loads of changes, most mod commands done
diff --git a/src/commands/mod/purge.ts b/src/commands/mod/purge.ts
index 7c52b13..6d895f5 100644
--- a/src/commands/mod/purge.ts
+++ b/src/commands/mod/purge.ts
@@ -1,20 +1,194 @@
-import { CommandInteraction } from "discord.js";
+import Discord, { CommandInteraction, GuildChannel, GuildMember, TextChannel } from "discord.js";
 import { SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
 import { WrappedCheck } from "jshaiku";
+import confirmationMessage from "../../utils/confirmationMessage.js";
+import EmojiEmbed from "../../utils/generateEmojiEmbed.js";
+import keyValueList from "../../utils/generateKeyValueList.js";
+import getEmojiByName from "../../utils/getEmojiByName.js";
 const command = (builder: SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder) =>
-    .setDescription("Clears messages in a channel")
+    .setDescription("Bulk deletes messages in a channel")
+    .addIntegerOption(option => option
+        .setName("amount")
+        .setDescription("The amount of messages to delete")
+        .setRequired(false)
+        .setMinValue(1)
+        .setMaxValue(50))
+    .addChannelOption(option => option.setName("channel").setDescription("The channel to purge messages from").setRequired(false))
+    .addUserOption(option => option.setName("user").setDescription("The user to purge messages from").setRequired(false))
+    .addStringOption(option => option.setName("reason").setDescription("The reason for the purge").setRequired(false))
-const callback = (interaction: CommandInteraction) => {
-    interaction.reply("Command incomplete [mod/purge]");
+const callback = async (interaction: CommandInteraction) => {
+    let channel = (interaction.options.getChannel("channel") as GuildChannel) ?? interaction.channel
+    let thischannel
+    if ((interaction.options.getChannel("channel") as GuildChannel) == null) {
+        thischannel = true
+    } else {
+        thischannel = (interaction.options.getChannel("channel") as GuildChannel).id == interaction.channel.id
+    }
+    if (!(["GUILD_TEXT", "GUILD_NEWS", "GUILD_NEWS_THREAD", "GUILD_PUBLIC_THREAD", "GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD"].includes(channel.type.toString()))) {
+        return await interaction.reply({
+            embeds: [
+                new EmojiEmbed()
+                    .setEmoji("CHANNEL.PURGE.RED")
+                    .setTitle("Purge")
+                    .setDescription("You cannot purge this channel")
+                    .setStatus("Danger")
+            ],
+            components: [],
+            ephemeral: true,
+        })
+    }
+    // TODO:[Modals] Replace this with a modal
+    if ( !interaction.options.getInteger("amount") ) {
+        await interaction.reply({
+            embeds: [
+                new EmojiEmbed()
+                    .setEmoji("CHANNEL.PURGE.RED")
+                    .setTitle("Purge")
+                    .setDescription("Select how many messages to delete")
+                    .setStatus("Danger")
+            ],
+            components: [],
+            ephemeral: true,
+            fetchReply: true
+        })
+        let deleted = []
+        while (true) {
+            let m = await interaction.editReply({
+                embeds: [
+                    new EmojiEmbed()
+                        .setEmoji("CHANNEL.PURGE.RED")
+                        .setTitle("Purge")
+                        .setDescription("Select how many messages to delete. You can continue clicking until all messages are cleared.")
