updated update_feed method in init file of home
diff --git a/material_management/__init__.pyc b/material_management/__init__.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38edace
--- /dev/null
+++ b/material_management/__init__.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/material_management/doctype/__init__.pyc b/material_management/doctype/__init__.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceda4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/material_management/doctype/__init__.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/material_management/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py b/material_management/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py
index b671781..a07f769 100644
--- a/material_management/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py
+++ b/material_management/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class DocType:
def __init__(self, doc, doclist=[]):
self.doc = doc
@@ -59,6 +58,7 @@
# Get UOM Details
+ # ----------------
def get_uom_details(self, arg = ''):
arg, ret = eval(arg), {}
uom = sql("select conversion_factor from `tabUOM Conversion Detail` where parent = %s and uom = %s", (arg['item_code'],arg['uom']), as_dict = 1)
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
- self.get_current_stock(pro_obj.doc.bom_no)
+ self.get_stock_and_rate(pro_obj and pro_obj.doc.bom_no or '')
get_obj('Sales Common').validate_fiscal_year(self.doc.fiscal_year,self.doc.posting_date,'Posting Date')
diff --git a/material_management/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py~ b/material_management/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py~
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e90cdce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/material_management/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py~
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+# Please edit this list and import only required elements
+import webnotes
+from webnotes.utils import add_days, add_months, add_years, cint, cstr, date_diff, default_fields, flt, fmt_money, formatdate, generate_hash, getTraceback, get_defaults, get_first_day, get_last_day, getdate, has_common, month_name, now, nowdate, replace_newlines, sendmail, set_default, str_esc_quote, user_format, validate_email_add
+from webnotes.model import db_exists, delete_doc
+from webnotes.model.doc import Document, addchild, removechild, getchildren, make_autoname, SuperDocType
+from webnotes.model.doclist import getlist, copy_doclist
+from webnotes.model.code import get_obj, get_server_obj, run_server_obj, updatedb, check_syntax
+from webnotes import session, form, is_testing, msgprint, errprint
+set = webnotes.conn.set
+sql = webnotes.conn.sql
+get_value = webnotes.conn.get_value
+in_transaction = webnotes.conn.in_transaction
+convert_to_lists = webnotes.conn.convert_to_lists
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class DocType:
+ def __init__(self, doc, doclist=[]):
+ self.doc = doc
+ self.doclist = doclist
+ self.item_dict = {}
+ self.fname = 'mtn_details'
+ # Autoname
+ # ---------
+ def autoname(self):
+ self.doc.name = make_autoname(self.doc.naming_series+'.#####')
+ # get item details
+ # ----------------
+ def get_item_details(self, arg):
+ arg, actual_qty, in_rate = eval(arg), 0, 0
+ item = sql("select stock_uom, description, item_name from `tabItem` where name = %s and (ifnull(end_of_life,'')='' or end_of_life ='0000-00-00' or end_of_life > now())", (arg.get('item_code')), as_dict = 1)
+ if not item:
+ msgprint("Item is not active", raise_exception=1)
+ if arg.get('warehouse'):
+ actual_qty = self.get_as_on_stock(arg.get('item_code'), arg.get('warehouse'), self.doc.posting_date, self.doc.posting_time)
+ in_rate = self.get_incoming_rate(arg.get('item_code'), arg.get('warehouse'), self.doc.posting_date, self.doc.posting_time, arg.get('transfer_qty'), arg.get('serial_no')) or 0
+ ret = {
+ 'uom' : item and item[0]['stock_uom'] or '',
+ 'stock_uom' : item and item[0]['stock_uom'] or '',
