Lease Agreement
	Used by leasing and loan agents (i.e. Automobile leasing etc) for receipt follow up and reporting

Account Transactions Upload
	Uploads transactions from a csv files, creates Journal Vouchers and submits
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/lease_agreement/ b/accounts/doctype/lease_agreement/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/lease_agreement/
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/lease_agreement/lease_agreement.js b/accounts/doctype/lease_agreement/lease_agreement.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c681a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/lease_agreement/lease_agreement.js
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+$.extend(cur_frm.cscript, {
+	Generate: function(doc, dt, dn) {
+		cur_frm.cscript.clear_installments(doc);
+		tot=0;i=0;
+		while(tot<flt(doc.invoice_amount)-flt(doc.down_payment)){
+				d = LocalDB.add_child(doc, 'Lease Installment', 'installments');
+				d.amount = flt(doc.installment_amount) < flt(doc.invoice_amount)-flt(doc.down_payment)-tot ? flt(doc.installment_amount) : flt(doc.invoice_amount)-flt(doc.down_payment)-tot
+				d.due_date = dateutil.add_months(doc.start_date, i+1);
+				tot += flt(doc.installment_amount)
+				i++;
+		}
+		cur_frm.refresh();
+	},
+	refresh: function(doc) {
+		cur_frm.cscript.hide_show_buttons(doc);
+	},
+	hide_show_buttons: function(doc) {
+		if(doc.docstatus==0) {
+			hide_field('Installment Reciept'); show_field('Generate');
+		} else if (doc.docstatus==1) {
+			show_field('Installment Reciept');hide_field('Generate');
+		}
+	},
+	clear_installments: function(doc) {
+		$.each(getchildren('Lease Installment',, 'installments', 'Lease Agreement'),
+			function(i, d) {
+				LocalDB.delete_doc('Lease Installment',;
+			}
+		)
+	},
+	no_of_installments: function(doc)
+	{
+		if(flt(doc.no_of_installments)!=0) {
+			doc.installment_amount = (flt(doc.invoice_amount)- flt(doc.down_payment))/flt(doc.no_of_installments);
+			refresh_field('installment_amount');
+		}
+	},
+	'Installment Reciept': function(doc, dt, dn) {
+		var d = new wn.widgets.Dialog({
+			width: 500,
+			title: 'Add a new payment installment',
+			fields: [
+				{fieldtype:'Data', label:'Cheque Number', fieldname:'cheque_number', reqd:1},
+				{fieldtype:'Date', label:'Cheque Date', fieldname:'cheque_date', reqd:1},
+				{fieldtype:'Link', label:'Bank Account', fieldname:'bank_account', reqd:1, options:'Account'},
+				{fieldtype:'Button', label:'Update',fieldname:'update'}
+			]
+		})
+		d.fields_dict.update.input.onclick = function() {
+			var data = d.get_values();
+			if(data) {
+				$c_obj(make_doclist(dt,dn),'lease_installment_post',data,function(){cur_frm.refresh(); d.hide();});
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return "SELECT FROM `tabReceivable Voucher` tv WHERE debit_to='"+doc.account+"' and  tv.%(key)s like '%s' ORDER BY LIMIT 50"
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd63c2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/lease_agreement/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import webnotes
+from webnotes.model.doc import make_autoname, Document, addchild
+from webnotes import msgprint
+from webnotes.utils import get_defaults
+import json
+from accounts.utils import post_jv
+sql = webnotes.conn.sql
+class DocType:
+	def __init__(self, doc, doclist):
+		self.doc, self.doclist = doc, doclist
+	def autoname(self):
+		"""
+			Create Lease Id using naming_series pattern
+		"""
+ = make_autoname(self.doc.naming_series+ '.#####')
+	def lease_installment_post(self, args):
+		"""
+			Posts the Installment receipt into Journal Voucher
+		"""
+		next_inst = sql("select amount,name from `tabLease Installment` where parent=%s and ifnull(cheque_number,'')='' order by due_date limit 1",
+		data = json.loads(args)
+		data['voucher_type']='Lease Receipt'
+		data['naming_series']='JV'
+		data['amount']=next_inst[0][0]
+		data['debit_account']=data.get('bank_account')
+		data['credit_account']=self.doc.account
+		data['fiscal_year']=get_defaults()['fiscal_year']
+		data['company']=get_defaults()['company']
