Merge branch 'v5.0' of into foreign_currency_calc
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/account/chart_of_accounts/ni_ni_chart_template.json b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/account/chart_of_accounts/ni_ni_chart_template.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6db540a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/account/chart_of_accounts/ni_ni_chart_template.json
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+ "country_code": "ni",
+ "name": "Catalogo de Cuentas",
+ "is_active": "Yes",
+ "tree": {
+ "Activo": {
+ "Activo Corriente": {
+ "Efectivo en Caja y Bancos": {
+ "Caja": {
+ "Caja General Moneda Nacional": {
+ "account_type": "Cash"
+ },
+ "Caja General Moneda Extrangera": {
+ "account_type": "Cash"
+ },
+ "Caja Chica Moneda Nacional": {
+ "account_type": "Cash"
+ },
+ "Caja Chica Moneda Extrangera": {
+ "account_type": "Cash"
+ },
+ "Fondos por Depositar": {
+ "account_type": "Cash"
+ }
+ },
+ "Cuentas Bancarias": {
+ "Cuenta Corriente Moneda Nacional": {
+ "account_type": "Bank"
+ },
+ "Cuenta Corriente Moneda Extrangera": {
+ "account_type": "Bank"
+ }
+ },
+ "Otros Equivalentes a Efectivo": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group",
+ "account_type": "Cash"
+ }
+ },
+ "Activos Financieros Realizables a Corto Plazo": {
+ "Inversiones a Corto Plazo": {},
+ "Bonos y Acciones Disponibles para la Venta": {},
+ "Certificados Bancarios": {},
+ "Otros Valores Negociables a Corto Plazo": {}
+ },
+ "Cuentas y Documentos por Cobrar a Clientes": {
+ "Cuentas por Cobrar Moneda Nacional": {
+ "account_type": "Receivable"
+ },
+ "Cuentas por Cobrar Moneda Extrangera": {
+ "account_type": "Receivable"
+ },
+ "Documentos por Cobrar Moneda Nacional": {
+ "account_type": "Receivable"
+ },
+ "Documentos por Cobrar Moneda Extrangera": {
+ "account_type": "Receivable"
+ },
+ "Cuentas por Cobrar por Exportaciones": {
+ "account_type": "Receivable"
+ },
+ "Estimacion para Cuentas Incobrables": {}
+ },
+ "Inventarios": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group",
+ "account_type": "Stock"
+ },
+ "Impuestos Acreditables": {
+ "Impuesto a Valor Agregado Acreditable": {
+ "IVA Acreditable por Compra de Bienes": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ },
+ "IVA Acreditable por Importaciones": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ },
+ "IVA Acreditable por Prestacion de Servicios": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ },
+ "Acreditacion Proporcional": {}
+ },
+ "Anticipos de IR o Pago Minimo Definitivo": {},
+ "Retenciones a Cuenta de IR Acreditables": {
+ "Retencion por V/Bienes o P/Servicios 2%": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ },
+ "Retencion Operaciones Targeta Debito/Credito 1.5%": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ }
+ },
+ "Retenciones a Cuenta de IMI Acreditables": {},
+ "Retenciones Definitivas Sobre Rentas o Ganancias de Capital": {}
+ },
+ "Otras Cuentas por Cobrar": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group",
+ "account_type": "Receivable"
+ }
+ },
+ "Activo no Corriente": {
+ "Propiedad Planta y Equipo": {
+ "Terrenos": {},
+ "Edificios": {},
+ "Almacenes": {},
+ "Otros Activos Inmobiliarios": {},
+ "Parque Vehicular": {},
+ "Equipo de Computo": {},
+ "Mobiliario y Equipo de Oficinas": {},
+ "Maquinaria Industrial": {},
+ "Otra Bienes Mobiliarios": {},
+ "Depresiacion Acumulada": {},
+ "account_type": "Fixed Asset"
+ },
+ "Inversiones Permanentes": {
+ "Inversiones Permanentes": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group",
+ "account_type": "Fixed Asset"
+ },
+ "Negocios Conjuntos": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group",
+ "account_type": "Fixed Asset"
+ }
+ },
+ "Bienes en Arrendamiento Financiero": {
+ "Locales y Edificios en Arrendamiento": {},
+ "Equipos y Maquinaria en Arrendamiento": {}
+ },
+ "Activos Intangibles": {
+ "Patentes": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ },
+ "Marcas Registradas": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ },
+ "Derechos de Autor": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ },
+ "Concesiones": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ },
+ "Licencias": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ },
+ "Gastos de investigacion": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ },
