will appear in the list.","Die Produkte werden Gew.-age in Verzug Suchbegriffe sortiert werden. Mehr das Gewicht-Alter, wird das Produkt höher erscheinen in der Liste."
+Profile Control,Profile Control
+Profile Defaults,Profil Defaults
+Profile Represents a User in the system.,Stellt ein Benutzerprofil im System.
+Program / Seminar Title,Programm / Seminar Titel
+Project Activity,Projekt Activity
+Project Activity Update,Projekt Activity aktualisieren
+Project Control,Project Control
+Project Costing,Projektkalkulation
+Project Details,Project Details
+Project Milestone,Projekt Milestone
+Project Milestones,Projektmeilensteine
+Project Name,Project Name
+Project Start Date,Projekt Startdatum
+Project Tasks,Projektaufgaben
+Project Type,Projekttyp
+Project Value,Projekt Wert
+Project activity / task.,Projektaktivität / Aufgabe.
+Project master.,Projekt Meister.
+Project will get saved and will be searchable with project name given,Projekt wird gespeichert und erhalten werden durchsuchbare mit Projekt-Namen
+Projected Qty,Prognostizierte Anzahl
+Projects Home,Home Projekte
+Prompt email sending to customers and suppliers,Prompt Mail senden an Kunden und Lieferanten
+Prompt for Email on Submission of,Eingabeaufforderung für E-Mail auf Vorlage von
+Property Setter,Property Setter
+Property Setter overrides a standard DocType or Field property,Property Setter überschreibt die Standard-DocType Feld oder Eigenschaft
+Property Type,Art der Immobilie
+Provide email id registered in company,Bieten E-Mail-ID in Unternehmen registriert
+Pull Emails from the Inbox and attach them as Communication records (for known contacts).,Ziehen Sie Emails aus dem Posteingang und bringen Sie die Kommunikation Them zeichnet (für bekannte Kontakte).
+Pull Opportunity Detail,Ziehen Sie Gelegenheit Detailansicht
+Pull Payment Entries,Ziehen Sie Payment Einträge
+Pull Purchase Order Details,Ziehen Sie Purchase Order Details
+Pull Quotation Items,Ziehen Sie Angebotspositionen
+Pull Sales Order Items,Ziehen Sie Sales Order Artikel
+Pull items from Sales Order mentioned in the above table.,Ziehen Sie Elemente aus Sales Order in der obigen Tabelle erwähnt.
+Pull sales orders (pending to deliver) based on the above criteria,"Ziehen Sie Kundenaufträge (anhängig zu liefern), basierend auf den oben genannten Kriterien"
+Pur Order,Bestellen Pur
+Pur Receipt,Pur Receipt
+Purchase Analytics,Kauf Analytics
+Purchase Common,Erwerb Eigener
+Purchase Date,Kauf Datum
+Purchase Details,Kaufinformationen
+Purchase Discounts,Kauf Rabatte
+Purchase Document No,Die Kaufdokument
+Purchase Document Type,Kauf Document Type
+Purchase Invoice,Kaufrechnung
+Purchase Invoice Advance,Advance Purchase Rechnung
+Purchase Invoice Advances,Kaufrechnung Advances
+Purchase Invoice Item,Kaufrechnung Artikel
+Purchase Order,Auftragsbestätigung
+Purchase Order Date,Bestelldatum
+Purchase Order Item,Bestellposition
+Purchase Order Item No,In der Bestellposition
+Purchase Order Item Supplied,Bestellposition geliefert
+Purchase Order Items,Bestellpositionen
+Purchase Order Items Supplied,Bestellung Lieferumfang
+Purchase Order Items To Be Received,Bestellpositionen empfangen werden
+Purchase Order Message,Purchase Order Nachricht
+Purchase Order Required,Bestellung erforderlich
+Purchase Order sent by customer,Bestellung durch den Kunden geschickt
+Purchase Orders given to Suppliers.,Bestellungen Angesichts zu Lieferanten.
+Purchase Receipt,Kaufbeleg
+Purchase Receipt Item,Kaufbeleg Artikel
+Purchase Receipt Item Supplied,Kaufbeleg Liefergegenstand
+Purchase Receipt Item Supplieds,Kaufbeleg Artikel Supplieds
+Purchase Receipt Items,Kaufbeleg Artikel
+Purchase Receipt Message,Kaufbeleg Nachricht
+Purchase Receipt No,Kaufbeleg
+Purchase Receipt Required,Kaufbeleg erforderlich
+Purchase Return,Kauf zurückgeben
+Purchase Returned,Kehrte Kauf
+Purchase Returns,Kauf und Versandkosten
+Purchase Taxes and Charges,Purchase Steuern und Abgaben
+Purchase Taxes and Charges Master,Steuern und Gebühren Meister Kauf
+Purpose must be one of,Zweck muss einer der
+QA Inspection,QA Inspection
+QA No,In QA
+QAI/11-12/,QAI/11-12 /
+Qty Consumed Per Unit,Menge pro verbrauchter
+Qty To Manufacture,Um Qty Herstellung
+Qty as per Stock UOM,Menge pro dem Stock UOM
+Quality Inspection,Qualitätsprüfung
+Quality Inspection Parameters,Qualitätsprüfung Parameter
+Quality Inspection Reading,Qualitätsprüfung Lesen
+Quality Inspection Readings,Qualitätsprüfung Readings
+Quantity Requested for Purchase,Beantragten Menge für Kauf
+Quantity already manufactured,Bereits Menge hergestellt
+Quantity of item obtained after manufacturing / repacking from given quantities of raw materials,Anzahl der Artikel nach der Herstellung / Umpacken vom Angesichts quantities von Rohstoffen Erhalten
+Quantity should be equal to Manufacturing Quantity.,Sollte gleich Menge Menge Manufacturing.
+Query Options,Abfrageoptionen
+Query Report,Query Report
+Quick Help for Setting Permissions,Schnelle Hilfe für Festlegen von Berechtigungen
+Quick Help for User Properties,Schnelle Hilfe für User Properties
+Quotation Date,Quotation Datum
+Quotation Item,Zitat Artikel
+Quotation Items,Angebotspositionen
+Quotation Lost Reason,Zitat Passwort Reason
+Quotation Message,Quotation Nachricht
+Quotation No,In Quotation
+Quotation No.,Zitat Nr.
+Quotation Sent,Gesendete Quotation
+Quotation To,Um Angebot
+Quotation no against which this Sales Order is made,Welche in Anführungszeichen gegen diese Sales Order wird
+Quotes to Leads or Customers.,Zitate oder Leads zu Kunden.
+Raise Exception,Raise Exception
+Raise Material Request,Heben Material anfordern
+Raise Material Request when stock reaches re-order level,"Heben Anfrage Material erreicht, wenn der Vorrat re-order-Ebene"
+Raise Production Order,Heben Fertigungsauftrag
+Raised By,Raised By
+Raised By (Email),Raised By (E-Mail)
+Rate Of Materials Based On,Rate Of Materialien auf Basis von
+Rate at which Customer Currency is converted to customer's base currency,"Kunden Rate, mit der Währung wird nach Kundenwunsch Basiswährung umgerechnet"
+Rate at which Price list currency is converted to company's base currency,"Geschwindigkeit, mit der Währung der Preisliste zu Unternehmen der Basiswährung umgewandelt wird"
+Rate at which Price list currency is converted to customer's base currency,"Geschwindigkeit, mit der Währung der Preisliste des Kunden Basiswährung umgewandelt wird"
+Rate at which customer's currency is converted to company's base currency,"Rate, mit der Kunden Währung ist an Unternehmen Basiswährung umgerechnet"
+Rate at which supplier's currency is converted to company's base currency,"Geschwindigkeit, mit der Lieferanten Währung Unternehmens Basiswährung umgewandelt wird"
+Rate at which this tax is applied,"Geschwindigkeit, mit der dieser Steuer an"
+Rate*,Rate *
+Raw Material Details,Raw Material Einzelheiten
+Raw Material Item Code,Artikel Raw Material Code
+Raw Materials Supplied Cost,Kostengünstige Rohstoffe geliefert
+Re-Calculate Values,Neu berechnen Werte
+Re-Order Level,Re-Order Stufe
+Re-Order Qty,Re-Order Menge
+Re-order Level,Re-Order-Ebene
+Re-order Qty,Re-Bestellung Menge
+Read Only,Nur Lesen
+Reading 1,Reading 1
+Reading 10,Lesen 10
+Reading 2,Reading 2
+Reading 3,Reading 3
+Reading 4,Reading 4
+Reading 5,Reading 5
+Reading 6,Lesen 6
+Reading 7,Lesen 7
+Reading 8,Lesen 8
+Reading 9,Lesen 9
+Reason for Leaving,Grund für das Verlassen
+Reason for Resignation,Grund zur Resignation
+Recd Quantity,Menge RECD
+Receivables Group,Forderungen Gruppe
+Received Date,Datum empfangen
+Received Qty,Erhaltene Menge
+Receiver List,Receiver Liste
+Receiver Name,Name des Empfängers
+Receiver Parameter,Empfänger Parameter
+Reconciliation Data,Datenabgleich
+Reconciliation HTML,HTML Versöhnung
+Reconciliation JSON,Überleitung JSON
+Recurring Id,Wiederkehrende Id
+Recurring Invoice,Wiederkehrende Rechnung
+Recurring Type,Wiederkehrende Typ
+Ref Code,Ref Code
+Ref Doc should be submitted?,Ref Doc Sollte eingereicht werden?
+Ref DocType,Ref DocType
+Ref Name,Ref Namen
+Ref Rate,Ref Rate
+Ref Rate,Ref Rate
+Ref Rate*,Ref Rate *
+Ref SQ,Ref SQ
+Ref Type,Ref Type
+Reference Date,Stichtag
+Reference DocType Key,Key Reference DocType
+Reference Docname Key,Key Reference docname
+Reference Name,Reference Name
+Reference Number,Reference Number
+Reference Type,Referenztyp
+Registration Details,Registrierung Details
+Registration Info,Registrierung Info
+Reject HTML,Ablehnen HTML
+Rejected Quantity,Abgelehnt Menge
+Rejected Serial No,Abgelehnt Serial In
+Rejected Warehouse,Abgelehnt Warehouse
+Related Page,Verwandte Seite
+Relieving Date,Entlastung Datum
+Remove Bookmark,Lesezeichen entfernen
+Rename Tool,Umbenennen-Tool
+Repeat on Day of Month,Wiederholen Sie auf Tag des Monats
+Replace Item / BOM in all BOMs,Ersetzen Item / BOM in allen Stücklisten
+"Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate ""BOM Explosion Item"" table as per new BOM","Ersetzen Sie die insbesondere gut in allen anderen Stücklisten, wo sie verwendet wird. Es wird die alte BOM Link zu ersetzen, aktualisieren kosten und regenerieren ""Explosion Stücklistenposition"" Tabelle pro neuen GOOD"
+Report Date,Report Date
+Report Hide,Ausblenden Bericht
+Report Name,Report Name
+Report Saved,Gespeichert Bericht
+Report Script,Bericht Script
+Report Server Script,Report Server Script
+Report was not saved (there were errors),Bericht wurde nicht gespeichert (es gab Fehler)
+Reports to,Berichte an
+Represents the states allowed in one document and role assigned to change the state.,Stellt die Zustände in einem Dokument und Veränderung zugewiesene Rolle des Staates erlaubt.
+Reqd By Date,Reqd Nach Datum
+Request Type,Art der Anfrage
+Request for Information,Request for Information
+Request for purchase.,Ankaufsgesuch.
+Requested By,Angefordert von
+Required By,Erforderliche By
+Required Date,Erforderlich Datum
+Required Qty,Erwünschte Stückzahl
+Required only for sample item.,Nur erforderlich für die Probe Element.
+Required raw materials issued to the supplier for producing a sub - contracted item.,Erforderliche Rohstoffe Ausgestellt an den Lieferanten produziert eine sub - Vertragsgegenstand.
+Reserved Quantity,Reserviert Menge
+Reserved Warehouse,Warehouse Reserved
+Resignation Letter Date,Rücktrittsschreiben Datum
+Resolution Date,Resolution Datum
+Resolution Details,Auflösung Einzelheiten
+Resolved By,Gelöst von
+Restrict IP,Beschränken IP
+Restrict submission rights based on amount,Beschränken Einreichung Rechte nach Betrag
+Restrict user from this IP address only. Multiple IP addresses can be added by separating with commas. Also accepts partial IP addresses like (111.111.111),Beschränken Sie Benutzer aus dieser IP-Adresse nur. Mehrere IP-Adressen können durch Trennung mit einem Komma hinzugefügt werden. Nimmt auch Teil einer IP-Adressen wie (111.111.111)
+Restricting By User,Durch Einschränken von Benutzerrechten
+Return Date,Zurück Datum
+Return Type,Rückgabetyp
+Returned Qty,Kehrte Menge
+Review Date,Bewerten Datum
+Role Name,Rolle Name
+Roles Assigned,Assigned Roles
+Roles Assigned To User,Zugewiesenen Rollen Benutzer
+Roles HTML,Rollen HTML
+Rounded Total,Abgerundete insgesamt
+Rounded Total (Export),Abgerundete Total (Export)
+Row #,Zeile #
+Row #,Zeile #
+Rule Definition,Rule Definition
+Rule Name,Name der Regel
+Rule Priority,Priority Rule
+Rule Status,Rule-Status
+Rules defining transition of state in the workflow.,Regeln definieren Zustandsübergang im Workflow.
