Merge branch 'develop' into publish-item
diff --git a/erpnext/patches.txt b/erpnext/patches.txt
index 742fc6b..f4a371c 100644
--- a/erpnext/patches.txt
+++ b/erpnext/patches.txt
@@ -653,4 +653,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v12_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v12_0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1095c8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v12_0/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import frappe
+from erpnext.regional.italy.setup import make_custom_fields
+from frappe.permissions import add_permission, update_permission_property
+def execute():
+	company = frappe.get_all('Company', filters = {'country': 'Italy'})
+	if not company:
+		return
+	make_custom_fields()
+	add_permission('Import Supplier Invoice', 'Accounts Manager', 0)
+	update_permission_property('Import Supplier Invoice', 'Accounts Manager', 0, 'write', 1)
+	update_permission_property('Import Supplier Invoice', 'Accounts Manager', 0, 'create', 1)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/utils/serial_no_batch_selector.js b/erpnext/public/js/utils/serial_no_batch_selector.js
index 61a6939..e64d545 100644
--- a/erpnext/public/js/utils/serial_no_batch_selector.js
+++ b/erpnext/public/js/utils/serial_no_batch_selector.js
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
 				this.dialog.set_value('serial_no', d.serial_no);
-			if (d.batch_no) {
+			if (d.has_batch_no && d.batch_no) {
 				this.frm.doc.items.forEach(data => {
 					if(data.item_code == d.item_code) {{
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/doctype/import_supplier_invoice/ b/erpnext/regional/doctype/import_supplier_invoice/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/regional/doctype/import_supplier_invoice/
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/doctype/import_supplier_invoice/import_supplier_invoice.js b/erpnext/regional/doctype/import_supplier_invoice/import_supplier_invoice.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2d6edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/regional/doctype/import_supplier_invoice/import_supplier_invoice.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
+// License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
+frappe.ui.form.on('Import Supplier Invoice', {
+	onload: function(frm) {
+		frappe.realtime.on("import_invoice_update", function (data) {
+			frm.dashboard.show_progress(data.title, (data.count / * 100, data.message);
+			if (data.count == {
+				window.setTimeout(title => frm.dashboard.hide_progress(title), 1500, data.title);
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	setup: function(frm) {
+		frm.set_query("tax_account", function(doc) {
+			return {
+				filters: {
+					account_type: 'Tax',
+					company:
+				}
+			};
+		});
+		frm.set_query("default_buying_price_list", function(doc) {
+			return {
+				filters: {
+					currency: frappe.get_doc(":Company",
+				}
+			};
+		});
+	},
+	refresh: function(frm) {
+		frm.trigger("toggle_read_only_fields");
+	},
+	toggle_read_only_fields: function(frm) {
+		if (in_list(["File Import Completed", "Processing File Data"], frm.doc.status)) {
+			cur_frm.set_read_only();
+			cur_frm.refresh_fields();
+			frm.set_df_property("import_invoices", "hidden", 1);
+		} else {
+			frm.set_df_property("import_invoices", "hidden", 0);
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/doctype/import_supplier_invoice/import_supplier_invoice.json b/erpnext/regional/doctype/import_supplier_invoice/import_supplier_invoice.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59e955c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/regional/doctype/import_supplier_invoice/import_supplier_invoice.json
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ "actions": [],
+ "creation": "2019-10-15 12:33:21.845329",
+ "doctype": "DocType",
+ "editable_grid": 1,
+ "engine": "InnoDB",
+ "field_order": [
+  "invoice_series",
+  "company",
+  "item_code",
+  "column_break_5",
+  "supplier_group",
+  "tax_account",
+  "default_buying_price_list",
+  "upload_xml_invoices_section",
+  "zip_file",
+  "import_invoices",
+  "status"
+ ],
+ "fields": [
+  {
+   "fieldname": "company",
+   "fieldtype": "Link",
+   "in_list_view": 1,
