loads of bug fixes
diff --git a/src/commands/privacy.ts b/src/commands/privacy.ts
index cc6c554..6d62745 100644
--- a/src/commands/privacy.ts
+++ b/src/commands/privacy.ts
@@ -1,15 +1,35 @@
-import Discord, { CommandInteraction } from "discord.js";
+import Discord, { CommandInteraction, MessageActionRow, MessageButton } from "discord.js";
 import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
 import { WrappedCheck } from "jshaiku";
-import { testLink, testMalware, testNSFW } from '../utils/scanners.js';
+import { testLink, testMalware, testNSFW } from "../reflex/scanners.js";
+import EmojiEmbed from "../utils/generateEmojiEmbed.js";
 const command = new SlashCommandBuilder()
-    .setDescription("we changed the fucking charger again!")
-    .addStringOption(option => option.setName("link").setDescription("fuck you").setRequired(false))
+    .setDescription("Information and options for you and your server's settings")
 const callback = async (interaction: CommandInteraction): Promise<any> => {
-    console.log(await testLink(interaction.options.getString("link")))
+    let components = [];
+    if (interaction.inCachedGuild() && interaction.member.permissions.has("MANAGE_GUILD")) {
+        components.push(new MessageActionRow().addComponents([new MessageButton()
+            .setLabel("Clear all data")
+            .setEmoji("CONTROL.CROSS")
+            .setCustomId("clear")
+            .setStyle("DANGER")
+        ]));
+    }
+    await interaction.reply({embeds: [new EmojiEmbed()
+        .setTitle("Privacy")
+        .setDescription(
+            "**Link Scanning Types**\n" +
+            "> Facebook - Facebook trackers include data such as your date of birth, and guess your age if not entered, your preferences, who you interact with and more.\n" +
+            "> AMP - AMP is a technology that allows websites to be served by Google. This means Google can store and track data, and are pushing this to as many pages as possible.\n\n" +
+            "**Transcripts**\n" +
+            "> Transcripts allow you to store all messages sent in a channel. This could be an issue in some cases, as they are hosted on [Pastebin](https://pastebin.com), so a leaked link could show all messages sent in the channel.\n"
+        )
+        .setStatus("Success")
+        .setEmoji("NUCLEUS.COMMANDS.LOCK")
+    ], components: components});
 const check = (interaction: CommandInteraction, defaultCheck: WrappedCheck) => {