fixes in production, porjects, packing slip
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/jan_mar_2012/ b/erpnext/patches/jan_mar_2012/
index a86bb3f..efdacf2 100644
--- a/erpnext/patches/jan_mar_2012/
+++ b/erpnext/patches/jan_mar_2012/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
'Invest 80 Declaration Detail', 'IT Checklist', 'Chapter VI A Detail', 'Declaration Detail',
'Personalize', 'Salary Slip Control Panel',
- 'Page' : ['File Browser'],
+ 'Page' : ['File Browser', 'Bill of Materials'],
'DocType Mapper': ['Production Forecast-Production Planning Tool', 'Production Forecast-Production Plan', 'Sales Order-Production Plan']
diff --git a/erpnext/production/page/bill_of_materials/ b/erpnext/production/page/bill_of_materials/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/erpnext/production/page/bill_of_materials/
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/erpnext/production/page/bill_of_materials/bill_of_materials.html b/erpnext/production/page/bill_of_materials/bill_of_materials.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 55b4e70..0000000
--- a/erpnext/production/page/bill_of_materials/bill_of_materials.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-<div class="layout_wrapper">
-<div id="bom_header"> </div>
-<div style="color: #444444;" mce_style="color: #444444;">
-<table style="width: 100%;" border="0">
-<td class="standard_title" style="width: 70%;">Bill of Materials</td>
-<td style="width: 30%; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"><span class="link_type" style="vertical-align:top" mce_style="vertical-align:top"> <img style="cursor:pointer" mce_style="cursor:pointer" onclick="nav_obj.show_last_open()" src="images/ui/close_btn.gif" mce_src="images/ui/close_btn.gif" alt="" /> </span></td>
---> <!-- table.coa_toolbar td { vertical-align: middle; } --> <!--
-<div style="margin-top: 16px; padding: 4px; background-color: #EEE; border: 1px solid #AAA;" mce_style="margin-top: 16px; padding: 4px; background-color: #EEE; border: 1px solid #AAA;">
-<table class="coa_toolbar" border="0" cellspacing="2px">
-<td>Item Group:</td>
-<td style="padding-right: 8px;" mce_style="padding-right: 8px;"><select id="bom_item_group"></select></td>
-<td>Enter Item Code:</td>
-<td style="padding-right: 8px;" mce_style="padding-right: 8px;"><select id="bom_item_code"></select></td>
-<td>Enter BOM No:</td>
-<td style="padding-right: 8px;" mce_style="padding-right: 8px;"><select id="bom_bom_no"></select></td>
-<div id="bom_refresh"></div>
-<div id="bom_calculate_cost"></div>
---> <!--
-<div style="margin: 0px 16px 16px; overflow: auto; padding-top: 4px; height: 300px;">-->
-<div style="overflow: auto; margin-top: 8px; padding-top: 4px; height: 300px;">
-<div style="width: 900px;">
-<div id="bom_head_op" style="display: none;"></div>
-<div id="bom_head_it" style="display: none; border-bottom: 2px solid #444;"></div>
-<div id="bom_tree"></div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/production/page/bill_of_materials/bill_of_materials.js b/erpnext/production/page/bill_of_materials/bill_of_materials.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fcd6aa..0000000
--- a/erpnext/production/page/bill_of_materials/bill_of_materials.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,524 +0,0 @@
-// ERPNext - web based ERP (
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see <>.
