[optimize] Payment Reconciliation and Payment Tool
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/payment_reconciliation.py b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/payment_reconciliation.py
index 13b8f02..f9d7312 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/payment_reconciliation.py
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_reconciliation/payment_reconciliation.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 from frappe.utils import flt
 from frappe import msgprint, _
 from frappe.model.document import Document
+from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_outstanding_invoices
 class PaymentReconciliation(Document):
 	def get_unreconciled_entries(self):
@@ -17,7 +18,7 @@
 		dr_or_cr = "credit_in_account_currency" if self.party_type == "Customer" \
 			else "debit_in_account_currency"
-		cond = self.check_condition(dr_or_cr)
+		cond = self.check_condition()
 		bank_account_condition = "t2.against_account like %(bank_cash_account)s" \
 				if self.bank_cash_account else "1=1"
@@ -65,65 +66,11 @@
 	def get_invoice_entries(self):
 		#Fetch JVs, Sales and Purchase Invoices for 'invoices' to reconcile against
-		non_reconciled_invoices = []
-		dr_or_cr = "debit_in_account_currency" if self.party_type == "Customer" else "credit_in_account_currency"
-		cond = self.check_condition(dr_or_cr)
-		invoice_list = frappe.db.sql("""
-			select
-				voucher_no, voucher_type, posting_date,
-				ifnull(sum({dr_or_cr}), 0) as invoice_amount
-			from
-				`tabGL Entry`
-			where
-				party_type = %(party_type)s and party = %(party)s
-				and account = %(account)s and {dr_or_cr} > 0 {cond}
-				and (CASE
-					WHEN voucher_type = 'Journal Entry'
-					THEN ifnull(against_voucher, '') = ''
-					ELSE 1=1
-				END)
-			group by voucher_type, voucher_no
-		""".format(**{
-			"cond": cond,
-			"dr_or_cr": dr_or_cr
-		}), {
-			"party_type": self.party_type,
-			"party": self.party,
-			"account": self.receivable_payable_account,
-		}, as_dict=True)
+		condition = self.check_condition()
-		for d in invoice_list:
-			payment_amount = frappe.db.sql("""
-				select
-					ifnull(sum(ifnull({0}, 0)), 0)
-				from
-					`tabGL Entry`
-				where
-					party_type = %(party_type)s and party = %(party)s
-					and account = %(account)s and {0} > 0
-					and against_voucher_type = %(against_voucher_type)s
-					and ifnull(against_voucher, '') = %(against_voucher)s
-			""".format("credit_in_account_currency" if self.party_type == "Customer" 
-				else "debit_in_account_currency"), {
-					"party_type": self.party_type,
-					"party": self.party,
-					"account": self.receivable_payable_account,
-					"against_voucher_type": d.voucher_type,
-					"against_voucher": d.voucher_no
-				}
-			)
-			payment_amount = payment_amount[0][0] if payment_amount else 0
-			if d.invoice_amount - payment_amount > 0.005:
-				non_reconciled_invoices.append({
-					'voucher_no': d.voucher_no,
-					'voucher_type': d.voucher_type,
-					'posting_date': d.posting_date,
-					'invoice_amount': flt(d.invoice_amount),
-					'outstanding_amount': flt(d.invoice_amount - payment_amount, 2)
-				})
+		non_reconciled_invoices = get_outstanding_invoices(self.party_type, self.party,
+			self.receivable_payable_account, condition=condition)
@@ -210,13 +157,18 @@
 		if not invoices_to_reconcile:
 			frappe.throw(_("Please select Allocated Amount, Invoice Type and Invoice Number in atleast one row"))
-	def check_condition(self, dr_or_cr):
-		cond = self.from_date and " and posting_date >= '" + self.from_date + "'" or ""
-		cond += self.to_date and " and posting_date <= '" + self.to_date + "'" or ""
+	def check_condition(self):
+		cond = " and posting_date >= {0}".format(frappe.db.escape(self.from_date)) if self.from_date else ""
+		cond += " and posting_date <= {0}".format(frappe.db.escape(self.to_date)) if self.to_date else ""
+		if self.party_type == "Customer":
+			dr_or_cr = "debit_in_account_currency"
+		else:
+			dr_or_cr = "credit_in_account_currency"
 		if self.minimum_amount:
-			cond += " and {0} >= %s".format(dr_or_cr) % self.minimum_amount
+			cond += " and `{0}` >= {1}".format(dr_or_cr, flt(self.minimum_amount))
 		if self.maximum_amount:
-			cond += " and {0} <= %s".format(dr_or_cr) % self.maximum_amount
+			cond += " and `{0}` <= {1}".format(dr_or_cr, flt(self.maximum_amount))
 		return cond
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_tool/payment_tool.py b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_tool/payment_tool.py
index 6cf2b6d..b4e5f89 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_tool/payment_tool.py
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/payment_tool/payment_tool.py
@@ -63,20 +63,18 @@
 	party_account_currency = get_account_currency(args.get("party_account"))
 	company_currency = frappe.db.get_value("Company", args.get("company"), "default_currency")
-	if args.get("party_type") == "Customer" and args.get("received_or_paid") == "Received":
-		amount_query = "ifnull(debit_in_account_currency, 0) - ifnull(credit_in_account_currency, 0)"
-	elif args.get("party_type") == "Supplier" and args.get("received_or_paid") == "Paid":
-		amount_query = "ifnull(credit_in_account_currency, 0) - ifnull(debit_in_account_currency, 0)"
-	else:
+	if ((args.get("party_type") == "Customer" and args.get("received_or_paid") == "Paid")