+ 'description' : item and item[0]['description'] or '',
+ 'item_name' : item and item[0]['item_name'] or '',
+ 'actual_qty' : actual_qty,
+ 'qty' : 0,
+ 'transfer_qty' : 0,
+ 'incoming_rate' : in_rate,
+ 'conversion_factor' : 1,
+ 'batch_no' : ''
+ }
+ return str(ret)
+ # Get UOM Details
+ # ----------------
+ def get_uom_details(self, arg = ''):
+ arg, ret = eval(arg), {}
+ uom = sql("select conversion_factor from `tabUOM Conversion Detail` where parent = %s and uom = %s", (arg['item_code'],arg['uom']), as_dict = 1)
+ if not uom:
+ msgprint("There is no Conversion Factor for UOM '%s' in Item '%s'" % (arg['uom'], arg['item_code']))
+ ret = {'uom' : ''}
+ else:
+ ret = {
+ 'conversion_factor' : flt(uom[0]['conversion_factor']),
+ 'transfer_qty' : flt(arg['qty']) * flt(uom[0]['conversion_factor']),
+ }
+ return str(ret)
+ # get stock and incoming rate on posting date
+ # ---------------------------------------------
+ def get_stock_and_rate(self, bom_no = ''):
+ for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'mtn_details'):
+ # assign parent warehouse
+ d.s_warehouse = cstr(d.s_warehouse) or self.doc.purpose != 'Production Order' and self.doc.from_warehouse or ''
+ d.t_warehouse = cstr(d.t_warehouse) or self.doc.purpose != 'Production Order' and self.doc.to_warehouse or ''
+ # get current stock at source warehouse
+ d.actual_qty = d.s_warehouse and self.get_as_on_stock(d.item_code, d.s_warehouse, self.doc.posting_date, self.doc.posting_time) or 0
+ # get incoming rate
+ if not flt(d.incoming_rate):
+ msgprint(1)
+ d.incoming_rate = self.get_incoming_rate(d.item_code, d.s_warehouse, self.doc.posting_date, self.doc.posting_time, d.transfer_qty, d.serial_no, d.fg_item, bom_no)
+ # Get stock qty on any date
+ # ---------------------------
+ def get_as_on_stock(self, item, wh, dt, tm):
+ bin = sql("select name from tabBin where item_code = %s and warehouse = %s", (item, wh))
+ bin_id = bin and bin[0][0] or ''
+ prev_sle = get_obj('Bin', bin_id).get_prev_sle(dt, tm)
+ qty = flt(prev_sle.get('bin_aqat', 0))
+ return qty
+ # Get incoming rate
+ # -------------------
+ def get_incoming_rate(self, item, wh, dt, tm, qty = 0, serial_no = '', fg_item = 'No', bom_no = ''):
+ msgprint(wh)
+ in_rate = 0
+ if fg_item == 'Yes':
+ # re-calculate cost for production item from bom
+ get_obj('BOM Control').calculate_cost(bom_no)
+ in_rate = get_value('Bill Of Materials', bom_no, 'cost_as_per_mar')
+ elif wh:
+ msgprint(1)
+ in_rate = get_obj('Valuation Control').get_incoming_rate(dt, tm, item, wh, qty, serial_no)
+ return in_rate
+ # makes dict of unique items with it's qty
+ #-----------------------------------------
+ def make_items_dict(self, items_list):
+ # items_list = [[item_name, qty]]
+ for i in items_list:
+ if self.item_dict.has_key(i[0]):
+ self.item_dict[i[0]][0] = flt(self.item_dict[i[0]][0]) + flt(i[1])
+ else:
+ self.item_dict[i[0]] = [flt(i[1]), cstr(i[2]), cstr(i[3])]
+ def get_raw_materials(self,pro_obj):
+ # get all items from flat bom except, child items of sub-contracted and sub assembly items and sub assembly items itself.
+ flat_bom_items = sql("select item_code, ifnull(sum(qty_consumed_per_unit), 0) * '%s', description, stock_uom from `tabFlat BOM Detail` where parent = '%s' and parent_bom = '%s' and is_pro_applicable = 'No' and docstatus < 2 group by item_code" % ((self.doc.process == 'Backflush') and flt(self.doc.fg_completed_qty) or flt(pro_obj.doc.qty), cstr(pro_obj.doc.bom_no), cstr(pro_obj.doc.bom_no)))
+ self.make_items_dict(flat_bom_items)
+ if pro_obj.doc.consider_sa_items == 'Yes':
+ # get all Sub Assembly items only from flat bom
+ fl_bom_sa_items = sql("select item_code, ifnull(sum(qty_consumed_per_unit), 0) * '%s', description, stock_uom from `tabFlat BOM Detail` where parent = '%s' and parent_bom != '%s' and is_pro_applicable = 'Yes' and docstatus < 2 group by item_code" % ((self.doc.process == 'Backflush') and flt(self.doc.fg_completed_qty) or flt(pro_obj.doc.qty), cstr(pro_obj.doc.bom_no), cstr(pro_obj.doc.bom_no)))
+ self.make_items_dict(fl_bom_sa_items)
+ if pro_obj.doc.consider_sa_items == 'No':
