Remove hub page (#15195)

diff --git a/erpnext/hub_node/page/ b/erpnext/hub_node/page/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/erpnext/hub_node/page/
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/erpnext/hub_node/page/hub/ b/erpnext/hub_node/page/hub/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/erpnext/hub_node/page/hub/
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/erpnext/hub_node/page/hub/hub.js b/erpnext/hub_node/page/hub/hub.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 15bd97d..0000000
--- a/erpnext/hub_node/page/hub/hub.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,873 +0,0 @@
-/* globals Hub, HubList */
-frappe.pages['hub'].on_page_load = function(wrapper) {
-	const page = frappe.ui.make_app_page({
-		parent: wrapper,
-		title: 'Hub',
-		single_col: false
-	});
-	wrapper.hub_page = new erpnext.hub.Hub({ page });
-frappe.pages['hub'].on_page_show = function(wrapper) {
-	const hub_page = wrapper.hub_page;
-	const [hub, type, id] = frappe.get_route();
-	if (!(hub || type || id)) {
-		hub_page.go_to_home_page();
-		return;
-	}
-	if (type === "Products") {
-		hub_page.go_to_item_page(id);
-	} else if (type === "Company") {
-		hub_page.go_to_company_page(id);
-	}
-erpnext.hub.Hub = class Hub {
-	constructor({ page }) {
- = page;
-		frappe.require('/assets/erpnext/css/hub.css', () => {
-			this.setup();
-		});
-	}
-	setup() {
-		this.setup_header();
-		this.company_cache = {};
-		this.item_cache = {};
-		this.filters = {};
-		this.order_by = '';
-		this.$hub_main_section =
-			$(`<div class='hub-main-section'>`).appendTo(;
-		this.bind_events();
-		this.refresh();
-	}
-	refresh() {
-		this.$hub_main_section.empty();
-		const $layout_main ='.layout-main');
-		const $page_head ='.page-head');
-		frappe.model.with_doc('Hub Settings', 'Hub Settings', () => {
-			this.hub_settings = frappe.get_doc('Hub Settings');
-			if(this.hub_settings.enabled == 0) {
-				let $empty_state =
-					__("Register for Hub"),
-					__(`Let other ERPNext users discover your products
-						and automate workflow with Supplier from within ERPNext.`),
-					__("Register")
-				);
-				$page_head.hide();
-				$layout_main
-					.find('.layout-side-section, .layout-main-section-wrapper')
-					.hide();
-				$layout_main.append($empty_state);
-				$empty_state.find('.btn-primary').on('click', () => {
-					this.register_for_hub();
-				});
-			} else {
-				$;
-				$layout_main.find('.page-card-container').remove();
-				$layout_main.find('.layout-side-section, .layout-main-section-wrapper').show();
-				this.setup_live_state();
-			}
-		});
-	}
-	register_for_hub() {
-		if (frappe.session.user.includes('Administrator')) {
-			frappe.throw(__('Please login as another user.'))