-pscript['onload_Bill of Materials'] = function() {
- wn.require('lib/js/legacy/widgets/tree.js');
- // header and toolbar
- var h = new PageHeader('bom_header','Bill of Materials','BOM gives the breakdown of cost for product');
- var dv = $a(h.toolbar_area,'div','',{margin:'4px 0px'});
- var tbl = make_table(dv, 1,3,'480px',[],{padding:'4px', width:'160px'});
- var sel = $a($td(tbl,0,0),'select','',{width:'160px'});
- = 'bom_item_group';
- var sel = $a($td(tbl,0,1),'select','',{width:'160px'});
- = 'bom_item_code'; sel.innerHTML = 'Select Item Code...'; sel.disabled = 1;
- var sel = $a($td(tbl,0,2),'select','',{width:'160px'});
- = 'bom_bom_no'; sel.innerHTML = 'Select Bom No...'; sel.disabled = 1;
- h.add_button('Calculate Cost', function(){ pscript.bom_calculate_cost(pscript.bom_no); },1,'ui-icon-calculator');
- h.add_button('Refresh', function(){ pscript.bom_refresh(); },0,'ui-icon-refresh');
- h.add_button('Collapse All', function(){pscript.collapse_all();},0,'');
- // select for Item Group
- //$i('bom_item_group').style.width = '180px';
- // $i('bom_item_code').style.width = '110px';
- // $i('bom_bom_no').style.width = '150px';
- $i('bom_tree').innerHTML = 'Please Select Item Group';
- add_sel_options($i('bom_item_group'), ['Loading ... ']);
- $c('runserverobj', args={'doctype':'BOM Control', 'docname':'BOM Control', 'method':'get_item_group'}, function(r,rt) {
- pscript.item_group = r.message.split('~~~');
- empty_select($i('bom_item_group'));
-// add_sel_options($i('bom_item_group'), add_lists([' '], pscript.item_group), ' ');
- add_sel_options($i('bom_item_group'), add_lists(['Select Item Group...'], pscript.item_group), 'Select Item Group...');
- $i('bom_item_group').onchange = function() {
- //$i('bom_item_code').innerHTML = '';
- // $i('bom_bom_no').innerHTML = '';
- $i('bom_head_op').innerHTML = '';
- $i('bom_head_it').innerHTML = '';
- $i('bom_tree').innerHTML = 'Please Select Item Code';
- pscript.bom_select_item_code(sel_val(this));
- }
- });
-pscript.bom_select_item_code = function(item_group) {
- //select for Item Code
- add_sel_options($i('bom_item_code'), ['Loading ... ']);
- $c('runserverobj', args={'doctype':'BOM Control', 'docname':'BOM Control', 'method':'get_item_code', 'arg':item_group}, function(r,rt) {
- pscript.item_code = r.message.split('~~~');
- empty_select($i('bom_item_code'));
- add_sel_options($i('bom_item_code'), add_lists(['Select Item Code...'], pscript.item_code), 'Select Item Code...');
- if(sel_val($i('bom_item_code')) == 'Select Item Group...'){
- $i('bom_item_code').disabled = 1;
- $i('bom_bom_no').disabled = 1;
- }
- else{ $i('bom_item_code').disabled = 0; }
- $i('bom_item_code').onchange = function() {
- // $i('bom_bom_no').innerHTML = '';
- $i('bom_head_op').innerHTML = '';
- $i('bom_head_it').innerHTML = '';
- $i('bom_tree').innerHTML = 'Please Select BOM NO.';
- pscript.bom_select_bom_no(sel_val(this));
- }
- });
-pscript.bom_select_bom_no = function(item_code) {
- //select for BOM NO
- add_sel_options($i('bom_bom_no'), ['Loading ... ']);
- $c('runserverobj', args={'doctype':'BOM Control', 'docname':'BOM Control', 'method':'get_bom_no', 'arg':item_code}, function(r,rt) {
- var bom_list = r.message.split('~~~');
- empty_select($i('bom_bom_no'));
- empty_select($i('bom_bom_no'));
- add_sel_options($i('bom_bom_no'), add_lists(['Select Bom No...'], bom_list), 'Select Bom No...');
- if(sel_val($i('bom_item_code')) == 'Select Item Code...'){
- $i('bom_bom_no').disabled = 1;
- }
- else{
- $i('bom_bom_no').disabled = 0;
- }
- $i('bom_bom_no').onchange = function() {
