[refactor] stock entry, minor ux
diff --git a/erpnext/setup/page/setup_wizard/setup_wizard.py b/erpnext/setup/page/setup_wizard/setup_wizard.py
index 7b9dce9..31dd03d 100644
--- a/erpnext/setup/page/setup_wizard/setup_wizard.py
+++ b/erpnext/setup/page/setup_wizard/setup_wizard.py
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@
 def login_as_first_user(args):
-	if args.get("email"):
+	if args.get("email") and hasattr(frappe.local, "login_manager"):
 		frappe.local.login_manager.user = args.get("email")
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/material_request/material_request_list.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/material_request/material_request_list.js
index 173ed67..1b9bca3 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/material_request/material_request_list.js
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/material_request/material_request_list.js
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
 frappe.listview_settings['Material Request'] = {
 	add_fields: ["material_request_type", "status", "per_ordered"],
-	get_status: function(doc) {
+	get_indicator: function(doc) {
+		console.log()
 		if(doc.status=="Stopped") {
 			return [__("Stopped"), "red", "status,=,Stopped"];
-		} if(doc.docstatus==1 && doc.per_ordered < 100) {
+		} else if(doc.docstatus==1 && doc.per_ordered < 100) {
 			return [__("Pending"), "orange", "per_ordered,<,100"];
-		} else if(doc.status==1 && doc.per_ordered == 100) {
-			return [__("Completed"), "green", "per_ordered,=,100"];
+		} else if(doc.docstatus==1 && doc.per_ordered == 100) {
+			return [__("Ordered"), "green", "per_ordered,=,100"];
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.py
index 5447f8a..504c996 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.py
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@
 			if d.item_code in stock_items and flt(d.valuation_rate) and flt(d.qty):
 				if warehouse_account.get(d.warehouse):
-					val_rate_db_precision = 6 if cint(self.precision("valuation_rate")) <= 6 else 9
+					val_rate_db_precision = 6 if cint(d.precision("valuation_rate")) <= 6 else 9
 					# warehouse account
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py
index eb9777a..ab90170 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 from frappe import _
 from erpnext.stock.utils import get_incoming_rate
-from erpnext.stock.stock_ledger import get_previous_sle
+from erpnext.stock.stock_ledger import get_previous_sle, NegativeStockError
 from erpnext.controllers.queries import get_match_cond
 from erpnext.stock.get_item_details import get_available_qty, get_default_cost_center, get_conversion_factor
 from erpnext.manufacturing.doctype.bom.bom import validate_bom_no
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
 			if d.docstatus==1 and d.s_warehouse and not allow_negative_stock and d.actual_qty < d.transfer_qty:
 				frappe.throw(_("""Row {0}: Qty not avalable in warehouse {1} on {2} {3}.