-		}
-		frappe.verify_password(() => {
-				method: 'erpnext.hub_node.enable_hub',
-				callback: (r) => {
-					if(r.message.enabled == 1) {
-						Object.assign(this.hub_settings, r.message);
-						this.refresh();
-						this.prompt_for_item_sync();
-					}
-				}
-			});
-		});
-	}
-	prompt_for_item_sync() {
-			method: 'frappe.client.get_list',
-			args: {
-				doctype: 'Data Migration Run',
-				filters: {
-					'data_migration_plan': 'Hub Sync'
-				},
-				limit_page_length: 1
-			},
-			callback: function(r) {
-				if (!r) {
-					frappe.confirm(__('Do you want to publish your Items to Hub ?'), () => {
-						this.sync_items_to_hub();
-					});
-				}
-			}
-		})
-	}
-	setup_header() {
- ='.page-title');
-		this.tag_line = $(`
-			<div class='tag-line-container'>
-				<span class='tag-line text-muted small'>
-					${__('Product listing and discovery for ERPNext users')}
-				</span>
-			</div>`)
-			.appendTo(;
-		this.bind_title();
-	}
-	setup_live_state() {
-		if(!this.$search) {
-			this.setup_filters();
-		}
-		this.setup_menu();
-		this.setup_sidebar();
-		this.render_body();
-		this.setup_lists();
-	}
-	setup_filters() {
-		//{
-		// 	method: 'erpnext.hub_node.get_categories'
-		// }).then((r) => {
-		// 	if (r.message) {
-		// 		const categories = r.message;
-		// 		console.log("categories", categories);
-		// 		categories
-		// 			.map(c => c.hub_category_name)
-		// 			.map(c => this.sidebar.add_item({
-		// 				label: c,
-		// 				on_click: () => {
-		// 					this.home_item_list &&
-		// 					this.home_item_list.refresh({
-		// 						text: '',
-		// 						start: 0,
-		// 						limit: 20,
-		// 						category: c && c !== 'All Categories' ? c : undefined
-		// 					});
-		// 				}
-		// 			}, __('Hub Category')));
-		// 	}
-		// });
-		// this.category_select ='Category'),
-		// 	[
-		// 		{label: __('Sort by Price ...'), value: '' },
-		// 		{label: __('High to Low'), value: 'price desc' },
-		// 		{label: __('Low to High'), value: 'price' },
-		// 	]
-		// );
-		this.price_sort_select ='Sort by Price'),
-			[
-				{label: __('Sort by Price ...'), value: '' },
-				{label: __('High to Low'), value: 'price desc' },
-				{label: __('Low to High'), value: 'price' },
-			]
-		);
-		this.criteria_select ='Sort by Criteria'),
-			[
-				{label: __('Most Popular'), value: 'request_count' },
-				{label: __('Newest'), value: 'creation' },
-			]
-		);
-		this.price_sort_select.on('change', () => {
-			this.refresh_item_only_page();
-		});
-		this.criteria_select.on('change', () => {
-			this.refresh_item_only_page();
-		});
-		this.setup_hub_category_filter();
-		this.setup_search();
-	}
-	bind_events() {
-		const me = this;
-		this.$hub_main_section
-			.on('click', '.company-link a', function(e) {
-				e.preventDefault();
-				const company_name = $(this).attr('data-company-name');
-				frappe.set_route('hub', 'Company', company_name);
-			})
-			.on('click', '.breadcrumb li', function(e) {
-				e.preventDefault();
-				const $li = $(this);
-				if ($li.attr('data-route') === 'Home') {
-					me.go_to_home_page();
-				}
-			});
-	}
-	update_filters() {
-		let price_sort = $(this.price_sort_select).val() || '';
-		let criteria = $(this.criteria_select).val() || '';
-		let order_by_params = [];
-		let query_string = '';
-		if(criteria) {
-			order_by_params.push(criteria);
-			// query_string += 'sort_by=' + criteria
-		}
-		if(price_sort) order_by_params.push(price_sort);
-		this.order_by = order_by_params.join(",");
-		// return query_string;
-	}
-	reset_filters() {
-		this.order_by = '';
-		$(this.category_select).val('');
-		$(this.price_sort_select).val('');
-		$(this.criteria_select).val('Most Popular');
-	}
-	refresh_item_only_page() {
-		this.reset_search();
-		this.update_filters();
-		this.go_to_items_only_page(
-			['hub', 'Products'],
-			'', 'product-list'
-		);
-	}
-	bind_title() {
-'.title-text').on('click', () => {
-			this.go_to_home_page();
-		});
-	}
-	render_body() {
