blob: 4352f7025b7e8be31ecfb425c2f13ca30bb6af1b [file] [log] [blame]
Ameya Shenoy5c623682017-12-06 18:36:27 +05301/*
2 Leaflet.draw, a plugin that adds drawing and editing tools to Leaflet powered maps.
3 (c) 2012-2013, Jacob Toye, Smartrak
9! function(t, e) {
10 L.drawVersion = "0.2.3", L.drawLocal = { draw: { toolbar: { actions: { title: "Cancel drawing", text: "Cancel" }, undo: { title: "Delete last point drawn", text: "Delete last point" }, buttons: { polyline: "Draw a polyline", polygon: "Draw a polygon", rectangle: "Draw a rectangle", circle: "Draw a circle", marker: "Draw a marker" } }, handlers: { circle: { tooltip: { start: "Click and drag to draw circle." } }, marker: { tooltip: { start: "Click map to place marker." } }, polygon: { tooltip: { start: "Click to start drawing shape.", cont: "Click to continue drawing shape.", end: "Click first point to close this shape." } }, polyline: { error: "<strong>Error:</strong> shape edges cannot cross!", tooltip: { start: "Click to start drawing line.", cont: "Click to continue drawing line.", end: "Click last point to finish line." } }, rectangle: { tooltip: { start: "Click and drag to draw rectangle." } }, simpleshape: { tooltip: { end: "Release mouse to finish drawing." } } } }, edit: { toolbar: { actions: { save: { title: "Save changes.", text: "Save" }, cancel: { title: "Cancel editing, discards all changes.", text: "Cancel" } }, buttons: { edit: "Edit layers.", editDisabled: "No layers to edit.", remove: "Delete layers.", removeDisabled: "No layers to delete." } }, handlers: { edit: { tooltip: { text: "Drag handles, or marker to edit feature.", subtext: "Click cancel to undo changes." } }, remove: { tooltip: { text: "Click on a feature to remove" } } } } }, L.Draw = {}, L.Draw.Feature = L.Handler.extend({ includes: L.Mixin.Events, initialize: function(t, e) { this._map = t, this._container = t._container, this._overlayPane = t._panes.overlayPane, this._popupPane = t._panes.popupPane, e && e.shapeOptions && (e.shapeOptions = L.Util.extend({}, this.options.shapeOptions, e.shapeOptions)), L.setOptions(this, e) }, enable: function() { this._enabled || ("enabled", { handler: this.type }),"draw:drawstart", { layerType: this.type }), }, disable: function() { this._enabled && (,"draw:drawstop", { layerType: this.type }),"disabled", { handler: this.type })) }, addHooks: function() { var t = this._map;
11 t && (L.DomUtil.disableTextSelection(), t.getContainer().focus(), this._tooltip = new L.Tooltip(this._map), L.DomEvent.on(this._container, "keyup", this._cancelDrawing, this)) }, removeHooks: function() { this._map && (L.DomUtil.enableTextSelection(), this._tooltip.dispose(), this._tooltip = null,, "keyup", this._cancelDrawing, this)) }, setOptions: function(t) { L.setOptions(this, t) }, _fireCreatedEvent: function(t) {"draw:created", { layer: t, layerType: this.type }) }, _cancelDrawing: function(t) { 27 === t.keyCode && this.disable() } }), L.Draw.Polyline = L.Draw.Feature.extend({ statics: { TYPE: "polyline" }, Poly: L.Polyline, options: { allowIntersection: !0, repeatMode: !1, drawError: { color: "#b00b00", timeout: 2500 }, icon: new L.DivIcon({ iconSize: new L.Point(8, 8), className: "leaflet-div-icon leaflet-editing-icon" }), guidelineDistance: 20, maxGuideLineLength: 4e3, shapeOptions: { stroke: !0, color: "#f06eaa", weight: 4, opacity: .5, fill: !1, clickable: !0 }, metric: !0, showLength: !0, zIndexOffset: 2e3 }, initialize: function(t, e) { this.options.drawError.message = L.drawLocal.draw.handlers.polyline.error, e && e.drawError && (e.drawError = L.Util.extend({}, this.options.drawError, e.drawError)), this.type = L.Draw.Polyline.TYPE,, t, e) }, addHooks: function() {, this._map && (this._markers = [], this._markerGroup = new L.LayerGroup, this._map.addLayer(this._markerGroup), this._poly = new L.Polyline([], this.options.shapeOptions), this._tooltip.updateContent(this._getTooltipText()), this._mouseMarker || (this._mouseMarker = L.marker(this._map.getCenter(), { icon: L.divIcon({ className: "leaflet-mouse-marker", iconAnchor: [20, 20], iconSize: [40, 40] }), opacity: 0, zIndexOffset: this.options.zIndexOffset })), this._mouseMarker.on("mousedown", this._onMouseDown, this).addTo(this._map), this._map.on("mousemove", this._onMouseMove, this).on("mouseup", this._onMouseUp, this).on("zoomend", this._onZoomEnd, this)) }, removeHooks: function() {, this._clearHideErrorTimeout(), this._cleanUpShape(), this._map.removeLayer(this._markerGroup), delete this._markerGroup, delete this._markers, this._map.removeLayer(this._poly), delete this._poly,"mousedown", this._onMouseDown, this).off("mouseup", this._onMouseUp, this), this._map.removeLayer(this._mouseMarker), delete this._mouseMarker, this._clearGuides(),"mousemove", this._onMouseMove, this).off("zoomend", this._onZoomEnd, this) }, deleteLastVertex: function() { if (!(this._markers.length <= 1)) { var t = this._markers.pop(),
12 e = this._poly,
13 i = this._poly.spliceLatLngs(e.getLatLngs().length - 1, 1)[0];
14 this._markerGroup.removeLayer(t), e.getLatLngs().length < 2 && this._map.removeLayer(e), this._vertexChanged(i, !1) } }, addVertex: function(t) { var e = this._markers.length; return e > 0 && !this.options.allowIntersection && this._poly.newLatLngIntersects(t) ? void this._showErrorTooltip() : (this._errorShown && this._hideErrorTooltip(), this._markers.push(this._createMarker(t)), this._poly.addLatLng(t), 2 === this._poly.getLatLngs().length && this._map.addLayer(this._poly), void this._vertexChanged(t, !0)) }, _finishShape: function() { var t = this._poly.newLatLngIntersects(this._poly.getLatLngs()[0], !0); return !this.options.allowIntersection && t || !this._shapeIsValid() ? void this._showErrorTooltip() : (this._fireCreatedEvent(), this.disable(), void(this.options.repeatMode && this.enable())) }, _shapeIsValid: function() { return !0 }, _onZoomEnd: function() { this._updateGuide() }, _onMouseMove: function(t) { var e = t.layerPoint,