+ # get all sub assembly childs only from flat bom
+ fl_bom_sa_child_item = sql("select item_code, ifnull(sum(qty_consumed_per_unit), 0) * '%s', description, stock_uom from `tabFlat BOM Detail` where parent = '%s' and parent_bom in (select distinct parent_bom from `tabFlat BOM Detail` where parent = '%s' and parent_bom != '%s' and is_pro_applicable = 'Yes' and docstatus < 2 ) and is_pro_applicable = 'No' and docstatus < 2 group by item_code" % ((self.doc.process == 'Backflush') and flt(self.doc.fg_completed_qty) or flt(pro_obj.doc.qty), cstr(pro_obj.doc.bom_no), cstr(pro_obj.doc.bom_no), cstr(pro_obj.doc.bom_no)))
+ self.make_items_dict(fl_bom_sa_child_item)
+ def add_to_stock_entry_detail(self, pro_obj, item_dict, fg_item = 0):
+ sw, tw = '', ''
+ if self.doc.process == 'Material Transfer':
+ tw = cstr(pro_obj.doc.wip_warehouse)
+ if self.doc.process == 'Backflush':
+ tw = fg_item and cstr(pro_obj.doc.fg_warehouse) or ''
+ if not fg_item: sw = cstr(pro_obj.doc.wip_warehouse)
+ for d in item_dict:
+ se_child = addchild(self.doc, 'mtn_details', 'Stock Entry Detail', 0, self.doclist)
+ se_child.s_warehouse = sw
+ se_child.t_warehouse = tw
+ se_child.fg_item = fg_item
+ se_child.item_code = cstr(d)
+ se_child.description = item_dict[d][1]
+ se_child.uom = item_dict[d][2]
+ se_child.stock_uom = item_dict[d][2]
+ se_child.reqd_qty = flt(item_dict[d][0])
+ se_child.qty = flt(item_dict[d][0])
+ se_child.transfer_qty = flt(item_dict[d][0])
+ se_child.conversion_factor = 1.00
+ # get items
+ #------------------
+ def get_items(self):
+ pro_obj = self.doc.production_order and get_obj('Production Order', self.doc.production_order) or ''
+ self.validate_for_production_order(pro_obj)
+ self.get_raw_materials(pro_obj)
+ self.doc.clear_table(self.doclist, 'mtn_details', 1)
+ self.add_to_stock_entry_detail(pro_obj, self.item_dict)
+ if self.doc.process == 'Backflush':
+ item_dict = {cstr(pro_obj.doc.production_item) : [self.doc.fg_completed_qty, pro_obj.doc.description, pro_obj.doc.stock_uom]}
+ self.add_to_stock_entry_detail(pro_obj, item_dict, fg_item = 1)
+ def validate_transfer_qty(self):
+ for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'mtn_details'):
+ if flt(d.transfer_qty) <= 0:
+ msgprint("Transfer Quantity can not be less than or equal to zero at Row No " + cstr(d.idx))
+ raise Exception
+ if d.s_warehouse:
+ if flt(d.transfer_qty) > flt(d.actual_qty):
+ msgprint("Transfer Quantity is more than Available Qty at Row No " + cstr(d.idx))
+ raise Exception
+ def calc_amount(self):
+ total_amount = 0
+ for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'mtn_details'):
+ d.amount = flt(d.transfer_qty) * flt(d.incoming_rate)
+ total_amount += flt(d.amount)
+ self.doc.total_amount = flt(total_amount)
+ def add_to_values(self, d, wh, qty, is_cancelled):
+ self.values.append({
+ 'item_code' : d.item_code,
+ 'warehouse' : wh,
+ 'transaction_date' : self.doc.transfer_date,
+ 'posting_date' : self.doc.posting_date,
+ 'posting_time' : self.doc.posting_time,
+ 'voucher_type' : 'Stock Entry',
+ 'voucher_no' : self.doc.name,
+ 'voucher_detail_no' : d.name,
+ 'actual_qty' : qty,
+ 'incoming_rate' : flt(d.incoming_rate) or 0,
+ 'stock_uom' : d.stock_uom,
+ 'company' : self.doc.company,
+ 'fiscal_year' : self.doc.fiscal_year,
+ 'is_cancelled' : (is_cancelled ==1) and 'Yes' or 'No',
+ 'batch_no' : d.batch_no,
+ 'serial_no' : d.serial_no
+ })
+ def update_stock_ledger(self, is_cancelled=0):
+ self.values = []
+ for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'mtn_details'):
+ if cstr(d.s_warehouse):
+ self.add_to_values(d, cstr(d.s_warehouse), -flt(d.transfer_qty), is_cancelled)
+ if cstr(d.t_warehouse):
+ self.add_to_values(d, cstr(d.t_warehouse), flt(d.transfer_qty), is_cancelled)
+ get_obj('Stock Ledger', 'Stock Ledger').update_stock(self.values)
+ def validate_for_production_order(self, pro_obj):
+ if self.doc.purpose == 'Production Order' or self.doc.process or self.doc.production_order or flt(self.doc.fg_completed_qty):
+ if self.doc.purpose != 'Production Order':
+ msgprint("Purpose should be 'Production Order'.")
