[website] [minor] moving to framework
diff --git a/utilities/demo/demo_control_panel.py b/utilities/demo/demo_control_panel.py
index c70913e..a1113ae 100644
--- a/utilities/demo/demo_control_panel.py
+++ b/utilities/demo/demo_control_panel.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
       if webnotes.form_dict.lead_email and validate_email_add(webnotes.form_dict.lead_email):
         import requests
         response = requests.post(conf.demo_notify_url, data={
-          "cmd":"website.helpers.contact.send_message",
+          "cmd":"selling.utils.contact.send_message",
           "subject":"Logged into Demo",
           "sender": webnotes.form_dict.lead_email,
           "message": "via demo.erpnext.com"
diff --git a/utilities/website_transactions.py b/utilities/website_transactions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f871096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/website_transactions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
+# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import webnotes
+from webnotes.utils import cint, formatdate
+import json
+def get_transaction_list(doctype, start):
+	# find customer id
+	customer = webnotes.conn.get_value("Contact", {"email_id": webnotes.session.user}, 
+		"customer")
+	if customer:
+		transactions = webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, creation, currency, grand_total_export 
+			from `tab%s` where customer=%s and docstatus=1
+			order by creation desc
+			limit %s, 20""" % (doctype, "%s", "%s"), (customer, cint(start)), as_dict=True)
+		for doc in transactions:
+			doc.items = ", ".join(webnotes.conn.sql_list("""select item_name
+				from `tab%s Item` where parent=%s limit 5""" % (doctype, "%s"), doc.name))
+			doc.creation = formatdate(doc.creation)
+		return transactions
+	else:
+		return []
+def get_common_args():
+	return {
+		"global_number_format": webnotes.conn.get_default("number_format") or "#,###.##",
+		"currency": webnotes.conn.get_default("currency"),
+		"currency_symbols": json.dumps(dict(webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, symbol
+			from tabCurrency where ifnull(enabled,0)=1""")))
+	}
+def get_orders(start=0):
+	return get_transaction_list("Sales Order", start)
+def order_list_args():
+	args = get_common_args()
+	args.update({
+		"title": "My Orders",
+		"method": "utilities.website_transactions.get_orders",
+		"icon": "icon-list",
+		"empty_list_message": "No Orders Yet",
+		"page": "order",
+	})
+	return args
+def get_invoices(start=0):
+	return get_transaction_list("Sales Invoice", start)
+def invoice_list_args():
+	args = get_common_args()
+	args.update({
+		"title": "Invoices",
+		"method": "utilities.website_transactions.get_invoices",
+		"icon": "icon-file-text",
+		"empty_list_message": "No Invoices Found",
+		"page": "invoice"
+	})
+	return args
+def get_shipments(start=0):
+	return get_transaction_list("Delivery Note", start)
+def shipment_list_args():
+	args = get_common_args()
+	args.update({
+		"title": "Shipments",
+		"method": "utilities.website_transactions.get_shipments",
+		"icon": "icon-truck",
+		"empty_list_message": "No Shipments Found",
+		"page": "shipment"
+	})
+	return args
+def get_tickets(start=0):
+	tickets = webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, subject, status, creation 
+		from `tabSupport Ticket` where raised_by=%s 
+		order by modified desc
+		limit %s, 20""", (webnotes.session.user, cint(start)), as_dict=True)
+	for t in tickets:
+		t.creation = formatdate(t.creation)
+	return tickets
+def ticket_list_args():
+	return {
+		"title": "My Tickets",
+		"method": "utilities.website_transactions.get_tickets",
+		"icon": "icon-ticket",
+		"empty_list_message": "No Tickets Raised",
+		"page": "ticket"
+	}
+def get_transaction_args(doctype, name):
+	customer = webnotes.conn.get_value("Contact", {"email_id": webnotes.session.user}, 
+		"customer")
+	bean = webnotes.bean(doctype, name)
+	if bean.doc.customer != customer:
+		return {
+			"doc": {"name": "Not Allowed"}
+		}
+	else:
+		return {
+			"doc": bean.doc,
+			"doclist": bean.doclist,
+			"webnotes": webnotes,
+			"utils": webnotes.utils
+		}
+def get_order_args():	
+	args = get_transaction_args("Sales Order", webnotes.form_dict.name)
+	args.update({
+		"parent_link": "orders",
+		"parent_title": "My Orders"
+	})
+	return args
+def get_invoice_args():
+	args = get_transaction_args("Sales Invoice", webnotes.form_dict.name)
+	args.update({
+		"parent_link": "invoices",
+		"parent_title": "Invoices"
+	})
+	return args
+def get_shipment_args():
+	args = get_transaction_args("Delivery Note", webnotes.form_dict.name)
+	args.update({
+		"parent_link": "shipments",
+		"parent_title": "Shipments"
+	})
+	return args