test: payment against JE reconciliation with different rates
diff --git a/erpnext/controllers/tests/test_accounts_controller.py b/erpnext/controllers/tests/test_accounts_controller.py
index 80799c3..6218bd6 100644
--- a/erpnext/controllers/tests/test_accounts_controller.py
+++ b/erpnext/controllers/tests/test_accounts_controller.py
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@
20 series - Sales Invoice against Journals
30 series - Sales Invoice against Credit Notes
40 series - Company default Cost center is unset
- 50 series = Journals against Journals
+ 50 series - Journals against Journals
+ 60 series - Journals against Payment Entries
90 series - Dimension inheritence
@@ -1538,3 +1539,70 @@
exc_je_for_je = self.get_journals_for(journal_as_payment.doctype, journal_as_payment.name)
self.assertEqual(exc_je_for_si, [])
self.assertEqual(exc_je_for_je, [])
+ def test_60_payment_entry_against_journal(self):
+ # Invoices
+ exc_rate1 = 75
+ exc_rate2 = 77
+ amount = 1
+ je1 = self.create_journal_entry(
+ acc1=self.debit_usd,
+ acc1_exc_rate=exc_rate1,
+ acc2=self.cash,
+ acc1_amount=amount,
+ acc2_amount=(amount * 75),
+ acc2_exc_rate=1,
+ )
+ je1.accounts[0].party_type = "Customer"
+ je1.accounts[0].party = self.customer
+ je1 = je1.save().submit()
+ je2 = self.create_journal_entry(
+ acc1=self.debit_usd,
+ acc1_exc_rate=exc_rate2,
+ acc2=self.cash,
+ acc1_amount=amount,
+ acc2_amount=(amount * exc_rate2),
+ acc2_exc_rate=1,
+ )
+ je2.accounts[0].party_type = "Customer"
+ je2.accounts[0].party = self.customer
+ je2 = je2.save().submit()
+ # Payment
+ pe = self.create_payment_entry(amount=2, source_exc_rate=exc_rate1).save().submit()
+ pr = self.create_payment_reconciliation()
+ pr.receivable_payable_account = self.debit_usd
+ pr.get_unreconciled_entries()
+ self.assertEqual(len(pr.invoices), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(len(pr.payments), 1)
+ invoices = [x.as_dict() for x in pr.invoices]
+ payments = [x.as_dict() for x in pr.payments]
+ pr.allocate_entries(frappe._dict({"invoices": invoices, "payments": payments}))
+ pr.reconcile()
+ self.assertEqual(len(pr.invoices), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(len(pr.payments), 0)
+ # There should be no outstanding in both currencies
+ self.assert_ledger_outstanding(je1.doctype, je1.name, 0.0, 0.0)
+ self.assert_ledger_outstanding(je2.doctype, je2.name, 0.0, 0.0)
+ # Exchange Gain/Loss Journal should've been created only for JE2
+ exc_je_for_je1 = self.get_journals_for(je1.doctype, je1.name)
+ exc_je_for_je2 = self.get_journals_for(je2.doctype, je2.name)
+ self.assertEqual(exc_je_for_je1, [])
+ self.assertEqual(len(exc_je_for_je2), 1)
+ # Cancel Payment
+ pe.reload()
+ pe.cancel()
+ self.assert_ledger_outstanding(je1.doctype, je1.name, (amount * exc_rate1), amount)
+ self.assert_ledger_outstanding(je2.doctype, je2.name, (amount * exc_rate2), amount)
+ # Exchange Gain/Loss Journal should've been cancelled
+ exc_je_for_je1 = self.get_journals_for(je1.doctype, je1.name)
+ exc_je_for_je2 = self.get_journals_for(je2.doctype, je2.name)
+ self.assertEqual(exc_je_for_je1, [])
+ self.assertEqual(exc_je_for_je2, [])