+ raise Exception
+ if not self.doc.process:
+ msgprint("Process Field is mandatory.")
+ raise Exception
+ if self.doc.process == 'Backflush' and not flt(self.doc.fg_completed_qty):
+ msgprint("FG Completed Qty is mandatory as the process selected is 'Backflush'")
+ raise Exception
+ if self.doc.process == 'Material Transfer' and flt(self.doc.fg_completed_qty):
+ msgprint("FG Completed Qty should be zero. As the Process selected is 'Material Transfer'.")
+ raise Exception
+ if not self.doc.production_order:
+ msgprint("Production Order field is mandatory")
+ raise Exception
+ if flt(pro_obj.doc.qty) < flt(pro_obj.doc.produced_qty) + flt(self.doc.fg_completed_qty) :
+ msgprint("error:Already Produced Qty for %s is %s and maximum allowed Qty is %s" % (pro_obj.doc.production_item, cstr(pro_obj.doc.produced_qty) or 0.00 , cstr(pro_obj.doc.qty)))
+ raise Exception
+ # Validate
+ # ------------------
+ def validate(self):
+ sl_obj = get_obj("Stock Ledger", "Stock Ledger")
+ sl_obj.scrub_serial_nos(self)
+ sl_obj.validate_serial_no(self, 'mtn_details')
+ pro_obj = ''
+ if self.doc.production_order:
+ pro_obj = get_obj('Production Order', self.doc.production_order)
+ self.validate_for_production_order(pro_obj)
+ self.validate_incoming_rate()
+ self.validate_warehouse(pro_obj)
+ self.get_stock_and_rate(pro_obj and pro_obj.doc.bom_no or '')
+ self.calc_amount()
+ get_obj('Sales Common').validate_fiscal_year(self.doc.fiscal_year,self.doc.posting_date,'Posting Date')
+ # If target warehouse exists, incoming rate is mandatory
+ # --------------------------------------------------------
+ def validate_incoming_rate(self):
+ for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'mtn_details'):
+ if not flt(d.incoming_rate) and d.t_warehouse:
+ msgprint("Rate is mandatory for Item: %s at row %s" % (d.item_code, d.idx), raise_exception=1)
+ # Validate warehouse
+ # -----------------------------------
+ def validate_warehouse(self, pro_obj):
+ fg_qty = 0
+ for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'mtn_details'):
+ if not d.s_warehouse and not d.t_warehouse:
+ d.s_warehouse = self.doc.from_warehouse
+ d.t_warehouse = self.doc.to_warehouse
+ if not (d.s_warehouse or d.t_warehouse):
+ msgprint("Atleast one warehouse is mandatory for Stock Entry ")
+ raise Exception
+ if d.s_warehouse and not sql("select name from tabWarehouse where name = '%s'" % d.s_warehouse):
+ msgprint("Invalid Warehouse: %s" % self.doc.s_warehouse)
+ raise Exception
+ if d.t_warehouse and not sql("select name from tabWarehouse where name = '%s'" % d.t_warehouse):
+ msgprint("Invalid Warehouse: %s" % self.doc.t_warehouse)
+ raise Exception
+ if d.s_warehouse == d.t_warehouse:
+ msgprint("Source and Target Warehouse Cannot be Same.")
