[enhance] automatic batch creation, move and split
diff --git a/erpnext/controllers/stock_controller.py b/erpnext/controllers/stock_controller.py
index 54c181a..703fe06 100644
--- a/erpnext/controllers/stock_controller.py
+++ b/erpnext/controllers/stock_controller.py
@@ -177,6 +177,18 @@
 				stock_ledger.setdefault(sle.voucher_detail_no, []).append(sle)
 		return stock_ledger
+	def make_batches(self):
+		'''Create batches if required. Called before submit'''
+		for d in self.items:
+			has_batch_no, create_new_batch = frappe.db.get_value('Item', d.item_code, ['has_batch_no', 'create_new_batch'])
+			if has_batch_no and not d.batch_no and create_new_batch:
+				d.batch_no = frappe.get_doc(dict(
+					doctype='Batch',
+					item=d.item_code,
+					supplier=getattr(self, 'supplier', None),
+					reference_doctype=self.doctype,
+					reference_name=self.name)).insert().name
 	def make_adjustment_entry(self, expected_gle, voucher_obj):
 		from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_stock_and_account_difference
 		account_list = [d.account for d in expected_gle]
diff --git a/erpnext/docs/assets/img/stock/batch.png b/erpnext/docs/assets/img/stock/batch.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 406acbd..0000000
--- a/erpnext/docs/assets/img/stock/batch.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/erpnext/docs/assets/img/stock/batch_view.png b/erpnext/docs/assets/img/stock/batch_view.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d670fc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/docs/assets/img/stock/batch_view.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/erpnext/docs/assets/img/stock/item_setup_for_batch.png b/erpnext/docs/assets/img/stock/item_setup_for_batch.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed4eb21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erpnext/docs/assets/img/stock/item_setup_for_batch.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/erpnext/docs/user/manual/en/stock/batch.md b/erpnext/docs/user/manual/en/stock/batch.md
index 7e2198f..73309f4 100644
--- a/erpnext/docs/user/manual/en/stock/batch.md
+++ b/erpnext/docs/user/manual/en/stock/batch.md
@@ -1,27 +1,45 @@
-Batch inventory feature in ERPNext allows you to group multiple units of an item, 
+Batch feature in ERPNext allows you to group multiple units of an item,
 and assign them a unique value/number/tag called Batch No.
-The practice of stocking based on batch is mainly followed in the pharmaceutical industry. 
-Medicines/drugs produced in a particular batched is assigned a unique id. 
-This helps them updating and tracking manufacturing and expiry date for all the units produced under specific batch.
+This is done based on the Item. If the Item is batched, then a Batch number must be mentioned in every stock transaction. Batch numbers can be maintained manually or automatically
-> Note: To set item as a batch item, "Has Batch No" field should be updated as Yes in the Item master.
+### Item Setup
-On every stock transaction (Purchase Receipt, Delivery Note, POS Invoice) made for batch item, 
-you should provide item's Batch No. 
+To set item as a batch item, "Has Batch No" field should be checked in the Item master.
+If you want automatic batch creation at the time of Purchase Receipt, you must check "Create New Batches Automatically"
+<img class="screenshot" alt="Item Setup for Batches" src="{{docs_base_url}}/assets/img/stock/item_setup_for_batch.png">
+### Creating Batches
+If you have not selected "Create New Batches Automatically", you will have to make Batches Manually as you go along.
 To create new Batch No. master for an item, go to:
 > Stock > Setup > Batch > New
-Batch master is created before creation of Purchase Receipt. 
-Hence eveytime there is Purchase Receipt or Production entry being made for a batch item, 
-you will first create its Batch No, and then select it in Purcase order or Production Entry.
+### Splitting and Moving Batches
-<img class="screenshot" alt="batch" src="{{docs_base_url}}/assets/img/stock/batch.png">
+When you open a batch, you will see all the quantities relating this that batch on the page.
-> Note: In stock transactions, Batch IDs will be filtered based on Item Code, Warehouse, 
-Batch Expiry Date (compared with Posting date of a transaction) and Actual Qty in Warehouse. 
+<img class="screenshot" alt="Batch View" src="{{docs_base_url}}/assets/img/stock/batch_view.png">
+To move the batch from one warehouse to another, you can click on the move button.
+You can also split the batch into smaller one by clicking on "Split". This will create a new Batch based on this Batch and the quantities will be split between the batches.
+### Transacting Items with Batches
+Batch master is created before creation of Purchase Receipt.
+Hence eveytime there is Purchase Receipt or Production Order being made for a batch item,
+you will first create its Batch No, and then select it in Purchase order or Production Entry.
+On every stock transaction (Purchase Receipt, Delivery Note, POS Invoice) made for batch item,
+you should provide item's Batch No.
+> Note: In stock transactions, Batch IDs will be filtered based on Item Code, Warehouse,
+Batch Expiry Date (compared with Posting date of a transaction) and Actual Qty in Warehouse.
 While searching for Batch ID  without value in Warehouse field, then Actual Qty filter won't be applied.
