consider warehouse, serial no and batch no from packing list for sales bom item and populate packing list only for sales bom items
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_common/sales_common.js b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_common/sales_common.js
index c852230..bf80d8f 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_common/sales_common.js
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_common/sales_common.js
@@ -127,10 +127,34 @@
 	cur_frm.cscript.base_currency = base_curr;
 	set_dynamic_label_par(doc, cdt, cdn, base_curr);
 	set_dynamic_label_child(doc, cdt, cdn, base_curr);
+	set_sales_bom_help(doc);
 	if (callback) callback(doc, cdt, cdn);
+// Help for Sales BOM items
+var set_sales_bom_help = function(doc) {
+	if (getchildren('Delivery Note Packing Item',, 'packing_details').length) {
+		$(cur_frm.fields_dict.packing_list.row.wrapper).toggle(true);
+		if (inList(['Delivery Note', 'Sales Invoice'], doc.doctype)) {
+			help_msg = "<div class='help-box'> \
+				For 'Sales BOM' items, warehouse, serial no and batch no \
+				will be considered from the 'Packing List' table. \
+				If warehouse and batch no are same for all packing items for any 'Sales BOM' item, \
+				those values can be entered in the main item table, values will be copied to 'Packing List' table. \
+			</div>";
+			get_field(doc.doctype, 'sales_bom_help', = help_msg;
+		} 
+	} else {
+		$(cur_frm.fields_dict.packing_list.row.wrapper).toggle(false);
+		if (inList(['Delivery Note', 'Sales Invoice'], doc.doctype)) {
+			get_field(doc.doctype, 'sales_bom_help', = '';
+		}
+	}
+	refresh_field('sales_bom_help');
 // hide / unhide price list currency based on availability of price list in customer's currency
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_common/ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_common/
index 74963fb..a658209 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_common/
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_common/
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@
 		return ret
-	def get_item_list(self, obj, is_stopped):
+	def get_item_list(self, obj, is_stopped=0):
 		"""get item list"""
 		il = []
 		for d in getlist(obj.doclist,obj.fname):
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@
 			if is_stopped:
 				qty = flt(d.qty) > flt(d.delivered_qty) and flt(flt(d.qty) - flt(d.delivered_qty)) or 0
-			if d.prevdoc_doctype == 'Sales Order':			
+			if d.prevdoc_doctype == 'Sales Order':
 				# used in delivery note to reduce reserved_qty 
 				# Eg.: if SO qty is 10 and there is tolerance of 20%, then it will allow DN of 12.
 				# But in this case reserved qty should only be reduced by 10 and not 12.
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@
 					if p.parent_detail_docname ==
 						# the packing details table's qty is already multiplied with parent's qty
-							'warehouse': d.warehouse,
+							'warehouse': p.warehouse,
 							'reserved_warehouse': reserved_wh,
 							'item_code': p.item_code,
 							'qty': flt(p.qty),
@@ -496,23 +496,21 @@
 		pi.qty = flt(qty)
 		pi.actual_qty = bin and flt(bin['actual_qty']) or 0
 		pi.projected_qty = bin and flt(bin['projected_qty']) or 0
-		pi.warehouse = warehouse
 		pi.prevdoc_doctype = line.prevdoc_doctype
-		if packing_item_code == line.item_code:
-			pi.serial_no = cstr(line.serial_no)
+		if not pi.warehouse:
+			pi.warehouse = warehouse
+		if not pi.batch_no:
 			pi.batch_no = cstr(line.batch_no)
 		pi.idx = self.packing_list_idx
-		# has to be saved, since this function is called on_update of delivery note
+		# saved, since this function is called on_update of delivery note
 		self.packing_list_idx += 1
-	# ------------------
-	# make packing list from sales bom if exists or directly copy item with balance
-	# ------------------ 
 	def make_packing_list(self, obj, fname):
+		"""make packing list for sales bom item"""
 		self.packing_list_idx = 0
 		parent_items = []
 		for d in getlist(obj.doclist, fname):
@@ -520,10 +518,9 @@
 			if self.has_sales_bom(d.item_code):
 				for i in self.get_sales_bom_items(d.item_code):
 					self.update_packing_list_item(obj, i['item_code'], flt(i['qty'])*flt(d.qty), warehouse, d)
-			else:
-				self.update_packing_list_item(obj, d.item_code, d.qty, warehouse, d)
-			if [d.item_code,] not in parent_items:
-				parent_items.append([d.item_code,])
+				if [d.item_code,] not in parent_items:
+					parent_items.append([d.item_code,])
 		self.cleanup_packing_list(obj, parent_items)
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/
index ad95cf1..490051b 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/
@@ -197,51 +197,6 @@
 		get_obj('DocType Mapper', 'Sales Order-Delivery Note', with_children = 1).validate_reference_value(self,
-	def validate_prevdoc_details(self):
-		for d in getlist(self.doclist,'delivery_note_details'):
-			prevdoc = d.prevdoc_doctype
-			prevdoc_docname = d.prevdoc_docname
-			if prevdoc_docname and prevdoc:
-				# Validates Transaction Date of DN and previous doc (i.e. SO , PO, PR)
-				trans_date = sql("select posting_date from `tab%s` where name = '%s'" %(prevdoc,prevdoc_docname))[0][0]
-				if trans_date and getdate(self.doc.posting_date) < (trans_date):
-					msgprint("Your Posting Date cannot be before "+cstr(prevdoc)+" Date.")