+ raise Exception
+ if self.doc.purpose == 'Material Issue':
+ if not cstr(d.s_warehouse):
+ msgprint("Source Warehouse is Mandatory for Purpose => 'Material Issue'")
+ raise Exception
+ if cstr(d.t_warehouse):
+ msgprint("Target Warehouse is not Required for Purpose => 'Material Issue'")
+ raise Exception
+ if self.doc.purpose == 'Material Transfer':
+ if not cstr(d.s_warehouse) or not cstr(d.t_warehouse):
+ msgprint("Source Warehouse and Target Warehouse both are Mandatory for Purpose => 'Material Transfer'")
+ raise Exception
+ if self.doc.purpose == 'Material Receipt':
+ if not cstr(d.t_warehouse):
+ msgprint("Target Warehouse is Mandatory for Purpose => 'Material Receipt'")
+ raise Exception
+ if cstr(d.s_warehouse):
+ msgprint("Source Warehouse is not Required for Purpose => 'Material Receipt'")
+ raise Exception
+ if self.doc.process == 'Material Transfer':
+ if cstr(d.t_warehouse) != (pro_obj.doc.wip_warehouse):
+ msgprint(" Target Warehouse should be same as WIP Warehouse %s in Production Order %s at Row No %s" % (cstr(pro_obj.doc.wip_warehouse), cstr(pro_obj.doc.name), cstr(d.idx)) )
+ raise Exception
+ if not cstr(d.s_warehouse):
+ msgprint("Please Enter Source Warehouse at Row No %s is mandatory." % (cstr(d.idx)))
+ raise Exception
+ if self.doc.process == 'Backflush':
+ if flt(d.fg_item):
+ if cstr(pro_obj.doc.production_item) != cstr(d.item_code):
+ msgprint("Item %s in Stock Entry Detail as Row No %s do not match with Item %s in Production Order %s" % (cstr(d.item_code), cstr(d.idx), cstr(pro_obj.doc.production_item), cstr(pro_obj.doc.name)))
+ raise Exception
+ fg_qty = flt(fg_qty) + flt(d.transfer_qty)
+ if cstr(d.t_warehouse) != cstr(pro_obj.doc.fg_warehouse):
+ msgprint("As Item %s is FG Item. Target Warehouse should be same as FG Warehouse %s in Production Order %s, at Row No %s. " % ( cstr(d.item_code), cstr(pro_obj.doc.fg_warehouse), cstr(pro_obj.doc.name), cstr(d.idx)))
+ raise Exception
+ if cstr(d.s_warehouse):
+ msgprint("As Item %s is a FG Item. There should be no Source Warehouse at Row No %s" % (cstr(d.item_code), cstr(d.idx)))
+ raise Exception
+ if not flt(d.fg_item):
+ if cstr(d.t_warehouse):
+ msgprint("As Item %s is not a FG Item. There should no Tareget Warehouse at Row No %s" % (cstr(d.item_code), cstr(d.idx)))
+ raise Exception
+ if cstr(d.s_warehouse) != cstr(pro_obj.doc.wip_warehouse):
+ msgprint("As Item %s is Raw Material. Source Warehouse should be same as WIP Warehouse %s in Production Order %s, at Row No %s. " % ( cstr(d.item_code), cstr(pro_obj.doc.wip_warehouse), cstr(pro_obj.doc.name), cstr(d.idx)))
+ raise Exception
+ d.save()
+ if self.doc.fg_completed_qty and flt(self.doc.fg_completed_qty) != flt(fg_qty):
+ msgprint("The Total of FG Qty %s in Stock Entry Detail do not match with FG Completed Qty %s" % (flt(fg_qty), flt(self.doc.fg_completed_qty)))
+ raise Exception
+ def update_production_order(self, is_submit):
+ if self.doc.production_order:
+ pro_obj = get_obj("Production Order", self.doc.production_order)
+ if flt(pro_obj.doc.docstatus) != 1:
+ msgprint("One cannot do any transaction against Production Order : %s, as it's not submitted" % (pro_obj.doc.name))
+ raise Exception
+ if pro_obj.doc.status == 'Stopped':
+ msgprint("One cannot do any transaction against Production Order : %s, as it's status is 'Stopped'" % (pro_obj.doc.name))
+ raise Exception
+ if getdate(pro_obj.doc.posting_date) > getdate(self.doc.posting_date):
+ msgprint("Posting Date of Stock Entry cannot be before Posting Date of Production Order "+ cstr(self.doc.production_order))
+ raise Exception
+ if self.doc.process == 'Backflush':
+ pro_obj.doc.produced_qty = flt(pro_obj.doc.produced_qty) + (is_submit and 1 or -1 ) * flt(self.doc.fg_completed_qty)
+ get_obj('Warehouse', pro_obj.doc.fg_warehouse).update_bin(0, 0, 0, 0, (is_submit and 1 or -1 ) * flt(self.doc.fg_completed_qty), pro_obj.doc.production_item, now())
+ pro_obj.doc.status = (flt(pro_obj.doc.qty) == flt(pro_obj.doc.produced_qty)) and 'Completed' or 'In Process'
+ pro_obj.doc.save()
+ # Create / Update Serial No
+ # ----------------------------------
+ def update_serial_no(self, is_submit):
+ sl_obj = get_obj('Stock Ledger')
+ for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'mtn_details'):
+ if d.serial_no:
+ serial_nos = sl_obj.get_sr_no_list(d.serial_no)
+ for x in serial_nos:
+ serial_no = x.strip()
+ if d.s_warehouse:
+ sl_obj.update_serial_delivery_details(self, d, serial_no, is_submit)
+ if d.t_warehouse:
+ sl_obj.update_serial_purchase_details(self, d, serial_no, is_submit, (self.doc.purpose in ['Material Transfer', 'Sales Return']) and 1 or 0)
+ if self.doc.purpose == 'Purchase Return':
+ delete_doc("Serial No", serial_no)
