Sourced wnframework-modules from Google Code as erpnext
diff --git a/crm/page/ b/crm/page/
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index 0000000..e69de29
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index 0000000..b6e831c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crm/page/customers/customers.comp.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+function make_customer_tab(parent){pscript.dcv_customers=new wn.widgets.DocColumnView('Customers',parent,['Customer Group','Customer','Contact'],{'Customer Group':{show_fields:['name'],create_fields:['name'],search_fields:['name'],next_col:'Customer'},'Customer':{show_fields:['name','customer_name'],create_fields:['name','customer_name'],search_fields:['customer_name'],filter_by:['Customer Group','customer_group'],next_col:'Contact'},'Contact':{show_fields:['name','first_name','last_name'],create_fields:['name','first_name','last_name'],search_fields:['first_name','last_name'],conditions:['is_customer=1'],set_values:{'is_customer':1},filter_by:['Customer','customer']},})}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/crm/page/customers/customers.html b/crm/page/customers/customers.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f3d19c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crm/page/customers/customers.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<div id="dcv_customers"></div>
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7902e24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crm/page/customers/customers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+//make tabs
+pscript.onload_customers = function() {
+ make_customer_tab($i('dcv_customers'));
+function make_customer_tab(parent) {
+ pscript.dcv_customers = new wn.widgets.DocColumnView('Customers', parent,
+ ['Customer Group', 'Customer', 'Contact'], {
+ 'Customer Group': {
+ show_fields : ['name'],
+ create_fields : ['name'],
+ search_fields : ['name'],
+ next_col: 'Customer'
+ },
+ 'Customer': {
+ show_fields : ['name', 'customer_name'],
+ create_fields : ['name', 'customer_name'],
+ search_fields : ['customer_name'],
+ filter_by : ['Customer Group', 'customer_group'],
+ next_col: 'Contact'
+ },
+ 'Contact': {
+ show_fields : ['name', 'first_name', 'last_name'],
+ create_fields : ['name','first_name', 'last_name'],
+ search_fields : ['first_name', 'last_name'],
+ conditions: ['is_customer=1'],
+ set_values: {'is_customer': 1 },
+ filter_by : ['Customer', 'customer']
+ },
+ })
diff --git a/crm/page/customers/customers.txt b/crm/page/customers/customers.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f44ab45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crm/page/customers/customers.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ {
+ 'content': None,
+ 'creation': '2011-03-25 13:48:50',
+ 'docstatus': 0,
+ 'doctype': 'Page',
+ 'icon': None,
+ 'idx': None,
+ 'menu_index': None,
+ 'modified': '2011-03-25 13:48:50',
+ 'modified_by': 'Administrator',
+ 'module': 'CRM',
+ 'name': 'customers',
+ 'owner': 'Administrator',
+ 'page_name': 'Customers',
+ 'parent': None,
+ 'parent_node': None,
+ 'parentfield': None,
+ 'parenttype': None,
+ 'script': None,
+ 'show_in_menu': None,
+ 'standard': 'Yes',
+ 'static_content': None,
+ 'style': None
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/crm/page/sales_browser/ b/crm/page/sales_browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1acb5ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crm/page/sales_browser/sales_browser.html
