Created main.json
diff --git a/src/config/main.json b/src/config/main.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64abe93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/main.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+    developmentToken: "Your development bot token (Used for testing in one server, rather than production)",
+    developmentGuildID: "Your development guild ID",
+    enableDevelopment: true,
+    token: "Your bot token",
+    managementGuildID: "Your management guild ID (Used for running management commands on the bot)",
+    owners: [],
+    commandsFolder: "Your built commands folder (usually dist/commands)",
+    eventsFolder: "Your built events folder (usually dist/events)",
+    messageContextFolder: "Your built message context folder (usually dist/context/messages)",
+    userContextFolder: "Your built user context folder (usually dist/context/users)",
+    verifySecret:
+        "If using verify, enter a code here which matches the secret sent back by your website. You can use a random code if you do not have one already. (Optional)",
+    mongoUrl: "Your Mongo connection string, e.g. mongodb://",
+    baseUrl: "Your website where buttons such as Verify and Role menu will link to, e.g.",
+    pastebinApiKey: "An API key for pastebin (optional)",
+    pastebinUsername: "Your pastebin username (optional)",
+    pastebinPassword: "Your pastebin password (optional)",
+    rapidApiKey: "Your RapidAPI key (optional), used for Unscan"