indent to tabs
diff --git a/erpnext/selling/report/customer_acquisition_and_loyalty/ b/erpnext/selling/report/customer_acquisition_and_loyalty/
index 88bd9c1..7cdad4a 100644
--- a/erpnext/selling/report/customer_acquisition_and_loyalty/
+++ b/erpnext/selling/report/customer_acquisition_and_loyalty/
@@ -8,180 +8,180 @@
 from frappe.utils import cint, cstr
 def execute(filters=None):
-    common_columns = [
-        {
-            'label': _('New Customers'),
-            'fieldname': 'new_customers',
-            'fieldtype': 'Int',
-            'default': 0,
-            'width': 125
-        },
-        {
-            'label': _('Repeat Customers'),
-            'fieldname': 'repeat_customers',
-            'fieldtype': 'Int',
-            'default': 0,
-            'width': 125
-        },
-        {
-            'label': _('Total'),
-            'fieldname': 'total',
-            'fieldtype': 'Int',
-            'default': 0,
-            'width': 100
-        },
-        {
-            'label': _('New Customer Revenue'),
-            'fieldname': 'new_customer_revenue',
-            'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-            'default': 0.0,
-            'width': 175
-        },
-        {
-            'label': _('Repeat Customer Revenue'),
-            'fieldname': 'repeat_customer_revenue',
-            'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-            'default': 0.0,
-            'width': 175
-        },
-        {
-            'label': _('Total Revenue'),
-            'fieldname': 'total_revenue',
-            'fieldtype': 'Currency',
-            'default': 0.0,
-            'width': 175
-        }
-    ]
-    if filters.get('view_type') == 'Monthly':
-        return get_data_by_time(filters, common_columns)
-    else:
-        return get_data_by_territory(filters, common_columns)
+	common_columns = [
+		{
+			'label': _('New Customers'),
+			'fieldname': 'new_customers',
+			'fieldtype': 'Int',
+			'default': 0,
+			'width': 125
+		},
+		{
+			'label': _('Repeat Customers'),
+			'fieldname': 'repeat_customers',
+			'fieldtype': 'Int',
+			'default': 0,
+			'width': 125
+		},
+		{
+			'label': _('Total'),
+			'fieldname': 'total',
+			'fieldtype': 'Int',
+			'default': 0,
+			'width': 100
+		},
+		{
+			'label': _('New Customer Revenue'),
+			'fieldname': 'new_customer_revenue',
+			'fieldtype': 'Currency',
+			'default': 0.0,
+			'width': 175
+		},
+		{
+			'label': _('Repeat Customer Revenue'),
+			'fieldname': 'repeat_customer_revenue',
+			'fieldtype': 'Currency',
+			'default': 0.0,
+			'width': 175
+		},
+		{
+			'label': _('Total Revenue'),
+			'fieldname': 'total_revenue',
+			'fieldtype': 'Currency',
+			'default': 0.0,
+			'width': 175
+		}
+	]
+	if filters.get('view_type') == 'Monthly':
+		return get_data_by_time(filters, common_columns)
+	else:
+		return get_data_by_territory(filters, common_columns)
 def get_data_by_time(filters, common_columns):
-    # key yyyy-mm
-    columns = [
-        {
-            'label': _('Year'),
-            'fieldname': 'year',
-            'fieldtype': 'Data',
-            'width': 100
-        },
-        {
-            'label': _('Month'),
-            'fieldname': 'month',
-            'fieldtype': 'Data',
-            'width': 100
-        },
-    ]
-    columns += common_columns
+	# key yyyy-mm
+	columns = [
+		{
+			'label': _('Year'),
+			'fieldname': 'year',
+			'fieldtype': 'Data',
+			'width': 100
+		},
+		{
+			'label': _('Month'),
+			'fieldname': 'month',
+			'fieldtype': 'Data',
+			'width': 100
+		},
+	]
+	columns += common_columns
-    customers_in = get_customer_stats(filters)
+	customers_in = get_customer_stats(filters)
-    # time series
-    from_year, from_month, temp = filters.get('from_date').split('-')
-    to_year, to_month, temp = filters.get('to_date').split('-')