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<div class="layout_wrapper">
+<div id="tr_header"></div>
+<div id="tr_body" style="margin: 16px"></div>
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a24c942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crm/page/sales_browser/sales_browser.js
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+pscript['onload_Sales Browser'] = function(){
+ var parent = $i('tr_body');
+ parent.innerHTML = 'Please select your chart: '
+ var sel = $a(parent,'select');
+ add_sel_options(sel, ['Territory', 'Customer Group', 'Item Group', 'Sales Person'], 'Territory');
+ var btn = $btn(parent, 'Go', function() { new SalesBrowser().set_val(sel_val(sel)) }, {marginTop:'8px'});
+//================================= SalesBrowser Class ======================================
+SalesBrowser = function(){
+ this.make_body = function(){
+ $i('tr_header').innerHTML = '';
+ $i('tr_body').innerHTML = '';
+ //make header
+ var desc = this.sel;
+ var me = this;
+ var h = new PageHeader($i('tr_header'),desc);
+ h.add_button('New '+this.sel, function() { me.set_dialog(1); }, 0, 'ui-icon-plus', 1);
+ h.add_button('Refresh', function() { me.refresh_tree(); }, 0, 'ui-icon-refresh');
+ var div_body = $a($i('tr_body'),'div');
+ var tr_main_grid = make_table(div_body,1,2,'100%',['60%','40%'],{width: "100%", tableLayout: "fixed", borderCollapse: "collapse", border:"0px", padding:"4px 4px 4px 4px"});
+ $y($td(tr_main_grid,0,0),{border: "1px solid #dddddd", padding: "8px", width: "60%"});
+ this.tree_area = $a($td(tr_main_grid,0,0),'div');
+ $y($td(tr_main_grid,0,1),{border: "1px solid #DDD"});
+ this.detail_area = $a($td(tr_main_grid,0,1),'div');
+ this.make_tree_body(this.tree_area);
+ this.refresh_tree();
+ }
+ this.set_val = function(b){
+ var me = this;
+ me.sel = b;
+ me.make_body();
+ }
+SalesBrowser.prototype.make_tree_body = function(parent){
+ //this.tab2 =make_table(this.wrapper,1,2,'100%',['60%','40%']);
+ this.make_tree();
+ this.make_rgt_sect();
+ //var d = $a($td(this.tab2,0,1),'div','',{border:'1px solid #000'});
+ this.rgt_tab =make_table(this.detail_area,4,1,'','',{padding:"4px",spacing:"4px"});
+ this.dtl = $a($td(this.rgt_tab,0,0),'div');
+ this.btn = $a($td(this.rgt_tab,1,0),'div','span');
+ = $a($td(this.rgt_tab,2,0),'div');
+ = "Note: Explore and click on the tree node to see details."
+ this.set_btn();
+SalesBrowser.prototype.set_btn = function(){
+ var me = this;
+ this.edit_btn = $btn(this.btn,'Edit',function(){ me.set_dialog(2); });
+ this.trash_btn = $btn(this.btn,'Trash',null);
+ this.trash_btn.onclick = function(){
+ var check = confirm("Are you sure you want to trash "" node?");
+ if(check){
+ var arg = [, me.sel];
+ $c_obj('Sales Browser Control','trash_record',arg.join(','),function(r,rt){ me.refresh_tree();});
+ }
+ }
+SalesBrowser.prototype.set_dialog = function(f){
+ if(this.sel == 'Territory')
+ new MakeDialog('Territory','territory',f,this); //Territory Dialog
+ if(this.sel == 'Customer Group')
+ new MakeDialog('Customer Group','customer_group',f,this); //Customer Group Dialog
+ if(this.sel == 'Item Group')
+ new MakeDialog('Item Group','item_group',f,this); //Item Group Dialog
+ if(this.sel == 'Sales Person')
+ new MakeDialog('Sales Person','sales_person',f,this);//Sales Person Dialog
