[Report][Quotation Trend]
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/trend_analyzer/trend_analyzer.py b/accounts/search_criteria/trend_analyzer/trend_analyzer.py
index 87e1e8e..9bdde39 100644
--- a/accounts/search_criteria/trend_analyzer/trend_analyzer.py
+++ b/accounts/search_criteria/trend_analyzer/trend_analyzer.py
@@ -155,10 +155,8 @@
for d in range(len(colnames) - cr):
if group_by:
flag = 1
- # check for root nodes
if based_on in ['Item Group','Customer Group','Territory']:
is_grp = sql("select is_group from `tab%s` where name = '%s'" % (based_on, cstr(r[col_idx[based_on]]).strip()))
is_grp = is_grp and cstr(is_grp[0][0]) or ''
@@ -167,11 +165,11 @@
if flag == 1:
det = [x[0] for x in sql("SELECT DISTINCT %s FROM %s where %s" % (sel_col, add_tab, add_cond % {'value':cstr(r[col_idx[based_on]]).strip()}))]
for des in range(len(det)):
t_row = ['' for i in range(len(colnames))]
t_row[col_idx[group_by]] = cstr(det[des])
gr_det = sql("SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s = '%s' and %s" % (query_val, add_tab, sel_col, cstr(det[des]), add_cond % {'value':cstr(r[col_idx[based_on]]).strip()}))
+ webnotes.errprint(cstr(r[col_idx[based_on]]).strip())
for d in range(len(col_names)):
t_row[col_idx[col_names[d]]] = flt(gr_det[0][d])
- out.append(t_row)
+ out.append(t_row)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/selling/report/quotation_trends/quotation_trends.js b/selling/report/quotation_trends/quotation_trends.js
index e55e252..e166fa6 100644
--- a/selling/report/quotation_trends/quotation_trends.js
+++ b/selling/report/quotation_trends/quotation_trends.js
@@ -19,21 +19,21 @@
"label": "Group By",
"fieldtype": "Select",
"options": "Item"+NEWLINE+"Customer",
- "default": "Customer"
+ "default": ""
"label": "Fiscal Year",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options":'Fiscal Year',
- "default": "Fiscal Year"
+ "default": sys_defaults.fiscal_year
"label": "Company",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Company",
- "default": "Company"
+ "default": sys_defaults.company
diff --git a/selling/report/quotation_trends/quotation_trends.py b/selling/report/quotation_trends/quotation_trends.py
index 5b9fc04..6a81d97 100644
--- a/selling/report/quotation_trends/quotation_trends.py
+++ b/selling/report/quotation_trends/quotation_trends.py
@@ -16,78 +16,154 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import webnotes
-from webnotes.utils import getdate, cint
+from webnotes.utils import cint, add_days, add_months, cstr
def execute(filters=None):
if not filters: filters ={}
- period = filters.get("period")
- based_on = filters.get("based_on")
- group_by = filters.get("group_by")
- columns = get_columns(filters, period, based_on, group_by)
- data = []
+ # Global data
+ ysd = webnotes.conn.sql("select year_start_date from `tabFiscal Year` where name = '%s'"%filters.get("fiscal_year"))[0][0]
+ year_start_date = ysd.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+ start_month = cint(year_start_date.split('-')[1])
+ columns, query_bon, query_pwc, group_by = get_columns(filters, year_start_date, start_month)
+ ptab = "tabQuotation"
+ ctab = "tabQuotation Item"
+ data = get_data(filters, ptab, ctab, query_bon, query_pwc, group_by)
return columns, data
-def get_columns(filters, period, based_on, group_by):
- columns = []
- pwc = []
- bon = []
- gby = []
+def get_columns(filters, year_start_date, start_month):