+"Rules for how states are transitions, like next state and which role is allowed to change state etc.","Regeln für die Staaten sind Übergänge, wie neben Staat und welche Rolle darf Staates usw. ändern"
+SLE Exists,SLE Exists
+SMS Center,SMS Center
+SMS Control,SMS Control
+SMS Gateway URL,SMS Gateway URL
+SMS Log,SMS Log
+SMS Parameter,SMS Parameter
+SMS Parameters,SMS-Parameter
+SMS Receiver,SMS-Empfänger
+SMS Sender Name,SMS Absender Name
+SMS Settings,SMS-Einstellungen
+SMTP Server (e.g.,SMTP Server (beispielsweise
+SO Date,SO Datum
+SO Detail,SO Details
+SO Pending Qty,SO Pending Menge
+SO/10-11/,SO/10-11 /
+SUPP/10-11/,SUPP/10-11 /
+Salary Information,Angaben über den Lohn
+Salary Manager,Manager Gehalt
+Salary Mode,Gehalt Modus
+Salary Slip,Gehaltsabrechnung
+Salary Slip Deduction,Lohnabzug Rutsch
+Salary Slip Earning,Earning Gehaltsabrechnung
+Salary Structure,Gehaltsstruktur
+Salary Structure Deduction,Gehaltsstruktur Abzug
+Salary Structure Earning,Earning Gehaltsstruktur
+Salary Structure Earnings,Ergebnis Gehaltsstruktur
+Salary components.,Gehaltsbestandteile.
+Sales Analytics,Sales Analytics
+Sales BOM,Vertrieb BOM
+Sales BOM Help,Vertrieb BOM Hilfe
+Sales BOM Item,Vertrieb Stücklistenposition
+Sales BOM Items,Vertrieb Stücklistenpositionen
+Sales Browser,Vertrieb Browser
+Sales Browser Control,Vertrieb Browser Control
+Sales Common,Vertrieb Gemeinsame
+Sales Dashboard,Sales Dashboard-
+Sales Details,Sales Details
+Sales Discounts,Sales Rabatte
+Sales Email Settings,Vertrieb E-Mail-Einstellungen
+Sales Extras,Verkauf Extras
+Sales Invoice,Sales Invoice
+Sales Invoice Advance,Sales Invoice Geleistete
+Sales Invoice Item,Sales Invoice Artikel
+Sales Invoice Message,Sales Invoice Nachricht
+Sales Invoice No,Sales Invoice In
+Sales Order,Sales Order
+Sales Order Date,Sales Order Datum
+Sales Order Item,Auftragsposition
+Sales Order Items,Kundenauftragspositionen
+Sales Order Message,Sales Order Nachricht
+Sales Order No,In Sales Order
+Sales Order Required,Sales Order erforderlich
+Sales Orders Pending To Be Delivered,Bis Kundenaufträge zu liefernden
+Sales Orders Pending to be Delivered,Bis Kundenaufträge zu liefernden
+Sales Partner,Vertriebspartner
+Sales Partner Details,Sales Partner Details
+Sales Partner Name,Sales Partner Name
+Sales Partner Target,Partner Sales Target
+Sales Person,Sales Person
+Sales Person Name,Sales Person Vorname
+Sales Person Targets,Sales Person Targets
+Sales Rate,Vertrieb bewerten
+Sales Return,Umsatzrendite
+Sales Returns,Rückware
+Sales Taxes and Charges,Vertrieb Steuern und Abgaben
+Sales Taxes and Charges Master,Vertrieb Steuern und Abgaben Meister
+Sales Team,Sales Team
+Sales Team Details,Sales Team Details
+Sales Team1,Vertrieb Team1
+Sales and Purchase,Verkauf und Kauf
+Sales and Purchase Return Item,Sales and Purchase Zurück Artikel
+Sales and Purchase Return Items,Verkauf und Kauf zurücksenden Artikel
+Sales and Purchase Return Tool,Sales and Purchase Return-Tool
+Sales campaigns,Sales-Kampagnen
+Sales persons and targets,Vertriebsmitarbeiter und Ziele
+Sales taxes template.,Umsatzsteuer-Vorlage.
+Sales territories.,Vertriebsgebieten.
+Sample Size,Stichprobenumfang
+Sanctioned Amount,Sanktioniert Betrag
+Scheduled Confirmation Date,Voraussichtlicher Bestätigung
+Scheduled Date,Voraussichtlicher
+Scheduler Log,Scheduler Log
+School/University,Schule / Universität
+Score (0-5),Score (0-5)
+Score Earned,Ergebnis Bekommen
+Scrap %,Scrap%
+Script Type,Script Type
+Script to attach to all web pages.,Script auf alle Webseiten zu befestigen.
+Search Criteria,Suchkriterien
+Search Fields,Search Fields
+Search Help,Suchen Hilfe
+Seasonality for setting budgets.,Saisonalität setzt Budgets.
+Section Break,Section Break
+Security Settings,Security Settings
+Segment Name,Segment Name
+"Select ""Yes"" for sub - contracting items","Wählen Sie ""Ja"" für - Zulieferer Artikel"
+"Select ""Yes"" if this item is to be sent to a customer or received from a supplier as a sample. Delivery notes and Purchase Receipts will update stock levels but there will be no invoice against this item.","Wählen Sie ""Ja"", wenn dieser Punkt ist es, an den Kunden gesendet oder empfangen werden vom Lieferanten auf die Probe. Lieferscheine und Kaufbelege werden aktualisiert Lagerbestände, aber es wird auf der Rechnung vor diesem Element sein."
+"Select ""Yes"" if this item is used for some internal purpose in your company.","Wählen Sie ""Ja"", wenn dieser Punkt für einige interne Zwecke in Ihrem Unternehmen verwendet wird."
+"Select ""Yes"" if this item represents some work like training, designing, consulting etc.","Wählen Sie ""Ja"", wenn dieser Artikel stellt einige Arbeiten wie Ausbildung, Gestaltung, Beratung etc.."
+"Select ""Yes"" if you are maintaining stock of this item in your Inventory.","Wählen Sie ""Ja"", wenn Sie Pflege stock dieses Artikels in Ihrem Inventar."
+"Select ""Yes"" if you supply raw materials to your supplier to manufacture this item.","Wählen Sie ""Ja"", wenn Sie Rohstoffe an Ihren Lieferanten liefern, um diesen Artikel zu fertigen."
+Select All,Alles auswählen
+Select Attachments,Wählen Sie Attachments
+Select Budget Distribution to unevenly distribute targets across months.,Wählen Budget Verteilung ungleichmäßig Targets über Monate verteilen.
+"Select Budget Distribution, if you want to track based on seasonality.","Wählen Budget Distribution, wenn Sie basierend auf Saisonalität verfolgen möchten."
+Select Customer,Wählen Sie Kunde
+Select Digest Content,Wählen Inhalt Digest
+Select DocType,Wählen DocType
+Select Document Type,Wählen Sie Document Type
+Select Document Type or Role to start.,Wählen Sie Dokumenttyp oder Rolle zu beginnen.
+Select Form,Wählen Sie Formular
+Select Items from Delivery Note,Wählen Sie Elemente aus Lieferschein
+Select Items from Purchase Order,Wählen Sie Elemente aus Purchase Order
+Select Items from Purchase Receipt,Wählen Sie Elemente aus Kaufbeleg
+Select Items from Sales Order,Wählen Sie Objekte aus Kundenauftrag
+Select Material Request,Markieren Sie das Material anfordern
+Select PR,Select PR
+Select Price List for the web. Leave blank to hide price.,"Wählen Preisliste für das Web. Leer lassen, um Preise zu verstecken."
+Select Print Format,Wählen Sie Print Format
+Select Print Heading,Wählen Sie Drucken Überschrift
+Select Report Name,Wählen Sie Report Name
+Select Role,Wählen Sie Rolle
+Select Sales Orders,Wählen Sie Kundenaufträge
+Select Sales Orders from which you want to create Production Orders.,Wählen Sie Aufträge aus der Sie Fertigungsaufträge erstellen.
+Select Shipping Address,Wählen Versandadresse
+Select Supplier Quotation,Wählen Sie Lieferant Quotation
+Select Terms and Conditions,Wählen AGB
+Select Transaction,Wählen Sie Transaction
+Select Type,Typ wählen
+Select User or Property to start.,Wählen Sie Benutzer-oder Property zu starten.
+Select account head of the bank where cheque was deposited.,"Wählen Sie den Kopf des Bankkontos, wo Kontrolle abgelagert wurde."
+Select company name first.,Wählen Firmennamen erste.
+Select dates to create a new,"Wählen Sie ihre Reisedaten, um eine neue"
+Select name of Customer to whom project belongs,"Wählen Sie den Namen des Kunden, dem gehört Projekts"
+Select or drag across dates to create a new event.,Wählen Sie Daten oder ziehen Sie über einen neuen Termin zu erstellen.
+"Select shipping warehouse to show ""In Stock"" or ""Out of Stock"". To hide, leave blank","Wählen Auslieferungslager für ""Im Lager"" oder ""Out of Stock"". Zu verstecken, leer lassen"
+Select template from which you want to get the Goals,"Wählen Sie aus, welche Vorlage Sie die Ziele erhalten möchten"
+Select the Employee for whom you are creating the Appraisal.,"Wählen Sie den Mitarbeiter, für den Sie erstellen Appraisal."
+Select the currency in which price list is maintained,"Wählen Sie die Währung, in der Preisliste wird beibehalten"
+Select the label after which you want to insert new field.,"Wählen Sie die Bezeichnung, die Sie nach dem Einfügen neuer Bereich."
+Select the period when the invoice will be generated automatically,Wählen Sie den Zeitraum auf der Rechnung wird automatisch erzeugt werden
+"Select the price list as entered in ""Price List"" master. This will pull the reference rates of items against this price list as specified in ""Item"" master.","Wählen Sie die Preisliste in der ""Preisliste"" Master eingetragen. Dadurch werden die Referenzkurse Artikel gegen diese Preisliste in der ""Item"" Master vorgegeben ziehen."
+Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies,"Wählen Sie den entsprechenden Firmennamen, wenn Sie mehrere Unternehmen haben"
+Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies.,"Wählen Sie den entsprechenden Firmennamen, wenn Sie mehrere Unternehmen haben."
+Select who you want to send this newsletter to,"Wählen Sie, wer Sie diesen Newsletter senden möchten"
+Selected Attendance date will comes in the attendance template.,Ausgewählte Datum wird Teilnahme in der Anwesenheitsliste Vorlage essen.
+"Selecting ""Yes"" will allow this item to appear in Purchase Order , Purchase Receipt.","Wählen Sie ""Ja"" können diesen Artikel in Bestellung, Kaufbeleg erscheinen."
+"Selecting ""Yes"" will allow this item to figure in Sales Order, Delivery Note","Wählen Sie ""Ja"" können diesen Artikel in Sales Order herauszufinden, Lieferschein"
+"Selecting ""Yes"" will allow you to create Bill of Material showing raw material and operational costs incurred to manufacture this item.","Wählen Sie ""Ja"" ermöglicht es Ihnen, Bill of Material zeigt Rohstoffe und Betriebskosten anfallen, um diesen Artikel herzustellen erstellen."
+"Selecting ""Yes"" will allow you to make a Production Order for this item.","Wählen Sie ""Ja"" ermöglicht es Ihnen, einen Fertigungsauftrag für diesen Artikel machen."
+"Selecting ""Yes"" will give a unique identity to each entity of this item which can be viewed in the Serial No master.","Wählen Sie ""Ja"" wird eine einzigartige Identität zu jeder Einheit dieses Artikels, die in der Serial No Master eingesehen werden kann geben."
+Selling Home,Startseite Selling
+Send Autoreply,Senden Autoreply
+Send Email,E-Mail senden
+Send From,Senden Von
+Send Invite Email,Senden Sie E-Mail einladen
+Send Me A Copy,Senden Sie mir eine Kopie
+"Send Newsletters to your contacts, leads.",Senden Sie Newsletter an Ihre Kontakte führt.
+Send SMS,Senden Sie eine SMS
+Send To,Send To
+Send To Type,Send To Geben
+"Send an email to users of role ""Material Manager"" and ""Purchase Manager"" when re-order level is crossed.","Senden Sie eine E-Mail an Benutzer der Rolle ""Material Manager"" und ""Purchase Manager"", wenn re-order-Ebene überschritten wird."
+Send automatic emails to Contacts on Submitting transactions.,Senden Sie automatische E-Mails an Kontakte auf Einreichen Transaktionen.
+"Send bulk SMS to leads, customers, contacts","Senden Sie Massen-SMS, um Leads, Kunden, Kontakte"
+Send mass SMS to your contacts,Senden Sie Massen-SMS an Ihre Kontakte
+Send regular summary reports via Email.,Senden regelmäßige zusammenfassende Berichte per E-Mail.
+Send to this list,Senden Sie zu dieser Liste
+Sender Name,Absender Name
+"Sending newsletters is not allowed for Trial users, \ to prevent abuse of this feature.","Newsletter versenden ist nicht für Trial Nutzer erlaubt, auf \ Prevent Missbrauch dieser Funktion."