-		this.$home_page = $(`
-			<div class = 'hub-home-page'>
-				<div class='banner'></div>
-				<div class='listing-body row'>
-					<div class='main-list-section'></div>
-				</div>
-			</div>
-		`).appendTo(this.$hub_main_section);
-		this.$banner = this.$hub_main_section.find('.banner');
-		this.$listing_body = this.$hub_main_section.find('.listing-body');
-		this.$main_list_section = this.$hub_main_section.find('.main-list-section');
-		this.$side_list_section = this.$hub_main_section.find('.side-list-section');
-	}
-	setup_lists() {
-		this.home_item_list = new erpnext.hub.HubList({
-			parent: this.$main_list_section,
-			title: 'New',
-			page_length: 20,
-			list_css_class: 'home-product-list',
-			method: 'erpnext.hub_node.get_items',
-			// order_by: 'request_count',
-			filters: {text: '', country:}, // filters at the time of creation
-			on_item_click: (item_code) => {
-				frappe.set_route('hub', 'Products', item_code);
-			}
-		});
-		this.home_item_list.setup();
-	}
-	setup_hub_category_filter() {
-		const me = this;
-		this.hub_category_field ={
-			fieldtype: 'Autocomplete',
-			label: 'Hub Category',
-			change() {
-				let value = this.get_value();
-				let title = value;
-				if (value === 'All Categories') {
-					// show all items
-					value = null;
-				}
-				me.home_item_list.title = title;
-				me.home_item_list.refresh({
-					text: '',
-					start: 0,
-					limit: 20,
-					category: value
-				});
-			}
-		});
-			.then((r) => {
-				if (r.message) {
-					const categories = r.message;
-					this.hub_category_field.set_data(
- => c.hub_category_name)
-					);
-				}
-			});
-	}
-	setup_search() {
-		this.$search ='Search'));
-		this.$search.on('keypress', (e) => {
-			if(e.which === 13) {
-				var search_term = ($(this.$search).val() || '').toLowerCase();
-				this.go_to_items_only_page(
-					['hub', 'search', search_term],
-					'Search results for \''  + search_term + '\'',
-					'search-product-list',
-					{text: search_term}
-				);
-			}
-		});
-	}
-	go_to_items_only_page(route, title, class_name, filters = {text: ''}, by_item_codes=0) {
-		frappe.set_route(route);
-		this.$hub_main_section.empty();
-		this.filtered_item_list = new erpnext.hub.HubList({
-			parent: this.$hub_main_section,
-			title: title,
-			page_length: 20,
-			list_css_class: class_name,
-			method: 'erpnext.hub_node.get_items',
-			order_by: this.order_by,
-			filters: filters,
-			by_item_codes: by_item_codes
-		});
-		this.filtered_item_list.on_item_click = (item_code) => {
-			frappe.set_route('hub', 'Products', item_code);
-		}
-		this.filtered_item_list.setup();
-	}
-	go_to_item_page(item_code) {
-		if(this.item_cache) {
-			let item = this.item_cache[item_code];
-			if(item) {
-				this.render_item_page(item);
-				return;
-			}
-		} else {
-			this.item_cache = {};
-		}
-			args:{
-				hub_sync_id: item_code
-			},
-			method: "erpnext.hub_node.get_item_details",
-			callback: (r) => {
-				if (!r || !r.message) return;
-				let item = r.message;
-				this.item_cache[item_code] = item;
-				this.render_item_page(item);
-			}
-		});
-	}
-	render_item_page(item) {
-		this.$hub_main_section.empty();
-		let $item_page =
-			$(this.get_item_page(item))
-				.appendTo(this.$hub_main_section);
-		let $company_items = $item_page.find('.company-items');
-		let company_item_list = new erpnext.hub.HubList({
-			parent: $company_items,
-			title: 'More by ' + item.company_name,
-			page_length: 5,
-			list_css_class: 'company-item-list',
-			method: 'erpnext.hub_node.get_items',
-			// order_by: 'request_count',
-			filters: {text: '', company_name: item.company_name, country:},
-			paginated: 0,
-			img_size: 150
-		});
-		company_item_list.on_item_click = (item_code) => {
-			frappe.set_route('hub', 'Products', item_code);
-		}
-		company_item_list.setup();
-		$item_page.find('.rfq-btn')
-			.click((e) => {
-				const $btn = $(;
-				this.show_rfq_modal(item)
-					.then(values => {