+ "Amortizacion de Activos Intangibles": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ },
+ "Deterioro de Valor de Activos Intangibles": {}
+ },
+ "Amortizables": {
+ "Gastos de Consitucion": {},
+ "Gastos Pre Operativos": {},
+ "Mejoras en Bienes Arrendados": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ },
+ "Amortizacion de Activos Amortizables": {},
+ "Deterioro de Valaor de Activos Amortizables": {}
+ },
+ "Cuentas por Cobrar a Largo Plazo": {
+ "Creditos a Largo Plazo": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ }
+ },
+ "Inversiones a Largo Plazo": {
+ "Depositos Bancarios a Plazo": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ },
+ "Intereses percibidos por adelantado": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ },
+ "Titulos y Acciones": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ }
+ },
+ "Activo por Impuestos Diferidos": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ }
+ },
+ "root_type": "Asset"
+ },
+ "Pasivo": {
+ "Pasivo Corriente": {
+ "Cuentas por Pagar Proveedores": {
+ "Cuentas por Pagar Moneda Nacional": {
+ "account_type": "Payable"
+ },
+ "Cuentas por Pagar Moneda Extrangera": {
+ "account_type": "Payable"
+ },
+ "Documentos por Pagar Moneda Nacional": {
+ "account_type": "Payable"
+ },
+ "Documentos por Pagar Moneda Extrangera": {
+ "account_type": "Payable"
+ },
+ "Cuentas por Pagar por Importaciones": {
+ "account_type": "Payable"
+ }
+ },
+ "Anticipos de Clientes": {},
+ "Pasivos Financieros a Corto Plazo": {
+ "Prestamos por Pagar a Corto Plazo": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ },
+ "Sobregiros Bancarios": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ },
+ "Otras Deudas Bancarias": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ }
+ },
+ "Gastos por Pagar": {
+ "Servicios Basicos": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ },
+ "Prestaciones Sociales": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ },
+ "Salarios por Pagar": {}
+ },
+ "Provisiones por Pagar": {
+ "Pasivos Laborales": {
+ "Indemnizacion Laboral": {},
+ "Aguinaldo por Pagar": {}
+ },
+ "Reclamos por Pagar": {},
+ "Responsabilidad frente a terceros": {}
+ },
+ "Impuestos por Pagar": {
+ "Impuesto al Valor Agregado por Pagar": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ },
+ "Impuesto sobre la Renta": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ },
+ "Impuestos Municipales": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ }
+ },
+ "Retenciones por Pagar": {
+ "Rentas del Trabajo": {
+ "Retencion Rentas del Trabajo Tarifa Progresiva": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ },
+ "Retencion Definitiva por Rentas del Trabajo": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ }
+ },
+ "Rentas de Actividades Economicas": {
+ "Retencion 2% por C/Bienes o P/Servicios": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ },
+ "Retencion 10% Servicios Profesionales": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ },
+ "Retencion 3% compra Bienes Agropecuarios": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ },
+ "Retencion 5% compra Madera en Rollo": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ },
+ "Otras Retenciones 10%": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ }
+ },
+ "Rentas y Ganancias de Capital": {
+ "Retencion Defintiva 10% por Rentas de Capital": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ },
+ "Retencion Definitiva 5% por Rentas de Capital": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ },
+ "Retencion Definitiva 10% por Ganancia de Capital": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ },
+ "Retencion Definitiva Actividades Economicas No Residentes": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ },
+ "Retencion Definitiva Transacciones Bursatiles": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ },
+ "Retenciones Defintiva 5% Fondos de Inversion": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ }
+ },
+ "Retencion 17% Operaciones con Paraisos Fiscales": {
+ "account_type": "Tax"
+ }
+ },
+ "Otras Cuentas por Pagar": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ }
+ },
+ "Pasivo No Corriente": {
+ "Prestamos a Largo Plazo": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ },
+ "Cuentas por Pagar a Largo Plaso": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ },
+ "Otras Cuentas por Pagar a Largo Plazo": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ },
+ "Otros Pasivos Financieros a Largo Plaso": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ }
+ },
+ "Obligaciones por Arrendamiento Financiero a Largo Plazo": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ },
+ "Pasivo por Impuestos Diferidos": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ },
+ "root_type": "Liability"
+ },
+ "Patrimonio": {
+ "Aporte de Socios": {
+ "Capital": {
+ "Capital Social Pagado": {
+ "account_type": "Equity"
+ },
+ "Capital Social no Pagado": {
+ "account_type": "Equity"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Donaciones": {
+ "group_or_ledger": "Group"
+ },
+ "Ganancias Acumuladas": {
+ "Reservas": {
+ "Reservas Legales": {
+ "account_type": "Equity"
+ },
+ "Reservas Voluntarias": {
+ "account_type": "Equity"
+ }
+ },
+ "Resultados": {
+ "Resultados Acumulados": {
+ "account_type": "Equity"
+ },
+ "Ajustes a Periodos Anteriores": {
+ "account_type": "Equity"
+ },
+ "Resultado del ejercicio": {
+ "account_type": "Equity"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "root_type": "Equity"
+ },
+ "Ingresos": {
+ "Ventas": {
+ "Venta de Bienes o Prestacion de Servicios Grabados": {},
+ "Venta de Bienes o Prestacion de Servicios Exentos": {},
+ "Venta de Bienes o Prestacion de Servicios Exonerados": {},
+ "Venta por Exportaciones": {}
+ },
+ "Otros Ingresos Grabables": {
+ "Ganacia Cambiaria": {},
+ "Sobrante en Arqueo de Caja": {},
+ "Otros Ingresos Grabables": {}
+ },
+ "Ingresos no Grabables": {
+ "Ingreso por Rentas y Ganacias de Capital sujetas a Retencion Definitiva": {},
+ "Interes Bancarios": {},
+ "Otros Ingresos no Grabables": {}
+ },
+ "root_type": "Income"
+ },
+ "Costos y Gastos": {
+ "Costo de Venta": {
+ "Costo de Bienes": {},
+ "Costo de Servicios": {},
+ "Costo de Produccion": {},
+ "account_type": "Cost of Goods Sold"
+ },
+ "Gastos de Ventas": {
+ "Publicidad": {},
+ "Mercadeo": {},
+ "Muestras Gratis": {},
+ "Regalosa Clientes": {},
+ "Fletes": {},
+ "Promociones": {}
+ },
+ "Gastos de Administracion": {
+ "Alquileres": {},
+ "Combustible": {},
+ "Servicios Basicos": {
+ "Energia Electrica": {},
+ "Agua Potable": {},
+ "Internet": {},
+ "Telefono Fijo": {},
+ "Celular": {},
+ "Costos por Servicios WEB": {}
+ },
+ "Vigilancia": {},
+ "Gastos Varios": {},
+ "Mantenimiento y Reparaciones": {},
+ "Papeleria": {},
+ "Representacion": {},
+ "Amortizaciones": {},
+ "Inatec": {},
+ "Indemnizacion": {},
+ "Fletes y Correos": {},
+ "Cuentas Incobrables": {},
+ "Capacitacion al Personal": {},
+ "Uniformes": {},
+ "Seguros": {},
+ "Donaciones": {},
+ "Impuesto Municipal": {},
+ "Matricula": {},
+ "Recoleccion de Basura": {},
+ "IVA Proporcional no Acreditado": {},
+ "Ayuda a Empleados": {}
+ },
+ "Gastos por Servicios Profesionales y Tecnicos": {},
+ "Gastos por Salarios y Otras Compensaciones": {},
+ "Gastopor Depreciacion": {},
+ "Otros Gastos": {
+ "Perdida Cambiario": {},
+ "Perdida e nVenta de Activo Fijo": {},
+ "Siniestros": {},
+ "Certificacion de Cheques y Chequeras": {}
+ },
+ "Costos y Gastos No Deducibles": {},
+ "Impuesto por Rentas y Ganancias de Capital": {},
+ "Impuesto sobre la Rentade Activividades Economicas": {},
+ "root_type": "Expense"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/production_order/ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/production_order/
index a962248..67b53f6 100644
--- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/production_order/
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/production_order/
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
+ self.validate_delivery_date()
from erpnext.utilities.transaction_base import validate_uom_is_integer
validate_uom_is_integer(self, "stock_uom", ["qty", "produced_qty"])
@@ -219,6 +220,13 @@
self.actual_start_date = None
self.actual_end_date = None
+ def validate_delivery_date(self):
+ if self.planned_start_date and self.expected_delivery_date and getdate(self.expected_delivery_date) < getdate(self.planned_start_date):
+ frappe.throw(_("Expected Delivery Date cannot be greater than Planned Start Date"))
+ if self.planned_end_date and self.expected_delivery_date and getdate(self.expected_delivery_date) < getdate(self.planned_end_date):
+ frappe.msgprint(_("Production might not be able to finish by the Expected Delivery Date."))