+Sent Mail,Gesendete E-Mails
+Sent On,Sent On
+Sent Quotation,Gesendete Quotation
+Separate production order will be created for each finished good item.,Separate Fertigungsauftrag wird für jeden fertigen gute Position geschaffen werden.
+Serial No,Serial In
+Serial No Details,Serial No Einzelheiten
+Serial No Service Contract Expiry,Serial No Service Contract Verfall
+Serial No Status,Serielle In-Status
+Serial No Warranty Expiry,Serial No Scheckheftgepflegt
+Serialized Item: ',Serialisiert Item '
+Series Detail,Series Detailansicht
+Series List for this Transaction,Serien-Liste für diese Transaktion
+Series Options,Serie Optionen
+Server Script,Server Skript
+Service Address,Service Adresse
+Service Person,Service Person
+Session Expired. Logging you out,Session abgelaufen. Sie werden abgemeldet
+Session Expires in (time),Läuft in Session (Zeit)
+Session Expiry,Session Verfall
+Session Expiry in Hours e.g. 06:00,Session Verfall z. B. in Stunden 06.00
+Set From Image,Set Von Image
+Set Item Group-wise budgets on this Territory. You can also include seasonality by setting the Distribution.,"Set Artikel gruppenweise Budgets auf diesem Gebiet. Sie können Saisonalität auch gehören, indem Sie die Distribution."
+Set Login and Password if authentication is required.,"Stellen Sie Login und Passwort, wenn eine Authentifizierung erforderlich ist."
+Set New Password,Set New Password
+Set Value,Wert festlegen
+"Set a new password and ""Save""","Stellen Sie das neue Kennwort und ""Speichern"""
+Set default values for entry,Standardwerte für die Einreise
+Set default values for users (also used for permissions).,Standardwerte für die Benutzer (auch für Berechtigungen verwendet).
+Set multiple numbering series for transactions,Set Nummerierung Serie für mehrere Transaktionen
+Set permissions on transactions / masters,Festlegen von Berechtigungen für Transaktionen / masters
+Set prefix for numbering series on your transactions,Nummerierung einstellen Serie Präfix für Ihre Online-Transaktionen
+Set targets Item Group-wise for this Sales Person.,Set zielt Artikel gruppenweise für diesen Sales Person.
+Set the POP3 email settings to pull emails directly from a mailbox and create Support Tickets,Stellen Sie die POP3-Mail-Einstellungen auf E-Mails aus dem Postfach zu ziehen direkt erstellen und Support Tickets
+Set workflow rules.,Stellen Sie Workflow-Regeln.
+"Set your background color, font and image (tiled)","Stellen Sie Ihre Hintergrundfarbe, Schrift und Bild (Kachel)"
+"Set your outgoing mail SMTP settings here. All system generated notifications, emails will go from this mail server. If you are not sure, leave this blank to use ERPNext servers (emails will still be sent from your email id) or contact your email provider.","Stellen Sie Ihre ausgehende Mail SMTP-Einstellungen hier. Alle System generierten Meldungen werden E-Mails von diesen Mail-Server gehen. Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind, lassen Sie dieses Feld leer, um ERPNext Server (E-Mails werden immer noch von Ihrer E-Mail-ID gesendet werden) verwenden oder kontaktieren Sie Ihren E-Mail-Provider."
+Setting Account Type helps in selecting this Account in transactions.,Einstellung Kontotyp hilft bei der Auswahl der Transaktionen in diesem Konto.
+Settings for About Us Page.,Einstellungen für Über uns Seite.
+Settings for Contact Us Page,Einstellungen für Kontakt Seite
+Settings for Contact Us Page.,Einstellungen für Kontakt-Seite.
+Settings for Product Catalog on the website,Einstellungen für Produkt-Katalog auf der Website
+Settings for Product Catalog on the website.,Einstellungen für Produkt-Katalog auf der Website.
+Settings for the About Us Page,Einstellungen für die Über uns Seite
+"Settings to extract Job Applicants from a mailbox e.g. """"","Einstellungen für Bewerber aus einer Mailbox zB """" extrahieren"
+Setup Control,Setup Control
+Setup Series,Setup-Series
+Setup of fonts and background.,Setup von Schriftarten und Hintergrund.
+"Setup of top navigation bar, footer and logo.","Setup der oberen Navigationsleiste, Fußzeile und Logo."
+Setup outgoing SMS via your bulk SMS provider,Richten ausgehende SMS über Ihre Massen-SMS-Anbieter
+Setup to pull emails from support email account,Richten Sie E-Mails von E-Mail-Account-Support ziehen
+Ship To,Ship To
+Shipping Address,Versandadresse
+Shipping Address Name,Liefer-Adresse Name
+Shipping Details,Versandkosten Details
+Short Description,Kurzbeschreibung
+Short biography for website and other publications.,Kurzbiographie für die Website und anderen Publikationen.
+"Show ""In Stock"" or ""Not in Stock"" based on stock available in this warehouse.","Anzeigen ""Im Lager"" oder ""Nicht auf Lager"", basierend auf verfügbaren Bestand in diesem Lager."
+Show / Hide Modules,Show / Hide Modules
+Show Details,Details anzeigen
+Show Filters,Filter anzeigen
+Show Price in Website (if set),Zeige Preis in Website (wenn eingestellt)
+Show Print First,Erste Show Print
+Show a slideshow at the top of the page,Zeige die Slideshow an der Spitze der Seite
+Show in Website,Zeigen Sie im Website
+Show rows with zero values,Zeige Zeilen mit Nullwerten
+Show this slideshow at the top of the page,Zeige diese Slideshow an der Spitze der Seite
+"Show, hide modules","Anzeigen, Ausblenden Modulen"
+Showing only for,Zeige nur für
+Signature to be appended at the end of every email,Unterschrift am Ende jeder E-Mail angehängt werden
+Simplify entry forms by disabling features,Vereinfachen Anmeldeformulare durch Deaktivieren von Funktionen
+Single unit of an Item.,Einzelgerät eines Elements.
+Slideshow Items,Slideshow Artikel
+Slideshow Name,Slideshow Namen
+Slideshow like display for the website,Slideshow wie Display für die Website
+Small Text,Kleiner Text
+Solid background color (default light gray),Einfarbigen Hintergrund (Standard lichtgrau)
+Sorry we were unable to find what you were looking for.,"Leider waren wir nicht in der Lage zu finden, was Sie suchen."
+Sorry you are not permitted to view this page.,"Leider sind Sie nicht berechtigt, diese Seite anzuzeigen."
+Sorry! We can only allow upto 100 rows for Stock Reconciliation.,Sorry! Wir können nur bis zu 100 Zeilen für Stock Reconciliation ermöglichen.
+Sort By,Sortieren nach
+Sort Order,Sortierung
+Source Warehouse,Quelle Warehouse
+Source and Target Warehouse cannot be same,Quelle und Ziel Warehouse kann nicht gleichzeitig
+Source of th,Quelle th
+"Source of the lead. If via a campaign, select ""Campaign""","Quelle der Leitung. Wenn über die Kampagne, wählen Sie ""Kampagne"""
+Special Page Settings,Spezielle Einstellungen Seite
+Specification Details,Ausschreibungstexte
+Split Delivery Note into packages.,Aufgeteilt in Pakete Lieferschein.
+Standard Rate,Standardpreis
+"Standard Terms and Conditions that can be added to Sales and Purchases.Examples:1. Validity of the offer.1. Payment Terms (In Advance, On Credit, part advance etc).1. What is extra (or payable by the Customer).1. Safety / usage warning.1. Warranty if any.1. Returns Policy.1. Terms of shipping, if applicable.1. Ways of addressing disputes, indemnity, liability, etc.1. Address and Contact of your Company.","1: Standard Bedingungen, können Umsatz und Purchases.Examples hinzugefügt werden. Gültigkeit der offer.1. Zahlungsbedingungen (im voraus auf Credit, einem Teil Voraus etc) .1. Was ist extra (oder zu Lasten des Kunden) .1. Sicherheit / Nutzung warning.1. Garantie, wenn any.1. Gibt Policy.1. AGB Versand, wenn applicable.1. Möglichkeiten zu erörtern, Streitigkeiten, Schadenersatz, Haftung, etc.1. Adress-und Kontaktdaten Ihres Unternehmens."
+"Standard tax template that can be applied to all Purchase Transactions. This template can contain list of tax heads and also other expense heads like ""Shipping"", ""Insurance"", ""Handling"" etc.#### NoteThe tax rate you define here will be the standard tax rate for all **Items**. If there are **Items** that have different rates, they must be added in the **Item Tax** table in the **Item** master.#### Description of Columns1. Calculation Type: - This can be on **Net Total** (that is the sum of basic amount). - **On Previous Row Total / Amount** (for cumulative taxes or charges). If you select this option, the tax will be applied as a percentage of the previous row (in the tax table) amount or total. - **Actual** (as mentioned).2. Account Head: The Account ledger under which this tax will be booked3. Cost Center: If the tax / charge is an income (like shipping) or expense it needs to be booked against a Cost Center.4. Description: Description of the tax (that will be printed in invoices / quotes).5. Rate: Tax rate.6. Amount: Tax amount.7. Total: Cumulative total to this point.8. Enter Row: If based on ""Previous Row Total"" you can select the row number which will be taken as a base for this calculation (default is the previous row).9. Consider Tax or Charge for: In this section you can specify if the tax / charge is only for valuation (not a part of total) or only for total (does not add value to the item) or for both.10. Add or Deduct: Whether you want to add or deduct the tax.","Standard Steuern Vorlage, die für alle Kauf-Transaktionen angewendet werden können. Diese Vorlage kann Liste der Steuerhinterziehung und auch andere Kosten Köpfe wie ""Versand"", ""Insurance"", ""Handling"" etc. # # # # AnmerkungDie Steuersatz, den Sie hier definieren, wird die Standard-Steuersatz für alle ** Artikel ** . Wenn es ** Artikel **, die unterschiedliche Preise haben, müssen sie in der ** Artikel Tax ** Tabelle in der ** Artikel werden ** Master. # # # # Beschreibung der Columns1 aufgenommen. Berechnungsart: - Dies kann auf ** Net Total sein ** (dh die Summe der Grundbetrag ist). - ** Auf Previous Row Total / Betrag ** (für kumulative Steuern oder Abgaben). Wenn Sie diese Option wählen, wird die Steuer als Prozentsatz der vorherigen Reihe (in der Steuer-Tabelle) oder Gesamtmenge angewendet werden. - ** Tatsächliche ** (wie erwähnt) 0,2. Konto Head: Der Account Ledger unter denen diese Steuer booked3 sein wird. Kostenstelle: Wenn die Steuer / Gebühr ist ein Einkommen (wie Versand) oder Kosten es braucht, um gegen eine Cost Center.4 gebucht werden. Beschreibung: Beschreibung der Steuer (das wird in den Rechnungen / quotes gedruckt werden) .5. Rate: Tax rate.6. Betrag: Tax amount.7. Total: Kumulierte insgesamt zu dieser point.8. Geben Row: Wenn Sie auf ""Previous Row Total"" Basis können Sie die Nummer der Zeile, die als Grundlage für diese Berechnung (voreingestellt ist die vorherige Zeile) .9 ergriffen werden wählen. Betrachten Sie Steuern oder Gebühren für: In diesem Bereich können Sie festlegen, ob die Steuer / Gebühr ist nur für die Bewertung (nicht ein Teil der Gesamtsumme) oder nur für die gesamte (nicht erhöhen den Wert der Position) oder für both.10. Hinzufügen oder abziehen: Ob Sie zum Hinzufügen oder entrichtete Mehrwertsteuer abziehen wollen."
+"Standard tax template that can be applied to all Sales Transactions. This template can contain list of tax heads and also other expense / income heads like ""Shipping"", ""Insurance"", ""Handling"" etc.#### NoteThe tax rate you define here will be the standard tax rate for all **Items**. If there are **Items** that have different rates, they must be added in the **Item Tax** table in the **Item** master.#### Description of Columns1. Calculation Type: - This can be on **Net Total** (that is the sum of basic amount). - **On Previous Row Total / Amount** (for cumulative taxes or charges). If you select this option, the tax will be applied as a percentage of the previous row (in the tax table) amount or total. - **Actual** (as mentioned).2. Account Head: The Account ledger under which this tax will be booked3. Cost Center: If the tax / charge is an income (like shipping) or expense it needs to be booked against a Cost Center.4. Description: Description of the tax (that will be printed in invoices / quotes).5. Rate: Tax rate.6. Amount: Tax amount.7. Total: Cumulative total to this point.8. Enter Row: If based on ""Previous Row Total"" you can select the row number which will be taken as a base for this calculation (default is the previous row).9. Is this Tax included in Basic Rate?: If you check this, it means that this tax will not be shown below the item table, but will be included in the Basic Rate in your main item table. This is useful where you want give a flat price (inclusive of all taxes) price to customers.","Standard Steuern Vorlage, die für alle Verkaufsvorgänge angewendet werden können. Diese Vorlage kann Liste der Steuerhinterziehung und auch andere Aufwendungen / Erträge Köpfe wie ""Versand"", ""Insurance"", ""Handling"" etc. # # # # AnmerkungDie Steuersatz, den Sie hier definieren, wird der Steuersatz für alle ** Artikel werden **. Wenn es ** Artikel **, die unterschiedliche Preise haben, müssen sie in der ** Artikel Tax ** Tabelle in der ** Artikel werden ** Master. # # # # Beschreibung der Columns1 aufgenommen. Berechnungsart: - Dies kann auf ** Net Total sein ** (dh die Summe der Grundbetrag ist). - ** Auf Previous Row Total / Betrag ** (für kumulative Steuern oder Abgaben). Wenn Sie diese Option wählen, wird die Steuer als Prozentsatz der vorherigen Reihe (in der Steuer-Tabelle) oder Gesamtmenge angewendet werden. - ** Tatsächliche ** (wie erwähnt) 0,2. Konto Head: Der Account Ledger unter denen diese Steuer booked3 sein wird. Kostenstelle: Wenn die Steuer / Gebühr ist ein Einkommen (wie Versand) oder Kosten es braucht, um gegen eine Cost Center.4 gebucht werden. Beschreibung: Beschreibung der Steuer (das wird in den Rechnungen / quotes gedruckt werden) .5. Rate: Tax rate.6. Betrag: Tax amount.7. Total: Kumulierte insgesamt zu dieser point.8. Geben Row: Wenn Sie auf ""Previous Row Total"" Basis können Sie die Nummer der Zeile, die als Grundlage für diese Berechnung (voreingestellt ist die vorherige Zeile) .9 ergriffen werden wählen. Wird diese Steuer in Basic Rate enthalten: Wenn Sie diese Option, bedeutet dies, dass diese Steuer nicht unterhalb des Artikels Tabelle dargestellt werden, wird aber in der Basic Rate in Ihrem Hauptsache Tabelle aufgenommen. Dies ist nützlich, wenn Sie geben einen Pauschalpreis (inklusive aller Steuern) Preise für die Kunden wollen."