+ columns, pwc, bon, gby = [], [], [], []
+ query_bon, query_pwc = '', ''
+ period = filters.get("period")
+ based_on = filters.get("based_on")
+ grby = filters.get("group_by")
if not (period and based_on):
- webnotes.msgprint("Value missing in 'Period' or 'Based On'",raise_exception=1)
- elif based_on == group_by:
- webnotes.msgprint("Plese select different values in 'Based On' and 'Group By'")
+ webnotes.msgprint("Value missing in 'Period' or 'Based On'", raise_exception=1)
+ elif based_on == grby:
+ webnotes.msgprint("Plese select different values in 'Based On' and 'Group By'", raise_exception=1)
- pwc = period_wise_column(filters, period, pwc)
- bon = base_wise_column(based_on, bon)
- gby = gruoup_wise_column(group_by)
+ bon,query_bon,group_by = base_wise_column(based_on, bon)
+ pwc,query_pwc = period_wise_column_and_query(filters, period, pwc, year_start_date,start_month)
+ gby = gruoup_wise_column(grby)
if gby:
- columns = bon + gby + pwc
+ columns = bon + gby + pwc +["TOTAL(Qty):Float:120", "TOTAL(Amt):Currency:120"]
- columns = bon + pwc
- return columns
+ columns = bon + pwc + ["TOTAL(Qty):Float:120", "TOTAL(Amt):Currency:120"]
+ return columns, query_bon, query_pwc, group_by
-def period_wise_column(filters, period, pwc):
+def get_data(filters, ptab, ctab, query_bon, query_pwc, group_by):
+ query_details = query_bon + query_pwc + 'SUM(t2.qty), SUM(t1.grand_total) '
+ query_pwc = query_pwc + 'SUM(t2.qty), SUM(t1.grand_total)'
+ if not filters.get("group_by"):
+ data = webnotes.conn.sql(""" select %s from `%s` t1, `%s` t2
+ where t2.parent = t1.name and t1.company = '%s' and t1.fiscal_year = '%s' and t1.docstatus = 1
+ group by %s
+ """%(query_details, ptab, ctab, filters.get("company"), filters.get("fiscal_year"), group_by), as_list=1)
+ # No coma is included between %s and t2.item_code cause it's already bounded with query_bon
+ if filters.get("group_by") == 'Item':
+ data = webnotes.conn.sql(""" select %s t2.item_code, %s from `%s` t1, `%s` t2
+ where t2.parent = t1.name and t1.company = '%s' and t1.fiscal_year = '%s' and t1.docstatus = 1
+ group by %s, %s"""%( query_bon, query_pwc, ptab, ctab, filters.get("company"), filters.get("fiscal_year"),
+ group_by,'t2.item_code'), as_list=1)
+ if filters.get("group_by") == 'Customer':
+ data = webnotes.conn.sql(""" select %s t1.customer_name, %s from `%s` t1, `%s` t2
+ where t2.parent = t1.name and t1.company = '%s' and t1.fiscal_year = '%s' and t1.docstatus = 1
+ group by %s, %s"""%(query_bon, query_pwc, ptab, ctab, filters.get("company"), filters.get("fiscal_year"), group_by, 't1.customer_name'), as_list=1)
+ return data
+def period_wise_column_and_query(filters, period, pwc, year_start_date, start_month):
+ query_details = ''
if period == "Monthly":
month_name = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec']
- for month in range(0,len(month_name)):
+ for month in range(start_month-1,len(month_name)):
pwc.append(month_name[month]+' (Qty):Float:120')
pwc.append(month_name[month]+' (Amt):Currency:120')
+ query_details += """Sum(CASE WHEN MONTH(t1.transaction_date)= %(mon_num)s THEN t2.qty ELSE NULL END),
+ SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(t1.transaction_date)= %(mon_num)s THEN t1.grand_total ELSE NULL END),
+ """%{"mon_num": cstr(month+1)}
+ for month in range(0, start_month-1):
+ pwc.append(month_name[month]+' (Qty):Float:120')