+   "label": "Company",
+   "options": "Company",
+   "reqd": 1
+  },
+  {
+   "fieldname": "item_code",
+   "fieldtype": "Link",
+   "in_list_view": 1,
+   "label": "Item Code",
+   "options": "Item",
+   "reqd": 1
+  },
+  {
+   "fieldname": "supplier_group",
+   "fieldtype": "Link",
+   "in_list_view": 1,
+   "label": "Supplier Group",
+   "options": "Supplier Group",
+   "reqd": 1
+  },
+  {
+   "fieldname": "tax_account",
+   "fieldtype": "Link",
+   "in_list_view": 1,
+   "label": "Tax Account",
+   "options": "Account",
+   "reqd": 1
+  },
+  {
+   "fieldname": "column_break_5",
+   "fieldtype": "Column Break"
+  },
+  {
+   "fieldname": "zip_file",
+   "fieldtype": "Attach",
+   "label": "Zip File"
+  },
+  {
+   "description": "Click on Import Invoices button once the zip file has been attached to the document. Any errors related to processing will be shown in the Error Log.",
+   "fieldname": "import_invoices",
+   "fieldtype": "Button",
+   "label": "Import Invoices",
+   "options": "process_file_data"
+  },
+  {
+   "fieldname": "status",
+   "fieldtype": "Data",
+   "label": "Status",
+   "read_only": 1
+  },
+  {
+   "fieldname": "invoice_series",
+   "fieldtype": "Select",
+   "label": "Invoice Series",
+   "options": "ACC-PINV-.YYYY.-",
+   "reqd": 1
+  },
+  {
+   "fieldname": "default_buying_price_list",
+   "fieldtype": "Link",
+   "label": "Default Buying Price List",
+   "options": "Price List",
+   "reqd": 1
+  },
+  {
+   "fieldname": "upload_xml_invoices_section",
+   "fieldtype": "Section Break",
+   "label": "Upload XML Invoices"
+  }
+ ],
+ "links": [],
+ "modified": "2019-12-10 16:37:26.793398",
+ "modified_by": "Administrator",
+ "module": "Regional",
+ "name": "Import Supplier Invoice",
+ "owner": "Administrator",
+ "permissions": [],
+ "sort_field": "modified",
+ "sort_order": "DESC",
+ "track_changes": 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/doctype/import_supplier_invoice/ b/erpnext/regional/doctype/import_supplier_invoice/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72fe17f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/regional/doctype/import_supplier_invoice/
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
+# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from decimal import Decimal
+import json
+import re
+import traceback
+import zipfile
+import frappe, erpnext
+from frappe import _
+from frappe.model.document import Document
+from frappe.custom.doctype.custom_field.custom_field import create_custom_field
+from import format_datetime
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
+from frappe.utils import cint, flt, today, nowdate, add_days, get_files_path, get_datetime_str
+import dateutil
+from frappe.utils.file_manager import save_file
+class ImportSupplierInvoice(Document):
+	def validate(self):
+		if not frappe.db.get_value("Stock Settings", fieldname="stock_uom"):
+			frappe.throw(_("Please set default UOM in Stock Settings"))
+	def autoname(self):
+		if not
+ = "Import Invoice on " + format_datetime(self.creation)
+	def import_xml_data(self):
+		import_file = frappe.get_doc("File", {"file_url": self.zip_file})
+		self.publish("File Import", _("Processing XML Files"), 1, 3)
+		self.file_count = 0
+		self.purchase_invoices_count = 0
+		self.default_uom = frappe.db.get_value("Stock Settings", fieldname="stock_uom")
+		with zipfile.ZipFile(get_full_path(self.zip_file)) as zf:
+			for file_name in zf.namelist():
+				content = get_file_content(file_name, zf)
+				file_content = bs(content, "xml")
+				self.prepare_data_for_import(file_content, file_name, content)
+		if self.purchase_invoices_count == self.file_count:
+			self.status = "File Import Completed"
+			self.publish("File Import", _("XML Files Processed"), 2, 3)
+		else:
+			self.status = "Partially Completed - Check Error Log"
+			self.publish("File Import", _("XML Files Processed"), 2, 3)
+		self.publish("File Import", _("XML Files Processed"), 3, 3)
+	def prepare_data_for_import(self, file_content, file_name, encoded_content):
+		for line in file_content.find_all("DatiGeneraliDocumento"):
+			invoices_args = {
+				"company":,
+				"naming_series": self.invoice_series,
+				"document_type": line.TipoDocumento.text,