15 i = t.latlng;
16 this._currentLatLng = i, this._updateTooltip(i), this._updateGuide(e), this._mouseMarker.setLatLng(i), L.DomEvent.preventDefault(t.originalEvent) }, _vertexChanged: function(t, e) { this._updateFinishHandler(), this._updateRunningMeasure(t, e), this._clearGuides(), this._updateTooltip() }, _onMouseDown: function(t) { var e = t.originalEvent;
17 this._mouseDownOrigin = L.point(e.clientX, e.clientY) }, _onMouseUp: function(e) { if (this._mouseDownOrigin) { var i = L.point(e.originalEvent.clientX, e.originalEvent.clientY).distanceTo(this._mouseDownOrigin);
18 Math.abs(i) < 9 * (t.devicePixelRatio || 1) && this.addVertex(e.latlng) }
19 this._mouseDownOrigin = null }, _updateFinishHandler: function() { var t = this._markers.length;
20 t > 1 && this._markers[t - 1].on("click", this._finishShape, this), t > 2 && this._markers[t - 2].off("click", this._finishShape, this) }, _createMarker: function(t) { var e = new L.Marker(t, { icon: this.options.icon, zIndexOffset: 2 * this.options.zIndexOffset }); return this._markerGroup.addLayer(e), e }, _updateGuide: function(t) { var e = this._markers.length;
21 e > 0 && (t = t || this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(this._currentLatLng), this._clearGuides(), this._drawGuide(this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(this._markers[e - 1].getLatLng()), t)) }, _updateTooltip: function(t) { var e = this._getTooltipText();
22 t && this._tooltip.updatePosition(t), this._errorShown || this._tooltip.updateContent(e) }, _drawGuide: function(t, e) { var i, o, a, s = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(e.x - t.x, 2) + Math.pow(e.y - t.y, 2))),
23 r = this.options.guidelineDistance,
24 n = this.options.maxGuideLineLength,
25 l = s > n ? s - n : r; for (this._guidesContainer || (this._guidesContainer = L.DomUtil.create("div", "leaflet-draw-guides", this._overlayPane)); s > l; l += this.options.guidelineDistance) i = l / s, o = { x: Math.floor(t.x * (1 - i) + i * e.x), y: Math.floor(t.y * (1 - i) + i * e.y) }, a = L.DomUtil.create("div", "leaflet-draw-guide-dash", this._guidesContainer), = this._errorShown ? this.options.drawError.color : this.options.shapeOptions.color, L.DomUtil.setPosition(a, o) }, _updateGuideColor: function(t) { if (this._guidesContainer)
26 for (var e = 0, i = this._guidesContainer.childNodes.length; i > e; e++) this._guidesContainer.childNodes[e].style.backgroundColor = t }, _clearGuides: function() { if (this._guidesContainer)
27 for (; this._guidesContainer.firstChild;) this._guidesContainer.removeChild(this._guidesContainer.firstChild) }, _getTooltipText: function() { var t, e, i = this.options.showLength; return 0 === this._markers.length ? t = { text: L.drawLocal.draw.handlers.polyline.tooltip.start } : (e = i ? this._getMeasurementString() : "", t = 1 === this._markers.length ? { text: L.drawLocal.draw.handlers.polyline.tooltip.cont, subtext: e } : { text: L.drawLocal.draw.handlers.polyline.tooltip.end, subtext: e }), t }, _updateRunningMeasure: function(t, e) { var i, o, a = this._markers.length;
28 1 === this._markers.length ? this._measurementRunningTotal = 0 : (i = a - (e ? 2 : 1), o = t.distanceTo(this._markers[i].getLatLng()), this._measurementRunningTotal += o * (e ? 1 : -1)) }, _getMeasurementString: function() { var t, e = this._currentLatLng,
29 i = this._markers[this._markers.length - 1].getLatLng(); return t = this._measurementRunningTotal + e.distanceTo(i), L.GeometryUtil.readableDistance(t, this.options.metric) }, _showErrorTooltip: function() { this._errorShown = !0, this._tooltip.showAsError().updateContent({ text: this.options.drawError.message }), this._updateGuideColor(this.options.drawError.color), this._poly.setStyle({ color: this.options.drawError.color }), this._clearHideErrorTimeout(), this._hideErrorTimeout = setTimeout(L.Util.bind(this._hideErrorTooltip, this), this.options.drawError.timeout) }, _hideErrorTooltip: function() { this._errorShown = !1, this._clearHideErrorTimeout(), this._tooltip.removeError().updateContent(this._getTooltipText()), this._updateGuideColor(this.options.shapeOptions.color), this._poly.setStyle({ color: this.options.shapeOptions.color }) }, _clearHideErrorTimeout: function() { this._hideErrorTimeout && (clearTimeout(this._hideErrorTimeout), this._hideErrorTimeout = null) }, _cleanUpShape: function() { this._markers.length > 1 && this._markers[this._markers.length - 1].off("click", this._finishShape, this) }, _fireCreatedEvent: function() { var t = new this.Poly(this._poly.getLatLngs(), this.options.shapeOptions);
30, t) } }), L.Draw.Polygon = L.Draw.Polyline.extend({ statics: { TYPE: "polygon" }, Poly: L.Polygon, options: { showArea: !1, shapeOptions: { stroke: !0, color: "#f06eaa", weight: 4, opacity: .5, fill: !0, fillColor: null, fillOpacity: .2, clickable: !0 } }, initialize: function(t, e) {, t, e), this.type = L.Draw.Polygon.TYPE }, _updateFinishHandler: function() { var t = this._markers.length;
31 1 === t && this._markers[0].on("click", this._finishShape, this), t > 2 && (this._markers[t - 1].on("dblclick", this._finishShape, this), t > 3 && this._markers[t - 2].off("dblclick", this._finishShape, this)) }, _getTooltipText: function() { var t, e; return 0 === this._markers.length ? t = L.drawLocal.draw.handlers.polygon.tooltip.start : this._markers.length < 3 ? t = L.drawLocal.draw.handlers.polygon.tooltip.cont : (t = L.drawLocal.draw.handlers.polygon.tooltip.end, e = this._getMeasurementString()), { text: t, subtext: e } }, _getMeasurementString: function() { var t = this._area; return t ? L.GeometryUtil.readableArea(t, this.options.metric) : null }, _shapeIsValid: function() { return this._markers.length >= 3 }, _vertexAdded: function() { if (!this.options.allowIntersection && this.options.showArea) { var t = this._poly.getLatLngs();