 					Available Qty: {4}, Transfer Qty: {5}""").format(d.idx, d.s_warehouse,
-					self.posting_date, self.posting_time, d.actual_qty, d.transfer_qty))
+					self.posting_date, self.posting_time, d.actual_qty, d.transfer_qty), NegativeStockError)
 			# get incoming rate
 			if not flt(d.incoming_rate) or d.s_warehouse or self.purpose == "Sales Return" or force:
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/stock_ledger.py b/erpnext/stock/stock_ledger.py
index a77a629..da516de 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/stock_ledger.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/stock_ledger.py
@@ -59,278 +59,256 @@
 	frappe.db.sql("""delete from `tabStock Ledger Entry`
 		where voucher_type=%s and voucher_no=%s""", (voucher_type, voucher_no))
-def update_entries_after(args, allow_zero_rate=False, allow_negative_stock=False, verbose=1):
+class update_entries_after(object):
 		update valution rate and qty after transaction
 		from the current time-bucket onwards
-		args = {
-			"item_code": "ABC",
-			"warehouse": "XYZ",
-			"posting_date": "2012-12-12",
-			"posting_time": "12:00"
-		}
+		:param args: args as dict
+			args = {
+				"item_code": "ABC",
+				"warehouse": "XYZ",
+				"posting_date": "2012-12-12",
+				"posting_time": "12:00"
+			}
-	if not _exceptions:
-		frappe.local.stockledger_exceptions = []
+	def __init__(self, args, allow_zero_rate=False, allow_negative_stock=None, verbose=1):
+		from frappe.model.meta import get_field_precision
-	if not allow_negative_stock:
-		allow_negative_stock = cint(frappe.db.get_default("allow_negative_stock"))
+		self.exceptions = []
+		self.verbose = verbose
+		self.allow_zero_rate = allow_zero_rate
+		self.allow_negative_stock = allow_negative_stock
-	previous_sle = get_sle_before_datetime(args)
+		if self.allow_negative_stock==None:
+			self.allow_negative_stock = cint(frappe.db.get_single_value("Stock Settings",
+				"allow_negative_stock"))
-	qty_after_transaction = flt(previous_sle.get("qty_after_transaction"))
-	valuation_rate = flt(previous_sle.get("valuation_rate"))
-	stock_queue = json.loads(previous_sle.get("stock_queue") or "[]")
-	stock_value = flt(previous_sle.get("stock_value"))
-	prev_stock_value = flt(previous_sle.get("stock_value"))
+		self.args = args
+		for key, value in args.iteritems():
+			setattr(self, key, value)
-	entries_to_fix = get_sle_after_datetime(previous_sle or \
-		{"item_code": args["item_code"], "warehouse": args["warehouse"]}, for_update=True)
-	valuation_method = get_valuation_method(args["item_code"])
-	stock_value_difference = 0.0
+		self.previous_sle = self.get_sle_before_datetime()
+		self.previous_sle = self.previous_sle[0] if self.previous_sle else frappe._dict()
-	for sle in entries_to_fix:
-		if sle.serial_no or not cint(frappe.db.get_value("Stock Settings", None, "allow_negative_stock")):
+		for key in ("qty_after_transaction", "valuation_rate", "stock_value"):
+			setattr(self, key, flt(self.previous_sle.get(key)))
+		self.company = frappe.db.get_value("Warehouse", self.warehouse, "company")
+		self.precision = get_field_precision(frappe.get_meta("Stock Ledger Entry").get_field("stock_value"),
+			currency=frappe.db.get_value("Company", self.company, "default_currency"))
+		self.prev_stock_value = self.stock_value
+		self.stock_queue = json.loads(self.previous_sle.stock_queue or "[]")
+		self.valuation_method = get_valuation_method(self.item_code)
+		self.stock_value_difference = 0.0
+		self.build()
+	def build(self):
+		entries_to_fix = self.get_sle_after_datetime()
+		for sle in entries_to_fix:
+			self.process_sle(sle)
+		if self.exceptions:
+			self.raise_exceptions()
+		self.update_bin()
+	def update_bin(self):
+		# update bin
+		bin_name = frappe.db.get_value("Bin", {
+			"item_code": self.item_code,
+			"warehouse": self.warehouse
+		})
+		if not bin_name:
+			bin_doc = frappe.get_doc({
+				"doctype": "Bin",
+				"item_code": self.item_code,
+				"warehouse": self.warehouse
+			})
+			bin_doc.insert(ignore_permissions=True)
+		else:
+			bin_doc = frappe.get_doc("Bin", bin_name)
+		bin_doc.update({
+			"valuation_rate": self.valuation_rate,
+			"actual_qty": self.qty_after_transaction,
+			"stock_value": self.stock_value
+		})
+		bin_doc.save(ignore_permissions=True)
+	def process_sle(self, sle):
+		if sle.serial_no or not cint(self.allow_negative_stock):