+				"bill_date": get_datetime_str(line.Data.text),
+				"invoice_no": line.Numero.text,
+				"total_discount": 0,
+				"items": [],
+				"buying_price_list": self.default_buying_price_list
+			}
+			if not invoices_args.get("invoice_no", ''): return
+			supp_dict = get_supplier_details(file_content)
+			invoices_args["destination_code"] = get_destination_code_from_file(file_content)
+			self.prepare_items_for_invoice(file_content, invoices_args)
+			invoices_args["taxes"] = get_taxes_from_file(file_content, self.tax_account)
+			invoices_args["terms"] = get_payment_terms_from_file(file_content)
+			supplier_name = create_supplier(self.supplier_group, supp_dict)
+			address = create_address(supplier_name, supp_dict)
+			pi_name = create_purchase_invoice(supplier_name, file_name, invoices_args,
+			self.file_count += 1
+			if pi_name:
+				self.purchase_invoices_count += 1
+				file_save = save_file(file_name, encoded_content, "Purchase Invoice",
+					pi_name, folder=None, decode=False, is_private=0, df=None)
+	def prepare_items_for_invoice(self, file_content, invoices_args):
+		qty = 1
+		rate, tax_rate = [0 ,0]
+		uom = self.default_uom
+		#read file for item information
+		for line in file_content.find_all("DettaglioLinee"):
+			if line.find("PrezzoUnitario") and line.find("PrezzoTotale"):
+				rate = flt(line.PrezzoUnitario.text) or 0
+				line_total = flt(line.PrezzoTotale.text) or 0
+				if rate and flt(line_total) / rate != 1.0 and line.find("Quantita"):
+					qty = flt(line.Quantita.text) or 0
+					if line.find("UnitaMisura"):
+						uom = create_uom(line.UnitaMisura.text)
+				if (rate < 0 and line_total < 0):
+					qty *= -1
+					invoices_args["return_invoice"] = 1
+				if line.find("AliquotaIVA"):
+					tax_rate = flt(line.AliquotaIVA.text)
+				line_str = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]+', '-', line.Descrizione.text)
+				item_name = line_str[0:140]
+				invoices_args['items'].append({
+					"item_code": self.item_code,
+					"item_name": item_name,
+					"description": line_str,
+					"qty": qty,
+					"uom": uom,
+					"rate": abs(rate),
+					"conversion_factor": 1.0,
+					"tax_rate": tax_rate
+				})
+				for disc_line in line.find_all("ScontoMaggiorazione"):
+					if disc_line.find("Percentuale"):
+						invoices_args["total_discount"] += flt((flt(disc_line.Percentuale.text) / 100) * (rate * qty))
+	def process_file_data(self):
+		self.status = "Processing File Data"
+		frappe.enqueue_doc(self.doctype,, "import_xml_data", queue="long", timeout=3600)
+	def publish(self, title, message, count, total):
+		frappe.publish_realtime("import_invoice_update", {"title": title, "message": message, "count": count, "total": total})
+def get_file_content(file_name, zip_file_object):
+	content = ''
+	encoded_content =
+	try:
+		content = encoded_content.decode("utf-8-sig")
+	except UnicodeDecodeError:
+		try:
+			content = encoded_content.decode("utf-16")
+		except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
+			frappe.log_error(message=e, title="UTF-16 encoding error for File Name: " + file_name)
+	return content
+def get_supplier_details(file_content):
+	supplier_info = {}
+	for line in file_content.find_all("CedentePrestatore"):
+		supplier_info['tax_id'] = line.DatiAnagrafici.IdPaese.text + line.DatiAnagrafici.IdCodice.text
+		if line.find("CodiceFiscale"):
+			supplier_info['fiscal_code'] = line.DatiAnagrafici.CodiceFiscale.text
+		if line.find("RegimeFiscale"):
+			supplier_info['fiscal_regime'] = line.DatiAnagrafici.RegimeFiscale.text
+		if line.find("Denominazione"):
+			supplier_info['supplier'] = line.DatiAnagrafici.Anagrafica.Denominazione.text
+		if line.find("Nome"):
+			supplier_info['supplier'] = (line.DatiAnagrafici.Anagrafica.Nome.text
+				+ " " + line.DatiAnagrafici.Anagrafica.Cognome.text)
+		supplier_info['address_line1'] = line.Sede.Indirizzo.text
+		supplier_info['city'] = line.Sede.Comune.text
+		if line.find("Provincia"):
+			supplier_info['province'] = line.Sede.Provincia.text
+		supplier_info['pin_code'] = line.Sede.CAP.text
+		supplier_info['country'] = get_country(line.Sede.Nazione.text)
+		return supplier_info
+def get_taxes_from_file(file_content, tax_account):
+	taxes = []
+	#read file for taxes information
