fixed patches, small bugs
diff --git a/erpnext/home/page/my_company/my_company.js b/erpnext/home/page/my_company/my_company.js
index a7d3bdb..d286372 100644
--- a/erpnext/home/page/my_company/my_company.js
+++ b/erpnext/home/page/my_company/my_company.js
@@ -69,8 +69,7 @@
fieldtype: 'Button',
label: 'Add',
fieldname: 'add'
- }];
- }
+ }];
diff --git a/erpnext/home/page/profile_settings/ b/erpnext/home/page/profile_settings/
index 22af804..bba12bb 100644
--- a/erpnext/home/page/profile_settings/
+++ b/erpnext/home/page/profile_settings/
@@ -8,16 +8,12 @@
arg = load_json(arg)
- if cint(webnotes.conn.get_value('Control Panel',None,'sync_with_gateway')):
- import server_tools.gateway_utils
- webnotes.msgprint(server_tools.gateway_utils.change_password(arg['old_password'], arg['new_password'])['message'])
- else:
- if not webnotes.conn.sql('select name from tabProfile where name=%s and password=password(%s)', (webnotes.session['user'], arg['old_password'])):
- webnotes.msgprint('Old password is not correct', raise_exception=1)
+ if not webnotes.conn.sql('select name from tabProfile where name=%s and password=password(%s)', (webnotes.session['user'], arg['old_password'])):
+ webnotes.msgprint('Old password is not correct', raise_exception=1)
- from webnotes.utils import nowdate
- webnotes.conn.sql("update tabProfile set password=password(%s) where name=%s",(arg['new_password'], nowdate(), webnotes.session['user']))
- webnotes.msgprint('Password Updated');
+ from webnotes.utils import nowdate
+ webnotes.conn.sql("update tabProfile set password=password(%s) where name=%s",(arg['new_password'], nowdate(), webnotes.session['user']))
+ webnotes.msgprint('Password Updated');
def get_user_details(arg=None):
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/jan_mar_2012/ b/erpnext/patches/jan_mar_2012/
index a2cb7c4..9c72b0e 100644
--- a/erpnext/patches/jan_mar_2012/
+++ b/erpnext/patches/jan_mar_2012/
@@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
import webnotes
-sql = webnotes.conn.sql
from webnotes.model.doc import Document
def execute():
+ cleanup()
+def cleanup():
+ from webnotes.model import delete_doc
+ delete_doc("DocType", "SSO Control")
+ delete_doc("DocType", "WN ERP Cient Control")
def add_default_home_page():
- d = Document('Default Home Page')
- d.parent = 'Control Panel'
- d.parenttype = 'Control Panel'
- d.parentfield = 'default_home_pages'
- d.role = 'Guest'
- d.home_page = 'Login Page'
\ No newline at end of file
+ if not webnotes.conn.sql("""select name from `tabDefault Home Page`
+ where role='Guest' and home_page='Login Page'"""):
+ d = Document('Default Home Page')
+ d.parent = 'Control Panel'
+ d.parenttype = 'Control Panel'
+ d.parentfield = 'default_home_pages'
+ d.role = 'Guest'
+ d.home_page = 'Login Page'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/startup/ b/erpnext/startup/
index c53f1c1..14cc6a0 100644
--- a/erpnext/startup/
+++ b/erpnext/startup/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
update login_from and delete parallel sessions
# Clear previous sessions i.e. logout previous log-in attempts
- exception_list = ['', 'Administrator']
+ exception_list = ['', 'Administrator', 'Guest']
if webnotes.session['user'] not in exception_list:
sid_list = webnotes.conn.sql("""
DELETE FROM `tabSessions`
diff --git a/erpnext/utilities/doctype/sso_control/ b/erpnext/utilities/doctype/sso_control/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/erpnext/utilities/doctype/sso_control/
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/erpnext/utilities/doctype/sso_control/ b/erpnext/utilities/doctype/sso_control/
deleted file mode 100644
index bfc0e43..0000000
--- a/erpnext/utilities/doctype/sso_control/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# Please edit this list and import only required elements
-import webnotes
-from webnotes.utils import add_days, add_months, add_years, cint, cstr, date_diff, default_fields, flt, fmt_money, formatdate, generate_hash, getTraceback, get_defaults, get_first_day, get_last_day, getdate, has_common, month_name, now, nowdate, replace_newlines, sendmail, set_default, str_esc_quote, user_format, validate_email_add
