i have not committed in years
diff --git a/src/utils/readConfig.ts b/src/utils/readConfig.ts
index c53d2cc..fb6835b 100644
--- a/src/utils/readConfig.ts
+++ b/src/utils/readConfig.ts
@@ -1,85 +1,165 @@
 export default async function readConfig(guild: string): Promise<any> {
-	let config = {
-		filters: {
-			images: {
-				NSFW: true,
-				size: true
-			},
-			malware: true,
-			wordFilter: {
-				enabled: true,
-				words: {
-					strict: [],
-					loose: []
-				},
-				allowed: {
-					users: [],
-					roles: [],
-					channels: []
-				}
-			},
-			invite: {
-				enabled: false,
-				allowed: {
-					users: [],
-					channels: [],
-					roles: []
-				}
-			},
-			pings: {
-				mass: 5,
-				everyone: true,
-				roles: true,
-				allowed: {
-					roles: [],
-					rolesToMention: [],
-					users: [],
-					channels: []
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		welcome: {
-			enabled: true,
-			verificationRequired: {
-				message: false,
-				role: false
-			},
-			welcomeRole: null,
-			channel: '895209752315961344', // null, channel ID or 'dm'
-			message: "Welcome to the server, {@}!"
-		},
-		stats: [
-			{
-				enabled: true,
-				channel: '951910554291818526',
-				text: "{count} members | {count:bots} bots | {count:humans} humans"
-			}
-		],
-		logging: {
-			logs: {
-				enabled: true,
-				channel: '952247098437427260',
-				toLog: "3fffff" // "3ffffe" = - channelUpdate, "3fffff" = all
-			},
-			staff: {}
-		},
-		verify: {
-			enabled: true,
-			channel: '895210691479355392',
-			role: '934941369137524816',
-		},
-		tickets: {
-			enabled: true,
-			category: "952302254302584932",
-			types: "3f",
-			customTypes: null,
-			supportRole: null,
-			maxTickets: 5
-		}
-	};
-	return config
\ No newline at end of file
+    let config = {
+        singleEventNotifications: {
+            statsChannelDeleted: false
+        },
+        filters: {
+            images: {
+                NSFW: true,
+                size: true
+            },
+            malware: true,
+            wordFilter: {
+                enabled: true,
+                words: {
+                    strict: [],
+                    loose: []
+                },
+                allowed: {
+                    users: [],
+                    roles: [],
+                    channels: []
+                }
+            },
+            invite: {
+                enabled: false,
+                allowed: {
+                    users: [],
+                    channels: [],
+                    roles: []
+                }
+            },
+            pings: {
+                mass: 5,
+                everyone: true,
+                roles: true,
+                allowed: {
+                    roles: [],
+                    rolesToMention: [],
+                    users: [],
+                    channels: []
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        welcome: {
+            enabled: true,
+            verificationRequired: {
+                message: false,
+                role: false
+            },
+            welcomeRole: null,
+            channel: '895209752315961344', // null, channel ID or 'dm'
+            message: "Welcome to the server, {@}!"
+        },
+        stats: [
+            {
+                enabled: true,
+                channel: '951910554291818526',
+                text: "{count} members | {count:bots} bots | {count:humans} humans"
+            }
+        ],
+        logging: {
+            logs: {
+                enabled: true,
+                channel: '952247098437427260',
+                toLog: "3fffff" // "3ffffe" = - channelUpdate, "3fffff" = all
+            },
+            staff: {
+                channel: "895212366252367933"
+            }
+        },
+        verify: {
+            enabled: true,
+            role: '934941369137524816',
+        },
+        tickets: {
+            enabled: true,
+            category: "952302254302584932",
+            types: "3f",
+            customTypes: null,
+            supportRole: null,
+            maxTickets: 5
+        },
+        moderation: {
+            mute: {
+                timeout: true,
+                role: null, // TODO: actually give it
+                text: null,
+                link: null
+            },
+            kick: {
+                text: "Appeal here",
+                link: "https://clicksminuteper.net"
+            },
+            ban: {
+                text: null,
+                link: null
+            },
+            softban: {
+                text: null,
+                link: null
+            },
+            warn: {
+                text: null,
+                link: null
+            },
+            role: {
+                role: "934941369137524816"
+            },
+        },
+        tracks: [
+            {
+                name: "Moderation",
+                retainPrevious: false,
+                nullable: true,
+                track: [
+                    "934941369137524816",
+                    "934941399806246984",
+                    "934941408849186856",
+                    "934941466734764092"
+                ],
+                manageableBy: []
+            },
+            {
+                name: "Verification",
+                retainPrevious: false,
+                nullable: true,
+                track: [
+                    "963166531318067250"
+                ],
+                manageableBy: []
+            }
+        ],
+        roleMenu: {
+            enabled: true,
+            allowWebUI: true,
+            options: [
+                {
+                    name: "Gender",
+                    description: "What's your gender?",
+                    min: 1,
+                    max: 1,
+                    options: [
+                        { name: "Male", role: "959901318019948574" },
+                        { name: "Female", role: "959901346000154674" },
+                        { name: "Non Binary", description: "Better than the others", role: "959901378363420704"}
+                    ]
+                },
+                {
+                    name: "Pick",
+                    min: 0,
+                    max: 4,
+                    options: [
+                        { name: "Test Role 1", role: "934941369137524816" },
+                        { name: "Test Role 2", role: "934941399806246984" },
+                        { name: "Test Role 3", role: "934941408849186856" },
+                        { name: "Test Role 4", role: "934941466734764092" }
+                    ]
+                }
+            ]
+        }
+    };
+    return config;