+ # On Submit
+ # ------------------
+ def on_submit(self):
+ self.validate_transfer_qty()
+ # Check for Approving Authority
+ get_obj('Authorization Control').validate_approving_authority(self.doc.doctype, self.doc.company, self.doc.total_amount)
+ self.update_serial_no(1)
+ self.update_stock_ledger(0)
+ # update Production Order
+ self.update_production_order(1)
+ # On Cancel
+ # -------------------
+ def on_cancel(self):
+ self.update_serial_no(0)
+ self.update_stock_ledger(1)
+ # update Production Order
+ self.update_production_order(0)
+ def get_cust_values(self):
+ tbl = self.doc.delivery_note_no and 'Delivery Note' or 'Receivable Voucher'
+ record_name = self.doc.delivery_note_no or self.doc.sales_invoice_no
+ res = sql("select customer,customer_name, customer_address from `tab%s` where name = '%s'" % (tbl, record_name))
+ ret = {
+ 'customer' : res and res[0][0] or '',
+ 'customer_name' : res and res[0][1] or '',
+ 'customer_address' : res and res[0][2] or ''}
+ return str(ret)
+ def get_cust_addr(self):
+ res = sql("select customer_name,address from `tabCustomer` where name = '%s'"%self.doc.customer)
+ ret = {
+ 'customer_name' : res and res[0][0] or '',
+ 'customer_address' : res and res[0][1] or ''}
+ return str(ret)
+ def get_supp_values(self):
+ res = sql("select supplier,supplier_name,supplier_address from `tabPurchase Receipt` where name = '%s'"%self.doc.purchase_receipt_no)
+ ret = {
+ 'supplier' : res and res[0][0] or '',
+ 'supplier_name' :res and res[0][1] or '',
+ 'supplier_address' : res and res[0][2] or ''}
+ return str(ret)
+ def get_supp_addr(self):
+ res = sql("select supplier_name,address from `tabSupplier` where name = '%s'"%self.doc.supplier)
+ ret = {
+ 'supplier_name' : res and res[0][0] or '',
+ 'supplier_address' : res and res[0][1] or ''}
+ return str(ret)
diff --git a/material_management/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.txt b/material_management/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.txt
index 09617ab..448693c 100644
--- a/material_management/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.txt
+++ b/material_management/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
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+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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@@ -50,10 +50,10 @@
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'show_in_menu': 0,
'smallicon': None,
- 'subject': 'eval:"%(remarks)s | " + ("%(from_warehouse)s" ? "From %(from_warehouse)s" : "") + ("%(to_warehouse)s" ? "To %(to_warehouse)s" : "")',
+ 'subject': '%(remarks)s',
'tag_fields': 'purpose',
'use_template': None,
- 'version': 227
+ 'version': 243
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@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
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@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
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@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
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'idx': 6,
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
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'idx': 9,
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
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'idx': 10,
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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'name': 'PERM00550',
'owner': 'jai@webnotestech.com',
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
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@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@
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'colour': 'White:FFF',
'creation': '2010-08-08 17:09:25',
- 'default': 'STE',
+ 'default': None,
'depends_on': None,
'description': 'To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series',
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@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@
'idx': 3,
'in_filter': None,
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@
'idx': 5,
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@
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@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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@@ -553,9 +553,9 @@
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@
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@@ -625,9 +625,9 @@
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@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@
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@@ -805,7 +805,7 @@