32 this._area = L.GeometryUtil.geodesicArea(t) } }, _cleanUpShape: function() { var t = this._markers.length;
33 t > 0 && (this._markers[0].off("click", this._finishShape, this), t > 2 && this._markers[t - 1].off("dblclick", this._finishShape, this)) } }), L.SimpleShape = {}, L.Draw.SimpleShape = L.Draw.Feature.extend({ options: { repeatMode: !1 }, initialize: function(t, e) { this._endLabelText = L.drawLocal.draw.handlers.simpleshape.tooltip.end,, t, e) }, addHooks: function() {, this._map && (this._mapDraggable = this._map.dragging.enabled(), this._mapDraggable && this._map.dragging.disable(), = "crosshair", this._tooltip.updateContent({ text: this._initialLabelText }), this._map.on("mousedown", this._onMouseDown, this).on("mousemove", this._onMouseMove, this)) }, removeHooks: function() {, this._map && (this._mapDraggable && this._map.dragging.enable(), = "","mousedown", this._onMouseDown, this).off("mousemove", this._onMouseMove, this),, "mouseup", this._onMouseUp, this), this._shape && (this._map.removeLayer(this._shape), delete this._shape)), this._isDrawing = !1 }, _onMouseDown: function(t) { this._isDrawing = !0, this._startLatLng = t.latlng, L.DomEvent.on(e, "mouseup", this._onMouseUp, this).preventDefault(t.originalEvent) }, _onMouseMove: function(t) { var e = t.latlng;
34 this._tooltip.updatePosition(e), this._isDrawing && (this._tooltip.updateContent({ text: this._endLabelText }), this._drawShape(e)) }, _onMouseUp: function() { this._shape && this._fireCreatedEvent(), this.disable(), this.options.repeatMode && this.enable() } }), L.Draw.Rectangle = L.Draw.SimpleShape.extend({ statics: { TYPE: "rectangle" }, options: { shapeOptions: { stroke: !0, color: "#f06eaa", weight: 4, opacity: .5, fill: !0, fillColor: null, fillOpacity: .2, clickable: !0 } }, initialize: function(t, e) { this.type = L.Draw.Rectangle.TYPE, this._initialLabelText = L.drawLocal.draw.handlers.rectangle.tooltip.start,, t, e) }, _drawShape: function(t) { this._shape ? this._shape.setBounds(new L.LatLngBounds(this._startLatLng, t)) : (this._shape = new L.Rectangle(new L.LatLngBounds(this._startLatLng, t), this.options.shapeOptions), this._map.addLayer(this._shape)) }, _fireCreatedEvent: function() { var t = new L.Rectangle(this._shape.getBounds(), this.options.shapeOptions);
35, t) } }), L.Draw.Circle = L.Draw.SimpleShape.extend({ statics: { TYPE: "circle" }, options: { shapeOptions: { stroke: !0, color: "#f06eaa", weight: 4, opacity: .5, fill: !0, fillColor: null, fillOpacity: .2, clickable: !0 }, showRadius: !0, metric: !0 }, initialize: function(t, e) { this.type = L.Draw.Circle.TYPE, this._initialLabelText =,, t, e) }, _drawShape: function(t) { this._shape ? this._shape.setRadius(this._startLatLng.distanceTo(t)) : (this._shape = new L.Circle(this._startLatLng, this._startLatLng.distanceTo(t), this.options.shapeOptions), this._map.addLayer(this._shape)) }, _fireCreatedEvent: function() { var t = new L.Circle(this._startLatLng, this._shape.getRadius(), this.options.shapeOptions);
36, t) }, _onMouseMove: function(t) { var e, i = t.latlng,
37 o = this.options.showRadius,
38 a = this.options.metric;
39 this._tooltip.updatePosition(i), this._isDrawing && (this._drawShape(i), e = this._shape.getRadius().toFixed(1), this._tooltip.updateContent({ text: this._endLabelText, subtext: o ? "Radius: " + L.GeometryUtil.readableDistance(e, a) : "" })) } }), L.Draw.Marker = L.Draw.Feature.extend({ statics: { TYPE: "marker" }, options: { icon: new L.Icon.Default, repeatMode: !1, zIndexOffset: 2e3 }, initialize: function(t, e) { this.type = L.Draw.Marker.TYPE,, t, e) }, addHooks: function() {, this._map && (this._tooltip.updateContent({ text: L.drawLocal.draw.handlers.marker.tooltip.start }), this._mouseMarker || (this._mouseMarker = L.marker(this._map.getCenter(), { icon: L.divIcon({ className: "leaflet-mouse-marker", iconAnchor: [20, 20], iconSize: [40, 40] }), opacity: 0, zIndexOffset: this.options.zIndexOffset })), this._mouseMarker.on("click", this._onClick, this).addTo(this._map), this._map.on("mousemove", this._onMouseMove, this)) }, removeHooks: function() {, this._map && (this._marker && ("click", this._onClick, this),"click", this._onClick, this).removeLayer(this._marker), delete this._marker),"click", this._onClick, this), this._map.removeLayer(this._mouseMarker), delete this._mouseMarker,"mousemove", this._onMouseMove, this)) }, _onMouseMove: function(t) { var e = t.latlng;
40 this._tooltip.updatePosition(e), this._mouseMarker.setLatLng(e), this._marker ? (e = this._mouseMarker.getLatLng(), this._marker.setLatLng(e)) : (this._marker = new L.Marker(e, { icon: this.options.icon, zIndexOffset: this.options.zIndexOffset }), this._marker.on("click", this._onClick, this), this._map.on("click", this._onClick, this).addLayer(this._marker)) }, _onClick: function() { this._fireCreatedEvent(), this.disable(), this.options.repeatMode && this.enable() }, _fireCreatedEvent: function() { var t = new L.Marker(this._marker.getLatLng(), { icon: this.options.icon });
