fix: Update call_popup

- Setup missed & call ended listeners
- Show contacts based on links
diff --git a/erpnext/crm/doctype/lead/ b/erpnext/crm/doctype/lead/
index 938cbfd..d1d0968 100644
--- a/erpnext/crm/doctype/lead/
+++ b/erpnext/crm/doctype/lead/
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
 	leads = frappe.get_all('Lead', or_filters={
 		'phone': ['like', '%{}'.format(number)],
 		'mobile_no': ['like', '%{}'.format(number)]
-	}, limit=1)
+	}, limit=1, order_by="creation DESC")
 	lead = leads[0].name if leads else None
@@ -361,4 +361,4 @@
 def daily_open_lead():
 	leads = frappe.get_all("Lead", filters = [["contact_date", "Between", [nowdate(), nowdate()]]])
 	for lead in leads:
-		frappe.db.set_value("Lead",, "status", "Open")
\ No newline at end of file
+		frappe.db.set_value("Lead",, "status", "Open")
diff --git a/erpnext/public/js/call_popup/call_popup.js b/erpnext/public/js/call_popup/call_popup.js
index f3d09ee..2429788 100644
--- a/erpnext/public/js/call_popup/call_popup.js
+++ b/erpnext/public/js/call_popup/call_popup.js
@@ -7,10 +7,103 @@
 	make() {
+		frappe.utils.play_sound('incoming-call');
 		this.dialog = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
 			'static': true,
-			'minimizable': true,
-			'fields': [{
+			'minimizable': true
+		});
+		this.dialog.get_close_btn().show();
+		this.setup_dialog();
+		this.set_call_status();
+		frappe.utils.bind_actions_with_object(this.dialog.$body, this);
+		this.dialog.$wrapper.addClass('call-popup');
+		this.dialog.get_close_btn().unbind('click').click(this.close_modal.bind(this));
+	}
+	setup_dialog() {
+		this.setup_call_details();
+		this.dialog.$body.empty().append(this.caller_info);
+	}
+	set_indicator(color, blink=false) {
+		let classes = `indicator ${color} ${blink ? 'blink': ''}`;
+		this.dialog.header.find('.indicator').attr('class', classes);
+	}
+	set_call_status(call_status) {
+		let title = '';
+		call_status = call_status || this.call_log.status;
+		if (['Ringing'].includes(call_status) || !call_status) {
+			title = __('Incoming call from {0}', [this.get_caller_name() || this.caller_number]);
+			this.set_indicator('blue', true);
+		} else if (call_status === 'In Progress') {
+			title = __('Call Connected');
+			this.set_indicator('green');
+		} else if (['No Answer', 'Missed'].includes(call_status)) {
+			this.set_indicator('yellow');
+			title = __('Call Missed');
+		} else if (['Completed', 'Busy', 'Failed'].includes(call_status)) {
+			this.set_indicator('red');
+			title = __('Call Ended');
+		} else {
+			this.set_indicator('blue');
+			title = call_status;
+		}
+		this.dialog.set_title(title);
+	}
+	update_call_log(call_log, missed) {
+		this.call_log = call_log;
+		this.set_call_status(missed ? 'Missed': null);
+	}
+	close_modal() {
+		this.dialog.hide();
+		delete erpnext.call_popup;
+	}
+	call_ended(call_log, missed) {
+		frappe.utils.play_sound('call-disconnect');
+		this.update_call_log(call_log, missed);
+		setTimeout(() => {
+			if (!this.dialog.get_value('call_summary')) {
+				this.close_modal();
+			}
+		}, 60000);
+		this.clear_listeners();
+	}
+	get_caller_name() {
+		const contact_link = this.get_contact_link();
+		return contact_link.link_title || contact_link.link_name;
+	}
+	get_contact_link() {
+		let log = this.call_log;
+		let contact_link = log.links.find(d => d.link_doctype === 'Contact');
+		return contact_link || {};
+	}
+	setup_listener() {
+		frappe.realtime.on(`call_${}_ended`, call_log => {
+			this.call_ended(call_log);
+		});
+		frappe.realtime.on(`call_${}_missed`, call_log => {
+			this.call_ended(call_log, true);
+		});
+	}
+	clear_listeners() {
+	}
+	setup_call_details() {
+		this.caller_info = $(`<div></div>`);
+		this.call_details = new frappe.ui.FieldGroup({
+			fields: [{
 				'fieldname': 'name',
 				'label': 'Name',
 				'default': this.get_caller_name() || __('Unknown Caller'),
@@ -19,17 +112,17 @@
 			}, {
 				'fieldtype': 'Button',
 				'label': __('Open Contact'),
-				'click': () => frappe.set_route('Form', 'Contact',,
-				'depends_on': () =>
-			}, {
-				'fieldtype': 'Button',
-				'label': __('Open Lead'),
-				'click': () => frappe.set_route('Form', 'Lead', this.call_log.lead),
-				'depends_on': () => this.call_log.lead
+				'click': () => frappe.set_route('Form', 'Contact', this.get_contact_link().link_name),
+				'depends_on': () => this.get_caller_name()
 			}, {
 				'fieldtype': 'Button',
 				'label': __('Create New Contact'),
-				'click': () => frappe.new_doc('Contact', { 'mobile_no': this.caller_number }),
+				'click': this.create_new_contact.bind(this),
+				'depends_on': () => !this.get_caller_name()
+			}, {
+				'fieldtype': 'Button',
+				'label': __('Create New Customer'),
+				'click': this.create_new_customer.bind(this),
