Update README.md
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 0e34ada..5d52371 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -14,36 +14,36 @@
 ### Commands
-`/help` Shows all commands and info.
-`/settings` Shows all settings and info.
+- `/help` Shows all commands and info.
+- `/settings` Shows all settings and info.
-`/mod warn` Warns a member.
-`/mod kick` Kicks a member.
-`/mod softban` Soft bans a member.
-`/mod ban` Bans a member.
-`/mod unban` Unbans a member.
-`/mod purge` Deletes messages in the channel.
-`/mod mute` Mutes a member.
-`/mod unmute` Unmutes a member.
-`/mod nick` Changes the nickname of a member.
-`/mod lock` Stops people from sending messages in a channel.
-`/mod slowmode` Edits the slowmode in a channel.
-`/mod viewas` Allows you to view the server as a member or role.
+- `/mod warn` Warns a member.
+- `/mod kick` Kicks a member.
+- `/mod softban` Soft bans a member.
+- `/mod ban` Bans a member.
+- `/mod unban` Unbans a member.
+- `/mod purge` Deletes messages in the channel.
+- `/mod mute` Mutes a member.
+- `/mod unmute` Unmutes a member.
+- `/mod nick` Changes the nickname of a member.
+- `/mod lock` Stops people from sending messages in a channel.
+- `/mod slowmode` Edits the slowmode in a channel.
+- `/mod viewas` Allows you to view the server as a member or role.
-`/nucleus guide` Shows the setup guide and tips for setup.
-`/nucleus invite` Shows the invite link for Nucleus.
-`/nucleus ping` Shows the latency of the bot.
-`/nucleus stats` Shows the stats of the bot.
-`/nucleus suggest` Sends a feature request to the developers.
+- `/nucleus guide` Shows the setup guide and tips for setup.
+- `/nucleus invite` Shows the invite link for Nucleus.
+- `/nucleus ping` Shows the latency of the bot.
+- `/nucleus stats` Shows the stats of the bot.
+- `/nucleus suggest` Sends a feature request to the developers.
-`/server about` Shows the server information.
-`/server rules` Shows the server rules.
-`/ticket create` Creates a ticket.
-`/ticket close` Closes a ticket.
-`/user about` Shows the user information.
-`/user avatar` Shows the user avatar.
-`/user track` Allows you to move a user up and down a role track.
-`/verify` Verifies a member to give them access to the server.
+- `/server about` Shows the server information.
+- `/server rules` Shows the server rules.
+- `/ticket create` Creates a ticket.
+- `/ticket close` Closes a ticket.
+- `/user about` Shows the user information.
+- `/user avatar` Shows the user avatar.
+- `/user track` Allows you to move a user up and down a role track.
+- `/verify` Verifies a member to give them access to the server.
 ### Verification