- $i('bom_head_op').innerHTML = '';
- $i('bom_head_it').innerHTML = '';
- $i('bom_tree').innerHTML = 'Loading...';
- pscript.show_bom(); }
- });
-// Refresh Function
-pscript.bom_refresh = function() {
- $i('bom_head_op').innerHTML = '';
- $i('bom_head_it').innerHTML = '';
- $i('bom_tree').innerHTML = 'Refreshing....';
- pscript.show_bom();
-//Calculate Cost Function
-pscript.bom_calculate_cost = function() {
- $i('bom_head_op').innerHTML = '';
- $i('bom_head_it').innerHTML = '';
- $i('bom_tree').innerHTML = ' Calculating Cost...';
- $c('runserverobj', args={'doctype':'BOM Control', 'docname':'BOM Control', 'method':'calculate_cost', 'arg':pscript.bom_no}, function(r,rt) {
- var calculated = r.message;
- if (calculated == 'calculated') {pscript.show_bom();}
- else {$i('bom_tree').innerHTML = "Not available";}
- });
-pscript.collapse_all = function(){
- pscript.bom_tree.collapseall()
-pscript.show_bom = function () {
- pscript.item_code = $i('bom_item_code').value;
- pscript.bom_no = $i('bom_bom_no').value;
- // $i('bom_refresh').innerHTML = '';
- //$i('bom_refresh').innerHTML = "<input type='button' value='Refresh' onClick='javascript:pscript.bom_refresh()' />";
- //$i('bom_calculate_cost').innerHTML = "<input type='button' value='Calculate Cost' onClick='javascript:pscript.bom_calculate_cost(pscript.bom_no)' />";
- if (pscript.item_code == "") {
- alert("Please Enter Item Code");
- return;
- }
- if (pscript.bom_no == "") {
- alert("Please Enter BOM No");
- return;
- }
- $ds('bom_head_op');
- $ds('bom_head_it');
- $ds('bom_tree');
- pscript.bom_onexp = function(node) {
- //alert("Server Call")
- if(!node.expanded_once) {
- $ds(node.loading_div);
- if (!node.is_item){
- // We will get List Of Items and BOM for particular Operation
- data = "{'op_no':'" + node.text[1] +"','bom_no':'" + node.text[3] +"'}";
- $c('runserverobj', args={'doctype':'BOM Control', 'docname':'BOM Control', 'method':'get_item_bom', 'arg':data},
- function(r,rt) {
- $dh(node.loading_div);
- var nl = r.message;
- for(var i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
- if (nl[i][8] == 1) {
- pscript.bom_tree.addNode(node,$i('bom_head_op'), nl[i], 'images/icons/box.png', null, null);
- }
- else {
- pscript.bom_tree.addNode(node,$i('bom_head_op'), nl[i], 'images/icons/package.png', null, pscript.bom_onexp);
- }
- }
- });
- } else {
- //alert("bom_no:%s"%node.text[2])
- //We will get List Of Operations for particular Item and BOM
- $c('runserverobj', args={'doctype':'BOM Control', 'docname':'BOM Control', 'method':'get_operations', 'arg':node.text[3]},
- function(r,rt) {
- $dh(node.loading_div);
- var nl = r.message;
- for(var i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
- pscript.bom_tree.addNode(node, $i('bom_head_op'), nl[i], 'images/icons/folder.png', null, pscript.bom_onexp);
- }
- }
- );
- }
- }
- }
- // First this function will execute and we will get list of operations
- $c('runserverobj', args={'doctype':'BOM Control', 'docname':'BOM Control', 'method':'get_operations', 'arg':pscript.bom_no}, function(r,rt) {
- var nl = r.message;
- $i('bom_tree').innerHTML = '';
- var t = new Tree($i('bom_tree'),$i('bom_head_op'),$i('bom_head_it'));
- pscript.bom_tree = t;
- pscript.bom_curnode = null;
- for(var i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
- t.addNode(null, $i('bom_head_op'), nl[i], 'images/icons/folder.png', null, pscript.bom_onexp);
- }
- });
-// Tree
-function Tree(parent,head_op,head_it) {
- this.container = parent;
- this.heading = head_op;
- this.nodes = {};