+	for line in file_content.find_all("DatiRiepilogo"):
+		if line.find("AliquotaIVA"):
+			if line.find("EsigibilitaIVA"):
+				descr = line.EsigibilitaIVA.text
+			else:
+				descr = "None"
+			taxes.append({
+				"charge_type": "Actual",
+				"account_head": tax_account,
+				"tax_rate": flt(line.AliquotaIVA.text) or 0,
+				"description": descr,
+				"tax_amount": flt(line.Imposta.text) if len(line.find("Imposta"))!=0 else 0
+			})
+	return taxes
+def get_payment_terms_from_file(file_content):
+	terms = []
+	#Get mode of payment dict from setup
+	mop_options = frappe.get_meta('Mode of Payment').fields[4].options
+	mop_str = re.sub('\n', ',', mop_options)
+	mop_dict = dict(item.split("-") for item in mop_str.split(","))
+	#read file for payment information
+	for line in file_content.find_all("DettaglioPagamento"):
+		mop_code = line.ModalitaPagamento.text + '-' + mop_dict.get(line.ModalitaPagamento.text)
+		if line.find("DataScadenzaPagamento"):
+			due_date = dateutil.parser.parse(line.DataScadenzaPagamento.text).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+		else:
+			due_date = today()
+		terms.append({
+			"mode_of_payment_code": mop_code,
+			"bank_account_iban": line.IBAN.text if line.find("IBAN") else "",
+			"due_date": due_date,
+			"payment_amount": line.ImportoPagamento.text
+		})
+	return terms
+def get_destination_code_from_file(file_content):
+	destination_code = ''
+	for line in file_content.find_all("DatiTrasmissione"):
+		destination_code = line.CodiceDestinatario.text
+	return destination_code
+def create_supplier(supplier_group, args):
+	args = frappe._dict(args)
+	existing_supplier_name = frappe.db.get_value("Supplier",
+				filters={"tax_id": args.tax_id}, fieldname="name")
+	if existing_supplier_name:
+		pass
+	else:
+		existing_supplier_name = frappe.db.get_value("Supplier",
+				filters={"name": args.supplier}, fieldname="name")
+	if existing_supplier_name:
+		filters = [
+				["Dynamic Link", "link_doctype", "=", "Supplier"],
+				["Dynamic Link", "link_name", "=", args.existing_supplier_name],
+				["Dynamic Link", "parenttype", "=", "Contact"]
+			]
+		if not frappe.get_list("Contact", filters):
+			new_contact = frappe.new_doc("Contact")
+			new_contact.first_name = args.supplier
+			new_contact.append('links', {
+				"link_doctype": "Supplier",
+				"link_name": existing_supplier_name
+			})
+			new_contact.insert(ignore_mandatory=True)
+		return existing_supplier_name
+	else:
+		new_supplier = frappe.new_doc("Supplier")
+		new_supplier.supplier_name = args.supplier
+		new_supplier.supplier_group = supplier_group
+		new_supplier.tax_id = args.tax_id
+		new_supplier.fiscal_code = args.fiscal_code
+		new_supplier.fiscal_regime = args.fiscal_regime
+		new_contact = frappe.new_doc("Contact")
+		new_contact.first_name = args.supplier
+		new_contact.append('links', {
+			"link_doctype": "Supplier",
+			"link_name":
+		})
+		new_contact.insert(ignore_mandatory=True)
+		return
+def create_address(supplier_name, args):
+	args = frappe._dict(args)
+	filters = [
+			["Dynamic Link", "link_doctype", "=", "Supplier"],
+			["Dynamic Link", "link_name", "=", supplier_name],
+			["Dynamic Link", "parenttype", "=", "Address"]
+		]
+	existing_address = frappe.get_list("Address", filters)
+	if args.address_line1:
+		new_address_doc = frappe.new_doc("Address")
+		new_address_doc.address_line1 = args.address_line1
+		if
+ =
+		else:
+ = "Not Provided"
+		for field in ["province", "pincode", "country"]:
+			if args.get(field):
+				new_address_doc.set(field, args.get(field))
+		for address in existing_address:
+			address_doc = frappe.get_doc("Address", address["name"])
+			if (address_doc.address_line1 == new_address_doc.address_line1 and
+				address_doc.pincode == new_address_doc.pincode):
+				return address
+		new_address_doc.append("links", {
+			"link_doctype": "Supplier",
+			"link_name": supplier_name
+		})
+		new_address_doc.address_type = "Billing"
+		new_address_doc.insert(ignore_mandatory=True)
+		return
+	else:
+		return None
+def create_purchase_invoice(supplier_name, file_name, args, name):
+	args = frappe._dict(args)
+	pi = frappe.get_doc({
+		"doctype": "Purchase Invoice",
+		"company":,
+		"currency": erpnext.get_company_currency(,
+		"naming_series": args.naming_series,