 			# validate negative stock for serialized items, fifo valuation
 			# or when negative stock is not allowed for moving average
-			if not validate_negative_stock(qty_after_transaction, sle):
-				qty_after_transaction += flt(sle.actual_qty)
-				continue
+			if not self.validate_negative_stock(sle):
+				self.qty_after_transaction += flt(sle.actual_qty)
+				return
 		if sle.serial_no:
-			valuation_rate = get_serialized_values(qty_after_transaction, sle, valuation_rate)
-			qty_after_transaction += flt(sle.actual_qty)
+			self.valuation_rate = self.get_serialized_values(sle)
+			self.qty_after_transaction += flt(sle.actual_qty)
+			self.stock_value = self.qty_after_transaction * self.valuation_rate
 			if sle.voucher_type=="Stock Reconciliation":
-				valuation_rate = sle.valuation_rate
-				qty_after_transaction = sle.qty_after_transaction
-				stock_queue = [[qty_after_transaction, valuation_rate]]
+				# assert
+				self.valuation_rate = sle.valuation_rate
+				self.qty_after_transaction = sle.qty_after_transaction
+				self.stock_queue = [[self.qty_after_transaction, self.valuation_rate]]
+				self.stock_value = self.qty_after_transaction * self.valuation_rate
-				if valuation_method == "Moving Average":
-					valuation_rate = get_moving_average_values(qty_after_transaction, sle, valuation_rate, allow_zero_rate)
+				if self.valuation_method == "Moving Average":
+					self.get_moving_average_values(sle)
+					self.qty_after_transaction += flt(sle.actual_qty)
+					self.stock_value = self.qty_after_transaction * self.valuation_rate
-					valuation_rate = get_fifo_values(qty_after_transaction, sle, stock_queue, allow_zero_rate)
+					self.get_fifo_values(sle)
+					self.qty_after_transaction += flt(sle.actual_qty)
+					self.stock_value = sum((flt(batch[0]) * flt(batch[1]) for batch in self.stock_queue))
-				qty_after_transaction += flt(sle.actual_qty)
-		# get stock value
-		if sle.serial_no:
-			stock_value = qty_after_transaction * valuation_rate
-		elif valuation_method == "Moving Average":
-			stock_value = qty_after_transaction * valuation_rate
-		else:
-			stock_value = sum((flt(batch[0]) * flt(batch[1]) for batch in stock_queue))
 		# rounding as per precision
-		from frappe.model.meta import get_field_precision
-		meta = frappe.get_meta("Stock Ledger Entry")
+		self.stock_value = flt(self.stock_value, self.precision)
-		stock_value = flt(stock_value, get_field_precision(meta.get_field("stock_value"),
-			frappe._dict({"fields": sle})))
-		stock_value_difference = stock_value - prev_stock_value
-		prev_stock_value = stock_value
+		stock_value_difference = self.stock_value - self.prev_stock_value
+		self.prev_stock_value = self.stock_value
 		# update current sle
 		frappe.db.sql("""update `tabStock Ledger Entry`
 			set qty_after_transaction=%s, valuation_rate=%s, stock_queue=%s,
 			stock_value=%s, stock_value_difference=%s where name=%s""",
-			(qty_after_transaction, valuation_rate,
-			json.dumps(stock_queue), stock_value, stock_value_difference, sle.name))
+			(self.qty_after_transaction, self.valuation_rate,
+			json.dumps(self.stock_queue), self.stock_value, stock_value_difference, sle.name))
-	if _exceptions:
-		_raise_exceptions(args, verbose)
+	def validate_negative_stock(self, sle):
+		"""
+			validate negative stock for entries current datetime onwards
+			will not consider cancelled entries
+		"""
+		diff = self.qty_after_transaction + flt(sle.actual_qty)
-	# update bin
-	if not frappe.db.exists({"doctype": "Bin", "item_code": args["item_code"],
-			"warehouse": args["warehouse"]}):
-		bin_wrapper = frappe.get_doc({
-			"doctype": "Bin",
-			"item_code": args["item_code"],
-			"warehouse": args["warehouse"],
-		})
-		bin_wrapper.flags.ignore_permissions = 1
-		bin_wrapper.insert()
-	frappe.db.sql("""update `tabBin` set valuation_rate=%s, actual_qty=%s,
-		stock_value=%s,
-		projected_qty = (actual_qty + indented_qty + ordered_qty + planned_qty - reserved_qty)
-		where item_code=%s and warehouse=%s""", (valuation_rate, qty_after_transaction,
-		stock_value, args["item_code"], args["warehouse"]))
-def get_sle_before_datetime(args, for_update=False):
-	"""
-		get previous stock ledger entry before current time-bucket
-		Details:
-		get the last sle before the current time-bucket, so that all values
-		are reposted from the current time-bucket onwards.
