refactor: migrate gl to payment ledger using sql
diff --git a/erpnext/patches/v14_0/ b/erpnext/patches/v14_0/
index c2267aa..1e0d20d 100644
--- a/erpnext/patches/v14_0/
+++ b/erpnext/patches/v14_0/
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
 import frappe
 from frappe import qb
+from frappe.query_builder import Case
+from frappe.query_builder.custom import ConstantColumn
+from frappe.query_builder.functions import IfNull
 from erpnext.accounts.doctype.accounting_dimension.accounting_dimension import (
-from erpnext.accounts.utils import create_payment_ledger_entry
 def create_accounting_dimension_fields():
@@ -15,24 +17,119 @@
 			make_dimension_in_accounting_doctypes(dimension, ["Payment Ledger Entry"])
-def execute():
-	# create accounting dimension fields in Payment Ledger
-	create_accounting_dimension_fields()
+def generate_name_for_payment_ledger_entries(gl_entries):
+	for index, entry in enumerate(gl_entries, 1):
+ = index
-	gl = qb.DocType("GL Entry")
-	accounts = frappe.db.get_list(
-		"Account", "name", filters={"account_type": ["in", ["Receivable", "Payable"]]}, as_list=True
-	)
-	gl_entries = []
-	if accounts:
-		# get all gl entries on receivable/payable accounts
+def get_columns():
+	columns = [
+		"name",
+		"creation",
+		"modified",
+		"modified_by",
+		"owner",
+		"docstatus",
+		"posting_date",
+		"account_type",
+		"account",
+		"party_type",
+		"party",
+		"voucher_type",
+		"voucher_no",
+		"against_voucher_type",
+		"against_voucher_no",
+		"amount",
+		"amount_in_account_currency",
+		"account_currency",
+		"company",
+		"cost_center",
+		"due_date",
+		"finance_book",
+	]
+	dimensions_and_defaults = get_dimensions()
+	if dimensions_and_defaults:
+		for dimension in dimensions_and_defaults[0]:
+			columns.append(dimension.fieldname)
+	return columns
+def build_insert_query():
+	ple = qb.DocType("Payment Ledger Entry")
+	columns = get_columns()
+	insert_query = qb.into(ple)
+	# build 'insert' columns in query
+	insert_query = insert_query.columns(tuple(columns))
+	return insert_query
+def insert_chunk_into_payment_ledger(insert_query, gl_entries):
+	if gl_entries:
+		columns = get_columns()
+		# build tuple of data with same column order
+		for entry in gl_entries:
+			data = ()
+			for column in columns:
+				data += (entry[column],)
+			insert_query = insert_query.insert(data)
+def execute():
+	if frappe.reload_doc("accounts", "doctype", "payment_ledger_entry"):
+		# create accounting dimension fields in Payment Ledger
+		create_accounting_dimension_fields()
+		gl = qb.DocType("GL Entry")
+		account = qb.DocType("Account")
 		gl_entries = (
-			.select("*")
-			.where(gl.account.isin(accounts))
+			.inner_join(account)
+			.on((gl.account == & (account.account_type.isin(["Receivable", "Payable"])))
+			.select(
+				ConstantColumn(1).as_("docstatus"),
+				account.account_type.as_("account_type"),
+				IfNull(gl.against_voucher_type, gl.voucher_type).as_("against_voucher_type"),
+				IfNull(gl.against_voucher, gl.voucher_no).as_("against_voucher_no"),
+				# convert debit/credit to amount
+				Case()
+				.when(account.account_type == "Receivable", gl.debit -
+				.else_( - gl.debit)
+				.as_("amount"),
+				# convert debit/credit in account currency to amount in account currency
+				Case()
+				.when(
+					account.account_type == "Receivable",
+					gl.debit_in_account_currency - gl.credit_in_account_currency,
+				)
+				.else_(gl.credit_in_account_currency - gl.debit_in_account_currency)
+				.as_("amount_in_account_currency"),
+			)
 			.where(gl.is_cancelled == 0)
+			.orderby(gl.creation)
-		if gl_entries:
-			# create payment ledger entries for the accounts receivable/payable
-			create_payment_ledger_entry(gl_entries, 0)
+		# primary key(name) for payment ledger records
+		generate_name_for_payment_ledger_entries(gl_entries)
+		# split data into chunks
+		chunk_size = 1000
+		try:
+			for i in range(0, len(gl_entries), chunk_size):
+				insert_query = build_insert_query()
+				insert_chunk_into_payment_ledger(insert_query, gl_entries[i : i + chunk_size])
+				frappe.db.commit()
+		except Exception as err:
+			frappe.db.rollback()
+			ple = qb.DocType("Payment Ledger Entry")
+			qb.from_(ple).delete().where(ple.docstatus >= 0).run()
+			frappe.db.commit()
+			raise err