Fix a bunch of linter errors
diff --git a/src/commands/settings/commands.ts b/src/commands/settings/commands.ts
index 845e001..13cfa89 100644
--- a/src/commands/settings/commands.ts
+++ b/src/commands/settings/commands.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
 import { LoadingEmbed } from "./../../utils/defaultEmbeds.js";
-import Discord, { CommandInteraction, MessageActionRow, MessageButton, TextInputComponent } from "discord.js";
+import Discord, {
+    CommandInteraction,
+    MessageActionRow,
+    MessageButton,
+    TextInputComponent
+} from "discord.js";
 import EmojiEmbed from "../../utils/generateEmojiEmbed.js";
 import getEmojiByName from "../../utils/getEmojiByName.js";
 import { SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
@@ -12,133 +17,257 @@
 const command = (builder: SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder) =>
-        .setDescription("Links and text shown to a user after a moderator action is performed")
-        .addRoleOption(o => o.setName("role").setDescription("The role given when a member is muted"));
+        .setDescription(
+            "Links and text shown to a user after a moderator action is performed"
+        )
+        .addRoleOption((o) =>
+            o
+                .setName("role")
+                .setDescription("The role given when a member is muted")
+        );
-const callback = async (interaction: CommandInteraction): Promise<void | unknown> => {
-    await interaction.reply({embeds: LoadingEmbed, ephemeral: true, fetchReply: true});
+const callback = async (
+    interaction: CommandInteraction
+): Promise<void | unknown> => {
+    await interaction.reply({
+        embeds: LoadingEmbed,
+        ephemeral: true,
+        fetchReply: true
+    });
     let m;
     let clicked = "";
     if (interaction.options.getRole("role")) {
         const confirmation = await new confirmationMessage(interaction)
             .setTitle("Moderation Commands")
-            .setDescription(keyValueList({
-                role: `<@&${interaction.options.getRole("role").id}>`
-            }))
+            .setDescription(
+                keyValueList({
+                    role: `<@&${interaction.options.getRole("role").id}>`
+                })
+            )
-        if (confirmation.cancelled) return await interaction.editReply({embeds: [new EmojiEmbed()
-            .setTitle("Moderation Commands")
-            .setDescription("No changes were made")
-            .setStatus("Success")
-            .setEmoji("GUILD.ROLES.CREATE")
-        ]});
+        if (confirmation.cancelled)
+            return await interaction.editReply({
+                embeds: [
+                    new EmojiEmbed()
+                        .setTitle("Moderation Commands")
+                        .setDescription("No changes were made")
+                        .setStatus("Success")
+                        .setEmoji("GUILD.ROLES.CREATE")
+                ]
+            });
         if (confirmation.success) {
-            await client.database.guilds.write(, {["moderation.mute.role"]: interaction.options.getRole("role").id});
+            await client.database.guilds.write(, {
+                ["moderation.mute.role"]: interaction.options.getRole("role").id
+            });
     while (true) {
         const config = await;
         const moderation = config.getKey("moderation");
-        m = await interaction.editReply({embeds: [new EmojiEmbed()
-            .setTitle("Moderation Commands")
-            .setEmoji("PUNISH.BAN.GREEN")
-            .setStatus("Success")
-            .setDescription(
-                "These links are shown below the message sent in a user's DM when they are punished.\n\n" +
-                "**Mute Role:** " + (moderation.mute.role ? `<@&${moderation.mute.role}>` : "*None set*")
-            )
-        ], components: [new MessageActionRow().addComponents([
-            new MessageButton().setLabel("Warn").setEmoji(getEmojiByName("PUNISH.WARN.YELLOW", "id")).setCustomId("warn").setStyle("SECONDARY"),
-            new MessageButton().setLabel("Mute").setEmoji(getEmojiByName("PUNISH.MUTE.YELLOW", "id")).setCustomId("mute").setStyle("SECONDARY"),
-            new MessageButton().setLabel("Nickname").setEmoji(getEmojiByName("PUNISH.NICKNAME.GREEN", "id")).setCustomId("nickname").setStyle("SECONDARY")
-        ]), new MessageActionRow().addComponents([
-            new MessageButton().setLabel("Kick").setEmoji(getEmojiByName("PUNISH.KICK.RED", "id")).setCustomId("kick").setStyle("SECONDARY"),
-            new MessageButton().setLabel("Softban").setEmoji(getEmojiByName("PUNISH.BAN.YELLOW", "id")).setCustomId("softban").setStyle("SECONDARY"),
-            new MessageButton().setLabel("Ban").setEmoji(getEmojiByName("PUNISH.BAN.RED", "id")).setCustomId("ban").setStyle("SECONDARY")
-        ]), new MessageActionRow().addComponents([
-            new MessageButton().setLabel(
-                clicked === "clearMuteRole" ? "Click again to confirm" : "Clear mute role"
-            ).setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL.CROSS", "id")).setCustomId("clearMuteRole").setStyle("DANGER").setDisabled(!moderation.mute.role),
-            new MessageButton()
-                .setCustomId("timeout")
-                .setLabel("Mute timeout " + (moderation.mute.timeout ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"))
-                .setStyle(moderation.mute.timeout ? "SUCCESS" : "DANGER")
-                .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL." + (moderation.mute.timeout ? "TICK" : "CROSS"), "id"))
-        ])]});
