blob: c3066cc3e45b7e4d72d589a82b6ef92ea0ec5d85 [file] [log] [blame]
function daysIntoSeason(date) {
return Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - date.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24))
function getSeason() {
let year = new Date().getFullYear();
const dates = {
pride: [new Date(`${year}-6-1`), new Date(`${year}-6-31`)],
halloween: [new Date(`${year}-10-25`), new Date(`${year}-11-1`)],
trans: [new Date(`${year}-11-13`), new Date(`${year}-11-19`)],
christmas: [new Date(`${year}-12-1`), new Date(`${year}-12-26`)],
aprilFools: [new Date(`${year}-04-01`), new Date(`${year}-04-01`)]
const filePaths = {
normal: "normal",
halloween: "seasonal/halloween",
christmas: "seasonal/christmas",
pride: "seasonal/pride",
trans: "seasonal/trans",
aprilFools: "seasonal/aprilFools"
let current = new Date();
let currentSeason = Object.keys(dates).find((str) => current >= dates[str][0] && current <= dates[str][1]) || "normal";
let daysIntoSeason;
if (currentSeason !== "normal") {
daysIntoSeason = daysIntoSeason(dates[currentSeason][0])
} else {
// Calculate the days from the end of each season
let days = Object.keys(dates).map((str) => daysIntoSeason(dates[str][1])).filter((num) => num > 0);
daysIntoSeason = Math.min(...days);
return {
season: currentSeason,
filePath: filePaths[currentSeason],
daysIntoSeason: daysIntoSeason
const Season = async (req, res) => {
return res.status(200).send(getSeason());
export default Season;
export { getSeason };