style: format code with black
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/doctype/attendance/ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/attendance/
index ae0f2e7..a2487b3 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/doctype/attendance/
+++ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/attendance/
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 class DuplicateAttendanceError(frappe.ValidationError):
 class Attendance(Document):
 	def validate(self):
 		from erpnext.controllers.status_updater import validate_status
@@ -39,12 +40,20 @@
 			frappe.throw(_("Attendance date can not be less than employee's joining date"))
 	def validate_duplicate_record(self):
-		duplicate = get_duplicate_attendance_record(self.employee, self.attendance_date, self.shift,
+		duplicate = get_duplicate_attendance_record(
+			self.employee, self.attendance_date, self.shift,
+		)
 		if duplicate:
-			frappe.throw(_("Attendance for employee {0} is already marked for the date {1}: {2}").format(
-				frappe.bold(self.employee), frappe.bold(self.attendance_date), get_link_to_form("Attendance", duplicate[0].name)),
-				title=_("Duplicate Attendance"), exc=DuplicateAttendanceError)
+			frappe.throw(
+				_("Attendance for employee {0} is already marked for the date {1}: {2}").format(
+					frappe.bold(self.employee),
+					frappe.bold(self.attendance_date),
+					get_link_to_form("Attendance", duplicate[0].name),
+				),
+				title=_("Duplicate Attendance"),
+				exc=DuplicateAttendanceError,
+			)
 	def validate_employee_status(self):
 		if frappe.db.get_value("Employee", self.employee, "status") == "Inactive":
@@ -101,26 +110,29 @@
 	attendance = frappe.qb.DocType("Attendance")
 	query = (
-			.select(
-			.where(
-				(attendance.employee == employee)
-				& (attendance.docstatus < 2)
-			)
+		.select(
+		.where((attendance.employee == employee) & (attendance.docstatus < 2))
 	if shift:
 		query = query.where(
-			Criterion.any([
-				Criterion.all([
-					((attendance.shift.isnull()) | (attendance.shift == "")),
-					(attendance.attendance_date == attendance_date)
-				]),
-				Criterion.all([
-					((attendance.shift.isnotnull()) | (attendance.shift != "")),
-					(attendance.attendance_date == attendance_date),
-					(attendance.shift == shift)
-				])
-			])
+			Criterion.any(
+				[
+					Criterion.all(
+						[
+							((attendance.shift.isnull()) | (attendance.shift == "")),
+							(attendance.attendance_date == attendance_date),
+						]
+					),
+					Criterion.all(
+						[
+							((attendance.shift.isnotnull()) | (attendance.shift != "")),
+							(attendance.attendance_date == attendance_date),
+							(attendance.shift == shift),
+						]
+					),
+				]
+			)
 		query = query.where((attendance.attendance_date == attendance_date))
@@ -167,18 +179,32 @@
 		if e not in events:
-def mark_attendance(employee, attendance_date, status, shift=None, leave_type=None, ignore_validate=False):
+def mark_attendance(
+	employee,
+	attendance_date,
+	status,
+	shift=None,
+	leave_type=None,
+	ignore_validate=False,
+	late_entry=False,
+	early_exit=False,
 	if not get_duplicate_attendance_record(employee, attendance_date, shift):
-		company = frappe.db.get_value('Employee', employee, 'company')
-		attendance = frappe.get_doc({
-			'doctype': 'Attendance',
-			'employee': employee,
-			'attendance_date': attendance_date,
-			'status': status,
-			'company': company,
-			'shift': shift,
-			'leave_type': leave_type
-		})
+		company = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", employee, "company")
+		attendance = frappe.get_doc(
+			{
+				"doctype": "Attendance",
+				"employee": employee,
+				"attendance_date": attendance_date,
+				"status": status,
+				"company": company,
+				"shift": shift,
+				"leave_type": leave_type,
+				"late_entry": late_entry,
+				"early_exit": early_exit,
+			}
+		)
 		attendance.flags.ignore_validate = ignore_validate
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/doctype/employee_checkin/ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/employee_checkin/
index a9ac60d..81c9a46 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/doctype/employee_checkin/
+++ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/employee_checkin/
@@ -31,11 +31,21 @@
 	def fetch_shift(self):
-		shift_actual_timings = get_actual_start_end_datetime_of_shift(self.employee, get_datetime(self.time), True)
+		shift_actual_timings = get_actual_start_end_datetime_of_shift(
+			self.employee, get_datetime(self.time), True
+		)
 		if shift_actual_timings:
-			if shift_actual_timings.shift_type.determine_check_in_and_check_out == 'Strictly based on Log Type in Employee Checkin' \
-				and not self.log_type and not self.skip_auto_attendance:
-				frappe.throw(_('Log Type is required for check-ins falling in the shift: {0}.').format(
+			if (
+				shift_actual_timings.shift_type.determine_check_in_and_check_out
+				== "Strictly based on Log Type in Employee Checkin"
+				and not self.log_type
+				and not self.skip_auto_attendance
+			):
+				frappe.throw(
+					_("Log Type is required for check-ins falling in the shift: {0}.").format(
+					)
+				)
 			if not self.attendance:
 				self.shift =
 				self.shift_actual_start = shift_actual_timings.actual_start
@@ -125,8 +135,8 @@
 			("1", log_names),
 		return None
-	elif attendance_status in ('Present', 'Absent', 'Half Day'):
-		employee_doc = frappe.get_doc('Employee', employee)
+	elif attendance_status in ("Present", "Absent", "Half Day"):
+		employee_doc = frappe.get_doc("Employee", employee)
 		if not get_duplicate_attendance_record(employee, attendance_date, shift):
 			doc_dict = {
 				"doctype": "Attendance",
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_assignment/ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_assignment/
index 768a862..fd0b4d5 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_assignment/
+++ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_assignment/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 class OverlappingShiftError(frappe.ValidationError):
 class ShiftAssignment(Document):
 	def validate(self):
@@ -42,27 +43,35 @@
 		shift = frappe.qb.DocType("Shift Assignment")
 		query = (
-				.select(, shift.shift_type, shift.start_date, shift.end_date, shift.docstatus, shift.status)
-				.where(
-					(shift.employee == self.employee)
-					& (shift.docstatus == 1)
