fix: remove move and add buttons from stock summary
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/dashboard/item_dashboard.js b/erpnext/stock/dashboard/item_dashboard.js
index 157dbfe..f820b7a 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/dashboard/item_dashboard.js
+++ b/erpnext/stock/dashboard/item_dashboard.js
@@ -16,18 +16,6 @@
this.content = $(frappe.render_template('item_dashboard')).appendTo(this.parent);
this.result = this.content.find('.result');
- // move
- this.content.on('click', '.btn-move', function() {
- erpnext.stock.move_item(unescape($(this).attr('data-item')), $(this).attr('data-warehouse'),
- null, $(this).attr('data-actual_qty'), null, function() { me.refresh(); });
- });
- this.content.on('click', '.btn-add', function() {
- erpnext.stock.move_item(unescape($(this).attr('data-item')), null, $(this).attr('data-warehouse'),
- $(this).attr('data-actual_qty'), $(this).attr('data-rate'),
- function() { me.refresh(); });
- });
// more
this.content.find('.btn-more').on('click', function() {
me.start += 20;
@@ -111,89 +99,4 @@
show_item: show_item || false
-erpnext.stock.move_item = function(item, source, target, actual_qty, rate, callback) {
- var dialog = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
- title: target ? __('Add Item') : __('Move Item'),
- fields: [
- {fieldname: 'item_code', label: __('Item'),
- fieldtype: 'Link', options: 'Item', read_only: 1},
- {fieldname: 'source', label: __('Source Warehouse'),
- fieldtype: 'Link', options: 'Warehouse', read_only: 1},
- {fieldname: 'target', label: __('Target Warehouse'),
- fieldtype: 'Link', options: 'Warehouse', reqd: 1},
- {fieldname: 'qty', label: __('Quantity'), reqd: 1,
- fieldtype: 'Float', description: __('Available {0}', [actual_qty]) },
- {fieldname: 'rate', label: __('Rate'), fieldtype: 'Currency', hidden: 1 },
- ],
- })
- dialog.get_field('item_code').set_input(item);
- if(source) {
- dialog.get_field('source').set_input(source);
- } else {
- dialog.get_field('source').df.hidden = 1;
- dialog.get_field('source').refresh();
- }
- if(rate) {
- dialog.get_field('rate').set_value(rate);
- dialog.get_field('rate').df.hidden = 0;
- dialog.get_field('rate').refresh();
- }
- if(target) {
- dialog.get_field('target').df.read_only = 1;
- dialog.get_field('target').value = target;
- dialog.get_field('target').refresh();
- }
- dialog.set_primary_action(__('Submit'), function() {
- var values = dialog.get_values();
- if(!values) {
- return;
- }
- if(source && values.qty > actual_qty) {
- frappe.msgprint(__('Quantity must be less than or equal to {0}', [actual_qty]));
- return;
- }
- if(values.source === {
- frappe.msgprint(__('Source and target warehouse must be different'));
- }
- method: 'erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_entry.stock_entry_utils.make_stock_entry',
- args: values,
- freeze: true,
- callback: function(r) {
- frappe.show_alert(__('Stock Entry {0} created',
- ['<a href="#Form/Stock Entry/''">' + '</a>']));
- dialog.hide();
- callback(r);
- },
- });
- });
- $('<p style="margin-left: 10px;"><a class="link-open text-muted small">'
- + __("Add more items or open full form") + '</a></p>')
- .appendTo(dialog.body)
- .find('.link-open')
- .on('click', function() {
- frappe.model.with_doctype('Stock Entry', function() {
- var doc = frappe.model.get_new_doc('Stock Entry');
- doc.from_warehouse = dialog.get_value('source');
- doc.to_warehouse = dialog.get_value('target');
- var row = frappe.model.add_child(doc, 'items');
- row.item_code = dialog.get_value('item_code');
- row.f_warehouse = dialog.get_value('target');
- row.t_warehouse = dialog.get_value('target');
- row.qty = dialog.get_value('qty');
- row.conversion_factor = 1;
- row.transfer_qty = dialog.get_value('qty');
- row.basic_rate = dialog.get_value('rate');
- frappe.set_route('Form', doc.doctype,;
- })
- });
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/dashboard/item_dashboard_list.html b/erpnext/stock/dashboard/item_dashboard_list.html
index 5a3fa2e..f0e87b1 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/dashboard/item_dashboard_list.html
+++ b/erpnext/stock/dashboard/item_dashboard_list.html
@@ -39,21 +39,6 @@
- {% if can_write %}
- <div class="col-sm-2 text-right" style="margin-top: 8px;">
- {% if d.actual_qty %}
- <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs btn-move"
- data-warehouse="{{ d.warehouse }}"
- data-actual_qty="{{ d.actual_qty }}"
- data-item="{{ escape(d.item_code) }}">{{ __("Move") }}</a>
- {% endif %}
- <button style="margin-left: 7px;" class="btn btn-default btn-xs btn-add"
- data-warehouse="{{ d.warehouse }}"
- data-actual_qty="{{ d.actual_qty }}"
- data-item="{{ escape(d.item_code) }}"
- data-rate="{{ d.valuation_rate }}">{{ __("Add") }}</a>
- </div>
- {% endif %}
{% endfor %}