41, t) } }), L.Edit = L.Edit || {}, L.Edit.Poly = L.Handler.extend({ options: { icon: new L.DivIcon({ iconSize: new L.Point(8, 8), className: "leaflet-div-icon leaflet-editing-icon" }) }, initialize: function(t, e) { this._poly = t, L.setOptions(this, e) }, addHooks: function() { this._poly._map && (this._markerGroup || this._initMarkers(), this._poly._map.addLayer(this._markerGroup)) }, removeHooks: function() { this._poly._map && (this._poly._map.removeLayer(this._markerGroup), delete this._markerGroup, delete this._markers) }, updateMarkers: function() { this._markerGroup.clearLayers(), this._initMarkers() }, _initMarkers: function() { this._markerGroup || (this._markerGroup = new L.LayerGroup), this._markers = []; var t, e, i, o, a = this._poly._latlngs; for (t = 0, i = a.length; i > t; t++) o = this._createMarker(a[t], t), o.on("click", this._onMarkerClick, this), this._markers.push(o); var s, r; for (t = 0, e = i - 1; i > t; e = t++)(0 !== t || L.Polygon && this._poly instanceof L.Polygon) && (s = this._markers[e], r = this._markers[t], this._createMiddleMarker(s, r), this._updatePrevNext(s, r)) }, _createMarker: function(t, e) { var i = new L.Marker(t, { draggable: !0, icon: this.options.icon }); return i._origLatLng = t, i._index = e, i.on("drag", this._onMarkerDrag, this), i.on("dragend", this._fireEdit, this), this._markerGroup.addLayer(i), i }, _removeMarker: function(t) { var e = t._index;
42 this._markerGroup.removeLayer(t), this._markers.splice(e, 1), this._poly.spliceLatLngs(e, 1), this._updateIndexes(e, -1),"drag", this._onMarkerDrag, this).off("dragend", this._fireEdit, this).off("click", this._onMarkerClick, this) }, _fireEdit: function() { this._poly.edited = !0,"edit") }, _onMarkerDrag: function(t) { var e =;
43 L.extend(e._origLatLng, e._latlng), e._middleLeft && e._middleLeft.setLatLng(this._getMiddleLatLng(e._prev, e)), e._middleRight && e._middleRight.setLatLng(this._getMiddleLatLng(e, e._next)), this._poly.redraw() }, _onMarkerClick: function(t) { var e = L.Polygon && this._poly instanceof L.Polygon ? 4 : 3,
44 i =;
45 this._poly._latlngs.length < e || (this._removeMarker(i), this._updatePrevNext(i._prev, i._next), i._middleLeft && this._markerGroup.removeLayer(i._middleLeft), i._middleRight && this._markerGroup.removeLayer(i._middleRight), i._prev && i._next ? this._createMiddleMarker(i._prev, i._next) : i._prev ? i._next || (i._prev._middleRight = null) : i._next._middleLeft = null, this._fireEdit()) }, _updateIndexes: function(t, e) { this._markerGroup.eachLayer(function(i) { i._index > t && (i._index += e) }) }, _createMiddleMarker: function(t, e) { var i, o, a, s = this._getMiddleLatLng(t, e),
46 r = this._createMarker(s);
47 r.setOpacity(.6), t._middleRight = e._middleLeft = r, o = function() { var o = e._index;
48 r._index = o,"click", i, this).on("click", this._onMarkerClick, this), = r.getLatLng().lat, s.lng = r.getLatLng().lng, this._poly.spliceLatLngs(o, 0, s), this._markers.splice(o, 0, r), r.setOpacity(1), this._updateIndexes(o, 1), e._index++, this._updatePrevNext(t, r), this._updatePrevNext(r, e),"editstart") }, a = function() {"dragstart", o, this),"dragend", a, this), this._createMiddleMarker(t, r), this._createMiddleMarker(r, e) }, i = function() {,, this._fireEdit() }, r.on("click", i, this).on("dragstart", o, this).on("dragend", a, this), this._markerGroup.addLayer(r) }, _updatePrevNext: function(t, e) { t && (t._next = e), e && (e._prev = t) }, _getMiddleLatLng: function(t, e) { var i = this._poly._map,
49 o = i.project(t.getLatLng()),
50 a = i.project(e.getLatLng()); return i.unproject(o._add(a)._divideBy(2)) } }), L.Polyline.addInitHook(function() { this.editing || (L.Edit.Poly && (this.editing = new L.Edit.Poly(this), this.options.editable && this.editing.enable()), this.on("add", function() { this.editing && this.editing.enabled() && this.editing.addHooks() }), this.on("remove", function() { this.editing && this.editing.enabled() && this.editing.removeHooks() })) }), L.Edit = L.Edit || {}, L.Edit.SimpleShape = L.Handler.extend({ options: { moveIcon: new L.DivIcon({ iconSize: new L.Point(8, 8), className: "leaflet-div-icon leaflet-editing-icon leaflet-edit-move" }), resizeIcon: new L.DivIcon({ iconSize: new L.Point(8, 8), className: "leaflet-div-icon leaflet-editing-icon leaflet-edit-resize" }) }, initialize: function(t, e) { this._shape = t, L.Util.setOptions(this, e) }, addHooks: function() { this._shape._map && (this._map = this._shape._map, this._markerGroup || this._initMarkers(), this._map.addLayer(this._markerGroup)) }, removeHooks: function() { if (this._shape._map) { this._unbindMarker(this._moveMarker); for (var t = 0, e = this._resizeMarkers.length; e > t; t++) this._unbindMarker(this._resizeMarkers[t]);
51 this._resizeMarkers = null, this._map.removeLayer(this._markerGroup), delete this._markerGroup }
52 this._map = null }, updateMarkers: function() { this._markerGroup.clearLayers(), this._initMarkers() }, _initMarkers: function() { this._markerGroup || (this._markerGroup = new L.LayerGroup), this._createMoveMarker(), this._createResizeMarker() }, _createMoveMarker: function() {}, _createResizeMarker: function() {}, _createMarker: function(t, e) { var i = new L.Marker(t, { draggable: !0, icon: e, zIndexOffset: 10 }); return this._bindMarker(i), this._markerGroup.addLayer(i), i }, _bindMarker: function(t) { t.on("dragstart", this._onMarkerDragStart, this).on("drag", this._onMarkerDrag, this).on("dragend", this._onMarkerDragEnd, this) }, _unbindMarker: function(t) {"dragstart", this._onMarkerDragStart, this).off("drag", this._onMarkerDrag, this).off("dragend", this._onMarkerDragEnd, this) }, _onMarkerDragStart: function(t) { var e =;
53 e.setOpacity(0),"editstart") }, _fireEdit: function() { this._shape.edited = !0,"edit") }, _onMarkerDrag: function(t) { var e =,
54 i = e.getLatLng();
55 e === this._moveMarker ? this._move(i) : this._resize(i), this._shape.redraw() }, _onMarkerDragEnd: function(t) { var e =;
56 e.setOpacity(1), this._fireEdit() }, _move: function() {}, _resize: function() {} }), L.Edit = L.Edit || {}, L.Edit.Rectangle = L.Edit.SimpleShape.extend({ _createMoveMarker: function() { var t = this._shape.getBounds(),
57 e = t.getCenter();
58 this._moveMarker = this._createMarker(e, this.options.moveIcon) }, _createResizeMarker: function() { var t = this._getCorners();