-from webnotes.model import db_exists
-from webnotes.model.doc import Document, addchild, removechild, getchildren, make_autoname, SuperDocType
-from webnotes.model.doclist import getlist, copy_doclist
-from webnotes.model.code import get_obj, get_server_obj, run_server_obj, updatedb, check_syntax
-from webnotes import session, form, is_testing, msgprint, errprint
-set = webnotes.conn.set
-sql = webnotes.conn.sql
-get_value = webnotes.conn.get_value
-in_transaction = webnotes.conn.in_transaction
-convert_to_lists = webnotes.conn.convert_to_lists
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class DocType:
- def __init__(self, d, dl):
- self.doc, self.doclist = d, dl
- def logout_sso(self):
- import webnotes
- import webnotes.utils.webservice
- if session['data'].get('login_from'):
- sso = webnotes.utils.webservice.FrameworkServer(session['data'].get('login_from'), '/', '', 'password')
- sso.runserverobj('SSO Control', 'SSO Control', 'logout_user', session['user'])
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/utilities/doctype/sso_control/sso_control.txt b/erpnext/utilities/doctype/sso_control/sso_control.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ee0224e..0000000
--- a/erpnext/utilities/doctype/sso_control/sso_control.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# DocType, SSO Control
- # These values are common in all dictionaries
- {
- 'creation': '2010-08-08 17:09:24',
- 'docstatus': 0,
- 'modified': '2010-12-20 19:44:29',
- 'modified_by': '',
- 'owner': 'Administrator'
- },
- # These values are common for all DocType
- {
- 'colour': 'White:FFF',
- 'doctype': 'DocType',
- 'issingle': 1,
- 'module': 'Utilities',
- 'name': '__common__',
- 'section_style': 'Simple',
- 'server_code_error': ' ',
- 'version': 1
- },
- # DocType, SSO Control
- {
- 'doctype': 'DocType',
- 'name': 'SSO Control'
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/utilities/doctype/wn_erp_client_control/ b/erpnext/utilities/doctype/wn_erp_client_control/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/erpnext/utilities/doctype/wn_erp_client_control/
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/erpnext/utilities/doctype/wn_erp_client_control/ b/erpnext/utilities/doctype/wn_erp_client_control/
deleted file mode 100644
index 288f305..0000000
--- a/erpnext/utilities/doctype/wn_erp_client_control/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-# Please edit this list and import only required elements
-import webnotes
-from webnotes.utils import add_days, add_months, add_years, cint, cstr, date_diff, default_fields, flt, fmt_money, formatdate, generate_hash, getTraceback, get_defaults, get_first_day, get_last_day, getdate, has_common, month_name, now, nowdate, replace_newlines, sendmail, set_default, str_esc_quote, user_format, validate_email_add
-from webnotes.model import db_exists
-from webnotes.model.doc import Document, addchild, removechild, getchildren, make_autoname, SuperDocType
-from webnotes.model.doclist import getlist, copy_doclist
-from webnotes.model.code import get_obj, get_server_obj, run_server_obj, updatedb, check_syntax
-from webnotes import session, form, is_testing, msgprint, errprint
-set = webnotes.conn.set
-sql = webnotes.conn.sql
-get_value = webnotes.conn.get_value
-in_transaction = webnotes.conn.in_transaction
-convert_to_lists = webnotes.conn.convert_to_lists
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class DocType:
- def __init__(self, doc, doclist):
- self.doc, self.doclist = doc, doclist
- # Check End of Trial Period
- # -------------------------
- def trial_payment_reminders(self):
- if cint(self.doc.is_trial_account)==1:
- # Trial Period Expiry
- trial_end_date = add_days(self.doc.account_start_date, 30)
- days = date_diff(trial_end_date, nowdate())
- # check if trial period has expired