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/sales_order.js b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/sales_order.js
index dc7d73d..0175976 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/sales_order.js
+++ b/erpnext/selling/doctype/sales_order/sales_order.js
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
 {% include 'erpnext/selling/sales_common.js' %}
-cur_frm.add_fetch('customer', 'tax_id', 'tax_id');
 frappe.ui.form.on("Sales Order", {
 	setup: function(frm) {
 		$.extend(frm.cscript, new erpnext.selling.SalesOrderController({frm: frm}));
@@ -14,6 +12,7 @@
 			'Material Request': 'Material Request',
 			'Purchase Order': 'Purchase Order'
+		frm.add_fetch('customer', 'tax_id', 'tax_id');
 	onload: function(frm) {
 		erpnext.queries.setup_queries(frm, "Warehouse", function() {
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/batch/batch.js b/erpnext/stock/doctype/batch/batch.js
index 2cfdb63..8a3906e 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/batch/batch.js
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/batch/batch.js
@@ -1,12 +1,137 @@
 // Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
 // License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
-cur_frm.fields_dict['item'].get_query = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
-	return {
-		query: "erpnext.controllers.queries.item_query",
-		filters:{
-			'is_stock_item': 1,
-			'has_batch_no': 1
+frappe.ui.form.on('Batch', {
+	setup: (frm) => {
+		frm.fields_dict['item'].get_query = function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
+			return {
+				query: "erpnext.controllers.queries.item_query",
+				filters:{
+					'is_stock_item': 1,
+					'has_batch_no': 1
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	refresh: (frm) => {
+		if(!frm.is_new()) {
+			frm.add_custom_button(__("View Ledger"), () => {
+				frappe.route_options = {
+					batch_no: frm.doc.name
+				};
+				frappe.set_route("query-report", "Stock Ledger");
+			});
+			frm.trigger('make_dashboard');
+		}
+	},
+	make_dashboard: (frm) => {
+		if(!frm.is_new()) {
+			frappe.call({
+				method: 'erpnext.stock.doctype.batch.batch.get_batch_qty',
+				args: {batch_no: frm.doc.name},
+				callback: (r) => {
+					if(!r.message) {
+						return;
+					}
+					var section = frm.dashboard.add_section(`<h5 style="margin-top: 0px;">
+						${ __("Stock Levels") }</a></h5>`);
+					// sort by qty
+					r.message.sort(function(a, b) { a.qty > b.qty ? 1 : -1 });
+					var rows = $('<div></div>').appendTo(section);
+					// show
+					(r.message || []).forEach(function(d) {
+						if(d.qty > 0) {
+							$(`<div class='row' style='margin-bottom: 10px;'>
+								<div class='col-sm-3 small' style='padding-top: 3px;'>${d.warehouse}</div>
+								<div class='col-sm-3 small text-right' style='padding-top: 3px;'>${d.qty}</div>
+								<div class='col-sm-6'>
+									<button class='btn btn-default btn-xs btn-move' style='margin-right: 7px;'
+										data-qty = "${d.qty}"
+										data-warehouse = "${d.warehouse}">
+										${__('Move')}</button>
+									<button class='btn btn-default btn-xs btn-split'
+										data-qty = "${d.qty}"
+										data-warehouse = "${d.warehouse}">
+										${__('Split')}</button>
+								</div>
+							</div>`).appendTo(rows);
+						}
+					});
+					// move - ask for target warehouse and make stock entry
+					rows.find('.btn-move').on('click', function() {
+						var $btn = $(this);
+						frappe.prompt({
+								fieldname: 'to_warehouse',
+								label: __('To Warehouse'),
+								fieldtype: 'Link',
+								options: 'Warehouse'
+							},
+							(data) => {
+								frappe.call({
+									method: 'erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_entry.stock_entry_utils.make_stock_entry',
+									args: {
+										item_code: frm.doc.item,
+										batch_no: frm.doc.name,
+										qty: $btn.attr('data-qty'),
+										from_warehouse: $btn.attr('data-warehouse'),
+										to_warehouse: data.to_warehouse
+									},
+									callback: (r) => {
+										frappe.show_alert(__('Stock Entry {0} created',
+											['<a href="#Form/Stock Entry/'+r.message.name+'">' + r.message.name+ '</a>']));
+										frm.refresh();
+									},
+								});
+							},
+							__('Select Target Warehouse'),
+							__('Move')
+						)
+					});
+					// split - ask for new qty and batch ID (optional)
+					// and make stock entry via batch.batch_split
+					rows.find('.btn-split').on('click', function() {
+						var $btn = $(this);
+						frappe.prompt([{
+								fieldname: 'qty',
+								label: __('New Batch Qty'),
+								fieldtype: 'Float',
+								'default': $btn.attr('data-qty')
+							},
+							{
+								fieldname: 'new_batch_id',
+								label: __('New Batch ID (Optional)'),
+								fieldtype: 'Data',
+							}],
+							(data) => {
+								frappe.call({
+									method: 'erpnext.stock.doctype.batch.batch.split_batch',
+									args: {
+										item_code: frm.doc.item,
+										batch_no: frm.doc.name,
+										qty: data.qty,
+										warehouse: $btn.attr('data-warehouse'),
+										new_batch_id: data.new_batch_id
+									},
+									callback: (r) => {
+										frm.refresh();
+									},
+								});
+							},
+							__('Split Batch'),
+							__('Split')
+						)
+					})
+					frm.dashboard.show();
+				}
+			});
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/batch/batch.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/batch/batch.json
index ef31cfd..b4a1405 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/batch/batch.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/batch/batch.json