-					& ( !=
-					& (shift.status == "Active")
-				)
+			.select(
+, shift.shift_type, shift.start_date, shift.end_date, shift.docstatus, shift.status
+			)
+			.where(
+				(shift.employee == self.employee)
+				& (shift.docstatus == 1)
+				& ( !=
+				& (shift.status == "Active")
+			)
 		if self.end_date:
 			query = query.where(
-				Criterion.any([
-					Criterion.any([
-						shift.end_date.isnull(),
-						((self.start_date >= shift.start_date) & (self.start_date <= shift.end_date))
-					]),
-					Criterion.any([
-						((self.end_date >= shift.start_date) & (self.end_date <= shift.end_date)),
-						shift.start_date.between(self.start_date, self.end_date)
-					])
-				])
+				Criterion.any(
+					[
+						Criterion.any(
+							[
+								shift.end_date.isnull(),
+								((self.start_date >= shift.start_date) & (self.start_date <= shift.end_date)),
+							]
+						),
+						Criterion.any(
+							[
+								((self.end_date >= shift.start_date) & (self.end_date <= shift.end_date)),
+								shift.start_date.between(self.start_date, self.end_date),
+							]
+						),
+					]
+				)
 			query = query.where(
@@ -73,12 +82,27 @@
 	def has_overlapping_timings(self, overlapping_shift):
-		curr_shift = frappe.db.get_value("Shift Type", self.shift_type, ["start_time", "end_time"], as_dict=True)
-		overlapping_shift = frappe.db.get_value("Shift Type", overlapping_shift, ["start_time", "end_time"], as_dict=True)
+		curr_shift = frappe.db.get_value(
+			"Shift Type", self.shift_type, ["start_time", "end_time"], as_dict=True
+		)
+		overlapping_shift = frappe.db.get_value(
+			"Shift Type", overlapping_shift, ["start_time", "end_time"], as_dict=True
+		)
-		if ((curr_shift.start_time > overlapping_shift.start_time and curr_shift.start_time < overlapping_shift.end_time) or
-			(curr_shift.end_time > overlapping_shift.start_time and curr_shift.end_time < overlapping_shift.end_time) or
-			(curr_shift.start_time <= overlapping_shift.start_time and curr_shift.end_time >= overlapping_shift.end_time)):
+		if (
+			(
+				curr_shift.start_time > overlapping_shift.start_time
+				and curr_shift.start_time < overlapping_shift.end_time
+			)
+			or (
+				curr_shift.end_time > overlapping_shift.start_time
+				and curr_shift.end_time < overlapping_shift.end_time
+			)
+			or (
+				curr_shift.start_time <= overlapping_shift.start_time
+				and curr_shift.end_time >= overlapping_shift.end_time
+			)
+		):
 			return True
 		return False
@@ -87,14 +111,20 @@
 		msg = None
 		if shift_details.docstatus == 1 and shift_details.status == "Active":
 			if shift_details.start_date and shift_details.end_date:
-				msg = _("Employee {0} already has an active Shift {1}: {2} from {3} to {4}").format(frappe.bold(self.employee), frappe.bold(self.shift_type),
+				msg = _("Employee {0} already has an active Shift {1}: {2} from {3} to {4}").format(
+					frappe.bold(self.employee),
+					frappe.bold(self.shift_type),
 					get_link_to_form("Shift Assignment",,
-					getdate(self.end_date).strftime("%d-%m-%Y"))
+					getdate(self.end_date).strftime("%d-%m-%Y"),
+				)
-				msg = _("Employee {0} already has an active Shift {1}: {2} from {3}").format(frappe.bold(self.employee), frappe.bold(self.shift_type),
+				msg = _("Employee {0} already has an active Shift {1}: {2} from {3}").format(
+					frappe.bold(self.employee),
+					frappe.bold(self.shift_type),
 					get_link_to_form("Shift Assignment",,
-					getdate(self.start_date).strftime("%d-%m-%Y"))
+					getdate(self.start_date).strftime("%d-%m-%Y"),
+				)
 		if msg:
 			frappe.throw(msg, title=_("Overlapping Shifts"), exc=OverlappingShiftError)
@@ -180,10 +210,14 @@
 	for entry in shifts:
 		shift_details = get_shift_details(entry.shift_type, for_timestamp=for_timestamp)
-		if get_datetime(shift_details.actual_start) <= get_datetime(for_timestamp) <= get_datetime(shift_details.actual_end):
+		if (
+			get_datetime(shift_details.actual_start)
+			<= get_datetime(for_timestamp)
+			<= get_datetime(shift_details.actual_end)
+		):
-	valid_shifts.sort(key=lambda x: x['actual_start'])
+	valid_shifts.sort(key=lambda x: x["actual_start"])
 	if len(valid_shifts) > 1:
 		for i in range(len(valid_shifts) - 1):
@@ -193,8 +227,16 @@
 			next_shift = valid_shifts[i + 1]
 			if curr_shift and next_shift:
-				next_shift.actual_start = curr_shift.end_datetime if next_shift.actual_start < curr_shift.end_datetime else next_shift.actual_start
-				curr_shift.actual_end = next_shift.actual_start if curr_shift.actual_end > next_shift.actual_start else curr_shift.actual_end
+				next_shift.actual_start = (
+					curr_shift.end_datetime
+					if next_shift.actual_start < curr_shift.end_datetime
+					else next_shift.actual_start
+				)
+				curr_shift.actual_end = (
+					next_shift.actual_start
+					if curr_shift.actual_end > next_shift.actual_start
+					else curr_shift.actual_end
+				)
 			valid_shifts[i] = curr_shift
 			valid_shifts[i + 1] = next_shift
@@ -206,23 +248,25 @@
 def get_shifts_for_date(employee: str, for_timestamp: datetime) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
 	"""Returns list of shifts with details for given date"""
-	assignment = frappe.qb.DocType('Shift Assignment')
+	assignment = frappe.qb.DocType("Shift Assignment")
 	return (
-			.select(, assignment.shift_type)
-			.where(
-				(assignment.employee == employee)
-				& (assignment.docstatus == 1)
-				& (assignment.status == 'Active')
-				& (assignment.start_date <= getdate(
-				& (
-					Criterion.any([
+		.select(, assignment.shift_type)
+		.where(
+			(assignment.employee == employee)
+			& (assignment.docstatus == 1)
+			& (assignment.status == "Active")
+			& (assignment.start_date <= getdate(
+			& (
+				Criterion.any(
+					[
-						(assignment.end_date.isnotnull() & (getdate( >= assignment.end_date))
-					])
+						(assignment.end_date.isnotnull() & (getdate( >= assignment.end_date)),
+					]
+		)
@@ -233,7 +277,12 @@
 	return {}
-def get_employee_shift(employee: str, for_timestamp: datetime = None, consider_default_shift: bool = False, next_shift_direction: str = None) -> Dict:
+def get_employee_shift(
+	employee: str,
+	for_timestamp: datetime = None,
+	consider_default_shift: bool = False,
+	next_shift_direction: str = None,
+) -> Dict:
 	"""Returns a Shift Type for the given employee on the given date. (excluding the holidays)
 	:param employee: Employee for which shift is required.