def get_item_details(item):
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/
index d679b94..00f7ee6 100644
--- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/workstation/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
def validate_overlap_for_operation_timings(self):
for d in self.get("working_hours"):
- existing = frappe.db.sql_list("""select idx from `tabWorkstation Operation Hours`
+ existing = frappe.db.sql_list("""select idx from `tabWorkstation Working Hour`
where parent = %s and name != %s
and (
(start_time between %s and %s) or
diff --git a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/workstation_working_hour/workstation_working_hour.json b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/workstation_working_hour/workstation_working_hour.json
index 2afc2e7..a513cde 100644
--- a/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/workstation_working_hour/workstation_working_hour.json
+++ b/erpnext/manufacturing/doctype/workstation_working_hour/workstation_working_hour.json
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
"is_submittable": 0,
"issingle": 0,
"istable": 1,
- "modified": "2014-12-24 14:46:40.678236",
+ "modified": "2015-02-11 14:55:55.650726",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Manufacturing",
"name": "Workstation Working Hour",
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/landed_cost_voucher/landed_cost_voucher.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/landed_cost_voucher/landed_cost_voucher.json
index 184c351..9575ce9 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/landed_cost_voucher/landed_cost_voucher.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/landed_cost_voucher/landed_cost_voucher.json
@@ -1,129 +1,129 @@
- "allow_import": 0,
- "autoname": "LCV.####",
- "creation": "2014-07-11 11:33:42.547339",
- "docstatus": 0,
- "doctype": "DocType",
- "document_type": "Transaction",
+ "allow_import": 0,
+ "autoname": "LCV.####",
+ "creation": "2014-07-11 11:33:42.547339",
+ "docstatus": 0,
+ "doctype": "DocType",
+ "document_type": "Transaction",
"fields": [
- "fieldname": "company",
- "fieldtype": "Link",
- "in_list_view": 1,
- "label": "Company",
- "options": "Company",
- "permlevel": 0,
+ "fieldname": "company",
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "in_list_view": 1,
+ "label": "Company",
+ "options": "Company",
+ "permlevel": 0,
"reqd": 1
- },
+ },
- "fieldname": "purchase_receipts",
- "fieldtype": "Table",
- "label": "Purchase Receipts",
- "options": "Landed Cost Purchase Receipt",
+ "fieldname": "purchase_receipts",
+ "fieldtype": "Table",
+ "label": "Purchase Receipts",
+ "options": "Landed Cost Purchase Receipt",
"permlevel": 0
- },
+ },
- "fieldname": "get_items_from_purchase_receipts",
- "fieldtype": "Button",
- "label": "Get Items From Purchase Receipts",
+ "fieldname": "get_items_from_purchase_receipts",
+ "fieldtype": "Button",
+ "label": "Get Items From Purchase Receipts",
"permlevel": 0
- },
+ },
- "fieldname": "items",
- "fieldtype": "Table",
- "label": "Purchase Receipt Items",
- "no_copy": 1,
- "options": "Landed Cost Item",
- "permlevel": 0,
+ "fieldname": "items",
+ "fieldtype": "Table",
+ "label": "Purchase Receipt Items",
+ "no_copy": 1,
+ "options": "Landed Cost Item",
+ "permlevel": 0,