-		this is necessary because at the time of cancellation, there may be
-		entries between the cancelled entries in the same time-bucket
-	"""
-	sle = get_stock_ledger_entries(args,
-		["timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) < timestamp(%(posting_date)s, %(posting_time)s)"],
-		"desc", "limit 1", for_update=for_update)
-	return sle and sle[0] or frappe._dict()
-def get_sle_after_datetime(args, for_update=False):
-	"""get Stock Ledger Entries after a particular datetime, for reposting"""
-	# NOTE: using for update of
-	conditions = ["timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) > timestamp(%(posting_date)s, %(posting_time)s)"]
-	# Excluding name: Workaround for MariaDB timestamp() floating microsecond issue
-	if args.get("name"):
-		conditions.append("name!=%(name)s")
-	return get_stock_ledger_entries(args, conditions, "asc", for_update=for_update)
-def get_stock_ledger_entries(args, conditions=None, order="desc", limit=None, for_update=False):
-	"""get stock ledger entries filtered by specific posting datetime conditions"""
-	if not args.get("posting_date"):
-		args["posting_date"] = "1900-01-01"
-	if not args.get("posting_time"):
-		args["posting_time"] = "00:00"
-	return frappe.db.sql("""select *, timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) as "timestamp" from `tabStock Ledger Entry`
-		where item_code = %%(item_code)s
-		and warehouse = %%(warehouse)s
-		and ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No')='No'
-		%(conditions)s
-		order by timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) %(order)s, name %(order)s
-		%(limit)s %(for_update)s""" % {
-			"conditions": conditions and ("and " + " and ".join(conditions)) or "",
-			"limit": limit or "",
-			"for_update": for_update and "for update" or "",
-			"order": order
-		}, args, as_dict=1)
-def validate_negative_stock(qty_after_transaction, sle):
-	"""
-		validate negative stock for entries current datetime onwards
-		will not consider cancelled entries
-	"""
-	diff = qty_after_transaction + flt(sle.actual_qty)
-	if not _exceptions:
-		frappe.local.stockledger_exceptions = []
-	if diff < 0 and abs(diff) > 0.0001:
-		# negative stock!