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
  "allow_copy": 0, 
+ "allow_guest_to_view": 0, 
  "allow_import": 1, 
  "allow_rename": 0, 
- "autoname": "field:batch_id", 
+ "autoname": "", 
  "beta": 0, 
  "creation": "2013-03-05 14:50:38", 
  "custom": 0, 
@@ -17,12 +18,14 @@
    "bold": 0, 
    "collapsible": 0, 
    "columns": 0, 
+   "depends_on": "eval:doc.__islocal", 
    "fieldname": "batch_id", 
    "fieldtype": "Data", 
    "hidden": 0, 
    "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
    "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
    "in_filter": 0, 
+   "in_global_search": 0, 
    "in_list_view": 0, 
    "in_standard_filter": 0, 
    "label": "Batch ID", 
@@ -36,7 +39,7 @@
    "read_only": 0, 
    "remember_last_selected_value": 0, 
    "report_hide": 0, 
-   "reqd": 1, 
+   "reqd": 0, 
    "search_index": 0, 
    "set_only_once": 0, 
    "unique": 0
@@ -52,6 +55,7 @@
    "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
    "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
    "in_filter": 0, 
+   "in_global_search": 0, 
    "in_list_view": 0, 
    "in_standard_filter": 1, 
    "label": "Item", 
@@ -76,12 +80,73 @@
    "bold": 0, 
    "collapsible": 0, 
    "columns": 0, 
+   "fieldname": "image", 
+   "fieldtype": "Attach Image", 
+   "hidden": 1, 
+   "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
+   "in_filter": 0, 
+   "in_global_search": 0, 
+   "in_list_view": 0, 
+   "in_standard_filter": 0, 
+   "label": "image", 
+   "length": 0, 
+   "no_copy": 0, 
+   "permlevel": 0, 
+   "precision": "", 
+   "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
+   "read_only": 0, 
+   "remember_last_selected_value": 0, 
+   "report_hide": 0, 
+   "reqd": 0, 
+   "search_index": 0, 
+   "set_only_once": 0, 
+   "unique": 0
+  }, 
+  {
+   "allow_on_submit": 0, 
+   "bold": 0, 
+   "collapsible": 0, 
+   "columns": 0, 
+   "depends_on": "eval:doc.parent_batch", 
+   "fieldname": "parent_batch", 
+   "fieldtype": "Link", 
+   "hidden": 0, 
+   "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
+   "in_filter": 0, 
+   "in_global_search": 0, 
+   "in_list_view": 0, 
+   "in_standard_filter": 0, 
+   "label": "Parent Batch", 
+   "length": 0, 
+   "no_copy": 0, 
+   "options": "Batch", 
+   "permlevel": 0, 
+   "precision": "", 
+   "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
+   "read_only": 1, 
+   "remember_last_selected_value": 0, 
+   "report_hide": 0, 
+   "reqd": 0, 
+   "search_index": 0, 
+   "set_only_once": 0, 
+   "unique": 0
+  }, 
+  {
+   "allow_on_submit": 0, 
+   "bold": 0, 
+   "collapsible": 0, 
+   "columns": 0, 
    "fieldname": "column_break_3", 
    "fieldtype": "Column Break", 
    "hidden": 0, 
    "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
    "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
    "in_filter": 0, 
+   "in_global_search": 0, 
    "in_list_view": 0, 
    "in_standard_filter": 0, 
    "length": 0, 
@@ -109,6 +174,7 @@
    "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
    "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
    "in_filter": 0, 
+   "in_global_search": 0, 
    "in_list_view": 0, 
    "in_standard_filter": 0, 
    "label": "Expiry Date", 
@@ -132,12 +198,160 @@
    "bold": 0, 
    "collapsible": 0, 
    "columns": 0, 
+   "fieldname": "source", 
+   "fieldtype": "Section Break", 
+   "hidden": 0, 
+   "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
+   "in_filter": 0, 
+   "in_global_search": 0, 
+   "in_list_view": 0, 
+   "in_standard_filter": 0, 
+   "label": "Source", 
+   "length": 0, 
+   "no_copy": 0, 
+   "permlevel": 0, 
+   "precision": "", 
+   "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
+   "read_only": 0, 
+   "remember_last_selected_value": 0, 
+   "report_hide": 0, 
+   "reqd": 0, 
+   "search_index": 0, 
+   "set_only_once": 0, 
+   "unique": 0
+  }, 
+  {
+   "allow_on_submit": 0, 
+   "bold": 0, 
+   "collapsible": 0, 
+   "columns": 0, 
+   "fieldname": "supplier", 
+   "fieldtype": "Link", 
+   "hidden": 0, 
+   "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
+   "in_filter": 0, 
+   "in_global_search": 0, 
+   "in_list_view": 0, 
+   "in_standard_filter": 0, 
+   "label": "Supplier", 
+   "length": 0, 
+   "no_copy": 0, 
+   "options": "Supplier", 
+   "permlevel": 0, 
+   "precision": "", 
+   "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
+   "read_only": 1, 
+   "remember_last_selected_value": 0, 
+   "report_hide": 0, 
+   "reqd": 0, 
+   "search_index": 0, 
+   "set_only_once": 0, 
+   "unique": 0
+  }, 
+  {
+   "allow_on_submit": 0, 
+   "bold": 0, 
+   "collapsible": 0, 
+   "columns": 0, 
+   "fieldname": "column_break_9", 
+   "fieldtype": "Column Break", 
+   "hidden": 0, 
+   "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
+   "in_filter": 0, 
+   "in_global_search": 0, 
+   "in_list_view": 0, 
+   "in_standard_filter": 0, 
+   "length": 0, 
+   "no_copy": 0, 
+   "permlevel": 0, 
+   "precision": "", 
+   "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
+   "read_only": 0, 
+   "remember_last_selected_value": 0, 
+   "report_hide": 0, 
+   "reqd": 0, 
+   "search_index": 0, 
+   "set_only_once": 0, 
+   "unique": 0
+  }, 
+  {
+   "allow_on_submit": 0, 
+   "bold": 0, 
+   "collapsible": 0, 
+   "columns": 0, 
+   "fieldname": "reference_doctype", 
+   "fieldtype": "Link", 
+   "hidden": 0, 
+   "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
+   "in_filter": 0, 
+   "in_global_search": 0, 
+   "in_list_view": 0, 
+   "in_standard_filter": 0, 
+   "label": "Source Document Type", 
+   "length": 0, 
+   "no_copy": 0, 
+   "options": "DocType", 
+   "permlevel": 0, 
+   "precision": "", 