+//=====================================================Make Tree============================================================================
+SalesBrowser.prototype.make_tree = function() {
+ var me = this;
+ this.tree = new Tree(this.tree_area, '100%');
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // on click
+ this.tree.std_onclick = function(node) {
+ me.cur_node = node;
+ if( =='All Customer Groups' || =='All Sales Persons' || =='All Item Groups' || =='All Territories'){
+ //$di(me.add_btn);
+ $dh(me.edit_btn);
+ $dh(me.trash_btn);
+ }
+ else{
+ //$di(me.add_btn);
+ //if(node.has_children == false)
+ //$dh(me.add_btn);
+ $di(me.edit_btn);
+ $di(me.trash_btn);
+ }
+ me.make_details();
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // on expand
+ this.tree.std_onexp = function(node) {
+ if(node.expanded_once)return;
+ $di(node.loading_div);
+ var callback = function(r,rt) {
+ $dh(node.loading_div);
+ var n = me.tree.allnodes[r.message.parent];
+ var cl =;
+ for(var i=0;i<cl.length;i++) {
+ var imgsrc=null;
+ var has_children = true;
+ if(cl[i].is_group=='No') {
+ var imgsrc = 'images/icons/page.gif';
+ has_children = false;
+ }
+ var t = me.tree.addNode(n, cl[i].name, imgsrc,me.tree.std_onclick, has_children ? me.tree.std_onexp : null);
+ t.rec = cl[i];
+ t.parent_account = r.message.parent;
+ t.has_children = has_children;
+ }
+ }
+ var arg = [, me.sel];
+ $c_obj('Sales Browser Control','get_record_list',arg.join(','),callback);
+ }
+SalesBrowser.prototype.make_details = function(){
+ var me = this;
+ var callback = function(r,rt){
+ me.dtl.innerHTML = "";
+ //me.dtl_tab = make_table(me.dtl,3,2,'','',{tableLayout:'fixed',borderCollapse: 'collapse'})
+ var h = $a(me.dtl,'h3','',{padding:'4px', margin:'0px',backgroundColor:'#EEEEEE',borderBottom:'1px solid #AAAAAA'});
+ $(h).html(;
+ var d = $a(me.dtl,'div');
+ me.dtl_tab = make_table(me.dtl,3,2,'','',{tableLayout:'fixed',borderCollapse: 'collapse',padding:'4px'})
+ $td(me.dtl_tab,0,0).innerHTML="Parent";
+ if(r.message.parent != '')
+ $td(me.dtl_tab,0,1).innerHTML=": "+r.message.parent;
+ else
+ $td(me.dtl_tab,0,1).innerHTML=": ----";
+ $td(me.dtl_tab,1,0).innerHTML="Has Child Node";
+ $td(me.dtl_tab,1,1).innerHTML=": "+r.message.is_group;
+ me.open_doc = $a(me.dtl,'div','link_type',{paddingTop:'14px'});
+ me.open_doc.innerHTML = "Click here to open ";
+ me.open_doc.onclick = function(){
+ loaddoc(me.sel, );
+ }
+ }
+ var arg = [, this.sel];
+ $c_obj('Sales Browser Control','get_record',arg.join(','),callback);
+ this.tree_area.innerHTML = '';
+ this.dtl.innerHTML = '';
+ this.first_level_node(); //set root
+ //hide add, edit, trash buttons
+ //$dh(this.add_btn);
+ $dh(this.edit_btn);
+ $dh(this.trash_btn);
+//=============================== make first level node ================================================
+SalesBrowser.prototype.first_level_node = function(){
+ var me = this;
+ var callback = function(r,rt) {
+ var cl =;
+ for(var i=0;i<cl.length;i++) {
+ var imgsrc=null;
+ var has_children = true;
+ if(cl[i].is_group=='No') {
+ var imgsrc = 'images/icons/page.gif';
+ has_children = false;
+ }
+ me.tree_area.innerHTML = '';
+ if(me.tree) {
+ me.tree.innerHTML = '';
+ me.tree.body.innerHTML = '';
+ me.make_tree();
+ }
+ var t = me.tree.addNode(null, cl[i].name, imgsrc,me.tree.std_onclick, has_children ? me.tree.std_onexp : null);
+ t.rec ={};
+ = cl[i].name;
+ t.has_children = has_children;
+ }
+ }