+Start Date,Startdatum
+Start Report For,Starten des Berichts für
+Start date of current invoice's period,Startdatum der laufenden Rechnung der Zeit
+Starts on,Beginnt am
+State Name,State Name
+Static Parameters,Statische Parameter
+Status must be one of,Status muss einer der folgenden sein
+Statutory info and other general information about your Supplier,Gesetzliche Informationen und andere allgemeine Informationen über Ihr Lieferant
+Stock Ageing,Lager Ageing
+Stock Analytics,Lager Analytics
+Stock Balance,Bestandsliste
+Stock Entry,Lager Eintrag
+Stock Entry Detail,Lager Eintrag Details
+Stock Frozen Upto,Lager Bis gefroren
+Stock Home,Lager Home
+Stock Ledger,Lager Ledger
+Stock Ledger Entry,Lager Ledger Eintrag
+Stock Level,Stock Level
+Stock Qty,Lieferbar Menge
+Stock Queue (FIFO),Lager Queue (FIFO)
+Stock Reconciliation,Lager Versöhnung
+Stock Reconciliation file not uploaded,Lager Versöhnung Datei nicht hochgeladen
+Stock UOM,Lager UOM
+Stock UOM Replace Utility,Lager UOM ersetzen Dienstprogramm
+Stock Uom,Lager ME
+Stock Value,Bestandswert
+"Stock level frozen up to this date, nobody can do / modify entry except authorized person","Bestand bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt eingefroren, kann niemand / nicht ändern Eintrag außer autorisierten Person"
+Stop users from making Leave Applications on following days.,Stoppen Sie den Nutzer von Leave Anwendungen auf folgenden Tagen.
+Structure cost centers for budgeting.,Structure Kostenstellen für die Budgetierung.
+Structure of books of accounts.,Struktur der Bücher von Konten.
+Style Settings,Style Einstellungen
+"Style represents the button color: Success - Green, Danger - Red, Inverse - Black, Primary - Dark Blue, Info - Light Blue, Warning - Orange","Stil repräsentiert die Farbe der Schaltfläche: Success - Grün, Gefahr - Rot, Inverse - Schwarz, Primary - Dunkelblau, Info - Light Blue, Warnung - Orange"
+"Sub-currency. For e.g. ""Cent""","Sub-Währung. Für z.B. ""Cent"""
+Sub-domain provided by,Sub-Domain durch vorgesehen
+Submit Salary Slip,Senden Gehaltsabrechnung
+Submit all salary slips for the above selected criteria,Reichen Sie alle Gehaltsabrechnungen für die oben ausgewählten Kriterien
+Supplier (vendor) name as entered in supplier master,Lieferant (Kreditor) Namen wie im Lieferantenstamm eingetragen
+Supplier Address,Lieferant Adresse
+Supplier Details,Supplier Details
+Supplier Intro,Lieferant Intro
+Supplier Master created by,Lieferant Meister erstellt von
+Supplier Name,Name des Anbieters
+Supplier Part Number,Lieferant Teilenummer
+Supplier Quotation,Lieferant Angebot
+Supplier Quotation Item,Lieferant Angebotsposition
+Supplier Reference,Lieferant Reference
+Supplier Type,Lieferant Typ
+Supplier Warehouse,Lieferant Warehouse
+Supplier classification.,Lieferant Klassifizierung.
+Supplier database.,Lieferanten-Datenbank.
+Supplier of Goods or Services.,Lieferant von Waren oder Dienstleistungen.
+Supplier warehouse where you have issued raw materials for sub - contracting,Lieferantenlager wo Sie Rohstoffe ausgegeben haben - Zulieferer
+Supplier's currency,Lieferant Währung
+Support Analytics,Unterstützung Analytics
+Support Email,Unterstützung per E-Mail
+Support Email Id,Unterstützt E-Mail-Id
+Support Home,Support Home
+Support Password,Support Passwort
+Support Ticket,Support Ticket
+Support Ticket Mail Settings,Support-Ticket-Mail-Einstellungen
+Support queries from customers via email or website.,Support-Anfragen von Kunden via E-Mail oder Website.
+Sync Inbox,Sync Posteingang
+Sync Support Mails,Sync Unterstützung Mails
+System Console,System Console
+System Defaults,System Defaults
+System User,System User
+"System User (login) ID. If set, it will become default for all HR forms.","System User (login) ID. Wenn gesetzt, wird es standardmäßig für alle HR-Formulare werden."
+System generated mails will be sent from this email id.,System generierten E-Mails werden von dieser E-Mail-ID gesendet werden.
+Table Field,Tabelle Feld
+Table Mapper Detail,Tabelle Mapper Details
+Table Mapper Details,Tabelle Mapper Einzelheiten
+Table for Item that will be shown in Web Site,"Tabelle für Artikel, die in Web-Site angezeigt werden"
+Tag Name,Tag Name
+Target Amount,Zielbetrag
+Target Detail,Ziel Detailansicht
+Target Details,Zieldetails
+Target Details1,Ziel Details1
+Target Distribution,Target Distribution
+Target Qty,Ziel Menge
+Target Warehouse,Ziel Warehouse
+Task Details,Task Details
+Task Id,Task-Id
+Task Name,Task-Name
+Tasks belonging to this Project.,Aufgaben gehören zu diesem Projekt.
+Tax Amount,Steuerbetrag
+Tax Calculation,Steuerberechnung
+Tax Rate,Tax Rate
+Tax Template for Purchase,MwSt. Vorlage für Kauf
+Tax Template for Sales,MwSt. Template für Vertrieb
+Tax and other salary deductions.,Steuer-und sonstige Lohnabzüge.
+Tax detail table fetched from item master as a string and stored in this field.Used for Taxes and Charges,MwSt. Detailtabelle holte aus Artikelstammdaten als String und in diesem field.Used für Steuern und Abgaben
+Taxes and Charges,Steuern und Abgaben
+Taxes and Charges Added,Steuern und Abgaben am
+Taxes and Charges Added (Import),Steuern und Gebühren Added (Import)
+Taxes and Charges Calculation,Steuern und Gebühren Berechnung
+Taxes and Charges Deducted,Steuern und Gebühren Abgezogen
+Taxes and Charges Deducted (Import),Steuern und Gebühren abgezogen (Import)
+Taxes and Charges Total,Steuern und Gebühren gesamt
+Taxes and Charges Total*,Steuern und Gebühren Total *
+Taxes and Charges1,Steuern und Kosten1
+Team Members,Teammitglieder
+Team Members Heading,Teammitglieder Überschrift
+Template for employee performance appraisals.,Vorlage für Mitarbeiter Leistungsbeurteilungen.
+Template of terms or contract.,Vorlage von Begriffen oder Vertrag.
+Term Details,Begriff Einzelheiten
+Terms and Conditions,AGB
+Terms and Conditions Content,AGB Inhalt
+Terms and Conditions Details,AGB Einzelheiten
+Terms and Conditions HTML,AGB HTML
+Terms and Conditions Template,AGB Template
+Terms and Conditions1,Allgemeine Bedingungen1
+Territory Manager,Territory Manager
+Territory Name,Territory Namen
+Territory Targets,Territory Targets
+Test Data,Test Data
+Test Date,Test Datum
+Test Email Id,Test Email Id
+Test Link,Testlink
+Test Runner,Test Runner
+Test Select,Testen Sie Wählen
+Test Text,Test Text
+Test the Newsletter,Testen Sie den Newsletter
+Text Align,Text ausrichten
+Text Editor,Text Editor
+"The ""Web Page"" that is the website home page","Die ""Web Page"", die Homepage der Website ist"
+The BOM which will be replaced,"Die Stückliste, die ersetzt werden"
+"The Item that represents the Package. This Item must have ""Is Stock Item"" as ""No"" and ""Is Sales Item"" as ""Yes""","Das Element, das das Paket darstellt. Dieser Artikel muss ""Ist Stock Item"" als ""Nein"" und ""Ist Vertrieb Item"" als ""Ja"""
+The account to which you will pay (have paid) the money to.,"Das Konto, auf die Sie bezahlen (bezahlt) das Geld."
+The date at which current entry is corrected in the system.,"Der Zeitpunkt, zu dem aktuellen Eintrag in dem System korrigiert."
+The date at which current entry is made in system.,"Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag im System hergestellt wird."
+The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.,"Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag zu erhalten oder wird tatsächlich ausgeführt."
+The date on which next invoice will be generated. It is generated on submit.,"Der Tag, an dem nächsten Rechnung generiert werden. Es basiert auf einzureichen generiert."
+The date on which recurring invoice will be stop,"Der Tag, an dem wiederkehrende Rechnung werden aufhören wird"
+"The day of the month on which auto invoice will be generated e.g. 05, 28 etc ","Der Tag des Monats, an dem auto Rechnung generiert zB werden 05, 28 etc"
+The gross weight of the package. Usually net weight + packaging material weight. (for print),Das Bruttogewicht des Pakets. Normalerweise Eigengewicht + Verpackungsmaterial Gewicht. (Zum Drucken)
+The name of your company / website as you want to appear on browser title bar. All pages will have this as the prefix to the title.,"Der Name Ihrer Firma / Website, wie Sie auf Titelleiste des Browsers angezeigt werden soll. Alle Seiten werden diese als Präfix für den Titel haben."
+The net weight of this package. (calculated automatically as sum of net weight of items),Das Nettogewicht dieses Pakets. (Automatisch als Summe der Netto-Gewicht der Sendungen berechnet)
+The new BOM after replacement,Der neue BOM nach dem Austausch
+The rate at which Bill Currency is converted into company's base currency,"Die Rate, mit der Bill Währung in Unternehmen Basiswährung umgewandelt wird"
+"The system provides pre-defined roles, but you can <a href='#List/Role'>add new roles</a> to set finer permissions","Das System bietet vordefinierte Rollen, aber Sie können <a href='#List/Role'> neue Rollen </ a>, um feinere Berechtigungen festlegen"
+The unique id for tracking all recurring invoices.åÊIt is generated on submit.,Die eindeutige ID für das Tracking aller wiederkehrenden invoices.åÊIt auf einzureichen generiert.
+Then By (optional),Dann nach (optional)
+These properties are Link Type fields from all Documents.,Diese Eigenschaften sind Link-Typ Felder aus allen Dokumenten.
+"These properties can also be used to 'assign' a particular document, whose property matches with the User's property to a User. These can be set using the <a href='#permission-manager'>Permission Manager</a>","Diese Eigenschaften können auch verwendet werden, um 'assign' ein bestimmtes Dokument, dessen Eigenschaft übereinstimmt mit der Benutzer-Eigenschaft auf einen Benutzer werden. Dies kann mit dem <a href='#permission-manager'> Permission Manager </ a> werden"
+These properties will appear as values in forms that contain them.,"Diese Eigenschaften werden als Werte in Formen, die sie enthalten, erscheinen."
+These values will be automatically updated in transactions and also will be useful to restrict permissions for this user on transactions containing these values.,"Diese Werte werden automatisch in Transaktionen aktualisiert werden und wird auch nützlich sein, um Berechtigungen für diesen Benutzer auf Transaktionen mit diesen Werten zu beschränken."
+"This Item Group represents ""products.html""","Dieser Artikel Gruppe stellt ""products.html"""
+This Price List will be selected as default for all Customers under this Group.,Diese Preisliste wird als Standard für alle Kunden unter dieser Gruppe ausgewählt werden.
