feat: add repost btn in invoice
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/purchase_invoice.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/purchase_invoice.js
index c8c9ad1..d895a94 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/purchase_invoice.js
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/purchase_invoice/purchase_invoice.js
@@ -65,6 +65,25 @@
+		if (this.frm.doc.repost_required && this.frm.doc.docstatus===1) {
+			this.frm.set_intro(__("Accounting entries for this invoice needs to be reposted. Please click on 'Repost' button to update."));
+			this.frm.add_custom_button(__('Repost Accounting Entries'),
+				() => {
+					this.frm.call({
+						doc: this.frm.doc,
+						method: 'repost_accounting_entries',
+						freeze: true,
+						freeze_message: __('Reposting...'),
+						callback: (r) => {
+							if (!r.exc) {
+								frappe.msgprint(__('Accounting Entries are reposted'));
+								me.frm.refresh();
+							}
+						}
+					});
+				}).removeClass('btn-default').addClass('btn-warning');
+		}
 		if(!doc.is_return && doc.docstatus == 1 && doc.outstanding_amount != 0){
 			if(doc.on_hold) {