Completed territory_target_variance(item_group_wise) report
diff --git "a/selling/report/territory_target_variance_\050item_group_wise\051/territory_target_variance_\050item_group_wise\" "b/selling/report/territory_target_variance_\050item_group_wise\051/territory_target_variance_\050item_group_wise\"
index 790c6f0..844d4f3 100644
--- "a/selling/report/territory_target_variance_\050item_group_wise\051/territory_target_variance_\050item_group_wise\"
+++ "b/selling/report/territory_target_variance_\050item_group_wise\051/territory_target_variance_\050item_group_wise\"
@@ -17,73 +17,170 @@
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
 import webnotes
 import calendar
-from webnotes import msgprint
-from webnotes.utils import cint, cstr, add_months
+from webnotes import _, msgprint
+from webnotes.utils import cint, cstr, add_months, flt
+import time
+import calendar
 def execute(filters=None):
 	if not filters: filters = {}
 	columns = get_columns(filters)
+	period_month_ranges = get_period_month_ranges(filters)
+	target_on = "Quantity" if (filters.get("target_on")=="Quantity") else "Amount"
+	tim_map = get_territory_item_month_map(filters, target_on)
 	data = []
-	return columns, data
+	for territory, territory_items in tim_map.items():
+		for item_group, monthwise_data in territory_items.items():
+			row = [territory, item_group]
+			totals = [0, 0, 0]
+			for relevant_months in period_month_ranges:
+				period_data = [0, 0, 0]
+				for month in relevant_months:
+					month_data = monthwise_data.get(month, {})
+					for i, fieldname in enumerate(["target", "achieved", "variance"]):
+						value = flt(month_data.get(fieldname))
+						period_data[i] += value
+						totals[i] += value
+				period_data[2] = period_data[0] - period_data[1]
+				row += period_data
+			totals[2] = totals[0] - totals[1]
+			row += totals
+			data.append(row)
+	return columns, sorted(data, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1]))
 def get_columns(filters):
-	"""return columns based on filters"""
-	if not filters.get("period"):
-		msgprint("Please select the Period", raise_exception=1)
+	for fieldname in ["fiscal_year", "period", "target_on"]:
+		if not filters.get(fieldname):
+			label = (" ".join(fieldname.split("_"))).title()
+			msgprint(_("Please specify") + ": " + label,
+				raise_exception=True)
-	mo = cint(cstr(webnotes.conn.get_value("Fiscal Year", filters["fiscal_year"], "year_start_date")).split("-")[1])
-	period_months = []
-	if (filters["period"] == "Monthly" or "Yearly"):
-		for x in range(0,12):
-			period_months.append(mo)
-			if (mo!=12):
-				mo += 1
+	columns = ["Territory:Link/Territory:80", "Item Group:Link/Item Group:80"]
+	group_months = False if filters["period"] == "Monthly" else True
+	for from_date, to_date in get_period_date_ranges(filters):
+		for label in ["Target (%s)", "Achieved (%s)", "Variance (%s)"]:
+			if group_months:
+				columns.append(label % (from_date.strftime("%b") + " - " + to_date.strftime("%b")))				
-				mo = 1
+				columns.append(label % from_date.strftime("%b"))
-	columns = ["Territory:Link/Territory:80"] + ["Item Group:Link/Item Group:80"]
+	return columns + ["Total Target::80", "Total Achieved::80", "Total Variance::80"]
-	period = []
+def get_period_date_ranges(filters):
+	from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
-	if (filters["period"] == "Monthly" or "Yearly"):
-		for i in (0,12):
-			period.append("Target (" + "i" + ")::80")
-			period.append("Achieved (" + "i" + ")::80")
-			period.append("Variance (" + "i" + ")::80")
+	year_start_date, year_end_date = get_year_start_end_date(filters)
-	columns = columns + [(p) for p in period] + \
-		["Total Target::80"] + ["Total Achieved::80"] + ["Total Variance::80"]
+	increment = {
+		"Monthly": 1,
+		"Quarterly": 3,
+		"Half-Yearly": 6,
+		"Yearly": 12
+	}.get(filters["period"])
-	return columns
+	period_date_ranges = []
+	for i in xrange(1, 13, increment): 
+		period_end_date = year_start_date + relativedelta(months=increment,
+			days=-1)
+		period_date_ranges.append([year_start_date, period_end_date])
+		year_start_date = period_end_date + relativedelta(days=1)
-def get_conditions(filters):