-					raise Exception
-				# Validates DN and previous doc details
-				get_name = sql("select name from `tab%s` where name = '%s'" % (prevdoc, prevdoc_docname))
-				name = get_name and get_name[0][0] or ''
-				if name:	#check for incorrect docname
-					if prevdoc == 'Sales Order':
-						dt = sql("select company, docstatus, customer, currency, sales_partner from `tab%s` where name = '%s'" % (prevdoc, name))
-						cust_name = dt and dt[0][2] or ''
-						if cust_name != self.doc.customer:
-							msgprint(cstr(prevdoc) + ": " + cstr(prevdoc_docname) + " customer :" + cstr(cust_name) + " does not match with customer : " + cstr(self.doc.customer) + " of current document.")
-							raise Exception, "Validation Error. "
-						sal_partner = dt and dt[0][4] or ''
-						if sal_partner != self.doc.sales_partner:
-							msgprint(cstr(prevdoc) + ": " + cstr(prevdoc_docname) + " sales partner name :" + cstr(sal_partner) + " does not match with sales partner name : " + cstr(self.doc.sales_partner_name) + " of current document.")
-							raise Exception, "Validation Error. "
-					else:
-						dt = sql("select company, docstatus, supplier, currency from `tab%s` where name = '%s'" % (prevdoc, name))
-						supp_name = dt and dt[0][2] or ''
-						company_name = dt and dt[0][0] or ''
-						docstatus = dt and dt[0][1] or 0
-						currency = dt and dt[0][3] or ''
-						if (currency != self.doc.currency):
-							msgprint(cstr(prevdoc) + ": " + cstr(prevdoc_docname) + " currency : "+ cstr(currency) + "does not match with Currency: " + cstr(self.doc.currency) + "of current document")
-							raise Exception, "Validation Error."
-						if (company_name !=
-							msgprint(cstr(prevdoc) + ": " + cstr(prevdoc_docname) + " does not belong to the Company: " + cstr(self.doc.company_name))
-							raise Exception, "Validation Error."
-						if (docstatus != 1):
-							msgprint(cstr(prevdoc) + ": " + cstr(prevdoc_docname) + " is not Submitted Document.")
-							raise Exception, "Validation Error."
-				else:
-					msgprint(cstr(prevdoc) + ": " + cstr(prevdoc_docname) + " is not a valid " + cstr(prevdoc))
-					raise Exception, "Validation Error."
 	def validate_for_items(self):
 		check_list, chk_dupl_itm = [], []
 		for d in getlist(self.doclist,'delivery_note_details'):
@@ -292,11 +247,22 @@
 		set(self.doc, 'message', 'Items against your Order #%s have been delivered. Delivery #%s: ' % (self.doc.po_no,
 		# Check for Approving Authority
 		get_obj('Authorization Control').validate_approving_authority(self.doc.doctype,, self.doc.grand_total, self)
+		# validate serial no for item table (non-sales-bom item) and packing list (sales-bom item)
 		sl_obj = get_obj("Stock Ledger")
+		sl_obj.validate_serial_no(self, 'delivery_note_details')
+		sl_obj.validate_serial_no_warehouse(self, 'delivery_note_details')
 		sl_obj.validate_serial_no(self, 'packing_details')
 		sl_obj.validate_serial_no_warehouse(self, 'packing_details')
+		# update delivery details in serial no
+		sl_obj.update_serial_record(self, 'delivery_note_details', is_submit = 1, is_incoming = 0)
 		sl_obj.update_serial_record(self, 'packing_details', is_submit = 1, is_incoming = 0)
+		# update delivered qty in sales order
 		get_obj("Sales Common").update_prevdoc_detail(1,self)
+		# create stock ledger entry
 		self.update_stock_ledger(update_stock = 1)
@@ -332,10 +298,14 @@
 		sales_com_obj = get_obj(dt = 'Sales Common')
-		get_obj('Stock Ledger').update_serial_record(self, 'packing_details', is_submit = 0, is_incoming = 0)
+		# remove delivery details from serial no
+		sl = get_obj('Stock Ledger')		
+		sl.update_serial_record(self, 'delivery_note_details', is_submit = 0, is_incoming = 0)
+		sl.update_serial_record(self, 'packing_details', is_submit = 0, is_incoming = 0)
 		self.update_stock_ledger(update_stock = -1)
-		# :::::: set DN status :::::::
 		set(self.doc, 'status', 'Cancelled')
@@ -435,7 +405,8 @@
 	def on_update(self):
 		get_obj('Sales Common').make_packing_list(self,'delivery_note_details')
-		self.set_actual_qty()
-		get_obj('Stock Ledger').scrub_serial_nos(self)
+		sl = get_obj('Stock Ledger')
+		sl.scrub_serial_nos(self)
+		sl.scrub_serial_nos(self, 'packing_details')