+		jv_name=post_jv(data)
+		sql("update `tabLease Installment` set cheque_number=%s, cheque_date=%s, jv_number=%s where name=%s",(data.get('cheque_number'),data.get('cheque_date'),jv_name,next_inst[0][1]))
+		self.doclist = [Document(d.doctype, for d in self.doclist]
diff --git a/accounts/doctype/lease_installment/ b/accounts/doctype/lease_installment/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/doctype/lease_installment/
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/lease_agreement_list/ b/accounts/search_criteria/lease_agreement_list/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/search_criteria/lease_agreement_list/
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/lease_monthly_future_installment_inflows/ b/accounts/search_criteria/lease_monthly_future_installment_inflows/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/search_criteria/lease_monthly_future_installment_inflows/
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/lease_over_due_list/ b/accounts/search_criteria/lease_over_due_list/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/search_criteria/lease_over_due_list/
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/lease_overdue_age_wise/ b/accounts/search_criteria/lease_overdue_age_wise/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/search_criteria/lease_overdue_age_wise/
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/lease_receipt_summary_year_to_date/ b/accounts/search_criteria/lease_receipt_summary_year_to_date/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/search_criteria/lease_receipt_summary_year_to_date/
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/lease_receipts_client_wise/ b/accounts/search_criteria/lease_receipts_client_wise/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/search_criteria/lease_receipts_client_wise/
diff --git a/accounts/search_criteria/lease_yearly_future_installment_inflows/ b/accounts/search_criteria/lease_yearly_future_installment_inflows/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/search_criteria/lease_yearly_future_installment_inflows/
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8ca13e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+from webnotes.model.doc import make_autoname, Document, addchild
+# Posts JV
+def post_jv(data):
+	jv = Document('Journal Voucher')
+	jv.voucher_type = data.get('voucher_type')
+	jv.naming_series = data.get('naming_series')
+	jv.voucher_date = data.get('cheque_date')
+	jv.posting_date = data.get('cheque_date')
+	jv.cheque_no = data.get('cheque_number')
+	jv.cheque_date = data.get('cheque_date')
+	jv.fiscal_year = data.get('fiscal_year') # To be modified to take care
+ = data.get('company')
+	jc = addchild(jv,'entries','Journal Voucher Detail',0)
+	jc.account = data.get('debit_account')
+	jc.debit = data.get('amount')
+	jc = addchild(jv,'entries','Journal Voucher Detail',0)
+	jc.account = data.get('credit_account')
+ = data.get('amount')
+	return
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/doctype/upload_accounts_transactions/ b/setup/doctype/upload_accounts_transactions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/upload_accounts_transactions/
diff --git a/setup/doctype/upload_accounts_transactions/upload_accounts_transactions.js b/setup/doctype/upload_accounts_transactions/upload_accounts_transactions.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..041638f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/upload_accounts_transactions/upload_accounts_transactions.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+//--------- ONLOAD -------------
+cur_frm.cscript.onload = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
+cur_frm.cscript.refresh = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
+	if(!doc.file_list) {
+		set_field_options('Upload Accounts Transactions Help', '<div class="help_box">To upload transactions, please attach a (.csv) file with 5 columns - <b>Date, Transaction Number, Account, Debit Amount, Credit Amount</b> (no headings necessary). See attachments box in the right column</div>')
+	} else {
