[fix] patch fix
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v7_0/make_is_group_fieldtype_as_check.py b/erpnext/patches/v7_0/make_is_group_fieldtype_as_check.py
index aef0306..ba82e86 100644
--- a/erpnext/patches/v7_0/make_is_group_fieldtype_as_check.py
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v7_0/make_is_group_fieldtype_as_check.py
@@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
 import frappe
 def execute():
 	for doctype in ["Sales Person", "Customer Group", "Item Group", "Territory"]:
+		# convert to 1 or 0
+		frappe.db.sql("update `tab{doctype}` set is_group = if(is_group='Yes',1,0) "
+			.format(doctype=doctype))
+		frappe.db.commit()
+		# alter fields to int
+		frappe.db.sql("alter table `tab{doctype}` change is_group is_group int(1) default '0'"
+			.format(doctype=doctype))
-		#In MySQL, you can't modify the same table which you use in the SELECT part.
-		frappe.db.sql(""" update `tab{doctype}` set is_group = 1
-			where name in (select parent_{field} from (select distinct parent_{field} from `tab{doctype}`
-				where parent_{field} != '') as dummy_table)
-			""".format(doctype=doctype, field=doctype.strip().lower().replace(' ','_')))