59 this._resizeMarkers = []; for (var e = 0, i = t.length; i > e; e++) this._resizeMarkers.push(this._createMarker(t[e], this.options.resizeIcon)), this._resizeMarkers[e]._cornerIndex = e }, _onMarkerDragStart: function(t) {, t); var e = this._getCorners(),
60 i =,
61 o = i._cornerIndex;
62 this._oppositeCorner = e[(o + 2) % 4], this._toggleCornerMarkers(0, o) }, _onMarkerDragEnd: function(t) { var e, i, o =;
63 o === this._moveMarker && (e = this._shape.getBounds(), i = e.getCenter(), o.setLatLng(i)), this._toggleCornerMarkers(1), this._repositionCornerMarkers(),, t) }, _move: function(t) { for (var e, i = this._shape.getLatLngs(), o = this._shape.getBounds(), a = o.getCenter(), s = [], r = 0, n = i.length; n > r; r++) e = [i[r].lat -, i[r].lng - a.lng], s.push([ + e[0], t.lng + e[1]]);
64 this._shape.setLatLngs(s), this._repositionCornerMarkers() }, _resize: function(t) { var e;
65 this._shape.setBounds(L.latLngBounds(t, this._oppositeCorner)), e = this._shape.getBounds(), this._moveMarker.setLatLng(e.getCenter()) }, _getCorners: function() { var t = this._shape.getBounds(),
66 e = t.getNorthWest(),
67 i = t.getNorthEast(),
68 o = t.getSouthEast(),
69 a = t.getSouthWest(); return [e, i, o, a] }, _toggleCornerMarkers: function(t) { for (var e = 0, i = this._resizeMarkers.length; i > e; e++) this._resizeMarkers[e].setOpacity(t) }, _repositionCornerMarkers: function() { for (var t = this._getCorners(), e = 0, i = this._resizeMarkers.length; i > e; e++) this._resizeMarkers[e].setLatLng(t[e]) } }), L.Rectangle.addInitHook(function() { L.Edit.Rectangle && (this.editing = new L.Edit.Rectangle(this), this.options.editable && this.editing.enable()) }), L.Edit = L.Edit || {}, L.Edit.Circle = L.Edit.SimpleShape.extend({ _createMoveMarker: function() { var t = this._shape.getLatLng();
70 this._moveMarker = this._createMarker(t, this.options.moveIcon) }, _createResizeMarker: function() { var t = this._shape.getLatLng(),
71 e = this._getResizeMarkerPoint(t);
72 this._resizeMarkers = [], this._resizeMarkers.push(this._createMarker(e, this.options.resizeIcon)) }, _getResizeMarkerPoint: function(t) { var e = this._shape._radius * Math.cos(Math.PI / 4),
73 i = this._map.project(t); return this._map.unproject([i.x + e, i.y - e]) }, _move: function(t) { var e = this._getResizeMarkerPoint(t);
74 this._resizeMarkers[0].setLatLng(e), this._shape.setLatLng(t) }, _resize: function(t) { var e = this._moveMarker.getLatLng(),
75 i = e.distanceTo(t);
76 this._shape.setRadius(i) } }), L.Circle.addInitHook(function() { L.Edit.Circle && (this.editing = new L.Edit.Circle(this), this.options.editable && this.editing.enable()), this.on("add", function() { this.editing && this.editing.enabled() && this.editing.addHooks() }), this.on("remove", function() { this.editing && this.editing.enabled() && this.editing.removeHooks() }) }), L.LatLngUtil = { cloneLatLngs: function(t) { for (var e = [], i = 0, o = t.length; o > i; i++) e.push(this.cloneLatLng(t[i])); return e }, cloneLatLng: function(t) { return L.latLng(, t.lng) } }, L.GeometryUtil = L.extend(L.GeometryUtil || {}, { geodesicArea: function(t) { var e, i, o = t.length,
77 a = 0,
78 s = L.LatLng.DEG_TO_RAD; if (o > 2) { for (var r = 0; o > r; r++) e = t[r], i = t[(r + 1) % o], a += (i.lng - e.lng) * s * (2 + Math.sin( * s) + Math.sin( * s));
79 a = 6378137 * a * 6378137 / 2 } return Math.abs(a) }, readableArea: function(t, e) { var i; return e ? i = t >= 1e4 ? (1e-4 * t).toFixed(2) + " ha" : t.toFixed(2) + " m&sup2;" : (t *= .836127, i = t >= 3097600 ? (t / 3097600).toFixed(2) + " mi&sup2;" : t >= 4840 ? (t / 4840).toFixed(2) + " acres" : Math.ceil(t) + " yd&sup2;"), i }, readableDistance: function(t, e) { var i; return e ? i = t > 1e3 ? (t / 1e3).toFixed(2) + " km" : Math.ceil(t) + " m" : (t *= 1.09361, i = t > 1760 ? (t / 1760).toFixed(2) + " miles" : Math.ceil(t) + " yd"), i } }), L.Util.extend(L.LineUtil, { segmentsIntersect: function(t, e, i, o) { return this._checkCounterclockwise(t, i, o) !== this._checkCounterclockwise(e, i, o) && this._checkCounterclockwise(t, e, i) !== this._checkCounterclockwise(t, e, o) }, _checkCounterclockwise: function(t, e, i) { return (i.y - t.y) * (e.x - t.x) > (e.y - t.y) * (i.x - t.x) } }), L.Polyline.include({ intersects: function() { var t, e, i, o = this._originalPoints,
80 a = o ? o.length : 0; if (this._tooFewPointsForIntersection()) return !1; for (t = a - 1; t >= 3; t--)
81 if (e = o[t - 1], i = o[t], this._lineSegmentsIntersectsRange(e, i, t - 2)) return !0;
82 return !1 }, newLatLngIntersects: function(t, e) { return this._map ? this.newPointIntersects(this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(t), e) : !1 }, newPointIntersects: function(t, e) { var i = this._originalPoints,
83 o = i ? i.length : 0,
84 a = i ? i[o - 1] : null,
85 s = o - 2; return this._tooFewPointsForIntersection(1) ? !1 : this._lineSegmentsIntersectsRange(a, t, s, e ? 1 : 0) }, _tooFewPointsForIntersection: function(t) { var e = this._originalPoints,
86 i = e ? e.length : 0; return i += t || 0, !this._originalPoints || 3 >= i }, _lineSegmentsIntersectsRange: function(t, e, i, o) { var a, s, r = this._originalPoints;
87 o = o || 0; for (var n = i; n > o; n--)
88 if (a = r[n - 1], s = r[n], L.LineUtil.segmentsIntersect(t, e, a, s)) return !0;
89 return !1 } }), L.Polygon.include({ intersects: function() { var t, e, i, o, a, s = this._originalPoints; return this._tooFewPointsForIntersection() ? !1 : (t = ? !0 : (e = s.length, i = s[0], o = s[e - 1], a = e - 2, this._lineSegmentsIntersectsRange(o, i, a, 1)) } }), L.Control.Draw = L.Control.extend({ options: { position: "topleft", draw: {}, edit: !1 }, initialize: function(t) { if (L.version < "0.7") throw new Error("Leaflet.draw 0.2.3+ requires Leaflet 0.7.0+. Download latest from");
90, t); var e, i;