+		"supplier": supplier_name,
+		"is_return": args.is_return,
+		"posting_date": today(),
+		"bill_no": args.bill_no,
+		"buying_price_list": args.buying_price_list,
+		"bill_date": args.bill_date,
+		"destination_code": args.destination_code,
+		"document_type": args.document_type,
+		"disable_rounded_total": 1,
+		"items": args["items"],
+		"taxes": args["taxes"]
+	})
+	try:
+		pi.set_missing_values()
+		pi.insert(ignore_mandatory=True)
+		#if discount exists in file, apply any discount on grand total
+		if args.total_discount > 0:
+			pi.apply_discount_on = "Grand Total"
+			pi.discount_amount = args.total_discount
+		#adjust payment amount to match with grand total calculated
+		calc_total = 0
+		adj = 0
+		for term in args.terms:
+			calc_total += flt(term["payment_amount"])
+		if flt(calc_total - flt(pi.grand_total)) != 0:
+			adj = calc_total - flt(pi.grand_total)
+		pi.payment_schedule = []
+		for term in args.terms:
+			pi.append('payment_schedule',{"mode_of_payment_code": term["mode_of_payment_code"],
+			"bank_account_iban": term["bank_account_iban"],
+			"due_date": term["due_date"],
+			"payment_amount": flt(term["payment_amount"]) - adj })
+			adj = 0
+		pi.imported_grand_total = calc_total
+		return
+	except Exception as e:
+		frappe.db.set_value("Import Supplier Invoice", name, "status", "Error")
+		frappe.log_error(message=e,
+			title="Create Purchase Invoice: " + args.get("bill_no") + "File Name: " + file_name)
+		return None
+def get_country(code):
+	existing_country_name = frappe.db.get_value("Country",
+			filters={"code": code}, fieldname="name")
+	if existing_country_name:
+		return existing_country_name
+	else:
+		frappe.throw(_("Country Code in File does not match with country code set up in the system"))
+def create_uom(uom):
+	existing_uom = frappe.db.get_value("UOM",
+			filters={"uom_name": uom}, fieldname="uom_name")
+	if existing_uom:
+		return existing_uom
+	else:
+		new_uom = frappe.new_doc("UOM")
+		new_uom.uom_name = uom
+		return new_uom.uom_name
+def get_full_path(file_name):
+	"""Returns file path from given file name"""
+	file_path = file_name
+	if "/" not in file_path:
+		file_path = "/files/" + file_path
+	if file_path.startswith("/private/files/"):
+		file_path = get_files_path(*file_path.split("/private/files/", 1)[1].split("/"), is_private=1)
+	elif file_path.startswith("/files/"):
+		file_path = get_files_path(*file_path.split("/files/", 1)[1].split("/"))
+	elif file_path.startswith("http"):
+		pass
+	elif not self.file_url:
+		frappe.throw(_("There is some problem with the file url: {0}").format(file_path))
+	return file_path
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/doctype/import_supplier_invoice/ b/erpnext/regional/doctype/import_supplier_invoice/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1caf77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/regional/doctype/import_supplier_invoice/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2019, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
+# See license.txt
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+# import frappe
+import unittest
+class TestImportSupplierInvoice(unittest.TestCase):
+	pass
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/italy/ b/erpnext/regional/italy/
index 1526d6f..2d0ad66 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/italy/
+++ b/erpnext/regional/italy/
@@ -155,6 +155,31 @@
 			dict(fieldname='state_code', label='State Code',
 				fieldtype='Data', insert_after='state', print_hide=1)
+		],
+		'Purchase Invoice': [
+			dict(fieldname='document_type', label='Document Type',
+				fieldtype='Data', insert_after='company', print_hide=1, read_only=1
+				),
+			dict(fieldname='destination_code', label='Destination Code',
+				fieldtype='Data', insert_after='company', print_hide=1, read_only=1
+				),
+			dict(fieldname='imported_grand_total', label='Imported Grand Total',
+				fieldtype='Data', insert_after='update_auto_repeat_reference', print_hide=1, read_only=1
+				)
+		],
+		'Purchase Taxes and Charges': [
+			dict(fieldname='tax_rate', label='Tax Rate',
+				fieldtype='Data', insert_after='parenttype', print_hide=1, read_only=0
+				)
+		],
+		'Supplier': [
+			dict(fieldname='fiscal_code', label='Fiscal Code',