- this.all_nodes = [];
- var me = this;
- this.body = $a(parent, 'div');
- this.hopbody = $a(head_op, 'div');
- this.hitbody = $a(head_it, 'div');
- // columns
- this.col_details = [
- ['340px','Opn No', 'Opn Descr','Item Code', 'Description',1,2]
- ,['150px','BOM' , 'BOM', 3]
- ,['80px', 'Workstn', 'Qty', 4]
- ,['45px', 'Hr Rate','Stock UOM',5]
- ,['45px', 'Time','Scrap',6]
- ,['50px', 'Mat Cost','Rate',7]
- ,['45px', 'Op Cost','',8]
- ,['50px', 'Tot Cost','',9]
- ,['25px', 'Refresh']
- ]
- // Operation header
- this.hopbody_tab = $a(this.hopbody, 'table');
- $y(this.hopbody_tab, {borderCollapse:'collapse', tableLayout:'fixed'})
- var r0 = this.hopbody_tab.insertRow(0);
- for(var i=0; i<this.col_details.length; i++) {
- var c = r0.insertCell(i);
- = this.col_details[i][0];
- = '2px';
- = '1px solid #DDD';
- if (i > 0 && this.col_details[i][1] != 'Refresh') c.innerHTML = this.col_details[i][1];
- }
- this.hopbody_label = $a(r0.cells[0], 'div');
- var hopbody_nodetab = $a(this.hopbody_label, 'table');
- $y(hopbody_nodetab, {borderCollapse:'collapse', tableLayout:'fixed'})
- var r0 = hopbody_nodetab.insertRow(0);
- var c = r0.insertCell(0); = '16px';
- var c = r0.insertCell(1); = '20px'; c.innerHTML = "<img src='images/icons/wrench.png' />";
- var c = r0.insertCell(2); = '80px'; c.innerHTML = this.col_details[0][1];
- l=340-116;
- var c = r0.insertCell(3); = l+'px'; c.innerHTML = this.col_details[0][2];
- // Item Header
- this.hitbody_tab = $a(this.hitbody, 'table');
- $y(this.hitbody_tab, {borderCollapse:'collapse', tableLayout:'fixed'})
- var r0 = this.hitbody_tab.insertRow(0);
- for(var i=0; i<this.col_details.length; i++) {
- var c = r0.insertCell(i);
- = this.col_details[i][0];
- = '2px';
- = '1px solid #DDD';
- if (i > 0 && this.col_details[i][1] != 'Refresh') c.innerHTML = this.col_details[i][2];
- }
- this.hitbody_label = $a(r0.cells[0], 'div');
- var hitbody_nodetab = $a(this.hitbody_label, 'table');
- $y(hitbody_nodetab, {borderCollapse:'collapse', tableLayout:'fixed'})
- var r0 = hitbody_nodetab.insertRow(0);
- var c = r0.insertCell(0); = '16px';
- var c = r0.insertCell(1); = '20px'; c.innerHTML = "<img src='images/icons/package.png' />";
- var c = r0.insertCell(2); = '100px'; c.innerHTML = this.col_details[0][3];
- l=350-136;
- var c = r0.insertCell(3); = l+'px'; c.innerHTML = this.col_details[0][4];
- this.addNode = function(parent, head_op, label, imagesrc, onclick, onexpand) {
- var t = new TreeNode(me, parent, head_op, label, imagesrc, onclick, onexpand);
- if(!parent) {
- me.nodes[label]=t; // add to roots
- } else {
- parent.nodes[label] = t; // add to the node
- }
- this.all_nodes.push(t);
- // note: this will only be for groups
- if(onexpand)t.create_expimage();
- t.expanded_once = false;
- return t;
- }
- this.deleteNode = function(node) {
- node.container.remove(node);
- }
- var me = this;
- this.collapseall = function() {
- //alert("collapseall")
- for(n in me.nodes) {
- if (me.nodes[n].expimage){
- l = me.nodes[n].get_list_of_child_nodes()
- for (var i=0; i < l.length; i++ ) l[i].collapse(l[i]);
- }
- }
- }
-function TreeNode(tree, parent, head_op, label, imagesrc, onclick, onexpand) {
- var me = this;
- this.parent = parent;
- this.head = head_op;
- this.nodes = {};
- this.onclick = onclick;
- this.onexpand = onexpand;
- this.text = label;
- if(!parent) {
- var container = tree.body;
- }
- else {
- var container = parent.body;
- }
- var h_container = tree.hopbody;
- var t = $a(container, "div");
- var ht = $a(h_container, "div");
- = "none";
- = "none";
- this.node_area = $a(t, "div");
