moved to erpnext and added website manager role
diff --git a/erpnext/website/Role/Website Manager/Website Manager.txt b/erpnext/website/Role/Website Manager/Website Manager.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad1ad9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/website/Role/Website Manager/Website Manager.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Role, Website Manager
+ # These values are common in all dictionaries
+ {
+ 'creation': '2012-01-24 10:18:47',
+ 'docstatus': 0,
+ 'modified': '2012-02-06 15:22:27',
+ 'modified_by': u'Administrator',
+ 'owner': u'Administrator'
+ },
+ # These values are common for all Role
+ {
+ 'doctype': 'Role',
+ 'module': u'Website',
+ 'name': '__common__',
+ 'role_name': u'Website Manager'
+ },
+ # Role, Website Manager
+ {
+ 'doctype': 'Role',
+ 'name': u'Website Manager'
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bc11387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os, sys
+def replace_code(start, txt1, txt2, extn):
+ """replace all txt1 by txt2 in files with extension (extn)"""
+ import os, re
+ for wt in os.walk(start, followlinks=1):
+ for fn in wt[2]:
+ if fn.split('.')[-1]==extn:
+ fpath = os.path.join(wt[0], fn)
+ with open(fpath, 'r') as f:
+ content =
+ if, content):
+ a = raw_input('Change in %s [y/n]?' % fpath)
+ if a=='y':
+ with open(fpath, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(re.sub(txt1, txt2, content))
+ print 'updated in %s' % fpath
+def setup_options():
+ from optparse import OptionParser
+ parser = OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option("-b", "--build", default=False, action="store_true",
+ help="minify + concat js files")
+ parser.add_option("-c", "--clear", default=False, action="store_true",
+ help="increment version")
+ parser.add_option("--replace", nargs=3, default=False,
+ metavar = "search replace_by extension",
+ help="file search-replace")
+ parser.add_option("--status", default=False, action="store_true",
+ help="git status")
+ parser.add_option("--pull", nargs=2, default=False,
+ metavar = "remote branch",
+ help="git pull (both repos)")
+ parser.add_option("--push", nargs=3, default=False,
+ metavar = "remote branch comment",
+ help="git commit + push (both repos) [remote] [branch] [comment]")
+ parser.add_option("-l", "--latest",
+ action="store_true", dest="run_latest", default=False,
+ help="Apply the latest patches")
+ parser.add_option("-p", "--patch", nargs=1, dest="patch_list", metavar='patch_module',
+ action="append",
+ help="Apply patch")
+ parser.add_option("-f", "--force",
+ action="store_true", dest="force", default=False,
+ help="Force Apply all patches specified using option -p or --patch")
+ parser.add_option("-d", "--db",
+ dest="db_name",
+ help="Apply the patches on given db")
+ parser.add_option('-r', '--reload_doc', nargs=3, metavar = "module doctype docname",
+ help="reload doc")
+ return parser.parse_args()
+def run():
+ sys.path.append('.')
+ sys.path.append('lib/py')
+ import webnotes
+ import webnotes.defs
+ sys.path.append(webnotes.defs.modules_path)
+ (options, args) = setup_options()
+ from webnotes.db import Database
+ import webnotes.modules.patch_handler
+ # build
+ if
+ import build.project
+ elif options.clear:
+ from build.project import increment_version
+ print "Version:" + str(increment_version())
+ # code replace
+ elif options.replace:
+ replace_code('.', options.replace[0], options.replace[1], options.replace[2])
+ # git
+ elif options.status:
+ os.system('git status')
+ os.chdir('lib')
+ os.system('git status')
+ elif options.pull:
+ os.system('git pull %s %s' % (options.pull[0], options.pull[1]))
+ os.chdir('lib')
+ os.system('git pull %s %s' % (options.pull[0], options.pull[1]))
+ elif options.push:
+ os.system('git commit -a -m "%s"' % options.push[2])
+ os.system('git push %s %s' % (options.push[0], options.push[1]))
+ os.chdir('lib')
+ os.system('git commit -a -m "%s"' % options.push[2])
+ os.system('git push %s %s' % (options.push[0], options.push[1]))
+ # patch
+ elif options.patch_list:
+ # clear log
+ webnotes.modules.patch_handler.log_list = []
+ # connect to db
+ if options.db_name is not None:
+ webnotes.connect(options.db_name)
+ else:
+ webnotes.connect()
+ # run individual patches
+ for patch in options.patch_list:
+ webnotes.modules.patch_handler.run_single(\
+ patchmodule = patch, force = options.force)
+ print '\n'.join(webnotes.modules.patch_handler.log_list)
+ # reload
+ elif options.reload_doc:
+ webnotes.modules.patch_handler.reload_doc(\
+ {"module":args[0], "dt":args[1], "dn":args[2]})
+ print '\n'.join(webnotes.modules.patch_handler.log_list)
+ # run all pending
+ elif options.run_latest:
+ webnotes.modules.patch_handler.run_all()
+ print '\n'.join(webnotes.modules.patch_handler.log_list)
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ run()