+                        .setStatus("Danger")
+                ],
+                components: [
+                    new Discord.MessageActionRow().addComponents([
+                        new Discord.MessageButton()
+                            .setCustomId("1")
+                            .setLabel("1")
+                            .setStyle("SECONDARY"),
+                        new Discord.MessageButton()
+                            .setCustomId("3")
+                            .setLabel("3")
+                            .setStyle("SECONDARY"),
+                        new Discord.MessageButton()
+                            .setCustomId("5")
+                            .setLabel("5")
+                            .setStyle("SECONDARY")
+                        ]),
+                        new Discord.MessageActionRow().addComponents([
+                        new Discord.MessageButton()
+                            .setCustomId("10")
+                            .setLabel("10")
+                            .setStyle("SECONDARY"),
+                        new Discord.MessageButton()
+                            .setCustomId("25")
+                            .setLabel("25")
+                            .setStyle("SECONDARY"),
+                        new Discord.MessageButton()
+                            .setCustomId("50")
+                            .setLabel("50")
+                            .setStyle("SECONDARY")
+                    ]),
+                    new Discord.MessageActionRow().addComponents([
+                        new Discord.MessageButton()
+                            .setCustomId("done")
+                            .setLabel("Done")
+                            .setStyle("SUCCESS")
+                            .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL.TICK", "id"))
+                    ])
+                ]
+            })
+            let component;
+            try {
+                component = await (m as Discord.Message).awaitMessageComponent({filter: (m) => m.user.id === interaction.user.id, time: 2.5 * 60 * 1000});
+            } catch (e) { break; }
+            component.deferUpdate();
+            if (component.customId === "done") break;
+            let amount;
+            try { amount = parseInt(component.customId); } catch { break; }
+            await (channel as TextChannel).bulkDelete(amount, true); // TODO: Add to deleted list | TODO: Support for users
+        }
+        if (deleted.length === 0) return await interaction.editReply({
+            embeds: [
+                new EmojiEmbed()
+                    .setEmoji("CHANNEL.PURGE.RED")
+                    .setTitle("Purge")
+                    .setDescription("No messages were deleted")
+                    .setStatus("Danger")
+            ],
+            components: []
+        })
+        return await interaction.editReply({
+            embeds: [
+                new EmojiEmbed()
+                    .setEmoji("CHANNEL.PURGE.GREEN")
+                    .setTitle("Purge")
+                    .setDescription(`Deleted ${deleted.length} messages`)
+                    .setStatus("Success")
+            ],
+            components: []
+        })
+    } else {
+        if (await new confirmationMessage(interaction)
+            .setEmoji("CHANNEL.PURGE.RED")
+            .setTitle("Purge")
+            .setDescription(keyValueList({
+                "channel": `<#${channel.id}> (${(channel as GuildChannel).name})` + (thischannel ? " [This channel]" : ""),
+                "amount": interaction.options.getInteger("amount").toString(),
+                "reason": `\n> ${interaction.options.getString("reason") ? interaction.options.getString("reason") : "*No reason provided*"}`
+            }))
+            .setColor("Danger")
+    //        pluralize("day", interaction.options.getInteger("amount"))
+    //        const pluralize = (word: string, count: number) => { return count === 1 ? word : word + "s" }
+        .send()) {
+            try {
+                let messages = await (channel as TextChannel).bulkDelete(interaction.options.getInteger("amount"), true) // TODO: Support for users
+                let out = ""
+                messages.reverse().forEach(message => {
+                    out += `${message.author.username}#${message.author.discriminator} (${message.author.id})\n`
+                    let lines = message.content.split("\n")
+                    lines.forEach(line => {out += `> ${line}\n`}) // TODO: Humanize timestamp
+                    out += `\n\n`
+                }) // TODO: Upload as file
+                await interaction.editReply({embeds: [new EmojiEmbed()
+                    .setEmoji(`CHANNEL.PURGE.GREEN`)
+                    .setTitle(`Purge`)
+                    .setDescription("Messages cleared")
+                    .setStatus("Success")
+                ], components: []})
+            } catch {
+                await interaction.editReply({embeds: [new EmojiEmbed()
+                    .setEmoji("CHANNEL.PURGE.RED")
+                    .setTitle(`Purge`)
+                    .setDescription("Something went wrong and no messages were deleted")
+                    .setStatus("Danger")
+                ], components: []})
+            }
+        } else {
+            await interaction.editReply({embeds: [new EmojiEmbed()
+                .setEmoji("CHANNEL.PURGE.GREEN")
+                .setTitle(`Purge`)
+                .setDescription("No changes were made")
+                .setStatus("Success")
+            ], components: []})
+        }
+    }
 const check = (interaction: CommandInteraction, defaultCheck: WrappedCheck) => {
-    return true;
+    // Allow the owner to purge
+    if ((interaction.member as GuildMember).id == interaction.guild.ownerId) return true
+    // Check if the user has manage_messages permission
+    if (! (interaction.member as GuildMember).permissions.has("MANAGE_MESSAGES")) throw "You do not have the `manage_messages` permission";
+    // Check if nucleus has the manage_messages permission
+    if (! interaction.guild.me.permissions.has("MANAGE_MESSAGES")) throw "I do not have the `manage_messages` permission";
+    // Allow warn
+    return true
-export { command };
-export { callback };
-export { check };
\ No newline at end of file
+export { command, callback, check };
\ No newline at end of file