@@ -247,7 +296,7 @@
 	shift_details = get_shift_for_timestamp(employee, for_timestamp)
 	# if shift assignment is not found, consider default shift
-	default_shift = frappe.db.get_value('Employee', employee, 'default_shift')
+	default_shift = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", employee, "default_shift")
 	if not shift_details and consider_default_shift:
 		shift_details = get_shift_details(default_shift, for_timestamp)
@@ -257,38 +306,55 @@
 	# if no shift is found, find next or prev shift assignment based on direction
 	if not shift_details and next_shift_direction:
-		shift_details = get_prev_or_next_shift(employee, for_timestamp, consider_default_shift, default_shift, next_shift_direction)
+		shift_details = get_prev_or_next_shift(
+			employee, for_timestamp, consider_default_shift, default_shift, next_shift_direction
+		)
 	return shift_details or {}
-def get_prev_or_next_shift(employee: str, for_timestamp: datetime, consider_default_shift: bool,
-	default_shift: str, next_shift_direction: str) -> Dict:
+def get_prev_or_next_shift(
+	employee: str,
+	for_timestamp: datetime,
+	consider_default_shift: bool,
+	default_shift: str,
+	next_shift_direction: str,
+) -> Dict:
 	"""Returns a dict of shift details for the next or prev shift based on the next_shift_direction"""
 	MAX_DAYS = 366
 	shift_details = {}
 	if consider_default_shift and default_shift:
-		direction = -1 if next_shift_direction == 'reverse' else 1
+		direction = -1 if next_shift_direction == "reverse" else 1
 		for i in range(MAX_DAYS):
-			date = for_timestamp + timedelta(days=direction*(i+1))
+			date = for_timestamp + timedelta(days=direction * (i + 1))
 			shift_details = get_employee_shift(employee, date, consider_default_shift, None)
 			if shift_details:
-		direction = '<' if next_shift_direction == 'reverse' else '>'
-		sort_order = 'desc' if next_shift_direction == 'reverse' else 'asc'
-		dates = frappe.db.get_all('Shift Assignment',
-			['start_date', 'end_date'],
-			{'employee': employee, 'start_date': (direction,, 'docstatus': 1, 'status': 'Active'},
+		direction = "<" if next_shift_direction == "reverse" else ">"
+		sort_order = "desc" if next_shift_direction == "reverse" else "asc"
+		dates = frappe.db.get_all(
+			"Shift Assignment",
+			["start_date", "end_date"],
+			{
+				"employee": employee,
+				"start_date": (direction,,
+				"docstatus": 1,
+				"status": "Active",
+			},
-			limit=MAX_DAYS, order_by='start_date ' + sort_order)
+			limit=MAX_DAYS,
+			order_by="start_date " + sort_order,
+		)
 		if dates:
 			for date in dates:
 				if date[1] and date[1] <
-				shift_details = get_employee_shift(employee, datetime.combine(date[0], for_timestamp.time()), consider_default_shift, None)
+				shift_details = get_employee_shift(
+					employee, datetime.combine(date[0], for_timestamp.time()), consider_default_shift, None
+				)
 				if shift_details:
@@ -296,7 +362,9 @@
 def is_holiday_date(employee: str, shift_details: Dict) -> bool:
-	holiday_list_name = frappe.db.get_value('Shift Type',, 'holiday_list')
+	holiday_list_name = frappe.db.get_value(
+		"Shift Type",, "holiday_list"
+	)
 	if not holiday_list_name:
 		holiday_list_name = get_holiday_list_for_employee(employee, False)
@@ -304,17 +372,23 @@
 	return holiday_list_name and is_holiday(holiday_list_name,
-def get_employee_shift_timings(employee: str, for_timestamp: datetime = None, consider_default_shift: bool = False) -> List[Dict]:
+def get_employee_shift_timings(
+	employee: str, for_timestamp: datetime = None, consider_default_shift: bool = False
+) -> List[Dict]:
 	"""Returns previous shift, current/upcoming shift, next_shift for the given timestamp and employee"""
 	if for_timestamp is None:
 		for_timestamp = now_datetime()
 	# write and verify a test case for midnight shift.
 	prev_shift = curr_shift = next_shift = None
-	curr_shift = get_employee_shift(employee, for_timestamp, consider_default_shift, 'forward')
+	curr_shift = get_employee_shift(employee, for_timestamp, consider_default_shift, "forward")
 	if curr_shift:
-		next_shift = get_employee_shift(employee, curr_shift.start_datetime + timedelta(days=1), consider_default_shift, 'forward')
-	prev_shift = get_employee_shift(employee, for_timestamp + timedelta(days=-1), consider_default_shift, 'reverse')
+		next_shift = get_employee_shift(
+			employee, curr_shift.start_datetime + timedelta(days=1), consider_default_shift, "forward"
+		)
+	prev_shift = get_employee_shift(
+		employee, for_timestamp + timedelta(days=-1), consider_default_shift, "reverse"
+	)
 	if curr_shift:
 		# adjust actual start and end times if they are overlapping with grace period (before start and after end)
@@ -330,26 +404,35 @@
 				else prev_shift.actual_end
 		if next_shift:
-			next_shift.actual_start = curr_shift.end_datetime if next_shift.actual_start < curr_shift.end_datetime else next_shift.actual_start
-			curr_shift.actual_end = next_shift.actual_start if curr_shift.actual_end > next_shift.actual_start else curr_shift.actual_end
+			next_shift.actual_start = (
+				curr_shift.end_datetime
+				if next_shift.actual_start < curr_shift.end_datetime
+				else next_shift.actual_start
+			)
+			curr_shift.actual_end = (
+				next_shift.actual_start
+				if curr_shift.actual_end > next_shift.actual_start
+				else curr_shift.actual_end
+			)
 	return prev_shift, curr_shift, next_shift
-def get_actual_start_end_datetime_of_shift(employee: str, for_timestamp: datetime, consider_default_shift: bool = False) -> Dict:
-	"""
-	Params:
-		employee (str): Employee name
-		for_timestamp (datetime, optional): Datetime value of checkin, if not provided considers current datetime
-		consider_default_shift (bool, optional): Flag (defaults to False) to specify whether to consider
-			default shift in employee master if no shift assignment is found
+def get_actual_start_end_datetime_of_shift(
+	employee: str, for_timestamp: datetime, consider_default_shift: bool = False
+) -> Dict:
+	"""Returns a Dict containing shift details with actual_start and actual_end datetime values
+	Here 'actual' means taking into account the "begin_check_in_before_shift_start_time" and "allow_check_out_after_shift_end_time".
+	Empty Dict is returned if the timestamp is outside any actual shift timings.
-	Returns:
-		dict: Dict containing shift details with actual_start and actual_end datetime values
-			Here 'actual' means taking into account the "begin_check_in_before_shift_start_time" and "allow_check_out_after_shift_end_time".
-			Empty Dict is returned if the timestamp is outside any actual shift timings.
+	:param employee (str): Employee name
+	:param for_timestamp (datetime, optional): Datetime value of checkin, if not provided considers current datetime
+	:param consider_default_shift (bool, optional): Flag (defaults to False) to specify whether to consider
+	default shift in employee master if no shift assignment is found
-	shift_timings_as_per_timestamp = get_employee_shift_timings(employee, for_timestamp, consider_default_shift)
+	shift_timings_as_per_timestamp = get_employee_shift_timings(
+		employee, for_timestamp, consider_default_shift
+	)
 	return get_exact_shift(shift_timings_as_per_timestamp, for_timestamp)
@@ -381,25 +464,22 @@
 		if timestamp_index:
-	if timestamp_index and timestamp_index%2 == 1:
-		shift_details = shifts[int((timestamp_index-1)/2)]
+	if timestamp_index and timestamp_index % 2 == 1:
+		shift_details = shifts[int((timestamp_index - 1) / 2)]
 	return shift_details
 def get_shift_details(shift_type_name: str, for_timestamp: datetime = None) -> Dict:
-	"""
-	Params:
-		shift_type_name (str): shift type name for which shift_details are required.