+	# time series
+	from_year, from_month, temp = filters.get('from_date').split('-')
+	to_year, to_month, temp = filters.get('to_date').split('-')
-    from_year, from_month, to_year, to_month = \
-        cint(from_year), cint(from_month), cint(to_year), cint(to_month)
+	from_year, from_month, to_year, to_month = \
+		cint(from_year), cint(from_month), cint(to_year), cint(to_month)
-    out = []
-    for year in range(from_year, to_year+1):
-        for month in range(from_month if year==from_year else 1, (to_month+1) if year==to_year else 13):
-            key = '{year}-{month:02d}'.format(year=year, month=month)
-            data = customers_in.get(key)
-            new = data['new'] if data else [0, 0.0]
-            repeat = data['repeat'] if data else [0, 0.0]
-            out.append({
-                'year': cstr(year),
-                'month': calendar.month_name[month],
-                'new_customers': new[0],
-                'repeat_customers': repeat[0],
-                'total': new[0] + repeat[0],
-                'new_customer_revenue': new[1],
-                'repeat_customer_revenue': repeat[1],
-                'total_revenue': new[1] + repeat[1]
-            })
-    return columns, out
+	out = []
+	for year in range(from_year, to_year+1):
+		for month in range(from_month if year==from_year else 1, (to_month+1) if year==to_year else 13):
+			key = '{year}-{month:02d}'.format(year=year, month=month)
+			data = customers_in.get(key)
+			new = data['new'] if data else [0, 0.0]
+			repeat = data['repeat'] if data else [0, 0.0]
+			out.append({
+				'year': cstr(year),
+				'month': calendar.month_name[month],
+				'new_customers': new[0],
+				'repeat_customers': repeat[0],
+				'total': new[0] + repeat[0],
+				'new_customer_revenue': new[1],
+				'repeat_customer_revenue': repeat[1],
+				'total_revenue': new[1] + repeat[1]
+			})
+	return columns, out
 def get_data_by_territory(filters, common_columns):
-    columns = [{
-        'label': 'Territory',
-        'fieldname': 'territory',
-        'fieldtype': 'Link',
-        'options': 'Territory',
-        'width': 150
-    }]
-    columns += common_columns
+	columns = [{
+		'label': 'Territory',
+		'fieldname': 'territory',
+		'fieldtype': 'Link',
+		'options': 'Territory',
+		'width': 150
+	}]
+	columns += common_columns
-    customers_in = get_customer_stats(filters, tree_view=True)
+	customers_in = get_customer_stats(filters, tree_view=True)
-    territory_dict = {}
-    for t in frappe.db.sql('''SELECT name, lft, parent_territory, is_group FROM `tabTerritory` ORDER BY lft''', as_dict=1):
-        territory_dict.update({
-   {
-                'parent': t.parent_territory,
-                'is_group': t.is_group
-            }
-        })
+	territory_dict = {}
+	for t in frappe.db.sql('''SELECT name, lft, parent_territory, is_group FROM `tabTerritory` ORDER BY lft''', as_dict=1):
+		territory_dict.update({
+ {
+				'parent': t.parent_territory,
+				'is_group': t.is_group
+			}
+		})
-    depth_map = frappe._dict()
-    for name, info in territory_dict.items():
-        default = depth_map.get(info['parent']) + 1 if info['parent'] else 0
-        depth_map.setdefault(name, default)
+	depth_map = frappe._dict()
+	for name, info in territory_dict.items():
+		default = depth_map.get(info['parent']) + 1 if info['parent'] else 0
+		depth_map.setdefault(name, default)
-    data = []
-    for name, indent in depth_map.items():
-        condition = customers_in.get(name)
-        new = customers_in[name]['new'] if condition else [0, 0.0]
-        repeat = customers_in[name]['repeat'] if condition else [0, 0.0]
-        temp = {
-            'territory': name,
-            'parent_territory': territory_dict[name]['parent'],
-            'indent': indent,
-            'new_customers': new[0],
