delete mapper b4 doctype
diff --git a/patches/ b/patches/
index ec651d3..fcf08eb 100644
--- a/patches/
+++ b/patches/
@@ -150,11 +150,11 @@
dt_module = {'LC PR Detail':'Stock', 'Landed Cost Detail':'Stock', 'Comment Widget Record': 'Core', 'Tag':'Core', 'Tag Detail': 'Core'}
for d in dt_module.keys():
sql("update `tabDocType` set module = '%s' where name = '%s'" % (dt_module[d], d))
+ delete_unwanted_mappers()
sql("start transaction")
- delete_unwanted_mappers()
diff --git a/setup/page/setup/setup.js b/setup/page/setup/setup.js
index c0ba3d4..0d33465 100644
--- a/setup/page/setup/setup.js
+++ b/setup/page/setup/setup.js
@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@
['Price List',1,'Price List','','Price list master'],
['UOM',1,'UOM','','Unit of measure (UOM) master'],
['Warehouse Type',1,'Warehouse Type','','Warehouse classifications'],
- ['Warehouse',1,'Warehouse','','Warehouse master']]};
+ ['Warehouse',1,'Warehouse','','Warehouse master'],
+ ['Landed Cost Master', 1, 'Landed Cost Master', '', 'You can create master template for landed cost wizard']]};
this.buying = {'Buying':[['Supplier Type',1,'Supplier Type','','Manage supplier classifications'],
['Supplier',1,'Supplier','id'+NEWLINE+'supplier_type'+NEWLINE+'supplier_status'+NEWLINE+'company','Supplier master']]};
diff --git a/stock/doctype/landed_cost_wizard/ b/stock/doctype/landed_cost_wizard/
index d339e18..ed21d32 100644
--- a/stock/doctype/landed_cost_wizard/
+++ b/stock/doctype/landed_cost_wizard/
@@ -22,72 +22,71 @@
self.doc = doc
self.doclist = doclist
- def get_purchase_receipts(self):
- self.doc.clear_table(self.doclist,'lc_pr_details',1)
- if not self.doc.from_pr_date or not self.doc.to_pr_date:
- msgprint("Please enter From and To PR Date")
- raise Exception
- if not self.doc.currency:
- msgprint("Please enter Currency.")
- raise Exception
- pr = sql("select name from `tabPurchase Receipt` where docstatus = 1 and posting_date >= '%s' and posting_date <= '%s' and currency = '%s' order by name "%(self.doc.from_pr_date,self.doc.to_pr_date,self.doc.currency), as_dict = 1)
- if len(pr)>200:
- msgprint("Please enter date of shorter duration as there are too many purchase receipt, hence it cannot be loaded.")
- raise Exception
- for i in pr:
- if i and i['name']:
- pr_no = addchild(self.doc, 'lc_pr_details', 'LC PR Detail', 1, self.doclist)
- pr_no.purchase_receipt_no = i and i['name'] or ''
+ def get_purchase_receipts(self):
+ self.doc.clear_table(self.doclist,'lc_pr_details',1)
+ if not self.doc.from_pr_date or not self.doc.to_pr_date:
+ msgprint("Please enter From and To PR Date")
+ raise Exception
+ if not self.doc.currency:
+ msgprint("Please enter Currency.")
+ raise Exception
+ pr = sql("select name from `tabPurchase Receipt` where docstatus = 1 and posting_date >= '%s' and posting_date <= '%s' and currency = '%s' order by name "%(self.doc.from_pr_date,self.doc.to_pr_date,self.doc.currency), as_dict = 1)
+ if len(pr)>200:
+ msgprint("Please enter date of shorter duration as there are too many purchase receipt, hence it cannot be loaded.")