-						item.item_code = values.item_code;
-						delete values.item_code;
-						const supplier = values;
-						return [item, supplier];
-					})
-					.then(([item, supplier]) => {
-						return this.make_rfq(item, supplier, $btn);
-					})
-					.then(r => {
-						console.log(r);
-						if (r.message && r.message.rfq) {
-							$btn.addClass('disabled').html(`<span><i class='fa fa-check'></i> ${__('Quote Requested')}</span>`);
-						} else {
-							throw r;
-						}
-					})
-					.catch((e) => {
-						console.log(e); //eslint-disable-line
-					});
-			});
-	}
-	show_rfq_modal(item) {
-		return new Promise(res => {
-			let fields = [
-				{ label: __('Item Code'), fieldtype: 'Data', fieldname: 'item_code', default: item.item_code },
-				{ fieldtype: 'Column Break' },
-				{ label: __('Item Group'), fieldtype: 'Link', fieldname: 'item_group', default: item.item_group },
-				{ label: __('Supplier Details'), fieldtype: 'Section Break' },
-				{ label: __('Supplier Name'), fieldtype: 'Data', fieldname: 'supplier_name', default: item.company_name },
-				{ label: __('Supplier Email'), fieldtype: 'Data', fieldname: 'supplier_email', default: item.seller },
-				{ fieldtype: 'Column Break' },
-				{ label: __('Supplier Type'), fieldname: 'supplier_type',
-					fieldtype: 'Link', options: 'Supplier Type' }
-			];
-			fields = => { f.reqd = 1; return f; });
-			const d = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
-				title: __('Request for Quotation'),
-				fields: fields,
-				primary_action_label: __('Send'),
-				primary_action: (values) => {
-					res(values);
-					d.hide();
-				}
-			});
-		});
-	}
-	get_company_details(company_id) {
-		this.company_cache = this.company_cache || {};
-		return new Promise(resolve => {
-			// get from cache if exists
-			let company_details = this.company_cache[company_id];
-			if(company_details) {
-				resolve(company_details);
-				return;
-			}
-				method: 'erpnext.hub_node.get_company_details',
-				args: {hub_sync_id: company_id}
-			}).then((r) => {
-				if (r.message) {
-					const company_details = r.message;
-					this.company_cache[company_id] = company_details;
-					resolve(company_details)
-				}
-			});
-		})
-	}
-	go_to_company_page(company_id) {
-		this.get_company_details(company_id)
-			.then(this.show_company_page.bind(this));
-	}
-	show_company_page(company_details) {
-		this.$hub_main_section.empty();
-		let $company_page =
-			$(this.get_company_page(company_details))
-				.appendTo(this.$hub_main_section);
-		let $company_items = $company_page.find('.company-items');
-		let company_item_list = new erpnext.hub.HubList({
-			parent: $company_items,
-			title: 'More by ' + company_details.company_name,
-			page_length: 5,
-			list_css_class: 'company-item-list',
-			method: 'erpnext.hub_node.get_items',
-			// order_by: 'request_count',
-			filters: {text: '', company: company_details.company_name, country:},
-			paginated: 0,
-			img_size: 150
-		});
-		company_item_list.on_item_click = (item_code) => {
-			frappe.set_route('hub', 'Products', item_code);
-		}
-		company_item_list.setup();
-	}
-	get_item_page(item) {
-		return `
-			<div class="hub-item-page">
-				<div class="item-header">
-					<div class="item-page-image">
-						${ this.home_item_list.get_item_image(item) }
-					</div>
-					<div class="title-content">
-						<div class="breadcrumbs">
-							${this.get_breadcrumb(item.item_name, "Products") }
-						</div>
-						<div class="title">
-							<h2>${ item.item_name }</h2>
-						</div>
-						<div class="company">
-							<span class="">${ item.company_name }</span>
-						</div>
-						<div class="category">
-							<span class="text-muted">Products</span>
-						</div>
-						<div class="description">
-							<span class="small">${ item.description ? item.description : "" }</span>
-						</div>
-						<div class="price">
-							${ item.formatted_price ? item.formatted_price : '' }