- = 'pointer';
- this.loading_div = $a(container, "div");
- this.loading_div.innerHTML = 'Loading...';
- $dh(this.loading_div);
- // main table
- = $a(this.node_area, 'table');
- $y(, {borderCollapse:'collapse', tableLayout:'fixed'})
- var r0 =;
- for(var i=0; i<tree.col_details.length; i++) {
- var c = r0.insertCell(i);
- = tree.col_details[i][0];
- = '2px';
- = '1px solid #DDD';
- }
- this.label = $a(r0.cells[0], 'div');
- var m=0;
- var tn = this;
- while(tn.parent){m+=16;tn=tn.parent;}
- = m+'px';
- = m+40+'px';
- var l = 350 - m;
- this.body = $a(t, 'div'); // children will come here
- // make the node
- var nodetab = $a(this.label, 'table');
- $y(nodetab, {borderCollapse:'collapse', tableLayout:'fixed'})
- var r0 = nodetab.insertRow(0);
- var c = r0.insertCell(0); = '16px';
- var c = r0.insertCell(1); = '20px';
- var c = r0.insertCell(2); = '100px';
- l=l-136;
- var c = r0.insertCell(3); = l+'px';
- // BOM - is it item or operation
- this.is_item = 1;
- if(label[0] == 'operation') {
- this.is_item = 0;
- imagesrc = 'images/icons/wrench.png';
- }
- if(!imagesrc) imagesrc = "images/icons/folder.png";
- this.usrimg = $a(nodetab.rows[0].cells[1], 'img');
- this.usrimg.src = imagesrc;
- //this.node_area.onmouseover = function() { = '#DEF'; }
- //this.node_area.onmouseout = function() { = '#FFF'; }
- this.create_expimage = function() {
- if(!me.expimage) {
- me.expimage = $a(nodetab.rows[0].cells[0], 'img');
- = "3px";
- me.expimage.src = "images/icons/plus.gif";
- me.expimage.onclick = me.toggle;
- me.expimage.node = me;
- }
- }
- this.get_list_of_child_nodes = function() {
- var main_l = [];
- for (n in me.nodes){
- if(!me.expimage){}
- else{
- var l = [];
- if (me.nodes[n].get_list_of_child_nodes()) l = me.nodes[n].get_list_of_child_nodes();
- for(var i=0 ; i < l.length; i ++){
- main_l.push(l[i]);
- }
- alert(1);
- main_l.push(me.nodes[n]);
- alert(2);
- }
- }
- return main_l
- }
- = function() {
- me.show_selected();
- if(this.onclick)this.onclick(this);
- }
- this.show_selected = function() {
- if(pscript.bom_curnode)pscript.bom_curnode.deselect();
- = '#DEF';
- if(me.is_item == 1) = '#DEF';
- if(me.is_item == 0) = '#DEF';
- = 'bold';
- pscript.bom_curnode = me;
- $ds(me.refresh);
- }
- this.deselect = function() {
- = 'normal';
- pscript.bom_curnode=null;
- = '#FFF';
- = '#FFF';
- = '#FFF';
- $dh(me.refresh);
- }
- var expanded = 1;
- this.toggle = function(node) {
- //alert("toggle")
- if(!me.expimage)return;
- if(me.expanded)me.collapse(this.node);
- else me.expand(this.node);
- }
- this.collapse = function(node) {
- //alert("collapse")
- if(!node.expimage)return;
- = 'none';
- if(node.expimage.src)node.expimage.src = "images/icons/plus.gif";
- node.expanded = 0;
- }
- this.expand = function(node) {
- //alert("expand")
- if(!node.expimage)return;
- if(node.onexpand)node.onexpand(node);
- = 'block';
- if(node.expimage.src)node.expimage.src = "images/icons/minus.gif";
- node.expanded = 1;
- node.expanded_once = 1;
- }
- // BOM - Set values
- for(var i=0;i<tree.col_details.length; i++) {
- if ( i == 0) {
- if(this.is_item == 1) {
- var c = $a( nodetab.rows[0].cells[2], 'span', 'link_type');
- c.item_code = label[tree.col_details[i][5]]
- c.onclick = function() { loaddoc("Item", this.item_code); }
- }
- if(this.is_item == 0) var c = nodetab.rows[0].cells[2];
- var d = nodetab.rows[0].cells[3];
- c.innerHTML = label[tree.col_details[i][5]];
- d.innerHTML = label[tree.col_details[i][6]].substring(0,15) + '...';
- }
- if(i==1) {
- var c = $a([0].cells[i], 'div', 'link_type', {overflow:'hidden', width:'100%'});