+This currency will get fetched in Purchase transactions of this supplier,Diese Währung wird in Kauf Transaktionen dieser Lieferanten bekommen geholt
+This currency will get fetched in Sales transactions of this customer,Diese Währung wird in Sales Transaktionen dieser Kunden erhalten geholt
+"This feature is for merging duplicate warehouses. It will replace all the links of this warehouse by ""Merge With"" warehouse. After merging you can delete this warehouse, as stock level for this warehouse will be zero.","Diese Funktion ist für das Zusammenführen von doppelten Lagern. Es werden alle Links dieses Lagerhaus Warehouse ""Mit Merge"" zu ersetzen. Nach dem Zusammenführen löschen Sie dieses Warehouse als Bestand für dieses Lager wird gleich Null sein."
+This field will appear only if the fieldname defined here has value OR the rules are true (examples): <br>myfieldeval:doc.myfield=='My Value'<br>eval:doc.age>18,"Dieses Feld wird nur angezeigt, wenn der Feldname hier definierten Wert hat oder die Regeln wahr sind (Beispiele): <br> myfieldeval: doc.myfield == 'My Value' <br> eval: doc.age> 18"
+This goes above the slideshow.,Dies geht über die Diashow.
+This is PERMANENT action and you cannot undo. Continue?,Dies ist PERMANENT Aktion und können nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. Weiter?
+This is permanent action and you cannot undo. Continue?,Dies ist ständige Aktion und können nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. Weiter?
+This is the number of the last created transaction with this prefix,Dies ist die Nummer des zuletzt erzeugte Transaktion mit diesem Präfix
+This tool helps you to update or fix the quantity and valuation of stock in the system. It is typically used to synchronise the system values and what actually exists in your warehouses.,"Dieses Tool hilft Ihnen zu aktualisieren oder zu beheben die Menge und die Bewertung der Aktie im System. Es wird normalerweise verwendet, um das System abzugleichen und was tatsächlich existiert in Ihrem Lager."
+This will be used for setting rule in HR module,Dies wird für die Einstellung der Regel im HR-Modul verwendet werden
+Thread HTML,Themen HTML
+Thumbnail Image,Minibild
+Time Zone,Zeitzone
+Time Zones,Time Zones
+Time and Budget,Zeit und Budget
+Time at which items were delivered from warehouse,"Zeit, mit dem Gegenstände wurden aus dem Lager geliefert"
+Time at which materials were received,"Zeitpunkt, an dem Materialien wurden erhalten"
+Timesheet By,Timesheet By
+Timesheet Date,Timesheet Datum
+Timesheet Detail,Timesheet Details
+Timesheet Details,Timesheet Einzelheiten
+Timesheet for tasks.,Timesheet für Aufgaben.
+Title / headline of your page,Titel / Überschrift Ihrer Seite
+Title Case,Titel Case
+Title Prefix,Title Prefix
+To Date,To Date
+To Discuss,Zu diskutieren
+To Do,To Do
+To Do List,To Do List
+To DocType,Um doctype
+To Field,Zu Feld
+To PR Date,Um PR Datum
+To Package No.,Um Nr. Paket
+To Reply,Um Antworten
+To Table,Tabelle
+To Warehouse,Um Warehouse
+"To add a tag, open the document and click on ""Add Tag"" on the sidebar","Um einen Tag hinzuzufügen, öffnen Sie das Dokument und klicken Sie auf ""Add Tag"" in der Seitenleiste"
+"To assign this issue, use the ""Assign"" button in the sidebar.","Um dieses Problem zu zuzuweisen, verwenden Sie die Schaltfläche ""Zuordnen"" in der Seitenleiste."
+"To automatically create Support Tickets from your incoming mail, set your POP3 settings here. You must ideally create a separate email id for the erp system so that all emails will be synced into the system from that mail id. If you are not sure, please contact your EMail Provider.","Um automatisch Support Tickets von Ihrem Posteingang, stellen Sie Ihren POP3-Einstellungen hier. Sie müssen im Idealfall eine separate E-Mail-ID für das ERP-System, so dass alle E-Mails in das System von diesem Mail-ID synchronisiert werden. Wenn Sie nicht sicher sind, wenden Sie sich bitte EMail Provider."
+"To create Quotation against Opportunity, Select Opportunity No. and click on 'Pull Opportunity Details' ","Um Quotation gegen Gelegenheit schaffen, auswählen Chance No und klicken Sie auf ""Pull Opportunity-Details '"
+"To create an Account Head under a different company, select the company and save customer.","Um ein Konto Kopf unter einem anderen Unternehmen zu erstellen, wählen das Unternehmen und sparen Kunden."
+To enable <b>Point of Sale</b> features,Zum <b> Point of Sale </ b> Funktionen ermöglichen
+"To fetch items again, click on 'Get Items' button \ or update the Quantity manually.","Um Elemente wieder zu holen, auf 'Get Items' Taste \ oder aktualisieren Sie die Menge manuell auf."
+"To further restrict permissions based on certain values in a document, use the 'Condition' settings.","Um weiter einschränken Berechtigungen für bestimmte Werte in einem Dokument basiert, verwenden Sie die 'Bedingung' Einstellungen."
+To get Item Group in details table,Zu Artikelnummer Gruppe im Detail Tisch zu bekommen
+"To import attendance data, click on ""Add"" button, select the saved CSV file and click on ""Upload"".Select the date format as attendance date format in CSV file.Click on ""Import"".","Um die Teilnahme Daten zu importieren, auf ""Hinzufügen"" klicken, wählen Sie die gespeicherte CSV-Datei und klicken Sie auf ""Upload"". Wählen Sie das Datum Format wie die Teilnahme Datumsformat in CSV file.Click auf ""Importieren""."
+To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series,Um mehrere Reihen zu verwalten gehen Sie bitte auf Setup> Verwalten Series
+To restrict a User of a particular Role to documents that are explicitly assigned to them,"Um einen Benutzer einer bestimmten Rolle zu Dokumenten, die ihnen ausdrücklich zugeordnet beschränken"
+To restrict a User of a particular Role to documents that are only self-created.,"Um einen Benutzer einer bestimmten Rolle zu Dokumenten, die nur selbst erstellte sind zu beschränken."
+"To set user roles, just go to <a href='#List/Profile'>Setup > Users</a> and click on the user to assign roles.","Benutzerrollen, nur um <a gehen href='#List/Profile'> Setup> Benutzer </ a> und klicken Sie auf den Benutzer Rollen zuweisen."
+To track any installation or commissioning related work after sales,Um jegliche Installation oder Inbetriebnahme verwandte Arbeiten After Sales verfolgen
+"To track brand name in the following documents<br>Delivery Note, Enuiry, Material Request, Item, Purchase Order, Purchase Voucher, Purchaser Receipt, Quotation, Sales Invoice, Sales BOM, Sales Order, Serial No","Um Markennamen in den folgenden Dokumenten zu verfolgen <br> Lieferschein, Enuiry, Material anfordern, Artikel, Bestellung, Kauf Voucher, Käufer Receipt, Angebot, Sales Invoice, Sales BOM, Sales Order, Serial No"
+To track item in sales and purchase documents based on their serial nos. This is can also used to track warranty details of the product.,"Um Artikel in Vertrieb und Einkauf Dokumente auf ihrem Werknummern Basis zu verfolgen. Dies wird auch verwendet, um Details zum Thema Gewährleistung des Produktes zu verfolgen."
+To track items in sales and purchase documents with batch nos<br><b>Preferred Industry: Chemicals etc</b>,Um Elemente in An-und Verkauf von Dokumenten mit Batch-nos <br> <b> Preferred Industry verfolgen: Chemicals etc </ b>
+To track items using barcode. You will be able to enter items in Delivery Note and Sales Invoice by scanning barcode of item.,"Um Objekte mit Barcode verfolgen. Sie werden in der Lage sein, um Elemente in Lieferschein und Sales Invoice durch Scannen Barcode einzusteigen."
+"To update your HTML from attachment, click here","Um Ihre HTML von Anhaftung zu aktualisieren, klicken Sie hier"
+Top Bar,Top Bar
+Top Bar Background,Top Bar Hintergrund
+Top Bar Item,Top Bar Artikel
+Top Bar Items,Top Bar Artikel
+Total (sum of) points distribution for all goals should be 100.,Total (Summe) Punkte Verteilung für alle Ziele sollten 100 sein.
+Total +Tax,Total + MwSt.
+Total Advance,Insgesamt Geleistete
+Total Amount,Gesamtbetrag
+Total Amount To Pay,Insgesamt zu zahlenden Betrag
+Total Amount in Words,Insgesamt Betrag in Worten
+Total Claimed Amount,Insgesamt geforderten Betrag
+Total Commission,Gesamt Kommission
+Total Cost,Total Cost
+Total Credit,Insgesamt Kredit
+Total Debit,Insgesamt Debit
+Total Deduction,Insgesamt Abzug
+Total Earning,Insgesamt Earning
+Total Experience,Total Experience
+Total Hours (Actual),Total Hours (Actual)
+Total Hours (Expected),Total Hours (Erwartete)
+Total Invoiced Amount,Insgesamt Rechnungsbetrag
+Total Leave Days,Insgesamt Leave Tage
+Total Leaves Allocated,Insgesamt Leaves Allocated
+Total Operating Cost,Gesamten Betriebskosten
+Total Points,Total Points
+Total Raw Material Cost,Insgesamt Rohstoffkosten
+Total SMS Sent,Insgesamt SMS gesendet
+Total Sanctioned Amount,Insgesamt Sanctioned Betrag
+Total Score (Out of 5),Gesamtpunktzahl (von 5)
+Total Tax,Total Tax
+Total Tax Amount,Total Tax Amount
+Total Tax*,Total Tax *
+Total Taxes and Charges,Insgesamt Steuern und Abgaben
+Total days in month,Insgesamt Tage im Monat
+Total in words,Total in Worten
+Track Quotations received from Suppliers.,Verfolgen Sie Angebote von Lieferanten erhalten.
+Track separate Income and Expense for product verticals or divisions.,Verfolgen separaten Erträge und Aufwendungen für die Produktentwicklung Branchen oder Geschäftsbereichen.
+Track this Delivery Note against any Project,Verfolgen Sie diesen Lieferschein gegen Projekt
+Track this Sales Invoice against any Project,Verfolgen Sie diesen Sales Invoice gegen Projekt
+Track this Sales Order against any Project,Verfolgen Sie diesen Kundenauftrag gegen Projekt
+Transaction Date,Transaction Datum
+Transfer stock from one warehouse to another.,Übertragen Lager von einem Lager zum anderen.
+Transition Rules,Übergangsregeln
+Transporter Info,Transporter Info
+Transporter Name,Transporter Namen
+Transporter lorry number,Transporter Lkw-Zahl
+Trash Control,Trash Steuerung
+Trash Reason,Trash Reason
+Tree of item classification,Tree of Artikelzugehörigkeit
+Trend Analyzer,Trend Analyzer
+Trend Analyzer Control,Trend Analyzer Steuerung
+Trial Balance,Rohbilanz
+Type of employment master.,Art der Beschäftigung Master.
+"Type of leaves like casual, sick etc.","Art der Blätter wie beiläufig, krank usw."
+Types of Expense Claim.,Arten von Expense Anspruch.
+Types of activities for Time Sheets,Arten von Aktivitäten für Time Sheets
+Types of warehouse,Arten von Lagersystemen
+UOM Conversion Detail,UOM Conversion Details
+UOM Conversion Details,UOM Conversion Einzelheiten
+UOM Conversion Factor,UOM Umrechnungsfaktor
+UOM Details,UOM Einzelheiten
+UOM Name,UOM Namen
+UOM Replace Utility,UOM ersetzen Dienstprogramm
+Unable to complete request:,Konnte die Anforderung nicht ausführen:
+Under AMC,Unter AMC
+Under Graduate,Unter Graduate
+Under Section,Gemäß §
+Under Warranty,Unter Garantie
+Unit of Measure,Maßeinheit
+"Unit of measurement of this item (e.g. Kg, Unit, No, Pair).","Maßeinheit für diesen Artikel (zB kg, Einheit, Nein, Pair)."
+Units/Hour,Einheiten / Stunde
+Units/Shifts,Units / Shifts
+Unmatched Amount,Unübertroffene Betrag
+Unread Messages,Ungelesene Nachrichten
+Update Clearance Date,Aktualisieren Restposten Datum
+Update Delivery Date,Aktualisieren Lieferdatum
+Update Field,Felder aktualisieren
+Update PR,Update PR
+Update Sales Order,Aktualisieren Sie Sales Order
+Update Series,Update Series
+Update Series Number,Update Series Number
+Update Stock,Aktualisieren Lager
+Update Value,Aktualisieren Wert
+"Update allocated amount in the above table and then click ""Allocate"" button","Aktualisieren Zuteilungsbetrag in der obigen Tabelle und klicken Sie dann auf ""Allocate""-Taste"
+Update bank payment dates with journals.,Update Bank Zahlungstermine mit Zeitschriften.
+Updates HTML,Updates HTML
+Upload Attachment,Anhang hochladen
+Upload Attendance Data,Hochladen Teilnahme Daten
+Upload HTML,Hochladen HTML
+Upload a file,Hochladen einer Datei
+Upload attendance,Hochladen Teilnahme
+Upload attendance from a .csv file,Fotogalerie Besuch aus einer. Csv-Datei
+Upload stock balance via csv.,Hochladen Bestandsliste über csv.