-						</div>
-						<div class="actions">
-							<a class="btn btn-primary rfq-btn">Request A Quote</a>
-						</div>
-					</div>
-				</div>
-				<div class="item-more-info"></div>
-				<div class="company-items">
-				</div>
-			</div>
-		`;
-	}
-	get_company_page(company_details) {
-		return `
-			<div class="hub-item-page">
-				<div class="item-header">
-					<div class="title-content">
-						<div class="breadcrumbs">
-							${this.get_breadcrumb(company_details.company_name, "Company") }
-						</div>
-						<div class="title">
-							<h2>${ company_details.company_name }</h2>
-						</div>
-						<div class="company">
-							<span class="">${ }</span>
-						</div>
-						<div class="description">
-							<span class="small">${ company_details.site_name }</span>
-						</div>
-					</div>
-				</div>
-				<div class="item-more-info"></div>
-				<div class="company-items">
-				</div>
-			</div>
-		`;
-	}
-	get_breadcrumb(name, type) {
-		return `
-			<ul class="breadcrumb">
-				<li data-route="Home">
-					<a href><span>Home</span></a>
-				</li>
-				<li data-route="List">
-					<a href><span>${type}</span></a>
-				</li>
-				<li class="active">
-					<span>${name}</span>
-				</li>
-			</ul>
-		`;
-	}
-	go_to_home_page() {
-		frappe.set_route('hub');
-		this.reset_filters();
-		this.refresh();
-	}
-	setup_menu() {
-		if (this.menu_setup) return;
-'Hub Settings'),
-			() => frappe.set_route('Form', 'Hub Settings'));
-'Refresh'), () => this.refresh());
-'Sync'), () => this.sync_items_to_hub());
-		this.menu_setup = true;
-	}
-	sync_items_to_hub() {
-	}
-	setup_sidebar() {
-		var me = this;
-		this.sidebar = new frappe.ui.Sidebar({
-			wrapper:'.layout-side-section'),
-			css_class: 'hub-sidebar'
-		});
-		this.add_account_to_sidebar();
-	}
-	add_account_to_sidebar() {
-		this.sidebar.add_item({
-			label:,
-			on_click: () => frappe.set_route('Form', 'Company',
-		}, __("Account"));
-		this.sidebar.add_item({
-			label: __("My Orders"),
-			on_click: () => frappe.set_route('List', 'Request for Quotation')
-		}, __("Account"));
-	}
-	get_search_term() {
-		return this.$search.val();
-	}
-	reset_search() {
-		this.$search.val('');
-	}
-	make_rfq(item, supplier, btn) {
-		console.log(supplier);
-		return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-				method: 'erpnext.hub_node.make_rfq_and_send_opportunity',
-				args: { item, supplier },
-				callback: resolve,
-				btn,
-			}).fail(reject);
-		});
-	}
-	go_to_seen_items() {
-		this.go_to_items_only_page(
-			['hub', 'Requested Products'],
-			__('Requested Products'),
-			'requested-product-list',
-			{}, 1
-		);
-	}
-erpnext.hub.HubList = class HubList {
-	constructor({
-		parent = null,
-		title = 'Products',
-		page_length = 20,
-		list_css_class = '',
-		method = 'erpnext.hub_node.get_items',
-		filters = {text: ''},
-		order_by = '',
-		by_item_codes = 0,
-		paginated = 1,
-		on_item_click = null,
-		img_size = 200
-	}) {
-		this.parent = parent;
-		this.title = title;
-		this.page_length = page_length;
-		this.list_css_class = list_css_class;
-		this.method = method;
-		this.filters = filters;
-		this.order_by = order_by;
-		this.by_item_codes = by_item_codes;
-		this.paginated = paginated;
-		this.on_item_click = on_item_click;
-		this.img_size = img_size;
-	}
-	// to be called on demand
-	setup() {
-		this.container = $(`
-			<div class='item-list-container ${this.list_css_class}' data-page-length='${this.page_length}'>
-				<div class='item-list-header'>
-					<h3>${this.title}</h3>
-				</div>
-				<div class='item-list'></div>
-				<div class='list-state'>
-					<div class='loading'>
-						<p class='text-muted text-center'>${__('Loading...')}</p>
-					</div>
-					<div class='done hide'>
-						<p class='text-muted text-center'>${__('No more results')}</p>
-					</div>
-					<div class='more text-right'>
-						<button class='btn btn-default btn-sm'>${__('More')}</div>
-					</div>
-				</div>
-			</div>`)