+   "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
+   "read_only": 1, 
+   "remember_last_selected_value": 0, 
+   "report_hide": 0, 
+   "reqd": 0, 
+   "search_index": 0, 
+   "set_only_once": 0, 
+   "unique": 0
+  }, 
+  {
+   "allow_on_submit": 0, 
+   "bold": 0, 
+   "collapsible": 0, 
+   "columns": 0, 
+   "fieldname": "reference_name", 
+   "fieldtype": "Dynamic Link", 
+   "hidden": 0, 
+   "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
+   "in_filter": 0, 
+   "in_global_search": 0, 
+   "in_list_view": 0, 
+   "in_standard_filter": 0, 
+   "label": "Source Document Name", 
+   "length": 0, 
+   "no_copy": 0, 
+   "options": "reference_doctype", 
+   "permlevel": 0, 
+   "precision": "", 
+   "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
+   "read_only": 1, 
+   "remember_last_selected_value": 0, 
+   "report_hide": 0, 
+   "reqd": 0, 
+   "search_index": 0, 
+   "set_only_once": 0, 
+   "unique": 0
+  }, 
+  {
+   "allow_on_submit": 0, 
+   "bold": 0, 
+   "collapsible": 0, 
+   "columns": 0, 
    "fieldname": "section_break_7", 
    "fieldtype": "Section Break", 
    "hidden": 0, 
    "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
    "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
    "in_filter": 0, 
+   "in_global_search": 0, 
    "in_list_view": 0, 
    "in_standard_filter": 0, 
    "length": 0, 
@@ -165,6 +379,7 @@
    "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
    "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
    "in_filter": 0, 
+   "in_global_search": 0, 
    "in_list_view": 0, 
    "in_standard_filter": 0, 
    "label": "Batch Description", 
@@ -185,18 +400,19 @@
    "width": "300px"
+ "has_web_view": 0, 
  "hide_heading": 0, 
  "hide_toolbar": 0, 
  "icon": "fa fa-archive", 
  "idx": 1, 
+ "image_field": "image", 
  "image_view": 0, 
  "in_create": 0, 
- "in_dialog": 0, 
  "is_submittable": 0, 
  "issingle": 0, 
  "istable": 0, 
  "max_attachments": 5, 
- "modified": "2016-11-07 05:50:33.973883", 
+ "modified": "2017-04-20 03:22:19.888058", 
  "modified_by": "Administrator", 
  "module": "Stock", 
  "name": "Batch", 
@@ -212,7 +428,6 @@
    "export": 0, 
    "if_owner": 0, 
    "import": 0, 
-   "is_custom": 0, 
    "permlevel": 0, 
    "print": 1, 
    "read": 1, 
@@ -224,9 +439,12 @@
    "write": 1
- "quick_entry": 0, 
+ "quick_entry": 1, 
  "read_only": 0, 
  "read_only_onload": 0, 
+ "show_name_in_global_search": 0, 
+ "sort_order": "DESC", 
  "title_field": "item", 
+ "track_changes": 0, 
  "track_seen": 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/batch/batch.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/batch/batch.py
index 157b094..193aceb 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/batch/batch.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/batch/batch.py
@@ -7,6 +7,24 @@
 from frappe.model.document import Document
 class Batch(Document):
+	def autoname(self):
+		'''Generate random ID for batch if not specified'''
+		if not self.batch_id:
+			if frappe.db.get_value('Item', self.item, 'create_new_batch'):
+				temp = None
+				while not temp:
+					temp = frappe.generate_hash()[:7].upper()
+					if frappe.db.exists('Batch', temp):
+						temp = None
+				self.batch_id = temp
+			else:
+				frappe.throw(_('Batch ID is mandatory'), frappe.MandatoryError)
+		self.name = self.batch_id
+	def onload(self):
+		self.image = frappe.db.get_value('Item', self.item, 'image')
 	def validate(self):
@@ -14,3 +32,47 @@
 	def item_has_batch_enabled(self):
 		if frappe.db.get_value("Item",self.item,"has_batch_no") == 0:
 			frappe.throw(_("The selected item cannot have Batch"))
+def get_batch_qty(batch_no, warehouse=None):
+	'''Returns batch actual qty if warehouse is passed, or returns dict of qty by warehouse if warehouse is None'''
+	frappe.has_permission('Batch', throw=True)
+	out = 0
+	if batch_no and warehouse:
+		out = float(frappe.db.sql("""select sum(actual_qty)
+			from `tabStock Ledger Entry`
+			where warehouse=%s and batch_no=%s""",
+			(warehouse, batch_no))[0][0] or 0)
+	if batch_no and not warehouse:
+		out = frappe.db.sql('''select warehouse, sum(actual_qty) as qty
+			from `tabStock Ledger Entry`
+			where batch_no=%s
+			group by warehouse''', batch_no, as_dict=1)
+	return out
+def split_batch(batch_no, item_code, warehouse, qty, new_batch_id = None):
+	'''Split the batch into a new batch'''
+	batch = frappe.get_doc(dict(doctype='Batch', item=item_code, batch_id=new_batch_id)).insert()
+	stock_entry = frappe.get_doc(dict(
+		doctype='Stock Entry',
+		purpose='Repack',
+		items=[
+			dict(
+				item_code = item_code,
+				qty = float(qty or 0),
+				s_warehouse = warehouse,
+				batch_no = batch_no
+			),
+			dict(
+				item_code = item_code,
+				qty = float(qty or 0),
+				t_warehouse = warehouse,
+				batch_no = batch.name
+			),
+		]
+	))
+	stock_entry.insert()
+	stock_entry.submit()
+	return batch.name
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/batch/test_batch.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/batch/test_batch.py
index e519f5f..29023bb 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/batch/test_batch.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/batch/test_batch.py
@@ -6,10 +6,75 @@
 from frappe.exceptions import ValidationError
 import unittest
+from erpnext.stock.doctype.batch.batch import get_batch_qty
 class TestBatch(unittest.TestCase):
 	def test_item_has_batch_enabled(self):
 		self.assertRaises(ValidationError, frappe.get_doc({
 			"doctype": "Batch",
 			"name": "_test Batch",
 			"item": "_Test Item"
-		}).save)
\ No newline at end of file
+		}).save)
+	def make_batch_item(self):
