[fix] removed duplicate 'region' section as it is already in Frappe Framework
diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/setup_wizard.js b/erpnext/public/js/setup_wizard.js
index ec70bbb..9c6cd03 100644
--- a/erpnext/public/js/setup_wizard.js
+++ b/erpnext/public/js/setup_wizard.js
@@ -9,94 +9,6 @@
 function load_erpnext_slides() {
 	$.extend(erpnext.wiz, {
-		region: {
-			title: __("Region"),
-			icon: "icon-flag",
-			help: __("Select your Country, Time Zone and Currency"),
-			fields: [
-				{ fieldname: "country", label: __("Country"), reqd:1,
-					fieldtype: "Select" },
-				{ fieldname: "timezone", label: __("Time Zone"), reqd:1,
-					fieldtype: "Select" },
-				{ fieldname: "currency", label: __("Currency"), reqd:1,
-					fieldtype: "Select" },
-			],
-			onload: function(slide) {
-				frappe.call({
-					method:"frappe.geo.country_info.get_country_timezone_info",
-					callback: function(data) {
-						erpnext.wiz.region.data = data.message;
-						erpnext.wiz.region.setup_fields(slide);
-						erpnext.wiz.region.bind_events(slide);
-					}
-				});
-			},
-			css_class: "single-column",
-			setup_fields: function(slide) {
-				var data = erpnext.wiz.region.data;
-				slide.get_input("country").empty()
-					.add_options([""].concat(keys(data.country_info).sort()));
-				slide.get_input("currency").empty()
-					.add_options(frappe.utils.unique([""].concat($.map(data.country_info,
-						function(opts, country) { return opts.currency; }))).sort());
-				slide.get_input("timezone").empty()
-					.add_options([""].concat(data.all_timezones));
-				if (data.default_country) {
-					slide.set_input("country", data.default_country);
-				}
-			},
-			bind_events: function(slide) {
-				slide.get_input("country").on("change", function() {
-					var country = slide.get_input("country").val();
-					var $timezone = slide.get_input("timezone");
-					var data = erpnext.wiz.region.data;
-					$timezone.empty();
-					// add country specific timezones first
-					if(country) {
-						var timezone_list = data.country_info[country].timezones || [];
-						$timezone.add_options(timezone_list.sort());
-						slide.get_field("currency").set_input(data.country_info[country].currency);
-						slide.get_field("currency").$input.trigger("change");
-					}
-					// add all timezones at the end, so that user has the option to change it to any timezone
-					$timezone.add_options([""].concat(data.all_timezones));
-					slide.get_field("timezone").set_input($timezone.val());
-					// temporarily set date format
-					frappe.boot.sysdefaults.date_format = (data.country_info[country].date_format
-						|| "dd-mm-yyyy");
-				});
-				slide.get_input("currency").on("change", function() {
-					var currency = slide.get_input("currency").val();
-					if (!currency) return;
-					frappe.model.with_doc("Currency", currency, function() {
-						frappe.provide("locals.:Currency." + currency);
-						var currency_doc = frappe.model.get_doc("Currency", currency);
-						var number_format = currency_doc.number_format;
-						if (number_format==="#.###") {
-							number_format = "#.###,##";
-						} else if (number_format==="#,###") {
-							number_format = "#,###.##"
-						}
-						frappe.boot.sysdefaults.number_format = number_format;
-						locals[":Currency"][currency] = $.extend({}, currency_doc);
-					});
-				});
-			}
-		},
 		user: {
 			title: __("The First User: You"),
 			icon: "icon-user",