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.txt b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.txt
index 7db9513..a0c2df0 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.txt
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note/delivery_note.txt
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
 	# These values are common in all dictionaries
-		'creation': '2012-05-15 12:15:05',
+		'creation': '2012-06-11 12:10:09',
 		'docstatus': 0,
-		'modified': '2012-05-18 18:06:26',
+		'modified': '2012-07-11 11:56:53',
 		'modified_by': u'Administrator',
 		'owner': u'Administrator'
@@ -72,26 +72,14 @@
 	# DocPerm
-		'amend': 1,
-		'cancel': 1,
-		'create': 1,
+		'amend': 0,
+		'cancel': 0,
+		'create': 0,
 		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'role': u'Sales User',
-		'submit': 1,
-		'write': 1
-	},
-	# DocPerm
-	{
-		'amend': 1,
-		'cancel': 1,
-		'create': 1,
-		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
-		'permlevel': 0,
-		'role': u'Material Master Manager',
-		'submit': 1,
-		'write': 1
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'role': u'Material User',
+		'submit': 0,
+		'write': 0
 	# DocPerm
@@ -108,16 +96,72 @@
 	# DocPerm
+		'amend': 0,
+		'cancel': 0,
+		'create': 0,
 		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
 		'permlevel': 1,
-		'role': u'All'
+		'role': u'Material Manager',
+		'submit': 0,
+		'write': 0
+	},
+	# DocPerm
+	{
+		'amend': 1,
+		'cancel': 1,
+		'create': 1,
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'role': u'Sales User',
+		'submit': 1,
+		'write': 1
+	},
+	# DocPerm
+	{
+		'amend': 0,
+		'cancel': 0,
+		'create': 0,
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'role': u'Sales User',
+		'submit': 0,
+		'write': 0
+	},
+	# DocPerm
+	{
+		'cancel': 0,
+		'create': 0,
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'role': u'Accounts User',
+		'submit': 0,
+		'write': 0
+	},
+	# DocPerm
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
+		'permlevel': 1,
+		'role': u'Accounts User'
+	},
+	# DocPerm
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
+		'match': u'customer_name',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'role': u'Customer'
 	# DocPerm
 		'doctype': u'DocPerm',
 		'permlevel': 2,
-		'role': u'All'
+		'role': u'All',
+		'write': 1
 	# DocField
@@ -340,6 +384,7 @@
 	# DocField
 		'allow_on_submit': 1,
+		'colour': u'White:FFF',
 		'doctype': u'DocField',
 		'fieldname': u'delivery_note_details',
 		'fieldtype': u'Table',
@@ -355,6 +400,16 @@
 	# DocField
 		'doctype': u'DocField',
+		'fieldname': u'sales_bom_help',
+		'fieldtype': u'HTML',
+		'label': u'Sales BOM Help',
+		'permlevel': 0,
+		'print_hide': 1
+	},
+	# DocField
+	{
+		'doctype': u'DocField',
 		'fieldname': u'section_break0',
 		'fieldtype': u'Section Break',
 		'options': u'Simple',
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note_packing_item/delivery_note_packing_item.txt b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note_packing_item/delivery_note_packing_item.txt
index 51001fc..db512c6 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note_packing_item/delivery_note_packing_item.txt
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/delivery_note_packing_item/delivery_note_packing_item.txt
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
 	# These values are common in all dictionaries
-		'creation': '2012-04-13 11:56:35',
+		'creation': '2012-06-11 12:10:10',
 		'docstatus': 0,
-		'modified': '2012-05-09 12:55:23',
+		'modified': '2012-07-10 12:05:31',
 		'modified_by': u'Administrator',
 		'owner': u'Administrator'
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
 		'oldfieldname': u'warehouse',
 		'oldfieldtype': u'Link',
 		'options': u'Warehouse',
-		'permlevel': 1
+		'permlevel': 0
 	# DocField
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger/ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger/
index 0cb4b96..42ad6f6 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger/
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger/
@@ -51,19 +51,16 @@
 		self.doclist = doclist
-	# -----------------
-	# scrub serial nos
-	# -----------------
-	def scrub_serial_nos(self, obj):
-		for d in getlist(obj.doclist, obj.fname):
+	def scrub_serial_nos(self, obj, table_name = ''):