91 this._toolbars = {}, L.DrawToolbar && this.options.draw && (i = new L.DrawToolbar(this.options.draw), e = L.stamp(i), this._toolbars[e] = i, this._toolbars[e].on("enable", this._toolbarEnabled, this)), L.EditToolbar && this.options.edit && (i = new L.EditToolbar(this.options.edit), e = L.stamp(i), this._toolbars[e] = i, this._toolbars[e].on("enable", this._toolbarEnabled, this)) }, onAdd: function(t) { var e, i = L.DomUtil.create("div", "leaflet-draw"),
92 o = !1,
93 a = "leaflet-draw-toolbar-top"; for (var s in this._toolbars) this._toolbars.hasOwnProperty(s) && (e = this._toolbars[s].addToolbar(t), e && (o || (L.DomUtil.hasClass(e, a) || L.DomUtil.addClass(e.childNodes[0], a), o = !0), i.appendChild(e))); return i }, onRemove: function() { for (var t in this._toolbars) this._toolbars.hasOwnProperty(t) && this._toolbars[t].removeToolbar() }, setDrawingOptions: function(t) { for (var e in this._toolbars) this._toolbars[e] instanceof L.DrawToolbar && this._toolbars[e].setOptions(t) }, _toolbarEnabled: function(t) { var e = "" + L.stamp(; for (var i in this._toolbars) this._toolbars.hasOwnProperty(i) && i !== e && this._toolbars[i].disable() } }), L.Map.mergeOptions({ drawControlTooltips: !0, drawControl: !1 }), L.Map.addInitHook(function() { this.options.drawControl && (this.drawControl = new L.Control.Draw, this.addControl(this.drawControl)) }), L.Toolbar = L.Class.extend({
94 includes: [L.Mixin.Events],
95 initialize: function(t) { L.setOptions(this, t), this._modes = {}, this._actionButtons = [], this._activeMode = null },
96 enabled: function() { return null !== this._activeMode },
97 disable: function() { this.enabled() && this._activeMode.handler.disable() },
98 addToolbar: function(t) { var e, i = L.DomUtil.create("div", "leaflet-draw-section"),
99 o = 0,
100 a = this._toolbarClass || "",
101 s = this.getModeHandlers(t); for (this._toolbarContainer = L.DomUtil.create("div", "leaflet-draw-toolbar leaflet-bar"), this._map = t, e = 0; e < s.length; e++) s[e].enabled && this._initModeHandler(s[e].handler, this._toolbarContainer, o++, a, s[e].title); return o ? (this._lastButtonIndex = --o, this._actionsContainer = L.DomUtil.create("ul", "leaflet-draw-actions"), i.appendChild(this._toolbarContainer), i.appendChild(this._actionsContainer), i) : void 0 },
102 removeToolbar: function() { for (var t in this._modes) this._modes.hasOwnProperty(t) && (this._disposeButton(this._modes[t].button, this._modes[t].handler.enable, this._modes[t].handler), this._modes[t].handler.disable(), this._modes[t]"enabled", this._handlerActivated, this).off("disabled", this._handlerDeactivated, this));
103 this._modes = {}; for (var e = 0, i = this._actionButtons.length; i > e; e++) this._disposeButton(this._actionButtons[e].button, this._actionButtons[e].callback, this);
104 this._actionButtons = [], this._actionsContainer = null },
105 _initModeHandler: function(t, e, i, o, a) { var s = t.type;
106 this._modes[s] = {}, this._modes[s].handler = t, this._modes[s].button = this._createButton({ title: a, className: o + "-" + s, container: e, callback: this._modes[s].handler.enable, context: this._modes[s].handler }), this._modes[s].buttonIndex = i, this._modes[s].handler.on("enabled", this._handlerActivated, this).on("disabled", this._handlerDeactivated, this) },
107 _createButton: function(t) { var e = L.DomUtil.create("a", t.className || "", t.container); return e.href = "#", t.text && (e.innerHTML = t.text), t.title && (e.title = t.title), L.DomEvent.on(e, "click", L.DomEvent.stopPropagation).on(e, "mousedown", L.DomEvent.stopPropagation).on(e, "dblclick", L.DomEvent.stopPropagation).on(e, "click", L.DomEvent.preventDefault).on(e, "click", t.callback, t.context), e },
108 _disposeButton: function(t, e) {, "click", L.DomEvent.stopPropagation).off(t, "mousedown", L.DomEvent.stopPropagation).off(t, "dblclick", L.DomEvent.stopPropagation).off(t, "click", L.DomEvent.preventDefault).off(t, "click", e) },
109 _handlerActivated: function(t) { this.disable(), this._activeMode = this._modes[t.handler], L.DomUtil.addClass(this._activeMode.button, "leaflet-draw-toolbar-button-enabled"), this._showActionsToolbar(),"enable") },
110 _handlerDeactivated: function() { this._hideActionsToolbar(), L.DomUtil.removeClass(this._activeMode.button, "leaflet-draw-toolbar-button-enabled"), this._activeMode = null,"disable") },
111 _createActions: function(t) { var e, i, o, a, s = this._actionsContainer,
112 r = this.getActions(t),
113 n = r.length; for (i = 0, o = this._actionButtons.length; o > i; i++) this._disposeButton(this._actionButtons[i].button, this._actionButtons[i].callback); for (this._actionButtons = []; s.firstChild;) s.removeChild(s.firstChild); for (var l = 0; n > l; l++) "enabled" in r[l] && !r[l].enabled || (e = L.DomUtil.create("li", "", s), a = this._createButton({ title: r[l].title, text: r[l].text, container: e, callback: r[l].callback, context: r[l].context }), this._actionButtons.push({ button: a, callback: r[l].callback })) },
114 _showActionsToolbar: function() {
115 var t = this._activeMode.buttonIndex,
116 e = this._lastButtonIndex,
117 i = this._activeMode.button.offsetTop - 1;
118 this._createActions(this._activeMode.handler), = i + "px", 0 === t && (L.DomUtil.addClass(this._toolbarContainer, "leaflet-draw-toolbar-notop"), L.DomUtil.addClass(this._actionsContainer, "leaflet-draw-actions-top")), t === e && (L.DomUtil.addClass(this._toolbarContainer, "leaflet-draw-toolbar-nobottom"), L.DomUtil.addClass(this._actionsContainer, "leaflet-draw-actions-bottom")), = "block"
119 },
120 _hideActionsToolbar: function() { = "none", L.DomUtil.removeClass(this._toolbarContainer, "leaflet-draw-toolbar-notop"), L.DomUtil.removeClass(this._toolbarContainer, "leaflet-draw-toolbar-nobottom"), L.DomUtil.removeClass(this._actionsContainer, "leaflet-draw-actions-top"), L.DomUtil.removeClass(this._actionsContainer, "leaflet-draw-actions-bottom") }