+				fieldtype='Data', insert_after='tax_id', print_hide=1, read_only=1
+				),
+			dict(fieldname='fiscal_regime', label='Fiscal Regime',
+				fieldtype='Select', insert_after='fiscal_code', print_hide=1, read_only=1,
+				options= "\nRF01\nRF02\nRF04\nRF05\nRF06\nRF07\nRF08\nRF09\nRF10\nRF11\nRF12\nRF13\nRF14\nRF15\nRF16\nRF17\nRF18\nRF19"
+				)
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/italy/ b/erpnext/regional/italy/
index bc8d00d..2af72f8 100644
--- a/erpnext/regional/italy/
+++ b/erpnext/regional/italy/
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
 def update_itemised_tax_data(doc):
 	if not doc.taxes: return
+	if doc.doctype == "Purchase Invoice": return
 	itemised_tax = get_itemised_tax(doc.taxes)
 	for row in doc.items:
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/print_format/purchase_einvoice/ b/erpnext/regional/print_format/purchase_einvoice/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/regional/print_format/purchase_einvoice/
diff --git a/erpnext/regional/print_format/purchase_einvoice/purchase_einvoice.json b/erpnext/regional/print_format/purchase_einvoice/purchase_einvoice.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88f31dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/regional/print_format/purchase_einvoice/purchase_einvoice.json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ "align_labels_right": 0,
+ "creation": "2019-10-16 00:47:08.877767",
+ "custom_format": 0,
+ "disabled": 1,
+ "doc_type": "Purchase Invoice",
+ "docstatus": 0,
+ "doctype": "Print Format",
+ "font": "Default",
+ "format_data": "[{\"fieldname\": \"print_heading_template\", \"fieldtype\": \"Custom HTML\", \"options\": \"<div class=\\\"print-heading\\\">\\t\\t\\t\\t<h2>Purchase Invoice<br><small>{{ }}</small>\\t\\t\\t\\t</h2></div>\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"_custom_html\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Custom HTML\", \"fieldtype\": \"HTML\", \"options\": \"<table border=\\\"1\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\">\\n<head>\\n<th>\\nCedente/prestatore (fornitore)\\n</th>\\n<th>\\nCessionario/committente (cliente)\\n</th>\\n</head>\\n<body>\\n<tr>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 50%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n<p>Identificstivo fiscale ai fini IVA: {{frappe.db.get_value(\\\"Supplier\\\", doc.supplier, \\\"tax_id\\\")}}</p>\\n<p>Codice fiscale: {{frappe.db.get_value(\\\"Supplier\\\", doc.supplier, \\\"fiscal_code\\\")}}</p>\\n<p>Denominazione: {{frappe.db.get_value(\\\"Supplier\\\", doc.supplier, \\\"supplier_name\\\")}}</p>\\n<p>Regime fiscale: {{frappe.db.get_value(\\\"Supplier\\\", doc.supplier, \\\"fiscal_regime\\\")}}</p>\\n<p>Indrizo: {{frappe.db.get_value(\\\"Address\\\", doc.supplier_address, \\\"address_line1\\\")}}</p>\\n<p>Commune: {{frappe.db.get_value(\\\"Address\\\", doc.supplier_address, \\\"city\\\")}} Provincia: {{frappe.db.get_value(\\\"Address\\\", doc.supplier_address, \\\"state_code\\\")}}</p>\\n<p>Cap: {{(frappe.db.get_value(\\\"Address\\\", doc.supplier_address, \\\"pincode\\\")) or \\\" \\\"}} Nazione: {{frappe.db.get_value(\\\"Address\\\", doc.supplier_address, \\\"country\\\")}}</p>\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 50%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n<p>Identificstivo fiscale ai fini IVA: {{frappe.db.get_value(\\\"Company\\\",, \\\"tax_id\\\")}}</p>\\n<p>Codice fiscale: {{frappe.db.get_value(\\\"Company\\\",, \\\"fiscal_code\\\")}}</p>\\n<p>Denominazione: {{}}</p>\\n<p>Indrizo: {{frappe.db.get_value(\\\"Address\\\", doc.shipping_address, \\\"address_line1\\\")}}</p>\\n<p>Commune: {{frappe.db.get_value(\\\"Address\\\", doc.shipping_address, \\\"city\\\")}} Provincia: {{frappe.db.get_value(\\\"Address\\\", doc.shipping_address, \\\"state_code\\\")}}</p>\\n<p>Cap: {{frappe.db.get_value(\\\"Address\\\", doc.shipping_address, \\\"pincode\\\")}} Nazione: {{frappe.db.get_value(\\\"Address\\\", doc.shipping_address, \\\"country\\\")}}</p>\\n</td>\\n</td>\\n</tr>\\n</body>\\n</table>\\n<br>\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"_custom_html\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Custom HTML\", \"fieldtype\": \"HTML\", \"options\": \"<table