+		or (args.get("party_type") == "Supplier" and args.get("received_or_paid") == "Received")):
 		frappe.throw(_("Please enter the Against Vouchers manually"))
 	# Get all outstanding sales /purchase invoices
-	outstanding_invoices = get_outstanding_invoices(amount_query, args.get("party_account"),
-		args.get("party_type"), args.get("party"))
+	outstanding_invoices = get_outstanding_invoices(args.get("party_type"), args.get("party"), args.get("party_account"))
 	# Get all SO / PO which are not fully billed or aginst which full advance not paid
 	orders_to_be_billed = get_orders_to_be_billed(args.get("party_type"), args.get("party"),
 		party_account_currency, company_currency)
 	return outstanding_invoices + orders_to_be_billed
 def get_orders_to_be_billed(party_type, party, party_account_currency, company_currency):
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/utils.py b/erpnext/accounts/utils.py
index 88b1ed4..5d0403e 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/utils.py
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/utils.py
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
 	if d['allocated_amt'] < d['unadjusted_amt']:
 		jvd = frappe.db.sql("""
-			select cost_center, balance, against_account, is_advance, 
+			select cost_center, balance, against_account, is_advance,
 				account_type, exchange_rate, account_currency
 			from `tabJournal Entry Account` where name = %s
 		""", d['voucher_detail_no'], as_dict=True)
@@ -415,47 +415,63 @@
 	# Amount should be credited
 	return flt(stock_rbnb) + flt(sys_bal)
-def get_outstanding_invoices(amount_query, account, party_type, party):
-	all_outstanding_vouchers = []
-	outstanding_voucher_list = frappe.db.sql("""
-		select
-			voucher_no, voucher_type, posting_date,
-			ifnull(sum({amount_query}), 0) as invoice_amount
+def get_outstanding_invoices(party_type, party, account, condition=None):
+	outstanding_invoices = []
+	precision = frappe.get_precision("Sales Invoice", "outstanding_amount")
+	if party_type=="Customer":
+		dr_or_cr = "ifnull(debit_in_account_currency, 0) - ifnull(credit_in_account_currency, 0)"
+		payment_dr_or_cr = "ifnull(payment_gl_entry.credit_in_account_currency, 0) - ifnull(payment_gl_entry.debit_in_account_currency, 0)"
+	else:
+		dr_or_cr = "ifnull(credit_in_account_currency, 0) - ifnull(debit_in_account_currency, 0)"
+		payment_dr_or_cr = "ifnull(payment_gl_entry.debit_in_account_currency, 0) - ifnull(payment_gl_entry.credit_in_account_currency, 0)"
+	invoice_list = frappe.db.sql("""select
+			voucher_no,	voucher_type, posting_date,
+			ifnull(sum({dr_or_cr}), 0) as invoice_amount,
+			(
+				select
+					ifnull(sum(ifnull({payment_dr_or_cr}, 0)), 0)
+				from `tabGL Entry` payment_gl_entry
+				where
+					payment_gl_entry.against_voucher_type = invoice_gl_entry.voucher_type
+					and payment_gl_entry.against_voucher = invoice_gl_entry.voucher_no
+					and payment_gl_entry.party_type = invoice_gl_entry.party_type
+					and payment_gl_entry.party = invoice_gl_entry.party
+					and payment_gl_entry.account = invoice_gl_entry.account
+					and {payment_dr_or_cr} > 0
+			) as payment_amount
-			`tabGL Entry`
+			`tabGL Entry` invoice_gl_entry
-			account = %s and party_type=%s and party=%s and {amount_query} > 0
-			and (CASE
-					WHEN voucher_type = 'Journal Entry'
-					THEN ifnull(against_voucher, '') = ''
-					ELSE 1=1
-				END)
+			party_type = %(party_type)s
+			and party = %(party)s
+			and account = %(account)s
+			and {dr_or_cr} > 0
+			{condition}
+			and ((voucher_type = 'Journal Entry'
+					and (against_voucher = ''
+						or against_voucher is null))
+				or (voucher_type != 'Journal Entry'))
 		group by voucher_type, voucher_no
-		""".format(amount_query = amount_query), (account, party_type, party), as_dict = True)
+		having (invoice_amount - payment_amount) > 0.005""".format(
+			dr_or_cr = dr_or_cr,
+			payment_dr_or_cr = payment_dr_or_cr,
+			condition = condition or ""
+		), {
+			"party_type": party_type,
+			"party": party,
+			"account": account,
+		}, as_dict=True)
-	for d in outstanding_voucher_list:
-		payment_amount = frappe.db.sql("""
-			select ifnull(sum({amount_query}), 0)
-			from
-				`tabGL Entry`
-			where
-				account = %s and party_type=%s and party=%s and {amount_query} < 0
-				and against_voucher_type = %s and ifnull(against_voucher, '') = %s
-			""".format(**{
-			"amount_query": amount_query
-			}), (account, party_type, party, d.voucher_type, d.voucher_no))
+	for d in invoice_list:
+		outstanding_invoices.append({
+			'voucher_no': d.voucher_no,
+			'voucher_type': d.voucher_type,
+			'posting_date': d.posting_date,
+			'invoice_amount': flt(d.invoice_amount),
+			'payment_amount': flt(d.payment_amount),
+			'outstanding_amount': flt(d.invoice_amount - d.payment_amount, precision)
+		})
-		payment_amount = -1*payment_amount[0][0] if payment_amount else 0
-		precision = frappe.get_precision("Sales Invoice", "outstanding_amount")
-		if d.invoice_amount > payment_amount:
-			all_outstanding_vouchers.append({
-				'voucher_no': d.voucher_no,
-				'voucher_type': d.voucher_type,
-				'posting_date': d.posting_date,
-				'invoice_amount': flt(d.invoice_amount, precision),
-				'outstanding_amount': flt(d.invoice_amount - payment_amount, precision)
-			})
-	return all_outstanding_vouchers
+	return outstanding_invoices