-			.appendTo(this.parent);
-		this.$item_list_title = this.container.find('.item-list-header h3');
-		this.$list = this.container.find('.item-list');
-		this.$loading = this.container.find('.loading').hide();
-		this.$more = this.container.find('.more').hide();
-		this.$done = this.container.find('.done');
-		this.$more.on('click', () => {
-			this.next_page();
-		});
-		this.next_page();
-	}
-	refresh(filters = this.filters) {
-		this.reset();
-		this.set_filters(filters);
-		this.next_page();
-	}
-	reset() {
-		this.$list.empty();
-	}
-	set_filters(filters) {
-		this.filters = filters;
-	}
-	next_page() {
-		this.$item_list_title.html(this.title);
-		const start = this.$list.find('.hub-item-wrapper').length;
-		this.$;
-		// build args
-		let args = {
-			start: start,
-			// query one extra
-			limit: this.page_length + 1
-		};
-		Object.assign(args, this.filters);
-		console.log("filters: ", args);
-		args.order_by = this.order_by;
-		args.by_item_codes = this.by_item_codes;
-			method: this.method,
-			args: args,
-			callback: (r) => {
-				let items = r.message;
-				console.log("items: ", items);
-				this.render_items(items);
-			}
-		});
-	}
-	render_items(items) {
-		if(items) {
-			// clear any filler divs
-			this.$list.find('.filler').remove();
-			let done = 0;
-			console.log("items length", items.length);
-			if(items.length && items.length > this.page_length) {
-				// remove the extra queried
-				items.pop();
-			} else {
-				done = 1;
-			}
-			items.forEach((item) => {
-				this.make_item_card(item).appendTo(this.$list);
-			});
-			const remainder = items.length % 4;
-			if (remainder > 0) {
-				// fill with filler divs to make flexbox happy
-				Array.from(Array(remainder))
-					.map(r => $('<div class="filler">').css('width', '200px').appendTo(this.$list));
-			}
-			this.update_list_state(done);
-		} else {
-			this.update_list_state(1);
-		}
-	}
-	update_list_state(done=0) {
-		this.$loading.hide();
-		if(done) {
-			this.$done.removeClass('hide');
-			this.$more.hide();
-		} else {
-			this.$;
-			this.$done.addClass('hide');
-		}
-	}
-	make_item_card(item) {
-		let $item_card = $(`
-			<div class="hub-item-wrapper" style="max-width: ${this.img_size}px;">
-				<a class="item-link" href>
-					<div class="hub-item-image">
-						${ this.get_item_image(item) }
-					</div>
-					<div class="hub-item-title">
-						<h5 class="bold">
-							${!item.seen ? item.item_name : `<span class="indicator blue">${item.item_name}</span>`}
-						<h5>
-					</div>
-				</a>
-				<div class="company-link">
-					<a data-company-name="${ item.company_name }" class="">${ item.company_name }</a>
-				</div>
-				<div>${ item.formatted_price ? item.formatted_price : ''}</div>
-			</div>
-		`);
-		$item_card.find(".item-link").click((e) => {
-			e.preventDefault();
-			this.on_item_click && this.on_item_click(;
-		});
-		return $item_card;
-	}
-	get_item_image(item, size=this.img_size) {
-		const _size = size + 'px';
-		const item_image = item.image ?
-			`<img src="${item.image}"><span class="helper"></span>` :
-			`<div class="standard-image">${item.item_name[0]}</div>`;
-		return `
-			<div class="img-wrapper"
-				style="max-width: ${_size}; width: ${_size}; height: ${_size};">
-				${item_image}
-			</div>`;
-	}
diff --git a/erpnext/hub_node/page/hub/hub.json b/erpnext/hub_node/page/hub/hub.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d7c899..0000000
--- a/erpnext/hub_node/page/hub/hub.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- "content": null, 
- "creation": "2015-02-18 05:17:17.301735", 
- "docstatus": 0, 
- "doctype": "Page", 
- "modified": "2015-02-18 05:17:17.301735", 
- "modified_by": "Administrator", 
- "module": "Hub Node", 
- "name": "hub", 
- "owner": "Administrator", 
- "page_name": "hub", 
- "roles": [
-  {
-   "role": "All"
-  }
- ], 
- "script": null, 
- "standard": "Yes", 
- "style": null, 
- "title": "Hub"
\ No newline at end of file