+ raise Exception
+ for i in pr:
+ if i and i['name']:
+ pr_no = addchild(self.doc, 'lc_pr_details', 'LC PR Detail', 1, self.doclist)
+ pr_no.purchase_receipt_no = i and i['name'] or ''
- def update_pr_lc_se(self):
- lst = []
- condition = ' name in('
- amt = 0
- for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'lc_pr_details'):
- if cint(d.include_in_landed_cost) == 1:
- condition += '"'+d.purchase_receipt_no+'",'
- lst.append(d.purchase_receipt_no)
- condition += '"")'
- amount = sql("SELECT SUM(net_total) FROM `tabPurchase Receipt` WHERE docstatus = 1 AND %s"%condition)
- amt = amount and flt(amount[0][0]) or 0
- for lc in getlist(self.doclist, 'landed_cost_details'):
- for name in lst:
- pr_oc_det = sql("select name from `tabPurchase Tax Detail` where parent = %s and category = 'For Valuation' and add_deduct_tax = 'Add' and charge_type = 'Actual' and account_head = %s ",(name, lc.account_head))
- #obj = get_obj('Purchase Receipt', name, with_children = 1)
- if not pr_oc_det:
- obj = get_obj('Purchase Receipt', name, with_children = 1)
- lgth = cint(sql("select count(name) from `tabPurchase Tax Detail` where parent = '%s' "%(name))[0][0])
- pr_oc = addchild(obj.doc, 'purchase_tax_details', 'Purchase Tax Detail', 1)
- pr_oc.category = 'For Valuation'
- pr_oc.add_deduct_tax = 'Add'
- pr_oc.charge_type = 'Actual'
- pr_oc.description = lc.description
- pr_oc.account_head = lc.account_head
- pr_oc.rate = flt(flt(lc.amount) * flt(obj.doc.net_total/ amt))
- pr_oc.tax_amount = flt(flt(lc.amount) * flt(obj.doc.net_total/ amt))
- = obj.doc.grand_total
- pr_oc.docstatus = 1
- pr_oc.idx = cint(lgth)
- else:
- obj = get_obj('Purchase Receipt', name)
- sql("update `tabPurchase Tax Detail` set rate = %s, tax_amount = %s where name = %s and parent = %s",(flt(flt(lc.amount) * flt(obj.doc.net_total/ amt)),flt(flt(lc.amount) * flt(obj.doc.net_total/ amt)),pr_oc_det[0][0],name))
- self.calc_pr_other_charges(name)
- obj = get_obj('Purchase Receipt', name, with_children = 1)
- for d in getlist(obj.doclist, 'purchase_receipt_details'):
- if flt(d.qty):
- d.valuation_rate = (flt(d.purchase_rate) + (flt(d.rm_supp_cost) / flt(d.qty)) + (flt(d.item_tax_amount)/flt(d.qty))) / flt(d.conversion_factor)
- sql("update `tabStock Ledger Entry` set incoming_rate = '%s' where voucher_detail_no = '%s'"%(flt(d.valuation_rate),
- bin_name = sql("select,, t2.posting_date, t2.posting_time from `tabBin` t1, `tabStock Ledger Entry` t2 where t2.voucher_detail_no = '%s' and t2.item_code = t1.item_code and t2.warehouse = t1.warehouse LIMIT 1"%(
- if bin_name and bin_name[0][0]:
- obj = get_obj('Bin', bin_name[0][0]).update_item_valuation(bin_name[0][1], bin_name[0][2], bin_name[0][3])
+ def update_pr_lc_se(self):
+ lst = []
+ condition = ' name in('
+ amt = 0
+ for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'lc_pr_details'):
+ if cint(d.include_in_landed_cost) == 1:
+ condition += '"'+d.purchase_receipt_no+'",'
+ lst.append(d.purchase_receipt_no)
+ condition += '"")'
+ amount = sql("SELECT SUM(net_total) FROM `tabPurchase Receipt` WHERE docstatus = 1 AND %s"%condition)
+ amt = amount and flt(amount[0][0]) or 0
+ for lc in getlist(self.doclist, 'landed_cost_details'):
+ for name in lst:
