feat: Taxjar Integration Added
diff --git a/erpnext/erpnext_integrations/taxjar_integration.py b/erpnext/erpnext_integrations/taxjar_integration.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..633692d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/erpnext_integrations/taxjar_integration.py
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+import traceback
+import pycountry
+import taxjar
+import frappe
+from erpnext import get_default_company
+from frappe import _
+from frappe.contacts.doctype.address.address import get_company_address
+TAX_ACCOUNT_HEAD = frappe.db.get_single_value("TaxJar Settings", "tax_account_head")
+SHIP_ACCOUNT_HEAD = frappe.db.get_single_value("TaxJar Settings", "shipping_account_head")
+TAXJAR_CREATE_TRANSACTIONS = frappe.db.get_single_value("TaxJar Settings", "taxjar_create_transactions")
+TAXJAR_CALCULATE_TAX = frappe.db.get_single_value("TaxJar Settings", "taxjar_calculate_tax")
+SUPPORTED_COUNTRY_CODES = ["AT", "AU", "BE", "BG", "CA", "CY", "CZ", "DE", "DK", "EE", "ES", "FI",
+	"FR", "GB", "GR", "HR", "HU", "IE", "IT", "LT", "LU", "LV", "MT", "NL", "PL", "PT", "RO",
+	"SE", "SI", "SK", "US"]
+def get_client():
+	taxjar_settings = frappe.get_single("TaxJar Settings")
+	if not taxjar_settings.is_sandbox:
+		api_key = taxjar_settings.api_key and taxjar_settings.get_password("api_key")
+		api_url = taxjar.DEFAULT_API_URL
+	else:
+		api_key = taxjar_settings.sandbox_api_key and taxjar_settings.get_password("sandbox_api_key")
+		api_url = taxjar.SANDBOX_API_URL
+	if api_key and api_url:
+		return taxjar.Client(api_key=api_key, api_url=api_url)
+def create_transaction(doc, method):
+	"""Create an order transaction in TaxJar"""
+		return
+	client = get_client()
+	if not client:
+		return
+	sales_tax = sum([tax.tax_amount for tax in doc.taxes if tax.account_head == TAX_ACCOUNT_HEAD])
+	if not sales_tax:
+		return
+	tax_dict = get_tax_data(doc)
+	if not tax_dict:
+		return
+	tax_dict['transaction_id'] = doc.name
+	tax_dict['transaction_date'] = frappe.utils.today()
+	tax_dict['sales_tax'] = sales_tax
+	tax_dict['amount'] = doc.total + tax_dict['shipping']
+	try:
+		client.create_order(tax_dict)
+	except taxjar.exceptions.TaxJarResponseError as err:
+		frappe.throw(_(sanitize_error_response(err)))
+	except Exception as ex:
+		print(traceback.format_exc(ex))
+def delete_transaction(doc, method):
+	"""Delete an existing TaxJar order transaction"""
+		return
+	client = get_client()
+	if not client:
+		return
+	client.delete_order(doc.name)
+def get_tax_data(doc):
+	from_address = get_company_address_details(doc)
+	from_shipping_state = from_address.get("state")
+	from_country_code = frappe.db.get_value("Country", from_address.country, "code")
+	from_country_code = from_country_code.upper()
+	to_address = get_shipping_address_details(doc)
+	to_shipping_state = to_address.get("state")
+	to_country_code = frappe.db.get_value("Country", to_address.country, "code")
+	to_country_code = to_country_code.upper()
+	if to_country_code not in SUPPORTED_COUNTRY_CODES:
+		return
+	shipping = sum([tax.tax_amount for tax in doc.taxes if tax.account_head == SHIP_ACCOUNT_HEAD])
+	if to_shipping_state is not None:
+		to_shipping_state = get_iso_3166_2_state_code(to_address)
+	tax_dict = {
+		'from_country': from_country_code,
+		'from_zip': from_address.pincode,
+		'from_state': from_shipping_state,
+		'from_city': from_address.city,
+		'from_street': from_address.address_line1,
+		'to_country': to_country_code,
+		'to_zip': to_address.pincode,
+		'to_city': to_address.city,
+		'to_street': to_address.address_line1,
+		'to_state': to_shipping_state,
+		'shipping': shipping,
+		'amount': doc.net_total
+	}
+	return tax_dict
+def set_sales_tax(doc, method):
+		return
+	if not doc.items:
+		return
+	# if the party is exempt from sales tax, then set all tax account heads to zero
+	sales_tax_exempted = hasattr(doc, "exempt_from_sales_tax") and doc.exempt_from_sales_tax \
+		or frappe.db.has_column("Customer", "exempt_from_sales_tax") and frappe.db.get_value("Customer", doc.customer, "exempt_from_sales_tax")
+	if sales_tax_exempted:
+		for tax in doc.taxes:
+			if tax.account_head == TAX_ACCOUNT_HEAD:
+				tax.tax_amount = 0
+				break
+		doc.run_method("calculate_taxes_and_totals")
+		return
+	tax_dict = get_tax_data(doc)
+	if not tax_dict:
+		# Remove existing tax rows if address is changed from a taxable state/country
+		setattr(doc, "taxes", [tax for tax in doc.taxes if tax.account_head != TAX_ACCOUNT_HEAD])
+		return
+	tax_data = validate_tax_request(tax_dict)
+	if tax_data is not None:
+		if not tax_data.amount_to_collect:
+			setattr(doc, "taxes", [tax for tax in doc.taxes if tax.account_head != TAX_ACCOUNT_HEAD])
+		elif tax_data.amount_to_collect > 0:
+			# Loop through tax rows for existing Sales Tax entry
+			# If none are found, add a row with the tax amount
+			for tax in doc.taxes:
+				if tax.account_head == TAX_ACCOUNT_HEAD:
+					tax.tax_amount = tax_data.amount_to_collect
+					doc.run_method("calculate_taxes_and_totals")
+					break
+			else:
+				doc.append("taxes", {
+					"charge_type": "Actual",
+					"description": "Sales Tax",
+					"account_head": TAX_ACCOUNT_HEAD,
+					"tax_amount": tax_data.amount_to_collect
+				})
+			doc.run_method("calculate_taxes_and_totals")
+def validate_tax_request(tax_dict):
+	"""Return the sales tax that should be collected for a given order."""
+	client = get_client()
+	if not client:
+		return
+	try:
+		tax_data = client.tax_for_order(tax_dict)
+	except taxjar.exceptions.TaxJarResponseError as err:
+		frappe.throw(_(sanitize_error_response(err)))
+	else:
+		return tax_data
+def get_company_address_details(doc):
+	"""Return default company address details"""
+	company_address = get_company_address(get_default_company()).company_address
+	if not company_address:
+		frappe.throw(_("Please set a default company address"))
+	company_address = frappe.get_doc("Address", company_address)
+	return company_address
+def get_shipping_address_details(doc):
+	"""Return customer shipping address details"""
+	if doc.shipping_address_name:
+		shipping_address = frappe.get_doc("Address", doc.shipping_address_name)
+	else:
+		shipping_address = get_company_address_details(doc)
+	return shipping_address
+def get_iso_3166_2_state_code(address):
+	country_code = frappe.db.get_value("Country", address.get("country"), "code")
+	error_message = _("""{0} is not a valid state! Check for typos or enter the ISO code for your state.""").format(address.get("state"))
+	state = address.get("state").upper().strip()
+	# The max length for ISO state codes is 3, excluding the country code
+	if len(state) <= 3:
+		# PyCountry returns state code as {country_code}-{state-code} (e.g. US-FL)
+		address_state = (country_code + "-" + state).upper()
+		states = pycountry.subdivisions.get(country_code=country_code.upper())
+		states = [pystate.code for pystate in states]
+		if address_state in states:
+			return state
+		frappe.throw(_(error_message))
+	else:
+		try:
+			lookup_state = pycountry.subdivisions.lookup(state)
+		except LookupError:
+			frappe.throw(_(error_message))
+		else:
+			return lookup_state.code.split('-')[1]
+def sanitize_error_response(response):
+	response = response.full_response.get("detail")
+	response = response.replace("_", " ")
+	sanitized_responses = {
+		"to zip": "Zipcode",
+		"to city": "City",
+		"to state": "State",
+		"to country": "Country"
+	}
+	for k, v in sanitized_responses.items():
+		response = response.replace(k, v)
+	return response