121 }), L.Tooltip = L.Class.extend({ initialize: function(t) { this._map = t, this._popupPane = t._panes.popupPane, this._container = t.options.drawControlTooltips ? L.DomUtil.create("div", "leaflet-draw-tooltip", this._popupPane) : null, this._singleLineLabel = !1 }, dispose: function() { this._container && (this._popupPane.removeChild(this._container), this._container = null) }, updateContent: function(t) { return this._container ? (t.subtext = t.subtext || "", 0 !== t.subtext.length || this._singleLineLabel ? t.subtext.length > 0 && this._singleLineLabel && (L.DomUtil.removeClass(this._container, "leaflet-draw-tooltip-single"), this._singleLineLabel = !1) : (L.DomUtil.addClass(this._container, "leaflet-draw-tooltip-single"), this._singleLineLabel = !0), this._container.innerHTML = (t.subtext.length > 0 ? '<span class="leaflet-draw-tooltip-subtext">' + t.subtext + "</span><br />" : "") + "<span>" + t.text + "</span>", this) : this }, updatePosition: function(t) { var e = this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(t),
122 i = this._container; return this._container && ( = "inherit", L.DomUtil.setPosition(i, e)), this }, showAsError: function() { return this._container && L.DomUtil.addClass(this._container, "leaflet-error-draw-tooltip"), this }, removeError: function() { return this._container && L.DomUtil.removeClass(this._container, "leaflet-error-draw-tooltip"), this } }), L.DrawToolbar = L.Toolbar.extend({ options: { polyline: {}, polygon: {}, rectangle: {}, circle: {}, marker: {} }, initialize: function(t) { for (var e in this.options) this.options.hasOwnProperty(e) && t[e] && (t[e] = L.extend({}, this.options[e], t[e]));
123 this._toolbarClass = "leaflet-draw-draw",, t) }, getModeHandlers: function(t) { return [{ enabled: this.options.polyline, handler: new L.Draw.Polyline(t, this.options.polyline), title: L.drawLocal.draw.toolbar.buttons.polyline }, { enabled: this.options.polygon, handler: new L.Draw.Polygon(t, this.options.polygon), title: L.drawLocal.draw.toolbar.buttons.polygon }, { enabled: this.options.rectangle, handler: new L.Draw.Rectangle(t, this.options.rectangle), title: L.drawLocal.draw.toolbar.buttons.rectangle }, { enabled:, handler: new L.Draw.Circle(t,, title: }, { enabled: this.options.marker, handler: new L.Draw.Marker(t, this.options.marker), title: L.drawLocal.draw.toolbar.buttons.marker }] }, getActions: function(t) { return [{ enabled: t.deleteLastVertex, title: L.drawLocal.draw.toolbar.undo.title, text: L.drawLocal.draw.toolbar.undo.text, callback: t.deleteLastVertex, context: t }, { title: L.drawLocal.draw.toolbar.actions.title, text: L.drawLocal.draw.toolbar.actions.text, callback: this.disable, context: this }] }, setOptions: function(t) { L.setOptions(this, t); for (var e in this._modes) this._modes.hasOwnProperty(e) && t.hasOwnProperty(e) && this._modes[e].handler.setOptions(t[e]) } }), L.EditToolbar = L.Toolbar.extend({ options: { edit: { selectedPathOptions: { color: "#fe57a1", opacity: .6, dashArray: "10, 10", fill: !0, fillColor: "#fe57a1", fillOpacity: .1 } }, remove: {}, featureGroup: null }, initialize: function(t) { t.edit && ("undefined" == typeof t.edit.selectedPathOptions && (t.edit.selectedPathOptions = this.options.edit.selectedPathOptions), t.edit = L.extend({}, this.options.edit, t.edit)), t.remove && (t.remove = L.extend({}, this.options.remove, t.remove)), this._toolbarClass = "leaflet-draw-edit",, t), this._selectedFeatureCount = 0 }, getModeHandlers: function(t) { var e = this.options.featureGroup; return [{ enabled: this.options.edit, handler: new L.EditToolbar.Edit(t, { featureGroup: e, selectedPathOptions: this.options.edit.selectedPathOptions }), title: L.drawLocal.edit.toolbar.buttons.edit }, { enabled: this.options.remove, handler: new L.EditToolbar.Delete(t, { featureGroup: e }), title: L.drawLocal.edit.toolbar.buttons.remove }] }, getActions: function() { return [{ title:, text:, callback: this._save, context: this }, { title: L.drawLocal.edit.toolbar.actions.cancel.title, text: L.drawLocal.edit.toolbar.actions.cancel.text, callback: this.disable, context: this }] }, addToolbar: function(t) { var e =, t); return this._checkDisabled(), this.options.featureGroup.on("layeradd layerremove", this._checkDisabled, this), e }, removeToolbar: function() {"layeradd layerremove", this._checkDisabled, this), }, disable: function() { this.enabled() && (this._activeMode.handler.revertLayers(), }, _save: function() {, this._activeMode.handler.disable() }, _checkDisabled: function() { var t, e = this.options.featureGroup,
124 i = 0 !== e.getLayers().length;
125 this.options.edit && (t = this._modes[L.EditToolbar.Edit.TYPE].button, i ? L.DomUtil.removeClass(t, "leaflet-disabled") : L.DomUtil.addClass(t, "leaflet-disabled"), t.setAttribute("title", i ? L.drawLocal.edit.toolbar.buttons.edit : L.drawLocal.edit.toolbar.buttons.editDisabled)), this.options.remove && (t = this._modes[L.EditToolbar.Delete.TYPE].button, i ? L.DomUtil.removeClass(t, "leaflet-disabled") : L.DomUtil.addClass(t, "leaflet-disabled"), t.setAttribute("title", i ? L.drawLocal.edit.toolbar.buttons.remove : L.drawLocal.edit.toolbar.buttons.removeDisabled)) } }), L.EditToolbar.Edit = L.Handler.extend({ statics: { TYPE: "edit" }, includes: L.Mixin.Events, initialize: function(t, e) { if (, t), this._selectedPathOptions = e.selectedPathOptions, this._featureGroup = e.featureGroup, !(this._featureGroup instanceof L.FeatureGroup)) throw new Error("options.featureGroup must be a L.FeatureGroup");
126 this._uneditedLayerProps = {}, this.type = L.EditToolbar.Edit.TYPE }, enable: function() {!this._enabled && this._hasAvailableLayers() && ("enabled", { handler: this.type }),"draw:editstart", { handler: this.type }),, this._featureGroup.on("layeradd", this._enableLayerEdit, this).on("layerremove", this._disableLayerEdit, this)) }, disable: function() { this._enabled && ("layeradd", this._enableLayerEdit, this).off("layerremove", this._disableLayerEdit, this),,"draw:editstop", { handler: this.type }),"disabled", { handler: this.type })) }, addHooks: function() { var t = this._map;
