fix: customer creation from shopping cart (#25136)

diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/
index c452594..96b3fa4 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/
@@ -230,13 +230,20 @@
 			frappe.db.set(self, "customer_name", newdn)
 	def set_loyalty_program(self):
-		if self.loyalty_program: return
+		if self.loyalty_program:
+			return
 		loyalty_program = get_loyalty_programs(self)
-		if not loyalty_program: return
+		if not loyalty_program:
+			return
 		if len(loyalty_program) == 1:
 			self.loyalty_program = loyalty_program[0]
-			frappe.msgprint(_("Multiple Loyalty Program found for the Customer. Please select manually."))
+			frappe.msgprint(
+				_("Multiple Loyalty Programs found for Customer {}. Please select manually.")
+				.format(frappe.bold(self.customer_name))
+			)
 	def create_onboarding_docs(self, args):
 		defaults = frappe.defaults.get_defaults()
@@ -340,7 +347,6 @@
 def get_loyalty_programs(doc):
 	''' returns applicable loyalty programs for a customer '''
-	from frappe.desk.treeview import get_children
 	lp_details = []
 	loyalty_programs = frappe.get_all("Loyalty Program",
@@ -349,15 +355,33 @@
 			"ifnull(to_date, '2500-01-01')": [">=", today()]})
 	for loyalty_program in loyalty_programs:
-		customer_groups = [d.value for d in get_children("Customer Group", loyalty_program.customer_group)] + [loyalty_program.customer_group]
-		customer_territories = [d.value for d in get_children("Territory", loyalty_program.customer_territory)] + [loyalty_program.customer_territory]
-		if (not loyalty_program.customer_group or doc.customer_group in customer_groups)\
-			and (not loyalty_program.customer_territory or doc.territory in customer_territories):
+		if (
+			(not loyalty_program.customer_group
+			or doc.customer_group in get_nested_links(
+				"Customer Group",
+				loyalty_program.customer_group,
+				doc.flags.ignore_permissions
+			))
+			and (not loyalty_program.customer_territory
+			or doc.territory in get_nested_links(
+				"Territory",
+				loyalty_program.customer_territory,
+				doc.flags.ignore_permissions
+			))
+		):
 	return lp_details
+def get_nested_links(link_doctype, link_name, ignore_permissions=False):
+	from frappe.desk.treeview import _get_children
+	links = [link_name]
+	for d in _get_children(link_doctype, link_name, ignore_permissions):
+		links.append(d.value)
+	return links
 def get_customer_list(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters=None):
@@ -572,4 +596,4 @@
 		""", {
 			'customer': customer,
 			'txt': '%%%s%%' % txt
-		})
\ No newline at end of file
+		})