- c.bom_no = label[tree.col_details[i][3]]
- c.onclick = function() { loaddoc("BOM", this.bom_no); }
- c.innerHTML = label[tree.col_details[i][3]];
- }
- if(this.is_item == 1 && i > 1 && i < 6) {
- var c =[0].cells[i];
- c.innerHTML = label[tree.col_details[i][3]];
- }
- if(this.is_item == 0 && i > 1 && tree.col_details[i][1] != 'Refresh') {
- var c =[0].cells[i];
- c.innerHTML = label[tree.col_details[i][3]];
- }
- if(tree.col_details[i][1] == 'Refresh') {
- this.refresh = $a([0].cells[i], 'span', 'link_type');
- this.refresh.onclick = function() {
- me.node = me
- if(me.node.expanded_once){
- me.node.body.innerHTML = '';
- me.node.expanded_once = 0
- me.expanded = 0
- me.toggle();
- }
- else {me.toggle()}
- }
- this.refresh.innerHTML = "<img src='images/icons/page_refresh.gif' />"
- $dh(this.refresh);
- }
- }
- function(e) {; }
- = function(e) {; if(me.ondblclick)me.ondblclick(me); }
- = "block";
- = "block";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/production/page/bill_of_materials/bill_of_materials.txt b/erpnext/production/page/bill_of_materials/bill_of_materials.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b66f706..0000000
--- a/erpnext/production/page/bill_of_materials/bill_of_materials.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Page, Bill of Materials
- # These values are common in all dictionaries
- {
- 'creation': '2010-10-12 15:19:31',
- 'docstatus': 0,
- 'modified': '2010-12-23 12:58:19',
- 'modified_by': 'Administrator',
- 'owner': 'Administrator'
- },
- # These values are common for all Page
- {
- 'doctype': 'Page',
- 'module': 'Production',
- 'name': '__common__',
- 'page_name': 'Bill of Materials',
- 'show_in_menu': 1,
- 'standard': 'Yes'
- },
- # These values are common for all Page Role
- {
- 'doctype': 'Page Role',
- 'name': '__common__',
- 'parent': 'Bill of Materials',
- 'parentfield': 'roles',
- 'parenttype': 'Page'
- },
- # Page, Bill of Materials
- {
- 'doctype': 'Page',
- 'name': 'Bill of Materials'
- },
- # Page Role
- {
- 'doctype': 'Page Role',
- 'idx': 1,
- 'role': 'Administrator'
- },
- # Page Role
- {
- 'doctype': 'Page Role',
- 'idx': 2,
- 'role': 'Production User'
- },
- # Page Role
- {
- 'doctype': 'Page Role',
- 'idx': 3,
- 'role': 'Production Manager'
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/production/page/production_home/production_home.html b/erpnext/production/page/production_home/production_home.html
index 77d8019..6cb2182 100644
--- a/erpnext/production/page/production_home/production_home.html
+++ b/erpnext/production/page/production_home/production_home.html
@@ -34,21 +34,6 @@
- <div class="section">
- <div class="section-head">Tools</div>
- <div class="section-body">
- <div class="section-item">
- <a class="section-link"
- title = "browse bill of materials in a tree"
- href="#!Bill of Materials">BOM Browser</a>
- </div>
- <div class="section-item">
- <a class="section-link"
- title = "Update delivery dates in all Sales Orders"
- href="#!Form/Update Delivery Date/Update Delivery Date">Update Delivery Dates</a>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
diff --git a/erpnext/projects/page/projects/projects.js b/erpnext/projects/page/projects/projects.js
index cda9ec5..59b039a 100644
--- a/erpnext/projects/page/projects/projects.js
+++ b/erpnext/projects/page/projects/projects.js
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
var w = this.make_filter(label,idx);
var i = $a(w, 'input');
- var user_fmt = wn.control_panel.date_format;