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+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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@@ -841,7 +841,7 @@
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@@ -877,7 +877,7 @@
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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@@ -949,7 +949,7 @@
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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@@ -985,7 +985,7 @@
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
'modified_by': 'Administrator',
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'label': 'Remarks',
- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
'modified_by': 'Administrator',
'name': 'FL03392',
'no_column': None,
@@ -1414,10 +1378,10 @@
'fieldtype': 'Data',
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'icon': None,
- 'idx': 32,
+ 'idx': 31,
'in_filter': 0,
'label': 'Cancel Reason',
- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
'modified_by': 'Administrator',
'name': 'FL03393',
'no_column': None,
@@ -1450,10 +1414,10 @@
'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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@@ -1486,17 +1450,17 @@
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- 'idx': 34,
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- 'label': 'Get Current Stock',
- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'label': 'Get Stock and Rate',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
'modified_by': 'Administrator',
'name': 'FL03395',
'no_column': None,
'no_copy': None,
'oldfieldname': None,
'oldfieldtype': 'Button',
- 'options': 'get_current_stock',
+ 'options': 'get_stock_and_rate',
'owner': 'Administrator',
'parent': 'Stock Entry',
'parentfield': 'fields',
@@ -1522,10 +1486,10 @@
'fieldtype': 'Column Break',
'hidden': None,
'icon': None,
- 'idx': 35,
+ 'idx': 34,
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'label': None,
- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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'name': 'FL03396',
'no_column': None,
@@ -1558,10 +1522,10 @@
'fieldtype': 'Button',
'hidden': 0,
'icon': None,
- 'idx': 36,
+ 'idx': 35,
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
'modified_by': 'Administrator',
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@@ -1630,10 +1594,10 @@
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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'name': 'FL03399',
'no_column': None,
@@ -1666,10 +1630,10 @@
'fieldtype': 'Currency',
'hidden': None,
'icon': None,
- 'idx': 39,
+ 'idx': 38,
'in_filter': None,
'label': 'Total Amount',
- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
'modified_by': 'Administrator',
'name': 'FL03400',
'no_column': None,
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+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
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- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
'modified_by': 'Administrator',
'name': 'FL03402',
'no_column': None,
@@ -1774,10 +1738,10 @@
'fieldtype': 'Select',
'hidden': None,
'icon': None,
- 'idx': 42,
+ 'idx': 41,
'in_filter': 0,
'label': 'Fiscal Year',
- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
+ 'modified': '2011-06-14 12:50:12',
'modified_by': 'Administrator',
'name': 'FL03403',
'no_column': None,
@@ -1800,7 +1764,7 @@
'allow_on_submit': None,
'colour': None,
- 'creation': '2010-08-19 11:08:48',
+ 'creation': '2010-08-19 11:08:49',
'default': None,
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@@ -1810,12 +1774,12 @@
'fieldtype': 'Link',
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- 'idx': 43,
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'label': 'Select Print Heading',
- 'modified': '2011-05-19 09:46:27',
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diff --git a/material_management/doctype/valuation_control/valuation_control.py b/material_management/doctype/valuation_control/valuation_control.py
index c23753f..131c71b 100644
--- a/material_management/doctype/valuation_control/valuation_control.py
+++ b/material_management/doctype/valuation_control/valuation_control.py
@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@
in_rate = 0
val_method = self.get_valuation_method(item)
bin_obj = get_obj('Warehouse',warehouse).get_bin(item)
if serial_no:
in_rate = self.get_serializable_inventory_rate(serial_no)
elif val_method == 'FIFO':
@@ -77,7 +76,7 @@
if qty:
prev_sle = bin_obj.get_prev_sle(posting_date, posting_time)
fcfs_stack = eval(prev_sle.get('fcfs_stack', '[]') or '[]')
- in_rate = fcfs_stack and self.get_fifo_rate(fcfs_stack, qty) or 0
+ in_rate = fcfs_stack and self.get_fifo_rate(fcfs_stack, qty) or 0