-		for_timestamp (datetime, optional): Datetime value of checkin, if not provided considers current datetime
+	"""Returns a Dict containing shift details with the following data:
+	'shift_type' - Object of DocType Shift Type,
+	'start_datetime' - datetime of shift start on given timestamp,
+	'end_datetime' - datetime of shift end on given timestamp,
+	'actual_start' - datetime of shift start after adding 'begin_check_in_before_shift_start_time',
+	'actual_end' - datetime of shift end after adding 'allow_check_out_after_shift_end_time' (None is returned if this is zero)
-	Returns:
-		dict: Dict containing shift details with the following data:
-			'shift_type' - Object of DocType Shift Type,
-			'start_datetime' - datetime of shift start on given timestamp,
-			'end_datetime' - datetime of shift end on given timestamp,
-			'actual_start' - datetime of shift start after adding 'begin_check_in_before_shift_start_time',
-			'actual_end' - datetime of shift end after adding 'allow_check_out_after_shift_end_time' (None is returned if this is zero)
+	:param shift_type_name (str): shift type name for which shift_details are required.
+	:param for_timestamp (datetime, optional): Datetime value of checkin, if not provided considers current datetime
 	if not shift_type_name:
 		return {}
@@ -407,8 +487,10 @@
 	if for_timestamp is None:
 		for_timestamp = now_datetime()
-	shift_type = frappe.get_doc('Shift Type', shift_type_name)
-	shift_actual_start = shift_type.start_time - timedelta(minutes=shift_type.begin_check_in_before_shift_start_time)
+	shift_type = frappe.get_doc("Shift Type", shift_type_name)
+	shift_actual_start = shift_type.start_time - timedelta(
+		minutes=shift_type.begin_check_in_before_shift_start_time
+	)
 	if shift_type.start_time > shift_type.end_time:
 		# shift spans accross 2 different days
@@ -428,13 +510,17 @@
 		start_datetime = datetime.combine(for_timestamp, datetime.min.time()) + shift_type.start_time
 		end_datetime = datetime.combine(for_timestamp, datetime.min.time()) + shift_type.end_time
-	actual_start = start_datetime - timedelta(minutes=shift_type.begin_check_in_before_shift_start_time)
+	actual_start = start_datetime - timedelta(
+		minutes=shift_type.begin_check_in_before_shift_start_time
+	)
 	actual_end = end_datetime + timedelta(minutes=shift_type.allow_check_out_after_shift_end_time)
-	return frappe._dict({
-		'shift_type': shift_type,
-		'start_datetime': start_datetime,
-		'end_datetime': end_datetime,
-		'actual_start': actual_start,
-		'actual_end': actual_end
-	})
+	return frappe._dict(
+		{
+			"shift_type": shift_type,
+			"start_datetime": start_datetime,
+			"end_datetime": end_datetime,
+			"actual_start": actual_start,
+			"actual_end": actual_end,
+		}
+	)
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_type/ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_type/
index dd1dff1..f5689d1 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_type/
+++ b/erpnext/hr/doctype/shift_type/
@@ -34,19 +34,40 @@
 		filters = {
-			'skip_auto_attendance': 0,
-			'attendance': ('is', 'not set'),
-			'time': ('>=', self.process_attendance_after),
-			'shift_actual_end': ('<', self.last_sync_of_checkin),
-			'shift':
+			"skip_auto_attendance": 0,
+			"attendance": ("is", "not set"),
+			"time": (">=", self.process_attendance_after),
+			"shift_actual_end": ("<", self.last_sync_of_checkin),
+			"shift":,
-		logs = frappe.db.get_list('Employee Checkin', fields="*", filters=filters, order_by="employee,time")
+		logs = frappe.db.get_list(
+			"Employee Checkin", fields="*", filters=filters, order_by="employee,time"
+		)
-		for key, group in itertools.groupby(logs, key=lambda x: (x['employee'], x['shift_actual_start'])):
+		for key, group in itertools.groupby(
+			logs, key=lambda x: (x["employee"], x["shift_actual_start"])
+		):
 			single_shift_logs = list(group)
-			attendance_status, working_hours, late_entry, early_exit, in_time, out_time = self.get_attendance(single_shift_logs)
-			mark_attendance_and_link_log(single_shift_logs, attendance_status, key[1].date(),
-				working_hours, late_entry, early_exit, in_time, out_time,
+			(
+				attendance_status,
+				working_hours,
+				late_entry,
+				early_exit,
+				in_time,
+				out_time,
+			) = self.get_attendance(single_shift_logs)
+			mark_attendance_and_link_log(
+				single_shift_logs,
+				attendance_status,
+				key[1].date(),
+				working_hours,
+				late_entry,
+				early_exit,
+				in_time,
+				out_time,
+			)
 		for employee in self.get_assigned_employee(self.process_attendance_after, True):
@@ -54,9 +75,9 @@
 	def get_attendance(self, logs):
 		"""Return attendance_status, working_hours, late_entry, early_exit, in_time, out_time
 		for a set of logs belonging to a single shift.
-		Assumption:
-			1. These logs belongs to a single shift, single employee and it's not in a holiday date.
-			2. Logs are in chronological order
+		Assumptions:
+		1. These logs belongs to a single shift, single employee and it's not in a holiday date.