-		exc = sle.copy().update({"diff": diff})
-		_exceptions.append(exc)
-		return False
-	else:
-		return True
-def get_serialized_values(qty_after_transaction, sle, valuation_rate):
-	incoming_rate = flt(sle.incoming_rate)
-	actual_qty = flt(sle.actual_qty)
-	serial_no = cstr(sle.serial_no).split("\n")
-	if incoming_rate < 0:
-		# wrong incoming rate
-		incoming_rate = valuation_rate
-	elif incoming_rate == 0 or flt(sle.actual_qty) < 0:
-		# In case of delivery/stock issue, get average purchase rate
-		# of serial nos of current entry
-		incoming_rate = flt(frappe.db.sql("""select avg(ifnull(purchase_rate, 0))
-			from `tabSerial No` where name in (%s)""" % (", ".join(["%s"]*len(serial_no))),
-			tuple(serial_no))[0][0])
-	if incoming_rate and not valuation_rate:
-		valuation_rate = incoming_rate
-	else:
-		new_stock_qty = qty_after_transaction + actual_qty
-		if new_stock_qty > 0:
-			new_stock_value = qty_after_transaction * valuation_rate + actual_qty * incoming_rate
-			if new_stock_value > 0:
-				# calculate new valuation rate only if stock value is positive
-				# else it remains the same as that of previous entry
-				valuation_rate = new_stock_value / new_stock_qty
-	return valuation_rate
-def get_moving_average_values(qty_after_transaction, sle, valuation_rate, allow_zero_rate):
-	incoming_rate = flt(sle.incoming_rate)
-	actual_qty = flt(sle.actual_qty)
-	if flt(sle.actual_qty) > 0:
-		if qty_after_transaction < 0 and not valuation_rate:
-			# if negative stock, take current valuation rate as incoming rate
-			valuation_rate = incoming_rate
-		new_stock_qty = abs(qty_after_transaction) + actual_qty
-		new_stock_value = (abs(qty_after_transaction) * valuation_rate) + (actual_qty * incoming_rate)
-		if new_stock_qty:
-			valuation_rate = new_stock_value / flt(new_stock_qty)
-	elif not valuation_rate and qty_after_transaction <= 0:
-		valuation_rate = get_valuation_rate(sle.item_code, sle.warehouse, allow_zero_rate)
-	return abs(flt(valuation_rate))
-def get_fifo_values(qty_after_transaction, sle, stock_queue, allow_zero_rate):
-	incoming_rate = flt(sle.incoming_rate)
-	actual_qty = flt(sle.actual_qty)
-	if actual_qty > 0:
-		if not stock_queue:
-			stock_queue.append([0, 0])
-		if stock_queue[-1][0] > 0:
-			stock_queue.append([actual_qty, incoming_rate])
+		if diff < 0 and abs(diff) > 0.0001:
+			# negative stock!
+			exc = sle.copy().update({"diff": diff})
+			self.exceptions.append(exc)
+			return False
-			qty = stock_queue[-1][0] + actual_qty
-			if qty == 0:
-				stock_queue.pop(-1)
+			return True
+	def get_serialized_values(self, sle):
+		incoming_rate = flt(sle.incoming_rate)
+		actual_qty = flt(sle.actual_qty)
+		serial_no = cstr(sle.serial_no).split("\n")
+		if incoming_rate < 0:
+			# wrong incoming rate
+			incoming_rate = self.valuation_rate
+		elif incoming_rate == 0 or flt(sle.actual_qty) < 0:
+			# In case of delivery/stock issue, get average purchase rate
+			# of serial nos of current entry
+			incoming_rate = flt(frappe.db.sql("""select avg(ifnull(purchase_rate, 0))
+				from `tabSerial No` where name in (%s)""" % (", ".join(["%s"]*len(serial_no))),
+				tuple(serial_no))[0][0])
+		if incoming_rate and not self.valuation_rate:
+			self.valuation_rate = incoming_rate
+		else:
+			new_stock_qty = self.qty_after_transaction + actual_qty
+			if new_stock_qty > 0:
+				new_stock_value = self.qty_after_transaction * self.valuation_rate + actual_qty * incoming_rate
+				if new_stock_value > 0:
+					# calculate new valuation rate only if stock value is positive
+					# else it remains the same as that of previous entry