+ pr_oc_det = sql("select name from `tabPurchase Tax Detail` where parent = %s and category = 'For Valuation' and add_deduct_tax = 'Add' and charge_type = 'Actual' and account_head = %s ",(name, lc.account_head))
+ #obj = get_obj('Purchase Receipt', name, with_children = 1)
+ if not pr_oc_det:
+ obj = get_obj('Purchase Receipt', name, with_children = 1)
+ lgth = cint(sql("select count(name) from `tabPurchase Tax Detail` where parent = '%s' "%(name))[0][0])
+ pr_oc = addchild(obj.doc, 'purchase_tax_details', 'Purchase Tax Detail', 1)
+ pr_oc.category = 'For Valuation'
+ pr_oc.add_deduct_tax = 'Add'
+ pr_oc.charge_type = 'Actual'
+ pr_oc.description = lc.description
+ pr_oc.account_head = lc.account_head
+ pr_oc.rate = flt(flt(lc.amount) * flt(obj.doc.net_total/ amt))
+ pr_oc.tax_amount = flt(flt(lc.amount) * flt(obj.doc.net_total/ amt))
+ = obj.doc.grand_total
+ pr_oc.docstatus = 1
+ pr_oc.idx = cint(lgth)
+ else:
+ obj = get_obj('Purchase Receipt', name)
+ sql("update `tabPurchase Tax Detail` set rate = %s, tax_amount = %s where name = %s and parent = %s",(flt(flt(lc.amount) * flt(obj.doc.net_total/ amt)),flt(flt(lc.amount) * flt(obj.doc.net_total/ amt)),pr_oc_det[0][0],name))
+ self.calc_pr_other_charges(name)
+ obj = get_obj('Purchase Receipt', name, with_children = 1)
+ for d in getlist(obj.doclist, 'purchase_receipt_details'):
+ if flt(d.qty):
+ d.valuation_rate = (flt(d.purchase_rate) + (flt(d.rm_supp_cost) / flt(d.qty)) + (flt(d.item_tax_amount)/flt(d.qty))) / flt(d.conversion_factor)
+ sql("update `tabStock Ledger Entry` set incoming_rate = '%s' where voucher_detail_no = '%s'"%(flt(d.valuation_rate),
+ bin_name = sql("select,, t2.posting_date, t2.posting_time from `tabBin` t1, `tabStock Ledger Entry` t2 where t2.voucher_detail_no = '%s' and t2.item_code = t1.item_code and t2.warehouse = t1.warehouse LIMIT 1"%(
+ if bin_name and bin_name[0][0]:
+ obj = get_obj('Bin', bin_name[0][0]).update_item_valuation(bin_name[0][1], bin_name[0][2], bin_name[0][3])
# now distribute the taxes among the PRs
for lc in getlist(self.doclist, 'landed_cost_details'):
@@ -227,15 +226,13 @@
return tax_amount
- # get details for landed cost table from master
- # ---------------------------------------------
- def get_landed_cost_master_details(self):
- msgprint('fetching details.....' + self.doc.landed_cost)
- self.doc.clear_table(self.doclist, 'landed_cost_details')
- idx = 0
- landed_cost = sql("select account_head, description from `tabLanded Cost Master Detail` where parent=%s", (self.doc.landed_cost), as_dict = 1)
- msgprint(landed_cost)
- for cost in landed_cost:
- lct = addchild(self.doc, 'landed_cost_details', 'Landed Cost Detail', 1, self.doclist)
- lct.account_head = cost['account_head']
- lct.description = cost['description']
+ # get details for landed cost table from master
+ # ---------------------------------------------
+ def get_landed_cost_master_details(self):
+ self.doc.clear_table(self.doclist, 'landed_cost_details')
+ idx = 0
+ landed_cost = sql("select account_head, description from `tabLanded Cost Master Detail` where parent=%s", (self.doc.landed_cost), as_dict = 1)
+ for cost in landed_cost:
+ lct = addchild(self.doc, 'landed_cost_details', 'Landed Cost Detail', 1, self.doclist)
+ lct.account_head = cost['account_head']
+ lct.description = cost['description']