+		from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.test_item import make_item
+		if not frappe.db.exists('ITEM-BATCH-1'):
+			make_item('ITEM-BATCH-1', dict(has_batch_no = 1, create_new_batch = 1))
+	def test_purchase_receipt(self):
+		'''Test automated batch creation from Purchase Receipt'''
+		self.make_batch_item()
+		receipt = frappe.get_doc(dict(
+			doctype = 'Purchase Receipt',
+			supplier = '_Test Supplier',
+			items = [
+				dict(
+					item_code = 'ITEM-BATCH-1',
+					qty = 100,
+					rate = 10
+				)
+			]
+		)).insert()
+		receipt.submit()
+		self.assertTrue(receipt.items[0].batch_no)
+		self.assertEquals(get_batch_qty(receipt.items[0].batch_no, receipt.items[0].warehouse), 100)
+		return receipt
+	def test_stock_entry(self):
+		'''Test batch creation via Stock Entry (Production Order)'''
+		self.make_batch_item()
+		stock_entry = frappe.get_doc(dict(
+			doctype = 'Stock Entry',
+			purpose = 'Material Receipt',
+			company = '_Test Company',
+			items = [
+				dict(
+					item_code = 'ITEM-BATCH-1',
+					qty = 90,
+					t_warehouse = '_Test Warehouse - _TC',
+					cost_center = 'Main - _TC',
+					rate = 10
+				)
+			]
+		)).insert()
+		stock_entry.submit()
+		self.assertTrue(stock_entry.items[0].batch_no)
+		self.assertEquals(get_batch_qty(stock_entry.items[0].batch_no, stock_entry.items[0].t_warehouse), 90)
+	def test_batch_split(self):
+		'''Test batch splitting'''
+		receipt = self.test_purchase_receipt()
+		from erpnext.stock.doctype.batch.batch import split_batch
+		new_batch = split_batch(receipt.items[0].batch_no, 'ITEM-BATCH-1', receipt.items[0].warehouse, 22)
+		self.assertEquals(get_batch_qty(receipt.items[0].batch_no, receipt.items[0].warehouse), 78)
+		self.assertEquals(get_batch_qty(new_batch, receipt.items[0].warehouse), 22)
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/item/item.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/item/item.json
index 2273621..d2031ae 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/item/item.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/item/item.json
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
  "beta": 0, 
  "creation": "2013-05-03 10:45:46", 
  "custom": 0, 
- "default_print_format": "Standard", 
+ "default_print_format": "", 
  "description": "A Product or a Service that is bought, sold or kept in stock.", 
  "docstatus": 0, 
  "doctype": "DocType", 
@@ -719,103 +719,6 @@
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    "collapsible": 0, 
    "columns": 0, 
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-   "in_filter": 0, 
-   "in_global_search": 0, 
-   "in_list_view": 0, 
-   "in_standard_filter": 0, 
-   "label": "Has Batch No", 
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-   "no_copy": 0, 
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-   "print_hide": 0, 
-   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
-   "read_only": 0, 
-   "remember_last_selected_value": 0, 
-   "report_hide": 0, 
-   "reqd": 0, 
-   "search_index": 0, 
-   "set_only_once": 0, 
-   "unique": 0
-  }, 
-  {
-   "allow_on_submit": 0, 
-   "bold": 0, 
-   "collapsible": 0, 
-   "columns": 0, 
-   "default": "", 
-   "depends_on": "eval:doc.is_stock_item", 
-   "description": "Selecting \"Yes\" will give a unique identity to each entity of this item which can be viewed in the Serial No master.", 
-   "fieldname": "has_serial_no", 
-   "fieldtype": "Check", 
-   "hidden": 0, 
-   "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
-   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
-   "in_filter": 0, 
-   "in_global_search": 0, 
-   "in_list_view": 0, 
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-   "label": "Has Serial No", 
-   "length": 0, 
-   "no_copy": 0, 
-   "oldfieldname": "has_serial_no", 
-   "oldfieldtype": "Select", 
-   "options": "", 
-   "permlevel": 0, 
-   "print_hide": 0, 
-   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
-   "read_only": 0, 
-   "remember_last_selected_value": 0, 
-   "report_hide": 0, 
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-  {
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-   "bold": 0, 
-   "collapsible": 0, 
-   "columns": 0, 
-   "depends_on": "has_serial_no", 
-   "description": "Example: ABCD.#####\nIf series is set and Serial No is not mentioned in transactions, then automatic serial number will be created based on this series. If you always want to explicitly mention Serial Nos for this item. leave this blank.", 
-   "fieldname": "serial_no_series", 
-   "fieldtype": "Data", 
-   "hidden": 0, 
-   "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
-   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
-   "in_filter": 0, 
-   "in_global_search": 0, 
-   "in_list_view": 0, 
-   "in_standard_filter": 0, 
-   "label": "Serial Number Series", 
-   "length": 0, 
-   "no_copy": 0, 
-   "permlevel": 0, 
-   "print_hide": 0, 
-   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
-   "read_only": 0, 
-   "remember_last_selected_value": 0, 
-   "report_hide": 0, 
-   "reqd": 0, 
-   "search_index": 0, 
-   "set_only_once": 0, 
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-  }, 
-  {
-   "allow_on_submit": 0, 
-   "bold": 0, 
-   "collapsible": 0, 
-   "columns": 0, 
    "default": "Purchase", 
    "fieldname": "default_material_request_type", 
    "fieldtype": "Select", 
@@ -1154,6 +1057,193 @@
    "allow_on_submit": 0, 
    "bold": 0, 
    "collapsible": 1, 
+   "collapsible_depends_on": "eval:doc.has_batch_no || doc.has_serial_no", 
+   "columns": 0, 
+   "depends_on": "is_stock_item", 
+   "fieldname": "serial_nos_and_batches", 
+   "fieldtype": "Section Break", 
+   "hidden": 0, 