- if days < 10 and days >= 0 and has_common(['System Manager'],webnotes.user.get_roles()):
- return "Your Trial Period expires on '%s'. Please buy credits online using Manage Account." % (formatdate(trial_end_date))
- # trial period has already expired
- elif days < 0 and days >= -6:
- extended_days = 7 + days
- return "Your Trial Period has expired on %s. However, your account will be live for %s days. Please contact your System Manager to buy credits." % (formatdate(trial_end_date),cstr(extended_days))
- elif not has_common(['Administrator'],webnotes.user.get_roles()) and days < -6:
- return "Stopped"
- # Account is not a trial account
- else:
- return self.account_expiry_reminder()
- # Account Expiry Reminder
- # -----------------------
- def account_expiry_reminder(self):
- import webnotes.utils
- from datetime import datetime
- # Payment Reminder in case of not enough balance
- cr_reqd = cint(self.doc.total_users)
- days_left = cint(self.calc_days())
- # check if account balance is sufficient
- if cint(self.doc.credit_balance)<(cr_reqd):
- # Difference between last payment date and current date
- if self.doc.last_deduction_date: last_payment = date_diff(nowdate(),self.doc.last_deduction_date)
- else: last_payment = -1
- # 7 days extension
- remaining_days = days_left - 24
- if last_payment > 30 or last_payment == -1:
- if remaining_days < 8 and remaining_days >= 1:
- return "Your account will be de-activated in " + cstr(remaining_days) + " days. Please contact your System Manager to buy credits."
- elif remaining_days==0:
- return "Your account will be disabled from tomorrow. Please contact your System Manager to buy credits."
- elif not has_common(['Administrator'],webnotes.user.get_roles()):
- return "Stopped"
- # check if user account is extended for seven days
- if cint(self.doc.is_trial_account)==0:
- if days_left < 10 and days_left >= 0:
- return "You have only %s Credits in your account. Buy credits before %s." % (cint(self.doc.credit_balance),formatdate(self.next_bill_sdate))
- # Calculate days between current date and billing cycle end date
- # --------------------------------------------------------------
- def calc_days(self):
- if self.doc.billing_cycle_date:
- next_bill_month = cint(nowdate().split('-')[1])
- if cint(nowdate().split('-')[2]) > cint(self.doc.billing_cycle_date.split('-')[2]):
- next_bill_month = cint(nowdate().split('-')[1]) + 1
- next_bill_year = nowdate().split('-')[0]
- if next_bill_month > 12:
- next_bill_month = next_bill_month % 12
- next_bill_year += 1
- self.next_bill_sdate = cstr(next_bill_year)+'-'+cstr(next_bill_month)+'-'+(self.calc_next_day(next_bill_year,next_bill_month))
- #msgprint("next_bill_month :::" + self.next_bill_sdate)
- return date_diff(self.next_bill_sdate, nowdate())
- # Calculate next billing date day
- # --------------------------------
- def calc_next_day(self, next_year, next_month):
- bill_cycle_day = cstr(self.doc.billing_cycle_date).split('-')[2]
- if cint(next_month) == 2 and next_year%4==0 and (next_year%100!=0 or next_year%400==0) and cint(bill_cycle_day) > 28:
- bill_cycle_day = '28'
- elif cint(bill_cycle_day) == 31 and cint(next_month) in (4,6,9,11):
- bill_cycle_day = '30'
- return bill_cycle_day
- # Update acc credits and balance (making payment from gateway)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_acc_bal(self,args):
- args = eval(args)
- self.doc.credit_balance = cint(self.doc.credit_balance) + cint(args.get('net_cr'))
- self.doc.total_users = cint(self.doc.total_users) + cint(args.get('total_users'))
- if cint(self.doc.is_trial_account) == 1:
- if not self.doc.account_start_date:
- self.doc.account_start_date = nowdate()
- self.doc.is_trial_account = 0
- self.doc.billing_cycle_date = nowdate()
- self.doc.last_deduction_date = nowdate()
- # Check Credit Balance
- # ---------------------
- def check_credit_balance(self):
- if cint(self.doc.is_trial_account) == 0:
- if cint(self.doc.credit_balance) < 1:
- msgprint("You do not have enough credits to add new user. Please buy credits.")