+					self.valuation_rate = new_stock_value / new_stock_qty
+	def get_moving_average_values(self, sle):
+		incoming_rate = flt(sle.incoming_rate)
+		actual_qty = flt(sle.actual_qty)
+		if flt(sle.actual_qty) > 0:
+			if self.qty_after_transaction < 0 and not self.valuation_rate:
+				# if negative stock, take current valuation rate as incoming rate
+				self.valuation_rate = incoming_rate
+			new_stock_qty = abs(self.qty_after_transaction) + actual_qty
+			new_stock_value = (abs(self.qty_after_transaction) * self.valuation_rate) + (actual_qty * incoming_rate)
+			if new_stock_qty:
+				self.valuation_rate = new_stock_value / flt(new_stock_qty)
+		elif not self.valuation_rate and self.qty_after_transaction <= 0:
+			valuation_rate = get_valuation_rate(sle.item_code, sle.warehouse, self.allow_zero_rate)
+		return abs(flt(valuation_rate))
+	def get_fifo_values(self, sle):
+		incoming_rate = flt(sle.incoming_rate)
+		actual_qty = flt(sle.actual_qty)
+		if actual_qty > 0:
+			if not self.stock_queue:
+				self.stock_queue.append([0, 0])
+			if self.stock_queue[-1][0] > 0:
+				self.stock_queue.append([actual_qty, incoming_rate])
-				stock_queue[-1] = [qty, incoming_rate]
-	else:
-		qty_to_pop = abs(actual_qty)
-		while qty_to_pop:
-			if not stock_queue:
-				stock_queue.append([0, get_valuation_rate(sle.item_code, sle.warehouse, allow_zero_rate)
-					if qty_after_transaction <= 0 else 0])
+				qty = self.stock_queue[-1][0] + actual_qty
+				if qty == 0:
+					self.stock_queue.pop(-1)
+				else:
+					self.stock_queue[-1] = [qty, incoming_rate]
+		else:
+			qty_to_pop = abs(actual_qty)
+			while qty_to_pop:
+				if not self.stock_queue:
+					if self.qty_after_transaction > 0:
+						_rate = get_valuation_rate(sle.item_code, sle.warehouse, self.allow_zero_rate)
+					else:
+						_rate = 0
+					self.stock_queue.append([0, _rate])
-			batch = stock_queue[0]
+				batch = self.stock_queue[0]
-			if qty_to_pop >= batch[0]:
-				# consume current batch
-				qty_to_pop = qty_to_pop - batch[0]
-				stock_queue.pop(0)
-				if not stock_queue and qty_to_pop:
-					# stock finished, qty still remains to be withdrawn
-					# negative stock, keep in as a negative batch
-					stock_queue.append([-qty_to_pop, batch[1]])
-					break
+				if qty_to_pop >= batch[0]:
+					# consume current batch
+					qty_to_pop = qty_to_pop - batch[0]
+					self.stock_queue.pop(0)
+					if not self.stock_queue and qty_to_pop:
+						# stock finished, qty still remains to be withdrawn
+						# negative stock, keep in as a negative batch
+						self.stock_queue.append([-qty_to_pop, batch[1]])
+						break
-			else:
-				# qty found in current batch
-				# consume it and exit
-				batch[0] = batch[0] - qty_to_pop
-				qty_to_pop = 0
+				else:
+					# qty found in current batch
+					# consume it and exit
+					batch[0] = batch[0] - qty_to_pop
+					qty_to_pop = 0
-	stock_value = sum((flt(batch[0]) * flt(batch[1]) for batch in stock_queue))
-	stock_qty = sum((flt(batch[0]) for batch in stock_queue))
+		stock_value = sum((flt(batch[0]) * flt(batch[1]) for batch in self.stock_queue))
+		stock_qty = sum((flt(batch[0]) for batch in self.stock_queue))
-	valuation_rate = (stock_value / flt(stock_qty)) if stock_qty else 0
+		self.valuation_rate = (stock_value / flt(stock_qty)) if stock_qty else 0
-	return abs(valuation_rate)
+	def get_sle_before_datetime(self):
+		"""get previous stock ledger entry before current time-bucket"""
+		return get_stock_ledger_entries(self.args, "<", "desc", "limit 1", for_update=False)
-def _raise_exceptions(args, verbose=1):