+ $c_obj('Sales Browser Control','get_fl_node',this.sel,callback);
+//========================================= Dialog Section ===================================================================
+ var new_head = 'Create A New '+label;
+ this.label = label;
+ this.lbl_rec = label+' Name';
+ this.field_name = field_name;
+ this.n = n;
+ this.cls_obj=cls_obj;
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ this.main_dialog = new Dialog(400,300,new_head);
+ this.set_dg_fields();
+ this.set_dg_values();
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ this.new_main_dialog = this.main_dialog;
+MakeDialog.prototype.set_dg_fields = function(){
+ var bd_lst = [];
+ bd_lst.push(['HTML','Heading'],['Data',this.lbl_rec],['Select','Parent'],['Select','Has Child Node']);
+ if(this.cls_obj.sel == 'Sales Person')
+ bd_lst.push(['HTML','','All nodes are allowed in transaction.']);
+ else
+ bd_lst.push(['HTML','','Only leaf nodes are allowed in transaction.']);
+ if(this.n==1)
+ bd_lst.push(['Button','Create']);
+ if(this.n==2){
+ bd_lst.push(['Button','Update']);
+ this.set_edit_fields();
+ }
+ this.main_dialog.make_body(bd_lst);
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ var me = this;
+ var callback = function(r,rt){
+ me.main_dialog.widgets[me.lbl_rec].value =;
+ add_sel_options(me.main_dialog.widgets['Parent'], r.message.parent_lst,r.message.parent);
+ me.main_dialog.widgets['Has Child Node'].value = r.message.is_group;
+ }
+ var arg = [, this.cls_obj.sel];
+ $c_obj('Sales Browser Control','get_record',arg.join(','),callback);
+//======================================= Validation - fields entered or not =================================================
+MakeDialog.prototype.validate = function(){
+ if(!this.main_dialog.widgets[this.lbl_rec].value) {
+ err_msg1 ='Please enter '+this.label +' Name'
+ alert(err_msg1);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if(!this.main_dialog.widgets['Parent'].value){
+ alert('Please enter Parent Name' );
+ return 1;
+ }
+MakeDialog.prototype.set_dg_values = function(){
+ if(this.n==1){
+ var me = this;
+ var callback = function(r,rt){
+ me.main_dialog.widgets[me.lbl_rec].disabled = 0;
+ me.main_dialog.widgets['Parent'].disabled = 0;
+ add_sel_options(me.main_dialog.widgets['Parent'],r.message);
+ //add_sel_options(this.main_dialog.widgets['Parent'], []);
+ me.btn_onclick('Create',me.cls_obj);
+ }
+ $c_obj('Sales Browser Control','get_parent_lst',this.cls_obj.sel,callback);
+ }
+ if(this.n == 2){
+ this.main_dialog.widgets[this.lbl_rec].disabled = 1;
+ this.main_dialog.widgets['Parent'].disabled = 0;
+ this.btn_onclick('Update');
+ this.old_value = sel_val(this.main_dialog.widgets['Parent']);
+ }
+ add_sel_options(this.main_dialog.widgets['Has Child Node'], ['Yes','No'], 'No');
+//-----------------------------------------Dialog button onclick event----------------------------------------------
+ var me = this;
+ this.btn_name = btn_name;
+ this.main_dialog.widgets[this.btn_name].onclick = function() {
+ var callback=function(r,rt){
+ if(r.message == 'true'){
+ me.main_dialog.hide();
+ }
+ else{
+ flag = me.validate();
+ if(flag == 1) return;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------
+ var arg2 = me.make_args();
+ //create Sales Person -- server to Sales Browser Control
+ if(me.btn_name == "Create")
+ method_name = "add_node";
+ else
+ method_name = "edit_node";
+ $c_obj('Sales Browser Control',method_name, docstring(arg2), function(r,rt) {