+Upper Income,Obere Income
+Use Multi-Level BOM,Verwenden Sie Multi-Level BOM
+Use SSL,Verwenden Sie SSL
+User Cannot Create,Benutzer kann sich nicht erstellen
+User Cannot Search,Benutzer kann sich nicht durchsuchen
+User ID,Benutzer-ID
+User Image,User Image
+User Name,User Name
+User Properties,User Properties
+User Remark,Benutzer Bemerkung
+User Remark will be added to Auto Remark,Benutzer Bemerkung auf Auto Bemerkung hinzugefügt werden
+User Tags,Nutzertags
+User Type,User Type
+User must always select,Der Benutzer muss immer wählen
+User not allowed entry in the Warehouse,Benutzer nicht erlaubt Eintrag in der Warehouse
+Users Voted,Nutzer
+Users with this role are allowed to do / modify accounting entry before frozen date,Benutzer mit dieser Rolle tun dürfen / ändern Verbuchung vor dem gefrorenen Datum
+Users with this role are allowed to do / modify stock entry before frozen date,Benutzer mit dieser Rolle dürfen zu tun / ändern stock Eintrag vor gefrorenen Datum
+Valid Upto,Gültig Bis
+Validation Logic,Validation Logic
+Valuation Control,Valuation Control-
+Valuation Method,Valuation Method
+Valuation Rate,Valuation bewerten
+Valuation and Total,Bewertung und insgesamt
+Verified By,Verified By
+Visit report for maintenance call.,Bericht über den Besuch für die Wartung Anruf.
+Voucher Detail No,Gutschein Detailaufnahme
+Voucher ID,Gutschein ID
+Voucher Import Tool,Gutschein Import Tool
+Voucher No,Gutschein Nein
+Voucher Type,Gutschein Type
+WIP Monitor,WIP-Monitor
+Waiting for Customer,Warten auf Kunden
+Walk In,Walk In
+Warehouse Contact Info,Warehouse Kontakt Info
+Warehouse Detail,Warehouse Details
+Warehouse Name,Warehouse Namen
+Warehouse Type,Warehouse Typ
+Warehouse User,Warehouse Benutzer
+Warehouse Users,Warehouse-Benutzer
+Warehouse where you are maintaining stock of rejected items,"Warehouse, wo Sie erhalten Bestand abgelehnt Elemente werden"
+Warehouse-wise Item Reorder,Warehouse-weise Artikel Reorder
+Warranty / AMC Details,Garantie / AMC Einzelheiten
+Warranty / AMC Status,Garantie / AMC-Status
+Warranty Expiry Date,Garantie Ablaufdatum
+Warranty Period (Days),Garantiezeitraum (Tage)
+Warranty Period (in days),Gewährleistungsfrist (in Tagen)
+Web Content,Web Content
+Web Page,Web Page
+Website Description,Website Beschreibung
+Website Home,Website Home
+Website Item Group,Website-Elementgruppe
+Website Item Groups,Website Artikelgruppen
+Website Overall Settings,Website Overall Einstellungen
+Website Price List,Website Preisliste
+Website Product Categories,Website Produktkategorien
+Website Product Category,Website Produktkategorie
+Website Script,Website Script
+Website Settings,Website-Einstellungen
+Website Slideshow,Website Slideshow
+Website Slideshow Item,Website Slideshow Artikel
+Website Warehouse,Website Warehouse
+Weekly Off,Wöchentliche Off
+Weight UOM,Gewicht UOM
+Weightage (%),Gewichtung (%)
+"When any of the checked transactions are ""Submitted"", an email pop-up automatically opened to send an email to the associated ""Contact"" in that transaction, with the transaction as an attachment. The user may or may not send the email.","Wenn eine der überprüften Transaktionen werden ""Eingereicht"", ein E-Mail-pop-up automatisch geöffnet, um eine E-Mail mit dem zugehörigen ""Kontakt"" in dieser Transaktion zu senden, mit der Transaktion als Anhang. Der Benutzer kann oder nicht-Mail senden."
+"When you <b>Amend</b> a document after cancel and save it, it will get a new number that is a version of the old number.","Wenn Sie <b> Amend </ b> ein Dokument nach abbrechen und speichern Sie es, es wird eine neue Nummer, die eine Version der alten Nummer erhalten."
+Where items are stored.,Wo Elemente gespeichert werden.
+Where manufacturing operations are carried out.,Wo Herstellungsvorgänge werden durchgeführt.
+Will be calculated automatically when you enter the details,"Wird automatisch berechnet, wenn Sie die Daten eingeben"
+Will be fetched from Customer,Wird vom Kunden abgeholt werden
+With Operations,Mit Operations
+Work Done,Arbeit
+Work In Progress,Work In Progress
+Workflow Action,Workflow-Aktion
+Workflow Action Detail,Workflow-Aktion Details
+Workflow Action Details,Workflow Action Details
+Workflow Action Master,Workflow-Aktion Meister
+Workflow Action Name,Workflow Aktion Name
+Workflow Document State,Workflow Document Staat
+Workflow Document States,Workflow Document Staaten
+Workflow Engine,Workflow Engine
+Workflow Name,Workflow-Name
+Workflow Rule,Workflow-Regel
+Workflow Rule Detail,Workflow Rule Details
+Workflow Rule Details,Workflow Regeldetails
+Workflow State,Workflow-Status
+Workflow State Field,Workflow State Field
+Workflow State Name,Workflow State Name
+Workflow Transition,Workflow Transition
+Workflow Transitions,Workflow Transitions
+Workflow state represents the current state of a document.,Workflow-Status repräsentiert den aktuellen Status eines Dokuments.
+Workflow will start after saving.,Workflow wird nach dem Speichern beginnen.
+Workstation Name,Name der Arbeitsstation
+Write Off Account,Write Off Konto
+Write Off Amount,Write Off Betrag
+Write Off Amount <=,Write Off Betrag <=
+Write Off Based On,Write Off Based On
+Write Off Cost Center,Write Off Kostenstellenrechnung
+Write Off Outstanding Amount,Write Off ausstehenden Betrag
+Write Off Voucher,Write Off Gutschein
+Year Closed,Jahr geschlossen
+Year Name,Jahr Name
+Year Start Date,Jahr Startdatum
+Year of Passing,Jahr der Übergabe
+You are not authorized to do/modify back dated entries before,"Sie sind nicht berechtigt, / do ändern zurück datierte Einträge vor"
+You can create more earning and deduction type from Setup --> HR,Sie können mehr verdienen und Deduktion Typ aus Setup -> HR
+You can enter any date manually,Sie können ein beliebiges Datum manuell eingeben
+You can enter the minimum quantity of this item to be ordered.,Sie können die minimale Menge von diesem Artikel bestellt werden.
+You can make a delivery note from multiple sales orders. Select sales orders one by one and click on the button below.,Sie können einen Lieferschein aus mehreren Aufträgen zu machen. Wählen Sie Aufträge nacheinander aus und klicken Sie auf den Button unten.
+You can make a purchase order from multiple Material Requests. Select Material Requests one by one and click on the button below.,Sie können eine Bestellung von mehreren Werkstoff Requests machen. Markieren Sie das Material Requests nacheinander aus und klicken Sie auf den Button unten.
+You can make a purchase order from multiple Supplier Quotations. Select Supplier Quotations one by one and click on the button below.,"Sie können eine Bestellung von mehreren Lieferanten Angebote zu machen. Wählen Sie Lieferant Zitate eins nach dem anderen, und klicken Sie auf den Button unten."
+You can make a purchase receipt from multiple purchase orders. Select purchase orders one by one and click on the button below.,"Sie können einen Kaufbeleg von mehreren Bestellungen. Wählen Bestellungen eins nach dem anderen, und klicken Sie auf den Button unten."
+You can set various 'properties' to Users to set default values and apply permission rules based on the value of these properties in various forms.,"Sie können verschiedene ""Eigenschaften"", um Benutzer auf Standardwerte gesetzt und gelten Erlaubnis Vorschriften über den Wert dieser Eigenschaften in verschiedenen Formen."
+You can use <a href='#Form/Customize Form'>Customize Form</a> to set levels on fields.,Sie können <a href='#Form/Customize Form'> Formular anpassen </ a> auf ein Niveau auf den Feldern eingestellt.
+Your Customer's TAX registration numbers (if applicable) or any general information,Ihre Kunden TAX Kennzeichen (falls zutreffend) oder allgemeine Informationen
+"Your download is being built, this may take a few moments...","Ihr Download gebaut wird, kann dies einige Zeit dauern ..."
+Your letter head content in HTML.,Ihr Briefkopf Inhalte in HTML.
+Your sales person who will contact the customer in future,"Ihr Umsatz Person, die die Kunden in Zukunft in Verbindung setzen"
+Your sales person who will contact the lead in future,"Ihr Umsatz Person, die die Führung in der Zukunft an"
+Your sales person will get a reminder on this date to contact the customer,"Ihre Vertriebsmitarbeiter erhalten eine Erinnerung an diesem Tag, um den Kunden an"
+Your sales person will get a reminder on this date to contact the lead,Ihre Vertriebsmitarbeiter erhalten eine Erinnerung an diesem Tag an die Spitze setzen
+Your support email id - must be a valid email - this is where your emails will come!,"Ihre Unterstützung email id - muss eine gültige E-Mail-sein - das ist, wo Ihre E-Mails wird kommen!"
+add your own CSS (careful!),fügen Sie Ihre eigenen CSS (Vorsicht!)
+align-justify,Ausrichtung zu rechtfertigen
+align-left,-links ausrichten
+create a Custom Field of type Link (Profile) and then use the 'Condition' settings to map that field to the Permission rule.,"erstellen ein benutzerdefiniertes Feld vom Typ Link (Profile) und dann die 'Bedingung' Einstellungen, um das Feld der Erlaubnis der Regel abzubilden."
+dd/mm/yyyy,dd / mm / yyyy
+does not belong to BOM:,nicht auf BOM gehören:
+"e.g. 0.5, 2.5 etc","z.B. 0,5, 2,5 etc."
+"e.g. Bank, Cash, Credit Card","z.B. Bank, Bargeld, Kreditkarte"
+"e.g. Kg, Unit, Nos, m","z.B. Kg, Einheit, Nos, m"
+"e.g. Office, Billing, Shipping","z.B. Office, Rechnungs-, Versand"
+eg. Cheque Number,zB. Scheck-Nummer
+espa̱ol,Espai ± ol
+eye-open,Augen öffnen
+folder-open,Ordner öffnen
+fran̤ais,Frani ¤ ais
+greater than,größer als
+greater than equal,größer gleich
+has been entered atleast twice,wurde atleast zweimal eingegeben
+indent-left,Gedankenstrich links
+is a cancelled Item,ist ein gestempeltes
+is not a Stock Item,ist kein Lagerartikel
+is not allowed.,ist nicht erlaubt.