+   "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
+   "in_filter": 0, 
+   "in_global_search": 0, 
+   "in_list_view": 0, 
+   "in_standard_filter": 0, 
+   "label": "Serial Nos and Batches", 
+   "length": 0, 
+   "no_copy": 0, 
+   "permlevel": 0, 
+   "precision": "", 
+   "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
+   "read_only": 0, 
+   "remember_last_selected_value": 0, 
+   "report_hide": 0, 
+   "reqd": 0, 
+   "search_index": 0, 
+   "set_only_once": 0, 
+   "unique": 0
+  }, 
+  {
+   "allow_on_submit": 0, 
+   "bold": 0, 
+   "collapsible": 0, 
+   "columns": 0, 
+   "default": "", 
+   "depends_on": "eval:doc.is_stock_item", 
+   "fieldname": "has_batch_no", 
+   "fieldtype": "Check", 
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+   "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
+   "in_filter": 0, 
+   "in_global_search": 0, 
+   "in_list_view": 0, 
+   "in_standard_filter": 0, 
+   "label": "Has Batch No", 
+   "length": 0, 
+   "no_copy": 0, 
+   "oldfieldname": "has_batch_no", 
+   "oldfieldtype": "Select", 
+   "options": "", 
+   "permlevel": 0, 
+   "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
+   "read_only": 0, 
+   "remember_last_selected_value": 0, 
+   "report_hide": 0, 
+   "reqd": 0, 
+   "search_index": 0, 
+   "set_only_once": 0, 
+   "unique": 0
+  }, 
+  {
+   "allow_on_submit": 0, 
+   "bold": 0, 
+   "collapsible": 0, 
+   "columns": 0, 
+   "depends_on": "has_batch_no", 
+   "description": "", 
+   "fieldname": "create_new_batch", 
+   "fieldtype": "Check", 
+   "hidden": 0, 
+   "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
+   "in_filter": 0, 
+   "in_global_search": 0, 
+   "in_list_view": 0, 
+   "in_standard_filter": 0, 
+   "label": "Automatically Create New Batch", 
+   "length": 0, 
+   "no_copy": 0, 
+   "permlevel": 0, 
+   "precision": "", 
+   "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
+   "read_only": 0, 
+   "remember_last_selected_value": 0, 
+   "report_hide": 0, 
+   "reqd": 0, 
+   "search_index": 0, 
+   "set_only_once": 0, 
+   "unique": 0
+  }, 
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+   "fieldtype": "Column Break", 
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+   "in_standard_filter": 0, 
+   "length": 0, 
+   "no_copy": 0, 
+   "permlevel": 0, 
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+   "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
+   "read_only": 0, 
+   "remember_last_selected_value": 0, 
+   "report_hide": 0, 
+   "reqd": 0, 
+   "search_index": 0, 
+   "set_only_once": 0, 
+   "unique": 0
+  }, 
+  {
+   "allow_on_submit": 0, 
+   "bold": 0, 
+   "collapsible": 0, 
+   "columns": 0, 
+   "default": "", 
+   "depends_on": "eval:doc.is_stock_item", 
+   "description": "", 
+   "fieldname": "has_serial_no", 
+   "fieldtype": "Check", 
+   "hidden": 0, 
+   "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
+   "in_filter": 0, 
+   "in_global_search": 0, 
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+   "in_standard_filter": 0, 
+   "label": "Has Serial No", 
+   "length": 0, 
+   "no_copy": 0, 
+   "oldfieldname": "has_serial_no", 
+   "oldfieldtype": "Select", 
+   "options": "", 
+   "permlevel": 0, 
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+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
+   "read_only": 0, 
+   "remember_last_selected_value": 0, 
+   "report_hide": 0, 
+   "reqd": 0, 
+   "search_index": 0, 
+   "set_only_once": 0, 
+   "unique": 0
+  }, 
+  {
+   "allow_on_submit": 0, 
+   "bold": 0, 
+   "collapsible": 0, 
+   "columns": 0, 
+   "depends_on": "has_serial_no", 
+   "description": "Example: ABCD.#####\nIf series is set and Serial No is not mentioned in transactions, then automatic serial number will be created based on this series. If you always want to explicitly mention Serial Nos for this item. leave this blank.", 
+   "fieldname": "serial_no_series", 
+   "fieldtype": "Data", 
+   "hidden": 0, 
+   "ignore_user_permissions": 0, 
+   "ignore_xss_filter": 0, 
+   "in_filter": 0, 
+   "in_global_search": 0, 
+   "in_list_view": 0, 
+   "in_standard_filter": 0, 
+   "label": "Serial Number Series", 
+   "length": 0, 
+   "no_copy": 0, 
+   "permlevel": 0, 
+   "print_hide": 0, 
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0, 
+   "read_only": 0, 
+   "remember_last_selected_value": 0, 
+   "report_hide": 0, 
+   "reqd": 0, 
+   "search_index": 0, 
+   "set_only_once": 0, 
+   "unique": 0
+  }, 
+  {
+   "allow_on_submit": 0, 
+   "bold": 0, 
+   "collapsible": 1, 
    "collapsible_depends_on": "attributes", 
    "columns": 0, 
    "depends_on": "", 
@@ -2954,8 +3044,8 @@
  "issingle": 0, 
  "istable": 0, 
  "max_attachments": 1, 
- "modified": "2017-03-24 15:46:18.569291", 
- "modified_by": "d.ottenbreit@eso-electronic.de", 
+ "modified": "2017-04-19 08:14:26.785497", 
+ "modified_by": "Administrator", 
  "module": "Stock", 
  "name": "Item", 
  "owner": "Administrator", 
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.py
index 1f8fd8d..5d90338 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt/purchase_receipt.py
@@ -50,8 +50,11 @@
 		super(PurchaseReceipt, self).validate()
-		if not self._action=="submit":
+		if self._action=="submit":
+			self.make_batches()
+		else:
 		self.validate_uom_is_integer("uom", ["qty", "received_qty"])
@@ -62,7 +65,6 @@
 		if getdate(self.posting_date) > getdate(nowdate()):
 			throw(_("Posting Date cannot be future date"))
 	def validate_with_previous_doc(self):
 		super(PurchaseReceipt, self).validate_with_previous_doc({
 			"Purchase Order": {
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt_item/purchase_receipt_item.json b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt_item/purchase_receipt_item.json