+        m = await interaction.editReply({
+            embeds: [
+                new EmojiEmbed()
+                    .setTitle("Moderation Commands")
+                    .setEmoji("PUNISH.BAN.GREEN")
+                    .setStatus("Success")
+                    .setDescription(
+                        "These links are shown below the message sent in a user's DM when they are punished.\n\n" +
+                            "**Mute Role:** " +
+                            (moderation.mute.role
+                                ? `<@&${moderation.mute.role}>`
+                                : "*None set*")
+                    )
+            ],
+            components: [
+                new MessageActionRow().addComponents([
+                    new MessageButton()
+                        .setLabel("Warn")
+                        .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("PUNISH.WARN.YELLOW", "id"))
+                        .setCustomId("warn")
+                        .setStyle("SECONDARY"),
+                    new MessageButton()
+                        .setLabel("Mute")
+                        .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("PUNISH.MUTE.YELLOW", "id"))
+                        .setCustomId("mute")
+                        .setStyle("SECONDARY"),
+                    new MessageButton()
+                        .setLabel("Nickname")
+                        .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("PUNISH.NICKNAME.GREEN", "id"))
+                        .setCustomId("nickname")
+                        .setStyle("SECONDARY")
+                ]),
+                new MessageActionRow().addComponents([
+                    new MessageButton()
+                        .setLabel("Kick")
+                        .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("PUNISH.KICK.RED", "id"))
+                        .setCustomId("kick")
+                        .setStyle("SECONDARY"),
+                    new MessageButton()
+                        .setLabel("Softban")
+                        .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("PUNISH.BAN.YELLOW", "id"))
+                        .setCustomId("softban")
+                        .setStyle("SECONDARY"),
+                    new MessageButton()
+                        .setLabel("Ban")
+                        .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("PUNISH.BAN.RED", "id"))
+                        .setCustomId("ban")
+                        .setStyle("SECONDARY")
+                ]),
+                new MessageActionRow().addComponents([
+                    new MessageButton()
+                        .setLabel(
+                            clicked === "clearMuteRole"
+                                ? "Click again to confirm"
+                                : "Clear mute role"
+                        )
+                        .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL.CROSS", "id"))
+                        .setCustomId("clearMuteRole")
+                        .setStyle("DANGER")
+                        .setDisabled(!moderation.mute.role),
+                    new MessageButton()
+                        .setCustomId("timeout")
+                        .setLabel(
+                            "Mute timeout " +
+                                (moderation.mute.timeout
+                                    ? "Enabled"
+                                    : "Disabled")
+                        )
+                        .setStyle(
+                            moderation.mute.timeout ? "SUCCESS" : "DANGER"
+                        )
+                        .setEmoji(
+                            getEmojiByName(
+                                "CONTROL." +
+                                    (moderation.mute.timeout
+                                        ? "TICK"
+                                        : "CROSS"),
+                                "id"
+                            )
+                        )
+                ])
+            ]
+        });
         let i;
         try {
             i = await m.awaitMessageComponent({ time: 300000 });
-        } catch (e) { return; }
-        let chosen = moderation[i.customId] ?? {text: null, url: null};
+        } catch (e) {
+            return;
+        }
+        let chosen = moderation[i.customId] ?? { text: null, url: null };
         if (i.component.customId === "clearMuteRole") {
             if (clicked === "clearMuteRole") {
-                await client.database.guilds.write(, {"moderation.mute.role": null });
-            } else { clicked = "clearMuteRole"; }
+                await client.database.guilds.write(, {
+                    "moderation.mute.role": null
+                });
+            } else {
+                clicked = "clearMuteRole";
+            }
-        } else { clicked = ""; }
+        } else {
+            clicked = "";
+        }
         if (i.component.customId === "timeout") {
             await i.deferUpdate();
-            await client.database.guilds.write(, {"moderation.mute.timeout": !moderation.mute.timeout } );
+            await client.database.guilds.write(, {
+                "moderation.mute.timeout": !moderation.mute.timeout
+            });
         } else if (i.customId) {
-            await i.showModal(new Discord.Modal().setCustomId("modal").setTitle(`Options for ${i.customId}`).addComponents(
-                new MessageActionRow<TextInputComponent>().addComponents(new TextInputComponent()
-                    .setCustomId("name")
-                    .setLabel("Button text")