-	deficiency = min(e["diff"] for e in _exceptions)
-	msg = _("Negative Stock Error ({6}) for Item {0} in Warehouse {1} on {2} {3} in {4} {5}").format(args["item_code"],
-		args.get("warehouse"), _exceptions[0]["posting_date"], _exceptions[0]["posting_time"],
-		_(_exceptions[0]["voucher_type"]), _exceptions[0]["voucher_no"], deficiency)
-	if verbose:
-		frappe.throw(msg, NegativeStockError)
-	else:
-		raise NegativeStockError, msg
+	def get_sle_after_datetime(self):
+		"""get Stock Ledger Entries after a particular datetime, for reposting"""
+		return get_stock_ledger_entries(self.previous_sle or self.args, ">", "asc", for_update=True)
+	def raise_exceptions(self):
+		deficiency = min(e["diff"] for e in self.exceptions)
+		msg = _("Negative Stock Error ({6}) for Item {0} in Warehouse {1} on {2} {3} in {4} {5}").format(self.item_code,
+			self.warehouse, self.exceptions[0]["posting_date"], self.exceptions[0]["posting_time"],
+			_(self.exceptions[0]["voucher_type"]), self.exceptions[0]["voucher_no"], deficiency)
+		if self.verbose:
+			frappe.throw(msg, NegativeStockError)
+		else:
+			raise NegativeStockError, msg
 def get_previous_sle(args, for_update=False):
@@ -346,13 +324,34 @@
 			"sle": "name of reference Stock Ledger Entry"
-	if not args.get("sle"): args["sle"] = ""
-	sle = get_stock_ledger_entries(args, ["name != %(sle)s",
-		"timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) <= timestamp(%(posting_date)s, %(posting_time)s)"],
-		"desc", "limit 1", for_update=for_update)
+	args["name"] = args.get("sle", None) or ""
+	sle = get_stock_ledger_entries(args, "<=", "desc", "limit 1", for_update=for_update)
 	return sle and sle[0] or {}
+def get_stock_ledger_entries(previous_sle, operator=None, order="desc", limit=None, for_update=False):
+	"""get stock ledger entries filtered by specific posting datetime conditions"""
+	conditions = "timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) {0} timestamp(%(posting_date)s, %(posting_time)s)".format(operator)
+	if not previous_sle.get("posting_date"):
+		previous_sle["posting_date"] = "1900-01-01"
+	if not previous_sle.get("posting_time"):
+		previous_sle["posting_time"] = "00:00"
+	if operator in (">", "<=") and previous_sle.get("name"):
+		conditions += " and name!=%(name)s"
+	return frappe.db.sql("""select *, timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) as "timestamp" from `tabStock Ledger Entry`
+		where item_code = %%(item_code)s
+		and warehouse = %%(warehouse)s
+		and ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No')='No'
+		and %(conditions)s
+		order by timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) %(order)s, name %(order)s
+		%(limit)s %(for_update)s""" % {
+			"conditions": conditions,
+			"limit": limit or "",
+			"for_update": for_update and "for update" or "",
+			"order": order
+		}, previous_sle, as_dict=1)
 def get_valuation_rate(item_code, warehouse, allow_zero_rate=False):
 	last_valuation_rate = frappe.db.sql("""select valuation_rate
 		from `tabStock Ledger Entry`
diff --git a/erpnext/templates/form_grid/item_grid.html b/erpnext/templates/form_grid/item_grid.html
index e792da0..6bd5d48 100644
--- a/erpnext/templates/form_grid/item_grid.html
+++ b/erpnext/templates/form_grid/item_grid.html
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
 				<br>{%= doc.item_name %}{% } %}
 			{% if(doc.item_name != doc.description) { %}
 				<p>{%= doc.description %}</p>{% } %}
-            <div>
+            <p>
     			{% if(doc.sales_order || doc.against_sales_order) { %}
-    				<span class="label label-default"