index fdc7f60..e18e532 100755
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt_item/purchase_receipt_item.json
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/purchase_receipt_item/purchase_receipt_item.json
@@ -1,1996 +1,1996 @@
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-   "in_global_search": 0, 
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-   "no_copy": 0, 
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-   "report_hide": 0, 
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+   "in_filter": 0,
+   "in_global_search": 0,
+   "in_list_view": 0,
+   "in_standard_filter": 0,
+   "label": "Barcode",
+   "length": 0,
+   "no_copy": 0,
+   "permlevel": 0,
+   "precision": "",
+   "print_hide": 0,
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0,
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+   "set_only_once": 0,
    "unique": 0
-  }, 
+  },
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-  }, 
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-   "unique": 0, 
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+   "permlevel": 0,
+   "print_hide": 1,
+   "print_hide_if_no_value": 0,
+   "read_only": 0,
+   "remember_last_selected_value": 0,
+   "report_hide": 0,
+   "reqd": 0,
+   "search_index": 0,
+   "set_only_once": 0,
    "unique": 0
- ], 
- "has_web_view": 0, 
- "hide_heading": 0, 
- "hide_toolbar": 0, 
- "idx": 1, 
- "image_view": 0, 
- "in_create": 0, 
- "is_submittable": 0, 
- "issingle": 0, 
- "istable": 1, 
- "max_attachments": 0, 
- "modified": "2017-04-19 11:54:00.260885", 
- "modified_by": "Administrator", 
- "module": "Stock", 
- "name": "Purchase Receipt Item", 
- "owner": "Administrator", 
- "permissions": [], 
- "quick_entry": 1, 
- "read_only": 0, 
- "read_only_onload": 0, 
- "show_name_in_global_search": 0, 
- "sort_field": "modified", 
- "sort_order": "DESC", 
- "track_changes": 0, 
+ ],
+ "has_web_view": 0,
+ "hide_heading": 0,
+ "hide_toolbar": 0,
+ "idx": 1,
+ "image_view": 0,
+ "in_create": 0,
+ "is_submittable": 0,
+ "issingle": 0,
+ "istable": 1,
+ "max_attachments": 0,
+ "modified": "2017-04-19 11:54:00.260886",
+ "modified_by": "Administrator",
+ "module": "Stock",
+ "name": "Purchase Receipt Item",
+ "owner": "Administrator",
+ "permissions": [],
+ "quick_entry": 1,
+ "read_only": 0,
+ "read_only_onload": 0,
+ "show_name_in_global_search": 0,
+ "sort_field": "modified",
+ "sort_order": "DESC",
+ "track_changes": 0,
  "track_seen": 0
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py
index 107c85c..dcdd50d 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry.py
@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@
+		if self._action == 'submit':
+			self.make_batches()
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry_utils.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry_utils.py
index e58042d..e1ec3ee 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry_utils.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_entry/stock_entry_utils.py
@@ -6,6 +6,20 @@
 def make_stock_entry(**args):
+	'''Helper function to make a Stock Entry
+	:item_code: Item to be moved
+	:qty: Qty to be moved
+	:from_warehouse: Optional
+	:to_warehouse: Optional
+	:rate: Optional
+	:serial_no: Optional
+	:batch_no: Optional
+	:posting_date: Optional
+	:posting_time: Optional
+	:do_not_save: Optional flag
+	:do_not_submit: Optional flag
+	'''
 	s = frappe.new_doc("Stock Entry")
 	args = frappe._dict(args)
@@ -71,6 +85,7 @@
 		"basic_rate": args.rate or args.basic_rate,
 		"conversion_factor": 1.0,
 		"serial_no": args.serial_no,
+		'batch_no': args.batch_no,
 		'cost_center': args.cost_center,
 		'expense_account': args.expense_account
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/stock_ledger_entry.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/stock_ledger_entry.py
index 00e3abe..55a307c 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/stock_ledger_entry.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_ledger_entry/stock_ledger_entry.py
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 	def validate_item(self):
 		item_det = frappe.db.sql("""select name, has_batch_no, docstatus,
-			is_stock_item, has_variants, stock_uom
+			is_stock_item, has_variants, stock_uom, create_new_batch
 			from tabItem where name=%s""", self.item_code, as_dict=True)
 		if not item_det:
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
 				if not self.batch_no:
 					frappe.throw(_("Batch number is mandatory for Item {0}").format(self.item_code))
 				elif not frappe.db.get_value("Batch",{"item": self.item_code, "name": self.batch_no}):
-						frappe.throw(_("{0} is not a valid Batch Number for Item {1}").format(self.batch_no, self.item_code))
+					frappe.throw(_("{0} is not a valid Batch Number for Item {1}").format(self.batch_no, self.item_code))
 			elif item_det.has_batch_no ==0 and self.batch_no:
 					frappe.throw(_("The Item {0} cannot have Batch").format(self.item_code))
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
 			self.fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(self.posting_date, company=self.company)[0]
 			from erpnext.accounts.utils import validate_fiscal_year
-			validate_fiscal_year(self.posting_date, self.fiscal_year, self.company, 
+			validate_fiscal_year(self.posting_date, self.fiscal_year, self.company,
 				self.meta.get_label("posting_date"), self)
 	def block_transactions_against_group_warehouse(self):
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/stock_reconciliation.py b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/stock_reconciliation.py