border=\\\"1\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\">\\n<head>\\n<th>\\nTipologla\\n</th>\\n<th>\\nArt. 73\\n</th>\\n<th>\\nNumero documento\\n</th>\\n<th>\\nData documento\\n</th>\\n<th>\\nCodice destinatario\\n</th>\\n</head>\\n<body>\\n<tr>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 20%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{doc.document_type or \\\" \\\"}}\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 10%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{\\\" \\\"}}\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 20%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{doc.bill_no or \\\" \\\"}}\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 20%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{doc.get_formatted(\\\"bill_date\\\") or \\\" \\\"}}\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 30%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{doc.destination_code or \\\" \\\"}}\\n</td>\\n</tr>\\n</body>\\n</table>\\n<br>\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"_custom_html\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Custom HTML\", \"fieldtype\": \"HTML\", \"options\": \"<table border=\\\"1\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\">\\n<head>\\n<th>\\nDescrizione\\n</th>\\n<th>\\nQuantita\\n</th>\\n<th>\\nPrezzo unitario\\n</th>\\n<th>\\nUM\\n</th>\\n<th>\\n%IVA\\n</th>\\n<th>\\nPrezzo totale\\n</th>\\n</head>\\n\\n<body>\\n{%- for row in doc.items -%}\\n<tr>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 30%;\\\">\\n{{row.description or \\\" \\\"}}\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 15%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{row.get_formatted(\\\"qty\\\", doc)}}\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 15%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{row.get_formatted(\\\"rate\\\", doc)}}\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 5%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{row.get_formatted(\\\"uom\\\", doc)}}\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 15%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{row.get_formatted(\\\"tax_rate\\\", doc)}}\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 20%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{row.get_formatted(\\\"amount\\\", doc)}}\\n</td>\\n{%- endfor -%}\\n</body>\\n</table>\\n<br>\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"_custom_html\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Custom HTML\", \"fieldtype\": \"HTML\", \"options\": \"<table border=\\\"1\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\">\\n<head>\\n<th>\\nesigibilita immediata / riferimenti normativi\\n</th>\\n<th>\\n%IVA\\n</th>\\n<th>\\nSpese accessorie\\n</th>\\n<th>\\nArr.\\n</th>\\n<th>\\nTotale imponibile\\n</th>\\n<th>\\nTotale Imposta\\n</th>\\n</head>\\n\\n<body>\\n{%- for row in doc.taxes -%}\\n<tr>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 30%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{% if 'None' in row.description %}\\n    {{ \\\" \\\" }}\\n{% else %}\\n{{row.description}}\\n{% endif %}\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 10%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{row.get_formatted(\\\"tax_rate\\\", doc)}}\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 10%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{\\\"0,00\\\"}}\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 10%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{\\\" \\\"}}\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 20%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{doc.get_formatted(\\\"base_net_total\\\")}}\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 20%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{row.get_formatted(\\\"tax_amount\\\", doc)}}\\n</td>\\n{%- endfor -%}\\n</body>\\n</table>\\n<br>\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"_custom_html\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Custom HTML\", \"fieldtype\": \"HTML\", \"options\": \"<table border=\\\"1\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\">\\n<head>\\n<th>\\nImporto bolio\\n</th>\\n<th>\\nSconto/Magglorazione\\n</th>\\n<th>\\nArr.