+ var user_fmt = wn.boot.sysdefaults.date_format;
if(!this.user_fmt)this.user_fmt = 'dd-mm-yy';
diff --git a/erpnext/startup/ b/erpnext/startup/
index 27c34a1..0527045 100644
--- a/erpnext/startup/
+++ b/erpnext/startup/
@@ -83,10 +83,6 @@
bootinfo['user_background'] = webnotes.conn.get_value("Profile", webnotes.session['user'], 'background_image') or ''
- import conf
- bootinfo['sync_with_gateway'] = hasattr(conf, 'sync_with_gateway') and \
- cint(conf.sync_with_gateway) or 0
def get_letter_heads():
"""load letter heads with startup"""
@@ -117,4 +113,4 @@
# throw execption
webnotes.msgprint("Authentication Failed", raise_exception=1)
- return login_manager
\ No newline at end of file
+ return login_manager
diff --git a/erpnext/startup/js/toolbar.js b/erpnext/startup/js/toolbar.js
index eb3bff8..891d60f 100644
--- a/erpnext/startup/js/toolbar.js
+++ b/erpnext/startup/js/toolbar.js
@@ -43,11 +43,6 @@
$('#toolbar-help').append('<li><a href="" target="_blank">\
Live Chat (Office Hours)</a></li>')
- // billing
- if(pscript.is_erpnext_saas && is_system_manager) {
- $('#toolbar-user').append('<li><a href="#billing">Billing</a></li>')
- }
$.extend(wn.container.wntoolbar, {
set_new_comments: function(new_comments) {
var navbar_nc = $('.navbar-new-comments');
diff --git a/erpnext/startup/startup.js b/erpnext/startup/startup.js
index 456b1cf..442e7be 100644
--- a/erpnext/startup/startup.js
+++ b/erpnext/startup/startup.js
@@ -38,9 +38,12 @@
'Dashboard': 'dashboard'
+// wn.modules is used in breadcrumbs for getting module home page
+$.extend(wn.modules, erpnext.modules);
+wn.modules['Core'] = 'Setup';
erpnext.startup.set_globals = function() {
- wn.control_panel.sync_with_gateway = wn.boot.sync_with_gateway
- pscript.is_erpnext_saas = cint(wn.control_panel.sync_with_gateway)
if(inList(user_roles,'System Manager')) is_system_manager = 1;
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/packing_slip/packing_slip.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/packing_slip/packing_slip.js
index 559f027..aea22ff 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/packing_slip/packing_slip.js
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/packing_slip/packing_slip.js
@@ -20,9 +20,12 @@
cur_frm.fields_dict['item_details'].grid.get_field('item_code').get_query = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
- return 'SELECT name, description FROM `tabItem` WHERE name IN ( \
+ console.log(doc.delivery_note);
+ var query = 'SELECT name, description FROM `tabItem` WHERE name IN ( \
SELECT item_code FROM `tabDelivery Note Item` dnd \
- WHERE parent="' + doc.delivery_note + '" AND qty > packed_qty) AND %(key)s LIKE "%s" LIMIT 50';
+ WHERE parent="' + doc.delivery_note + '" AND IFNULL(qty, 0) > IFNULL(packed_qty, 0)) AND %(key)s LIKE "%s" LIMIT 50';
+ console.log(query);
+ return query;
diff --git a/js/all-app.js b/js/all-app.js
index fe0efa9..4a7cdfe 100644
--- a/js/all-app.js
+++ b/js/all-app.js
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@
* lib/js/legacy/utils/datatype.js
wn.utils.full_name=function(fn,ln){return fn+(ln?' ':'')+(ln?ln:'')}
-function fmt_money(v){if(v==null||v=='')return'0.00';v=(v+'').replace(/,/g,'');v=parseFloat(v);if(isNaN(v)){return'';}else{var cp=wn.control_panel;var val=2;if(cp.currency_format=='Millions')val=3;v=v.toFixed(2);var delimiter=",";amount=v+'';var a=amount.split('.',2)
+function fmt_money(v){if(v==null||v=='')return'0.00';v=(v+'').replace(/,/g,'');v=parseFloat(v);if(isNaN(v)){return'';}else{var val=2;if(wn.boot.sysdefaults.currency_format=='Millions')val=3;v=v.toFixed(2);var delimiter=",";amount=v+'';var a=amount.split('.',2)