+		2. Logs are in chronological order
 		late_entry = early_exit = False
 		total_working_hours, in_time, out_time = calculate_working_hours(
@@ -116,8 +137,9 @@
 				mark_attendance(employee, date, "Absent",
 	def get_start_and_end_dates(self, employee):
-		date_of_joining, relieving_date, employee_creation = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", employee,
-			["date_of_joining", "relieving_date", "creation"])
+		date_of_joining, relieving_date, employee_creation = frappe.db.get_value(
+			"Employee", employee, ["date_of_joining", "relieving_date", "creation"]
+		)
 		if not date_of_joining:
 			date_of_joining =
@@ -126,26 +148,32 @@
 		end_date = None
 		shift_details = get_shift_details(, get_datetime(self.last_sync_of_checkin))
-		last_shift_time = shift_details.actual_start if shift_details else get_datetime(self.last_sync_of_checkin)
+		last_shift_time = (
+			shift_details.actual_start if shift_details else get_datetime(self.last_sync_of_checkin)
+		)
-		prev_shift = get_employee_shift(employee, last_shift_time - timedelta(days=1), True, 'reverse')
+		prev_shift = get_employee_shift(employee, last_shift_time - timedelta(days=1), True, "reverse")
 		if prev_shift:
-			end_date = min(, relieving_date) if relieving_date else
+			end_date = (
+				min(, relieving_date)
+				if relieving_date
+				else
+			)
 		return start_date, end_date
 	def get_assigned_employee(self, from_date=None, consider_default_shift=False):
-		filters = {'shift_type':, 'docstatus': '1'}
+		filters = {"shift_type":, "docstatus": "1"}
 		if from_date:
-			filters['start_date'] = ('>', from_date)
+			filters["start_date"] = (">", from_date)
-		assigned_employees = frappe.get_all('Shift Assignment', filters=filters, pluck='employee')
+		assigned_employees = frappe.get_all("Shift Assignment", filters=filters, pluck="employee")
 		if consider_default_shift:
-			filters = {'default_shift':, 'status': ['!=', 'Inactive']}
-			default_shift_employees = frappe.get_all('Employee', filters=filters, pluck='name')
+			filters = {"default_shift":, "status": ["!=", "Inactive"]}
+			default_shift_employees = frappe.get_all("Employee", filters=filters, pluck="name")
-			return list(set(assigned_employees+default_shift_employees))
+			return list(set(assigned_employees + default_shift_employees))
 		return assigned_employees
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/report/monthly_attendance_sheet/ b/erpnext/hr/report/monthly_attendance_sheet/
index a98afe4..efd2d38 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/report/monthly_attendance_sheet/
+++ b/erpnext/hr/report/monthly_attendance_sheet/
@@ -14,44 +14,47 @@
 Filters = frappe._dict
 status_map = {
-	'Present': 'P',
-	'Absent': 'A',
-	'Half Day': 'HD',
-	'Work From Home': 'WFH',
-	'On Leave': 'L',
-	'Holiday': 'H',
-	'Weekly Off': 'WO'
+	"Present": "P",
+	"Absent": "A",
+	"Half Day": "HD",
+	"Work From Home": "WFH",
+	"On Leave": "L",
+	"Holiday": "H",
+	"Weekly Off": "WO",
-day_abbr = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
+day_abbr = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"]
-def execute(filters:  Optional[Filters] = None) -> Tuple:
+def execute(filters: Optional[Filters] = None) -> Tuple:
 	filters = frappe._dict(filters or {})
 	if not (filters.month and filters.year):
-		frappe.throw(_('Please select month and year.'))
+		frappe.throw(_("Please select month and year."))
 	attendance_map = get_attendance_map(filters)
 	if not attendance_map:
-		frappe.msgprint(_('No attendance records found.'), alert=True, indicator='orange')
+		frappe.msgprint(_("No attendance records found."), alert=True, indicator="orange")
 		return [], [], None, None
 	columns = get_columns(filters)
 	data = get_data(filters, attendance_map)
 	if not data:
-		frappe.msgprint(_('No attendance records found for this criteria.'), alert=True, indicator='orange')
+		frappe.msgprint(
+			_("No attendance records found for this criteria."), alert=True, indicator="orange"
+		)
 		return columns, [], None, None
-	message = get_message() if not filters.summarized_view else ''
+	message = get_message() if not filters.summarized_view else ""
 	chart = get_chart_data(attendance_map, filters)
 	return columns, data, message, chart
 def get_message() -> str:
-	message = ''
-	colors = ['green', 'red', 'orange', 'green', '#318AD8', '', '']
+	message = ""
+	colors = ["green", "red", "orange", "green", "#318AD8", "", ""]
 	count = 0
 	for status, abbr in status_map.items():
@@ -70,39 +73,84 @@
 	if filters.group_by:
-			{'label': _(filters.group_by), 'fieldname': frappe.scrub(filters.group_by), 'fieldtype': 'Link', 'options': 'Branch', 'width': 120}
+			{
+				"label": _(filters.group_by),
+				"fieldname": frappe.scrub(filters.group_by),
+				"fieldtype": "Link",
+				"options": "Branch",
+				"width": 120,
+			}
-	columns.extend([
-		{'label': _('Employee'), 'fieldname': 'employee', 'fieldtype': 'Link', 'options': 'Employee', 'width': 135},
-		{'label': _('Employee Name'), 'fieldname': 'employee_name', 'fieldtype': 'Data', 'width': 120}
-	])
+	columns.extend(
+		[
+			{
+				"label": _("Employee"),
+				"fieldname": "employee",
+				"fieldtype": "Link",
+				"options": "Employee",
+				"width": 135,
+			},
+			{"label": _("Employee Name"), "fieldname": "employee_name", "fieldtype": "Data", "width": 120},
+		]
+	)
 	if filters.summarized_view:
-		columns.extend([
-			{'label': _('Total Present'), 'fieldname': 'total_present', 'fieldtype': 'Float', 'width': 110},
-			{'label': _('Total Leaves'), 'fieldname': 'total_leaves', 'fieldtype': 'Float', 'width': 110},
-			{'label': _('Total Absent'), 'fieldname': 'total_absent', 'fieldtype': 'Float', 'width': 110},
-			{'label': _('Total Holidays'), 'fieldname': 'total_holidays', 'fieldtype': 'Float', 'width': 120},
-			{'label': _('Unmarked Days'), 'fieldname': 'unmarked_days', 'fieldtype': 'Float', 'width': 130}
-		])
+		columns.extend(
+			[
+				{
+					"label": _("Total Present"),
+					"fieldname": "total_present",
+					"fieldtype": "Float",
+					"width": 110,
+				},
+				{"label": _("Total Leaves"), "fieldname": "total_leaves", "fieldtype": "Float", "width": 110},
+				{"label": _("Total Absent"), "fieldname": "total_absent", "fieldtype": "Float", "width": 110},
+				{
+					"label": _("Total Holidays"),
+					"fieldname": "total_holidays",
+					"fieldtype": "Float",
+					"width": 120,
+				},
+				{