+less than,weniger als
+less than equal,weniger als gleich
+mm/dd/yy,mm / tt / jj
+mm/dd/yyyy,mm / dd / yyyy
+not equal,ungleich
+not within Fiscal Year,nicht innerhalb Geschäftsjahr
+of type Link,vom Typ Link-
+portuguÌ»s,portuguÌ »s
+reached its end of life on,erreichte Ende des Lebens auf
+step-forward,Schritt vorwärts
+"target = ""_blank""","target = ""_blank"""
+thumbs-down,Daumen runter
+thumbs-up,Daumen hoch
+to be dropped,fallengelassen werden
+values and dates,Werte und Daten
+website page link,Website-Link
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utilities/doctype/address/locale/de-doc.json b/utilities/doctype/address/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98cf226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/doctype/address/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ "Address": "Adresse",
+ "Address Details": "Adressdaten",
+ "Address Line1": "Adresse Line1",
+ "Address Line2": "Adresse Line2",
+ "Address Title": "Anrede",
+ "Address Type": "Adresse Typ",
+ "Check to make Shipping Address": "\u00dcberpr\u00fcfen Sie, Liefer-Adresse machen",
+ "Check to make primary address": "\u00dcberpr\u00fcfen prim\u00e4re Adresse machen",
+ "City/Town": "Stadt / Ort",
+ "Country": "Land",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Customer Name": "Name des Kunden",
+ "Email Id": "Email Id",
+ "Fax": "Fax",
+ "Is Primary Address": "Ist Primary Address",
+ "Is Shipping Address": "Ist Versandadresse",
+ "Linked With": "Verbunden mit",
+ "Name of person or organization that this address belongs to.": "Name der Person oder Organisation, dass diese Adresse geh\u00f6rt.",
+ "Phone": "Telefon",
+ "Pincode": "Pincode",
+ "Sales Partner": "Vertriebspartner",
+ "State": "Zustand",
+ "Supplier": "Lieferant",
+ "Supplier Name": "Name des Anbieters",
+ "Utilities": "Dienstprogramme",
+ "e.g. Office, Billing, Shipping": "z.B. Office, Rechnungs-, Versand"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utilities/doctype/answer/locale/_messages_doc.json b/utilities/doctype/answer/locale/_messages_doc.json
index d114eee..252553e4 100644
--- a/utilities/doctype/answer/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/utilities/doctype/answer/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "Points",
+ "Points",
"Users Voted"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utilities/doctype/answer/locale/de-doc.json b/utilities/doctype/answer/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13b8911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/doctype/answer/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Answer": "Beantworten",
+ "Points": "Punkte",
+ "Question": "Frage",
+ "Users Voted": "Nutzer",
+ "Utilities": "Dienstprogramme"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utilities/doctype/contact/locale/_messages_doc.json b/utilities/doctype/contact/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 88d1090..c1d837b 100644
--- a/utilities/doctype/contact/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/utilities/doctype/contact/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"Trash Reason",
"Is Primary Contact",
- "First Name",
- "Unsubscribed",
+ "Unsubscribed",
+ "Supplier",
"Supplier Name",
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
"Mobile No",
"Sales Partner",
- "Supplier",
+ "First Name",
"Last Name",
"Communication HTML",
"Contact Details",
diff --git a/utilities/doctype/contact/locale/de-doc.json b/utilities/doctype/contact/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64a273c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/doctype/contact/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "Communication HTML": "Communication HTML",
+ "Contact": "Kontakt",
+ "Contact Details": "Kontakt Details",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Customer Name": "Name des Kunden",
+ "Department": "Abteilung",
+ "Designation": "Bezeichnung",
+ "Email Id": "Email Id",
+ "Enter department to which this Contact belongs": "Geben Abteilung, auf die diese Kontakt geh\u00f6rt",
+ "Enter designation of this Contact": "Geben Bezeichnung dieser Kontakt",
+ "First Name": "Vorname",
+ "Is Primary Contact": "Ist Hauptansprechpartner",
+ "Last Name": "Nachname",
+ "Mobile No": "In Mobile",
+ "Open": "\u00d6ffnen",
+ "Phone": "Telefon",
+ "Replied": "Beantwortet",
+ "Sales Partner": "Vertriebspartner",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "Supplier": "Lieferant",
+ "Supplier Name": "Name des Anbieters",
+ "Trash Reason": "Trash Reason",
+ "Unsubscribed": "Unsubscribed",
+ "Utilities": "Dienstprogramme"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utilities/doctype/gl_mapper/locale/de-doc.json b/utilities/doctype/gl_mapper/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..509d4d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/doctype/gl_mapper/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Doc Type": "Doc Type",
+ "Fields": "Felder",
+ "GL Mapper": "GL Mapper",
+ "Utilities": "Dienstprogramme"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utilities/doctype/gl_mapper_detail/locale/de-doc.json b/utilities/doctype/gl_mapper_detail/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de6136d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/doctype/gl_mapper_detail/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ "Account": "Konto",
+ "Against": "Gegen",
+ "Against Voucher": "Gegen Gutschein",
+ "Against Voucher Type": "Gegen Gutschein Type",
+ "Aging Date": "Aging Datum",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Cost Center": "Kostenstellenrechnung",
+ "Credit": "Kredit",
+ "Debit": "Soll",
+ "Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
+ "GL Mapper Detail": "GL Mapper Details",
+ "Is Advance": "Ist Advance",
+ "Is Opening": "Er\u00f6ffnet",
+ "Posting Date": "Buchungsdatum",
+ "Remarks": "Bemerkungen",
+ "Table Field": "Tabelle Feld",
+ "The date at which current entry is made in system.": "Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag im System hergestellt wird.",
+ "The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.": "Das Datum, an dem aktuellen Eintrag zu erhalten oder wird tats\u00e4chlich ausgef\u00fchrt.",
+ "Transaction Date": "Transaction Datum",
+ "Utilities": "Dienstprogramme",
+ "Voucher No": "Gutschein Nein",
+ "Voucher Type": "Gutschein Type"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utilities/doctype/profile_control/locale/de-doc.json b/utilities/doctype/profile_control/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5c3bc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/doctype/profile_control/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Profile Control": "Profile Control",
+ "Utilities": "Dienstprogramme"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utilities/doctype/question/locale/_messages_doc.json b/utilities/doctype/question/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 7097130..4d4aa11 100644
--- a/utilities/doctype/question/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/utilities/doctype/question/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
"User Tags",
+ "Answer",
"File List",
- "Answer",
"Users Voted"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utilities/doctype/question/locale/de-doc.json b/utilities/doctype/question/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf7569c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/doctype/question/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Answer": "Beantworten",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Points": "Punkte",
+ "Question": "Frage",
+ "User Tags": "Nutzertags",
+ "Users Voted": "Nutzer",
+ "Utilities": "Dienstprogramme"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utilities/doctype/rename_tool/locale/_messages_doc.json b/utilities/doctype/rename_tool/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 3ed7a4f..5b4116d 100644
--- a/utilities/doctype/rename_tool/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/utilities/doctype/rename_tool/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -6,11 +6,10 @@
"Select DocType",
- "Warehouse",
- "Serial No",
- "Profile",
+ "Warehouse",
+ "Profile",
"Rename Tool",
"New Name"
diff --git a/utilities/doctype/rename_tool/locale/de-doc.json b/utilities/doctype/rename_tool/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71a9b8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/doctype/rename_tool/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ "Account": "Konto",
+ "Company": "Firma",
+ "Customer": "Kunde",
+ "Document to rename": "Dokumentieren Sie umbenennen",
+ "Employee": "Mitarbeiter",
+ "Item": "Artikel",
+ "New Name": "Neuer Name",
+ "Profile": "Profil",
+ "Rename": "Umbenennen",
+ "Rename Tool": "Umbenennen-Tool",
+ "Select DocType": "W\u00e4hlen DocType",
+ "Serial No": "Serial In",
+ "Supplier": "Lieferant",
+ "Utilities": "Dienstprogramme",
+ "Warehouse": "Lager"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utilities/doctype/sms_control/locale/de-doc.json b/utilities/doctype/sms_control/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7d243f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/doctype/sms_control/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "SMS Control": "SMS Control",
+ "Utilities": "Dienstprogramme"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utilities/doctype/sms_log/locale/de-doc.json b/utilities/doctype/sms_log/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8c3bf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/doctype/sms_log/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "Message": "Nachricht",
+ "No of Requested SMS": "Kein SMS Erw\u00fcnschte",
+ "No of Sent SMS": "Kein SMS gesendet",
+ "Receiver List": "Receiver Liste",
+ "SMS Log": "SMS Log",
+ "Sender Name": "Absender Name",
+ "Sent On": "Sent On",
+ "Utilities": "Dienstprogramme"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utilities/doctype/sms_receiver/locale/de-doc.json b/utilities/doctype/sms_receiver/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59bea69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/doctype/sms_receiver/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Customer Name": "Name des Kunden",
+ "Mobile No": "In Mobile",
+ "Receiver Name": "Name des Empf\u00e4ngers",
+ "SMS Receiver": "SMS-Empf\u00e4nger",
+ "Utilities": "Dienstprogramme"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utilities/doctype/trash_control/locale/de-doc.json b/utilities/doctype/trash_control/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faa5da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/doctype/trash_control/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Trash Control": "Trash Steuerung",
+ "Utilities": "Dienstprogramme"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utilities/module_def/utilities/locale/de-doc.json b/utilities/module_def/utilities/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6874697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/module_def/utilities/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "Markdown Reference": "Markdown Reference",
+ "Messages": "Nachrichten",
+ "To Do": "To Do",
+ "Trash": "Trash",
+ "Users": "Benutzer",
+ "WIP Monitor": "WIP-Monitor",
+ "question-view": "Frage-view",
+ "questions": "Fragen"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/about_us_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json b/website/doctype/about_us_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 706e01a..43613c5 100644
--- a/website/doctype/about_us_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/website/doctype/about_us_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
"Settings for the About Us Page",
"Company History Heading",
"Company Introduction",
- "More content for the bottom of the page.",
"About Us Settings",
"\"Company History\"",
+ "More content for the bottom of the page.",
"\"Team Members\" or \"Management\"",
"Team Members Heading"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/about_us_settings/locale/de-doc.json b/website/doctype/about_us_settings/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2e1905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/doctype/about_us_settings/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "\"Company History\"": "Firmengeschichte",
+ "\"Team Members\" or \"Management\"": "Teammitglieder oder \"Management\"",
+ "About Us Settings": "\u00dcber uns Settings",
+ "Company History": "Unternehmensgeschichte",
+ "Company History Heading": "Unternehmensgeschichte \u00dcberschrift",
+ "Company Introduction": "Vorstellung der Gesellschaft",
+ "Footer": "Fu\u00dfzeile",
+ "Help": "Hilfe",
+ "Introduce your company to the website visitor.": "Pr\u00e4sentieren Sie Ihr Unternehmen auf der Website Besucher.",
+ "More content for the bottom of the page.": "Mehr Inhalte f\u00fcr die unten auf der Seite.",
+ "Settings for the About Us Page": "Einstellungen f\u00fcr die \u00dcber uns Seite",
+ "Team Members": "Teammitglieder",
+ "Team Members Heading": "Teammitglieder \u00dcberschrift",
+ "Website": "Webseite"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/about_us_team_member/locale/de-doc.json b/website/doctype/about_us_team_member/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2ed9b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/doctype/about_us_team_member/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "About Us Team Member": "\u00dcber uns Team Member",
+ "Employee": "Mitarbeiter",
+ "Website": "Webseite"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/blog/locale/_messages_doc.json b/website/doctype/blog/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 033442b..90697bd 100644
--- a/website/doctype/blog/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/website/doctype/blog/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
"Blog Intro",
"Page Name",
+ "Email Sent",
"File List",
- "Email Sent",
"Description for listing page, in plain text, only a couple of lines."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/blog/locale/de-doc.json b/website/doctype/blog/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4f0013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/doctype/blog/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "Blog": "Blog",
+ "Content": "Inhalt",
+ "Email Sent": "E-Mail gesendet",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Page Name": "Page Name",
+ "Published": "Ver\u00f6ffentlicht",
+ "Title": "Titel",
+ "Website": "Webseite"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/blog_subscriber/locale/de-doc.json b/website/doctype/blog_subscriber/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bb8ef1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/doctype/blog_subscriber/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "Blog Subscriber": "Blog Subscriber",
+ "Website": "Webseite"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/company_history/locale/_messages_doc.json b/website/doctype/company_history/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 43d6236..d4b5d10 100644
--- a/website/doctype/company_history/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/website/doctype/company_history/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- "Highlight",
"Company History",
+ "Highlight",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/company_history/locale/de-doc.json b/website/doctype/company_history/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51d7108
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/doctype/company_history/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Company History": "Unternehmensgeschichte",
+ "Highlight": "Hervorheben",
+ "Website": "Webseite",
+ "Year": "Jahr"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/contact_us_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json b/website/doctype/contact_us_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 13ad77b..2ba00c7 100644
--- a/website/doctype/contact_us_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/website/doctype/contact_us_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
"Query Options",
"Contact Us Settings",
"Address to be displayed on the Contact Page",
- "Address",
"Default: \"Contact Us\"",
+ "Address",
"Contact options, like \"Sales Query, Support Query\" etc each on a new line or separated by commas.",
"Introductory information for the Contact Us Page"
diff --git a/website/doctype/contact_us_settings/locale/de-doc.json b/website/doctype/contact_us_settings/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9746380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/doctype/contact_us_settings/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Address": "Adresse",
+ "Address to be displayed on the Contact Page": "Adresse auf der Kontakt Seite angezeigt werden",
+ "Contact Us Settings": "Kontakt Settings",
+ "Contact options, like \"Sales Query, Support Query\" etc each on a new line or separated by commas.": "Kontakt Optionen, wie \"Sales Query, Support-Anfrage\" etc jeweils auf einer neuen Zeile oder durch Kommas getrennt.",
+ "Heading": "\u00dcberschrift",
+ "Help": "Hilfe",
+ "Introduction": "Einf\u00fchrung",
+ "Introductory information for the Contact Us Page": "Einf\u00fchrende Informationen f\u00fcr den Kontakt Seite",
+ "Query Options": "Abfrageoptionen",
+ "Settings for Contact Us Page": "Einstellungen f\u00fcr Kontakt Seite",