+    				<span class="label label-default" style="margin-right: 10px;"
     					title="{%= __("Sales Order") %}">
     					<i class="icon-file"></i>
     					{%= doc.sales_order || doc.against_sales_order %}
@@ -36,22 +36,28 @@
-    				<span style="margin-left: 10px;"
+    				<span style="margin-right: 10px;"
     					title="{%= title %}">
     					<span class="label {%= label_class %}">
     						{%= doc.warehouse %}
     			{% } %}
-            </div>
+            </p>
 			{% include "templates/form_grid/includes/visible_cols.html" %}
 			{% if(doc.schedule_date) { %}
-			<div><span title="{%= __("Reqd By Date") %}" class="label {%=
-				(frappe.datetime.get_diff(doc.schedule_date) < 1
-					&& doc.received_qty < doc.qty)
-					? "label-danger" : "label-default" %}">
-					{%= doc.get_formatted("schedule_date") %}</span>
-			</div>
+            <div class="clearfix"></div>
+            <div>
+                {% if(frappe.datetime.get_diff(doc.schedule_date) < 1 && doc.received_qty < doc.qty) { %}
+                <span class="text-danger">
+                    {%= __("Overdue on {0}", [doc.get_formatted("schedule_date")]) %}
+                </span>
+                {% } else { %}
+                <span class="text-muted">
+                    {%= __("Due on {0}", [doc.get_formatted("schedule_date")]) %}
+                </span>
+                {% } %}
+            </div>
 			{% } %}
diff --git a/erpnext/templates/form_grid/material_request_grid.html b/erpnext/templates/form_grid/material_request_grid.html
index c30cf58..1e25909 100644
--- a/erpnext/templates/form_grid/material_request_grid.html
+++ b/erpnext/templates/form_grid/material_request_grid.html
@@ -13,24 +13,7 @@
 				<br>{%= doc.item_name %}{% } %}
 			{% if(doc.item_name != doc.description) { %}
 				<p>{%= doc.description %}</p>{% } %}
-			{% include "templates/form_grid/includes/visible_cols.html" %}
-			{% if(doc.schedule_date) { %}
-			<br><span title="{%= __("Reqd By Date") %}" class="label {%=
-				(frappe.datetime.get_diff(doc.schedule_date, frappe.datetime.get_today()) < 0
-					&& doc.ordered_qty < doc.qty)
-					? "label-danger" : "label-default" %}">
-					{%= doc.get_formatted("schedule_date") %}</span>
-			{% } %}
-		</div>
-		<!-- qty -->
-		<div class="col-sm-3 text-right">
-			{%= doc.get_formatted("qty") %}
-			<small>{%= doc.uom || doc.stock_uom %}</small>
-			{% var completed =
-				100 - cint((doc.qty - cint(doc.ordered_qty)) * 100 / doc.qty),
-				title = __("Ordered"); %}
-			{% include "templates/form_grid/includes/progress.html" %}
+			<div>
 			{% if(doc.warehouse) { %}
 				<div style="overflow:hidden; min-height: 25px;
 					white-space:nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis;"
@@ -40,6 +23,26 @@
 			{% } %}
+			{% if(doc.schedule_date) { %}
+                <span title="{%= __("Reqd By Date") %}" class="label {%=
+				(frappe.datetime.get_diff(doc.schedule_date, frappe.datetime.get_today()) < 0
+					&& doc.ordered_qty < doc.qty)
+					? "label-danger" : "label-default" %}">
+					{%= doc.get_formatted("schedule_date") %}</span>
+			{% } %}
+            </div>
+			{% include "templates/form_grid/includes/visible_cols.html" %}
+		</div>
+		<!-- qty -->
+		<div class="col-sm-3 text-right">
+			{%= doc.get_formatted("qty") %}
+			<div class="small">{%= doc.uom || doc.stock_uom %}</div>
+            {% if(doc.qty == doc.ordered_qty) { %}
+                <div class="small text-success">{%= __("Ordered") %}</div>
+            {% } else { %}
+                <div class="small text-muted">{%= __("{0} Ordered", doc.ordered_qty) %}</div>
+			{% } %}
 {% } %}