+					"label": _("Unmarked Days"),
+					"fieldname": "unmarked_days",
+					"fieldtype": "Float",
+					"width": 130,
+				},
+			]
+		)
-		columns.extend([
-			{'label': _('Total Late Entries'), 'fieldname': 'total_late_entries', 'fieldtype': 'Float', 'width': 140},
-			{'label': _('Total Early Exits'), 'fieldname': 'total_early_exits', 'fieldtype': 'Float', 'width': 140}
-		])
+		columns.extend(
+			[
+				{
+					"label": _("Total Late Entries"),
+					"fieldname": "total_late_entries",
+					"fieldtype": "Float",
+					"width": 140,
+				},
+				{
+					"label": _("Total Early Exits"),
+					"fieldname": "total_early_exits",
+					"fieldtype": "Float",
+					"width": 140,
+				},
+			]
+		)
-		columns.append({'label': _('Shift'), 'fieldname': 'shift', 'fieldtype': 'Data', 'width': 120})
+		columns.append({"label": _("Shift"), "fieldname": "shift", "fieldtype": "Data", "width": 120})
 	return columns
 def get_columns_for_leave_types() -> List[Dict]:
-	leave_types = frappe.db.get_all('Leave Type', pluck='name')
+	leave_types = frappe.db.get_all("Leave Type", pluck="name")
 	types = []
 	for entry in leave_types:
-		types.append({'label': entry, 'fieldname': frappe.scrub(entry), 'fieldtype': 'Float', 'width': 120})
+		types.append(
+			{"label": entry, "fieldname": frappe.scrub(entry), "fieldtype": "Float", "width": 120}
+		)
 	return types
@@ -111,23 +159,14 @@
 	total_days = get_total_days_in_month(filters)
 	days = []
-	for day in range(1, total_days+1):
+	for day in range(1, total_days + 1):
 		# forms the dates from selected year and month from filters
-		date = '{}-{}-{}'.format(
-			cstr(filters.year),
-			cstr(filters.month),
-			cstr(day)
-		)
+		date = "{}-{}-{}".format(cstr(filters.year), cstr(filters.month), cstr(day))
 		# gets abbr from weekday number
 		weekday = day_abbr[getdate(date).weekday()]
 		# sets days as 1 Mon, 2 Tue, 3 Wed
-		label = '{} {}'.format(cstr(day), weekday)
-		days.append({
-			'label': label,
-			'fieldtype': 'Data',
-			'fieldname': day,
-			'width': 65
-		})
+		label = "{} {}".format(cstr(day), weekday)
+		days.append({"label": label, "fieldtype": "Data", "fieldname": day, "width": 65})
 	return days
@@ -137,7 +176,9 @@
 def get_data(filters: Filters, attendance_map: Dict) -> List[Dict]:
-	employee_details, group_by_param_values = get_employee_related_details(filters.group_by,
+	employee_details, group_by_param_values = get_employee_related_details(
+		filters.group_by,
+	)
 	holiday_map = get_holiday_map(filters)
 	data = []
@@ -151,9 +192,7 @@
 			records = get_rows(employee_details[value], filters, holiday_map, attendance_map)
 			if records:
-				data.append({
-					group_by_column: frappe.bold(value)
-				})
+				data.append({group_by_column: frappe.bold(value)})
 		data = get_rows(employee_details, filters, holiday_map, attendance_map)
@@ -163,30 +202,31 @@
 def get_attendance_map(filters: Filters) -> Dict:
 	"""Returns a dictionary of employee wise attendance map as per shifts for all the days of the month like
-		{
-			'employee1': {
-				'Morning Shift': {1: 'Present', 2: 'Absent', ...}
-				'Evening Shift': {1: 'Absent', 2: 'Present', ...}
-			},
-			'employee2': {
-				'Afternoon Shift': {1: 'Present', 2: 'Absent', ...}
-				'Night Shift': {1: 'Absent', 2: 'Absent', ...}
-			}
-		}
+	{
+	        'employee1': {
+	                'Morning Shift': {1: 'Present', 2: 'Absent', ...}
+	                'Evening Shift': {1: 'Absent', 2: 'Present', ...}
+	        },
+	        'employee2': {
+	                'Afternoon Shift': {1: 'Present', 2: 'Absent', ...}
+	                'Night Shift': {1: 'Absent', 2: 'Absent', ...}
+	        }
+	}
-	Attendance = frappe.qb.DocType('Attendance')
+	Attendance = frappe.qb.DocType("Attendance")
 	query = (
-			Extract('day', Attendance.attendance_date).as_('day_of_month'),
+			Extract("day", Attendance.attendance_date).as_("day_of_month"),
-			Attendance.shift
-		).where(
+			Attendance.shift,
+		)
+		.where(
 			(Attendance.docstatus == 1)
 			& ( ==
-			& (Extract('month', Attendance.attendance_date) == filters.month)
-			& (Extract('year', Attendance.attendance_date) == filters.year)
+			& (Extract("month", Attendance.attendance_date) == filters.month)
+			& (Extract("year", Attendance.attendance_date) == filters.year)
 	if filters.employee:
@@ -205,18 +245,23 @@
 def get_employee_related_details(group_by: str, company: str) -> Tuple[Dict, List]:
-		1. nested dict for employee details
-		2. list of values for the group by filter
-			eg: if group by filter is set to "Department" then returns a list like ['HR', 'Support', 'Engineering']
+	1. nested dict for employee details
+	2. list of values for the group by filter
-	Employee = frappe.qb.DocType('Employee')
+	Employee = frappe.qb.DocType("Employee")
 	query = (
-, Employee.employee_name, Employee.designation,
-			Employee.grade, Employee.department, Employee.branch,
-, Employee.holiday_list
-		).where( == company)
+			Employee.employee_name,
+			Employee.designation,
+			Employee.grade,
+			Employee.department,
+			Employee.branch,
+			Employee.holiday_list,
+		)
+		.where( == company)
 	if group_by:
@@ -247,23 +292,23 @@
 	Returns a dict of holidays falling in the filter month and year
 	with list name as key and list of holidays as values like
-		'Holiday List 1': [
-			{'day_of_month': '0' , 'weekly_off': 1},
-			{'day_of_month': '1', 'weekly_off': 0}
-		],
-		'Holiday List 2': [
-			{'day_of_month': '0' , 'weekly_off': 1},
-			{'day_of_month': '1', 'weekly_off': 0}
-		]
+	        'Holiday List 1': [
+	                {'day_of_month': '0' , 'weekly_off': 1},
+	                {'day_of_month': '1', 'weekly_off': 0}
+	        ],
+	        'Holiday List 2': [
+	                {'day_of_month': '0' , 'weekly_off': 1},
+	                {'day_of_month': '1', 'weekly_off': 0}
+	        ]
 	# add default holiday list too
-	holiday_lists = frappe.db.get_all('Holiday List', pluck='name')
-	default_holiday_list = frappe.get_cached_value('Company',, 'default_holiday_list')
+	holiday_lists = frappe.db.get_all("Holiday List", pluck="name")
+	default_holiday_list = frappe.get_cached_value("Company",, "default_holiday_list")
 	holiday_map = frappe._dict()
-	Holiday = frappe.qb.DocType('Holiday')
+	Holiday = frappe.qb.DocType("Holiday")
 	for d in holiday_lists:
 		if not d:
@@ -271,13 +316,11 @@
 		holidays = (
-			.select(
-				Extract('day', Holiday.holiday_date).as_('day_of_month'),