index a7480e8..d710949 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/stock_reconciliation.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/doctype/stock_reconciliation/stock_reconciliation.py
@@ -143,13 +143,11 @@
 			# item should not be serialized
 			if item.has_serial_no == 1:
-				raise frappe.ValidationError, _("Serialized Item {0} cannot be updated \
-					using Stock Reconciliation").format(item_code)
+				raise frappe.ValidationError, _("Serialized Item {0} cannot be updated using Stock Reconciliation, please use Stock Entry").format(item_code)
 			# item managed batch-wise not allowed
 			if item.has_batch_no == 1:
-				raise frappe.ValidationError, _("Item: {0} managed batch-wise, can not be reconciled using \
-					Stock Reconciliation, instead use Stock Entry").format(item_code)
+				raise frappe.ValidationError, _("Batched Item {0} cannot be updated using Stock Reconciliation, instead use Stock Entry").format(item_code)
 			# docstatus should be < 2
 			validate_cancelled_item(item_code, item.docstatus, verbose=0)
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/get_item_details.py b/erpnext/stock/get_item_details.py
index 998a65a..787e4b5 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/get_item_details.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/get_item_details.py
@@ -187,9 +187,11 @@
 	out.stock_qty = out.qty * out.conversion_factor
 	# if default specified in item is for another company, fetch from company
-	for d in [["Account", "income_account", "default_income_account"],
+	for d in [
+		["Account", "income_account", "default_income_account"],
 		["Account", "expense_account", "default_expense_account"],
-		["Cost Center", "cost_center", "cost_center"], ["Warehouse", "warehouse", ""]]:
+		["Cost Center", "cost_center", "cost_center"],
+		["Warehouse", "warehouse", ""]]:
 			company = frappe.db.get_value(d[0], out.get(d[1]), "company")
 			if not out[d[1]] or (company and args.company != company):
 				out[d[1]] = frappe.db.get_value("Company", args.company, d[2]) if d[2] else None
@@ -359,15 +361,6 @@
 				"qty": abs(cint(args.stock_qty))
-def get_actual_batch_qty(batch_no,warehouse,item_code):
-	actual_batch_qty = 0
-	if batch_no:
-		actual_batch_qty = flt(frappe.db.sql("""select sum(actual_qty)
-			from `tabStock Ledger Entry`
-			where warehouse=%s and item_code=%s and batch_no=%s""",
-			(warehouse, item_code, batch_no))[0][0])
-	return actual_batch_qty
 def get_conversion_factor(item_code, uom):
 	variant_of = frappe.db.get_value("Item", item_code, "variant_of")
@@ -403,10 +396,10 @@
 	return bin_details_and_serial_nos
-def get_batch_qty(batch_no,warehouse,item_code):
-	actual_batch_qty = get_actual_batch_qty(batch_no,warehouse,item_code)
+def get_batch_qty(batch_no, warehouse, item_code):
+	from frappe.stock.doctype.batch import batch
 	if batch_no:
-		return {'actual_batch_qty': actual_batch_qty}
+		return {'actual_batch_qty': batch.get_batch_qty(batch_no, warehouse)}
 def apply_price_list(args, as_doc=False):
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/report/stock_ledger/stock_ledger.js b/erpnext/stock/report/stock_ledger/stock_ledger.js
index fb60157..ce357db 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/report/stock_ledger/stock_ledger.js
+++ b/erpnext/stock/report/stock_ledger/stock_ledger.js
@@ -38,6 +38,12 @@
 			"options": "Item"
+			"fieldname":"batch_no",
+			"label": __("Batch No"),
+			"fieldtype": "Link",
+			"options": "Batch"
+		},
+		{
 			"label": __("Brand"),
 			"fieldtype": "Link",
diff --git a/erpnext/stock/report/stock_ledger/stock_ledger.py b/erpnext/stock/report/stock_ledger/stock_ledger.py
index 69fb490..ec55cec 100644
--- a/erpnext/stock/report/stock_ledger/stock_ledger.py
+++ b/erpnext/stock/report/stock_ledger/stock_ledger.py
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
 	sl_entries = get_stock_ledger_entries(filters)
 	item_details = get_item_details(filters)
 	opening_row = get_opening_balance(filters, columns)
 	data = []
 	if opening_row:
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 			(sle.incoming_rate if sle.actual_qty > 0 else 0.0),
 			sle.valuation_rate, sle.stock_value, sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_no,
 			sle.batch_no, sle.serial_no, sle.company])
 	return columns, data
 def get_columns():
@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@
 	if filters.get("voucher_no"):
+	if filters.get("batch_no"):
+		conditions.append("batch_no=%(batch_no)s")
 	return "and {}".format(" and ".join(conditions)) if conditions else ""
@@ -90,14 +92,14 @@
 		"posting_date": filters.from_date,
 		"posting_time": "00:00:00"
 	row = [""]*len(columns)
 	row[1] = _("'Opening'")
 	for i, v in ((9, 'qty_after_transaction'), (11, 'valuation_rate'), (12, 'stock_value')):
 			row[i] = last_entry.get(v, 0)
 	return row
 def get_warehouse_condition(warehouse):
 	warehouse_details = frappe.db.get_value("Warehouse", warehouse, ["lft", "rgt"], as_dict=1)
 	if warehouse_details:
diff --git a/erpnext/utilities/transaction_base.py b/erpnext/utilities/transaction_base.py
index 688d6c4..9a25b76 100644
--- a/erpnext/utilities/transaction_base.py
+++ b/erpnext/utilities/transaction_base.py
@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@
 	for d in doc.get_all_children(parenttype=child_dt):
 		if d.get(uom_field) in integer_uoms:
 			for f in qty_fields:
-				if d.get(f):
-					if cint(d.get(f))!=d.get(f):
-						frappe.throw(_("Quantity cannot be a fraction in row {0}").format(d.idx), UOMMustBeIntegerError)
+				qty = d.get(f)
+				if qty:
+					if abs(int(qty) - float(qty)) > 0.0000001:
+						frappe.throw(_("Quantity ({0}) cannot be a fraction in row {1}").format(qty, d.idx), UOMMustBeIntegerError)