+ pwc.append(month_name[month]+' (Amt):Currency:120')
+ query_details += """Sum(CASE WHEN MONTH(t1.transaction_date)= %(mon_num)s THEN t2.qty ELSE NULL END),
+ SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(t1.transaction_date)= %(mon_num)s THEN t1.grand_total ELSE NULL END),
+ """%{"mon_num": cstr(month+1)}
elif period == "Quarterly":
pwc = ["Q1(qty):Float:120", "Q1(amt):Currency:120", "Q2(qty):Float:120", "Q2(amt):Currency:120",
- "Q3(qty):Float:120", "Q3(amt):Currency:120", "Q4(qty):Float:120", "Q4(amt):Currency:120"
- ]
+ "Q3(qty):Float:120", "Q3(amt):Currency:120", "Q4(qty):Float:120", "Q4(amt):Currency:120"]
+ first_qsd, second_qsd, third_qsd, fourth_qsd = year_start_date, add_months(year_start_date,3), add_months(year_start_date,6), add_months(year_start_date,9)
+ first_qed, second_qed, third_qed, fourth_qed = add_days(add_months(first_qsd,3),-1), add_days(add_months(second_qsd,3),-1), add_days(add_months(third_qsd,3),-1), add_days(add_months(fourth_qsd,3),-1)
+ bet_dates = [[first_qsd,first_qed],[second_qsd,second_qed],[third_qsd,third_qed],[fourth_qsd,fourth_qed]]
+ for d in bet_dates:
+ query_details += """
+ SUM(CASE WHEN t1.transaction_date BETWEEN '%(sd)s' AND '%(ed)s' THEN t2.qty ELSE NULL END),
+ SUM(CASE WHEN t1.transaction_date BETWEEN '%(sd)s' AND '%(ed)s' THEN t1.grand_total ELSE NULL END),
+ """%{"sd": d[0],"ed": d[1]}
elif period == "Half-yearly":
pwc = ["Fisrt Half(qty):Float:120", "Fisrt Half(amt):Currency:120", "Second Half(qty):Float:120",
- "Second Half(amt):Currency:120"
- ]
+ "Second Half(amt):Currency:120"]
+ first_half_start = year_start_date
+ first_half_end = add_days(add_months(first_half_start,6),-1)
+ second_half_start = add_days(first_half_end,1)
+ second_half_end = add_days(add_months(second_half_start,6),-1)
+ query_details = """ SUM(CASE WHEN t1.transaction_date BETWEEN '%(fhs)s' AND '%(fhe)s' THEN t2.qty ELSE NULL END),
+ SUM(CASE WHEN t1.transaction_date BETWEEN '%(fhs)s' AND '%(fhe)s' THEN t1.grand_total ELSE NULL END),
+ SUM(CASE WHEN t1.transaction_date BETWEEN '%(shs)s' AND '%(she)s' THEN t2.qty ELSE NULL END),
+ SUM(CASE WHEN t1.transaction_date BETWEEN '%(shs)s' AND '%(she)s' THEN t1.grand_total ELSE NULL END),
+ """%{"fhs": first_half_start, "fhe": first_half_end,"shs": second_half_start, "she": second_half_end}
pwc = [filters.get("fiscal_year")+"(qty):Float:120", filters.get("fiscal_year")+"(amt):Currency:120"]
+ query_details = " SUM(t2.qty), SUM(t1.grand_total),"
- return pwc
+ return pwc, query_details
def base_wise_column(based_on, bon):
if based_on == "Item":
bon = ["Item:Link/Item:120", "Item Name:Data:120"]
+ query_details = "t2.item_code, t2.item_name,"
+ group_by = 't2.item_code'
elif based_on == "Item Group":
bon = ["Item Group:Link/Item Group:120"]
+ query_details = "t2.item_group,"
+ group_by = 't2.item_group'
elif based_on == "Customer":
bon = ["Customer:Link/Customer:120", "Territory:Link/Territory:120"]
+ query_details = "t1.customer_name, t1.territory, "
+ group_by = 't1.customer_name'
elif based_on == "Customer Group":
bon = ["Customer Group:Link/Customer Group"]
+ query_details = "t1.customer_group, "
+ group_by = 't1.customer_group'
elif based_on == "Territory":
bon = ["Territory:Link/Territory:120"]
+ query_details = "t1.territory, "
+ group_by = 't1.territory'
bon = ["Project:Link/Project:120"]
- return bon
+ return bon, query_details, group_by
def gruoup_wise_column(group_by):
if group_by: