[Cleanup][Report] Added company in Warehouse-wise Stock Balance & removed filters from both reports
diff --git a/stock/report/batch_wise_balance_history/batch_wise_balance_history.js b/stock/report/batch_wise_balance_history/batch_wise_balance_history.js
index 0ba1938..98293e4 100644
--- a/stock/report/batch_wise_balance_history/batch_wise_balance_history.js
+++ b/stock/report/batch_wise_balance_history/batch_wise_balance_history.js
@@ -1,27 +1,6 @@
 wn.query_reports["Batch-Wise Balance History"] = {
 	"filters": [
-			"fieldname":"item_code",
-			"label": "Item",
-			"fieldtype": "Link",
-			"options": "Item",
-			"width": "80"
-		},
-		{
-			"fieldname":"warehouse",
-			"label": "Warehouse",
-			"fieldtype": "Link",
-			"options": "Warehouse",
-			"width": "80"
-		},
-		{
-			"fieldname":"batch_no",
-			"label": "Batch",
-			"fieldtype": "Link",
-			"options": "Batch",
-			"width": "80"
-		},
-		{
 			"label": "From Date",
 			"fieldtype": "Date",
diff --git a/stock/report/batch_wise_balance_history/batch_wise_balance_history.py b/stock/report/batch_wise_balance_history/batch_wise_balance_history.py
index ca3e775..530465e 100644
--- a/stock/report/batch_wise_balance_history/batch_wise_balance_history.py
+++ b/stock/report/batch_wise_balance_history/batch_wise_balance_history.py
@@ -49,15 +49,6 @@
 def get_conditions(filters):
 	conditions = ""
-	if filters.get("item_code"):
-		conditions += " and item_code='%s'" % filters["item_code"]
-	if filters.get("warehouse"):
-		conditions += " and warehouse='%s'" % filters["warehouse"]
-	if filters.get("batch_no"):
-		conditions += " and batch_no='%s'" % filters["batch_no"]
 	if not filters.get("from_date"):
 		webnotes.msgprint("Please enter From Date", raise_exception=1)
@@ -100,8 +91,6 @@
 	return iwb_map
 def get_item_details(filters):
-	if filters.get("item_code"):
-		conditions = " and name = '%s'" % filters["item_code"]
 	item_map = {}
 	for d in webnotes.conn.sql("select name, item_name, description from tabItem", as_dict=1):
 		item_map.setdefault(d.name, d)
diff --git a/stock/report/warehouse_wise_stock_balance/warehouse_wise_stock_balance.js b/stock/report/warehouse_wise_stock_balance/warehouse_wise_stock_balance.js
index 5e1eb3a..2ce5b4b 100644
--- a/stock/report/warehouse_wise_stock_balance/warehouse_wise_stock_balance.js
+++ b/stock/report/warehouse_wise_stock_balance/warehouse_wise_stock_balance.js
@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
 wn.query_reports["Warehouse-Wise Stock Balance"] = {
 	"filters": [
-			"fieldname":"item_code",
-			"label": "Item",
-			"fieldtype": "Link",
-			"options": "Item",
-			"width": "80"
-		},
-		{
-			"fieldname":"warehouse",
-			"label": "Warehouse",
-			"fieldtype": "Link",
-			"options": "Warehouse",
-			"width": "80"
-		},
-		{
 			"label": "From Date",
 			"fieldtype": "Date",
diff --git a/stock/report/warehouse_wise_stock_balance/warehouse_wise_stock_balance.py b/stock/report/warehouse_wise_stock_balance/warehouse_wise_stock_balance.py
index 324bbe3..4389aa5 100644
--- a/stock/report/warehouse_wise_stock_balance/warehouse_wise_stock_balance.py
+++ b/stock/report/warehouse_wise_stock_balance/warehouse_wise_stock_balance.py
@@ -26,34 +26,29 @@
 	iwb_map = get_item_warehouse_map(filters)
 	data = []
-	for item in sorted(iwb_map):
-		for wh in sorted(iwb_map[item]):
-			qty_dict = iwb_map[item][wh]
-			data.append([item, item_map[item]["item_name"], 
-				item_map[item]["description"], wh, 
-				qty_dict.opening_qty, qty_dict.in_qty, 
-				qty_dict.out_qty, qty_dict.bal_qty
-			])
+	for company in sorted(iwb_map):
+		for item in sorted(iwb_map[company]):
+			for wh in sorted(iwb_map[company][item]):
+				qty_dict = iwb_map[company][item][wh]
+				data.append([item, item_map[item]["item_name"], 
+					item_map[item]["description"], wh, 
+					qty_dict.opening_qty, qty_dict.in_qty, 
+					qty_dict.out_qty, qty_dict.bal_qty, company
+				])
 	return columns, data
 def get_columns(filters):
 	"""return columns based on filters"""
-	columns = ["Item:Link/Item:100"] + ["Item Name::150"] + ["Description::150"] + \
-	["Warehouse:Link/Warehouse:100"] + ["Opening Qty::90"] + \
-	["In Qty::80"] + ["Out Qty::80"] + ["Balance Qty::90"]
+	columns = ["Item:Link/Item:100", "Item Name::150", "Description::150", \
+	"Warehouse:Link/Warehouse:100", "Opening Qty::90", \
+	"In Qty::80", "Out Qty::80", "Balance Qty::90", "Company:Link/Company:100"]
 	return columns
 def get_conditions(filters):
 	conditions = ""
-	if filters.get("item_code"):
-		conditions += " and item_code='%s'" % filters["item_code"]
-	if filters.get("warehouse"):
-		conditions += " and warehouse='%s'" % filters["warehouse"]
 	if not filters.get("from_date"):
 		webnotes.msgprint("Please enter From Date", raise_exception=1)
@@ -68,7 +63,7 @@
 def get_stock_ledger_entries(filters):
 	conditions = get_conditions(filters)
 	return webnotes.conn.sql("""select item_code, warehouse, 
-		posting_date, actual_qty 
+		posting_date, actual_qty, company 
 		from `tabStock Ledger Entry` 
 		where ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No' %s order by item_code, warehouse""" %
 		conditions, as_dict=1)
@@ -78,10 +73,11 @@
 	iwb_map = {}
 	for d in sle:
-		iwb_map.setdefault(d.item_code, {}).setdefault(d.warehouse, webnotes._dict({\
+		iwb_map.setdefault(d.company, {}).setdefault(d.item_code, {}).\
+		setdefault(d.warehouse, webnotes._dict({\
 				"opening_qty": 0.0, "in_qty": 0.0, "out_qty": 0.0, "bal_qty": 0.0
-		qty_dict = iwb_map[d.item_code][d.warehouse]
+		qty_dict = iwb_map[d.company][d.item_code][d.warehouse]
 		if d.posting_date < filters["from_date"]:
 			qty_dict.opening_qty += flt(d.actual_qty)
 		elif d.posting_date >= filters["from_date"] and d.posting_date <= filters["to_date"]:
@@ -95,8 +91,6 @@
 	return iwb_map
 def get_item_details(filters):
-	if filters.get("item_code"):
-		conditions = " and name = '%s'" % filters["item_code"]
 	item_map = {}
 	for d in webnotes.conn.sql("select name, item_name, description from tabItem", as_dict=1):
 		item_map.setdefault(d.name, d)