elif val_method == 'Moving Average':
prev_sle = bin_obj.get_prev_sle(posting_date, posting_time)
in_rate = prev_sle and prev_sle.get('valuation_rate', 0) or 0
diff --git a/material_management/doctype/valuation_control/valuation_control.py~ b/material_management/doctype/valuation_control/valuation_control.py~
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82e7fb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/material_management/doctype/valuation_control/valuation_control.py~
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# Please edit this list and import only required elements
+import webnotes
+from webnotes.utils import add_days, add_months, add_years, cint, cstr, date_diff, default_fields, flt, fmt_money, formatdate, generate_hash, getTraceback, get_defaults, get_first_day, get_last_day, getdate, has_common, month_name, now, nowdate, replace_newlines, sendmail, set_default, str_esc_quote, user_format, validate_email_add
+from webnotes.model import db_exists
+from webnotes.model.doc import Document, addchild, removechild, getchildren, make_autoname, SuperDocType
+from webnotes.model.doclist import getlist, copy_doclist
+from webnotes.model.code import get_obj, get_server_obj, run_server_obj, updatedb, check_syntax
+from webnotes import session, form, is_testing, msgprint, errprint
+set = webnotes.conn.set
+sql = webnotes.conn.sql
+get_value = webnotes.conn.get_value
+in_transaction = webnotes.conn.in_transaction
+convert_to_lists = webnotes.conn.convert_to_lists
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class DocType:
+ def __init__(self, d, dl):
+ self.doc, self.doclist = d, dl
+ # Get FIFO Rate from Stack
+ # -------------------------
+ def get_fifo_rate(self, fcfs_stack, qty):
+ fcfs_val = 0
+ withdraw = flt(qty)
+ while withdraw:
+ batch = fcfs_stack[0]
+ if batch[0] <= withdraw:
+ # not enough or exactly same qty in current batch, clear batch
+ withdraw -= batch[0]
+ fcfs_val += (flt(batch[0]) * flt(batch[1]))
+ fcfs_stack.pop(0)
+ else:
+ # all from current batch
+ fcfs_val += (flt(withdraw) * flt(batch[1]))
+ batch[0] -= withdraw
+ withdraw = 0
+ fcfs_rate = flt(fcfs_val) / flt(qty)
+ return fcfs_rate
+ # --------------------------------
+ # get serializable inventory rate
+ # --------------------------------
+ def get_serializable_inventory_rate(self, serial_no):
+ sr_nos = get_obj("Stock Ledger").get_sr_no_list(serial_no)
+ tot = 0
+ for s in sr_nos:
+ serial_no = s.strip()
+ tot += flt(get_value('Serial No', serial_no, 'purchase_rate'))
+ return tot / len(sr_nos)
+ # ---------------------
+ # get valuation method
+ # ---------------------
+ def get_valuation_method(self, item_code):
+ val_method = webnotes.conn.get_value('Item', item_code, 'valuation_method')
+ if not val_method:
+ val_method = get_defaults().get('valuation_method', 'FIFO')
+ return val_method
+ # Get Incoming Rate based on valuation method
+ # --------------------------------------------
+ def get_incoming_rate(self, posting_date, posting_time, item, warehouse, qty = 0, serial_no = ''):
+ msgprint(1)
+ in_rate = 0
+ val_method = self.get_valuation_method(item)
+ bin_obj = get_obj('Warehouse',warehouse).get_bin(item)
+ if serial_no:
+ in_rate = self.get_serializable_inventory_rate(serial_no)
+ elif val_method == 'FIFO':
+ in_rate = 0
+ if qty:
+ prev_sle = bin_obj.get_prev_sle(posting_date, posting_time)
+ msgprint(prev_sle)
+ fcfs_stack = eval(prev_sle.get('fcfs_stack', '[]') or '[]')
+ msgprint(fcfs_stack)
+ in_rate = fcfs_stack and self.get_fifo_rate(fcfs_stack, qty) or 0
+ msgprint(in_rate)
+ elif val_method == 'Moving Average':
+ prev_sle = bin_obj.get_prev_sle(posting_date, posting_time)
+ in_rate = prev_sle and prev_sle.get('valuation_rate', 0) or 0
+ return in_rate
diff --git a/patches/patch.py b/patches/patch.py
index 9b9255b..bb670a4 100644
--- a/patches/patch.py
+++ b/patches/patch.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# REMEMBER to update this
# ========================
-last_patch = 277
+last_patch = 278
@@ -1108,4 +1108,5 @@
delete_pages = ('Chat User Gallery', 'Badge Info', 'Home', 'Website Setup', 'Test Page', 'Setup Masters', 'Service', 'Selling', 'Sales Reports', 'Organize','My Cart', 'My Activity', 'Manage Users', 'Maintenance', 'Getting Started', 'Gantt Test', 'Custom Reports - Stock', 'Custom Reports - Selling', 'Custom Reports - Production', 'Custom Reports - Payroll', 'Custom Reports - Maintenance', 'Custom Reports - Buying', 'Custom Reports - Accounts', 'CRM Setup', 'CRM Reports')
for p in delete_pages:
\ No newline at end of file
+ elif patch_no == 278:
+ sql("update tabDocTrigger set method = 'home.update_feed' where method = 'event_updates.update_feed'")