+ "Website": "Webseite"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/cross_list_item_group/locale/de-doc.json b/website/doctype/cross_list_item_group/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a5a2dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/doctype/cross_list_item_group/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Cross List Item Group": "\u00dcberqueren List Item-Gruppe",
+ "Cross Listing of Item in multiple groups": "\u00dcberqueren Auflistung der Artikel in mehreren Gruppen",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Website": "Webseite"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/product_group/locale/_messages_doc.json b/website/doctype/product_group/locale/_messages_doc.json
index cae125f..efd61d9 100644
--- a/website/doctype/product_group/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/website/doctype/product_group/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- "Product Group",
+ "Label",
"Item Group",
- "Label"
+ "Product Group"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/product_group/locale/de-doc.json b/website/doctype/product_group/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84e4cdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/doctype/product_group/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Label": "Etikett",
+ "Product Group": "Product Group",
+ "Website": "Webseite"
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b56c28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/doctype/product_settings/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "Default Product Category": "Standard Produktkategorie",
+ "Default: \"Product Search\"": "Default: \"Product Search\"",
+ "Help": "Hilfe",
+ "List of Item Groups to be shown in \"All Products\" menu - in the sequence wanted and with number of indents (left spacing to show a tree effect).": "Liste der Artikel Groups in \"Alle Produkte\"-Men\u00fc angezeigt werden - und wollte in der Folge mit der Anzahl der Einz\u00fcge (links, um den Baum Abstand Wirkung zu zeigen).",
+ "Product Categories": "Produktkategorien",
+ "Product Settings": "Produkt-Settings",
+ "Search Help": "Suchen Hilfe",
+ "Settings for Product Catalog on the website": "Einstellungen f\u00fcr Produkt-Katalog auf der Website",
+ "This Item Group represents \"products.html\"": "Dieser Artikel Gruppe stellt \"products.html\"",
+ "Website": "Webseite",
+ "Website Product Categories": "Website Produktkategorien"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/products_settings/locale/de-doc.json b/website/doctype/products_settings/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29af278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/doctype/products_settings/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Groups": "Gruppen",
+ "Product Groups that are listed on the website. The first product group from this list will be listed by default on the \"Products Page\"": "Produktgruppen, die auf der Website aufgef\u00fchrt sind. Das erste Produkt aus dieser Gruppe Liste wird standardm\u00e4\u00dfig auf der \"Products Page\" aufgef\u00fchrt werden",
+ "Products Settings": "Produkte Einstellungen",
+ "Website": "Webseite"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/related_page/locale/de-doc.json b/website/doctype/related_page/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ff3efc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/doctype/related_page/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Page": "Seite",
+ "Related Page": "Verwandte Seite",
+ "Website": "Webseite"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/style_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json b/website/doctype/style_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 28e8e98..642d19a 100644
--- a/website/doctype/style_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/website/doctype/style_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
+ "Solid background color (default light gray)",
"Set your background color, font and image (tiled)",
"Custom CSS",
@@ -25,7 +26,6 @@
"If image is selected, color will be ignored (attach first)",
"Background Image",
- "Solid background color (default light gray)",
"Heading Font"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/style_settings/locale/de-doc.json b/website/doctype/style_settings/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64180ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/doctype/style_settings/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ "12px": "12px",
+ "13px": "13px",
+ "14px": "14px",
+ "15px": "15px",
+ "16px": "16px",
+ "Add CSS": "F\u00fcgen Sie CSS",
+ "Arial": "Arial",
+ "Auto generated": "Auto generiert",
+ "Background Color": "Hintergrundfarbe",
+ "Background Image": "Background Image",
+ "CSS": "CSS",
+ "Custom CSS": "Custom CSS",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Font": "Schriftart",
+ "Font Size": "Schriftgr\u00f6\u00dfe",
+ "Georgia": "Georgia",
+ "Heading Font": "Unterwegs Font",
+ "Helvetica Neue": "Helvetica Neue",
+ "If image is selected, color will be ignored (attach first)": "Wenn das Bild ausgew\u00e4hlt ist, wird die Farbe ignoriert (legen zuerst) werden",
+ "Lato": "Lato",
+ "Lucida Grande": "Lucida Grande",
+ "Open Sans": "Offene Sans",
+ "Set your background color, font and image (tiled)": "Stellen Sie Ihre Hintergrundfarbe, Schrift und Bild (Kachel)",
+ "Solid background color (default light gray)": "Einfarbigen Hintergrund (Standard lichtgrau)",
+ "Style Settings": "Style Einstellungen",
+ "Tahoma": "Tahoma",
+ "Verdana": "Verdana",
+ "Website": "Webseite",
+ "add your own CSS (careful!)": "f\u00fcgen Sie Ihre eigenen CSS (Vorsicht!)"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/top_bar_item/locale/de-doc.json b/website/doctype/top_bar_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ba47ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/doctype/top_bar_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "Label": "Etikett",
+ "Parent Label": "Eltern Etikett",
+ "Target": "Ziel",
+ "Top Bar Item": "Top Bar Artikel",
+ "URL": "URL",
+ "Website": "Webseite",
+ "target = \"_blank\"": "target = \"_blank\""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/web_page/locale/de-doc.json b/website/doctype/web_page/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7905c90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/doctype/web_page/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ "Add code as <script>": "F\u00fcgen Sie Code wie <script>",
+ "Begin this page with a slideshow of images": "Beginnen Sie diese Seite mit einer Diashow von Bildern",
+ "CSS": "CSS",
+ "Center": "Zentrum",
+ "Content": "Inhalt",
+ "Content in markdown format that appears on the main side of your page": "Content in markdown Format, das auf der Hauptseite Ihrer Seite",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Insert Code": "Code einf\u00fcgen",
+ "Insert Style": "Legen Stil",
+ "Javascript": "Javascript",
+ "Left": "Links",
+ "Link to other pages in the side bar and next section": "Link zu anderen Seiten in der Seitenleiste und im n\u00e4chsten Abschnitt",
+ "Main Section": "Main Section",
+ "More": "Mehr",
+ "Page Name": "Page Name",
+ "Page content": "Seiteninhalt",
+ "Page url name (auto-generated) (add \".html\")": "Seite url Namen (automatisch generierte) (zus. \"Html\")",
+ "Published": "Ver\u00f6ffentlicht",
+ "Right": "Rechts",
+ "Slideshow": "Slideshow",
+ "Text Align": "Text ausrichten",
+ "Title": "Titel",
+ "Title / headline of your page": "Titel / \u00dcberschrift Ihrer Seite",
+ "Web Page": "Web Page",
+ "Website": "Webseite"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/website_item_group/locale/de-doc.json b/website/doctype/website_item_group/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b4013a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/doctype/website_item_group/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Cross Listing of Item in multiple groups": "\u00dcberqueren Auflistung der Artikel in mehreren Gruppen",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Website": "Webseite",
+ "Website Item Group": "Website-Elementgruppe"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/website_product_category/locale/de-doc.json b/website/doctype/website_product_category/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d834954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/doctype/website_product_category/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "Indent": "Einzug",
+ "Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
+ "Product Category for website": "Produktkategorie f\u00fcr Website",
+ "Website": "Webseite",
+ "Website Product Category": "Website Produktkategorie"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/website_script/locale/_messages_doc.json b/website/doctype/website_script/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 0207448..e4e37cd 100644
--- a/website/doctype/website_script/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/website/doctype/website_script/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- "Javascript",
"Script to attach to all web pages.",
+ "Javascript",
"Website Script"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/website_script/locale/de-doc.json b/website/doctype/website_script/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7979105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/doctype/website_script/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "Javascript": "Javascript",
+ "Script to attach to all web pages.": "Script auf alle Webseiten zu befestigen.",
+ "Website": "Webseite",
+ "Website Script": "Website Script"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/website_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json b/website/doctype/website_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 2b3501e..f2f0fef 100644
--- a/website/doctype/website_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/website/doctype/website_settings/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"Background shade of the top menu bar",
+ "Black",
"Website Settings",
"Google Analytics ID",
@@ -13,7 +14,6 @@
"Top Bar Items",
"File List",
- "Google Plus One",
"Sub-domain provided by",
"Enter domain names associated to this website, each on a new line",
"Domain List",
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
"Add Google Analytics ID: eg. UA-89XXX57-1. Please search help on Google Analytics for more information.",
"Footer Items",
+ "Google Plus One",
"Twitter Share",
- "Twitter Share via",
"An icon file with .ico extension. Should be 16 x 16 px. Generated using a favicon generator. [<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>]",
"Home Page",
"Facebook Share",
@@ -36,6 +36,6 @@
"Tweet will be shared via your user account (if specified)",
"If checked, the Home page will be the default Item Group for the website.",
"Brand HTML",
- "Black",
+ "Twitter Share via",
"Title Prefix"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/website_settings/locale/de-doc.json b/website/doctype/website_settings/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a34da3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/doctype/website_settings/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ "Address": "Adresse",
+ "Address and other legal information you may want to put in the footer.": "Adresse und weitere rechtliche Informationen m\u00f6chten Sie vielleicht in der Fu\u00dfzeile setzen.",
+ "An icon file with .ico extension. Should be 16 x 16 px. Generated using a favicon generator. [<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>]": "Ein Symbol-Datei mit. Ico. Sollte 16 x 16 px sein. Erzeugt mit ein Favicon-Generator. [<a Href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> </ a>]",
+ "Background shade of the top menu bar": "Hintergrund Schatten der oberen Men\u00fcleiste",
+ "Black": "Schwarz",
+ "Brand HTML": "Marke HTML",
+ "Copyright": "Copyright",
+ "Domain List": "Domain-Liste",
+ "Enter domain names associated to this website, each on a new line": "Geben Sie Domain-Namen verbunden mit dieser Website, die jeweils auf einer neuen Zeile",
+ "FavIcon": "FavIcon",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Footer": "Fu\u00dfzeile",
+ "Footer Items": "Footer Artikel",
+ "Home Page": "Home Page",
+ "Home Page is Products": "Home Page ist Products",
+ "If checked, the Home page will be the default Item Group for the website.": "Wenn aktiviert, wird die Startseite der Standard Artikel-Gruppe f\u00fcr die Website.",
+ "Landing Page": "Landing Page",
+ "Misc": "Misc",
+ "Sub-domain provided by": "Sub-Domain durch vorgesehen",
+ "Subdomain": "Subdomain",
+ "The \"Web Page\" that is the website home page": "Die \"Web Page\", die Homepage der Website ist",
+ "The name of your company / website as you want to appear on browser title bar. All pages will have this as the prefix to the title.": "Der Name Ihrer Firma / Website, wie Sie auf Titelleiste des Browsers angezeigt werden soll. Alle Seiten werden diese als Pr\u00e4fix f\u00fcr den Titel haben.",
+ "Title Prefix": "Title Prefix",
+ "Top Bar": "Top Bar",
+ "Top Bar Background": "Top Bar Hintergrund",
+ "Top Bar Items": "Top Bar Artikel",
+ "Website": "Webseite",
+ "Website Settings": "Website-Einstellungen",
+ "White": "Wei\u00df"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/website_slideshow/locale/de-doc.json b/website/doctype/website_slideshow/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c1e3da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/doctype/website_slideshow/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Header": "Kopfzeile",
+ "Slideshow Items": "Slideshow Artikel",
+ "Slideshow Name": "Slideshow Namen",
+ "Slideshow like display for the website": "Slideshow wie Display f\u00fcr die Website",
+ "This goes above the slideshow.": "Dies geht \u00fcber die Diashow.",
+ "Website": "Webseite",
+ "Website Slideshow": "Website Slideshow"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/doctype/website_slideshow_item/locale/de-doc.json b/website/doctype/website_slideshow_item/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db6d5af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/doctype/website_slideshow_item/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "File List": "Dateiliste",
+ "Heading": "\u00dcberschrift",
+ "Image": "Bild",
+ "Website": "Webseite",
+ "Website Slideshow Item": "Website Slideshow Artikel"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/module_def/website/locale/_messages_doc.json b/website/module_def/website/locale/_messages_doc.json
index 9c038db..ea70734 100644
--- a/website/module_def/website/locale/_messages_doc.json
+++ b/website/module_def/website/locale/_messages_doc.json
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"Slideshow like display for the website",
"Settings for the About Us Page",
"Website Home",
- "Set your background color, font and image (tiled)",
+ "Set your background color, font and image (tiled)",
"Script to attach to all web pages."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/module_def/website/locale/de-doc.json b/website/module_def/website/locale/de-doc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c7eca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/module_def/website/locale/de-doc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "Cross Listing of Item in multiple groups": "\u00dcberqueren Auflistung der Artikel in mehreren Gruppen",
+ "Product Category for website": "Produktkategorie f\u00fcr Website",
+ "Script to attach to all web pages.": "Script auf alle Webseiten zu befestigen.",
+ "Set your background color, font and image (tiled)": "Stellen Sie Ihre Hintergrundfarbe, Schrift und Bild (Kachel)",
+ "Settings for Contact Us Page": "Einstellungen f\u00fcr Kontakt Seite",
+ "Settings for Product Catalog on the website": "Einstellungen f\u00fcr Produkt-Katalog auf der Website",
+ "Settings for the About Us Page": "Einstellungen f\u00fcr die \u00dcber uns Seite",
+ "Slideshow like display for the website": "Slideshow wie Display f\u00fcr die Website",
+ "Unsubscribe": "Abmelden",
+ "Website Home": "Website Home"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/page/website_home/locale/de-js.json b/website/page/website_home/locale/de-js.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6713c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/page/website_home/locale/de-js.json
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ "About Us Settings": "\u00dcber uns Settings",
+ "Advanced Scripting": "Advanced Scripting",
+ "Blog": "Blog",
+ "Blog entry.": "Blog-Eintrag.",
+ "Contact Us Settings": "Kontakt Settings",
+ "Content web page.": "Inhalt Web-Seite.",
+ "Embed image slideshows in website pages.": "Einbetten Bild Diashows in Web-Seiten.",
+ "Javascript to append to the head section of the page.": "Javascript, um den Kopfteil der Seite anh\u00e4ngen.",
+ "Product Settings": "Produkt-Settings",
+ "Settings for About Us Page.": "Einstellungen f\u00fcr \u00dcber uns Seite.",
+ "Settings for Contact Us Page.": "Einstellungen f\u00fcr Kontakt-Seite.",
+ "Settings for Product Catalog on the website.": "Einstellungen f\u00fcr Produkt-Katalog auf der Website.",
+ "Setup of fonts and background.": "Setup von Schriftarten und Hintergrund.",
+ "Setup of top navigation bar, footer and logo.": "Setup der oberen Navigationsleiste, Fu\u00dfzeile und Logo.",
+ "Special Page Settings": "Spezielle Einstellungen Seite",
+ "Style Settings": "Style Einstellungen",
+ "Web Content": "Web Content",
+ "Web Page": "Web Page",
+ "Website Overall Settings": "Website Overall Einstellungen",
+ "Website Script": "Website Script",
+ "Website Settings": "Website-Einstellungen",
+ "Website Slideshow": "Website Slideshow"
\ No newline at end of file