delievery billing status patch
diff --git a/patches/ b/patches/
index 2f95013..1fcd8bf 100644
--- a/patches/
+++ b/patches/
@@ -1,32 +1,43 @@
 import webnotes
 sql = webnotes.conn.sql
+# Update SO and DN Detail 
+def update_delivered_billed_qty():
+	# update billed amt in item table in so and dn
+	sql("""	update `tabSales Order Detail` so
+		set billed_amt = (select sum(amount) from `tabRV Detail` where `so_detail`= and docstatus=1 and parent not like 'old%%'),
+		delivered_qty = (select sum(qty) from `tabDelivery Note Detail` where `prevdoc_detail_docname`= and docstatus=1 and parent not like 'old%%'), 
+		modified = now()
+		where docstatus = 1
+	""")
+	sql(""" update `tabDelivery Note Detail` dn
+		set billed_amt = (select sum(amount) from `tabRV Detail` where `dn_detail`= and docstatus=1 and parent not like 'old%%'), 
+		modified = now()
+		where docstatus = 1
+	""")
 # update SO
 def update_percent():
-	so = sql("select name from 	`tabSales Order` where docstatus = 1")
-	for d in so:
-		sql("""
-			update 
-				`tabSales Order` 
-			set 
-				per_delivered = (select sum(if(qty > ifnull(delivered_qty, 0), delivered_qty, qty))/sum(qty)*100 from `tabSales Order Detail` where parent='%s'), 
-				per_billed = (select sum(if(qty > ifnull(billed_qty, 0), billed_qty, qty))/sum(qty)*100 from `tabSales Order Detail` where parent='%s') 
-			where 
-				name='%s'""" % (d[0], d[0], d[0]))
+	# calculate % billed based on item table
+	sql("""	update `tabSales Order` so
+		set per_delivered = (select sum(if(qty > ifnull(delivered_qty, 0), delivered_qty, qty))/sum(qty)*100 from `tabSales Order Detail` where, 
+		per_billed = (select sum(if(amount > ifnull(billed_amt, 0), billed_amt, amount))/sum(amount)*100 from `tabSales Order Detail` where parent =, 
+		modified = now()
+		where docstatus = 1
+	""")
 	# update DN	
-	# ---------
-	dn = sql("select name from 	`tabDelivery Note` where docstatus = 1")
-	for d in dn:
-		sql("""
-			update 
-				`tabDelivery Note` 
-			set 
-				per_billed = (select sum(if(qty > ifnull(billed_qty, 0), billed_qty, qty))/sum(qty)*100 from `tabDelivery Note Detail` where parent='%s') 
-			where 
-				name='%s'""" % (d[0], d[0]))
+	# ---------	
+	sql("""	update `tabDelivery Note` dn
+		set per_billed = (select sum(if(amount > ifnull(billed_amt, 0), billed_amt, amount))/sum(amount)*100 from `tabDelivery Note Detail` where parent =, 
+		modified = now()
+		where docstatus=1
+	""")
 # update delivery/billing status 
@@ -39,5 +50,6 @@
 			if(per_billed >= 99.99, 'Fully Billed', 'Partly Billed'))""")
 def run_patch():
+	update_delivered_billed_qty()
diff --git a/patches/ b/patches/
index fa3afca..ca289f1 100644
--- a/patches/
+++ b/patches/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # REMEMBER to update this
 # ========================
-last_patch = 364
+last_patch = 365
@@ -337,3 +337,6 @@
 		for d in mappers:
 			if d[0] and d[1]:
 				reload_doc(d[1].lower(), 'DocType Mapper', d[0])
+	elif patch_no == 365:
+		from patches.delivery_billing_status_patch import run_patch
+		run_patch()