127 t && (t.getContainer().focus(), this._featureGroup.eachLayer(this._enableLayerEdit, this), this._tooltip = new L.Tooltip(this._map), this._tooltip.updateContent({ text: L.drawLocal.edit.handlers.edit.tooltip.text, subtext: L.drawLocal.edit.handlers.edit.tooltip.subtext }), this._map.on("mousemove", this._onMouseMove, this)) }, removeHooks: function() { this._map && (this._featureGroup.eachLayer(this._disableLayerEdit, this), this._uneditedLayerProps = {}, this._tooltip.dispose(), this._tooltip = null,"mousemove", this._onMouseMove, this)) }, revertLayers: function() { this._featureGroup.eachLayer(function(t) { this._revertLayer(t) }, this) }, save: function() { var t = new L.LayerGroup;
128 this._featureGroup.eachLayer(function(e) { e.edited && (t.addLayer(e), e.edited = !1) }),"draw:edited", { layers: t }) }, _backupLayer: function(t) { var e = L.Util.stamp(t);
129 this._uneditedLayerProps[e] || (t instanceof L.Polyline || t instanceof L.Polygon || t instanceof L.Rectangle ? this._uneditedLayerProps[e] = { latlngs: L.LatLngUtil.cloneLatLngs(t.getLatLngs()) } : t instanceof L.Circle ? this._uneditedLayerProps[e] = { latlng: L.LatLngUtil.cloneLatLng(t.getLatLng()), radius: t.getRadius() } : t instanceof L.Marker && (this._uneditedLayerProps[e] = { latlng: L.LatLngUtil.cloneLatLng(t.getLatLng()) })) }, _revertLayer: function(t) { var e = L.Util.stamp(t);
130 t.edited = !1, this._uneditedLayerProps.hasOwnProperty(e) && (t instanceof L.Polyline || t instanceof L.Polygon || t instanceof L.Rectangle ? t.setLatLngs(this._uneditedLayerProps[e].latlngs) : t instanceof L.Circle ? (t.setLatLng(this._uneditedLayerProps[e].latlng), t.setRadius(this._uneditedLayerProps[e].radius)) : t instanceof L.Marker && t.setLatLng(this._uneditedLayerProps[e].latlng)) }, _toggleMarkerHighlight: function(t) { if (t._icon) { var e = t._icon;
131 = "none", L.DomUtil.hasClass(e, "leaflet-edit-marker-selected") ? (L.DomUtil.removeClass(e, "leaflet-edit-marker-selected"), this._offsetMarker(e, -4)) : (L.DomUtil.addClass(e, "leaflet-edit-marker-selected"), this._offsetMarker(e, 4)), = "" } }, _offsetMarker: function(t, e) { var i = parseInt(, 10) - e,
132 o = parseInt(, 10) - e;
133 = i + "px", = o + "px" }, _enableLayerEdit: function(t) { var e, i = t.layer || || t,
134 o = i instanceof L.Marker;
135 (!o || i._icon) && (this._backupLayer(i), this._selectedPathOptions && (e = L.Util.extend({}, this._selectedPathOptions), o ? this._toggleMarkerHighlight(i) : (i.options.previousOptions = L.Util.extend({ dashArray: null }, i.options), i instanceof L.Circle || i instanceof L.Polygon || i instanceof L.Rectangle || (e.fill = !1), i.setStyle(e))), o ? (i.dragging.enable(), i.on("dragend", this._onMarkerDragEnd)) : i.editing.enable()) }, _disableLayerEdit: function(t) { var e = t.layer || || t;
136 e.edited = !1, this._selectedPathOptions && (e instanceof L.Marker ? this._toggleMarkerHighlight(e) : (e.setStyle(e.options.previousOptions), delete e.options.previousOptions)), e instanceof L.Marker ? (e.dragging.disable(),"dragend", this._onMarkerDragEnd, this)) : e.editing.disable() }, _onMarkerDragEnd: function(t) { var e =;
137 e.edited = !0 }, _onMouseMove: function(t) { this._tooltip.updatePosition(t.latlng) }, _hasAvailableLayers: function() { return 0 !== this._featureGroup.getLayers().length } }), L.EditToolbar.Delete = L.Handler.extend({ statics: { TYPE: "remove" }, includes: L.Mixin.Events, initialize: function(t, e) { if (, t), L.Util.setOptions(this, e), this._deletableLayers = this.options.featureGroup, !(this._deletableLayers instanceof L.FeatureGroup)) throw new Error("options.featureGroup must be a L.FeatureGroup");
138 this.type = L.EditToolbar.Delete.TYPE }, enable: function() {!this._enabled && this._hasAvailableLayers() && ("enabled", { handler: this.type }),"draw:deletestart", { handler: this.type }),, this._deletableLayers.on("layeradd", this._enableLayerDelete, this).on("layerremove", this._disableLayerDelete, this)) }, disable: function() { this._enabled && ("layeradd", this._enableLayerDelete, this).off("layerremove", this._disableLayerDelete, this),,"draw:deletestop", { handler: this.type }),"disabled", { handler: this.type })) }, addHooks: function() { var t = this._map;
139 t && (t.getContainer().focus(), this._deletableLayers.eachLayer(this._enableLayerDelete, this), this._deletedLayers = new L.layerGroup, this._tooltip = new L.Tooltip(this._map), this._tooltip.updateContent({ text: L.drawLocal.edit.handlers.remove.tooltip.text }), this._map.on("mousemove", this._onMouseMove, this)) }, removeHooks: function() { this._map && (this._deletableLayers.eachLayer(this._disableLayerDelete, this), this._deletedLayers = null, this._tooltip.dispose(), this._tooltip = null,"mousemove", this._onMouseMove, this)) }, revertLayers: function() { this._deletedLayers.eachLayer(function(t) { this._deletableLayers.addLayer(t) }, this) }, save: function() {"draw:deleted", { layers: this._deletedLayers }) }, _enableLayerDelete: function(t) { var e = t.layer || || t;
140 e.on("click", this._removeLayer, this) }, _disableLayerDelete: function(t) { var e = t.layer || || t;
141"click", this._removeLayer, this), this._deletedLayers.removeLayer(e) }, _removeLayer: function(t) { var e = t.layer || || t;
142 this._deletableLayers.removeLayer(e), this._deletedLayers.addLayer(e) }, _onMouseMove: function(t) { this._tooltip.updatePosition(t.latlng) }, _hasAvailableLayers: function() { return 0 !== this._deletableLayers.getLayers().length } })
143}(window, document);