+		if not table_name:
+			table_name = obj.fname
+		for d in getlist(obj.doclist, table_name):
 			if d.serial_no:
 				d.serial_no = d.serial_no.replace(',', '\n')
-	# -----------------------------
-	# validate serial no warehouse
-	# -----------------------------
 	def validate_serial_no_warehouse(self, obj, fname):
 		for d in getlist(obj.doclist, fname):
 			wh = d.warehouse or d.s_warehouse
@@ -80,10 +77,8 @@
 						msgprint("Serial No : %s for Item : %s doesn't exists in Warehouse : %s" % (s, d.item_code, wh), raise_exception = 1)
-	# ------------------------------------
-	# check whether serial no is required
-	# ------------------------------------
 	def validate_serial_no(self, obj, fname):
+		"""check whether serial no is required"""
 		for d in getlist(obj.doclist, fname):
 			is_stock_item = get_value('Item', d.item_code, 'is_stock_item')
 			ar_required = get_value('Item', d.item_code, 'has_serial_no')
@@ -101,18 +96,10 @@
 				msgprint("Rejected serial no is mandatory for rejected qty of item: "+ d.item_code, raise_exception = 1)
-	# -------------------
-	# get serial no list
-	# -------------------
 	def get_sr_no_list(self, sr_nos, qty = 0, item_code = ''):
 		return get_sr_no_list(sr_nos, qty, item_code)
-	# ---------------------
-	# set serial no values
-	# ---------------------
 	def set_pur_serial_no_values(self, obj, serial_no, d, s, new_rec):
 		item_details = sql("select item_group, warranty_period from `tabItem` where name = '%s' and \
 			(ifnull(end_of_life,'')='' or end_of_life = '0000-00-00' or end_of_life > now()) " %(d.item_code), as_dict=1)
@@ -143,9 +130,6 @@
-	# ----------------------------------
-	# update serial no purchase details
-	# ----------------------------------
 	def update_serial_purchase_details(self, obj, d, serial_no, is_submit, purpose = ''):
 		exists = sql("select name, status, docstatus from `tabSerial No` where name = '%s'" % (serial_no))
 		if is_submit:
@@ -168,9 +152,6 @@
 				sql("update `tabSerial No` set docstatus = 2, status = 'Not in Use', purchase_document_type = '', purchase_document_no = '', purchase_date = null, purchase_rate = 0, supplier = null, supplier_name = '', supplier_address = '', warehouse = '' where name = '%s'" % serial_no)
-	# -------------------------------
-	# check whether serial no exists
-	# -------------------------------
 	def check_serial_no_exists(self, serial_no, item_code):
 		chk = sql("select name, status, docstatus, item_code from `tabSerial No` where name = %s", (serial_no), as_dict=1)
 		if not chk:
@@ -182,9 +163,7 @@
 		elif chk and chk[0]['status'] == 'Delivered':
 			msgprint("Serial No: %s of Item : %s is already delivered." % (serial_no, item_code), raise_exception = 1)
-	# ---------------------
-	# set serial no values
-	# ---------------------
 	def set_delivery_serial_no_values(self, obj, serial_no):
 		s = Document('Serial No', serial_no)
 		s.delivery_document_type =	 obj.doc.doctype
@@ -203,9 +182,6 @@
-	# ----------------------------------
-	# update serial no delivery details
-	# ----------------------------------
 	def update_serial_delivery_details(self, obj, d, serial_no, is_submit):
 		if is_submit:
 			self.check_serial_no_exists(serial_no, d.item_code)
@@ -214,9 +190,6 @@
 			sql("update `tabSerial No` set docstatus = 0, status = 'In Store', delivery_document_type = '', delivery_document_no = '', delivery_date = null, customer = null, customer_name = '', delivery_address = '', territory = null where name = '%s'" % (serial_no))
-	# ---------------------
-	# update serial record
-	# ---------------------
 	def update_serial_record(self, obj, fname, is_submit = 1, is_incoming = 0):
 		import datetime
 		for d in getlist(obj.doclist, fname):
@@ -235,11 +208,6 @@
 					self.update_serial_purchase_details(obj, d, a, is_submit)
-	# -------------
-	# update stock
-	# -------------
 	def update_stock(self, values, is_amended = 'No'):
 		for v in values:
 			sle_id, serial_nos = '', ''
@@ -261,9 +229,6 @@
 				v["posting_date"], sle_id, v["posting_time"], '', v["is_cancelled"],v["voucher_type"],v["voucher_no"], is_amended)
-	# -----------
-	# make entry
-	# -----------
 	def make_entry(self, args):
 		sle = Document(doctype = 'Stock Ledger Entry')
 		for k in args.keys():