+ me.main_dialog.widgets[me.lbl_rec].value='';
+ me.main_dialog.hide();
+ /*if(me.btn_name == "Create"){
+ me.cls_obj.cur_node.clear_child_nodes();
+ me.cls_obj.dtl.innerHTML = '';
+ me.cls_obj.cur_node.expand();
+ }
+ else{
+ me.cls_obj.refresh_tree();
+ }*/
+ me.cls_obj.refresh_tree();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ var arg1 = {'node_title':me.cls_obj.sel,'is_group':sel_val(me.main_dialog.widgets['Has Child Node']),'lft':0,'rgt':0,'nm':me.main_dialog.widgets[me.lbl_rec].value,'parent_nm':sel_val(me.main_dialog.widgets['Parent']),'action':me.btn_name};
+ $c_obj('Sales Browser Control','mvalidate',docstring(arg1),callback);
+ }
+MakeDialog.prototype.make_args = function(){
+ var args ={}; //args making
+ var nt = this.cls_obj.sel;
+ var nm = this.main_dialog.widgets[this.lbl_rec].value;
+ var pnm = sel_val(this.main_dialog.widgets['Parent']);
+ var grp = sel_val(this.main_dialog.widgets['Has Child Node']);
+ if(this.n==1)
+ var old_prt ='';
+ else if(this.n==2){
+ if(this.old_value == sel_val(this.main_dialog.widgets['Parent']))
+ var old_prt = '';
+ else
+ var old_prt = this.old_value;
+ }
+ if(this.cls_obj.sel == 'Territory')
+ return {'node_title':nt,'territory_name':nm,'parent_territory':pnm,'is_group':grp,'old_parent':old_prt}
+ else if(this.cls_obj.sel == 'Customer Group')
+ return {'node_title':nt,'customer_group_name':nm,'parent_customer_group':pnm,'is_group':grp,'old_parent':old_prt}
+ else if(this.cls_obj.sel == 'Item Group')
+ return {'node_title':nt,'item_group_name':nm,'parent_item_group':pnm,'is_group':grp,'old_parent':old_prt}
+ else if(this.cls_obj.sel == 'Sales Person')
+ return {'node_title':nt,'sales_person_name':nm,'parent_sales_person':pnm,'is_group':grp,'old_parent':old_prt}
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdeb236
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crm/page/sales_browser/sales_browser.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[{'creation': '2010-06-16 11:44:38', 'module': 'CRM', 'doctype': 'Page', 'owner': 'Administrator', 'style': None, 'modified_by': 'Administrator', 'script': None, 'show_in_menu': 0, 'content': None, 'page_name': 'Sales Browser', 'menu_index': None, 'docstatus': 0, 'parent': None, 'standard': 'Yes', 'icon': None, 'name': 'Sales Browser', 'idx': None, 'static_content': None, 'modified': '2010-11-10 19:21:50', 'parenttype': None, 'parent_node': None, 'parentfield': None}, {'modified_by': 'Administrator', 'name': 'PR000140', 'parent': 'Sales Browser', 'creation': '2010-06-16 12:08:31', 'modified': '2010-11-10 19:21:50', 'doctype': 'Page Role', 'idx': 1, 'parenttype': 'Page', 'role': 'Sales Master Manager', 'owner': 'Administrator', 'docstatus': 0, 'parentfield': 'roles'}, {'modified_by': 'Administrator', 'name': 'PR000149', 'parent': 'Sales Browser', 'creation': '2010-07-14 15:57:09', 'modified': '2010-11-10 19:21:50', 'doctype': 'Page Role', 'idx': 2, 'parenttype': 'Page', 'role': 'Material Master Manager', 'owner': '', 'docstatus': 0, 'parentfield': 'roles'}]
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crm/page/sales_dashboard/
diff --git a/crm/page/sales_dashboard/sales_dashboard.html b/crm/page/sales_dashboard/sales_dashboard.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec76d44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crm/page/sales_dashboard/sales_dashboard.html