\\n</th>\\n<th>\\nTotale documento\\n</th>\\n</head>\\n\\n<body>\\n<tr>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 20%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{\\\" \\\"}}\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 30%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{\\\" \\\"}}\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 10%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{\\\" \\\"}}\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 40%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{doc.get_formatted(\\\"base_grand_total\\\")}}\\n</td>\\n</body>\\n</table>\\n<br>\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Section Break\", \"label\": \"\"}, {\"fieldtype\": \"Column Break\"}, {\"fieldname\": \"_custom_html\", \"print_hide\": 0, \"label\": \"Custom HTML\", \"fieldtype\": \"HTML\", \"options\": \"<table border=\\\"1\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\">\\n<head>\\n<th>\\nModalita pagamento\\n</th>\\n<th>\\nIBAN\\n</th>\\n<th>\\nInstituto\\n</th>\\n<th>\\nData scadenza\\n</th>\\n<th>\\nImporto\\n</th>\\n</head>\\n\\n<body>\\n{%- for row in doc.payment_schedule -%}\\n<tr>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 20%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{row.get_formatted(\\\"mode_of_payment_code\\\",doc)}}\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 20%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{row.get_formatted(\\\"bank_account_iban\\\",doc)}}\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 20%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{\\\" \\\"}}\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 20%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{row.get_formatted(\\\"due_date\\\",doc)}}\\n</td>\\n<td style=\\\"width: 20%;white-space:nowrap;\\\">\\n{{row.get_formatted(\\\"payment_amount\\\",doc)}}\\n</td>\\n{%- endfor -%}\\n</body>\\n</table>\"}]",
+ "idx": 0,
+ "line_breaks": 0,
+ "modified": "2019-10-16 23:32:37.709344",
+ "modified_by": "Administrator",
+ "module": "Regional",
+ "name": "Purchase eInvoice",
+ "owner": "Administrator",
+ "print_format_builder": 1,
+ "print_format_type": "Jinja",
+ "raw_printing": 0,
+ "show_section_headings": 0,
+ "standard": "Yes"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/
index 47f6cf6..18af062 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/
@@ -585,12 +585,18 @@
 	def validate_finished_goods(self):
 		"""validation: finished good quantity should be same as manufacturing quantity"""
+		if not self.work_order: return
 		items_with_target_warehouse = []
 		allowance_percentage = flt(frappe.db.get_single_value("Manufacturing Settings",
+		production_item, wo_qty = frappe.db.get_value("Work Order",
+			self.work_order, ["production_item", "qty"])
 		for d in self.get('items'):
-			if self.purpose != "Send to Subcontractor" and d.bom_no and flt(d.transfer_qty) > flt(self.fg_completed_qty) and (d.t_warehouse != getattr(self, "pro_doc", frappe._dict()).scrap_warehouse):
+			if (self.purpose != "Send to Subcontractor" and d.bom_no
+				and flt(d.transfer_qty) > flt(self.fg_completed_qty) and d.item_code == production_item):
 				frappe.throw(_("Quantity in row {0} ({1}) must be same as manufactured quantity {2}"). \
 					format(d.idx, d.transfer_qty, self.fg_completed_qty))
@@ -598,9 +604,6 @@
 		if self.work_order and self.purpose == "Manufacture":
-			production_item, wo_qty = frappe.db.get_value("Work Order",
-				self.work_order, ["production_item", "qty"])
 			allowed_qty = wo_qty + (allowance_percentage/100 * wo_qty)
 			if self.fg_completed_qty > allowed_qty:
 				frappe.throw(_("For quantity {0} should not be grater than work order quantity {1}")
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/report/stock_balance/ b/erpnext/stock/report/stock_balance/
index a74253e..ccba8b0 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/report/stock_balance/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/report/stock_balance/
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 				'item_code': item,
 				'warehouse': warehouse,
 				'company': company,
-				'reorder_level': item_reorder_qty,
+				'reorder_level': item_reorder_level,
 				'reorder_qty': item_reorder_qty,