 				'depends_on': () => !this.get_caller_name()
 			}, {
 				'fieldtype': 'Button',
@@ -45,25 +138,8 @@
 				'default': this.caller_number,
 				'read_only': 1
 			}, {
-				'fielname': 'last_interaction',
 				'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
-				'label': __('Activity'),
-				'depends_on': () => this.get_caller_name()
-			}, {
-				'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
-				'label': __('Last Issue'),
-				'fieldname': 'last_issue',
-				'read_only': true,
-				'depends_on': () =>,
-				'default': `<i class="text-muted">${__('No issue has been raised by the caller.')}<i>`
-			}, {
-				'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
-				'label': __('Last Communication'),
-				'fieldname': 'last_communication',
-				'read_only': true,
-				'default': `<i class="text-muted">${__('No communication found.')}<i>`
-			}, {
-				'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
+				'hide_border': 1,
 			}, {
 				'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
 				'label': __('Call Summary'),
@@ -72,7 +148,7 @@
 				'fieldtype': 'Button',
 				'label': __('Save'),
 				'click': () => {
-					const call_summary = this.dialog.get_value('call_summary');
+					const call_summary = this.call_details.get_value('call_summary');
 					if (!call_summary) return;
 					frappe.xcall('erpnext.telephony.doctype.call_log.call_log.add_call_summary', {
@@ -94,98 +170,29 @@
+			body: this.caller_info
-		this.set_call_status();
-		this.dialog.get_close_btn().show();
-		this.make_last_interaction_section();
-		this.dialog.$body.addClass('call-popup');
-		this.dialog.set_secondary_action(this.close_modal.bind(this));
-		frappe.utils.play_sound('incoming-call');
+		this.call_details.make();
-	set_indicator(color, blink=false) {
-		let classes = `indicator ${color} ${blink ? 'blink': ''}`;
-		this.dialog.header.find('.indicator').attr('class', classes);
+	is_known_caller() {
+		return Boolean(this.get_caller_name());
-	set_call_status(call_status) {
-		let title = '';
-		call_status = call_status || this.call_log.status;
-		if (['Ringing'].includes(call_status) || !call_status) {
-			title = __('Incoming call from {0}', [this.get_caller_name() || this.caller_number]);
-			this.set_indicator('blue', true);
-		} else if (call_status === 'In Progress') {
-			title = __('Call Connected');
-			this.set_indicator('yellow');
-		} else if (call_status === 'Missed') {
-			this.set_indicator('red');
-			title = __('Call Missed');
-		} else if (['Completed', 'Disconnected'].includes(call_status)) {
-			this.set_indicator('red');
-			title = __('Call Disconnected');
-		} else {
-			this.set_indicator('blue');
-			title = call_status;
-		}
-		this.dialog.set_title(title);
+	create_new_customer() {
+		// to avoid quick entry form
+		const new_customer = frappe.model.get_new_doc('Customer');
+		new_customer.mobile_no = this.caller_number;
+		frappe.set_route('Form', new_customer.doctype,;
-	update_call_log(call_log) {
-		this.call_log = call_log;
-		this.set_call_status();
-	}
-	close_modal() {
-		this.dialog.hide();
-		delete erpnext.call_popup;
-	}
-	call_disconnected(call_log) {
-		frappe.utils.play_sound('call-disconnect');
-		this.update_call_log(call_log);
-		setTimeout(() => {
-			if (!this.dialog.get_value('call_summary')) {
-				this.close_modal();
-			}
-		}, 30000);
-	}
-	make_last_interaction_section() {
-		frappe.xcall('erpnext.crm.doctype.utils.get_last_interaction', {
-			'contact':,
-			'lead': this.call_log.lead
-		}).then(data => {
-			const comm_field = this.dialog.get_field('last_communication');
-			if (data.last_communication) {
-				const comm = data.last_communication;
-				comm_field.set_value(comm.content);
-			}
-			if (data.last_issue) {
-				const issue = data.last_issue;
-				const issue_field = this.dialog.get_field("last_issue");
-				issue_field.set_value(issue.subject);
-				issue_field.$wrapper.append(`
-					<a class="text-medium" href="/app/issue?customer=${issue.customer}">
-						${__('View all issues from {0}', [issue.customer])}
-					</a>
-				`);
-			}
-		});
-	}
-	get_caller_name() {
-		let log = this.call_log;
-		return log.contact_name || log.lead_name;
-	}
-	setup_listener() {
-		frappe.realtime.on(`call_${}_disconnected`, call_log => {
-			this.call_disconnected(call_log);
-			// Remove call disconnect listener after the call is disconnected
-		});
+	create_new_contact() {
+		// TODO: fix new_doc, it should accept child table values
+		const new_contact = frappe.model.get_new_doc('Contact');
+		const phone_no = frappe.model.add_child(new_contact, 'Contact Phone', 'phone_nos');
+ = this.caller_number;
+		phone_no.is_primary_mobile_no = 1;
+		frappe.set_route('Form', new_contact.doctype,;
@@ -200,3 +207,5 @@
+window.CallPopup = CallPopup;