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<div class="layout_wrapper">
+<div id="pt_header"></div>
+<div id="pt_filters"></div>
+<p> </p>
+<div id="plot_test"></div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/crm/page/sales_dashboard/sales_dashboard.js b/crm/page/sales_dashboard/sales_dashboard.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdb5c7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crm/page/sales_dashboard/sales_dashboard.js
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+pscript['onload_Sales Dashboard'] = function() {
+ var h = new PageHeader('pt_header','Sales Dashboard');
+ pscript.make_filters();
+ $dh(pscript.mnt_div);
+ $dh(pscript.mnt_div1);
+ //pscript.dx_axis = [];
+ if($.jqplot) pscript.all_onchnge();
+ else
+ // import the library
+ $c_js('jquery/jquery.jqplot.min.js', pscript.all_onchnge);
+pscript.make_filters = function(){
+ = make_table('pt_filters', 2, 4, '800px', ['200px','200px','200px','200px'], {padding: '2px'});
+ pscript.fiscal_year();
+ pscript.report_type();
+ pscript.item_grp();
+ pscript.month_lst();
+ var me = this;
+ $td(,0,0).innerHTML = "Select Year";
+ this.sel_fy = $a($td(,1,0), 'select', null, {width:'120px'});
+ $c_obj('Plot Control', 'get_fiscal_year', '', function(r,rt){
+ if(r.message) fy_lst = r.message;
+ else fy_lst = [];
+ empty_select(me.sel_fy);
+ add_sel_options(me.sel_fy,fy_lst);
+ me.sel_fy.value = sys_defaults.fiscal_year;
+ });
+ $td(,0,1).innerHTML = "Select Report";
+ this.sel_rpt = $a($td(,1,1), 'select', null, {width:'120px'});
+ rpt_lst = ['Monthly','Weekly'];
+ add_sel_options(this.sel_rpt,rpt_lst);
+ var me = this;
+ $td(,0,2).innerHTML = "Select Item Group";
+ this.sel_grp = $a($td(,1,2), 'select', null, {width:'120px'});
+ $c_obj('Plot Control', 'get_item_groups', '', function(r,rt){
+ itg_lst = r.message;
+ itg_lst.push('All');
+ empty_select(me.sel_grp);
+ add_sel_options(me.sel_grp, itg_lst.reverse());
+ });
+ pscript.mnt_div1 = $a($td(,0,3));
+ pscript.mnt_div1.innerHTML = "Select Month";
+ pscript.mnt_div = $a($td(,1,3));
+ this.sel_mnt = $a(pscript.mnt_div, 'select', null, {width:'120px'});
+ mnt_lst = ['All','Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'];
+ add_sel_options(this.sel_mnt,mnt_lst);
+pscript.all_onchnge = function(){
+ pscript.report_change();
+ pscript.fiscal_year_onchnage();
+ pscript.month_onchange();
+ pscript.item_grp_onchange();
+ pscript.monthly();
+pscript.report_change = function(){
+ var me = this;
+ this.sel_rpt.onchange = function(){
+ $dh(pscript.mnt_div);
+ $dh(pscript.mnt_div1);
+ if(me.sel_rpt.value == 'Monthly'){
+ pscript.monthly();
+ }
+ else if(me.sel_rpt.value == 'Weekly'){
+ $ds(pscript.mnt_div);
+ $ds(pscript.mnt_div1);
+ me.sel_mnt.value = 'All';
+ pscript.get_x_dates();
+ }
+ else{
+ me.sel_mnt.value = 'All';
+ $i('plot_test').innerHTML = '';
+ }
+ }
+pscript.fiscal_year_onchnage = function(){
+ var me = this;
+ this.sel_fy.onchange = function(){
+ if(me.sel_rpt.value == 'Monthly'){
+ me.sel_mnt.value = 'All';
+ $dh(pscript.mnt_div);
+ $dh(pscript.mnt_div1);
+ pscript.monthly();
+ }
+ else if(me.sel_rpt.value == 'Weekly' && me.sel_mnt.value){
+ pscript.get_x_dates();
+ }
+ else{
+ me.sel_mnt.value = 'All';
+ me.sel_rpt.value == '';
+ $i('plot_test').innerHTML = '';
+ }
+ }
+pscript.month_onchange = function(){
+ this.sel_mnt.onchange = function(){
+ pscript.get_x_dates();
+ }
+ var me = this;
+ this.sel_grp.onchange = function(){