-            'repeat_customers': repeat[0],
-            'total': new[0] + repeat[0],
-            'new_customer_revenue': new[1],
-            'repeat_customer_revenue': repeat[1],
-            'total_revenue': new[1] + repeat[1],
-            'bold': 0 if indent else 1
-        }
-        data.append(temp)
+	data = []
+	for name, indent in depth_map.items():
+		condition = customers_in.get(name)
+		new = customers_in[name]['new'] if condition else [0, 0.0]
+		repeat = customers_in[name]['repeat'] if condition else [0, 0.0]
+		temp = {
+			'territory': name,
+			'parent_territory': territory_dict[name]['parent'],
+			'indent': indent,
+			'new_customers': new[0],
+			'repeat_customers': repeat[0],
+			'total': new[0] + repeat[0],
+			'new_customer_revenue': new[1],
+			'repeat_customer_revenue': repeat[1],
+			'total_revenue': new[1] + repeat[1],
+			'bold': 0 if indent else 1
+		}
+		data.append(temp)
-    loop_data = sorted(data, key=lambda k: k['indent'], reverse=True)
+	loop_data = sorted(data, key=lambda k: k['indent'], reverse=True)
-    for ld in loop_data:
-        if ld['parent_territory']:
-            parent_data = [x for x in data if x['territory'] == ld['parent_territory']][0]
-            for key in parent_data.keys():
-                if key not in  ['indent', 'territory', 'parent_territory', 'bold']:
-                    parent_data[key] += ld[key]
+	for ld in loop_data:
+		if ld['parent_territory']:
+			parent_data = [x for x in data if x['territory'] == ld['parent_territory']][0]
+			for key in parent_data.keys():
+				if key not in  ['indent', 'territory', 'parent_territory', 'bold']:
+					parent_data[key] += ld[key]
-    return columns, data, None, None, None, 1
+	return columns, data, None, None, None, 1
 def get_customer_stats(filters, tree_view=False):
-    """ Calculates number of new and repeated customers. """
-    company_condition = ''
-    if filters.get('company'):
-        company_condition = ' and company=%(company)s'
+	""" Calculates number of new and repeated customers and revenue. """
+	company_condition = ''
+	if filters.get('company'):
+		company_condition = ' and company=%(company)s'
-    customers = []
-    customers_in = {}
+	customers = []
+	customers_in = {}
-    for si in frappe.db.sql('''select territory, posting_date, customer, base_grand_total from `tabSales Invoice`
-        where docstatus=1 and posting_date <= %(to_date)s and posting_date >= %(from_date)s
-        {company_condition} order by posting_date'''.format(company_condition=company_condition),
-        filters, as_dict=1):
+	for si in frappe.db.sql('''select territory, posting_date, customer, base_grand_total from `tabSales Invoice`
+		where docstatus=1 and posting_date <= %(to_date)s
+		{company_condition} order by posting_date'''.format(company_condition=company_condition),
+		filters, as_dict=1):
-        key = si.territory if tree_view else si.posting_date.strftime('%Y-%m')
-        customers_in.setdefault(key, {'new': [0, 0.0], 'repeat': [0, 0.0]})
+		key = si.territory if tree_view else si.posting_date.strftime('%Y-%m')
+		customers_in.setdefault(key, {'new': [0, 0.0], 'repeat': [0, 0.0]})
-        if not si.customer in customers:
-            customers_in[key]['new'][0] += 1
-            customers_in[key]['new'][1] += si.base_grand_total
-            customers.append(si.customer)
-        else:
-            customers_in[key]['repeat'][0] += 1
-            customers_in[key]['repeat'][1] += si.base_grand_total
+		if not si.customer in customers:
+			customers_in[key]['new'][0] += 1
+			customers_in[key]['new'][1] += si.base_grand_total
+			customers.append(si.customer)
+		else:
+			customers_in[key]['repeat'][0] += 1
+			customers_in[key]['repeat'][1] += si.base_grand_total
-    return customers_in
+	return customers_in
\ No newline at end of file