[Fix] Budget variance report
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/budget/budget.js b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/budget/budget.js
index 40e929a..6697b17 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/doctype/budget/budget.js
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/doctype/budget/budget.js
@@ -36,5 +36,18 @@
+ },
+ refresh: function(frm) {
+ frm.trigger("toggle_reqd_fields")
+ },
+ budget_against: function(frm) {
+ frm.trigger("toggle_reqd_fields")
+ },
+ toggle_reqd_fields: function(frm) {
+ frm.toggle_reqd("cost_center", frm.doc.budget_against=="Cost Center");
+ frm.toggle_reqd("project", frm.doc.budget_against=="Project");
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/report/budget_variance_report/budget_variance_report.js b/erpnext/accounts/report/budget_variance_report/budget_variance_report.js
index 8cfbc83..2b7f1f3 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/report/budget_variance_report/budget_variance_report.js
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/report/budget_variance_report/budget_variance_report.js
@@ -31,6 +31,14 @@
options: "Company",
default: frappe.defaults.get_user_default("Company"),
reqd: 1
+ },
+ {
+ fieldname: "budget_against",
+ label: __("Budget Against"),
+ fieldtype: "Select",
+ options: ["Cost Center", "Project"],
+ default: "Cost Center",
+ reqd: 1
diff --git a/erpnext/accounts/report/budget_variance_report/budget_variance_report.py b/erpnext/accounts/report/budget_variance_report/budget_variance_report.py
index 0be0b3d..875ec99 100644
--- a/erpnext/accounts/report/budget_variance_report/budget_variance_report.py
+++ b/erpnext/accounts/report/budget_variance_report/budget_variance_report.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
if not filters: filters = {}
columns = get_columns(filters)
- cost_centers = get_cost_centers(filters.company)
+ cost_centers = get_cost_centers(filters)
period_month_ranges = get_period_month_ranges(filters["period"], filters["fiscal_year"])
cam_map = get_cost_center_account_month_map(filters)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
return columns, data
def get_columns(filters):
- columns = [_("Cost Center") + ":Link/Cost Center:120", _("Account") + ":Link/Account:120"]
+ columns = [_(filters.get("budget_against")) + ":Link/%s:120"%(filters.get("budget_against")), _("Account") + ":Link/Account:120"]
group_months = False if filters["period"] == "Monthly" else True
@@ -56,16 +56,23 @@
return columns + [_("Total Target") + ":Float:120", _("Total Actual") + ":Float:120",
_("Total Variance") + ":Float:120"]
-def get_cost_centers(company):
- return frappe.db.sql_list("select name from `tabCost Center` where company=%s order by lft", company)
+def get_cost_centers(filters):
+ cond = "and 1=1"
+ if filters.get("budget_against") == "Cost Center":
+ cond = "order by lft"
+ return frappe.db.sql_list("""select name from `tab{tab}` where company=%s
+ {cond}""".format(tab=filters.get("budget_against"), cond=cond), filters.get("company"))
#Get cost center & target details
def get_cost_center_target_details(filters):
return frappe.db.sql("""
- select b.cost_center, b.monthly_distribution, ba.account, ba.budget_amount
+ select b.{budget_against} as budget_against, b.monthly_distribution, ba.account, ba.budget_amount
from `tabBudget` b, `tabBudget Account` ba
- where b.name=ba.parent and b.docstatus = 1 and b.fiscal_year=%s and b.company=%s
- """, (filters.fiscal_year, filters.company), as_dict=True)
+ where b.name=ba.parent and b.docstatus = 1 and b.fiscal_year=%s
+ and b.budget_against = %s and b.company=%s
+ """.format(budget_against=filters.get("budget_against").replace(" ", "_").lower()),
+ (filters.fiscal_year, filters.budget_against, filters.company), as_dict=True)
#Get target distribution details of accounts of cost center
def get_target_distribution_details(filters):
@@ -78,20 +85,26 @@
return target_details
#Get actual details from gl entry
-def get_actual_details(cost_center, fiscal_year):
- cc_lft, cc_rgt = frappe.db.get_value("Cost Center", cost_center, ["lft", "rgt"])
+def get_actual_details(name, filters):
+ cond = "1=1"
+ budget_against=filters.get("budget_against").replace(" ", "_").lower()
+ if filters.get("budget_against") == "Cost Center":
+ cc_lft, cc_rgt = frappe.db.get_value("Cost Center", name, ["lft", "rgt"])
+ cond = "lft>='{lft}' and rgt<='{rgt}'".format(lft = cc_lft, rgt=cc_rgt)
ac_details = frappe.db.sql("""select gl.account, gl.debit, gl.credit,
- MONTHNAME(gl.posting_date) as month_name, b.cost_center
+ MONTHNAME(gl.posting_date) as month_name, b.{budget_against} as budget_against
from `tabGL Entry` gl, `tabBudget Account` ba, `tabBudget` b
b.name = ba.parent
and b.docstatus = 1
and ba.account=gl.account
and gl.fiscal_year=%s
- and b.cost_center=%s
- and exists(select name from `tabCost Center` where name=gl.cost_center and lft>=%s and rgt<=%s)
- """, (fiscal_year, cost_center, cc_lft, cc_rgt), as_dict=1)
+ and b.{budget_against}=%s
+ and exists(select name from `tab{tab}` where name=gl.{budget_against} and {cond})
+ """.format(tab = filters.budget_against, budget_against = budget_against, cond = cond),
+ (filters.fiscal_year, name), as_dict=1)
cc_actual_details = {}
for d in ac_details:
@@ -107,17 +120,17 @@
cam_map = {}
for ccd in cost_center_target_details:
- actual_details = get_actual_details(ccd.cost_center, filters.fiscal_year)
+ actual_details = get_actual_details(ccd.budget_against, filters)
for month_id in range(1, 13):
month = datetime.date(2013, month_id, 1).strftime('%B')
- cam_map.setdefault(ccd.cost_center, {}).setdefault(ccd.account, {})\
+ cam_map.setdefault(ccd.budget_against, {}).setdefault(ccd.account, {})\
.setdefault(month, frappe._dict({
"target": 0.0, "actual": 0.0
- tav_dict = cam_map[ccd.cost_center][ccd.account][month]
+ tav_dict = cam_map[ccd.budget_against][ccd.account][month]
month_percentage = tdd.get(ccd.monthly_distribution, {}).get(month, 0) \
if ccd.monthly_distribution else 100.0/12