+ if(me.sel_rpt.value == 'Monthly'){
+ me.sel_mnt.value = 'All';
+ $dh(pscript.mnt_div);
+ $dh(pscript.mnt_div1);
+ pscript.monthly();
+ }
+ else if(me.sel_rpt.value == 'Weekly' && me.sel_mnt.value){
+ pscript.get_x_dates();
+ }
+ else{
+ me.sel_mnt.value = 'All';
+ me.sel_rpt.value == '';
+ $i('plot_test').innerHTML = '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(this.sel_mnt.value !='All'){
+ pscript.weekly();
+ }
+ else{
+ $c_obj('Plot Control','yr_wk_dates',this.sel_fy.value,
+ function(r,rt){
+ pscript.dx_axis = r.message[0];
+ pscript.x_axis = r.message[1];
+ pscript.yearly();
+ }
+ );
+ }
+pscript.draw_graph1 = function(x_axis,line1,t) {
+ t = t + " ("+sys_defaults.currency +")";
+ $i('plot_test').innerHTML = '';
+ // div plot_test contains the container div
+ $.jqplot('plot_test', [line1],{
+ title:t,
+ axesDefaults: {
+ min:0
+ },
+ axes:{
+ xaxis:{ticks:x_axis}
+ }
+ });
+pscript.monthly = function(){
+ var callback = function(r,rt){
+ x_axis = r.message.x_axis;
+ msg_data = r.message.msg_data;
+ var line1 = [];
+ for(var i=0; i<x_axis.length;i++){
+ var f =0
+ for(var j=0; j<msg_data.length;j++){
+ if(msg_data[j] && x_axis[i]){
+ if(x_axis[i][1] == msg_data[j][1])
+ {
+ line1.push([i+1,flt(msg_data[j][0])]);
+ f = 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(f == 0){
+ line1.push([i+1,0]);
+ }
+ }
+ pscript.draw_graph1(x_axis,line1,'Monthly Sales');
+ }
+ var val2 = '';
+ if(this.sel_grp.value != 'All') val2 = this.sel_grp.value;
+ $c_obj('Plot Control','get_monthwise_amount',[this.sel_fy.value,val2],callback);
+pscript.weekly = function(){
+ var callback = function(r,rt){
+ x_axis =[[1,'Week1'],[2,'Week2'],[3,'Week3'],[4,'Week4'],[5,'Week5'],[6,'Week6']];
+ var line1 = [];
+ for(var i=0; i<x_axis.length;i++){
+ var f = 0;
+ for(var j=0; j<r.message.length;j++){
+ if(r.message[j]){
+ if(r.message[j][1] == x_axis[i][1]){ line1.push([i+1,flt(r.message[j][0])]); f=1;}}
+ }
+ if(f == 0){
+ line1.push([i+1,0]);
+ }
+ }
+ pscript.draw_graph1(x_axis,line1,'Weekly Sales');
+ }
+ dict_mnt={'Jan':1,'Feb':2,'Mar':3,'Apr':4,'May':5,'Jun':6,'Jul':7,'Aug':8,'Sep':9,'Oct':10,'Nov':11,'Dec':12};
+ var val3 = '';
+ if(this.sel_grp.value != 'All') val3 = this.sel_grp.value;
+ $c_obj('Plot Control','get_weekwise_amount',[dict_mnt[this.sel_mnt.value],this.sel_fy.value,val3],callback);
+pscript.yearly = function(){
+ var callback = function(r,rt){
+ var line1 = [];
+ for(var i=0; i<pscript.x_axis.length;i++){
+ var f = 0
+ for(var j=0; j<r.message.length;j++){
+ if(r.message[j]){
+ if((r.message[j][1] == pscript.x_axis[i][1]) && (r.message[j][2] == pscript.x_axis[i][2])){ line1.push([pscript.x_axis[i][0],r.message[j][0]]); break; f =1;}
+ }
+ }
+ if(f == 0){
+ line1.push([pscript.x_axis[i][0],0]);
+ }
+ }
+ pscript.draw_graph1(pscript.dx_axis,line1,'Year-Weekly Sales');
+ }
+ var val2 = '';
+ if(this.sel_grp.value != 'All') val2 = this.sel_grp.value;
+ $c_obj('Plot Control','get_year_weekwise_amount',[this.sel_fy.value,val2],callback);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/crm/page/sales_dashboard/sales_dashboard.txt b/crm/page/sales_dashboard/sales_dashboard.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c08615a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crm/page/sales_dashboard/sales_dashboard.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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\ No newline at end of file