-                    .setMaxLength(100)
-                    .setRequired(false)
-                    .setStyle("SHORT")
-                    .setValue(chosen.text ?? "")
-                ),
-                new MessageActionRow<TextInputComponent>().addComponents(new TextInputComponent()
-                    .setCustomId("url")
-                    .setLabel("URL - Type {id} to insert the user's ID")
-                    .setMaxLength(2000)
-                    .setRequired(false)
-                    .setStyle("SHORT")
-                    .setValue( ?? "")
-                )
-            ));
+            await i.showModal(
+                new Discord.Modal()
+                    .setCustomId("modal")
+                    .setTitle(`Options for ${i.customId}`)
+                    .addComponents(
+                        new MessageActionRow<TextInputComponent>().addComponents(
+                            new TextInputComponent()
+                                .setCustomId("name")
+                                .setLabel("Button text")
+                                .setMaxLength(100)
+                                .setRequired(false)
+                                .setStyle("SHORT")
+                                .setValue(chosen.text ?? "")
+                        ),
+                        new MessageActionRow<TextInputComponent>().addComponents(
+                            new TextInputComponent()
+                                .setCustomId("url")
+                                .setLabel(
+                                    "URL - Type {id} to insert the user's ID"
+                                )
+                                .setMaxLength(2000)
+                                .setRequired(false)
+                                .setStyle("SHORT")
+                                .setValue( ?? "")
+                        )
+                    )
+            );
             await interaction.editReply({
-                embeds: [new EmojiEmbed()
-                    .setTitle("Moderation Links")
-                    .setDescription("Modal opened. If you can't see it, click back and try again.")
-                    .setStatus("Success")
-                    .setEmoji("GUILD.TICKET.OPEN")
-                ], components: [new MessageActionRow().addComponents([new MessageButton()
-                    .setLabel("Back")
-                    .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL.LEFT", "id"))
-                    .setStyle("PRIMARY")
-                    .setCustomId("back")
-                ])]
+                embeds: [
+                    new EmojiEmbed()
+                        .setTitle("Moderation Links")
+                        .setDescription(
+                            "Modal opened. If you can't see it, click back and try again."
+                        )
+                        .setStatus("Success")
+                        .setEmoji("GUILD.TICKET.OPEN")
+                ],
+                components: [
+                    new MessageActionRow().addComponents([
+                        new MessageButton()
+                            .setLabel("Back")
+                            .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL.LEFT", "id"))
+                            .setStyle("PRIMARY")
+                            .setCustomId("back")
+                    ])
+                ]
             let out;
             try {
-                out = await modalInteractionCollector(m, (m) => ===, (_) => true);
-            } catch (e) { continue; }
+                out = await modalInteractionCollector(
+                    m,
+                    (m) => ===,
+                    (_) => true
+                );
+            } catch (e) {
+                continue;
+            }
             if (out.fields) {
                 const buttonText = out.fields.getTextInputValue("name");
-                const buttonLink = out.fields.getTextInputValue("url").replace(/{id}/gi, "{id}");
+                const buttonLink = out.fields
+                    .getTextInputValue("url")
+                    .replace(/{id}/gi, "{id}");
                 const current = chosen;
-                if (current.text !== buttonText || !== buttonLink) {
+                if (
+                    current.text !== buttonText ||
+           !== buttonLink
+                ) {
                     chosen = { text: buttonText, link: buttonLink };
-                    await client.database.guilds.write(, { ["moderation." + i.customId]: { text: buttonText, link: buttonLink }});
+                    await client.database.guilds.write(, {
+                        ["moderation." + i.customId]: {
+                            text: buttonText,
+                            link: buttonLink
+                        }
+                    });
-            } else { continue; }
+            } else {
+                continue;
+            }
-const check = (interaction: CommandInteraction, _defaultCheck: WrappedCheck) => {
-    const member = (interaction.member as Discord.GuildMember);
-    if (!member.permissions.has("MANAGE_GUILD")) throw "You must have the *Manage Server* permission to use this command";
+const check = (
+    interaction: CommandInteraction,
+    _defaultCheck: WrappedCheck
+) => {
+    const member = interaction.member as Discord.GuildMember;
+    if (!member.permissions.has("MANAGE_GUILD"))
+        throw "You must have the *Manage Server* permission to use this command";
     return true;
 export { command };
 export { callback };
-export { check };
\ No newline at end of file
+export { check };