-	conditions = ""
-	if filters.get("fiscal_year"):
-		conditions += " and posting_date <= '%s'" % filters["fiscal_year"]
-	else:
-		webnotes.msgprint("Please enter Fiscal Year", raise_exception=1)
-	if filters.get("target_on"):
-		conditions += " and posting_date <= '%s'" % filters["target_on"]
-	else:
-		webnotes.msgprint("Please select Target On", raise_exception=1)
+	return period_date_ranges
-	return conditions
+def get_period_month_ranges(filters):
+	from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
+	period_month_ranges = []
+	for start_date, end_date in get_period_date_ranges(filters):
+		months_in_this_period = []
+		while start_date <= end_date:
+			months_in_this_period.append(start_date.strftime("%B"))
+			start_date += relativedelta(months=1)
+		period_month_ranges.append(months_in_this_period)
+	return period_month_ranges
-#get territory details
+#Get territory & item group details
 def get_territory_details(filters):
-	conditions = get_conditions(filters)
-	return webnotes.conn.sql("""select item_code, batch_no, warehouse, 
-		posting_date, actual_qty 
-		from `tabStock Ledger Entry` 
-		where ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No' %s order by item_code, warehouse""" %
-		conditions, as_dict=1)
+	return webnotes.conn.sql("""select, td.item_group, td.target_qty, td.target_amount, 
+		t.distribution_id from `tabTerritory` t, `tabTarget Detail` td 
+		where and td.fiscal_year=%s and 
+		ifnull(t.distribution_id, '')!='' order by""" %
+		('%s'), (filters.get("fiscal_year")), as_dict=1)
-def get_month_abbr(month_number):
-	return 0
\ No newline at end of file
+#Get target distribution details of item group
+def get_target_distribution_details(filters):
+	target_details = {}
+	abc = []
+	for d in webnotes.conn.sql("""select bdd.month, bdd.percentage_allocation \
+		from `tabBudget Distribution Detail` bdd, `tabBudget Distribution` bd, \
+		`tabTerritory` t where and and \
+		bd.fiscal_year=%s  """ % ('%s'), (filters.get("fiscal_year")), as_dict=1):
+			target_details.setdefault(d.month, d)
+	return target_details
+#Get achieved details from sales order
+def get_achieved_details(filters):
+	start_date, end_date = get_year_start_end_date(filters)
+	achieved_details = {}
+	for d in webnotes.conn.sql("""select soi.item_code, soi.qty, soi.amount, so.transaction_date, \
+		MONTHNAME(so.transaction_date) as month_name \
+		from `tabSales Order Item` soi, `tabSales Order` so \
+		where and so.docstatus=1 and so.transaction_date>=%s and \
+		so.transaction_date<=%s""" % ('%s', '%s'), \
+		(start_date, end_date), as_dict=1):
+			achieved_details.setdefault(d.month_name, d)
+	return achieved_details
+def get_territory_item_month_map(filters, target_on):
+	territory_details = get_territory_details(filters)
+	tdd = get_target_distribution_details(filters)
+	achieved_details = get_achieved_details(filters)
+	ti_map = {}
+	for td in territory_details:
+		for month in tdd:
+			ti_map.setdefault(, {}).setdefault(td.item_group, {})\
+			.setdefault(month, webnotes._dict({
+				"target": 0.0, "achieved": 0.0, "variance": 0.0
+			}))
+			tav_dict = ti_map[][td.item_group][month]
+			for ad in achieved_details:
+				if (target_on == "Quantity"):
+ = td.target_qty*(tdd[month]["percentage_allocation"]/100)
+					if ad == month and ''.join(get_item_group(achieved_details[month]["item_code"])) == td.item_group:
+						tav_dict.achieved += achieved_details[month]["qty"]
+				if (target_on == "Amount"):
+ = td.target_amount*(tdd[month]["percentage_allocation"]/100)
+					if ad == month and ''.join(get_item_group(achieved_details[month]["item_code"])) == td.item_group:
+						tav_dict.achieved += achieved_details[month]["amount"]
+	return ti_map
+def get_year_start_end_date(filters):
+	return webnotes.conn.sql("""select year_start_date, 
+		subdate(adddate(year_start_date, interval 1 year), interval 1 day) 
+			as year_end_date
+		from `tabFiscal Year`
+		where name=%s""", filters["fiscal_year"])[0]
+def get_item_group(item_name):
+	"""Get Item Group of an item"""
+	return webnotes.conn.sql_list("select item_group from `tabItem` where name=%s""" %
+		('%s'), (item_name))
\ No newline at end of file