- raise Exception
- else:
- self.doc.credit_balance = cint(self.doc.credit_balance) - 1
- msgprint("Your one credit is consumed. Balance Credits : %s" % (self.doc.credit_balance))
- self.doc.total_users = cint(self.doc.total_users) + 1
- # Monthly Deduction
- # ------------------
- def monthly_deduction(self, cr_ded):
- self.doc.credit_balance = cint(self.doc.credit_balance) - cint(cr_ded)
- self.doc.last_deduction_date = nowdate()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/utilities/doctype/wn_erp_client_control/wn_erp_client_control.txt b/erpnext/utilities/doctype/wn_erp_client_control/wn_erp_client_control.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ab4ed8..0000000
--- a/erpnext/utilities/doctype/wn_erp_client_control/wn_erp_client_control.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# DocType, WN ERP Client Control
- # These values are common in all dictionaries
- {
- 'creation': '2010-08-08 17:09:30',
- 'docstatus': 0,
- 'modified': '2010-09-20 14:06:57',
- 'modified_by': 'Administrator',
- 'owner': 'Administrator'
- },
- # These values are common for all DocType
- {
- 'colour': 'White:FFF',
- 'doctype': 'DocType',
- 'issingle': 1,
- 'istable': 0,
- 'module': 'Utilities',
- 'name': '__common__',
- 'read_only': 1,
- 'section_style': 'Simple',
- 'server_code_error': ' ',
- 'show_in_menu': 1,
- 'version': 137
- },
- # These values are common for all DocField
- {
- 'doctype': 'DocField',
- 'name': '__common__',
- 'parent': 'WN ERP Client Control',
- 'parentfield': 'fields',
- 'parenttype': 'DocType',
- 'permlevel': 0
- },
- # These values are common for all DocPerm
- {
- 'doctype': 'DocPerm',
- 'name': '__common__',
- 'parent': 'WN ERP Client Control',
- 'parentfield': 'permissions',
- 'parenttype': 'DocType',
- 'read': 1,
- 'role': 'System Manager'
- },
- # DocType, WN ERP Client Control
- {
- 'doctype': 'DocType',
- 'name': 'WN ERP Client Control'
- },
- # DocPerm
- {
- 'create': 1,
- 'doctype': 'DocPerm',
- 'idx': 1,
- 'permlevel': 0,
- 'write': 1
- },
- # DocPerm
- {
- 'doctype': 'DocPerm',
- 'idx': 2,
- 'permlevel': 1
- },
- # DocField
- {
- 'doctype': 'DocField',
- 'fieldname': 'account_start_date',
- 'fieldtype': 'Date',
- 'idx': 1,
- 'label': 'Account Start Date'
- },
- # DocField
- {
- 'doctype': 'DocField',
- 'fieldname': 'billing_cycle_date',
- 'fieldtype': 'Date',
- 'idx': 2,
- 'label': 'Billing Cycle Date'
- },
- # DocField
- {
- 'doctype': 'DocField',
- 'fieldname': 'total_users',
- 'fieldtype': 'Int',
- 'idx': 3,
- 'label': 'Total Users'
- },
- # DocField
- {
- 'doctype': 'DocField',
- 'fieldname': 'credit_balance',
- 'fieldtype': 'Int',
- 'idx': 4,
- 'label': 'Credit Balance'
- },
- # DocField
- {
- 'doctype': 'DocField',
- 'fieldname': 'is_trial_account',
- 'fieldtype': 'Check',
- 'idx': 5,
- 'label': 'Is Trial Account'
- },
- # DocField
- {
- 'doctype': 'DocField',
- 'fieldname': 'last_deduction_date',
- 'fieldtype': 'Date',
- 'idx': 6,
- 'label': 'Last Credit Deduction Date'
- }
\ No newline at end of file