"read_only": 0
- },
+ },
- "fieldname": "taxes",
- "fieldtype": "Table",
- "label": "Taxes and Charges",
- "options": "Landed Cost Taxes and Charges",
+ "fieldname": "taxes",
+ "fieldtype": "Table",
+ "label": "Taxes and Charges",
+ "options": "Landed Cost Taxes and Charges",
"permlevel": 0
- },
+ },
- "fieldname": "sec_break1",
- "fieldtype": "Section Break",
- "options": "Simple",
- "permlevel": 0,
+ "fieldname": "sec_break1",
+ "fieldtype": "Section Break",
+ "options": "Simple",
+ "permlevel": 0,
"precision": ""
- },
+ },
- "fieldname": "total_taxes_and_charges",
- "fieldtype": "Currency",
- "label": "Total Taxes and Charges",
- "options": "Company:company:default_currency",
- "permlevel": 0,
- "read_only": 1,
+ "fieldname": "total_taxes_and_charges",
+ "fieldtype": "Currency",
+ "label": "Total Taxes and Charges",
+ "options": "Company:company:default_currency",
+ "permlevel": 0,
+ "read_only": 1,
"reqd": 1
- },
+ },
- "fieldname": "amended_from",
- "fieldtype": "Link",
- "label": "Amended From",
- "no_copy": 1,
- "options": "Landed Cost Voucher",
- "permlevel": 0,
- "print_hide": 1,
+ "fieldname": "amended_from",
+ "fieldtype": "Link",
+ "label": "Amended From",
+ "no_copy": 1,
+ "options": "Landed Cost Voucher",
+ "permlevel": 0,
+ "print_hide": 1,
"read_only": 1
- },
+ },
- "fieldname": "col_break1",
- "fieldtype": "Column Break",
- "permlevel": 0,
+ "fieldname": "col_break1",
+ "fieldtype": "Column Break",
+ "permlevel": 0,
"precision": ""
- },
+ },
- "default": "Amount",
- "fieldname": "distribute_charges_based_on",
- "fieldtype": "Select",
- "label": "Distribute Charges Based On",
- "options": "\nQty\nAmount",
- "permlevel": 0,
- "precision": "",
+ "default": "Amount",
+ "fieldname": "distribute_charges_based_on",
+ "fieldtype": "Select",
+ "label": "Distribute Charges Based On",
+ "options": "\nQty\nAmount",
+ "permlevel": 0,
+ "precision": "",
"reqd": 1
- },
+ },
- "fieldname": "sec_break2",
- "fieldtype": "Section Break",
- "permlevel": 0,
+ "fieldname": "sec_break2",
+ "fieldtype": "Section Break",
+ "permlevel": 0,
"precision": ""
- },
+ },
- "fieldname": "landed_cost_help",
- "fieldtype": "HTML",
- "label": "Landed Cost Help",
- "options": "",
+ "fieldname": "landed_cost_help",
+ "fieldtype": "HTML",
+ "label": "Landed Cost Help",
+ "options": "",
"permlevel": 0
- ],
- "icon": "icon-usd",
- "is_submittable": 1,
- "modified": "2015-02-05 05:11:40.305974",
- "modified_by": "Administrator",
- "module": "Stock",
- "name": "Landed Cost Voucher",
- "name_case": "",
- "owner": "Administrator",
+ ],
+ "icon": "icon-usd",
+ "is_submittable": 1,
+ "modified": "2015-02-11 16:21:49.528566",
+ "modified_by": "Administrator",
+ "module": "Stock",
+ "name": "Landed Cost Voucher",
+ "name_case": "",
+ "owner": "Administrator",
"permissions": [
- "amend": 1,
- "cancel": 1,
- "create": 1,
- "delete": 1,
- "export": 1,
- "permlevel": 0,
- "read": 1,
- "report": 1,
- "role": "Material Manager",
- "share": 1,
- "submit": 1,
+ "amend": 1,
+ "cancel": 1,
+ "create": 1,
+ "delete": 1,
+ "export": 1,
+ "permlevel": 0,
+ "read": 1,
+ "report": 1,
+ "role": "Material Manager",
+ "share": 1,
+ "submit": 1,
"write": 1
- ],
- "sort_field": "modified",
+ ],
+ "sort_field": "modified",
"sort_order": "DESC"
\ No newline at end of file