+		set_field_options('Upload Accounts Transactions Help', '<div class="help_box">To update transactions from the attachment, please click on "Upload Accounts Transactions"</div>')
+	}
+cur_frm.cscript['Upload Accounts Transactions'] = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
+	if(confirm("This action will append all transactions and cannot be un-done. Are you sure you want to continue?")) {
+		$c_obj([doc], 'upload_accounts_transactions', '', function(r, rt) { });
+	}
diff --git a/setup/doctype/upload_accounts_transactions/ b/setup/doctype/upload_accounts_transactions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2028e5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/doctype/upload_accounts_transactions/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Please edit this list and import only required elements
+import webnotes
+from webnotes.utils import add_days, add_months, add_years, cint, cstr, date_diff, default_fields, flt, fmt_money, formatdate, generate_hash, getTraceback, get_defaults, get_first_day, get_last_day, getdate, has_common, month_name, now, nowdate, replace_newlines, sendmail, set_default, str_esc_quote, user_format, validate_email_add
+from webnotes.model import db_exists
+from webnotes.model.doc import Document, addchild, removechild, getchildren, make_autoname, SuperDocType
+from webnotes.model.doclist import getlist, copy_doclist
+from webnotes.model.code import get_obj, get_server_obj, run_server_obj, updatedb, check_syntax
+from webnotes import session, form, is_testing, msgprint, errprint
+set = webnotes.conn.set
+sql = webnotes.conn.sql
+get_value = webnotes.conn.get_value
+in_transaction = webnotes.conn.in_transaction
+convert_to_lists = webnotes.conn.convert_to_lists
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class DocType:
+	def __init__(self, d, dl):
+		self.doc, self.doclist = d, dl
+ = []
+	# upload transactions
+	def upload_accounts_transactions(self):
+		import csv
+		data = csv.reader(self.get_csv_data().splitlines())
+		abbr = sql("select concat(' - ',abbr) as abbr from tabCompany where name=%s",
+		updated = 0
+		jv_name=''
+#		jv = Document('Journal Voucher')
+		global line,jv,name,jv_go
+		for line in data:
+			if len(line)>=7: #Minimum no of fields
+				if line[3]!=jv_name: #Create JV
+					if jv_name!='':
+						jv_go = get_obj('Journal Voucher',name, with_children=1)
+						jv_go.validate()
+						jv_go.on_submit()
+					jv_name=line[3]
+					jv = Document('Journal Voucher')
+					jv.voucher_type = line[0]
+					jv.naming_series = line[1]
+					jv.voucher_date = formatdate(line[2])
+					jv.posting_date = formatdate(line[2])
+# = line[3]
+					jv.fiscal_year = self.doc.fiscal_year
+ =
+					jv.remark = len(line)==8 and line[3]+' '+line[7] or line[3]+' Uploaded Record'
+					jv.docstatus=1
+					jc = addchild(jv,'entries','Journal Voucher Detail',0)
+					jc.account = line[4]+abbr[0][0]
+					jc.cost_center=len(line)==9 and line[8] or self.doc.default_cost_center
+					if line[5]!='':
+						jc.debit = line[5]
+					else:
+ = line[6]
+				else: #Create JV Child
+					jc = addchild(jv,'entries','Journal Voucher Detail',0)
+					jc.account = line[4]+abbr[0][0]
+					jc.cost_center=len(line)==9 and line[8] or self.doc.default_cost_center
+					if line[5]!='':
+						jc.debit = line[5]
+					else:
+ = line[6]
+			else:
+				msgprint("[Ignored] Incorrect format: %s" % str(line))
+		if jv_name!='':
+			jv_go = get_obj('Journal Voucher',name, with_children=1)
+			jv_go.validate()
+			jv_go.on_submit()
+		msgprint("<b>%s</b> items updated" % updated)
+	# clear prices
+	def clear_prices(self):
+		cnt = sql("select count(*) from `tabRef Rate Detail` where price_list_name = %s",
+		sql("delete from `tabRef Rate Detail` where price_list_name = %s",
+		msgprint("%s prices cleared" % cnt[0][0])
+	# Update CSV data
+	def get_csv_data(self):
+		if not self.doc.file_list:
+		  msgprint("File not attached!")
+		  raise Exception
+		fid = self.doc.file_list.split(',')[1]
+		from webnotes.utils import file_manager
+		fn, content = file_manager.get_file(fid)
+		if not type(content) == str:
+		  content = content.tostring()
+		return content