var d=a[1];var i=parseInt(a[0]);if(isNaN(i)){return'';}
var minus='';if(v<0){minus='-';}
i=Math.abs(i);var n=new String(i);var a=[];if(n.length>3)
@@ -1388,7 +1388,7 @@
* lib/js/wn/views/breadcrumbs.js
wn.provide('wn.views');wn.views.breadcrumbs=function(parent,module,doctype,name){$(parent).empty();var $bspan=$(repl('<span class="breadcrumbs">\
- <a href="#%(home_page)s">Home</a></span>',{home_page:wn.boot.home_page}));if(module){$bspan.append(repl(' / <a href="#!%(module_page)s">%(module)s Home</a>',{module:module,module_page:erpnext.modules[module]}))}
+ <a href="#%(home_page)s">Home</a></span>',{home_page:wn.boot.home_page}));if(module&&wn.modules[module]){$bspan.append(repl(' / <a href="#!%(module_page)s">%(module)s Home</a>',{module:module,module_page:wn.modules[module]}))}
if(doctype&&(locals.DocType[doctype]&&!locals.DocType[doctype].issingle)){$bspan.append(repl(' / <a href="#!List/%(doctype)s">%(doctype)s</a>',{doctype:doctype}))}
if(name){$bspan.append(' / '+name.bold())}
@@ -2165,7 +2165,7 @@
* erpnext/startup/startup.js
var current_module;var is_system_manager=0;wn.provide('erpnext.startup');erpnext.modules={'Selling':'selling-home','Accounts':'accounts-home','Stock':'stock-home','Buying':'buying-home','Support':'support-home','Projects':'projects-home','Production':'production-home','Website':'website-home','HR':'hr-home','Setup':'Setup','Activity':'activity','To Do':'todo','Calendar':'calendar','Messages':'messages','Knowledge Base':'questions','Dashboard':'dashboard'}
if(inList(user_roles,'System Manager'))is_system_manager=1;}
erpnext.startup.start=function(){$('#startup_div').html('Starting up...').toggle(true);erpnext.startup.set_globals();if(wn.boot.user_background){erpnext.set_user_background(wn.boot.user_background);}
diff --git a/js/all-web.js b/js/all-web.js
index 1363d15..9991b87 100644
--- a/js/all-web.js
+++ b/js/all-web.js
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@
* lib/js/legacy/utils/datatype.js
wn.utils.full_name=function(fn,ln){return fn+(ln?' ':'')+(ln?ln:'')}
-function fmt_money(v){if(v==null||v=='')return'0.00';v=(v+'').replace(/,/g,'');v=parseFloat(v);if(isNaN(v)){return'';}else{var cp=wn.control_panel;var val=2;if(cp.currency_format=='Millions')val=3;v=v.toFixed(2);var delimiter=",";amount=v+'';var a=amount.split('.',2)
+function fmt_money(v){if(v==null||v=='')return'0.00';v=(v+'').replace(/,/g,'');v=parseFloat(v);if(isNaN(v)){return'';}else{var val=2;if(wn.boot.sysdefaults.currency_format=='Millions')val=3;v=v.toFixed(2);var delimiter=",";amount=v+'';var a=amount.split('.',2)
var d=a[1];var i=parseInt(a[0]);if(isNaN(i)){return'';}
var minus='';if(v<0){minus='-';}
i=Math.abs(i);var n=new String(i);var a=[];if(n.length>3)
@@ -864,7 +864,7 @@
* erpnext/startup/startup.js
var current_module;var is_system_manager=0;wn.provide('erpnext.startup');erpnext.modules={'Selling':'selling-home','Accounts':'accounts-home','Stock':'stock-home','Buying':'buying-home','Support':'support-home','Projects':'projects-home','Production':'production-home','Website':'website-home','HR':'hr-home','Setup':'Setup','Activity':'activity','To Do':'todo','Calendar':'calendar','Messages':'messages','Knowledge Base':'questions','Dashboard':'dashboard'}
if(inList(user_roles,'System Manager'))is_system_manager=1;}
erpnext.startup.start=function(){$('#startup_div').html('Starting up...').toggle(true);erpnext.startup.set_globals();if(wn.boot.user_background){erpnext.set_user_background(wn.boot.user_background);}