-				Holiday.weekly_off
-			).where(
+			.select(Extract("day", Holiday.holiday_date).as_("day_of_month"), Holiday.weekly_off)
+			.where(
 				(Holiday.parent == d)
-				& (Extract('month', Holiday.holiday_date) == filters.month)
-				& (Extract('year', Holiday.holiday_date) == filters.year)
+				& (Extract("month", Holiday.holiday_date) == filters.month)
+				& (Extract("year", Holiday.holiday_date) == filters.year)
@@ -286,13 +329,15 @@
 	return holiday_map
-def get_rows(employee_details: Dict, filters: Filters, holiday_map: Dict, attendance_map: Dict) -> List[Dict]:
+def get_rows(
+	employee_details: Dict, filters: Filters, holiday_map: Dict, attendance_map: Dict
+) -> List[Dict]:
 	records = []
-	default_holiday_list = frappe.get_cached_value('Company',, 'default_holiday_list')
+	default_holiday_list = frappe.get_cached_value("Company",, "default_holiday_list")
 	for employee, details in employee_details.items():
 		emp_holiday_list = details.holiday_list or default_holiday_list
-		holidays = holiday_map[emp_holiday_list]
+		holidays = holiday_map.get(emp_holiday_list)
 		if filters.summarized_view:
 			attendance = get_attendance_status_for_summarized_view(employee, filters, holidays)
@@ -302,7 +347,7 @@
 			leave_summary = get_leave_summary(employee, filters)
 			entry_exits_summary = get_entry_exits_summary(employee, filters)
-			row = {'employee': employee, 'employee_name': details.employee_name}
+			row = {"employee": employee, "employee_name": details.employee_name}
 			set_defaults_for_summarized_view(filters, row)
@@ -314,12 +359,13 @@
 			if not employee_attendance:
-			attendance_for_employee = get_attendance_status_for_detailed_view(employee, filters, employee_attendance, holidays)
+			attendance_for_employee = get_attendance_status_for_detailed_view(
+				employee, filters, employee_attendance, holidays
+			)
 			# set employee details in the first row
-			attendance_for_employee[0].update({
-				'employee': employee,
-				'employee_name': details.employee_name
-			})
+			attendance_for_employee[0].update(
+				{"employee": employee, "employee_name": details.employee_name}
+			)
@@ -328,13 +374,15 @@
 def set_defaults_for_summarized_view(filters, row):
 	for entry in get_columns(filters):
-		if entry.get('fieldtype') == 'Float':
-			row[entry.get('fieldname')] = 0.0
+		if entry.get("fieldtype") == "Float":
+			row[entry.get("fieldname")] = 0.0
-def get_attendance_status_for_summarized_view(employee: str, filters: Filters, holidays: List) -> Dict:
+def get_attendance_status_for_summarized_view(
+	employee: str, filters: Filters, holidays: List
+) -> Dict:
 	"""Returns dict of attendance status for employee like
-		{'total_present': 1.5, 'total_leaves': 0.5, 'total_absent': 13.5, 'total_holidays': 8, 'unmarked_days': 5}
+	{'total_present': 1.5, 'total_leaves': 0.5, 'total_absent': 13.5, 'total_holidays': 8, 'unmarked_days': 5}
 	summary, attendance_days = get_attendance_summary_and_days(employee, filters)
 	if not any(summary.values()):
@@ -348,83 +396,93 @@
 		status = get_holiday_status(day, holidays)
-		if status in ['Weekly Off', 'Holiday']:
+		if status in ["Weekly Off", "Holiday"]:
 			total_holidays += 1
 		elif not status:
 			total_unmarked_days += 1
 	return {
-		'total_present': summary.total_present + summary.total_half_days,
-		'total_leaves': summary.total_leaves + summary.total_half_days,
-		'total_absent': summary.total_absent + summary.total_half_days,
-		'total_holidays': total_holidays,
-		'unmarked_days': total_unmarked_days
+		"total_present": summary.total_present + summary.total_half_days,
+		"total_leaves": summary.total_leaves + summary.total_half_days,
+		"total_absent": summary.total_absent + summary.total_half_days,
+		"total_holidays": total_holidays,
+		"unmarked_days": total_unmarked_days,
 def get_attendance_summary_and_days(employee: str, filters: Filters) -> Tuple[Dict, List]:
-	Attendance = frappe.qb.DocType('Attendance')
+	Attendance = frappe.qb.DocType("Attendance")
-	present_case = frappe.qb.terms.Case().when(((Attendance.status == 'Present') | (Attendance.status == 'Work From Home')), 1).else_(0)
-	sum_present = Sum(present_case).as_('total_present')
+	present_case = (
+		frappe.qb.terms.Case()
+		.when(((Attendance.status == "Present") | (Attendance.status == "Work From Home")), 1)
+		.else_(0)
+	)
+	sum_present = Sum(present_case).as_("total_present")
-	absent_case = frappe.qb.terms.Case().when(Attendance.status == 'Absent', 1).else_(0)
-	sum_absent = Sum(absent_case).as_('total_absent')
+	absent_case = frappe.qb.terms.Case().when(Attendance.status == "Absent", 1).else_(0)
+	sum_absent = Sum(absent_case).as_("total_absent")
-	leave_case = frappe.qb.terms.Case().when(Attendance.status == 'On Leave', 1).else_(0)
-	sum_leave = Sum(leave_case).as_('total_leaves')
+	leave_case = frappe.qb.terms.Case().when(Attendance.status == "On Leave", 1).else_(0)
+	sum_leave = Sum(leave_case).as_("total_leaves")
-	half_day_case = frappe.qb.terms.Case().when(Attendance.status == 'Half Day', 0.5).else_(0)
-	sum_half_day = Sum(half_day_case).as_('total_half_days')
+	half_day_case = frappe.qb.terms.Case().when(Attendance.status == "Half Day", 0.5).else_(0)
+	sum_half_day = Sum(half_day_case).as_("total_half_days")
 	summary = (
-			sum_present, sum_absent, sum_leave, sum_half_day,
-		).where(
+			sum_present,
+			sum_absent,
+			sum_leave,
+			sum_half_day,
+		)
+		.where(
 			(Attendance.docstatus == 1)
 			& (Attendance.employee == employee)
 			& ( ==
-			& (Extract('month', Attendance.attendance_date) == filters.month)
-			& (Extract('year', Attendance.attendance_date) == filters.year)
+			& (Extract("month", Attendance.attendance_date) == filters.month)
+			& (Extract("year", Attendance.attendance_date) == filters.year)
 	days = (
-		.select(Extract('day', Attendance.attendance_date).as_('day_of_month'))
+		.select(Extract("day", Attendance.attendance_date).as_("day_of_month"))
 			(Attendance.docstatus == 1)
 			& (Attendance.employee == employee)
 			& ( ==
-			& (Extract('month', Attendance.attendance_date) == filters.month)
-			& (Extract('year', Attendance.attendance_date) == filters.year)
+			& (Extract("month", Attendance.attendance_date) == filters.month)
+			& (Extract("year", Attendance.attendance_date) == filters.year)
 	return summary[0], days
-def get_attendance_status_for_detailed_view(employee: str, filters: Filters, employee_attendance: Dict, holidays: List) -> List[Dict]:
+def get_attendance_status_for_detailed_view(
+	employee: str, filters: Filters, employee_attendance: Dict, holidays: List
+) -> List[Dict]:
 	"""Returns list of shift-wise attendance status for employee
-		[
-			{'shift': 'Morning Shift', 1: 'A', 2: 'P', 3: 'A'....},
-			{'shift': 'Evening Shift', 1: 'P', 2: 'A', 3: 'P'....}
-		]
+	[
+	        {'shift': 'Morning Shift', 1: 'A', 2: 'P', 3: 'A'....},
+	        {'shift': 'Evening Shift', 1: 'P', 2: 'A', 3: 'P'....}
+	]
 	total_days = get_total_days_in_month(filters)
 	attendance_values = []
 	for shift, status_dict in employee_attendance.items():
-		row = {'shift': shift}
+		row = {"shift": shift}
 		for day in range(1, total_days + 1):
 			status = status_dict.get(day)
 			if status is None and holidays:
 				status = get_holiday_status(day, holidays)
-			abbr = status_map.get(status, '')
+			abbr = status_map.get(status, "")
 			row[day] = abbr
@@ -435,22 +493,22 @@
 def get_holiday_status(day: int, holidays: List) -> str:
 	status = None
 	for holiday in holidays:
-		if day == holiday.get('day_of_month'):
-			if holiday.get('weekly_off'):
-				status = 'Weekly Off'
+		if day == holiday.get("day_of_month"):
+			if holiday.get("weekly_off"):
+				status = "Weekly Off"
-				status = 'Holiday'
+				status = "Holiday"
 	return status
 def get_leave_summary(employee: str, filters: Filters) -> Dict[str, float]:
 	"""Returns a dict of leave type and corresponding leaves taken by employee like:
-		{'leave_without_pay': 1.0, 'sick_leave': 2.0}
+	{'leave_without_pay': 1.0, 'sick_leave': 2.0}
-	Attendance = frappe.qb.DocType('Attendance')
-	day_case = frappe.qb.terms.Case().when(Attendance.status == 'Half Day', 0.5).else_(1)
-	sum_leave_days = Sum(day_case).as_('leave_days')
+	Attendance = frappe.qb.DocType("Attendance")
+	day_case = frappe.qb.terms.Case().when(Attendance.status == "Half Day", 0.5).else_(1)
+	sum_leave_days = Sum(day_case).as_("leave_days")
 	leave_details = (
@@ -459,10 +517,11 @@
 			(Attendance.employee == employee)
 			& (Attendance.docstatus == 1)
 			& ( ==
-			& ((Attendance.leave_type.isnotnull()) | (Attendance.leave_type != ''))
-			& (Extract('month', Attendance.attendance_date) == filters.month)
-			& (Extract('year', Attendance.attendance_date) == filters.year)
-		).groupby(Attendance.leave_type)
+			& ((Attendance.leave_type.isnotnull()) | (Attendance.leave_type != ""))
+			& (Extract("month", Attendance.attendance_date) == filters.month)
+			& (Extract("year", Attendance.attendance_date) == filters.year)
+		)
+		.groupby(Attendance.leave_type)
 	leaves = {}
@@ -475,15 +534,15 @@
 def get_entry_exits_summary(employee: str, filters: Filters) -> Dict[str, float]:
 	"""Returns total late entries and total early exits for employee like:
-		{'total_late_entries': 5, 'total_early_exits': 2}
+	{'total_late_entries': 5, 'total_early_exits': 2}
-	Attendance = frappe.qb.DocType('Attendance')
+	Attendance = frappe.qb.DocType("Attendance")
-	late_entry_case = frappe.qb.terms.Case().when(Attendance.late_entry == '1', '1')
-	count_late_entries = Count(late_entry_case).as_('total_late_entries')
+	late_entry_case = frappe.qb.terms.Case().when(Attendance.late_entry == "1", "1")
+	count_late_entries = Count(late_entry_case).as_("total_late_entries")
-	early_exit_case = frappe.qb.terms.Case().when(Attendance.early_exit == '1', '1')
-	count_early_exits = Count(early_exit_case).as_('total_early_exits')
+	early_exit_case = frappe.qb.terms.Case().when(Attendance.early_exit == "1", "1")
+	count_early_exits = Count(early_exit_case).as_("total_early_exits")
 	entry_exits = (
@@ -492,8 +551,8 @@
 			(Attendance.docstatus == 1)
 			& (Attendance.employee == employee)
 			& ( ==
-			& (Extract('month', Attendance.attendance_date) == filters.month)
-			& (Extract('year', Attendance.attendance_date) == filters.year)
+			& (Extract("month", Attendance.attendance_date) == filters.month)
+			& (Extract("year", Attendance.attendance_date) == filters.year)
@@ -503,10 +562,10 @@
 def get_attendance_years() -> str:
 	"""Returns all the years for which attendance records exist"""
-	Attendance = frappe.qb.DocType('Attendance')
+	Attendance = frappe.qb.DocType("Attendance")
 	year_list = (
-		.select(Extract('year', Attendance.attendance_date).as_('year'))
+		.select(Extract("year", Attendance.attendance_date).as_("year"))
@@ -526,21 +585,21 @@
 	leave = []
 	for day in days:
-		labels.append(day['label'])
+		labels.append(day["label"])
 		total_absent_on_day = total_leaves_on_day = total_present_on_day = 0
 		for employee, attendance_dict in attendance_map.items():
 			for shift, attendance in attendance_dict.items():
-				attendance_on_day = attendance.get(day['fieldname'])
+				attendance_on_day = attendance.get(day["fieldname"])
-				if attendance_on_day == 'Absent':
+				if attendance_on_day == "Absent":
 					total_absent_on_day += 1
-				elif attendance_on_day in ['Present', 'Work From Home']:
+				elif attendance_on_day in ["Present", "Work From Home"]:
 					total_present_on_day += 1
-				elif attendance_on_day == 'Half Day':
+				elif attendance_on_day == "Half Day":
 					total_present_on_day += 0.5
 					total_leaves_on_day += 0.5
-				elif attendance_on_day == 'On Leave':
+				elif attendance_on_day == "On Leave":
 					total_leaves_on_day += 1
@@ -548,14 +607,14 @@
 	return {
-		'data': {
-			'labels': labels,
-			'datasets': [
-				{'name': 'Absent', 'values': absent},
-				{'name': 'Present', 'values': present},
-				{'name': 'Leave', 'values': leave},
-			]
+		"data": {
+			"labels": labels,
+			"datasets": [
+				{"name": "Absent", "values": absent},
+				{"name": "Present", "values": present},
+				{"name": "Leave", "values": leave},
+			],
-		'type': 'line',
-		'colors': ['red', 'green', 'blue'],
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+		"type": "line",
+		"colors": ["red", "green", "blue"],
+	}
diff --git a/erpnext/hr/report/monthly_attendance_sheet/ b/erpnext/hr/report/monthly_attendance_sheet/
index cc899eb..2f3cb53 100644
--- a/erpnext/hr/report/monthly_attendance_sheet/
+++ b/erpnext/hr/report/monthly_attendance_sheet/
@@ -7,10 +7,7 @@
 from import make_employee
 from import set_holiday_list
 from import make_allocation_record
-from import (
-	execute,
-	get_total_days_in_month,
+from import execute
 from erpnext.payroll.doctype.salary_slip.test_salary_slip import make_leave_application
 test_dependencies = ["Shift Type"]