[patch] make gl entries for submitted sales invoice where no gl entries exists
diff --git a/patches/november_2013/p01_make_gl_entries_for_si.py b/patches/november_2013/p01_make_gl_entries_for_si.py
index cfe107a..84e0712 100644
--- a/patches/november_2013/p01_make_gl_entries_for_si.py
+++ b/patches/november_2013/p01_make_gl_entries_for_si.py
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
 def execute():
 	si_no_gle = webnotes.conn.sql("""select si.name from `tabSales Invoice` si 
 		where docstatus=1 and not exists(select name from `tabGL Entry` 
-			where voucher_type='Sales Invoice' and voucher_no=si.name)""")
+			where voucher_type='Sales Invoice' and voucher_no=si.name) 
+		and modified >= '2013-08-01'""")
 	for si in si_no_gle:
 		webnotes.get_obj("Sales Invoice", si[0]).make_gl_entries()
\ No newline at end of file